t& i es fs i® ¥ © ' i. B. Fe (i 4 a a ee Beasts : ' { i : SOUTH EAsSTHOrE _ One of rhe aillest settlers in So outh the other day by an acaident in fe tellion down the stairway. Mr.Jotn Halpin had reached the advanc. of 85 years, and bid fair to last for years to come, but for the accident that was oe cause of hia death. Aged as he was M Hal in naturally had a inne : pin will sadly miss the as old man," SHAKESIPEA Re. Cold weather is the cry. on ia a good _ --nothing a broken thigh, Mrs. Crerar a broken leg, and others ailing with ap troubles. What they term ** Old * has had his tara. He says things did oad look 80 bad this time, as the updertaker -never"gave in call to dr. pe tear over him. One of blackamitha hag fallen heir to sift, is the shape of a young blac Konaith. g D. McFarlane has lost by the hand of deuth, a child two years of age. Mrs Henry Patterson, widow of the late Hy. Patterson, 2od con., N. E. H., died, aged OS years. I m told that Jemmie Patterson, W.-H + far-from--well-at--present. Let us hone 'tec better news next time. AINK ord 4. A Parise Cierse Facr nual meeting' of -the patrous of Stock. 't Daly's heen and butter factory was held ou the afternoon of Monday, the 6th Feb., when disectors for next season were ap- inted as follows : H. Foley, R. Gummoy, ughlin, Moses Ruston, Samuel Kelly, George Brickman, ony.--The DOWNIE. John Murray sold his farm of 50 acres art of lot 8, on 7th concession of Downie, pr R. Wivel, tor On Friday, 21th inst., a conce nder the management of 5. J. 'Kilpatrick, 8. S. No. 6 (Byers) willbe given. J. B, Hunter, late of etahere now of 'Lucknow ; Ed. Richards, of he humorist; Mr. rcanele oh. Elerion, and the Misses Easson, Miss [uj Tilley of Stratford, are be sautel-te assist. Burwwas Ancrments. enders for the building of two stone abutments for a bridge over the Avon, at the place known as Mountain's bridge, 5 miles from St. Marys, will be received the township elerk, Mr. P; Smith, at Tobringvilie, up to Saturday, Feb. 25th. Plans ani speci fications maybe seen on application to the County Road Inspector, at Stratford, Mr. John Corrie. > MORNTNETON. Mr. W. D. Weir ag an important sale on hand on ae 5, con. Mornington, near Milverton. whole ~ the first-class stock and implements belonging to Mr. Richard Attric ome under-the auctionecr's 'hautina, on Tuesday, March the 6th. Pavatian New Resipences,-- Messrs. Hagh Jack and Alexander Murray, of this township, are now cach the possessurs of as handsome residences in this part of the country. were built and recently completed by Mr. Thos. Orr, contractor, of Stratford, who personally superintended the erection, no architect being employed. The satisfac- tory manner in which the work was done and pSAHRA fa ua a BIRTHS, j Jommeoss --In Stratford on the ah tat, the wite | rH: M. Jobmeon, of a mato N at ford, on oa Maker the Lith, ¢ w wits _- sae "Sas C 'anadian Bank of Commun witbWANG=in. 'Listow eh on the Sth inst, the wite of Mr, M. Wildfang, of a son, ZILLIAX. tn Listowel, on Hs EO g., the wife of | Mr Zilita: re HISER RT In F Sth inst.. the wite | r. John ivbert, rh T nt of a daughter. Harton, on the awe isan Se Mr Ate E Wate, or HAMILTON---In Motherwell on J pom 'inst, wife of Mr. Hamifion, ote aaa MORTSON-- ~In aitchel, - baa Sth inst. the wifeof | an ibbert on n the nth inst., the wife ot . Mr yt. Nixon, of a iter. wine MiNGHAM NIXON B om the Tih. inst. . Thomas Wintesing ham, of a daughter BROGDEs in Mitchell, on _ &th inst., the wife ' of Mr. C bo: rogden, a & son--still-born. In Hibbert, on.the 4th inst., the wife salt ghte ter, RY AN Mr. Jotin Ryan, of a daug M. URKEAGES sain oo a tt the ne . oy the Rev. builder, Mitibank, to soatuares M., daughter of A { lobert Poe re anitoba, to Margaret, ter m. Chalnie cllesiey waite GORDON ~At St. Andrew's church, Otta on the Sth ry st., Frederick William White youngest son the Hon. Thomas White, to Kate - leanor, pd in of Mr. James Gordon, of € DEATHS, WAY --At Stratford, on the 10th inst., of dipthere- tie croup, abel, youngest daughter of Mr. John Wa henge 0 BAXTER- ut "Pierce Bridge, N Darlington, Durham, Englan nd, on oe 24th of Jan'y, ase tof the late Jos. Baxter, Henry, Thos speaks well for the abilities of Mr. Orr of thé@éth con a Downi . oe y - s t.J. Barr and Jacob Herr; The report | SPS ' harge. The HALPIX-- At his brother's residence, i of -- Thos. Brown and T, Coughlin ocinting eeintug eoen ofthe ne dwel. South Easth=pe, on ihe th iant.. Sohn a t y satisfactory to the meeting, and Sean was performed co Messrs, Wm. and ac pal nor ~$ 38, 2nd con., "a -H., i showed that the factory had done a coe Chas. Casson, of Stratford ; "tte line of on Wednesday forenoon, Ure 15th, ato orelout ; 's ge em Ramp a mar was also done aatisfactorily and Comme ke ph's church ;/thence to | ; mnnaged chou ble lies toe ibe ot artistically. LACKBURN--At London, Ont., on the morning -£ : . = Mrerixo.--The Board of the Ith inst., Jobn Blackburn, late of Ham ' milk, and the cheese wveraged 1€-70c. per | _Boanv or Hearrn } ; itton, aged St years ceased was father of 4. ! of Health met at Henderson's Hotel, on ah h, of Stratford. ia j . she Batter. wae made doring | May, the 30th of Jan'y, On motion of Messrs,-|-str; ATPORDS, At* pair! oa trees ttord, on the ; : UES; GEE PALE OF POY, OUINE OF-21C. Por bo nd Kines, Mr. Koliman was a 12th inst., debe Htenty Stratford, aged 47 und.; but the meeting decided to manu- | *Teeborn anc aig P* | ANDERSON---On Sunday, t Leth inet. 'at 2 t hectare onty cheese throughout the coming ointed chairman, It was moved by Mr. sadina avenue, Toronto, Jeseph B., Youngest : season, An adjournment was made ous "reeborn, seconded by Mr. Kollman, ost son of David 8. Anderson, comuc tor G. T. B, ¢ April 23rd, when the appointments o the secretary notify the trustees of al oe wie a 'of on --_. the inst, Start ; 'school sections in the township to have > area, OM as eoearar salem cb made end ePtaer wr and co becom: | mee cit ene Boter We, visi one mencement of the summer holidays, and RONINSON--At Nob'e on the 6th Inst., Mr. A. to put in the wells some unslacked lime or = Robinson Chrother of Mr Jas. Robinson, DONEGAL, I + M d Saw-Loos.--Mr, John Wilson is getting charcoal, as it it believed a. great many of pate Fr in Harrington, on 'on the Ish inet., Adam i a large supply of kg and black ash logs to the diseases arise from. the impure water Darling, aged 13 years. i his mill' this winter, farmers $cem to in school wells, -_ woul ad alo ge antec Cone. ain Sitch, on Be af haptic i. realize the fact that Mr. Wilson will do aut fr to eae a oS * 13 of the sant 10 ment . ba - i (¥) 2 ' were, Ik * Tth inst., 4 hem justice By-Law passed under Sec, 9 of the Public pacuinonis, Eien dane, daughter of Mr. T, Deranrep. _-- Mr. A Miller, boot and Health-Act says: " All wells in the Muni- Jennetto, G. T. K., aged 6 years and 6 months, : y pyr ee = this -- 4 Strange, 95 | cinality which are in use, whether such | ---------= arene le was workman, and doing a rissh- eal bli ivate, st i be sleaned # meh fe annem, This tr'goot peng fora | Saeed we Sad ha ot hoe ieee INGERSOLE good man. Come along-- ot Johi ear," -- Carri The. pe nslty for the Mayor Bachanan ine brought action in Cuancep Haxvs.--The 'Doviepal cheese | violation of the above section is $20,00,-- | the Division Court against his late oppon- factory is now owned by Mr, Sam. McAlhs- | Jorix Watsox, Sec'y . of H, ent, Mr. Watterworth, for the penalties 3 rovided by the municipal act for briber tox, who is making ready for:s big season's Counc, Mextise --The coune:] met at Th ti h es i ex-Chief H work. : nd long tots of ilk > - avid mmm bE h e corporation has ea ¢x- e on you may ere silent A C. Ue. enrsc Henderson's hotel, on Monday, Feb, 6th, | Police W ilson_for $100 for fees of the very finest quality. members all present. The minutes of last Te by him and retained for his own i a Bees Fr At meeting were read and-signed, The clerk Wilson disputes the town's right to LEASANT JVENING.--A lew evenings laid before the @duncil an account from the fecs and sets up a claim for $390, being ago Mr. Fred. Holmes entertained about | Mr, Kirk, for gttending arbitration on the | 3 reward offered by the Dc for the ar- a Rd oe sonra tienda to x at Elma drain, which the soance wogia not} rest and conviction of a fire-bug. re = . 8% peop pass, as he was not called on by either the | is a heap of fun abead. themselves in a few hours' dancing, when council or arbitrators. Also a communi Th . e quo warraxto summons to Bsc at all sapere, hoping the we invitation | cation from North Easthope in re a tile Mayor Buch nan for corrupt ces in will be to his wedding... May i machine.--Filed, The reeve was author- | the late slections is returnable at essade Parxren Accmrest.--One ay last week | ized to issue the following orders : Express | Hall on Friday next, The affidavits used a as Miss Mary McComb was on her way to} Co., 35c., charges on rolis, etc. ; M. Kum- | jn sapport of the motion ad the summons a = ; rm; she mi hy ica Moceages. | = mer, $4, 34, oree gravel ; sie am 1, = ~ very voluminous, and 'al personal oO: rozen groun breaking one er | pairing ap ridge ; earso ribery and intimidation. co e Mayor's . arms the wrist, Dr. Rutherford, of 50, Tort lareea's share a cost of arbi. opel ace bay framing affidavits mo re- Milverton, was sent for, and under his| tration of Elma drain ; J. Watson, $4, ex- | ply and will ask for an enlargement to skilful care we are pleased to know she is} penses attending arbitra tion; 8. Lon obtain farther evidence. commission getting on very nicely. $37.50, colleeting tax for 1887; J. Drum- will ert issue to the County Judge to eee en ARS wi de >, 93,55, bk. + tak ' case ~ MILLRANK. Moved by Mr ogg smerny pr yy er point and it "will ikely*be } aay Metnoprist Cucren _Tra-Mgetixc.-- | Campbell, that.the clerk, be cathoctved to | some time before a decision is made, } 2h The tea mee -- ao! in R utherford's procare an order book f eM a the A very serious mere | accident occur hatt-thts Vittag ov tr st Satorda Ist, under the auspices of 'the na chati secon ded b by Mr. Trion that this council do While a party mae ladies and gentlemen : Ses roved a very successful affair, | now prc to meet = the first Monday | were coasting on Wonham street hill, one ; ountiful tatles had been spread by the | in March, to receive the auditors' report, | of the sleighs, on which were seated eight ladies of the congregation, to which ample appoint pathmasters, &c,, and transact | or ten pe e, became 'cominageatte, mim ee was ors by 4 mist gathering in | other business.-- Carried --Jounx Watsox, rr words ran wild, and went over the attendance, er tea, the pastor, Rev. | clerk. embankment rrying its livin: C. Hamilton, took the chair for the even- freight with it, all of ba wee more al" ing, and he filled the position admirably, = LISTOWEL, lees injured. Mr. C. A. Patterson re- adding a pleasant effect to the pe ,. ire broke out on Monday night about ceived the most serious hurts in the breast ment by his courteous and genial m 30 in the rear of the frame blacksmith | andonthehead. Miss Oliver, Mr. Rowatt ddresses were delivered by 'the following _ wagon i : Whi team a ited a and Mr Skiller were also hurt. Rev. gentlemen preseht : Messrs. Legea' inson AD nite, and also ignited @ | ytedical aid was at once summoned, and of Ethel ; Gilpin, of Listowel ; Smith, o of | frame stable owned by A. F,-Lastig Smoke those badly injured are progressing favor inwood, and Py rerun of Mill bank. | ¥4s noticed issuing therefrom, by Mr. Will ably --~ The speeches w argess, and an alarm was at once sound-| 9 °°! = ~--------~--------_-______ and amusing, emg quite appropriate to the | ed. In +< = oer two yoy of oe me 'NORTH EASTHOPE. occasion. Selections of music were given | Conmected to the hydrant in front of Hess) = Mrxrina or Cocxci..--The council met by the choir, which well displayed its Bros.' factory, but owing to lack of steam | on the Gth inst. All present. On motion i abilities curing the evening, A large | tthe waterworks, the buildings, including | of Mr. Falk, seconded by Mr, Stewart, a / feature of the programme was filled by by el tota "ed i not been comunittee sock peieiang the mover and seg- i 2 Se ** Dunbar," who had a most pl water cow urnedon, Had it not been | onder and 'raser, inted to on. the caiinne, wit h his raaines = for the assistance of a pail brigade o detine the ie of the oticala for the voice and splendid abilities as a pee 5 ized by a few of the citizens, the dwel = current ier, The committec in question ; humorist.. Mias Alice Rutherford took | °f Messrs. Lustig and White would certain- reported ecommending the payment of the difficult part of accompanist, and well | ly have been burned. The shops, owned salaries as dellownes Clerk, $130 ; assessor sustained herself at the organ. ers-| by Mr. J. W. Scott, were insured in th 5;- collector, $90; treasurer, $75 ; mainder of the programme cons of a| Mercantile, of Waterloo, for $510, but | auditors, 88 each: members of rd recitation by Miss M. McCulloch, teacher, Messrs, Robinson & White lose about $500 Ith, $2 per day when on duty ; and the of C ill; a duett by Mr. W. A. and -- and Mr, Lustig about $150, and there township engineer $3 per day when em- - Miss Hattie Rutherford; also a song i te also a number of vehicles left in for | ployed as such, The peut wee ie 'as ado ate - the latter lady, and a recitation by Mr. G. repair, none of which were insured. The|n motion of Mr. Fraser, seconded by Thompson. It is neediess to say that all| fire is supposed to be the werk of an in- | Mr, Stewart, A M. Fisher was reappoint parties were -- received, and largely | S¢" ndiary. -- Banner. ed --- iy a motion of Mr, Fraser, * appreciated. ith the usual votes of : eo second r. Stewart, Duncan Forbes g thanks to all concerned, the entertainment | Nort axp Sovtit Pert County bwas re-appointed assessor for the current closed, everybody -- well pleased. "| met A wr ga 3 ee on onoeal ear. Oo motion of Mr. Falk, seconded acsbaiiai meeting @ County Orange ge | by Mr. Cook, Wm. Patterson was. re- ELM of North P was held in the | appoi i : ted collector. On. motion, of Mr, ii Mr. eae pa Previn new teacher, Orange Hall, Listowel, on Tuesday. the at- Falk k, John N. Zinkann was _Te-appointed _f a making ang rapid pe soinere in in his work, and Te tendance being" probably 'the largest over | treasurer. motion o! raser, sec- nvened county meeting: 'fhe fritow= | oaded by Mr, Falk, D Ducat Stewart (con, Mr. Alex. aie ~Aeeds ing officers were elected for the ensuing | 2) was re- appointed township engineer. t tiqueer, wielded the hammer at Mr. ic, >--County Master, 'ee oe A. Burgess, | The auditors' report for the year 1887 was € F dam Meta 8 sale on Saturday last, and B P = giHical i: rR -- oR me and finally audited ee ei in getting ng good prices FERS. 5 AEDs well ; hec. and the clerk was 'instructed to publish a Mr. Dunn, of Attwood, is deta ng @ very Wa a Welch ;-Financial Sec., -T.-E. | fail statement in detail caesesi, tad to : sawiog business this year, having pur- | ";">.* Chap., 'Bro, Geo, Spence; Director | send a copy to each ratepayer in the town. 7 haved the 'timber of Mrs. Bi nan, ot f Ceremonies, Bro Y. Coulter ; Lecturers, | ship, were then opened for the the 12th con., all ef which he is a Adam Strong and Jas: Carson, In- | Avon and Wismer bridges. For the Avon mill in Adtwood, 'he Fao ' Aye were brtkes James Sinclair, $95 ; Conrad Hoff ; rom . London an 'or the W bridge = Pe ae are of our ipa va the invitation from this town being accom- nad' senda ti Hen: rag ta oo OM sini i ames, ---- and enry | panied with a large guaranteed subscription | & J, E. Brown, $345. The tender of the Q oa 180 sic : ednends, list eid celebration. I Brown uot being in accordance im. Millne, carriage i h ™ THE MARKETS. STRATFORD-- White Fall Wheat 'a Th. Ked Fall Wheat, 0 @ 8. je @ 7% @ 72 Onta, proton Fi 4.00 @ 4. per bhi, ey eg Potatoes (bag), 90 Apples (bag 40 @ 75 B, | ton, 6@ "Dresed hoge per ort ) Butter pet &., i @ @ Gi. Leste nad og Fait Whest, | Wheat, ae 2. 73 @ 7. 4.50 @ 5.00. . Peas, 62 @ 0. @ 8.00. Butter, 16 @ 16. Ege is@ 17." See Bese. ge Pork, per cwt.. O.T5-@7 |; LISTOWEL.--Fall Wheat, --Red, 83 @ SO. Fall Wheat-- Whi SO @ SO. Spring Whest, 70 to 75. Peas, 57 @ @ 38. Barley, oe 7% ro } Butter per 5 @ ae Wool, Hay per ton, 4.00 @ 9.00, NEW HOUSE TO LET. OSSESSION givenon thr Feb. Seren rooms, large garden, and good out tities Apply to MRS. GEOWGE HAY, Ontario St. ADVERTISEMENTS, 632- W. D. WEIR, L ICENSED rat CTIONEER sd _ Avpralsar for Sales at s of the Countie German Residenee ; MAIN-ST., MILI ER es _Milverton, Feb, 14, 1853, tended: in ail meet Spoken. VENDERS WANTE D. | TPENDERS will be Received by the Undersigned UP TO FEBRUARY 181, 1888, ph the diferent Trades required for the Erection 3- -Story B ick Building, ted on Wellington street, Strattord, "ion and specifications can be seen at the office EX. ith tN, Arohi ah wee Gil HéSes- informs a a" --_ be obtai ¥ tender not 'apcnemnaity accepted. ALEX> HEPBU RN, JOHN McEWEN, Architect. Proprietor. Stratford, Feb. 1¢th, 188% b NOTICE TO CREDITORS. MARK COLLINS, lated URSUAS T TO R.8.0., Chapter 107 and 4 the City of re Gentle ff, i om oor about the | 2ath da mber, 1887, to send by re. | paid, or acer MESSRS. SMITH & 'wilted ot the said City of Stratford, Solicitors for pine tn WRIGHT and GEORGE HU NTEK, the Executo ft th ni en the said Mark Cellins, decea on fore ti jth day of March, 18%, a statement of their names asd oa d jens ie claims, duly att the securities (if any) held by them ; and furt take t after the said ; 7th = of March, 1888, the said Executors will to distribute the assets of the estator rties thereto, having regard | abe: to wuch -- of which notice has been given as a! he said eo will not be Hable in respect of sald assets to = rson of whose claim the said ee not at time of distri 'buth Dated Stratford, = sone cog 1883. SMITH & WHITE, ~_ Rolie tors for Executors, The Stratford 'Rink Co'y. GRAND |FANCY : DRESS : CARNIVAL, --ON8 THE EVEXING oF -- FRIDAY, FEB. 17TH, 1888. PR T: Zz EBs: Rag yy es 3 CHARACTER Costu ts Tine, 33,00 Fancy Clock ; eee: 2 Gold Pencil. LADIES' CHURRACTER'C Se Prize, $3.00 Perfume Cause ; 2nd, #1 Lou Fancy © Cologne Bottles GIRLS UNDER 12,--I1st Prize, $2.00 Satchel; 2nd $1.50 Satthel . " i , BOYS UNDER 12,--1st Prize, $1.07 Knite; 2nd, TSe. Knife - All in Fancy Dress will be admitted Free upon presenting at the door a ticket giving name ft represented. Testes subject to the approval of the Com- ning a pone 4 mo & previous Carniral winn will ae 'eligible » -- 4 ¢ reserved until 9 p, m, oe those in Costume, BAND. Admission, er Children under 12 years licta. r Two for 25 cta. 'Stratford, 14th ¥eb., 1383, 632. CO. PERTH MUTUAL F. L. CO. ESTASLISURD 1863, BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. nee nen, Merchandise, Manufactories and of Ineurable ee -- og prewtbam note or Cash # P Losers rrourtiy ADJUSTED AXD PAID, BOARD OF DIRECTORS: James Trow, Eaq., M. P., President, Stratf w. cv ohces Boa: Banker, Vice-President, Stract John & ydo, Eas. M.D , Stratford, Director, Thousas Orr, Eaq., Buikter, Stratiord, -- ™ +» Warden of Perth, Me' Hibber Wa. D Day' idson, . Essa. +! Co. ¢ Lada moe, acre ogee double *} bean Real: Estate Bargains. . MONEY! MONEY! At TO LEND ON - GEORGE FORMAN, | Conveyancer, -- Ornce Ur-Srams Oven om or James Comconan's Strous ' ST RET Soke Oner LIFE INSURANCE. enn old fine of a 4h. ors -- LARGE FARMS. ts) 100 from City First-class. , North puehere, 100 acres. it. ile from city lin 23, 12th con., North 'Easthope, 100 acres. nee nie, ADeepe Bille proved, Lot 7, 0th con., Gore of Downle, 100 acres. m ed ror gs000--Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, 12th con., Ellice, 400 acres. Improved. Small Farms and Park Lots. PI rg TO GEO. JRMAN, $1900 ud fi 3, Sth con., Elli actea. Partly a vi Jot 4, Mth ocon., Ejiice, 80 acres. Partly 0 ac tes and Buildings near Water Works, rea and buildings in 8. E. Hope, 2j tniles City $1500--17} acres and buileings in Ellice, 14 miles tron City eer ae aere park lot on Forman avenue, Strat- $500- ry acre park aa o a ee n ---- BUILDING LOTS ! y toGHO. FORMAN. et75--For pi ve front, lot 17, om Palstall st. g100 oe -o choice lots of Mr. Brownlee's, on Apri $130-- ee ry) _ ag st., Miss McAlver's. Hanavan"s survey, next tq e lote, Nos. 514, 515, 324, &e. 'o'y survey, a Chart and Birmingham Streets. $1 each. Two} acre lots on Hibernia and Cale- donia ste, Shartuan's Survey. e200 = axe = on Princess street Lot 8, Red- = tr the 2c choles lots on Queen at., Nos. 341 and $228 s Lot No. 17, 30 Capitaine', Arnold & y. each. choice lote on Albert and Branewic "ke She 16, 17 and 209, Arnold & Robi '3 su g900-- VA Mpsc Mate i # block of 8 lota in Arnold & a « 'eury ey, on, King, College and peets. 1, fomer Nile and e Phipps one = om (4 lots) on corner gies and Avon s' $450 th "te Maron aaa, between Humphrey's ----- and Mr. each--5 <' hoice out in frost of aad @ survey. foe --} acre lots on Douglas 0 each--} ac 73 seo n Dour " eed on Ww: #5 to giou enh 40 Tote in Forman's survey "of O'Donnell eatate, OTHER LOTS in every WARD in ri of Dafton woolen mills. er for 1 acre, includ :t front on north side of yen mye bet ao the Odbert block sad Job 46 i Tees {troniage en Ontario Strect., including next to the $60 ¢ ry te on Ontario st., between Jaa. Kennedy" ¢ store and Livery 'Btable. ree ag HOTEL SITE. Or 9 lots on west side of Downle road, "v0 pion aA Point . Fraser's. 94 F nt Albert st., between Market rh ste., $12 a . in parcels, 217 feet of Lots 203 and rd C m r rear of stores on Ontario st., Graber's te Por' Tivery. ALSO ori BUSINESS 1 PROPERTY Appiy te Geo. Forma HOUSES. Apply to GEO. FORMAN. $1500 7™ That cr of white frame ev _--_ ded by Mr. A. ren 'oasession in pial "sito wed spent Baad 'yapering, ete., in first-class style. ery eas, $900" Mr Brownlce's Netsow st? rooms, store" rik well and cistren ; stable and other outbuildings ; bearing fruit trees, ete $500 Mr. -- house and lot on Victoria v road o Mr. Edward Wilson's, and nearte -* $750 ars Gorrie' a house and ae 53, on $7 Charles # 6 rooms, &c., wi Orr's aoe on co he stone teandation, on (UYU north side of Huron Road, and t front, opposite Redford's $85 0 cash , or $1,000, half cash and balance #10 DO 4 month sill paid, without interest, will buy John Down's 1) storey frame house and summer kitthen, on north side of Douro street in ee -- "ig: MoQuade * house ont lot on Blake Mrs. Nicholson's rag and 2 lots on $300 ew: st., next to Mrs. Lake's. East of rack. 700 Double? frame house north side of Albert 3 tween Front and (Queen Sts. Rents $7 a month. rs. D. A. McDonald's one storey yellow on corner of Nile Stratford ~--_ third house 'eiea St. David 'Street, Shakespear ward. (Tasker's.) $200-down, 6 per ot eh $105 8) Mr. Edgar Macklin's fine ees 7) Cottage. 8 roonr and 2 larg belie with 2 acre lot, on north => Britannia st. Next seer: wen i buy M Mista i's fine two-st: « Wt bu: r. ell's fine $ 3100 Y tie k Residence, on corner a steele: (0 ceupled by Mr. Boag, On worth side of Cambria st., Holmes' one-story that mE red brick house, lately owned by 3 'ait. $3000 3.8! J.& Poste new white brick resi on Nile st., between Mr. Weish's and D. B. Borris late residence. Cost oo 000 The South Side Methodist (now mniernie ae T. ng last, intected on tery. up.in blankets, put him on a -- slex and had bim i in Dr, Hamilton 0 South Porth the Huron i> ve been sent to = -- lodges bad Welli by M be ac- A misinlerstanding heaving atisen for the Avon » seconded Falk, that the yuna of ily. Ebert si ag 3. Salkeld, Lae g ex: Henry Dooring etapa, eave, Downie," oruington, George Rock, 4 in - of agents Ist floer, over Mowat"s Hank, CHAS. PACKERT, Sec.-Treas. _ Stratford, Feb. 15, 1888. WANTED: A Good Servant ~ Mh pol Was. GOR BON Stratford, \y ) 'd 4a8-ly ~ ja-recard be) Any 7 at ie a tennis '8. new houses ert butiding in Romeo word, on Well One at That cod odie he ad lo £4 00 north side of Brunswick st., betw ae and Mr. Wilson's brick. Tanto fies s $350 and $400 Sedat ss atio st, second hopes west of Queen st $550 Frame nouse on south of Albert st., first house of st. On monthly es Green shutters, Dveu; pled by Mr. f S00 inti seinrares crete oe rou t Murphy's grecery, Renita, e That spionded red ick residence aad 5500 Tn i good reomy frame house vettar, - "WORDS. We are gong to sah a " |change in our Business, and want to convert the greater portion of the» Stock into money, and to attain. thal end we wilt -sett-you ail Classes of Winter Goods at Cost, and-tn-"" some cases under, "Tt will pay anyone to buy at this sale for another season's aiear, evCH if are supplied' for. your We will cnrim- erate a few lines. you present needs. Ready-Made CLOTHING ! Overcoats, in Tweed, Irish Frieze, Beavers, Naps, and Worsteds, at $5, $6, $7, and your choice of any Overcoat in the Honse at $8.75. Men's Pants in Tweed and Fancy | Worsted at $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, and your choice for $8.25. Men's Suits, at $5.25, $6.50, $7.25, $8, and your choice of any Suit in the house for $11.50. Men's and Boy's Woollen Under- clothing at Net Mill Prices; all makes and all sizes. Men's Imitation Cape, 7d5e., $l, and $1.25, goods that wére sold at_ $1.25, $1.50, and $2. Boys' Knitted Caps--colors, seal brown and navy blue--10c. each less than the yarn cost: Boys' Collars, 4-ply Linen, sizes 12, 124, 13, and 134, stand-up and turn-down, 10¢. each. Men's Collars, 4-ply Linen, l5c. each, 0 or 2 2 for 25e: ALL THOSE Who are Indebted to us are requested to pay their accounts before the 4th day of February. and save costs, as all accounts remaining unpaid en that date will be handed to D. B. Burritt, 'Esq., Division Court Clerk, for collection, and the costs added thereto. Be on Hand Bright and Early Thursday Morning. First comers always get pick of the Best Values. Terms of Sale, Strictly Cash. Cloth Sold~by the Yard, and Cut Free of Charge-- while you watt. M. Fisher, bridge it was resolved not to sither | vender and to ask for new tende:s, at the ee bridge, on the 13th inst. A by-law was to the 'a ; D. Fisher, do., wp ade N. Zink. amm, de, $4; A.M, Plaker, do, ,and Services in Ssiwi 3 peerage acai 5a Sh 4 John McMillan, do., 812; Dr. Clemens, +¥ MRS. R. R. SMITH, Member of Canadian Boe Society of Music. 8 Of 2h & eh mere 'houses for sale fa ofloe Unk, TOLTON BROS,