paneer ; employment wipicls Use » anwearied = 'aves, ,¢83 loportance to the object in view. 'There Aribar was present which haa sevir yet s gtreet on him after Use u a 8. Gonditicn Pow: dF cggh i rear Gk Sioak tit oe Gf Agues aad proc: caret for her Ton. | t7as no altneabsive imtto grant, ber ber dis: Shown themselves in ber social relations with 2 shad js for. Appetite in your ace | x SAN obetinnes! . Ie vil. Zhe list chante of penetrating the ms rery i more effort had Loew madédo Other admirers eager to pay thelraddraes to | Many of the worst sttacks of cholsra ss pas ovgee fe seal i sas Steet of Ferrari's d@ppeerance ssemed t reese. flr stat trn sop the the Jost oaats. and once aggaia her. Having drawo her own -- in | morbus, crampe, dysente , and colic come "yor THE ere aaa, vee | ae : ati eal time, ae 7 now on what Feripit's former feuioW woreane Me "t lend failed. private, Mrs. Carbury: took the first favor suddenly in tha night, an the most speedy ples, Biotches, Tan, and all itching Asoo ae = % anne to Rate ote nled you," might be able to tell, Wit highly wrought abla opportuni ity Gu Arthur's hi atetests of and prompt gs must be used to combat. > Son akin, wae b* ref tows Magic cs pier | Pee poees um * Cexpestations, Agnes followed her (fri int | putting them to t heir dire effects. Dr. Fowler's Extract-of : enka I ins ' ui! She room in wh ich Mrs. Ri ot and wan wailieg.! deén't know what '. siall do," she saidone Wid sues wei es the ne hagy ae Keep it as ' a aye t tor ths ie ra you want cheap "raisins go to James [abe off nl me}_.i hke ber rior tanteat a : a --_ inne up ae japiana ene rd See [t._ pate! eft Corcoran' *, You can buy old Valeneai ! is ~ ie tee of her when she ween bal-y.- Wis HR inke ch yee ame Ion ETRY ? ies Stn tidane locked up quickly from her Fry rts r ef sri ty é " work *Ry . ane - raisins for one cent per poued, and fi art biess you! when i ay to Lid, Ber ge say orn aed sar 'on thee ope] tae she exe aid ee tS Hee Te Saeed he Cian e «Gites ectaeet e Eleme raisins for five cents per poun 1 he give , al kine, p> a se A person of unble Kieaed ter, HEE heat tiy fi aire ay sipped ab Dissolution of 'Partnership, f 1 ches pe say, 'Nurse, Hdn't mean itt Ow \ - F. p wins i i We Keep the beat, arnt Soy the pl Mite mac wey, Santor He wary! IT was y anger blently--bat xt wh . ra month longer than he intended. J OTIOR is hereby given that the partnership eat teas ahd.ow -- ud in the sity. : * velry. 2 Big bis ta gyebrows, p s fut iner scent tae ther soars' ily expect to see N Lisa extn dricinchit bates Wes ----S very Wi flew *P } sagt oon i if* alicti til Ido wit a' a = sOlernn vaice. a hash, Gr wis --_ NO Leweiss, Ga aterm and Joiners, at th eCity ot be fa ae t Rio of Sesepid a aex, & complete absence a her Sigur tye J ane mot tis is difficulty withasuc- [Utter the name, ile and tro sol COUN & Walsh Bros. is the place for bargains. as ¥ : ton wilt Rens character of r oe proce led apy in ere hiy Ca . } santa! corsent utit out at interest," Henry siggze ' pine? ety WUCESY itneae our bard a roses ¢ thle Ninth day of ; The Mont treal Witness Wits year offers te | Get a iach a iF rs you kin z pametiteed "vistas | its this txesbat | nw jutzment airendy disturbyt by the | January, A.D. 1889. > it } favorabla| a A ah . sesiced under its ivast alluring aspect. "tre on ravages of the tender passion, Why | eni't Witness, Jomx Baowy. ! ; LTE iN, te 8 i How muc hall Ig o nurse aske sa 2 Ht fe tee Re: Fai 2, its Nessie picture by Davideot "Ifyou ont your £ ty inte the > fam dls, you'® ined introduction to her were. ax ied | is father and mother co and see hin at Lond will i ; Knowles, entitled * Siftler little } | will get be to wonder why ashe was. rota m un. Moxtbarry's?" she asses "Sir Theodore's Mr Chiliiren to Come ante Me." mendations of tha great value ror tata picture from such geatictien ag the tiovem™mor-General of the Duminioa, the Lieut,-trcveraors of most of the Province Sie Donald A. Smith (who spént $40. 006) outda't brea xy dart; Tan well en ou sh off, agit is,for the rest of my- days, on one picture alone), the clergymen of al denominationa, even including nigh sie Catholic dignitaries, j anu others. teadera should read the gdvertivoment = headed '* 42 Years," on another page. ~ Gounress NaRONA.. BY WILKIE COLLINS. He was a man who disliked ali eccentric from custom ar ily tones and he felt expecially suspicious of the change pro- posed in the lifeof Agnes. With new inter- esta to occupy ber mind she might be lew favorably to listeu to Lim on the, next occasion when he urged bis suit. The influence of the "'loneiy, useless existence" of which inctly an infln- "ence in his tavar. While ber beart was ' Bat with seca ber heart was accessible. nieces iu full alr of it, the clouds of doubt awed = ov his prospects. He knew the sex well enough to keep these Last sre ish perplexities to himself. The moment he wisely coutrolied himself and changed the subject. : "My little niece's letter has bad an effect," he said, "which templated in writing it Ste has just: re. miraled me of one of the objects that I bad in} : Ee "How "Is your old nurse in the house You don't mean to say that nurse has got limited : with s stony starS}aoiid Moors and tho finely carved ceiling : we thas Qik aah tassios Agus lal : "He took liberties wi COTE 'y ings. | Praggistee mney title. " ets pointing to the! tondon on her way tolreland. As ae ahd Lady Mon rig brversdnaoe Paget mr vred ee When the eyea become weak or the lids Henry his search and glanced at this was not destined to be the end of! acide and put handkerchief over etl Scihiing bene and there todd greatly to the inflamed and sore, a disorded system or a the prospectus. "A really specu- rod first Dae ott kara te oy one ek Se en toned a ones hter. iteauty and importance of the best rooms in | setofalous condition of the blood: is indi- cr: renga conan # Day | Venice, ak. er bewibderataawbiee her ie hotel. The ouly exception to the com | cated, for which Ayer's Sarseparilla ia the By Sestt hed predaced in Acues, "And when {iasited Pee tere rece treba best remedy, It invigorates and vitalizes a oe oe opens ont Y SHAPTER XIIL onan apology, miss, be had the audacity tol ond floors, at hg mygenenndir a he blood and expels humors. have such entire confidence in net Fa tol TEE IT cca en tuk the bab the was dull, and! ase to be rooms of comparativel: i have become one of og elected company." The reply did not appear to satisfy Agnes. "Why is the hotel called the 'Palace hotel?" she wi ee Henry trated her motive for asking the quest "Yes," he said, "it is the palace that Mont. barry hired at Venice, and it bas been pur- chased by the company to be changed inte an hote ieee ee ee ee -- and took # se at the further end had disappoin! It has pat aa | - Nished in its colaning from time to tin: j netian Hotel company. | Prove of my helping } with one fags the estaricks child never, css the established at the country seat of ber tween £0 we i bend "Tiree or four; ,care abont this bit of money--I ni 'like the mang who has left it to me, " your brother, fr T lost it ail 'toporron} ey] Wait on an it walll Indy who ! to -- be inthis nei; ak borhood= re rr Pat me in i oth bing. She ene va ber rity my you're © specuiator. oul thing, there's a dear! --nnd that for the funds! | fingers to express her contempt for secu of investment at 3 per cent. Henry. proditced tie ps spectils of the Vo-! "You're a fanny or "There, you dashing spe | uistor--the re is ao ck-or-nothing. for oat t keep itn secret from Miss Agnes, y im net or all sure that she woukl ap- you to th ni a nt, The nurs» took oat her specta Bi guaranteed,' she read, 'and the di-,.© lpectors h. ce every reason to believe that 10 per cent. o, ~er cil be ultimately realized tothe shar aters by the hotel.' Put me into that, Master Henry! And, wherever 'ou go, for Yenven's sake recommend the hotel to your friends So the nurse, following Henry's mercenary' example, had ber. pecuniary interest, too, in the house in which Lord Montbarry had died: Three Gaya passed before Henry was able to visit Agnes again. In that time the little' cloud between them bt gues received bim with even more than her amg y kindness, She was in better spirits usual Hor letter to Mra, Stephen W ng wie had been answered by returnof pos nd her proposal _ been joyfully snceptad wasto visit the for a si aa if she really meee teaching the ciii! liren, she wns then to be governess, aunt and cousin, ail in one-- and was only to go nway in an event which ¢ friends in Ireland persisted in contemplat) the event of her marriage. "You see I was right," she said to Henry. ilo was still incredulous, "Are you re ally going?' he asked. ; "Lam going next week." "When shall I see you again?" "You know you are always welcome at, your brother's bouse, Mag =" you like." She held ow * me for leaving you--I <i a banuee to pack jup already. 'eee tried to kiss her at parting. w hack directly. Neck | woman, * be said, han cco | Por cor* go ot? lam your cousin," he said. "I don't like it," she answered. looked at her and submitted. Her! mh | and sefusal to grant him bis privilege as a cousin! | Was e good sign--it was indirectly an act of to him in the character of ber ®Ars you pretty wel "Tam as weil agl ¢ expect life: 0 Yao s you will pl Tas S Sy was in Youur service, Tam atte wed s} But, gad 'Ro Manet, on left my servic time azo. Mrs. Garaty Will rurely you to refer to the lost mistress by u ty you were @F S ash « of virtuous ation Rolland's sunken eves, isis ieee ~aapein as if her "lust msies'ess" stuck in her throat. "I have --wxpleined to Mrs. Curlar-s, oper on Lilast served---! re x dy } rer ttle fu your ladysut: 5 pan ly ft Eugland. for Am»ric: Carbury knows that I quitted the a my own free will and knows wh) pr nh of my conduct so your k a tie i tration," "Very well, Mre. Rolland, [have ne tion to bo your reference, un nder the stances, Mrs ooryo unti b2 o'clock. "Mra, Carbury- isnot rag enor? r= » bom my In Har ic pe 3 your ladyship bas ne 0 obj ction. have not the least objec tion. niece carries her own welcom ne with f 5 ge har mute, Mra. Roiland. This ind Lockarvc sap treed, She fs anxions to sperk to you about the courier who was in ts 2 jate Lord ic ane nec E Montbarry's service at Venice. Mra. Rolland's bas shy eyebrows on disapproval of the new topict® conver- "I regret to hear it, my lady," r. Mra, Mtartonk| They 3 ome table that day. wey howe wes a nephew of the now Lord Mont-; om barry, the eldest son of bis rister, Lac ated ing the story of the first Sgn last} ved) me my busband what iy brought ti Mra (Miss Teidane, » of Sileut and prooceupled eo far, suddenly struck | Your lings cannot half do their work 1 ap. inte the conversation with a A vor i foom Siasm, p will be amply suftele 7) nn to get Girl is all freland," heey hive coming to-morrow? be {ore 2? Carbury will find ma at ' me ~ drawing g room by ace ident--Lam dylng to ieave «2 Ha). You in love with Misi Haidane already! she) The pre a ey rs ¥ is} "l--my husband's cousin, and EC teledest man living. frowned in w, as Place is-oniy thirty miles away, and Lady Larville is Lord Mont tharry's sister, They netdn't stand on ceremosy, "They may bave other engagem: nents." Mire. i "My dear auut, mated tknow that! Sup . pose 3 you ask Arthu 'a SUppPORs YoU f naif ima," Arey aware, mise, that tr Test muy place 1 Miss Holdaue le oN her head again over her ! a cons-quence of what I obse rk, Sudd ¥ enly as it-was done her aunt had vera ot famil ly party at the ya ev seen ber face---and her face betrayed her. ye only nest le ft iy the . & = {To Be Coxtiscen.} ly Bar- ville. Lady Mon barrzeonld not reife Give 'Lem a Chace! ack ---- ade on the virtue of Mra. Roland, witha, That is to say, your lung Also al ically exact imitation of Mra Rollana's) your breathing machinery. ec ery wonder deep and dismal voice. Being asked by-ber, ful machinery itis. Not only the larger vas tke object which hal air-pavsages, but the th ousands of little " formidabie person to tho wouse,! tubes and cavities leading from them. eke naturally mentioned tie ex eid visit. of Whea these are clogged and choked Arthur Barville, uousualiy, With matter which ought not to be there, pectec burst of enthu- Ad what they do, they cannot do well. "Miss Haldane . the most charming all it cold, cough, ¢ Troup, Pine fe nia he so "Leaught sight, ¢® amen, consumption, or any ul the family of her yesterday, over cawan of her gar-| Of throat amd nose and head and lung ab «den asiwas riding by. What time is sho Structions, all are bad. All ought to be Ili look inte! get rid of. There is just one sure way te get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's erman Syrup, = h any droggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if |) everything else oe fniled you; you-may | depend upon this for certain, 'ds need to her. ge Hes was amused by hiscuthusiasm. Are q usked, | Arthur pada gravely, "T's no joking} © been all day atthe garden, The only place in the city whive you all, wailing . Aa we peragain! Itdeendson| can get raisins for 3e, per lb. ia at W alah IN ss Hulda to Taye He + the happi est or the| Bros., the place for bargains. " You foolisia boy! How can you talk such Neglected Colde Pein inthe Chest, and all diseases of the Lungs, are cure od +! by using | Alien's Lung Balsam. talking nonsense if hom had only known it, he was anton some thing more than that. He was inno-} James Corcoran sells the new season's ee "sp ly leading al another stage nearer on! Japan tea atten cents per pound, and a The business will nan alter bo oneres on pg Mr. BR. 1. Conltan, -| $25 -LIPEASIZE PORTRAIT-$25 --F RWB I ~~ AP W.i. Becker's Gallery. NYONE "attixe Por promdilens A* ' FES. 20ra wil haro ehaliie ie ifaw a "ibe SIZE PORTRAIT c! themetives on. 5 that day MAKE A NOTE OF THIS, If yon want any PMctores, This ia a Rare Chandd, and sone one will beware to got it. TRY YOUR LUCK! A few doors wert of Post Office, Strato rd, De. 42 Y F, A R RS. Stear ma for forty two "care the sean c0 8 Wee ne to principle int 'ee tine t de yasition, tale nnd vl to-tay epentye 'to risty t re in 1946 it spoke toone. Ite g seth and steady Ita _ fishers, oe: of +10 fuithas Sp he a wath let we this year wone to large ¢ rete tom wf THE LATEST Wasteepreck. "ot Davietean Knowles (who was aviected by Queen Victoria to Ler the scene at Prinetes. Beatrice's wedding}, Sadr the Little Children te Come ate Me. AA ye ets the meme: with startling reproducing in oilw = Shee richness of ORIRSTAL COLORING. The Leotriggien' ge brane bie ge cg rain Buciand ait at erved ot 1 vary ELY rok sv each Ta: hs to tie "WITNE . rico of th wKuY Wor ma and ploture. ts Pi = tho eoper alone, Fi.06. hed, aud, like the --- ORULY, ward! of eoet, peture, "Buller Little Uhiiedren to Cen ec," and the Dank Wir te 5 lo at ae all sbeteld. ue way to Veni Perhaps you hava not been informed of what happened after you left Venice nes rentaved toadd, "Ferrari left t!» s_ place secretly, and has never been beard of since." Mrs. Rolland systeriously closed her eyes (as if to excl lost, cou rier, which was of a-nature to disturb a re- woman, "Nothing that Mr. Ferrari jeould do would surprise me," she replied, in ber deepest bass tones. "You. speak rather harshly of him,". said CHAPTER XIV. As the suminer ie a the itranformation of the Venetian palace into the modern hotel Abbr oe rapidly toward completion The outaide of - ee with its fine Palladian front looki the canal, was wisely left unaltered, "Inside, asa matter of necessity, the rooms were almost rebuilt--so tar at joosh on ten tims and the arranpednentict were three or four rooms 'ridors in the upper poccral afforded spare space enough for rows of little bed eel devoted to servants and to travelers of means, broad cor- concerned, vast saloons w eyes} partibbened off into a containing | The | -- Gunpowder tea for 124 cents per and. x Walsh pany re. v slaiala: raising are the best article ever offered for th ney in | the city of Stratford. A look te our show windows will convince. the septical. There is no case of ampng Horses aad Cattle here e hMecd Powders are not called' for, and by their timely administration will save the lives of many valuable animaje--~ eine some is the une of + one to build cea up if sce Vite and oe Bold by such be didn't know how else to anmse himself!" | .oderate size, and so attractively haosietad. suggested for her in the pleasant Irish She e| she spent ber first half year's dividend from| the Venice Hotel company, with character-' istic prodigality, in presents for the chiidren. Early in the year, also, the directors of the life insurance afterward the widow of the first Lord Mout- {fallen on her. Hearing this news from Henry peter oven lets te ne tell the old woman 4, why the bell had emai katie mea n ing room. "Weil, Wal wares. wait . "you have had a! windfall of Inck, You have had a legacy, left you of £100." t The nurse showed no outward signs sical te ultation. She waited a little to pa an- nouncement of the legacy settled in her then she said, quietly: "Master' me that money, if you Agnes, | Westwick (then payiiga vist _ brother's certain house), Agnes was a sense of relief. "With the the Adiantic bet ween ," she said, "surely ible woman now! aay m week passed af: been cep an event happened which pnregener girl rat the "terrible woman" Ou "tbat day Henry's engagements had obliged him to retarn to London. He aps | Ventured on the reg roan gp Ya aed his suit once more on syfoalifese press child. it setured a firm ally in ery ape cpliniestak ore proved to be, id. was perfectly happy in her new sphere; and) A ffices submitted to cerely anxious to help her in this matter. Did stances and paid the £10,000, - Immediately |- i gehaoa? uld Agee "L eat mob ee leaving | 'The season of green fruits and summer bag eye i them as they were. It after- | drinks is the time when the forms of jing pba -- peta seen ey r reel Arelward discovered. that these were. no sholecn iaccives aiid bowel Coes moro F pity his wife, maid Mes. Rolland. daa te: Lark Sesetne bs Pry ryt y py 5 ~ a story sotid bo a P y ontbarry fon xtract 0! ild Straw 8 "She is naturally in great grief about him," noc) and by Baron Rivar (on second: 153 hand. . Far.80 aon Bari the "she ought to thank God sho is rid of him," room in which "Montbarry had died wie most reliable remedy. Tb still fitted up as a bed room, and was now tinguished as number fourteen. The roo ve it, in which the baron slept, took its on the hotel register as number thirty- eight, With the oOraaments on the wall and ceilings cleaned and brightened up, and with in 'Agnes still p "I have known Mrs. io. errari from her childhood, and I am sin- yon notice anything whilo yon were at Ven- 4n Old Time Favorite. If you 'have a ales watakre or locket that is worthless on account of it being brass, ge tit plated in either gold or silver, which vill make it look equal to new and will last better than most new pl; ed and village. ret with new type. i be more fines paper attractive than we Df 4 are given to b friends whe canvi ~~ it. Annual 'subsoripsion, Wo., with reductions to clu Sample enpies of the different publications mail- on application. genta want-d in every town Joux Doveatt & Box, a Publishers, Me PACT 2 46h. Beneevilin. Ont -- . Ibave done with that ter those words liad) ter and m "On terms of familiarity with his mistress," ere simply sick- the /*ming to a respectable English servant. used to him to talk said Mrs. Rolland, "which w encourage her-.a! all "his "alfairs--ow be got on with Lid wife, and how premed be was for money, and su tike-- just ¢ as if they were equals. ble--that's what I call it." Agnes gen: aR reply. After fon that other occasion) on > St terms with Mr, Ferrari. ppearance? On what sort off; ay tog terms, for instance, did he 'Nee with his mas- She timeany of xptendid- dining ; "Contemptl-}i" "How} t ie Rolland obtained the can't af- the heavy oll fashioned beds, chairs, and -- by bright, pretty and Iuxuri- ous nodarn f two promised to be at ones the. most attractive and most com- fortable bed chambers in the hotel. As bere the once desolate and disused ground floor ithe , it was now transformed, 7 P Brat cl ¥ ill | guarantee work to be auallty pater frac yg es lating I Hottoway's Puss, --"Weekening weather. -atrain --The sultry summer 'nerves of the feeble and decrepit, and dis- tease may eventuate unleds some restor- tative, such as these purifying Pills, be ' found Pov, the disordering tendency. Holloway's medicine gives potency nervous system, which is the source of all | rth reg = fetes opposite Windsor rooms, billiard rooms @nd sto rooms, ntoa palace by itself. Boag the dungeon hike walls beneath, now Mantes and ventilated am the most ay plan, had been turned s if by magic into kitchens, meMea rs bares nn rooms aml wine cellars. Passing f the lapse of the summer months at Ver ico to the lapse Of "the stiointer" mon n Ireland it is next to be recorded that Mra. situation of attendant ion the invalid, Mr, Carbury, and that the fair Miss Haldane, like a female Camr, came, saw ani conquered on her first day's visit to the new Lord Moutbarry's house. The ladies were as loud in her praises as Arthur Barville himself. Lord. Montbarry declared that she was the only perfectly = conan he had ever seen who was nerves well strung, or the case pewaped Pils stailiet aati that end. Foden are once t in the way of tis mu other hand; ho bad privately, accompanied Henry, some other guests who went away at the' you-realiy-tel-ine [throw any light on this matter e 'Nothing," ses Mrs. Rolland, with an un- relish of the dissa) at Venice," nes resumed, determined to " sift the cmp aes to er 'bottom while she had thechance. "There n Mrs. Rolland fitted. ae large hands, cov- of class it isespecially rare. Her opinion of the same time to the railway station, and bad just tred with rusty black gloves. in mute protest man who lid deceived aml deserted her rais- tress sl the same fectly undisturbed wea the passing c stance of the legacy. "I wonder whe edad my lord of the oid servants!" she said. "He would never have had heart enough to pa ta them him- driven back to the house w i was waiting to dee ber lady "Is ita womant" "Yes, my Indy." when the servant *eainst opinion stil, per- announced that "a person of Saoane of Rol- Subject of inquiry. cireum- pam p." 'she st the introduction of Baron Rivar asa "Are'you aware, mikes," 'began, "that I left. my. piace in come "I only wanted there. Young Lady' mexpicone -- 5 A nee, t0.88k," she exclaimed, "af anything was said *This is the ~ eit" -----ignes--sblenty--interposnl_._Natare,.al- Ways abborring smonttony, iustitutes re- serves of temper as ts in the composi-: mao fen of the. gentlest Twornan Using. Even. om rare occasions, be angry coukd, The gion view. of Montbarry"s charact seemed tance. "It you have anf sense of iiasaas bapa she hitoke oat, "you ought te be ashamed of your lawyer thousht kely to he pe be. "You was with oH Montbharry at Venice?" ' "My dear! 7. rid widow by Tam Lady Seoatherey? and ale - oe 'ousted In that way there iil be ROY oe courier, " ot mean. the English maid who land. "The baron a: com.) Durst out laughing. newt no more g' that. ely el prop emg mos Agnes reflected fi Whom OF done by Baron Rivar whet b b might account Nothing that sow said: Mrs. Role} agi te att may use such an pibtclone Zs 'birds of a (Pee dissappointment that of ter Own The py nuree said she looked as if she had | made b ari " -- d his lifetime is just stepped out of a picture, aud wanted | i that dv of Hirsch. Basi 8 = given nothing but a gilt frame round her to make | $10,000,000. 'te found in Russia prim- iher complete, Miss Haldabe, on ber side schools for Heb and ,000. to returned from ler first visit to the Wosthnrt } espn the disposal, oT the Car: for works eT rys, charmed with * nes uequaintances, emacity. This money was offered to r three nronths ago, but with the offering of fruit lowers 'for Mrs, Car- rasa sre that monarchs will invist on has bury, and with instructions to ask if she was | only jast been The $10,000,000 well enough to receive Lord and Lady Mont-! has been placed in the "Bank of England, barry and Mix Lockwood on tho. morrow.' and Haron Rothschild and os i ane Ina week's tims the two households wero on have been appointed trustees the friendliest terms, Mis. Carbury, confined: The. interest on this money, whieh will be to the sofa by a spinal maindy, had been about $500,000 mga ged bs hitherto dependent on. her niece for one of to the maintenance of sc: chanie | Poss Hoc ie the fow pleasures she could enjoy--the plea-| One thousand of these schools wiil be. open- One of the most munificen gina ever DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, BOOTS * "AND SHOES, ETG., re | Cheaper than tl theCheapest. JOHN "MASON | i OE their very liberal patron~ age since he opened ows in business, and solicits s sontineaaes of the same. the fe arte 'he 'thpullent teats which he haw done during the Sutr- Seasons, which pongo, tis race on nguine ex pectatt "T have Just receiver ata Large Stock ot of Winter Dry ods, Carpets, Oit Cloths, Boots xt cw Collate, Tie Baa a tittle of Everything, kept in a First-Clase Establishwent, Tailoringa Specialty -- sure of haying the best new novels réad't ber | ed, and they will be able to educate in each as they caule ont. Ting ur: 'school fifty children, or in all 50,000 child- ene vais in the office of "sey He was ar Vslraws? in. Burope, and has always rang of all sorts, and he: famous tor the no sum of money he has introduced -- > Mrs. 'sugiven to He has couch and im the means of conveying ber' generous to the a Hakeee in Europe It ix from: the bed chamber to the dra rawing room, estimated. that the Baron is worth about which alleviated the lady's sufferings, $40,000,000, : and brightened ber gloomy life. With these: pT osetia enema WORKINGMAN'S NEW STORE. nowze © WARD. J the ero "Coogrepstionsi n wie. Ail- wogl Beaver and Nappe & 1 "se Nuits made to order, $0 Suite for Every Sonat raen he ri 3 BS es, pideat wz PU. the Tatloriuy Depaltment. will be Jognd Bectoh saa Canadian. Teecds, ie. 3) se the best Quality--no Fresh or amet 'tn stoek -- and SER Dee Sena Good prices.