Stratford Times, 29 Feb 1888, p. 1

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' Every body" adve Dar-readera must f adyertigements this Ww MARSHAL! q FM mg dale ic, BALD tn Past - tv ixasrox of Mr. lemor Oy Sewiason City nat Btems. me Tits, ya cant of pey It is rmored that Mr, Alf. Harrison, of Mitchell, has skipped and gone to the land pf the free and the home of the runaway. Rey Mr. Ker's incumbency of Lapaecl Church, Mitchell, will close Good . Friday, and he will enter upon his ees 4 ford Easter Sunday The protest pork Mayor Bu chanan, of Ingersoll, has been withdrawn, the mayor is seat, $b conte at for Cua ghr clips ox pophed tbs ou} At Mitchell last week Mr. Thomar Skinner's valuable. stalliap, Dykesdale, died --y, from the barstng of « ra The enitnal was valued at 'Me Gacks Reed farmer, oe has 4 Me. Tianhe ae bell, on behalf of ite prt The liabilities are about $9,000, = the aasets abeut the same. The Conservatives of Shoal Lake, Man., _ not Petre to allow Treasurer Jones to acclamation, and Mr. PD: 4. eal a! Steaslorde | 42S} : Wm. Haslem, ne st a = bad nip whilst court a few days ago. rey pri il ne third nayer will also aes to come ot ed other large Jot of ~ pain np con-TA& tinue to elf oot ar Se. perlb, Call and get some; really tirgt- oa Ww ey laa for Dagadin QR wan view o ou mar ered r the removal of th ik akere ; Er Apa moat 'hat the © Bist o address a peices querry t Sana t Hickson relative to the ion of the Company ii" tie} mater SER SAd tther. He is offering at the re. choice "toheware,. crockery, The ext two weeks Bros, es ral " duced glass, ree ot &4. will glose the ene _. We have receive pig ap gyms rev flectin severely_on -+ G R. qgent gt he! vf vereyson canto! publish Yt until we have made personal enquiry, as it might be the means of doing ¢ thint official a grave .wrorg. "4 railway authorities should instead of rushing into print. * n Wednesday aftertioon last, Lorne, 2 son of Mr. D forbes, North East: a while try cows with n, was 80 unfortunate as to put a bullet show hia right band, by not wing how: to- p n ne dn- strument of destruction. The little fellow sustained « sever isjary, and had to-have the fore finger Peapainiek: rt. Thornton gy Douglas, of St. Ga- thatifes: havéTeased the tore a Monn Street recently occupied by Afra, J Pherson, which they intend to oper. Soa ae brtheiradet thepts cowl Shoes yey fied ' BN Perkcins, Fora pre _ to-his book '* Eli Perkins at Lares, ville pdon writes > "The lite Saee i ST this book may not 4 + the t alsam Gave, fNorth Weil jeaday evening Fe to ee cat nnstlaecates gieee Jenin vie 2.aT ae nt ' ee DS we Oe eerie oe SS 2 it et City Zeal Hews. New. Gag Molder. i THe 9trapiortl Gag Company purpose buildings rew-holde¢ in connection with their works this year, . It is designed to hold 40,000 feet of "gas, or double the amount held by the one-now in use ; it will also differ from the present one by being enclosed, instead of open. The new will be situated on the opposite Danide qf Wetlington street from the works, where 200,000 brick fur use in its erection are now being delivered by Mr. 4 Clark. Rem! Metate C hanges. "Mr. Geo. Forman offera new proper ties for sale in his list in today's TimEs ; Hodd Cope sold mill on Railway ave., y kind of factory, at only as business property. roome: «4 house on Strachan street, near the war ol, a y¥- $825. "ce those choice 6 lots (late 5 Wickerg zall's), next to Mr. Chenoweth's, on corner of . Hay ne Well atreeta, at §250 ; the most growing part of the city ; see under head of * Buil: ling Lots." fA Dleasant Send- ' P We é pT D a the JSt. Oratines" papers "that "quite" ad hutiber of feotlemen an ladies assembled at the Welland house in thab city, on Monday etveting week to pay their regpécts to_ Fence, Thornton and Deanies, agp hee for some years in the eatablishinent of McLaren & Co., who were leaving to ne business in Stratford : an" @njoyva ci Fythe @u@ats o tiro- ceding Cee peteatat With: some valuable souvenira of esteem and gooc wishes. Samer and song whiled an ay the) now busily « ngegod opening upa fine atock of eo in ic Phergon's old stand, ta keet-st "Typ peem to be live, shingtter - BPleasureahle ape a tends and and fellow: 'employ ryees on of Stratfo Tah. arabied ---- a e As rege gevial 'beat ants good eS who did all in their power to entertain,their guests. Songs and music | Snee up the 'tithe, - xu a "very nt evening was spent, for which a yote of thanke was tendered rs. Laren, on ee of Mr. a seconded by Mr. J. Edwards. Selections' oa the "organ and violin by Miss Me ar be age and Messrs. MeTavish antl Mof le, and on the violin, by Mr. C. J. pee formed pleasing features of the € entertainme ent. we oe ettibl b The Late Mrs. John 0, of Guelph. Tt is With tegret that we Chronicle to- day the death of Mrs. Johu Hong. wife of our well-known aad highly citi- zen, Mr. John Hegg? The deccuaea | lady Waé-well known. in social circles in this city. was Ap active member of St. Afdtew's 4 chugch,. and. was a in the many e; | eipn, ao. tion of that « ache pen fof a@.mast.useful por death the congrega- has to mourn the logs Helen Suther- d she was bornjAn "Gidsedw, Scot | slzad Whe n ax years of age she came to this country with her father (the late-Capt Sutherland) and her mother, who a on a farm in the Faisley Bdock,. the 6th of August, 06. ehe-wns nar: ried to Mr. John Hogg, hy whith union Hoge's maiden name was he ve ry nied, but the eover is pretty and F there are, tive of a family Mra. Grassett, the pictures-nre fife like... The -pivture of my 'uncle Considér on the first page is considered a good likeness.: I'presanie the reader recognizes the benadd massive, thick Perkins skuli. at sdft, sweet expression of canvass in my uncle's picture, I--I sat for it myself. I often sit_ or the artists when they want to intro- duce their masterpieces, 1 sit tor all kinds of. pictotes oz landscapes, animals, marine views, amd<-thirlast pictnre I sat for was a farm yard scene. It bing ar poo a 'pious farmer feeding his gees Henry Ward sher he sat for the farmer, while I sat for the rest of the picture.' ate Perkins' lec Wit and I 15th. Plan of hall at C, E -- => the die | me SARV 13--In Stratford, on the 22nd inat., H. G.T.R., of a Li srr In Stratford, on the 12th im inst., "the wife of Mr. 3. Cy Tt. BAER BLOONO wits" ay con. 6, Wallace, wuee Inst, The wife of Mr. Chas. Wilkin, of a son. is waist te Palmerston, on ~ - int, ChE PRE 227 ok aenetrses on the 15th inst.. apa it Ag Wael RE ees Py RARER ule wide saine Susp ad Hae tant', ate ne MU Sr mo DOWELL--Tn L Listox ele aay a ety SAY ce , EB. Nasmyth's. Jarvis; Mrs. Conolly, Muntreal ; and Mi 48 Kateat reget John at home,and David N best goods meithant, 'Stratford The de. ed has shed brothers surviving, Rev. De 'Sutherland, Toronto ; Geo. Sutherland, and Dr, Sutherland, Edin- ' Hogg-has 'been ailing since Juty last with afi affection of the -heart. Hee mxpy friests, for a while, were hope- ful that ashe would recover, 'put as time wore on ie becatne' painfully evident- that she hat not tong to remain.trere, and her departure at tive o'clock on en though nat ubloo for; was -keenly fe It by the family and friends of the deceased, Pa @ blank.ipher large cittla efsctiaint ande.-- Gulp, Me reury. The Uridfallows ahd Separate Schools, in the Oddfellows" block, but failed" in ther property for parate S tposes. They ps ens uncil AS oe "~ ---« RE SEPARATE SCHOOL TAX. Lam of opinion that_the property af a Sexes be 7 ts 'tenant' @ho had and Spegplpr bat who. He left Fi paket in event ign ne peop ma eit, a rig a pele cane of ra a ing ager ot Mowat who was bound b on ee he. fe me tt we d and has left + think the Tand i ia held Tor tie Separate a cyt shaver member. i {community at large a_y alued friand. Mrs, | STRATFORD, ONT., "WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY aad 1888, chase. He _| sorbed the businesaof Mr, Donald MuBath, rcGenaiee pee) ta pu NBAR--STEVENS--In cn om ths 15th asin Ray, M.A. Milve r. 5 Mid ml ES = eas the teidence of the Fog Bora hy x Marshall, whe ant, ee JACOBS--8ANDERSO' af FR ARS 4 eres ia iF. A = of Mr. both tet 2 tmposett Te strane § See ec 4 of the Separate' Schools Act Act the 4o " &e., aS must mean machinery t s farnizhed leads ~Jist asseased-for aed there is nothing to -- and selieve from ane son of Mr A. Mainwaring' CRON eset' {ast Mort wipe PL. oe : awed 72 yoda: | Late. She Flossie, intapt Larsomg of Mr, A.M "ail of Melita, ormerthy cede nC eas a. sobs 4c " ie ti ie a i oe tag Lote eras mt emir ie ize, om the 80k Mary, relies Pes Ts £2; " pych{omeming when : deal of diffcu tbe a should want to evold thie by tout of it and Labret "his paying the 'rafe, ana it might be well. to have: the law made ¢ clear m that frpies Be eater vy Rug a think 1 ease : wn -- ~ ' fas eisee: Tine oF cheien .tollet soaps from yu ey ts if Penh) 3 oan - rs Py divin -beaning-put this view, and-L - ak ton att : Site 4 =i} peenott , ane Bis. Ten eee pweinag ee ae) enna thee veal * eh be erie wit » NOE City Lorar ews. Viste to thé G, T. Bs 'Shope, The Mayor and members of the city Finance Committee visited the néw 6. T. R. shops on Thursday afternoon last. They found tne works in a forward condi- tion and rapidly bejng pushed to comple- tion, The company hate requested pay- ment of the balance the first cain viz., 340,000, Mr, T, showed the visitors" at the whole works, and - hour was pleasantly and mortatly apent. The workmen wete busy as bees sad did not eye thé visitors = picid suspic ion displeasare. ayor was in his usnal " good s sivits," crated jokes, etc,, with the men and Ad. Tretheway re marked that, as His Worship was always the s way, therefore hea muat Consider hin "preseregd ! Well, ought to he by this time. or Mr. Abraham's New Furniture Warcroomis. As the readers of Tuz 1imes are fully awere Mr. Johoston Abraham has again embarked in the furniture business, and from all appearances he seems determi se al! his former. efforts in that faving purchased that large and commodious 3-storey 'building on Ontario e '* Demer had it completely over- hauled from,cellary to garret and, he haa plenty of room to show off and atore his goods.on the firs§ amd second floors while the rear ground floor gives him first-class working apartments, am com: mences business with everything in his line. wew and modern. No old, shopworn, second-haad goods, but every line fresh and new from " Lest. facturiea in the Dominion, He call special atten- to his wally handsome parlor bed-room ~ suites, fit adorn the handsomest hayees in the land, and at prices which place them within reach road | any person in cumstances. Abra 1 a4 ab~ A visit "te Mr. new etoye means.a pur picture framer and «fancy wood worker, and, haying secured his services, this will be a special branch in hig business. Tie Times prophecies that within a few months. Mr Abrahstn will find fis jt almost onal: tothe beat times he had during hia past 25 years' successful business career in this city. Collegiate Institute Butertainment. The ettertsintment in the city hall'on Friday evening "fast, given b 'the Gelle- giate Institate pupits, was well attentied, and proved succesful = throttgh. good programme had be pte ded, in eich excellent local hace we 1 displayed themsetrek. A large onmber of students took part in several choruses, forming '= leading featurt-of t @~entertainment. Piano duetty by" the Misaés | Alexander and Ab vaad violin duetts. by the Misses pe 'and Bennoch vere well re- evi by audience,.and, in: fact,-en+ cores were in vores throughout the whole |, programmi Searff executed -a very ple: asing ian solo. citations. by- highly geatifving, and showed g tional abilities Mr. T.-O*Hagan, aks ae gave several 'readings, with: good , etiect, This gentieman:has the power ofimitating: | diferent languages to g) x on °F riday evening inade a weary favorable | inspression. 6n trit:heaters. Dr, MeLelian; who was introduced by Mr.-Craly, M. A., gave an-abie addreds on the advantages of higher education for the werking classes, Although: the Driexcuset himself. on ac. count of: recent itfranse, hin address was both interesting and edifying. After rotes ef thanks to Dr. McLellan aad Mr, O Hagan, the entertainment renee with "God Savethe oem." AO ype re gn uae tie * : Sir. thiod! Vi Ltey, 'of "Fitice, was united iA nfxtriage; by dew D. Deaton, "tn the Home MGnoriat Charch, this dty, on the tSth fnst.; to Miss Isa bella E E., eldest}, saree of Mr. Wm. Tanver,"of 'Powhie. Ar number of friends ahd others wi the pleasiig cerémon ak "The bride with néatty krrkyed id # pi with cream sitk lace He 7 ee Her" --In a fit of screaming (pretended) imdig.. nation last wetk, the Acrald asked. the qaestion, '1s Stratford the Paradise of Prostitites and Thiev e632" It theh weot on tomake base apd {qundetionless charges againet the Chairmay.of the-Relief,-Com- mitteey (Tyk-Tives cannot answer the Herl®y véry pertinent question, a8 to the first gaag mentioned. beyond. this, Has foumd. 'Ato the other atide atfa ble wi jects "mrentioned, itis trué there has been a large emigration from Strathroy lately, but we vever heard that the new comers were thieves, but tlat the newspaper repre- sentatives are liars, slanderers and hypo- crites, is well known to everybody, and in inany instances these are a worse class of citizens than thieves, because the law can get hold of the latter, whilst the former ean go scot free. The " kids" are better able to anawer their own question them- selves than other persons in the tom- munity ! Suicide at Toronto. J, B, LAWLOR, INSURANCE INSPECTOR, SHQOTS HIiMSELY Toronto, Feb, 24. A groas sensation was caused in 'the Rosain House this morning, when it beaame known that one of the -~ mg suicided, When Thos. Moray, M. B.+7P., af Pembrok e,,came down, to br ey Be he informed the clerk thet he thought he heard a shot in a ream adjoin- ing his about two o'elook this morning... A tnessenger.was at once dispatched to. the rogm, and found, the door. locked. The boy then climbed over-the door through the 'fa t, 4nd opened the door from pit tish, on entering was hestified to o aed the body of the occupant teed on the be & Ipvolvar ek ge a ballet tle. wr yl ie ah juet aboxé the ie peo oie in. The isdy? = Bpector, of ihe Leon & dancasbire In, ; Pepis 13th. ingt, Several lets =o wete lyipg onthe table, ana. addressed || Me, Irish, which reads as followe;--' I a "you. a few, words e giumaaslod for what I am about to Ave, ase. bees in, findacial sigiantiet for ook time past... } t Fis to negotiste Wis ae in are 4o carry, meover, m a tieg,, but hate failed in doing so. trom the east stat Rian = creditors have entered uit he Sh post 40 ceived lette several rae Against oi 5 te $6 'Arkh Jou Wil¥kindly mi a ty af 'T want her to: sean eae Keues Thiy Wile, Please do thir and "you wilt eller a: stavot'or a heart} 'titan at p-broken, Arkell; T Esther et. petty; Mra d, tot; Vartkleek Hilly Ont. inves Tiawtot, St. Johitst G+ Cla rencd WY; 'Yoong: Merchants *Bank, Stratford - B. Hall Brown, Standard Lanéaster Life: Asstivaites "Co, 'Mor Deéedsed tras avalh: 'Hnetook ng man about 30 cael of age .. Sir Joba at t the Revival. . fl GRgAT INTSREAT TAeER. ny xun via TON, PREMIER 15 THE SMKVICES. Ar, OTTA _, Ottawa, pew ft 2t:--The-revival ser- combucted by Rev. Mr.: Huriter sand ae Hi the past six weeks thodist Chargh .bere |, . te have, brgug Kiva close. to-night,, | iearces ae nal een 4a the, pn sot {60 eae, dows to tea t the residence of the trite's father, = Downie, whew thétistal'good Wishés w exteaded'ta the: rappy couples: Tar Timas veh poe * wt * ae ree a Fully reedeoreat ot te ils "Tie Fe folar meeting of the vlty ait fre nakt aH, Madey eyenlis Ota + o gront, . . ycbhe fact that,Sir John. and iy Mac. herasbere attend) ed | ot -chareh eon Wate Dot an: . ropaerving. ed- when, in-answer to r , tte by.» LH that-att-who--wishet-to become & ve "Wo sree. B: Tawi foram et vier: Max, --, beet your yon a J ee Bi Wan Ging THE MAXWELL BoNes HUNTERS. PARIS COUNCIL Pars gaat miata JN ITs OW "diy. One day 'last December' t @ citizens of Stratford -- Jalerroed 2 'mysterious eee acgregot, Ald. Scrimgeopr - ant Gi Saljcuse idipgtoa had qyiedy | ne on rH t for the east. red to apie where. they mom)" hin the word, A conn of days after ai ; afew c¢ e gathering of | ca all ansions. re Se we '| some hesitat: : entleman rot said he his shops to Stratford, ey 3 hac -- we Seta #0 por rtant that accompanied mig¢o dr ahd Mr. Idingtori hé ns visited' Pari "and they a ooked throtigh the 'works' hd talked the triatter ofef with Mr. Maxell: 'That hima he tad no' dotbt hecould promise him a free site, sheinpeiots of eo fren water, etc. Mr, § eour and i, Mata | gave. sinitlie ipforination. Mr, Maxwell tH St. Thomas' Wad' offered "hint that im cmatter, anil see peared' to be "averse to tig: a darge 'comniltted of 'councillors and citi-* cag te confer, 'with Mr. yor acgregor 'was chair- man of thin admitted The 'mBave may be called chapter t: A here 'tolled by ind Jasith rswing 'near a close w heh "May regor' one' diy: handed * tira to his sic: ecssor inoftice; Mayor nel er, tharay'h€ #ax Mayor he wonkd' chairmai of the' Maxwell cottimittee: letters read as fo ato was * Paris, Ont, a 2th, 1887: aLford : was Mac The = ovebent tins it would n me "apa Pepe Pet can 'quick asgive, me Yours. pralne Day: MAXWELL... - JM, ' Paris. ont, Jan, pone 1838. Stratford |: A ; better | e UDavIp ee Mayor Baer stowed iad Vaiterto 4 seve tal members ormcil who were "on thie eommitiflens wud oe if belt advice! was that othe t and titizens, and 'see z, tome' defihite |! anderstanding ' c6uld"n arrived "at: This was done, and 86 ab ended chapter: If. The' teply' ftom' ME thee was' that he-wettld be hereon & certain' 'Gate day, the 27th of Janta: ' n accotdiinte with the abbvé é, Mt. MT well 'and asta! wart son visited & trkttotd: Sharp on 'time (2'f. Mm.) the todueil 'ahd' «: latge number of*' tizens Met them in 'the cotneil' chamber. Mr Maxwell wad keked what kind of "entouta rae ae wanted.' bed ty, he Wishell to works Ware? Tt ani 'He chad' cbt 'Cup, : eit of 5 or 10 acres, mé ea Me "Max Welt would Hot listen' oment fg tero b. W Fee aa ' he and 52000 be i your vied. 9 ou that hey Game, Tey Bow, Pep rece) teNing him ['T have to be |' eanrutorics: ak 'The v of xp yers in othe year of Sl Steele know ow fnach fy y wotild | Rive Pe Eh cade of hig ais f he' people Here tof Prone exemption of' tasee 'atid free water were fw it Ste te "ibirstacg Ye teem 2 'ge rt BEs: wroatiz end mi amar io. --_ ut > ett shows -the Maxealls have am = dander up, ane a AS their in- Bence the: he Editor Mayor' 's chair--owhen bis time & a os months hence | citizems are asked --" the ~ Yallowing clipping from the Parte:Councdl proceedings taken from the Herein c~ From the clerk of the city council of Stratford was read . Maxwell; tks there. That corporation, * stated, might have offered Mr. Maxwell a. free site éxeniption, "a ne sytn bonus-hunterg, -- ich applet 'they be. " ¢ following "ostation was tnoved by | Mr: JH. Fisher, Reeve, secofided by Mr. Ai H. Baird, Depaty- Reeve. Whereas, this council bas recétved "the resolution from the council'of the tity af Stratford, whieh Naa fast been read! re- ferring: to Mr. Maxwell, of thie "town." And, whereas, the Mayor of Stratford ty the editor of Tux Srkatronp Tietts, and' published in his paper of the 8th inst.| an article referring to Mr. Maxwell, ooo of the sald peper- have beer 'rece several members of wheveas, the disinterested and thoughsiul Stratford council. did not imform thie.cor- ; poration of their ay thyn-w ith Baris or of se opigion of Mr, tax well antil after, éra, | lieve; applies to rom. Bt... a3 .appenra = the 2or-, betuceen him and St. ae. --_ correspondence has never been \ erred. to in Paria by Mr..Mexwell to: snight,.. And, whereas, Mr, Max, <i ig... a man of wellknown prebity, truthfuloges _and-honor,-- Thia, copneil, therefore, believes thas the... - 2 ipali t - cipality, .. iat to., the aed thers the. een ise wag li camplic., 'and the Sb. Fompuens \atower: an oiler raat a power. 'which after ue Macneil me oe ata Baird. Rrenecirery in, mpatter- thought it. i Aa, the ner the council * "to pass resolution jeveting the atlro took-exveprion, haWever, "to tha' oe strtictibin of the tase live ich, He! come"! sidered, daghtto Bé mi ignified In tone," _as'becaine 4 public bé sosases Mord] An of W $8 ews vite' 'the ete hed of ote ee, a a "will "be*of good' serviced' io 'hint 'during 'bis 'term ' of "offfed. xwelfa. Or uy Letit wilt ast get: Wee liands into th tie tax pt een' Batis acti f sine oi' ty Yen jreopts ta thin' oft: bt dor f hk eS v in wt trad me Gh) ' me can inten: mere pr 'Some | fy em 'waa - " mT sible" 'Stratford a at a5 ag, 'well, it 'seal 2!-2:., Yue seth ee a wt rar eee os, ih he iE 5" cil Wrest siaee 45,B eee Late agg: wise ' wating, rel sect aie" wore ae

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