ace vasa ventana ao ' a fbn om an cat within ave minutes. anore the challenged Jaietaizink. Ala around the table. Speaking ef anyt hing 'connected with stady (Anglice, 'talking shop") is tabooed at the Kneipa , If any _tion'--C pede ee tied. Rist Sia Rratgepor Gore 'Wire, " gcronant, sailed ¢ ae a airin July, acer plage, Hdtone treet dirfirk ' 'hones, Ft a one ventures to také a solitary swig ne is forthedit mpelied to draln a fall pase "df He health of fhe cotppans ge erally proper cotirse fs ani some Ohé élaé, at the same -tmts specify- ing the quantity the drinker proposes to iri bey The peoey Lis bopad ad accept, the ge, Which he may co) with a dae or. some | ance away," sO a ra t the ger is bound. ta drink ce within'the oext five mintites the quantity he has named, and i prin it chther tail in his obligation xoomimnithication is the result. tint the chationged party may not he content | sintply to juakos the ehalle: rage, Stirred | with noble ardor he may 'go hicher," doubling the quantity watt The chal- lenger may do Th®-gainé, and so en until | the total quantity teaches « maxbnamyof | eight tankards, which arm drunk off alter- } nately, ono by one, with. an, intery al ot tw five beer .minuicy between cach: beer drunk by the challenged -"in ah sponse' is not allowed a 'double debt pa " Probably sone. craven sdnl in the past | devined the plan of saving lia brains and his pocket by making the same beer which he drank in response tO "One person also serve the purpose'of a challenge to an- other. 'This 4s "strictJ)$ forbidden by the codé (abder thé usual penalty), thless, indeed, the original' challecyer: has used the words in die welt schieken ('to pass around") in which case A drinks to B; B, with the beet with, which he respends. to A, drinks also to G.... 6, ling ta B, @rigks simul: Abecusly to D, and: so fo all" one gitends in tht calle to ardet) by.tbe sarcastic remark set one or other of the company. "Ge- lehe: You_leas 2) Tis wental c Ob mexely as ravukp~ but a challenge tothe dinette. 'the Weapons be- ing, nepal, beer tankards, . The perso re Oekea* seas gs rfl siunply. accept the' chailemge 'Anis odes he is bound, to do 'or he may retort with the still more tsi insinnation, "Doctor!" (You're, inay be Tigh, With» <4 pare hey &, professoy,"? . an finalig, anal denc a are. of all * Peaperett? » itm u per Sachinsults.os these crm caektiaty 'only' be wiped sat with--beer;-wid according to the gravity of the offense the Rreate r is The he gg wir er lot' winks learn & o a Ey peers, ¢ man can be wiped ont with yalt a. aici ard; but "doctor ogee A whole tank- ard, jtiprefesetrr,'" is} She J motkine gs AD = tankards will re- t hunt Png te mee eae set eb Nt n Spite. D* Petey, Chooses "x secon: Thine sete Hed: 'and the second: of hechatvnger "makes: the weapon equai,*' e-isel hae the beer stants at the same lobe fh, beth)... The Bescon of! thie phal-. aged party gives the words:'"Ohasp your~ weapaaw= {The combatants ca their pens ig "Kno: (hiey Kn theny | Th, ABO Shans. Ready... va TAlse enn co thety Is; nO: ye ptaensd (T thin ati brig i 'them: Covert were upda.the table, thie" one. who Tires vetiies tankard:f emphiasl. bela: the winner. if nar a the edt bert ante hak'no$ frilshed His fatter: a ten theuans Ne) minutes rphill Magazines: oh ket $, Con. 3, $ manner he is. promptly 4 ¢ eager yii+ s?'@upuion - "Bale "of. Fatm. 'Btock, es Bite. pan he tlie to 13%, -- 15, it has inst rr is valuadie gost. Jngiapeentn AUCTION SALE, yu undersigned has WEIR, Atittioneer, to sel! Mereiogton r Milverton, om instructed Mr V abd im ip ane ents; also a Ty cher e Thveshl ne Machine abd wT yeer Engine RICHARD ATTRIDGE Proprivtor cree yx tse 'AUCTION SALE. MM» PAID Ww CLARK, Lot 41, Gon, 3, North hope, will dispose of his Farm Stock an | iaplecvente, on Thureday, March Sth, at 3% pies oon. arti | of eg tered Horses Weli-beed Catt iA ° i, amd poicenions No reserve a@ r, Clark has rented his farm. W. 8. cow AX, b, W. CLARK, = P Auctionéer, toprietor. AUCTION SALE --or-- ok has received instructions a "rigurity FAMEX, ucttey ot €, 4 nit, on Thar o bear oa peas pe ete 'amoriay Pane Ye creer more apie 7m repeirto Stace sah Unreserved 'action 8: FARMAES en Erin , W. A CORA tt? Rar re a wing suTporesd 44 be us galt, Stogr. hyeary voids 7 Heifers "yearling St Wro farveste rT, (ne Jobaleighe, (new): voubie, warnee Sing San, & a va Barat Her artich ser up t F TERMS :--9 months vrpletiog apprpved, joint nates fe sconnt t-3 . per Acre im eredit on 'all cums over #5, AY. jig COWAN, PETBR = NE, | - AUCTION SALE --o8-~ "AND AMPLEMENTS. cf A ry | bee Aone pa He aia Sar iF "3 ts ni Con, ot th Pa er, a and C edar, and can be eas! eee Wider eo Ri varies," welt br There are et note ot we Wheatcown ont ne plage ainder of the © mn itipas! -- ah ena t--piem ets Developthent of the Fishing Vessel. veseels. ot our nea in early ay times we yomty from n the Prenifes ftmg Rete mendes as 'Ore moll wR teed anal: fone, hoding de it inAn tate. otter kts t main 'on her 'retire at / tt ye 5. COWAN by ares Aut sone on bis ea bs ides, eh eee J. BU RKE, Proprietor. dD. a, Bary Her Avetion, Pare eStock and Implements! ta sall by Fobiy , the follow ing valusbie jo Taal TEKMs!--10 months' credit on All sunis over &5 sur ph: nthe aye f j pars | tata" t to sell by ahligenmiaacin tay eon. 4 hope, on Saturday, March 17th, 1553, os 1 oCloek | sharp, the 2 2 2 Mares, eal, & Comp, mignt Tron Thwill Be Gore without reverve ag tha proprietor is. rt reo | and | REAL .ESTATE, FARM STOCK ne PE. ARSON ies wf ~eat ot R containing 100 hic 5 acres of which ia cleared--the rent rater is tairnt fowp Timbe ; she. cag Wy. Peat ro teal ey xg eG pare et Fy BRU, im- sap Frys ia¥. art bale, the. STRATFORD,' ONT. LIFE INSURANCE. SSESSNENT SYSTEM, it less than hal? the ARS tof the oki scat scp "LARGE : FARMS. ¥ $700 Lot 10, poe owe (Deaper) 00 from. Cit te "foe's UD ees Saint ar First-«laas. f limits, on Huron Small Farme and. Park Lots. APPLY TO ha FoRMAw. PT REIW TET, Stree wre, Pay improved, §1400--E 4 lot 4, 3th con., Ellice, @ acres. { improves Partly $180.2) acres and Halldivige near Water Works, Atrationt. @1X®~-17; acres and buileings in Ellice, 14 miles from City g300--11 acre park ct. on Fotman averwe, Strat- ford * Also land 2 acre Lote. uaeeed. Morme sod 'Mare. snd BUILDING LOTS ! Apply toGEO. FORMAN, $250! Each. -- e -- lots in one block on care ro, Bay and Well st,, to Mr. Tnenanstone "Spniee Ward, late Neit rereell ord 52 tect fron , fot 17, on Palstaff # of -M ag 6 cho 'aay Je x. eantahe on won st. ~ v3 ow Bay st., Hanavan's survey, next to 000 each. acre lots, Nos. S14, $15, ¥ Gin. peal ou Chturch and Bieminghaui Ree 91%) eac rg "Two Sacre w=4 on Hibernia and Cale- ja sta., Sharman 's Surve on Pyiuces streeh Lot 8, Red- - fags son 3 hont s survey. carling Helfers ; 10 weil-bred Ewes with Law; 1 000 for the 2 choice lots 08 Queen st, Nos. 341 and ; - " ole Looe Sle. tie rsd eee ere Arnold & Kot aeons harvey =" ¢Winter's.) eer} ; BAER BEANS 41 26---- 3 Ontai ' , 1 Wheel Plough, Easex Contre, (nearly new), | ----_ = port "i --a " MoE en ar ten 11 ne eM a an sf der ten s ; ' 3 209, Arn ingle Busy, Lumber Wagzrov, 1 Hay Hack, 1 pe See Oe pth ig d ae rol Kack, an wd several other articles too numerous 9000 For Mes. » Monteith: '# block of 8 ote in Armoid & Robinson' * survey, on Kinw, College and Tate atrecta, 250-+ Lot T, corner'Nile and Rebucta » enh; The sear pearonaes 4 a Soop 'on corner < o we of: , ajop aed aes Meche wef * tes tach--5< ap cae: en se surrey. each-- "goon Te lota on Dough ot on ward. ¥: to #100 Cpe 40 lots In Furinen's survey estate, gq Also 300 0 Oren Lots } in every WARD in CITY 500% Avene with £ sore re of ag for any kind o a factory d-storey briek block, So teat trom now Sal Ly oy Mr, are Campbell as such, 9 ry etoee Plougt.,Kactory io ~ da rear $2200.77 Duttoq p mye ms, ' f.dwetttece and stables ni ¢ oot, W0teek front on north side of: Ontario sae gop, tba, Odbert block, aud john t aoe Oe ext te the hall Seana --42 feet on Ontario at., thee 2X Feet. Fvuet. f a and Waterloo sta, at a $12 a a fret in parcels. 217 + tot at Tots 903 abd Oritario wt. ie Wear Uraber's rst take $3 Werkant lveey. _ OHOTCR: BTR SITES. Usk PROPBETY. "Apply "EOUSHS: am road, Metweed Humphrey's reg chal eat aap O'Donnel $15 ad & Cullen's old 'null ed Hable Te Sa¢e04" allen' Steam Furniture Factory, be alte es nearly ve reed Windvor hotel. whitahte Tany kind of nstety. Over 1° pcre, nchuniong the | Gibwon' stor, a " 10 leet ate ot! Oritaric' Street; Thietuaine : the Carte ri erie tgp and Livery Sta romt aye 'Cobotiry Tear of stores on side nie reed, $25 F mating Meat ey té De sty tii res 'ce Fo ace, bi eo GEO, FORMAN. 5 piarey-Hamye--Louse on + S925 ot Ter of ae et Pen a. Lot 42, Lizas's pe pate yest Shikespeare "ward st . "FP rao, 'viens 1 ouwilation ahd veellar, (ext south of Mi. Ban a. $1300 Mr. 'eitate het new, white painted 1} ~~ tivy Ive tong b alt Bn Wee | tee tore, {raliie Rotae at '12 Iota on Brgyle d paricntars ou May of fi ay iat ma 4G a Pike del Be Alsoyat tiie same tithe inet Aha tp YI yy tin Sars shops. 7 pints * en The-pe dl Bicck and jpplemagte nr 1 ia A ae "itor rooms, hal * el eta an ta and 'pantries, including 4 hed ¢ we rt oorh: gave :to a bomapgit a and jib, and the mi pe ae-8 14002 Ti Bina, rite "teatne residehce on vessel ssi retaining this pointed stern, a is Del! i > jer eit and' Pron' st., bern: L empe Ix ts ae figeey-y anday the fishing ves- sels sathttg-ont bf Mhacaeedhe first oO masted schooners rancing from class tw and still Ro Bt vessels afloat. first class fis! cote vessel ¢ pr e$ a Bkip- or Fis ix Paitin ate at | it fs* Apt binky rs ta cas¢ vetag HS eyrs eedeinad ws hipped phe ism ae as perfectly famitfay hs the skipper hth- self with g¥¢ty) ayAnngr; Ofy} coast and banks fishing,ae well aa with: every con- ceivable « AS Brahe tat OF Se: "The en ta the, tte. nts ie es seetit vided 'tx bre kh Loreto th Woaatad here is no always ar ay seamen in me caste, no food, treatment or fellowship; eat sf ski WE be ridi- etinto off the s tabi table ie ger to trek butt, ont tl biscuit and coffee lark bes! fale Eeertgul yey gane eful ording i Ayes se te ity Pople atitdjag jon) Many o te 'Vesdels, larze ean of ie are kept for the spe ea resh on a m3 thrid rear, Ares spehevenbpa ex a 'a toll =e gers and f paces dapiships en dured; no pag i or an: POP TL thin ve on ponte on Reeord. works famed 129%, Jefietson-conntr, NY, --s straight line bp? NOES Ee Taetd eka m St. Louis, Of., betta ty, igs, : f, the many eB Ta BP | Ine" balon-ont of aeditect course. inte "en bs J the a ee Dot 8 sont: Phe average crew for a isotict and Rabertninl Pee Rlerlecpy, wild hpayre. in ny t ayeT ATATIMI Ylosaly DRIRWOAT. FEY'S. MARCH: 35 bag ontaned Cheah Bote os OPE OP WIT ANB " apnitsaros; tee: seven oe ees ti se pos 6: ree | Le Saf wea wet wy Somer, orn dr GITY. reba dobose ATRATEORD, | wala i pind tym ras pe &- " Zonta ns ise ene ota #100 injaly peat awl papeting; et., in, Aret-claws style. Very gary te | S000 3 Broirs 7 a good L, ay frawe house 0 roots re collar, Liick sate and: wther uthuiiduns ; beating i wit tres ' Cy ushines; prided Sine wnvics tet all pumwover $105) @ = Mr, Punters hepse naa it on be sh hetagoagt aad under, faa water hein OO, trot te Me! Been! Wilkon's, a JOUN PEARSON, Ay Ga! neat. house, lot 68, Kthaioneet, 'Sr __ Proprtvtrhx,. S 750 Mr. Gortaly 6 tapma, Fes is ---- its 1 2 seb trae osttnce, store Petndiathob skarH FOUN Dak side of Mluront Sand and sist ric ose wPenbie. 3 pepe Rogtorte HE OwARR CAN HAVE IT OF ARPLY ENG a Down's 1} bthrey trimpe Gouve dt 8 iD a Thee Soprie , and payitie tor titte-ad- $800 2 oe rad dhl rths Bors Binns porth side a jverttece of le Porous * ™| $300 amnctrae yeaa men hex £. 4 IO H 10B: ICB: z $ 700. Leia trame house house tiorth bie of Aibert bene Undersigned 'has 23 takin a lane stock of amp trun the Little Lakes, to enpply bis} oe v2 ry aii rlorey Yellow customers hext aummer, $600 corner of Kile Steattord, Pet. Iss. BES: SLEET. 4 ,, wrcobckapeet SY" meee sod saakat SOE.OZ $3590 Bet oa erie sad Wserys TIORSHS WAIT DDD: R Lande P| ee et ee . bu hee-ot | RP yields, 20e., GAR TR Ui" Cust wRle "St P Gi oe ramet tts yea year Ot. | sszestosa street, ubind-bomse {rom 8. Ln soreet 5 satir t WW ema' po a "7 ~ e Ps ) ey a sili , ~¥ marta 4 Bi oo ee ae =e "ane? STOCK oO sd oa wot HAY ING BOG; NT THE "iw ovis > soared | ot tay qasds Son peeves) Bar 993 av BAN TRUS DB: 'Min eet! asad Deak fare an Fore? & 'Co), "Mitéhet!; i Ip Toronto at Gc. on the dollar, 5 Wil vl for the reo 4% Bm pase Tae aaah Sebring yi al! PRICES "NEVES "Berane EQUALLED: wo late Sad eatitloce yourseives thas |< Stns, Goons AE HALF-PRICE: : Seaeenaers 7 enger. ' ~ a: | ecuapat, Merch jaa iy, Daves hock : s The gustom of | AOE TN | a yn 3 With oPARnon.! each manele singing, foo Bene ie phergte care: gina oP UD sp his giass,':enma almoet a wetotal observ }Conveyancen,.: Land,» & . ; a hy, Bh ton oe a bo AGEL 5T TE phn rae eet inti | OPRre Crtrxrms Re a Coscosan's In.all.the, Latest Styles, Having' had 25 -years' experience in the istics' in this city, 7' hope to be again fay ored with the very Liberal Patronage'extended in the: past. Ivhave Purchased the Stock ok.of Mouldings, Bicture Frames, etc., McBETH, and have engaged his services. reputation as a First-Class Wood-Worker is well known' to the 'This Branch will be.a.Specialty in my from Mr. DONALT) ublic in this usiness- Ontario-Street, STRATFORD. NEW - = saction. JOHNSTON ABRAHAM, { Late-of the Firm of t Sanibel & Abrahs am.) NITURE WAREROOMS | THE UNDERSIGNED takes, pleasure in shotanhixe to his Old: Friends of Stratford and surrounding country, and to the public gensrally that-he has opened his NEW FURNITURE WAREROOMS, Inthe Store recently Purchased by him and Refitted, formerly known as the DAMER Block; on the North Side of Ontario Street, / midway between, the Post Office and the Court.H With an entirely New Stock of Furniture, comprising Everything j in the' 'Lille, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining-Ro Room and Kitchen Furniture and at Prices to suit the times. teller it we We Ouse, His | Shaxerpgare ward. (Taaker's,) $200 down, balance. | Mn r art "ain PoRpex: y Rise " ee "etna ees i! » raat "4 $4 Dilcenontnantemmadtsie nea with 2 acre bg apig ede dext BLE PERKIN! 3," 4 $3100 wa aan on 5 Seas os cdr wane Da: Laren, tA dh oats fag tRNA jet eee ' 0% ye On north side of Cambria st, Hoimedt | 2-- The Greatest med 3 5 élgy-- Winter lingers in the lap of Sire ing, and to sell thé fei Ww inter Goads Fir Caps and tz. Alen's Overcoats. 'your own Pricés. woul? buy then. --s $4, aw amt and'a'like bd of Glotes at the. same. price. ------0- we have t left. = The Yellow" Front. : UC ANC ANIONS | There are 3 Men's You can have them at} Also, about 2 doz. Kontted Caps. Loc. cach | 2 a ts "Men's heavy Wool Scx--about 2-doz. pairs "SPRING GOODS! Men's and Boys' Overalls in Duck, Cotton- ade.and Denim ; also. by the yard: * Shirting in Cambric;' English, Oxford and |® Canadian 'Checks and 'Stripes. Our Spring 'Tweeds, Worsteds.and Cassi- ns Nev ew 7 Cutter, Mr. J. Ex SANAGAN,. Commences' Work the' 1st of' March, when he will 'be pleased to see "all 'his' old Priends and Pat atrons. 'WE VE. SURPASSED 3 os git askin decid aperdss moi seen bef before. meres are arriving fast, phy Colorings: Nob-| ¥ by Patterns. a Ail. dar former efforts 'this Spring. in.. buying. a: stosk| > for the Yellow: Front, which' for ta¥iety.. atid "ee quantity the like: has never been." _--)* 7 eeu 'are Invited - to.-Call and' TRépesiy) WB UHBES you wish: to buy. or not: - Ng TROUBLE: TO 4 TO SHOW: GOODS. Pollers for: 'Prade:. _Market-st.. Srattord.. 'SBall Value. Givers. - sina P-- er none sorter serena ee teed: oe dn-Quart-P Pint ents: Th 2 b he eet poe a + oe &/ PREPARED PAINTS} 2 'Over 80 Different : Colors, in. Gans* "of! Gallon, Half-Gallion, Quart, 'Pint, eda and Half-Rint Sizes! =| CARRIAGE 3 eee ees ae Cans. ere a | We. have. just funei ped 6 a Pull: Assortment of Fe THE twee RKBTS oe) tush. TS ve Se) Eee '< i% ie, One 4 43: B Sea 3 ovr 4 Ds a eo, Ostmeal per bbl wd 6.50. Pots a Ducks -per a0 302 Chie each, 5 ta 100. i ae 3.00 Le Lota' 200 pA adn J MITCHELL Fall. W Vheat, 78 ¢@ 8d, . 00 Pi a Baas "we moose ough # te. Pork, perowt. 76.75 @ ListoWet,-- rat What cred, Vite, 80 @ BO Spring Wheil, Peas, 57.49 00. -Ontey 06 @ 365 Barley, ee, Le Tate Fate 5 oP 2.50, Bet Le oo a a Viny per ton, #00 gi = Pork. pth re woul, 3 @ a. t¥ "{ ---- + aee + 8T.-MARTB--Pat Wheat | Spring Whest, au spr roe: ri a rH congue bah we pec eas 4 ey Apples a wo eat e, ae B oe vaesd ie Ys ten, Boe Pee eres ji > rs $5 aii | » ; wr ae 3 ~ Ea. I f ae) a Be ois ara wew "80008: th February The Modical Hall. a 'NASMYTH. & 60: ; ee ee SIGHT, BELL xn TRURERONE Sea a GEIS eeepc ES HR N@ | PMGRG 4 = Pig 8g BR: RMN 0 a tam ya ieeis Ete eI