pel sheds for the protection xs ide ~ + PERTH A oc hae TURAL etn eTY. Stoeiiaiilitie For Another Year's Business. annual m mecting was held in the afternoon. The read by Mr. John 'Browr, tresaurer, said fae Lisle of exhibita red, was, of any coe ae vob bald by the society, but on account of the wet weather ine. ' arsoanag tel far cee of what might eee ded tha' it room pen $ than i 1860 Also if. ommended ee holding mere ex erraag ii Sno centre of tha elty, and that this matter be taken the board for 1588 oh? se ce e Hyde approved the sugges- tion of the directors as to nearer ---- and sla that it be acted u present. grounds wera. too far a Near froma tho centre of the city and there was also ver we aceommodation for stock. He bal vi ted towns this fall with not ~ tions--o| He thought the ---- of Stratford should 2 more inter in. the welfare af the society and help to cageanen suitable grounds and buildings. Mr. frame thought the farmers them- selves should take more interest in the i If thone farmers liying in the townships in the beg bs of Stratford, who do their business in. the city, would ~- tribute ---- each, tne would not needt ask the ci of Sire tford, and if shay would formar ri teams they could soon take all the buildings, &c., from the old ground to a more suitable one as scon as provided s Mr. John Read was pleased with the s made in the report. r. Steet also omar ye the sugges- * was sure that if the new board of directors would Baer tee city coun- cil ge they woul only too iad to m room in the new park to erect dings, sheds, &c., for their exhibition The sew park would be jocation, seaverieat for the citizens and near to the railway. He was sure that a new location for the show grounds were urgently ed. The directors' report was then adopted. RRCHITTS. Balance | in hand | last annual report... a | Bake "- * * « ' he Municipal RE a 30.00 Monibers' Suter ticipjaar . as «. SQ Memberv' Besa sas. -. 8L00 orth tic es « Wow 'Admiasion fi to Exhibition... (aq . D9 tent, Ground, Stalis, & - -- ho ne EXPRNDITU RES, Portion of lamer grant paid to Town- ship Soviet Prizes at annual ex! stibition, horses. a Cattle 3 be ' 50.00 Aye 3 36 00 we Ai ' 42.50 Dairy producta... 14 ¥6 Bi and seeds . oo (rar and gare oe red aes + Orchard i i acts. ad Fine arts, : 27.00 Ladies' w: 80.50 Prizes fr oe awards at alncialie: match. S ---- and insurance. 20 ont. Jighting, Re , of buttaing oe ro.38 Working iy mane 186. 5+ Printing, « - wn - 54.06 Total. .. --, x @1,836,78 Balinhand .. ves We officers = directors wére : President The followi --H. Patterson and Jobn Hay; South Easthope, Nelaon Monteith ; atford-- Jas. Steet and Hugh MoLarty. Auditors ------W. Alexander and G n The president and secretary were AS Sea tothe mestin = aadea on the annual fall nu > eT Which he sold to the cheese f.ctory at -- 'e had two brothers, Rev. Jas. H. Orme; "Methodist minister at Warde. -- and J; W. Orme, the proprietor of e Lacan Enterprise. r. Orme seems to casas had some enemies, ie nota few of his friendain London remember diatinetiy hearing of him being robbed of $50 three or four years since and oa on yee his The "Royal" gerald Extracts are absolutely p For Bilious Disorders and Acid Stomach, Campbell's Cathartic Compound very eflective, GOODTH EYFAR ROU ND.- -- ~National Pills ore a aood blood purifier, liver regula- tor and eile purgative for all uf seasona, A Frenchman was seomnaly at granted a divorce by a Paris judge on the sole panne that hie wife would not allow him read all the letters she wrote and ee ed. For all the best brrnds of Native wines, 'pure unadulterated juice of the grape and no eg A -- made article, go to Walsh Bros. p the best and cheapest wines sad peg in the city. ff, you want to be cured of Bright's disease, and all kidney complaints, dysyvepsia, general debility, female com erysipelas, ulcers, old sores, try Exilir Vite. Bold aid by all | druggists. j The monument which Iadiane fs to her aos and sailora will cost $250, 000, greater by $100,009 thar that of the famous German national monument at Niederwald, and will exceed that of any monument in America except the Wash- ington monolith. 4n ola Time 'Favorite. The season of green fruits and summer drinks is the time when the worst forma of cholera morbus and bowel complaints gen- erally prevail. As a safeguard Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry should be kept at hand, For 30 years it has been the most reliable remedy. A tramp got on ey a par train near La Junta, Col, cents to carry him to the next station. soon a& the brakeman returned to the ca- boose the "tramp" began heaving coal out of the car, and strung it along ths track for three miles. wagon drove along after the train and began picking ip the coal, and wher the station was he-*tramp" got off and went back to the waggon. He had thrown off two Waggon-loa coal, Paris recently in this, as the A model of fashion in appeared at the theatre latest agony in evening dress: He wore two studs ; his coat collar and lapels were of mat silk ; the tails of his coat were very short; his waistcoat buttoned high; his cravat was unadorned; his gloves were putty colored and without black stitching; the brim of his hat was flat, and his .* = gold headed and richly embossed. rried a cane in order to keep his bande ont of his pockets, which is pronounced to bea reprehensible fashion. The Montreal wi tenors this ear offers to its subscribers, abfy favorable terms, its prolate caer by Davidson ferrin' entitled ' Suffer - little Children te Come unto Me." It has pub- lished it in its columns from time to tab recommendations of the great value of this picture from such gentlemen as the Governor-General of the Dominion, the gg (Governors of most of the Provinces, ir. Donald Smith (who spent $40. h vom a Pate oe aan Sethe "hacat it it] was said- "thie w was hisfourth 'experience: and gave « brakeman 50} THE. STARS, Roll on, fair stars, in fs bases prende sublime, Your matchless forms half hid frommmértal sieht; Singing for aye those unbeard, heavenly © Lines, | Which reach to God, sted glorious stars of night. ~C, A. 1 DY. BU URKE. ing was not much to speak of, and the soft © morning wind blew through {hem with the greatest freedom. Over a shirt of nme bleached cotton, two pieces of tarred rope jor acted in lieu of suspouders, holding up a sas of trousers made for an adult, They we rolled up at the mr displaying ¢ tno sturdy le 6% tanned aud dirty, "rarred ¥ hard knocks and slivers fromi the 2 deo Toe wearer of ail this toggery was a boy apparently 11 years old. After executing his jiz, he stood on one foot, thrust a grimy Hand into a pocket and drew out a handful) of pennies, which he proceeds «i toe count, "Dere's 'nuff fur four Worl's and tin Sans. _Ki, but I'm late dis mornin' !" 'He replaced the peniies In bis pocket and started toward Whitehall street. When he -* reached it he stopped to look at some borses stanidifg at Habiinon ferry waiting for the" gate to open. "T gues dem is torobrts," he soliloquized, | and turned to go up town and pur¢hase his pers, when one of the men in charge of the horses shouted: a there, you boy. Do you want a jobi" teher life," retorted the bo: y- i "W i come over -- I'll give you $1 to : ride one of these horses lead tro more to Sheepshead Bay, and at your fare back." "Dat's a whack," said he, and giving to the horse in transit from Baltimore to Sheeps- bead Bay track. The journey fas an uncrentful one in one sense eventful one in another, The 1. boy was asked his name and he gave it. Teddy Burko was all the name be knew of, though it might bave been anything, us he didn't remember his father or mother. "What do youdo for a living!" asked the ; trainer, who rode alongside. j "| sills papers and does-anything what I can | fur to make a few cints. I sleep in de dock." "How would you like to be a stable boy and learn to bea jockey?" kindly asked his em- ployer, "Jus' as leave do that as not. Any money In it?" . . "Pilgive you 83 a week and board, and by and by, when you learn to side, you ean make hundreds of dollars in a week." 'Jo whiz!" "Ves: I have know! n jockeys to get $5,000 for winning one race." "Go ateber givin'? me. Tink I'm a fool? "Hal hal" laughed J: 2hnson, for that was the traiver's name, " good boy, Teddy, and Pit make a man of wae I think when you get the dirt washed off, and a suit of store clothes on, that you will be a differ- ent boy. Ever ride a horse before!" "No; never did." "You ride well, You. sit jockey." "Bedad, I hev to, breakin' me neck." Thus was..Teddy engaged--as a stable boy. He bad nover been over to Brooklyn but once, and then he only went up tow: as far like a born Tcan"t get down widlout | as the City hall and didn't think it half as nice as the City Hall park in New York. But on this beautiful May morning he saw the cating blossoming and leafing of trees. aud, as they neared Gravesend, the fariners enriy- wh work in the fleids, the waving of garden truck, and the fresh scent of the All was new, like to an unexplored to him. The boy had a touch of bal = = -- poetry in' bis soul, for more than once he pulled in his horse that he might enjoy some particularly fine aspect of nature, himself: "i could always live lieve wid de, grass an' de flowers Dey're nicer tor dey are in New nae oes Gee eestor = ewan -- a "Prigerornceeae wlencing saying to! feonch enthusiasm was expretent. fon Teddy, jwhen he saw the | cesefal jockey's face, thonght: wae only me. At Inst the bell rang to call the sixteen slevk coated, beautiful animals who were to leon test in the great race, net one of which idid not carry a b of --meneyowith which its owner had. backed him to win The | Jockeys. eny with their rew sitk and sain har a the suce "Gk otty! if das unto a burnished shield, the wild applanse- that went up froin the mad thro ns as sone favorite galloped hy or some well knowa key Was recog nized, was great experience to Teddy. Hix 'he rart throboed with exul « tion as he thought of the time when he wo old be astride of a fleet f oped racer receiving the }, 'plaudits ho ne heart ¢ to other, Heo , mond with his face p cond Letween tito picks ts of the fence admiring the ever changing scene, when 'be heard an oath from a well reswsed gentleman standing near, who turned to a emnpanion-and said vexed thanners "Just ny confoundel luck, Bob. Tlere's a 'note from Higgins, He can't ride Arcola tos my. Sprained his wrist. I don't supp get-ntiry boy-to-ride now, amt Pew A $2,000 on him at ten to one." "Can he win it?" qeickly asked bis friend. "hi a-canter---Great Cosar! this istongir.* "T'll ride rer boss, boss," This came from Teddy, and his heart went inte his beta ag the man turned and with a stile asked: pois "Who the devil are you!" "Teddy Burke's me name, son's stable boy." "Can you ride?" ' "Betcher life." ' | "Can you beat McLaughlin and Garrison and Fitzpatrick, and ® dozen others of the best in the lan ' "Bedad! I can try." | "Well spoken, my boy. Come a ma 'Yon shall ride, and if you win you shal! have I'm Mr. Jobn- 000," | "Whew!" whistled Teddy ander his breath. "An! Dil win de race as sure as I'm a fut bigh an', Larry, ye'll git yer legs straiz htened." |. "What are you saying!' asked Arcola's omnes, as they stepped into the stables, sayin', box, dat Pd win de race." * ee | iin will, bat, my young man, dons count your chickens before they are hatched. Get into that suit. Hold on. Low much do you weigh!" "Eighty-seven pounds in." "Arcolt carries eighty-eight. Punt on this woolen shirt. That weighs a pound, Now I guess you 'i tip the seales O K when you weigh in." Twenty minutes afterward Teddy was in the saddie and had recvived instructions frou the owner. He was not tornoke an effort for the race until turning into the homestretch. Then be was to hokl a tight. reign, and, if necessary, use the whip. Tho owner of Ar cola wound up with: "Don't get into pocket, and win this race if you want to make $1,000," , ' "Don't get intoa pocket! Phat the divil is that! But, anyway, lil do my best, "solijo quized Teddy, as he. slowly cgnterod ap and down, and the name of A = a rider and that of Higgins went " Ww bo's Burke?" was the query that we 4 round the grounds, but noone knew Mr. Johnson Jess than any, for le did a lrecoguize his stable boy. 'ten him, hear them behind lum, wal xeon ran Steady and kings The bridle rein lay upon fereck;-enda7F motion was easy and 'exhil- 'arating. Aroutnl the first turn and he still held bis own, On the backstretch Teddy saw that he was dropping back. He leaned for- ward, patted his horse upon the neck and spoke to him. He improved his position, and around by the stables be was fourth and run- ning easy, On the grand stand all was excitement Ladies were waving their handkerchiefs, inen were hoarselyshouting, and as the racers, now strung out, with a bunch at the tail, nhedlinigers taed speaker perraiett aeenty Lula: tf | .Hats, Caps and Furs. ReHOoE: resis CNEXCELLED FACILITIES fF Taipiitiag & Most ae Business ucaton, , All Our Late Graduates in Good Paying Positions. Our System of Actual nation Practice is NOT APPROACHED BY ANY SIMILAR INSTITUTION. ishing a Course of Imtroction that is Unsurpassed, and AT LEAST EXPENSE, will buy a te for Catalogue, Those w Ticket for Stratford, and ai Ttend "the Cc B.C. Wr 607-ly. W. H. SHAW, PRIN. "A | W. H. ROBERTS, Watchmaker, - Jeweller, - Ete. Has a Larger Variety this year than ever before, of -- Watches,.._Clocks, Silverware,._Jewellery,. Spectacles, - Fancy Goods, Books, Stationery, Toys, Xmate Cards, and a variety. of Goods too numerous to mention, all suitable for the HOLIDAY SEASON, K= Call and see what a variety I have got, and what Bargains we are giving. Spectacles to suit all sights. Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery Repaired and Warranted, at © WwW. H. ROBERTS". THIS 1s REALLY TO BE A CHRISTMAS GIFT TO ALL. Every Man, Woman, Boy >r Child who buys a Suit of Clothes or an Overcoat from CHEAP SIMON Will get a Good Pair of Shoes into the Bargain |! You will Find a Very Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Underclothing, Staple Goods, ' Watches and Jewellery. I will Sell Cheaper tha: than any other Man in the trade. Everybody knows I have always done so. TRUNKS AND VALISES In Endless Variety, at R«ck Bottom-Prices, I - WISH - YOU - ALL-A- - MERRY, - MERRY - CHRISTMAS. E@ Call and see Cheap: Simon, and you will get Goods of the best qualities, and at Prices you never heard of before. "qeanpagtia to be ¥F cb. 1bt Murder Near Lucan. A LONDON TOWRXSHIP FARMER FOUND SHOT TUROUGH THE HEAD, London, nage a 18.-- Robert Orme, a farmer who attended a cheese factory meetiug here ph cone was mardered and robbed on his returm home Jaat night. The scene of the tragedy is on the first con cession, township of xntae. and the place 'bears evidence of a desperate struggle. 'The first -- of the tragedy was re- ceived by a son of the deceased who found his father's ase and empty cutter stand- ing at the door. Jumping in, the way back and found his father ying beside the road, covered with There were four shots in his head and 32 calibre revolver was found lying gee him. As all the pockets were inside it is umed the object of the masdet was robbery There is not the slightest on oné picture alove), the clergymen of all denominations, even including high Roman Catholic dignitaries, and Otters. Our readers should read the advertisement headed '42 Years," on another * page, A SOLID RELIC. A reer claims to have a "pocket kni t velonged to Na. poleon I. T sol story is that the knife was gto to the first Napoleon in Paris. carried it in his travelling satchel, and in the flight from Russia io 1812 it was lost. Ino the year 1814 it was sold at Rutterdam toaplanter of the island of Java.._The knife is a anperb specimen of so catlér's art. It Weighs nearly apound, us, besides four blades, sixteen ieaplenaanta; among therm «a small saw, a » & gimlet, a cork-screw, an awl, tw r puncturing, and the Sthet for eurelay. and @ pair of scissors. 'he rim and holster of the knife are of solid gold. The handles are of pearl, and adorned with the imperial arms in gold, iby the N.- This clue at present to the A rh ga satereis ek the cnet on his way to hoki an inquest, He » that apparently nothing was distacied-o on the murdered man's person except that the overcoat and undercoat were unbuttoned. A memorandum book in the breast pocket of the undercoat was not disturbed. The revolver founda was a first class one, 52- monnted, pearl handled. Four chatibers were empty. The mark ou the skull, of the balls which glanced, were all in close proximity to the hole of the ball which caused death. may be very valuable as a " relic," but who would want a pocket-knife that " eighs & pound, WORMS often cause wen dag ureis Dr, Low's Wo or expels Worn Sectualy" The . Ltdextro y* Children hip purchasing your school requisites at Bosworth's, Quality and wed will be seen to please you. save money tin- due time-they~ arrived "at bay track. The string of sixteen horses were cozily quartered in the model sheds, aber their feed, and then Johuson turned'and said kindty: "C ome on, bub, We will tackle our fodder now, But Teddy did not stir. There was a troubled look in his eyes. Johnson turned again and asked, a litle impatiently: "Whas you thinking about? Cor mo on aud eag." "1 forgot me pard, boss, Larry Flannagin is me pard. Ho's lame, Larry is; and durn if 1 didn' t for- git him, I mus' go back." © here, Teddy, I've taken a liking to you, and J went to keep you. .You're. Letter off with me, my boy, than knocking around br: "7 city, Can Lar ry do anything?" sills papers at de ferry, bow, He's my son T buys de papers and de grub, and es snacks wil him. nor mudder, needer." "Dil teil you what you do, Teddy. Here's $2. Geton the trait amd go to. New Yeri, Find Larry and come back the way you went. Bring him with you. TU find some- things for eg ty aig "Thankee, You're a brick," This cin probably Mr. Johnson more than any be had ever received, for he knew that it came from tie boy's heart, Atdo'clock on that day, when the trainer visited big stable, there were Terry aul Larry, the latter much the same as Teddy in his habilaments, Their faces shone with sodp and water, - Johnson showed them where to make their bed# and where they j their meals. Thus Teddy's life He aint got uo farder : Arcola THPHeT inte the Honestrerch a cry went up: "My Goal look at Arcola come! He wins! he win As Teddy turned into the hotnestretch be remembered his employer's instructions, and, gathering the reins with « firni hand, he ae Arcola's head up, and the horse leaped by two of bis opponents, but the ate in the lead would uot have itso. Thew ally re- sorted to his whip, and a right coal persuader it was, for with every muscle quivering the liant beast took heart again. His feet moved with lightning like rapidity, and the pace became too hot for the lendey, who showed sigus of quitting, Then came a driv. ing finish, but 10) (eet from the wire the nose of Arcola slowly wii tin- til Teddy's stirrup was at 'the bridle of the other wonder. Suddenly there arose a tre- meiudous shout: "Arcola wins! Hurrah for urke!" Pissed ander the wiren-winner hy nalfnleugth. Cheer after cheer wax rending the air when a bush came over the multe tude and a ery of horror went up, "Arcola is down!" Fifteen horses thundered or over the lucke less borse and hig hapless rider, fainted and streng men grew 'The owner of Arcola, with tears in his eves, knelt inthe dust with the tnani:nate form tf Teddy in his arms, and a short distance away, with a broken neck, lay Arcola, who had Loaten the record. Tenderly they bore Teddy to the paddock and jaid him upon the grassy, throw. ing water in bisface, A physician who was present did all in bis power to re aie him. Teddy opened bis eyes and Ontario Street West, Opposite Avon Hotel, Stratford. CORCORAN'S Three Grape Concord Wine. This Wine was made for me from Selected Grapes by. one of the Best Wine Makers.1n-the Provinee:-It-is Absolutely Pure, First Run Wine of Fine Flavor, and I ' can sell it for about the same Price that Mixed Wines. of Inferior Quality are sold for by Parties from the Large Cities who Solicit Orders here. JAMES CORCORAN, Stratford, Dec. 13th, 1885, GENUINE SNOW SHOVELS helaan about, They rested ou Ar: TUE INQUEST om the bedy of the murdered man waa opened this afternoon, by Coroner Hes- sack. The two young sous of the de- ceased who found tht body were examined, also Joho McConnell, the man who picked | t Nothing at Variance several marks tly by balls which glanced off the skull. This theor no foundatio Dr. Sutton, of Clandeboyo, performed a post-mortem ex- on 5 dey the,progress of the inquest and re states that bd '3 head. head above 7 oe right temple and ws was found at the | base of the Tt 1 Want oheap Faiving go to James Corcsoran's, You can boy onl Valencai raisins rH one cent' per pouud, "and fire Eleme raisine for five cents per peu: ul, The Austrian Minister of Public Instruc- tion + aa issued & decree forbidding the use of smail-printed books in public schools, as the cause of the near-sightednesa so prevalent among school children, A recent law in- Michigan command's each town to provide itself with « seal with phe cg seal election returus. The folks inthe Township..of . Star, being age, told « local carver to cat the word Star" upon the ead of a atick. Thi artist was not quite up te the work of cnt- ing the letters a that ~~ chic 'ppear 7 chanped Trans a hewshoy toa stable boy. In © a fevedays he was hone in the satldle. Ile always rode bareheaded, and stood the jibos of his companions good naturedly, sometimes eet them a taste of sharp Irish wit that showed his mettle, He was an adept at pitch- ing pennies, and smoked a cigarette throucsh bis nose with all the grace of a dude, A prinie favorite with his employer, he was taught bow to ride, aud the dream of his life wus to be a jockey, ride in a race "and hear the plaudits of the multitude as he piloted his horse to victory. He confided his ambition to Larry, who sighed, and, with a tear trem- bling om iis lashes, would murmur; °L wish I could ride, Teddy." bar Teddy "would put lis freckled arm around Larry's neck aud say consolingly: acpi you mind, Larry. Whin I'm a jock "Le won de reece, boss," he said slowly and With great pain, r "Yes, you did, my boy. YH take cnre of you sit you are we i, amd you shall bave the $1,000, Lew § Goa" tieel de money, bow Dat wend is for Larry, Give it to Mr. Folnsw, Loss, for Larry. Cos Pm poin*ter eroak, bak A shiver came over him. and hw closed his eyes. "My heart Aches, boss, I guess In most gone. Yes, boss, I won de race. Give de money ter Larry. Yer's yer Sun an! Worl'. Evenin' Sie, bos on'y a ent, way aa Geut--Dere's a 'bright Tight over dere, boss. I Wot de Face--boss., The gray vatler-of death was upon his face fumiredt Tpit will take Sou tere Bis bead tursed wea: ily, and. Ted dy sagt Osa New York Evening Sane for the a whet eigen @ the! recent local option. retains frum Star effects of the powder, from which it | were sealed with "rats." would appear that the trator were in very quarters, Grand Resuits. we deceased wore being also burned | For. roe A et w powder, A the post-mortem had | Kincardine, suffered frou pis. He rs cost « -- at ee says he Scjod ate paysielaies and « host 'of remedies, without if is druggist- was adjourned antil Wedaching. the 25th | recum BB. im whisk es ei ~ Tat ; " results," for which he THE MURDERED MAN'S HISTORY. gives it his is highest recom i viet a the Jap. 18,----Mr. Orme, ot the saican tragedy, was The C.F Rare doing a vay bey passenjer business to Ottawa, Montreal and Boston: Wedsesddy evening tne heav- fest train for several months went ea-t irom | the Union doctor's an' Tl get them legs "o yourn straight, an' thin ye can ride, me pard. So cheer u rity then Larry_would: smile and dream 'over what he thought. was Bish ica: be-York true. Time passed onand the day for = race came, The t trains from Brooklyn and Sica tee Fe bt were crowded with trom paddock and piopigcae Skee Mee ee a o 'havaitcets of fe dvietialinis. certain medicine offered w pay the govern Ment $10,000 for two montis' use of a cancel- ing starnp which shonld send out every letter eer ean duri < tithe with the name patent medicine stamped upor Epoch. CARPET SWEEPERS Of American make. Much Superior to ane Imitation Article. - Self-Lighting Lanterns! ~~. - SOMETHING NEW--at VV. &. Es WORKMAN'S cae a = 3 3 = : Ze 4 eSB sas oo SP RAFFORD;-ON Tir rms so Eh SE Or ae Steel Wire Door Mats ' _A FULL ASSORTMENT. Best Canadian Refined Oe L OIL wo CENTS PER GALLON