Stratford Times, 18 Jan 1888, p. 8

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A Terrible Tragedy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Real Estate Bargains. . | ; | IN oe FEW A YOUNG WoMAN 'commrns svictbe OVER woonD WANTED. MONEY MO} BY !' " : A q THE DEAD BRODY OF AER LOVER, THE LATTER IEAVING BEEN KILLED BY WER i T Gort = FATHER AND REOTURES. -- me ises., January 15.-- a ® i el about 15 miles from North® Adams, without railroad or ae connection dattec Brock rears old, is a handsome Shuakten of Farmer Brockaway. Of late she has received marked attention from Wash. Sweet, but bis attentions were atfangly objected to by the girl's father and two brothers, who warred him to come The lovers, however, met in sequest- ered places, the girl showing considerable spirit in the matter. . Brockaway and his sons, becoming incensed at the action of the daughter, ar emselvés "with shotguns and revolvers, and set out for 'weet"s honse te unnibilate him He hewd of their coming. The Prockaways| ticinanded, admittance, but the Wasa shot of the which teok effect-in the hip of cne of the sous The ~ father el the other son sught their woande:d compacion, dragged "Et im behind a wood pile, and then ahbooting atthe window from which the shot was fired by Sweet. The latter returned their fire for a few minutes. when he ceased in the meantime Carrie, having heard of the action of her father and brothers, started for Sweet's house, arriving there shortly | after the latter had ceased firing, The 1 the house, she calling to her lover not to shoot, and the door was forced. Sweet was found on the floor, apparently dead, with a trullet wound ~ the right shoulder. Cafrie are an agonized scream, upbraided her ather and iotiets for causing the dent earling kr which was partially set for dinner, cut her throat, and, falling actos the body of her lover, bled to death from one hia hip was badly shattered by the charge rou Sweet's gan, and he is in w critica Sweet was hit bya bullet from . re volver, -- --, upward and lodged in his pn fie isa eo tAperou aly ap The saailee of techendetnnee vmposel wh holly of French pn mare whe arein ao high xcitement dividing their sympathies and mors shoot- ing is lable te to oceur, ~e> ff you wan cured of aes. disease, an' 4 a Tisaney con apants, ysrepsia, general ge = com ei dr piles, erysipelas, u ge Pen a akin diseases, bruives, aenitthaioe &e, y Exilir Vite. Sold by all druggists. " RIRTHS. INGRAM.--At ae on wite of Mr. G. F. Ing 13th inst, the m, G. t. k., _a dauchter Yaris NDERSON "it Sturs shew, Point LB mes _Haneos! York Stat?, mocks 8 t Hast s ornt4 WA NTSD, 100' CORDS Good Hardwood. _ Strat RROB , of the the Yellow Front, want 100 fote Weed. ez. ad J. B= WHLLAAMBON. tort, Jan. 7, 1888 MRS. COOK AS Lang ft nee LOARDING - HOUSE. ope _ Hamilton's House, on Birmingham strent, to Jouse on "tole street, A FlW pOOkS East or Soon Cuvecu. Stratford, Dec. t7th. 1887. . ROOMS TO RENT. UITABLE for Legal, oO hd bake Timm . oe Peat Ofc P. J. " PRANK PALMER, O25-4t Bgat rance, Of Mec Moe: a few yards tro Or at Tux Tinea cfilice. 62 --_ WANTED, ig pnd er Romeo Werd Pablie Schoo! he aman who ca » do general repairs on t the Istvnt "Peb'y. App ications the 3rd _-- . by HIN -MFRASER, Chai runan of Codimittce. MRS. R. SMITH EGS TO announce tha by i re-commence Teaching and giving , Lemons on the Piane and Orgad, on and after WEDNESDAY, 11TH INST. are ines stree! received until _eea-tt. Tequested to Avon All pupils, old as well as new, attend a= anpaly? tes. dence, Doug Ward for HORSES | WANTED. C. QUINTAL Witt BE AT CALDEIs HOTEL, STRAT- FORD, on Saturday, January 21st, 1SSS, ze: wy. Lead Kinds of GOOD SOUND HORSES, from td. 8: rob nt, dam lv, Mornington Co Conservatives. ATTENTION : 7: ANNUAL MEETING ot the Conservativ yoviation of the Township of Morni lomton be be gpl at MES. HENDERSON'S HALL EWTON THU RSDAY, JANUARY 26rn, 1888, Merbbers are requested to attend. ta HUNTER, Bee! 7; 18388, acs at 7 o'clock p.m. _ Jan's ¥v ra. 188. 'THE STRATFORD RINK' 60°, FIRST GRAND F FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL's --OF THE SEASON, ON -- TO LEND ais cae egies rT Conveyancer, Age t, STRATFORD, ONT, LIFE INSURANCE. A -- SYSTEM, at -- than half the cost of the old lin ne oogepae LARGE FARMS. APPLY TO CEO, FORMAN, 4 lot & 12th con., Mornington, near age, 100 acres, Eeploves: Thos. Haw thorne's. $7000 Lot 10, Ist Con, ee (Draper' 'sy 100 %& acres. improved atsso 20 8 acres and Buildings near Water Works, a ate § 5 acres and buildings in 8. E Hope, ap au * trom city tio 13} acres and bullsings tp En from ¢ 0-12 ac ms park lot on Forman avenue, Strat- ford $800--8 acre rts lot on Du fferin prea two Land 2 acre Lo BUILDING. LOTS / Apply toGEO. FORMAN. Bas st., Hanavan survey, next to ca, 1) miles Six } ace Iota, Nos. 514 $24, &e. an sy survey, on Chucth and yl tia Stre $150 exch. tots on Iibernia and Cale- "Two } acre *., Sharmar's Survey $200 re ie acre iS ston Princess strect ¢ Lot 8, Red Lot} * Capitaine' 8, Are #125 each. 4 choice lots on Albert an my rn id awick sta, Now 6, 147, 208 wo, Arn nol & Rob insot's survey 000-- For Mrs. Monteita's block of a lots in Arnold Robinson's survey, on King, Cole Dotro strects. $225--Lota 74, north side Douro sande #250-- Lot 1, corner Nile and Re #400 each)--The Phipps one acre (4 lo ty on cerner of Jobn, Dough an - 'on ® . ahop and Mr. N rol nell esta acre, "tne! uding the Orrice- Ur Sreme Oren Reas or Jawan Concoway's | WINTER SALE % What? Why the Prices on all Classes of Winter Goods. gone 'right through the Stock, and we've marked the Reduced DOWN THEY GO. We've Price om every Article th Red Ink and Plain Figures. We have not minced Matters, but in order to leave no room fer argument, and make this the Greatest Sale ever knows in Stratford, we have made the follow pafford to make Tan; sroved. t wile hare city limits, dn Huron roa rick bul sins First-class. 0. - Lot 62, tnd © . North Easthope, 100 acres. luproved. as tat | iro me city: in oe TO--tet tavthope; 100 arrest Jmproved #n040--Lot 7, th con, Downe, 100) artes, le proved. §0000-- Lo ti, a scom., Gore cf Downie, 109 acres, { tan ge00o. aL ts 4, on . and 7, 12th con., Ellice, 400 | ores Invpre Small Farms and Park Lots. APPLY TO GEO, FORMAN $140 - Wf fot 3, Atk con., Ellice, 50 acres. Partly imi pros ¢ Si 4O--E 5 lot 6, Bth con., Ellice, & acres. Parti} | Ing Reductions the Sacrifice. DRESS DEPARTMENT. SALE PRICE. Black Cashmere 30c. 37 $c. " " O 5 60 75 - 75 90 50 $ 1.60 B lack Fancy y Sattenge 90 1.25 Fou 90 1.25 Cc Sawa Inc dia Cc ashms ere 60 75 " 'rench 50 iO 42 50 Fancy Foreign Cont mes $ 9.00 15.00 12.00 18.00 " 12.00 20.00 Houtdle Width Suitiags sO 1.10 Fancy Dress Goods 32 45 ' " " 25 35 " . a 19 25 Check 4 ea) 45 SILK DEPARTMENT. Black Gros Grain aon ide, $1.00 " " bts] 19 " " " $1.28 2.00 " " " 1.65 2.25 Black Satin Merv. 55 75 " ae 75 1.00 " ---- 1.00 1.25 " oer 1.23 150 Black Jersey Satin 1.235 175 Black Peau de Suede / 1.35 1.55 " " " 1.03 2.00 " o " 1.73 2.25 1.97 2.50 Co jored Satin ery. 75 oF No doubt some ef the Prices will surprise you, but we've hada Profitable Season's Business and can FORMER PRICE. MANTLE CLOTH DEPARTMENT. anuary Ist, the wife on Capt, 8 foot, 30 feet front on north side ct Ontari E. tend ag I » ' $50 'oe side cf Ow io eee enders: ~ on the Sad iat ne rite ot Friday Eve g, 20th January, 1888. sn Ss between the Odbert block and John Sealotte fey ao dames Shand, arys, of a ' feet front: en Ontario Street., a . piseth wg Four Prizes xiven for best character costumes, 46 the Cartweucts Stone a 13.50 15.00 te ane a ai -- og inst., the = lee will be reserved until 9 p.m., for thore in Feeeitan wew held Loe being oiens, --_ Astracan 5.00 7.00 ' All in fancy drm will be adinitted free upon $60 ce tein, ie prc nl ot; between Colored Ulsterings 75 1.09 RRIAGES. presenting a at the door a card, siving their name as. Kennedy's store and Livery Stable. " u, 1.00 1,25 and character represe ' " " 25 75 NOMINSOS--WILSON--On the Asin, int Se all tre 2 ae wade ad tacken Com- onc HOTEL» SITE. ' a gi . ny, club toot--9 lots ¢ of Downie road, : . "--_ i and Miss Mary Wilson," My es y dresses, © $2 5 ft, including Polut opposite Dr racers. ' " 13 2.00 ag iis Peak avuission * . oo - a attendance "3 "ei Casts, 24 ee eae = we nich a ° . --- se Stratford, Jan. i, 1888, 623- & foot, in parcels, 217 feet of Lots 20% and 2 faa Pay SE S12 aia STAPLE DEPARTMENT. wre hs McGRATH--At t. Joseph's Church. on-- "ALSO OTHER BUSINESS PROPERTY. aoply 07 the Toth inet, by the Kav. Dr. ' + & gr Poneaia J MaPie, tM ary HORSES & CATTLE |=! nme ~~ kee oo" 3 « su ao ai tales -- aT THB -- Appiy 10 GEO. FOR MAN Turkey ~ Tablings 25 35 A . ~ = My > Ne " 45 55 fag we eter se gh --wwr Lomdsn, Ont. MEDICAL~ HALL! $1500 ¢' ome ee Mo Unbleached " 10 25 ot the bride, assisted Fat the Bride's father, _ with 2 158 and 211, - mate Grant's ' 35 45 Lizzie Teabella, second daughter of Rev. Jamex 1 survey. a arden a gre fruit trees; -- a as 42 A a wn Cape Town, South Africa, ' +} ----_NASMY TH? $7 50 ue Mr. Gorrie's 1 neat t howe vet Int 53, on " ' 47 60 : fo Charles 6 rooms, &c,, stable, &o. af " 75 > 90 | en Condition Pow Beare Rone $700 rairane citys oneteiniatooven | Bleached 40 30 2 THE MARKETS. dork side of Huron Read, and two} " " 50 65 4 RTRATFORD--White Fall Wheat per boeh.. 80 Tt = mae Improves their Comlition, Appetite were i, Som able front, opposite Kedford's ol vw " 70 90 : @ ®. Fall Wheat 90 @ 90. Spring Wheat . =) Cash, or $1,000, half cash and balance $10 " " 78 . "ig 79 @ 7. Bariey, 6) @ Pens, -- 850 x month till paid, with a Sevens, va ra " " $i oo 4 : @ @ 00. Flour per bbl. 4.00 alent Nasmyth's Black Oil. buy Johit Down's 14 storey frame house of 6 rooms |/ ; ; 130 rr per bbL, 6.50 @ 6.00. : Potat +" 100, what ' ni scan ver Liteheu, on north side of Douro street - 1.40 Epis eapuapee saa ae | am ars RT ee ple he - 135 130 Butter per b., 18 @ 20. per doz. 18 @ 19, this article will keep cold dd heal quickly $300 ' 4s "\scDapell'= a a aoe 34 . peers each, ye tg roe cach, @ 66, ie om aC = ee "nes, Prine kb $300 Mrs son's houve and 2 lots on Liv 74 10 pet pair, 40 @ Chickens ir, 25 ders, eals. Price, 25 Abe t t., next to Mrs, Lake' --_ * 10 12! t #0. Tides per owt., 5.00 to 7.00. Sheepskins | Nasmyth's Spavin Cint Listowel k, ¢ ave - eet eee 2 23° each, 50to 100. Hay baer £.00to 9. Wi on . si =i ie a $700 Lone frame house north «ide of AThert Po 7 | 250 to 4.05. 00 to elvan Spavins such like out--erery . ineen St ripe d ll Pe ee = me, "Gem et eee Fie Linen Table Cloths (2 yds.) 1.25 1.75 MITCHELL-- Fal! Wheat, 80 @ 8 Spring 7 <0 have a complete line of all the Stapi ' Mra, D. A. McDonald's one stare Ho 2 yd of er i5 2 Baga Megha a Me@ Vetarinary ih ab rations. re S600 feast t é house, and ot, ose ony ct Nile " " " | ap yde ) : a ee " , Peas, d Cobourg 4 ; oy utter, 16 @ 17. Eggs, 1s @ te Pot J oH. NASMYTH & co., c 3 500. create, brick reidonce and 10 acres " . 2.00 2.75 s Soom, (bug) 80 @ C.80. Pork, per cwt., 6.50 @ 6 So. The Medical Hall, 61 Ontario-St $) a orchard, Stratford, Mra. John A, scott's. i arose : Panay 4d, ito Ines' new tr white terry wits ores (FANCY WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT. = begs ami ve = Spring bares x : a woodshed, well and chotota i east side Neleon i \ es a wf wat rT nae oe Se ve "hy" $o 'T Gnatlvsureay. myuae a Large Single Shawls $1.1 $1.50 situs; iz. 16 ay ¢ bag. 'fine frame house of $1 to0ms, 200 24 ; +4 es Kay por ton, $00 @ 9.00, oa te 200, rm INPANTRY, LONDON, $1,200 Cal lot Cy ae os Velv et Rev ersible Shawie 5.00 6.50 if "a hi house 'rom ¥ pat pa $ ool, 20. TO CONTRACTORS. pe peare ak (Tasker's.) $200 down, balance Knitted Ww col ie re per cent. a } . ST. MARYS--Fall Wheat' per bush, 80 @ &2 + ky k : 5 Sering Wheat, 80 @ 82. Barley, 0 @ 70. Ti hens! eed loos fae the ate A wer ine $1050 & on ae tee ~g egy end tas 100 L.35 SR SER eta at | mriarnceiy en heh | meee tomo |Mantl & Cloak D men % = a. ! a at a oi oma pr gn, fg "ly | Mates Deo Ono 3100. Wi.rye star we revor | MA antle oa epart ent. pric ¥ -- 4 eriders to to iniat NOs phe on corner * x per &, 21 @ 23. Hay perton, 7.59 @ 8.50. Defence, at Ottawa, mas marked Hi Tene. Outario and F \Osoupied by Mr. Boog, Children's Coats : r= 4 25 a = = ute particnlars jorms of Tenders apply to . 7. "4 north side of Cambela vt, Hol " Pa *% § in kaon. ndén. " * 8 ° ¢ Fac onliee init fe Lond hy an accept- 726 | serves, that neat red brick one-story . 7 420 5 00 omething of Deep Interest} «1 "satan nk cheque, for'an amount equal to | have, lately owned by Mr bee ite, bie re * ' 475 5.75 E ™ per cen of the art "a " fe the _s Nile tes 6.18 6.25 : to Stratford and Vicinity. | '8m. zt be forced stract ones | and D. B. pena "ds BEEN | tie Ulater 6.50 7.00 s 'laine: called upon to do »¢, or if he taile to com plet: 7. pond $1000 e South Side "Metivodiet ic td * bap. * ' with Cape 675 8.00 E rye BOON to Stratford we offered you in the pty ere te M oes the tewler be not tist) cherch and but, nea' Sad a « * 6.00 8.00 " che had 1% - of Sepled the cheque will be rr PAS ET RRS neathonio and stable} om ee 5.00 7.00 : DALTON"S FATR! EEUU Pa ee 3350 2) and Wat on suave ahha of {ontario atreet, " a ------ ------430- |. 2 wh one mon a ; & mats | Min. of Mititia and Defenves | cond house prs fey gre ate Peay ee 7.00 10.00 " we seo } oun we o @, a are nee ree in + tawa, 0th January. 1338, $1200 5 potel buildin in Komen watd' on Well inacien Jackets 25. co 37.00 eG x Cae as cutting and in all gn rece: | Unreserved A Auction Sale! $1700 That at Gon doable hove aun lot £48 on of the most desirable smati/wares of nenrly Mriimewick ef., betwe: -- Mi Hi Y : an Ss. : eet trade, and ur we DA Cur Gots its ami og and ae Nines btick, Keuts $16 It iner epart meéen e fs arge ntities af Clos Cash Jobbe: "4 ES Sviese, ond oat! Siristly tee Cosh, & le ne tree AbAL ESTATE STOK & IMPLEMENTS, | $3 350 and 5200 tg ge lay Ladies' and Misses' Felt Hats 50c. ' gL. is inderseil 4 goods Ava on south side ef Un 50c. 35 = tae best quality ; we acil no trash. VV, &_COWAN, Auctioneer, has received in. | tatio #t. second and ot Queen st Fancy Hirds and Wings - IB ~ 80 Ie Suara, "ee structions frou MrJAMES DUS: NN, te sell $550 Frame poten on wonth side y Albert st, 25 rn . finest ax-ortment ever shown in the City of | by Pub! nection, on Lot ©, Con. 8, Gore of first house cast of Queen st, On monthly " « 6 ro a Reatiord, cnt of Prine Baad c annet beteuten in tie Tp. of Downse, TS, at Lo'clock, p.m, i Groen shut.ers. Occupied by Mr. : . 9. = 1.00 ee Dominion ¢ Canada, wd Boa wing property, viz: 1 of good. workling . i : the world for 25¢. I-har wene inggwng 9} Hor fa Moree: 4 +a tied supe te SVVO Bosds Deakin, lenian, ons sstorey house (green abi 'as. leuby: Landry (tide at SE PE Zip phe alge apse Loh : by tee on lavbintan htett.- iret Trimmed. Hats at half: price ! Carpets of all kinds at Cost! . ' -- "vin gee'd -- + i ~orm wg bengh- a bata cut one wiectuaieing a eens, ister yet, round the corner ad rom erpna by arvcery Kents, We have not time nor space to give you the Reductions we've made on every " : wtsten Ob Fiunily Laundry Soap for only 10c. per | yma. 2 § Wel end ary betel 5HHOO That spleudid red brick residences aed article, but if you want anything in Dry Goods you nest = yaurell an. injustice if you war. 1 large ites barsof white Castile or aieighs, (asm), Bngyy, fon eivous, lovey, Irun- one choice lawn and gardeny, fail te ook through our Stock. Your neighbor io ban to i bel at our Store. Ask 'Toilet Boap for 8c. 4 large cakes Transparent Gly- | Beam Piow. (new), 2 Tron Plows, Stes: Threshing David n Birmingham and Shrews- | her how she is pleased with the treatment given a coring Soap, for ic. Gaby's Own Soap. 1%, and | Machine, White Engine and Mol \d Separator, | DUTY reer te me Suey) dete wat _ - dives gis good w orig Ri ry thes, ajor lence cakes in a handsomety od . ee F : Se paie pai ~ . $4000 cronies pie Rt. 'David pines Penemaareera: |) * & " Saeveneerem --~ erate tent + - Tie ant place wilt be offered 14 "Me. Watdalre tine Trame Couse and { - nit, contal: 00 lota ui : which is erected » | &¢-_ Stone tow cellar, good stabte EY Wx 90, Staue Kitchen, 30.224, $500 Mra... Lake's new ' ' . te 40x Al a p » good Mahle, Store dearger bre 40 x SA $1000 OU comver of Dullerin sed Linke scectin fruit . Pe, "seed aed oral, tk ; thy well and good spring © 'creck, | Shaki = cae ----BEGINS Orr y - it large 2. G 4 ! peter te 3 dar lanterns, Se. . 24 shect« heavy note paper, fe; over -- 0, on Savi shing prttrcmnn dy joins Asolo that $900, : $1200 o separ da cane re uod tather brash. S¢. Lanp ohisneye, «nedinm, | amen Cael. of 8; per ot Gore iat Neleon sts, ne the others doubie bina eat th. bla eee wnalebene eS Biore Ses ive as on all purchases over SiG, Real eon weet 'vide of Nelson at., cloee on north nN ie ¥: hip, Use. ratte k: day of sale, way, at net 12 acs #75 The celebrated Hurne & Kolinson lantern, ir coats "ehe feopeie cobain § es ss oe cent. in iw f # wil x per 9 . Tin Men's best Seependers, 15 per' par. Spec: | $900 i ~ Vanatter's nice frame ae ~~ tacken, tec. Peir.Kulte tray, 2. W. s. CUWAN, JAMES DUNS, * . with grocery shop cf 2 rooms ab eae will coatings ctw gi motion through th paper that it will cease, Retna Jan Be inating Fuses, Te Aurtnueee, + ew _ 4. Proprivtor. street, "Gothic ront, in all 7 : ; "1; ashe A. a Sheena ee Pag ise The Ma sler Waat- "6 " " ee CASH | "stiete Warbhoart, Grand Resuits, ps AS eee reveral . R. HH. Brown, of years | Rinearda, ---- from Ayspep ia. He e. aud @ host WORDS. -- A We are going to make a change in our Business, and want to convert the portion of the . Stock money, end to-attain that ond we will sell you-ell-Classes-of -- Winter Goods at Cost, and tn ~ wad par '@ Sor another season's wear, even if greater' into fs meses fi TNL some cases, under. anyone lo buy al th are supplied for your yoru present needs. We will enum- erate a few lines. Ready-Made CLOTHING ! Overcoats, in Tweed, Irish Frieze, Beavers, Naps, and Worsteds, at $5, 136, $7, and your choice of any Overcoat in the House at $8.75. Men's Pants in Tweed and Fancy Worsted at $1.50, $1.75, $2, 3: and your choice for $3.25 =, OF 3.25, F 'Men's, Suits, at $3.25, $6.50, $7.25, $8, aud your chotce of. any Suitia the house for $11.50, Men's and Boy's Woollen Under- clothing at Net Mill. Prices; all ~ makes and all sizes. Men's Imitation Caps, 75c., $1, and $1.25, goods that were sold at $1.25, $1.50, and $2. Boys' Knitted Caps--colors, seal brown and navy blue--]0c. each less than the yarn cost. Boys' Collars, 4-ply Linen, sizes 12, 124, 13, and 133, stand-up and turn-down, 10c¢. each. Men's Collars, 4-ply i 15e, each,-or 2 for 25e, ALL THOSE Who are Indebted to us are requested to pay their accounts before the 4th day of February, and save costs, as all accounts remaining. unpaid en that date will be handed to D. B. Burritt, Esq. Division Court Clerk, for collection, and the costs added > Be on Hand - Bright and Early Thursday Morning: First comers always get pick of the Best Values. Terms of Sale, Strictly Cash: Cloth Sold by the Yard, and Cut Free of Charge-- while you wart. Be BROS., '|The Sleepless Clothiers, 'and Far-heaching Bargain sae

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