ta ' ¥ - a Bi Bi. eae 3 i ; eee : Sn felis A ih ba ace BES Z tps Hh STORIES ABOUT MEN : '3 > The O14 Man Ahead. THE TOWN OF SAN REMO. i i MUSIC ii ATH cil AR MS Pigeon lige hap wegen gy Dp aon Description of the Present Residence 9! it Cost Titten Bo Cents to Hear His Own j fe iberal Concessions! = ---- Germany's Crown ria but I will always bo a' TO DRAW THE SOUL AWAY FROM| "Ah, darling," interposed young Mr. Samp- THE WORLD'S. WICKEONESS, json, and his beart was throbbing the -- one Rem off his new silk vest, "why During the past year the iittle tae; he diant of P rto Maurtrio,' weil kriown hall in Ma wr unatte ne 1, the provir new ive miles northeast of Nige> Italy, the « fixt ~2 Italian seaport his resider Tilton prod L the o ™ ' has made { Tt is witer to prevent than to punish w York ~ Among the many worthy schertir : for the prevention of crime, such ax the ae Waits' Mis. Newsbo tome, H for}. "ee the Friendlies , Fe undlings' Home, ete., miusic! a bas been more or less utilized, but bas never ia? beer treated 23 a remedy in and of iteelf, 1: is easy to show how it may be made use of as a ecfarate eas in the moral disease of our body politic: First, then, idleness and vice are closer re lated tian poverty and vice, for, as Emerson -- eye, "atman'a_daily task. is. his salsation," | and a busy poor man is less liable to tem ta- tion thon a rich iter, . attention of those who: are Se ES 4 'ys | i ' i E forms. Bands of: musjc parade regularly and play in the open squares of all the large and mary small cities of the continent, for the astqte monarchs well know that the people ; forget their misery and poverty in the enjoy- My ment of the music, and at the same time a "Tom, hav e you heard the news!' "No, what i mer' "The schoolmaster is dead!" ny "Baliyt Now I-can wear thinner pants," tl Life. . r lente hing sight of a lot of I asked , and one general's stalf. grovs vafford a shelter f A Keeper of the Trath. mper them into hea ; . patriotic feeling awakened by military: 4 man, dressed in "Without a wor ie I wh 1 : 2 ' é gteasy overalls, went ioe em a pleasant freshness, ' uparting a Porspand national hymns, It-may be too joey a "<wspaper office and asked to seo the the ile : , well oro. ashed back to the solitar much to say that Germany conquered France 7 : oe " the lawsitude experienc 7 = well pro T came up ho seemed to t: editor. When asked if the city editor or tected s spots . some other man on the force would not do as he crown prince occupies the > tell what might Jave occurred if the French well, he replied that he had come on very im- an tg 2p end of an town, j soldiers Could have had a new vigorous vatri- aig business, and must seo the editor-in- alarge garden and overlook! inn a Ry "y r otic song to have marched to battle with as (), When at last bis persistence had a from the first floor, which iso od did the Germans, Ax surely as the patriotic forceg an entrance into the room where by the heir apparent to the throne cf ic sentiment should be cultivated, so sure is it grest policies were outlined the editorsaid: German empire, he may look out upe: * that music should he encouraged, Batitis of" «you rmined to see ne; now, as blue waters of the Mediterranean, its -- ae home, at the fireside, that one quickly as possible, state your business ing white line of sea foam, its bosom dotted it chiefly speak, for the hearthstone {| "ay right, sir. I like your paper, 'and I with the sails of vessels constantly passing, ,, Want you to have a chance of saying some- either near by or so far out that they appear with "Die Wacit am Rhein," but no° one can Y Livio, for he said'sharply: ing out his hand for my = Sm Well, what? aus 4 ves, Here is 0 famil aut; anager thing that wij startle the country. For only asa reflected ray of sunlight. He has a ag oie twit { Me ens % 2 ve rtn. eye ink (aa <i bay ef inetr es peti time I bave been engineer rat Graysou's a8 him his wite, the Princess Royal (Vic-! that must have gone out dren grow up, and the ordinary games are Le eur worn out, A neighboring saloon has Ba 'Well, but what have I to do with that?" se that they are 'all eary 1 isers, and soon! fine barrel organ: here they congregate ; "Just hold ona minute. This morning the ape So'clock of a mrad in that climate, often as expedient. Or some neighbor's boy | |boiler exploded" ---- resent Tike a morning in June in no hase mouth organ; Leg! will crowd around | «Go to eee, editor if you want tohand 'es ern peat of the United States, the crowa|" au, him, a out of mis- jin a piece of new neeand princéss, thé princesses and Prince! Phe ang an innocent hour in as!. wy onan that i wound give you a chance Horry may be seen walking in thé, ativets or A aie aight as a postever dreamed of, But ito write startling editorial. (he promenade, The weatt€ Quring the bave no musi¢ "at home," and when they | _ "Baitorial the a ce We have such acei. rah is temperate, but Ait Biter sunset, inte: cant pick up some few itinerant strains | tents nearly every day." on becoming again miider, The king of aay they roam about, soon become petty thieves, I "No, ve one Just give moachaneo to has placed o gunboat, or torpedo vessel, a and in time are mustered in at the Bridewei iget done, and you will thank me. No one the disposal of the imperial sojourners in hts was ileal when this boiler exploded. " kingdom, im which they make excursions* "That's nothing strange." either put to sea or to the points of interest "And," continued the visitor, 'no one lying on the neighboring coast. This must lwould have been burt had the boiler exploded be gratifying to Prince Henry especially, | never ng of that mysterious pe minutes before it did." ho is an ofticér in the German navy. phrase, "voice wailding.* yet she could sing} 4 exPressien sottled upon' the At his palace in Berlin, the emperor, past Sunday school tunes, a few ss SOnE, per ledthrs face, ow il you please pen that?" 90, himself gradially passing into that disso- baps, and a ballad or two like "Way Down he Jution already delayed far be yond the aver- the Suwanee River." mde supper and } on Sundays the children, and ni then a », neighbor's childfeu, gather around and are jg aid All other "explosions that h the mages of "Virginia Reel," ria of England), and hte children, It is <iore, i looked so bad, tell the fact! saat st life; The father pinys the "fiddie," the mother | learned to sing a oo and though the voice | Javan which is * leigh, of w hitehall. "He dispatch, ER ERT EEN AA. Semen iON Nn BA RT ime importa' ore | me raaptaldy band age of ber faerie song o len hast, Of Souttn, dust oft the tnill ote | "| the ~ "Rock of Ages OF ith oa emgage | Me," in w 'hich' all can join. These children F Tho editor's eyes grown derfully ¢wizard, curiously. i oa their i "My riend," said he, 'dear Es pocchaoameg gee wert ct am manor ray Aap you ow regan og Ddgaing eh 2 Recieg? i deck aint t5 ors 4 is provided for the inal recipient of this great pleco of intelli- rap Sad Sow Se i Sidi: bo Girk a taal cichenicn ta Gually oo-| = and I will f gence, lead on, il follow you: A tablished, the years roll around while alk wick wah 4 glorious on of the } these hearts expand in harmony and the truth is rare jewel Come, sit down be- waves of temptations beat in vain against pide ane, thas I may. feel- your presence as I 'this fortress of music. write, y by me, es Se Bi are pictures among the poor. Among truth, pe pe i rn copa a I fain deb SUA thts Weesks heseeet the life is_'more would mi use."--Arkansiw Traveler. (plex. Take the carcer--ot-- "Nonsense," men sent to college at the same age. One Boom Talk. Tooke skeptical and '4 had parents who dle in church, had their) Winter Visitor in Lower California (hold- ig children sing at home and even had them in- ling on | : \ ' | structed in piano playing (to be sure, the barns an property parma ba 3 < i the ~~ past)--You never have burricanes or 1S: A he ee stranger, bess here, I understa Is this the ccihing instruction iid). Ths otber did't (nthe spy net -- ~~ like music, endured rs rani at church Resident (clinging » with desperate, energy necessary evil, taught his boy that all musi- to a grapevine)--The mildmess of our cli-|middleage, He has seen him become not! He cians were fools, or worse, etc. The first one mate, Combiged with the unsurpassed fertil- aly's chaherchtet eased: enseret of moist, odorous } whiled away his spare hours at college with ity of soil and the the arts, the sciences, literature, and, above j Albany Express, \ "Sit do RETURNING FROM A SAIL. wn, Burleigh, stile, storms and the unexam: ¥ our lands--look out for that fly- |be would naturall¥ look to one so well fitted jto hold his subjects loyal by their love, an, insidious disease wokdealy appears, whi bids fair to carry off the son before the a to this, aowee, the doctors dis-, the civil war, suggested (regretfully)-- I. goes, sixty milesan hour, toward jinent physiologist, and Professor Vo pianist, there Berg and finally joins an amateur musical club, | 'Santa manent If he had stuck on two min-|mann, a scientist of the University of Beri 'returned. Ho was succeeded by a negro, a ata aes Le spends one night each week regu- utes longer I could have convinced him, blast |bave pronounced cancer; Sir pobiions, who osm: hte remarks his prejudiced hide!--Chicago Tribune. |Mackenzie, a distinguished Eiglish | resy mar's parallel, For- The other ve is a good | with a = eres called in at the instigation of the crown 'Eibea™ said he. "Dey forgiben--denr briga liberal band in gambling. His muscle is tho 'i Fit for the Gods. 'princess, di iffered in the diagnosis, This has ders! Why, pred come 'walkin' into de largest in his cigss. He knows all the best Yous 1 Man (to waiter)--Waiter, I want (led toa i apt _ -- sheer on between the house an an' ba an' go up to do ol' man earsmen, best prize fighters and fastest horses | . Give me the cutaide Slice (doctors of and England. Tho ®' 58y: 'Whar dat gion "--New York Sun, roast. turkey. [tthe treat, «nice, arg ple of the lifer, Nea ge alictadaa in the rosa club house or the pool room is his first care, surnals of Europe, and Lincoln, Cullom and a Darkey. eid then thé casts and tiie comipanionshin of ow ee Anon Sakai il gi me doar fang tee tae Gey bar ate iteraciea etiator Cullom-tells a nout-n-negro > fast men. It is but one step more to the coni- Waiter--Yes, sir; anythin' else. greater interest: among the members of the porter at Willard's hotel in W ashington who panionship of questionable characters, and if Young Man ( eontemplatively)-- Yes, cae reer pr ee and in all classes in civil- was always obsequicus in his attentions to : this young man does not turn up in the po- to o: ized nation: One day the darxey looked up at him ; is somgthing more I intended name it will be strange or owing to stingi- Wai guess it must bo earth, |5an Remo several German physicians and Abe Lincoln. Didn't you nebber hab nobody ness or a special providence, Howl 7 you ba it cooked !--New al Sun, |Mr. Mark Hovell. ae goes now tell youdat!" *Yes," replied the senator, * i aré and thousands of idle and then from London for consultation. It have been told that; but you know they say Be men ina city like Chicago, Is it not better eer Meils for an Ostrich. is said that during his 'cut visit, aboutthe Mr. Lincoln was the homeliest man in the ia to occupy their thoughts with music than to} Al--Give ime $5 worth of asorted hard- middle of December last, Dr kenzie was country." "Yes, I knows dat, but you ~s ee leave them to brood over 'ortui jmost agreeably surprised at the { 'semble him most almighty x much.""--Detro 's gid FAD Bhs Tie OF thelr poor opinions until} =** FE 3--What iia: Ce ae i -at-inst--admitted-Journal. - a. they become scabs on the body politic! A 'Al--That's all ri tit; my wife hasa pet os-|th#t the trouble looks very like cancer, he has Reteer te city band of music performing each day in-a 3 bird bd ar Tid Bits. not yet given up all hope that it is not, On! A Dog Who Wore Spectacles. 3 public place ld draw to it many. who the other han, Professor Shrotte, of Vesna, | An Optician--I was told some time ago the " would otherwise bi In misebief, and it Wi mki Galt ho 3 who took part in the recent consulta! 'ollowing remarkable «ory of a Kentucky - pay to o. thirty or forty men hy the x sata Ft ssa. maintains that the disease is dog that had become almost totally blind. ' year to play regularly every Mrs, N.--My dear, wish you. -to.chesrre 'Thus that-apparent ample provision forthe The sound of the horn_no longer aroused his Woe hire a small army-ef men to keep filth this beautiful statue Apollo; and this | succession to the German munee rec'd to blood, and while the other dogs of the house and garbage from sécumulation ours (Pointing to Feyche) is his wife, Apoilinaris. |h6 soon reduced by the death of the heir went forth eagerly to the hunt, the old streeta. Is not the accumulation uankal apparent, His son, Prince W 'ieen, is said to affli animal remajned behind; sad and and moral garbage just as dangerous? The have hero from childhood from the same discouraged. 3 pure anid inspiring effect of a good band of recs which carried off his uncle, | dee at play one day some children, who 4 music will act asa disinfectant, purifying late king of Prussia. This malady, it is brute's infirmity, placed upon iP: the condi Of mental depre' other portions is . es St of the ears, and his plore a pair of common spectacles, the a Again, scores of men are en- there is danger of 'the disease attacking the of which happened to be Yery strong. p. : Ban seat geacen atten our parks and drives, brain. Tho next in line of succession is dog at once awoke from his stupor and "f i Which the poor cannot enjey because they Prince William's little son, 5 years of age. 'showed his pleasure in unmistakable frase are #0 echt Ifthe money of the tax- -- SoG. ammnesigiaes n the _Agin the Ingine Biler. "Here, yon fellows, a you doin' beret" toa party of 4 COURLEY WOHMR road surveyors who were driving stakes on her f ae thus be used to my for Bowers tc: Selizht tho. sense of sighs of rich people. GAT CAT Tia; Catt ated g "Pay Ther There ain't ieee enough = aD i hecapt cook)--Soaked Hothers|y. dere | Bt age Reegaome gen Oecrentond : &s Lectare. Theodore Tilton was about to lecture at a Line. aud ingaired for the a : SENT ine in suc te an deurt ng term if itcan oT, has become familiar in name to all the. as informed that he was (i a ad -- ara tori ercermerer : Fer WoT "Thw Gow prises er Gere sue bate note: esata bs -the : z Mile I +8 i } eo ; = - te -- as about to Com pence, ii: Elects of Music in the Home=Two -- at 6 -- } hey . near "the many, who might be exptéted to become an : tohim? be humbly id Young Cotlegintes<The Idle of the take . : "t at " : = 4p po: vi me empes n the event of his venerable father's mepcatans tieket * is La Bait, * tr to be nether-to you in the ' 7 ~ a rmpor t ti aker, no City. fat - ~ -tleath,*s tn by a probably fatal See "Yes, if you bave got half a dollar." ll to listen to his ov twas wert, "and ttre ments ook tenet to a gaikop, a cumetances or choice idie that pn govern 2 oe round ata go wl rate, amd x ment shonkt exert iteeif. The Roman rulers! wf ps as ary rider a recognized this principle and gladiatorial con- | fy . horse, The man's sin: is a: Mets, creat shan sea fights and festivals were 7 ay dee down over his eyes, and the rain wa Srranged toamnee the people. European dy- "ao" bier ing in streams down on the poncho i nastics carry out the same pian fin different --- i was closely wrapped. 4 anne arEe ~ withr ui te a gr at the coneinals m that 1 ies Vv, you've just pas med bse mn" yho are you looking for, young said; " Why didn't you come to me at didn't think you were Gen. Grant.' Why didn' t youl **"Recause | didn't suppose Gen. Grant rauld rdé such a looking horse as that. out into a hearty laugh, and Gen, Siaiean told mo afterward that it was the first time for a week he had heard Grant laugh. The general receipted on the envelope for the dispatch and dismissed me, **The next time you are sent toGen. Grant perhaps you will know him' "But afterthat I took my dispatches to the chief of staff."--Detroit Jo vurnal, A Soke on Narleigh. A story is pig in the corridors of the "Hon. Henry G. not long ago talking with Railroad Commis sioi Baker, when a well dressed young man stepped up to the'telegraph desk and be here, Burleigh," remarked Mr. Baker, "the h Serene politicians pricked up ac tony about?" asked the Whitchall ' "About a sure thing, of course," was the "Do you see that young --_ at the tbeside him! I want to bet you 'eat ra. walks 'off when he has finished his business and for- to take those gloves." was the sage rejoinder. wouldn't forget anything so valuable." ter a few minutes chaffing the bet was the surrounding nearer to watch the result. ir Finally the stranger buttoned his coat and | turned to go, but he left the gloves. "Hold on," shouted Mr. Burleigh after the "you Ihood, from manhood to a age in life beyond calmly, "'sitdown, Those are my gloves." Then the watching multitude smiled a and the bet was paid.-- "Whar Dat Ve eal?" Senator Lamar is reported as telling the following story of his experience at a political ch "meeting in his own state soon after the war. was one of the speakers, and alluding to as a parallel case the . parable of the Prodigal Son and the joyful awe ibe y ov boc rete ain . Teception at his home when the naughty boy b The naar sedge him in attendance at and said: "Boss, you look pow'ful like Marse best possible manner so as to remain - th animal's nose, { The next morning be started oif to the She other dogs, Aid S008 15 was Ba 7 But unfortunately his | poor as to entertain the rich; if it is not wiser the chief engineer of | Were torn from their resting place. The old z ---- than to punish: erime.--Chicagr "What, one Pe + posal Se things dog allowedthe others to pass hin, and then Herald. Pve heern tell on?" : jpicking up "THe" zinss "Yes: that's it." ogc me nsdigy egal : "Well, it ght off this ground." | gsi Uoape cara "Yoa "will be rig Ul paid for all damage (rarer s° so much so that whea rnndicedbaed ae sami Senn a cpajgasicad «btn Fears a Relapse. _ Doctor--Did you say to your x peated Mrs. . Pecabl send bill for services rendered cent severe illness! y Hendricks--Yes, doctor: and L pees wie) He arrived at oin and passed int {x wn lecture snk y S34 Sein one. ERs trucks if they "kan w Whero { ther aid: Y Ggure a rke in the tituation, J T asked eager said stiff dispatch. 4% ld- Ten be once? le above his ¢ igar, three or four weckg So I veutured to saying: ---- was seated on ¢ e ean gloves "He group drew Mr. parte ker-contented.---- have forgot- " said Mr. Baker him; E-would red daring bis Fe cov GENUINE SNOW SHOVELS- ---- TO ~& PROMPT-PAYI CUSTOMERS. -- FOR-- 30 DAYS. a RR. WILT. IAMS SON 8% Cou: The Tailors and Drapers, a. CASH! NG 65 Ontario Street, Stratford. YOU CAN BUY "THE Best Canadian Refined COAL OIL --FOR-- 15 CENTS PHR GALLON WALSH - BROS' The Place for Bargains. ---- W. H. ROBERTS, Watchmaker, - Jeweller, Fte., Has a Larger Variety this year than ever before, of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, J ewellery, ~ Spectacles, Fancy Goods, Books, Stationery, Toys, Xmas. Cards, and a variety of Goods too numerous to mension, all suitable for the HOLIDAY SEASON. K= Call and see what a variety I have got, and what Bargains we are giving. Spectacles to suit all sights. Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery B Repaired and bier 5 W. H. ROBERTS'. REVIVAL SONGS! _ Songs of Salvation, (Crossly) 25 and 35¢. Gospel Hymns, Complete, without music, Cloth, with music, 50c., $1. -- The Great Awakening, (Sam Jones) 3oc. Sing out the Glad News, (White Bros.) 25c. Gospel Choir, 50c. Canadian Anthem Book, $1.25. 'Canada Church Harmonist, $1.00. Sacred Songs and Solos, (Sankey) 440 pieces, $1.50. The Royal Standard, 75c. Winnowed Hymns, 3oc. WN... A... BOS WORTES, 17 MARKET STREET, STRATFORD. CORCORAN'S Three Grape-Concord Wine. This Wine was made for me from Selected Grapes by _one of the Best Wine Makers m the Province. It is Absolutely Pure, First Run Wine of Fine Flavor, and I~ can sell it for about the same Price that Mixed Wines of Inferior Quality are sold for by Parties from the Large €ittes who Solicit Orders here, . JAMES CORCORAN. Stratford, Dec, 13th, 1885, Se Steel Wire Door Mats A FULL ASSORTMENT. CARPET SWEEPERS Of American make. Much Superior to. the Imitation Article. Saag Lanterns | _ SOMETHING NEW--at ee -