Stratford Times, 15 Feb 1888, p. 1

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Stratford. Cimes. COU aT o4 OF PHaRTEL GAZETTE. ---- shaded Xt, ie "oral tems. Mra. Geo. Hay has a comfortable house towent on Ontario street Winter Fluid, the great non-irritant for chapped hands, at the Medical Halil. Take no other." grand fancy dress carnival will be "held in the Fink" ere ol iy wday avening next, February 17t W. J. F. is out with a novel and start- ling advertisement in this issue. - bere'll be lots of life and money at 21 next week. Tenders are asked in to-day's 1 ues for the erection of a handsome and commodious store for Mr, John McEwen, grocer, oa Wellington street, in this city. Walsh Bros. always lead the van in low prices, and the citizens all have to .go to them if they want bargains ample they are selling coal oil' at. Lt 5 \ote. per gallon. E. K. Barnsdale & Co. have Linus special arrangements with C. H. Pearson & Co. of Baltimore, "to receive their celebrated oysters three times weekly, on Tuesdays, oa and Saturdays. Mr. D. McKeeman, ~ Hamlet ward, has been tata up for the past four ' weeks, suflering from a severe attack of quinsey and rheumatism, ropes either one of which is bad enough sin Father Ryan had a Fie pleasant daty to perform on Monday morning in making of two one by unity in the holy bonds of matrimony, Mr. McGowan, G. T. to Alice, daughter of Mr. Chas. Turner, of Stratford. Mr, Ernest Gartang and Mr. W. D. Weir, village clerk, of Milverton, gave 'ne Ties a pleasdat call on Tuesday. They expect to see their cosy little v iling ze invaded by North Perth Tories ne Thursday (to-morrow). Tue Times is pleased to notice that Mr Wm. Hepburn is able to get around again, after his illness of some months' duration. though somewhat reduced in flesh and weak from the effects * va long -- ment, there is every with the return of warm pel our ald friend will be himself again. A young man named Joseph Sutter, whose parents live a few miles north of Wiarton, went out to Wisconsin and a few months ago died there of typhoid fever. On Tuesday his parents received, through Court Milverton No. 99, Canadian Order of Foresters, of which the young man was a member, the endowment fund of 31,000. for thirty days Mr. H. Ward is offer- jug crockery and stone ware, fancy goods, elegant chamber sets, &c., at a discount.of twenty per cent for r. Ward has a very fine selection of goods in the lines named, and is runnin them off at a great reduction in price. The sale commenced ou Monday last and will be continued for thirty days therefrom. Vanstone; mother of © Mr. Alderman Vanstone and Mr. Jas. V -- is lying very ill at her residence, Mill » Mra, V. is one of the pioneers of 'this ane, havin oe bere for over 45 years, Al- thou r old rents and ne large family connection, hope she may re- cover and live many more years amongst t * them. It is expected that Rev. Jno. Gerrie, a student in the Congregational College, Montreal, will be appointed to the pastor- ate of the Congregational Church in Strat- ford, It seems to 11s that the Congregation- al Church in re does not take the = it ough . Outside the burch of Seetana it should rank first, In Eagland it is a power in the land--it is the church next to the established church. Preparatory for the induction of a new minister, the congregation of the Congre- gational church in this city intend having the interior of their house of worship re- novated and put in good sha They have one of the neatest and most comfort- ably appointed church edifices in Stratford, but the hand of time has played havoc with the walls, ceiling and fresco work, and Tus Times is pleased to learn that the congregation realize this fact and intend carrying out the improvements required While our neighbors to the south of us are being frozen to death by the extreme cold or overwhelm by blizzards our people in the North-West are busy plough. ing, and getting ig for spring crops, That portion of tates that has been so afflicted of late with blizzards will soon become ec a asa a number of to nesota and other parts of the ie eae CaNvcks Not To Bz Desrisep,--It pA within the memory of hscaet- ser ma the co sternation Manager . of the Bank om cee veterinary surgeons from Middlesex, erth and Oxford was held in the Royal Hotel, Woodstock, on Saturday, for the purpose of considering | the advis- ability of forming a local m for seca 'or |. #urance Company has, if we may say so, had almost. a phonainaiel succesa, : "City Local Hews. Subscribers of Tux Times are warned to be on the look out for a dead beat who is going the rounds, professing to ce ollect moneys and subscriptions for this paper. We employ aeither » olicitors, collectors, nor any of that class of drummers, Tie Game Won't Work, All attempts to drag Tue Times into a controveray with the Detroit Sia will fail. Ve have no quarrel with that paper, and certainly nodesire to get intoone. It is humiliating enough, in all conscience, to have to pt ublic notice of the pimps' organ in this city, without going outside of the Dominion! The Duangboys should be employed in Detroit where "their services would be better appreciated. Keeping Up swith the Times. A powerful new steam engine and boiler is being placed in Scrimgeours' planing mill in this city. * is 40-horse power, and is a handséme piece of workmanship, being the handiwork of that old and relia ble tirm, Goldie & McCulloch, of Galt, Ont., and will cost when erected over $2,000. Messrs. Scrimgeour will soon find, from an extended business, that their large outlay will prove a. paying speculation. A Seasonable Donation. | On Thursday last '* converted " iconduc- tor Snyder. was presented with five volumes of Mr. D. L, Moody's works, enclosed in w handsome case at the Central ebureh, Rev. Mr, Cunningham in making the presentation, said in effect to Mr. Snyder, that he could thank Tax Tins for the present, as a gentleman who read | this paper was the donor, The recipient returned thanks in eppreprinte language. And yet, some people will say that Tux Times is trying to injure Snyder, when the reverse is } proved by this | presentation. A Few Words of Warning » ait Advice. People Who write to the Mayor of Strat- ford on municipal business, or on other matters, must sign their proper names to their communications. All anonymous letters go into the editorial stove without a perusal, beyond a glance at the signature. Only despicable cowards acd hypocrites write anonymous letters slandering their neighbors, and- giving advice on matters which are none of their business. Those who have grievances' can either write to the Mayor, signing their names, or sr can call at his office, Erie street, any wee day, between 9 a m. and 5 p.m. Curling. A friendly game was played last Satur- day between Berlin and Stratford, with the following result : BERLIN. STRATFORD, z. Gibson, . M. Travers, i. "wuener, J, Fennel, skip hy i. Hall, agree D. B. Dew: Watson, Dd. Fouyth, skip 25, A, McLaren, skip 13, The contest for the district medal be- tween Embro and Stratford will be Sioyed, Woodstock next! riday,----------- A espirete Eilitor. The editor of the Hanover Post is driven to desperation on account of beg subscribers. He is now pre' to take in payment for subscriptions, wheat, pota- toes, old stovepipes, turnips, beets, pars- nips, beeswax, onions, cider, lard, cast-off elothiag, old rubber i Oyster cans , iro n. Tue 1 MES = a great man e have eialy wimed peti breath and tage stamps in trying to induce them to ork over the small sum o eac We are still burdened with hundreds of de- linquents, but are not yet prepared to take beeswax or old stovepipes in settlement for subscription. We still cling to the fond hope that all our subscribers will hand us ~ current coin within *the next few Tatrance Fea " Per pee The next entrance examination to High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will be held on July 48h, Sth and 6th, 1883. Teachers who are preparing candid «tes for this examination woald do well to bear mind drawing book No. 5, of the drawing course for public achoola, is the one which candidates are required to submit. At examination ares ey should be able to quote any especially prescribed for memorization as well as passages of special beauty from the prescribed. literature selections, At the aly examinatiun, 1885, ye will be ex- pected to oo memorized } of the follow- ing ; at examination, 1888, 4; and a pps examination thereafter all of the follow ing selections 1 The Short Extracta 2 I Find « Way oc Maks It 3 The Belly of Shandon. 11 The Forsaken The Perth Mutual. : The County of -terth Mutual Fire In- Ite reserve at present is $34,004. ; re tog a note reserve of $99,677.40. It by the shrewdest men in the "Count of Perth.. It is 24 years since 0; ons were small-scale eompared--with '. of. rt of the selections (List ailea eat pace &) f PP- 5 , 'STRATFORD, 'ONT, "WEDNESDAY, 'FEBRUARY 15, 1888. = cea aes ee = : EFT CEE re ees "ea "City ¥ oral 'Hews, A crnel rajepayer writes Yo she Mayor aa follows :--' Don't you think, your worship, that the city should christen their beautifully shaped plot of land (%) in rear of Mr.-fagarty's stables, ' Kead Park'?" To confess the truth, the matter never before suggested itself, although Tie Ties Must kay Chat w CAresteiAg amt cleaning is necessary in connection with the wretched hole and the manner in which it came te be the city's property. Home Memorial Church Social, The social held at Mfs. Prendergast's on Tuesday evening, the 7th inet., was in every respect a great success, the attend- ance being the largest seen fcr some time. The musical selections were well rendered and readings and recitations of a first-class order, after which a bountiful supply of tea and coffee, with other delicacies were handed round by the ladies. The receipts were something handsome. Stratford's Lager Heer Brewery. Tux Times has to thank Messrs. Hergott & Kuntz, proprietors of the new lager beer brewery in this city, for a present t of their first brewing of 'Stratford's cele- brated cream lager." Since the elevation of the editor to the civic chair he has, out of deference to the large support he re- ceived from the temperance people of the city, almost ceased to indal; ge in beverages w sei ** steal away men's brains." In this , however, a few friends were invited to sample the contents of the keg, and we must say as an old practitioner at the bar, that our verdict exactly coincided with the reat, of the jury, viz., that.a better glass of lager it had never been their privilege to taste. Perhaps, what made it taste better was the fact that it was tasted when the rules of the.Crooks' Act were in force, and there was no other beverage obtainable, The new brewers understand their busi- ness, and there is eyery prospect of their investment mae. 3 a good pay ing one. GIVE ALL THE LIGHT. To ae Editor of Tun Sraatroap, Finns: -- At the meeting of the City Coun- cil 'nel on'the 6th inst., we are informed -by all the city papers that the clerk started read a letter from Mr. Idington, and was stopped by.the Mayor. Now, sir, I would like to know if Tue Times is going to show the white feather after its many years of much-admired pluck, and is now going to assist its contemporarics in keep- ing people in the dark ? Yours truly, Stratford, Feb. 10,188 1888, REX, [Eprror's Nors. --ie reference to the above, we would say that in the press of council business last week the letter was crowded out of Tur Times. This paper is not afraid of '* the world, the flesh," nor the other party generally associated there with, and it will not vary a hair's breadth from the course it adopted at the start 13 years ago, adhered to ever since, and will continue to, so long as it remains under the roche ot its B eee editor and Propristes, The letter will be found below To the Mayor and Council :-- T must senmie you to b my resignation as Collegiate Institute trustee tek K ge acceptance. It may not be ou ir the vote of the last poten respecting jt, I had in- tended its withdrawal if the present eomnel should, by "od Ph ata = Re electio: what ing accord with his views, indicate. that to be the course of aw ¥. I found, on personal enquiry from Mr. Bennoch, rect ing with = or not, zeptied and frankly that he did sympathize with on Mr. Bénnoch's attention ver; t at this int the eg or stopped the letier from being read mrsier, foe. for. stated last ifr the business. Not Now the the "Perth Mateal secoiir ah the heirl 6t all sweetal for tase has re the council "Zz STRATFORD CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Meeting. On account of the accumulatiun of busi- ness the City Council had to adjourn for one week at, their last regular meeting, in order to clear the slate of a lot of matters that had come before them, Accordingly they met on Monday evening last. Pres- ent, two handred and * solid.matter,"' in the body corporate of His W pire the Mayor in the chair, and ail the A mo -- Mr. Pratt, who is ill, and Mr. Da A by-law enpicetan the Council to borrow 50,000 from the Bank of Montreal as read a first and second time and finally Finance, -- $2.5 J. H va.u Walter Stone, andit paper, . Dafton, stationery, $1.25 ; Telegraph Co., 25e. ; Public Schools, $800 ; street names, $51, 25. B. of W sheet, men on streets, "$102. 96. F. --Gas Co., $69.60 ; J. & R. Forbes, fade $3; Rubber Co., Y Toronto j ; ; Telephone J. Ba ownsend, $2; BR. Shore, - 'as hire, $3; John Siddle, E. J. French, work, $1.1 Sillifant, jr, teaming ol rates paupers tickets, $4.30; Dr. N. Robertson, acc't, $2; M. Bidwell, teaming wood, $3.50 ; W. Rowland, acc., $3.25 ; F. Rehill, 134 "cords wood, $97 ; Smith, 104 =, wood, $2 work, $5.07 ; F. Colvin, 3 cords Wood, $6; J. Mun; ealow, 15} cords wood, $30.50 ; 'iH. Gibson, supplies, $2; R. Shore, torplics, 75c.; Henry Ward, cuppues, #1 1; A. O'Mara, supplies, $4; i! Bros , do., $2; J. On do., $13; O'Brien Bros. ' supplies R. Murph y. supplies, +4 it. Barker, supplies, $8. PL & C-- 'i ya The Saealaies re ane 'that after ex- amining the claim of the County of Perth n the matter of the share of the city to- ward ne construction of the court house and gao after consulting the city ee as to the various items in said pocorn found that their predecessors had fixed the amount to be paid that the com 'cokuas had no option but to pay the amount demanded, weer a : cheque was issued for the amount, viz., ee committee nt Fate the By-Law to ise $50,000 as.a loan from the Baak of Montreal, at 6 per cent. THE CORPORATION'S " STINK HOLE" AGAIN, To the Mayer and Aldermen of the City of Strat- Gastixmex,--In Tue 'Times of the Sth inst.; {a newspaper riblished in this cit by ite Mayor) an editorial appears whic purports to be written hagheaze city's interest nad from information received th Mayor in his official pro referred to intimated fraud and crooked- ele the then Council. ik that if there is 2. ap or amounts thereof, and the Statute, By-Law or resolution of the council, authorizi the same, at the first meeting in -eac month, --Carri Moved by Ald, Payne, seconded by Ald. Hamilton, that the clerk furnish is council with an accurate list of parties in receipt of relief from this council, specify- ing the amount paid, weekly or monthly, te ; in i such relief and how Carried, On motion of Ald. Davidson, seconded by Ald. Sharman, Council adjourned. y long resident of the city.-- --Those people who imagine because the editor of Tux Times is Mayor of the city, that it is the business of the city coun- cil to regulate the conduct of the paper, and pass opinions upon what is right or wrong in its columus, must be sof in their upper story! If the council would pay all the arrears of subscription due the Mayor's paper, Tux Times would award them the privilege of setting themselves forward as preas censors. A gives deal of sickness prev: ails among children and young a ol in te eit principally throat dise i ee cases of ayeeen aré re Sawlogs ont the Track. St Thomas, Feb, 7, TCAs No. 5 M. C. R. express was nearing Fletcher last evening the engineer noticed an obstruction on - track, which alterwards proved to sawlog which had stuck while being Naha across the rails. The air brakes were at once applied and a-bad smash-up was nar- 'el ei avoided, anbenge the engine suf- fe serious damage, the escaped with a few beiees. afterwards a freight train collided with a sleigh load of sawloge which was bein --_ ed over the Harwich crossing. - oad had just reached the centre of the et when the engine struck it, demolish- ing the sleigh and scattering the logs. The driver and horses escaped injury, but the front part of the engine was | She Beat the Woman of Samaria. DIED AT THE AGE OF FORTY, AFTER HAVING BEEN MARRIED SEVEN TIMES, Reading} Pa., Feb, 10.--Rev. T. N. Reber to-day officiated at the funeral of Mrs..John Gruber, aged forty years, who dicd "at Macringie ims. Tha barial took place at Salisbury Church, and a lar, crowd attended from the fact that the woman in her short life had been married to seven different husbands. She was-the daughter of the late Daniel Heimbach and very good looking. At the age of Besse she married an old the same .] bhink? and through her varied matrimonial experi- has always preserved a uta- tion. She me a consumption, and was sick but a time. ant revelations made before the Labor on the women and children worklag is in the factories of the Dominion need ours work in a day. Children under ten years old. cannot employed and those over ten and under sixteen are only allowedto work half time. ict nage gp meg takes care that the edu- ese factory children is not mally | 'neglected. an and eS vo mt --_ rom a bees he he oe aa a *phsealy fitted fe for the the work-required to be done. This and the a from hor preg -- ee produced © em er at demand of the Inspector, The Ww requires that the re ee clean that a be furnished with all that is necessary qk 5iF _English- check to the greed, =e ct beta employes DEATH OF ux. STRETFORD, OF BRANTTORD. Brantford, February 13.-- Fan = Stratford, one of the wealthiest died A few it the magnificent Jobe E. ae presented it te the city of Brani the tw. cha ; ' ; twenty ain to the vhirty-aisth verse, concerning the seven brothers who married Last Scene in the Galt Tragedy. The funeral of Beary Main, who so un- ceremoniously met his ¢ death at the hands of John Carrie dn Wednesday heen at Galt, (as related in another page of to-day's Tims) took place on Saturday afternoon from his late residence, -- wae very largely at-" tended, many fro a distance being pre- sent to pay the Yaot-_ of reepeet to the murdered banker. Large crowds lined - the streets through which the o The pall-bearera were Hon. James Y an tobt. Gillholm, Thos. Field, J, Ferguson, Geo, J. Jafira y, Jno, Cavers, Jas. R, Scrimiger and Walter Bryden. Kev. John tidley, rector of T.inity church, read the urial services at the church and at the grave, and as the words ' ashes, ** Dust to dust," "fell from his iipe man among those assembled rsa that a wel known face had been rw taken from them and that their felloweelt zen of huta few days previous in the best of spirits was now in the hands hed his Maker. ----------2«@ A Postoffice Em Employee Garrot- Ottawa, Feb, 10.--James Chilton, night clerk in the postoflice, was garrotted night on Elgin street. . He was st oe insensible and left lying in mi snow, with the thermometer 30° below otherwise if he had lain in the snow much longer he might have been frozen The poor tellow's Sr are ware vey severe, A Store-Meeper i Near St. St. Thomas Meets a Violent Death. HIS BODT be RLED ON TOP OF THE BOILER ERE IT WAS FOUND. St. Thomas, Feb. 9. . 9.~Another most de- plorable crossing accident occurred a about 7 o'clock last night, the victim being Mr. John Doan, who has for many years conducted a general store at Mapleton a, small village a few miles east of St. Thomas, * horse was killed instantly and the cutter smashed to atoms, Search was made for the occupant of the cutter, who could not be found for some time, The unfortunste man was finally discovered on the top of the boiler where he had beep hurled by the force of the collision. Lif extinct when found, ly afterwards, age and leaves a large will be held, © 1B 4 Struck by the Flyer. ONE LONDON MAN KILLED AND ANOTHER BADLY t ANSI RRD A serious acciden 6 cosurred at the Bur- well street crossing "of --_ G. T. B., Lon- raed phen morning, 6th Feb. About 6.45 Me. and his hired mas, Mr, consequence was that train and sleigh came ther, The sleigh was shattered in pie both men thrown out. Mr, Sig- °° gins had his collar bone broken and was otherwise rpjured. Mr. Wilson had his hand crushed, leg injured received three bad scalp wounds, "The railway aa- thorities say the Globe train was ahead of time and was coming down th He was a resident of St. Marys, Chief Secretary for Ireland, Balfour, Speaks. In the British House of mons last &- periels : } if A

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