boy, who, by a superhnman effort, caught it, and then turned a glance of passionate grati+ j texte up te his unknown fe jerul, "fhou't," said the latter, with bis unpleasant: lau, sit. Mie expect I've ie you the worst 7 it wasa grow itberty on my DOING GOOD. 4 Cause smiles to glaten in the tearful eres, Like rathtiows arching through the Aprikakies; | Ob! do some good, while life amd bope remain, Aassuage some aiiguish, soothe corruding pain. "S. Bin Youth's Companion. pale her-workd shata fn, ' When ee ae os made sweet with thro, | a Where life, soft tulle by droning be a? " i you. have- Of sense; if jot make it & Flows to the rail ot wmMovans's Lire! ag rhyine, JE R R z. . It ; : is meare than I shall ioc are Ber oott ne te act bare, | --_ ; ny to live uz i ak re that ati -- paused p ond ia Aarne { amd the n said o ruptiy: "TherSem shop round iz i. Hegaestarving!_.Not hungry_as you or I! the corner." stnight me, bad we fasted for ten or The boy had dracgwd himsel' ap br t orn A eT oh, -bat..tigereiis; yang. tor,lintet.. ol Sie cess wantoffoxl He lay back in thedingy door. Lim pr 1" riy in iway exhausted, half unconscious, his one prohibition, but wita ty fi. | Clasp to his breast, His face was| Mian flung himeelf some and into the middie % dirty aud Of a leaden hue, the lips a paleiof the passi ng crowd, carrying his eager, --for writen A pec purple, and bis Pads were as the claws of! wild, aw using face lino the turmol of "the ins tear piece rypor or hard, one untamed thing. une ancie sie ai seritk procaine i Heavily fell the rain u the darkenin= +. still hueging to bis breast the d Hee title saith : ote ty fell n open the darkening srry. still hugging to bis bre 16 dead to ship'soes img land, be srovt; the ebill, bitter fog of thé December | dog moved slowly and pa nfgully down the aight grey' momentarily deeper, and through | st turned the' Cwack apd. en r twelve! it ievialed:. . along ied acone, re re Ig the rGi tndrops pusbed their way alaggisbly. | last before thi digbe! - no nee-hee-tithe dcedty: ber lands. _iLittie Jerry, lying in the eamfortices shade had Shaaipy baa Weber Teeree through the realaeof bygone years | the ¢ dail door way, Lap oreataed teuded bow ~ Albion es Fellows. it init a came licius perfiiue chime from the open door, the ~--esufered the -wretc hed | window aglow with gas, showed Uainties so TRAIN AND D THE "CHIT [rag rs tha it clothed tis tran: coarse to you or Ine, but sd delicate tw the 4 eel mREN. | For two long day's no food had passed his -- i boy ar he almost pyc d red me waekest Ifps, ot d seized on sight © --_-- or a minute ¢ wo he le Tho tenncossse Ol Ma: i Chatting with the; a et ae ee a. kb te he od 'ats gn gaee feast ietlf upon the rich display and RAN OS in Meadows square. b kil led the sense of hunger, but yesteniay ft 'shen slowly op encd his dirty, emaciated little My datics take me nearly every day Ovrose| hark left him, just at the break cf daw 'vd hand +o look at the talisman that Miould give Madison square and f aly, aya« uada n dk tour} with ita going bad come a wild era vNS for him bis suare of the good Untings he craved, and stood a minute and listeped to Train} food of some--of any sort. Wasirtiy Ne had His silver sixpence lay upon bis palm, and the , talking to (he children, Ho was always| lifted his tired litte head og 'this wag ablé | chil se yes Bre ens Nid aint con peri sillow of datup sacking that "¢uptérted it to the death slevp that bad sa nearly closed them breed enc greg ge 0 ig bang halen in feeble Senne: ad ee to find » read See as be stared atit. A whole, whole ractio: himself in that darksomé cell: ulone si ce nage ietntog Sat. © ge pein It wass borrible shock to "ihe child, He "Ala st two other eyes behold that sixpence bench, a othiWart, handsome figure, eh gheqibed lain unconscious, caught by the fever's at the same moment. A great, rough, vil- head to fect in crisp white linen 'and leadiy clutch, whilst the woman with whom lainous looking creature, half boy, half man, 'mane Of ¢urling white hair pushed back be had lived ever since he couhl rere: mber peered over the child's shoulder, saw the coin, from & face that from long exposure had anything had succumbed to that same fever's stooped yet a littie nearer as a hawk above grown os swarthy as an Indian's, Ho is influence, and had died aud been buried. A its prey, and then the little dirty palm was 4 very handsome man, with features bold imiserable drunken creature, in a way kind to ¢ mp ty, the blessed life giving money gone! and well cut, the skin, though so dark;; him when sober, brutal to him when gin) Poor Jerry! A sensation of a deadly smooth and clear, thick, vigorous hair, jorerpowered: her, but as ad was, the only chill ran throwgh him, and for a moment he strong, even white tecth snd a pair of fine, jprotector he knew. Whether she was his reeled -heavily against ie bars-of the win- -- calm gray eyes, His physical health} "0% ther, or whether fate hat just drifted Linn dow, Butafter that it seemed to him that was perfect and hiscleanliness fairly radiant:! linto ber path the child never knew, but tue he thought no nore of it, he gave in, and There was always a crowd about Train, ai that she was lost to him fore ver filled | th: ng rh not conscious of the fact, quietly sur- group of children who listened with zrave| hint with an awfuldread. He knew it when rendered himself todeath. It was all aver. and respectful attention to his sayinzs, and) the wotes answered bisinthe-early gicom of | No hope, no life--neothing was Jeft! Perhaps, a pursemaid or twonand a couple of passers that winter's morning, when his parched indeed, be scarcely knew bow things went by like myself who lingered out of curiosity, ;tongue had cried aloud without response, | with him for awhile, Lut instinct at least led To the adults he was perfectly oblivious. He When he had dragged his wora limbs to the his dy ing footsteps back to the ok a horrible affected not even to see us, His hat, which'Pallet where she used to lie and found she home--the loathsome cellar in thé squalid he never wore, always lay onthe bench be-;W4s 0 longer there, weak as he was and © yart, With faltering feet, with-a duil stu- side bim, and his buttenhole was usnally crust hed sudden knowledge, be pid despair upon his half dead little face, adorned with a big bunch ef field. flowers, burried ok his own bed, and, with Che now cold and stil pitppy pressed to "presented by some jivenilé admirer: ~ Train, lwith nervous, feyerisi hands sought | bis heart, be descended the stone steps, and asfaras I could gather from his conversn-there for something that in his terrified like awild thing strickedi- sore, sought his tions with the children, was not insane, fur- baste he could not tind, He whistied in a Jair. ; ther than he wanted to put munkind's theo-) sobbing fashion, and at Inst, languidly,atiny | Inside all was till, all was dark, A_borri- nto ice. ishaggy soft thing crept to him aud soughthbis ble silepce prevailed, a very blackness of He did Rood in hia way, sowed some extel- &7ms, and with the puppy, bis only and most darkness that might be felt. He began to be lent seeds in little inindls . that regarded his paetonately prized posession in bis arms, he frightened, horribly frightened. He put the sayings with reverence. o had a way of SToped bis way to the door and found himself dog dowrrind pressed the palms of his hands the young ones in his jerky fashion 80! the street just as the first faint streaks tight--tight against bis eyeballs that he upon the necessity for clean hands 2s well as 0% dawn grew in the sullen east. m Night not see the grewsome shapes of which and arvaieiad settle their small dis-| That was yesterday. He lad met a slattern the dread gloom seemed foll, Teeming shapes tT lectures on loving kind-/0n emerging from his lair and had stayed her that changed ever and ever, and drew nearer, ness and fraternity. of which, though the, he,to ask eagerly, piteously: and touched him as he thought--sometimes sera flew far~fboy ve their undeveloped) "Where is mum?" aud she bad answered: bis hair, and now--ah--now his cheek, - prebensions, yet tho matter seemed to| "Ye've the right to ask--y'ave After) And then the liarsh racking cough that had sink into. their hearts and may yet bring, given 'er the fever as killed her. Get along been bis for a twelvemonth caught him and forth good fruit, There is genéral lamenta-/Wi' Fe, Ye Young varmint," shook bis thin little frame so roughly in its de got along, and all day, oppressed with rude grasp that he had to take down his bands the weight of thé idew that bo had killed that (from bis eyes to press them to that side where }woman, and « too, by the "weakness (the paln was most cruel; but he still kept his .ithat held him as its prey, he sat in shaded eyes fast closed lest he should see those weird doorways or gaunt archways, hardly knowing awful creatures dancing bere aud there in that the demon Aergg was a cain at him. [the obscurity. Hie was cold--so cold! He shivered and sped at «idows of the cook- wit Last Lents directed. WA do- held to him with such a tenacious grasp, fone last But as the next day broke be knew that be crept closer and closer to his heart. And 'wanted food, and @ sickening desire for it |after awhile he sat down and ee Milt fall nrose within him, Buvhow to get it! _ all \quietly backwards until Lis poor tired head re jlay upon the damp pavement, He put outa ehand, and finding wa dog, .me- y drew it rer to hi them and boods were placed over their heads,;good men and true, were they sure be was| And then a wonderful ching Toleousls All t then became.apparent that the party¥came|starving, could they see him, was his _miser- |at once the cellar, it seemed to him, grew full a Brown Cinuepabon Beare =~ the ssveniable cate" place benenth--their-- avful, marvelous, | \nevolent noses, would, 1 know, have given | Jencks as you and I have ner yetseen. And 'him sufficient to keep him in clover the rest |in it stood--One! of his life. But then it takes so long os teteg | . most gracious figure! Tall, a little sdithese inixerable cases beneath the noses of the bowed and clad ina long garment, than benevolent ones, that myriads die whilst the |which no show freshly fallen was ever balf so attempt is being made, and only one out of |white. And the face--who shall tell the di- the many is saved, jvine fairness of itt It seemed to him that he must ee dozel) Little Jerry could not have described it 'awhile, as when next his dim eyes 'looked |then, but as he gaged on it he knew all at iwith discernment upon the world, the dark- jonce the fullest meaning of the words "Love" ness of night was falling. The rain, too, was 'and "Peace" and "Rest," Ibeavier, and through it the lamps that lit the| And the figure stooped and gathered to Lis wretched by street where he crouched shone \breast the little frozen boy, and suddenly a with a lurid light. ' soft delicious glow ran through his numbed The little dog was dead, but the child did | veins. And Jerry let bis tired bead fall not know it, I dm always glad to-think he | -- did not know that. He held it still fondly, convulsively clasped to lis breast, and as the |limbs, and then suddenly, ob, so poate on body was yet warm it did not dawn upon tas presently he felt wees ee + ase! up- dulled mind that-ife was goue frém--it._He | warde--and carried a sat quite am, his bead drooping somewhat And never more did 1 tittle de tery Kameron forward, and or bunger or fear or ri ache and never again Gees ate sectie ts for the stainp of death did darkness trouble him present and of misery, now nearly passed, | cena teailacua™ that disfigured it. |--Author of "Molly Bawn" in London Boci- By and by, as be still sat there faintand ety. sick because of the ravening and gnawing 'feeling within bim,a young man came rwing- | the dingy street--a young man, i th cheeks and deep altogether a face sug- |! gestive of famine. It was not a' face! The devil had eee © ee Bore and in it--cynical round the thin lips, a meookinng 'ight in Bian woe eyes, & matured expression of towards the world in general. He paar as if he were always carrying on a bitter war- fare with his -- clothes we threadbare, bis hat sci 0 5; Beedath his.arst bo b ugged a handful te my of shabby books as if bis very soul (althou OF be mould have scorned ® -- in one) a nak banda wore Gapied on the London mar- centered on theni. ndeed it was, A ket, where the barren were depicted student evidently; foo at on, penniless, |8 teeming with Hfe and lads more prolific "Eh! what bave we here!" said he, stopping ;*#an-American bottoms. : abruptly before the half insensible boy and "| poking him with hisstick. "Another starve- fee ling! Come, speak up, child; what ails you, pe eh?" | Roused by this rude addres and dreading all things, Jerry lifted his dull eyes and A Raliway with en Arctic Terminus. As the tram whirls out of Winnipeg the piseesesiplaisp hier tossianesinpena Pg Ex-Bxecntioner's Little Show. A correspondent writes; Binns, tie ex- rompers agate maak show, in which) tite ba ger blows had been his Des Sart. of said the evil looking' young man) is am eisof x WHE LEAL 1m FINE STYLES OF YORNITURE --AND-- "LOW PRICES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY FROM US, | BRADSHAW-& 0.1 FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS. 129 Doz, DIAMOND:-DYES 'The Medical Hall. DYEING MATERIA,LS! oF EVERY DESCRIPTION, J. H. NASMYTH & CO., Dispensing Chemists, ONTARIO-ST. sais BELL. CASTALIAN, A California Natural Mineral Spring Water. TELEPHONE. FINE LiNES OF PERFUMES, TOILET SOAPS, &c., JUST RECKIVED AT E. J. JOHNS' WHEstT HwD DRUG STORB! Ontario, S., West. NIGHT BELL ON FRONF DOOR Stratford, Dec. 5, 1887. RE MOVAL. A. STEWART, HARNESS MAKER, -- HAS REMOVED TO -- H. Baker's Block, South of the Market, Opposite the Man- sion House, Wellington Street, Where he intends Keeping « First-Class Stock of Kinds of Whips, S2-3en Harness, Bells, Combs, Brushes, Blankets. 4} Very Cheap. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Stratford; _Dee,-B,.1887. Or. ~ 42 YEARS. Steadtastly for forty-two years the Warxiy Wrr- mae has held to iples w whit have stood the r ty Ita x Ite publi a otill Bon ee, have ear gone to a reprod a THE Latest SP ASTERPIECE of Davidson seh (who by Queen Victoria to paint nok the scene at Princess Beatrice's wedding), Safer the Little Children to Come Unto Me. It depicts the memo wv in ORIENTAL COLOKING. The re executed I § the rm fi oe ae 60 it so.d, but is veorrved EXCLUSIVELY FO SUBSCRIBERS to the WITNESS. Wasxty Wirenss and picture is x Wirxias was launched, aah. like . with reductions to owpies of the different publications mail- Agents want-d in every town Jonx Doveatt & Box, ~ Publishers, © iis M. Bevrrrr, electro gold, silver nickel plater, Albert st., Stratford. Use ** Maud 8." Condition Pow- 30 Days' Cheap Sale! ae. sn THE SYN \DICATE | New Dress Goods, | New Mantle Cloths. -------_ 9 ------- See Our Bankrupt Stock of Dolis, Toys, and Fancy Goods, from. Sarnia. ----- CLEARING SALE OF BALANCE OF Millinery - and - Mantles ! ---- 9 --___ 'SEE OUR CARPET. Ss And Satisfy Yourself as to how Cheap we are Selling them! sSOME REMNANTS, At Half Price! Ho Men's and Boys' Ready-Made New. 'Flannels, aN te i AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Cheapside. JAMES B, DOLAN. SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL REQUISITES At BOSWORTH'S, 17 Market-St, STRATFORD, ' _-- oO ---~ SPECIAL VALUE rar SCRIBBLING and EXERCISE BOOKS. WIRE BOUND AND BEST. QUALITY OF SLATES. FURTHER PARTICULARS ----PROMISED BYe=-- R. R. GOULDING, the Hardware Man, AT THE ANTWERP BLUE FRONT. | Ist. Tam accused of selling Hardware, Paint, Olle, Glues, fc., cheaper than anyone else in this part of Her Majesty's domains, fnd, 1 am accused of having the most complete stock to choese from. Tam actused of a beantifal wew store, Gtted preasly for business, and stocked wh beaut woven tn hour furan "Terdware, voch as Lan Bea Fu Bra Rig kines Plates, Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Byphon Oil er ca tauserteoed "cape weeny a ibas Gaaee fiona emcee gretetpeneee It ts Wat cn be depended. on Jest tok fr the fale 0. ca oe. them rl in ne cone be Ginappointed.. I de ast sok roe endless Variety. Jurt tiilnk of a good pair of Spring Skates for The, "R. kR. GOULDING, *Stratford, Dec. 21, F887. f Aare for_lane of 8 te in your horses ppetit you a Abe gel place ~ the city where you nm get pen ss for per tb is at Walsh meen, the place hy Surgalen: James Corcoran sells the new season' Jovan t tea at ten Regge ae pound, and a fine Gunpowder tea for 124. cents per pound, Pn neg Vited ie the king of them all : for piles, ttism, kidn: rifier to Elixir Vite all droggiste. od pay i set -- AT -- STRUTHERS: © entertainment the large crowds who collect to see him per- with a sinister smile, "starving, éit I was "Torti tie happy dispatch. a aieouben! ght; then! Laser antese lige 'the child ae if, tears in the eyes of the bondholders if they | representing" erasing. one, lies a dis, ouly saw this reverse of Seach ade wages dnc gm ok the vant myitecoae which they indulged when they -let- their Here, too, lies a ex:| Posderond nwt coms eageat go. nioteareN a the absolute t cceaioes at that' 'Republican, fable so sweet to the well fed | 'Neuralgin and the Nutmeg. Mr. Gould has been quite free from tis old ths Mrpicat Prooness.--The ysio~ logical discovery s,_The grt papi was the circulation of of the blood. The discovery of "$TILL GOING ON! NOW IS THE TIME FOR =|Christmas and New Year's ». iB. ore RN Ripe: ARES ES NSE ER ae oo ee ; f { CLOTHING! } PRR RW fates. operons et Srp