Stratford Times, 7 Mar 1888, p. 2

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et {79 fs up r ~ the 5 NER cuarewame. ___| GOTHAM'S .WHARF*RATS. Toren tO a Ope mrtg ncnngtareses. sm - eer _= How ba Indians pp reserye Thety Besetty| the ball I fights at Paso del 1 cormances ot | the 'fivemet History in ngs, Montly of I cme said that se family histories adie exploit @f a Texas cow ber po 4 MEN WHO LIVE BY STEALING FROM Fall fee and ewent ot ra iT who 8 ver Jy eal i bOCKS AND SHIPS, reguiated by the female. side of the-house, was cheered to the echo by the Bea case and gay tablet and this assertion would seem ta indicate packed audience who filled every nook in And dainty, dangling vinaigretia' that they have awa of preserving bis-'the vast amphithea' net | Prender Hidden. Thieves Who "GMB Who Are Able to Elude, the Police. =. arte os Selling the Loot. i ot famit seetiié (6 glare at ine - ogee ai great city like New York contains here. th Alas nese f In one unearthly, endless can many pes who live by violating our Bf And inecks me with his cal dina ap Jves, and these people are divided into bian Iudians probably excel all others on Upon my lady's chatelain meme. Od groups, each having a distinctive pur- ntinent ; One of these groups in- In front of their wooden houses are: front of New York, and often seen tall poles, sometimes towering ion can be founda two or three times as high as their little performa in the River's Bed. tories, a rare culture-among the North lagged-a little aud the bulls Would not at are Papert. Dives "andCA merican tidiaines: Pts assertion ie-tane,tiirst fight in. spite.of all x) so though the historical information anaes do. One or fwo of the bulls, vad ng been unsuccessfully worried and y facts is in carvings, mostly of eo, without working them up to the | chain, ~ her chatelaine. ~~ "x ring some silver thing, 1, kan and British Colum- ously driven out of the arena, and a one, full of fight and fairly hetoateag with rage, had just been turned into the 'amphithe atre, when sa Texan cowboy who was present announced that far and glery o ple the cor 3 rome of its own He nesties on her willowy waias, eats si the etter r With erlmson girdle interlaced ; = as lie would ride the bull > nowhere in our cis " each breath and sigh and sta ° é P " ap is legs ti r the id feats each: fic : : sia more deg graded class = criminals. The one-story bh aud carved on the outer With his wed around the animal's ¢ feals each fluttering of ber heart, rom bottom to top. These are called neck and his face to the tail, if they w ould And still his weird and wien. face en » known to the police and sg ae ong first throw the bull so that he co: 1 from without the creamy lace br the we nts tele men on the ships as 'wharf "totem "pa es, and are nothing but long z pase > that he could ge That clusters on ber silken dross The 2 title is certs alt sly well chosen, Sections of the tall trees of the country, :4 is legs pr raperly around aud um lerneati And maps her precious loveliness, miners and Which, after bei ng carved on one side, are, the animal's neck Ott-46-the- amie ne-ny-and-free--- tly ¥ » plac di nh front of. their houses. rom al Efe was at cues tak n at his word, at ud ; li inte fllncs t rod : ster marke--the-rilage-ol--the mauntes ven " xican bull fi ex "oot { ! meee water m mark om the hadthe animal lassoed 4 The = om ane Wt i up boy 3s live i vd ney then had himsel€ fixe ag in the - om, C1 1 tra 2 anniness *°"* i ad Be now per feetdy No right dk rk "a ME from he Pw pi ct a "tay pees front fraric loose. . To the I wish that I his ; Je wee OM the u Lett of a bag of coffee ora coi] fron ' ie Oswing upon her cf . --twe (OL rope than the ave rage peraon wold : ule well a as & wont hm . nt aud the intense iad J © chat { { 1 Lo ran dani vat hin. are of tl mest t tnee, the animal wv 1 Soctety, ram a Christmas present, shot at Ip, Are ¢ n : pacientes = y While stealing from aA pay arco tin and each totem pi je UNal : » att cowbow off, VISIT Se ae -- jump Into the river, sink out ie an cd represent ation of who not 4) veld on 4 kevt his peril- 1 To THE SEGUI . SCHOOL, - of sight i rl re,'OUSs seat, bat after son wild plunges je surface undet the Pre tectin whart. succeeded by soine metus in manipulating t's horns and head in suc 'r that he something About the Instigatian Where Feeble Minded Children Are Tr alned, x not wou é led L dey hi z expe If wont When avert ving the 'unfurtr ure. ' : sn was th own dren bern p «tl chil- ler the pier until bight comes alo mg, sed one i dd >| Derterrner ; Uy tad mentaHy unde- when confederates take them aw tom to top, like so many imps of Satan) gung mas sou it woul lL seem that there is~ little The must conspic nous of: all he ' : wharf trying to reach the sky climlfng on Texan t > be done for inmany instances pars of New ¥ ork Buckshot Taylor. tp ef each other. Those kaiowing the Wonderful niece of darin a their mind isa blank. They are brought ye has carried several Toads of bue Leh subject best saypthese totem poles are, nd exceeded anythin ne tothe -Segnin achesk showlng--allthe. in fis iess-and-back andt-one-side of his Senenlogical ~ records' or far ily trees | Me xies ins.--Cor. Globe- De mocr at. errible signs of idiocy; unable to articn- face is also disfignred because of his un- Generally two are in freer of cick howse. ----------_--_------ one for the man and oheYor tke woman ! but where there is only one it bel nigs, as hinted, to the woman, or the ais family history These Indians are divided, socially, i': claus, of more.or less aristocratic pretc.. --_ and each clan is named after some venast, bird, fish or reptile, which they. have Htde need of the safeguards carviats rs are supposed to represent. Thus, aiiiae ently provided upon the coasts of to take the totem pole of the woman, the their country. 'The miut, which was es- late coherently, without a ray of a gence, not knowing howto use feet o Japan's Marveloas Progress. The lighthouse syste iificent monument of s maintained, it should ne ver be for en, for the benefit ef humanity at large, and swith a narrow view to Japan's selfish since the, home keeping navi- -- ved acquaintance with a shotgun. aylor never steals rope or coffee unless hands, and with mouths hanging open ake is hard up, His spnstatte | isthe theft During the life of the late Dr. Edouard | of bars of lea He is as wideawake as a ~Jeguin he made idiocy a study and ue lynx altera snowfall, and always knows ante tho first successful teachsz of chil-!\jere to look for his plunder. Taylor tren whose mental and phyateal develop Me ill dive under a wharf and fasten an end iment had been arrested, His definition 'o¢ thin wire rope to one of the rafters locy is "Au arrested development of 'Then, with the other end in his bad, he body and mind, or both, and not an at wii) sneak on board a lead laden schooner sence or paralysis of the intellectual fac- and fasten the wire to his plunder. in is truly 2 mag- siritand liberality, vatt "Sts, An- carving at the top represents the clan to|tablished nearly twenty years ago, partly alties, The idiot = an infant whose mind, 'other wharf rat keeps watch while this is Which-she belongs, as the raven, wolf orto obtain relief from the inconveniences of and often his bodily have re- jing done. If the coast is clear the loot Whale clan, and by a stretch of the imag: a foreign metallic currency, and partly to mained in the rs me condition, = he js dropped into the water, where it sinks ination the beast, or what not, can secure the prestige which belongs to an can be succesaf pies ats wining out of sight. Then the thief, who is as thade ont of the sculpture, in most hide- lindependent national coinage, gives char- sim ucted, than that much at home in the water as on the 08 caricature, however. The next below |acteristic evidence of artistic taste as well of $8 that of her mother, and so on down onjas mechanical dexterity, the gold and into an active and intelligent ch jurae, under the wharf where the wire is t#¢ Woman's side until the grass is reached | silver tokens being pronounced by connois- A morning passed among the ten chil- fastened to the rafters. One of the -- y {a some ancient female ancestor, each one!<eurs superior in beauty of design, and at dren now under i age yw in the Seguin pars of lead will net from $3 to $4 at any changing with the clan to which they be-\Jeast equal in workmaaship, to those of school convinces.on how much can be one of the junk shops which abound alone . longed, and sometimes tHey are repeated | lany other country. Telegraphs unite done in feaatiiin ices these poor creatures the river front. If Buckshot Taylor steals consecutively many times, as-one wolf orjeyery part of the islands, and it is worth into normal children; those who have here two or a week during the Gosfsh following 'another like a pack of| iin to mention are wherever foreigners ander tuition for two or three Te spring; st pune and autumn months he wroreee ora string of fish. well, or are Likely to penetrate, uot even petuliar; are ry a CAGE fouls his , for all he cares for is a little The man's totem begins with himself!o doe Mt are ects to # tolearn, and have so altered in their ex- goog ple Au et_~ Similar to that of his spouse, byt here tre languages--a mark of co pression as not to be recognized" as the ms of tobacco, similarity ceases; for instead of continuing found nor looked for in le same beings. Mrs. Seguin says Three RIMINALS OF LOW TYPE. backwards on his father's side, to keep Up |The postoffice enjoys a of my pon and those not the most prom- * ackahos Taylor is the best known of the resemblance, each recurring totem is) especailed, even ad ee ter three the wharf rats, but t undreds an hixmother' s side, and representing the| western tations. (With one exception it years a Tnstruction, been rout ored chi "fallow ti" his footsteps. ~ As a rule ane to which she and her female ances-!js the ae stit@tion of its kind the re- thatone has 've va -- of high x 'they commit no greater crime than petty tors belonged, making both of the totem ceipts of which 'often so far exceed the utation," and is DZ Kor larceny. The majority of the wharf rats, Poles and their numerous carvings repre-|expenses ax to contribute means among' children of. excelle nt intellectual do their work at night and move about on 8€2¢ only the many clans to which the the revenues of the state.--Atlar ability; anoth®r made a European tour ithe water in row boats. Their specialty Women belonged, with single excep-; without an especial attendant, and @ js'the stealing of rope, which is an article tion of the one noted, vss stands for the | thifd, "tinder" extraordinary "difficulties, + jeasy to dispose of to junkmen who do! "lord of creation' in the honsehold before! has become a most lovable and interesting}, yciness with shipmasters, If chased by) whose door the totem pole rears its quaint} child." 'the harbor police they abandon their beat and curious -earved-column,--Frederick MY th ir : " The first lesson in the morning was jonq swim, under cover of the darkness, to age said the foreman of a leading counting and making change with money, places of refuge under the wharves. Some tsaietaencaimensstcapasStoaaa se rm. 'I have learned that so much is which was accomplished readily by the of tiese ealave makes @ apecialty of using Wheat Harvest in Rusia. eines! that shines as gold that I can only pupils somewhat advanced, All kinds of augers, and. boring. through. the 'look on the world's splendor as clinquant, coins were laid on the table, and these ie of the docks and into the sugar| tr gaa basa ae estgnnas © ¥ Of-hoilow sham. Even when the genuine were distributed in different sums, which jarrelg that have been unloaded from) | Amer ica, except in o matter of cap openig 3 gold, plucked from the bowels scholars counted and made change | jj 54 They empty the sugar into bags sbeafs. Instead of three or four top of rich Potosi and set with gems of purest with as requested. and fi then dispose of it when the pace |Sheafs a one is ---- It is turned ray serene, adorns fair throat, or rounded An exercise in articulation and reading | ity offer a -- down and spre as to cover the arm, or tapering finger, it only produces a illustrated how those feeyye minded people | al these wharf rats do not carr theiz|< utire stack. The heads of of 'Russian wheat sentiment of for the hypocrisy of were taught to talk and contro! the voice. '})under to the stores along South & eee 'long and slender and the grain small human nature. Exercises in writing with a pen and on Went treeta, In some c tk * ler is| jand red. It would be graded at Duluthor| 'Let me illustrate: It has been for some followed. 'The aye ee eee aaa ene eee ee ee ces | nee at No. The straw is rank aud time a favorite fad with young men in As. ilar, but 4fic by which the ordinary infant is oe | land, dives ont of sight, coming up, Hypocrisy of a Love Token, "T have become a hopeless cynic from teen years' experience as Schwatka in Demorest's Monthly, woo, in w hich art, i¢'miyht be mentioned! proper fighting point, had been i i ¢ the deena f- We have jus* received a a Full Assortment ie PREPARED PAINTS é Over 30 Different Golors, Gallon, Half-Gallon, Quart, Pint, and Half-Pint Sizes! ALSO CARRIAGE PAINTS, In Quart, Pint and Half-Pint: Cans. W. & F. WORKMAN. EYE GLASSES! COLORED ° GLASSES, FROM 25c. TO $2.00, -~-A T'-- N. A. BOSWORTE'S, 17 MARKET STREET, STRATFORD. J. R. WILLIAMSON & CO., Exclusive Merchant Tailors, Hatters and Drapers, 95 aE Be STREET. aontnee (0); SPRING IMPORTS Are beginning to arrive and will be complete by the toth of March. Our Importations this Seasen will embrace the Finest Collection of Fine Suitings, Fine Trowserings and Fine Overcoatings, _ We have ever shown, and will be found in every respect up to their usual high grade of excellence. JR. WIhLsaeSCr & CO. "you CAN BUY anne : matky, and--in-other-eases-the stender; ant the yield 1 ttle more prolitic- society -when one -hecomes-engnged-to-pre-- and hands and Bagh a be mane a vate 4 are too well known to risk tne S| than in petals, It is harvested and sent his tances with sb jeweled bracelet, use kis hunile~to string beads, to button by carrying the stolen goods in the street |sown in the same month, August. When which the jeweler rivets on the wrist so his boots and dress himself. Object les- -- ndly junkmen WHI this deficiency.|tne wheat is sufficiently matured it 1s|that it cannot be slipped off. This is sup- sons of many kinds are gone through, There is @ band of jankmen that goes hauled on long, slender, one horse wagons | posed to be a token of the eternal bondage and personal attention is given from wharf to wharf in boats and buys olc |to the windmill on rg ag and threshed. | of the wearer to the donor and a perpetual teacher until there is the Gateai results. stuffs from the captains of ships. Some-) Han uling wheat to t thresher is a reminder of fidelity. But in a day or two 'There are five expert teachers for ten times these junkmen have something to te isurely ang tay work, al is -- done the young lady receives a note from the puplls in the school. os at kn aw _-- of rope, anchor chains anditijt the plow und it jeweler requesting her tg call. When she Geograghy is taught by maps which at pulley blocks. The wharf rats await the uecupies. The s artedioniil which pear he does so she is shown a secret spring, towether. each state forming @ sepa: coming of these junkmen, and in -- Tithe frail power for the threshing is the whereby she can put aside the bond at piece. The child learns the shape of ma dain: gharves make their sales/same found throughout Holland and Ger- will." 'And I bave observed,"' added + where it bel Habe h of atolets property. One shipmaster basse many. It is donble armed, the same as the Jeweler, hat although the fatr lad state am ates = teas Bs - "sa de © the rope and other stuff stolen from|the one Don Quixote set out to conquer. nate making -- of the spring _scaapir wenger og inn teteten onl another shin. and 30 a isa der ob These mills are very common around War- Ne es pte coe to find. _ secret of it T ne knitting train the cye and steady the ened ba the eteeteate for t e plan er ob-lsaw, in Pt Sarai che eee oa aor 4 Philadelphia Press. hands. <A little fellow 6 years old drew gyccimens of our civilizati on have very crs at ® little courage and are of a sneaky dis- position, Once in a while they Co an honest day's work in unloading boats, but 8 it isonly when Inck goes against them and when they must wfk or starve. THEIN METHOD OF LIVING, In the summer months the whaet ratal® ing en coffee, churning and washing | Gen. Grant's denen sige with them. The slightest breeze sets "Sart " oris told me how he asked Ge a oe Se ee eS fall Grant for the young tag" s (Nellie's) hand. aan This wenents, hownver, vo be the With all the awe of an Englishman for f ppears, "tho ee of a state he was invited to din- ay eboe saving institution found in t the White House, knowing what im. After dinner the ipresident Jed the way to'the billiard room and offered him a -- 'Then,' sai boats and birds with colored chalks black ; four months age he cou put on his shoes nor control his hand to button them. It requires several months to teach feeble minded child that what he does is of consequence arid will be appreciated. He is so sensitive that he ts apt to cry it. fooked at, and to tremble if heis tou ched in passing. From this pitiable condition he is brought toa --- of -- assu- -- skill, f m, id- | i. aan a landlord why he did not Intro-! duce the modern implements on his f. and was informed t cheap; besides, it was found advantageous to give as many people "Tn be the coun- try as possible, because if go to towns or cities they ene teciibiescane! It will not be till the serfs leave the farms that Russia will have modern improve- (, roe win 'and not till then will she com pete © y great extent with the United States | = pron oi the wheat markets of Europe. --St. Petersburg Cor. New York Mail and in the daytime upon. the docks. few of them who steal at night sneak be oy the summer excursions of local so- ial clubs, and when they are stupid from om Ee Sartoris, 'I knew my tim me, waited fend hoped the president would ¢ help me, but not a word did he 7 sat silent, looking at me. I hesitated and fidgeted and _-- and tone I woum sink through the floor. nally, I ex- laimedin desperation: nt, I want to marry daughter."'? It took a mai that to Gen. Giant, but doubtless | the boldness recom- mended him , for Sartoris sarried off the \prize. Badeau's Memoirs. a (they find themselves penniless they sweep . ut the ginmills that line the river front, th beaten 1 ed oe _New str with the dime they get ae their labor |¢ York Evenin ee Oe PEP jbay coffee and cakes. fish from om ostean 'the ends of the piers, and it they catch a 'string of fish have no trouble in obtaining 'a quarter from the liquor store proprie- are doubtless |tors, who offer "'fine fish chowder"' free gshoremen to Carlosities of Magnetiam. Express. Most well informed people are that the globe on which they live as an inducement for Stein tism, but com ispemul five cents for beer or ten cents for idea of the | whisky. uarter_of a dol ilong way with a river my for next to be satisfaction Chicago's Cheap Restaurant. "I do most of my business in the last ek ent of the week--Eriday and raat nd d waiets fe the proprietor-of a-cheap t s rere in the neighborhood of some eal we would deprive hier of his a eopbys wt with: the largest mercantile houses in the city, oUt that he w be lonesome in a crowd, "Do you account for that?" { and crowded In a wilderness, and w ould jseek what he-had lost and find it tok, Poy wae man with a hobby that hé Vaiue of a Hobby. If we ave. Sonate Fi yemapie ig oy a Ld sie | an he have Poni fortune divide -- the' h ' "ipaniona who have ill luc In_ this way the proceeds of a day's plunder will make few days of t A te. gp Pager Ws Best have peeaty ot eam Eh so Fass go to the shigh priced places for their meals. Along labout' compat or Friday most of them 'are nearly out of money, so they have to a happy man; but 4 the hobby chien him, the business will suffer sooner or later. The man without a + abby will be found in the club room, the billiard room, orcard room. The hobbyist, with his loft of pigeo: is bird ekins or eggs, bugs or beetles, takes more substantial ness eu houses in winter. not courage to pick pockets or steal from} get a --THE-- Best Canadian Refined COAL O IL --FOR----- 15 CENTS PER GALLON WALSH - BROS,' The Place for Bargains. 'W. H. ROBERTS, Watchmaker, - Jeweller, Ete., Has a Larger Variety this year than ever before, of 'Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewellery, Speotacles, Fancy Goods, Books, Stationery, "Toys, Xmas. Cards, and a variety of Goods too numerous to mention, all suitable for the HOLI DAY | SEASON. '= Call and see ak eis a variety I have got, and what Bargains we are giving. Spectacles to suit all sights. "Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery llery Repaired and Warranted, at r .. WW. HL. ROBERTS'. : " iretrench, Thenhey come here for their! is in the: the stands outside a little} urda bulk! than .all the members of the resisted ia the headlong rustr of the train; |money in the winter by begging... It-is|'ns. DY Satunlay noon I have the highest. toned ee ante city combined. whereas in the latter case it istundisturbed. [nyt easy to steal from the docks a the} ay think it t argues pretty welt for these | Besides that, home and Dame Nature is strange effect of ogre ah jwinter, and so 90 ae cent. of the young fellows," added t taurateur, /#!l the. id to him and all - heaven he O R A N' a pao aa lf ont tanga peinaientid ed a hav ae ¢ the ns best they ean WOU ET ke fet that he Borel say some- over Siplies to. Ve Wade's Fib ae = Tee reruns theme-to tee the weter-ana/tuing in favor of his patrons--'jt_arga bo gees aueteee cae fie under -stte- eat ee mites ti -- he 3 ¢ bel SeLLOWS pte i: will, i it rowel of the train is bow " b These asia} ithey would rather come down, a noteh Ih | A western gentus tas-an_inrention their methods of thieving. itheir living than up the stylish bill jhe calls-an ant!-railroad collisioner. -- se- |rats have a great horror o€policemen, and, | pach er consists of a train of cats with of fare and run in debt aie it or steal to less until regulated. The magnetism gen-/even when not guilty of any recent crime,! erated a the the flight a = train may be said 1 eee away foun the Wier of the bi blue ne Heep it up.""--Chicago Herald. Tailroad track attached, passing over it tobe in proportion to the speed with which | ¢oa A tew of the ti ver crOoRs Pecome ase ea mane Tae PRY EI f and down at either end, near enough to iis propel and abe delicate parte of a fpratesional burglars side Precocity in Children Undesirable. conhéect with the main" track, 50 that on numbering all the from 400 to sneak thieves. Many,of them tire ot their). Precocity is undesirable in every way. meeting a train ft directly over in 1 and ularly susceptible to "hard experience and ship before the mast, précocious chifd m. perfect safety, or if oné comes up in the this inflftence by reason of the hammering | Fand a naxneus fied death in of its parents, and still more of i rear it passes over in same way.-- ; |New York get. ithe i fleld. --New York Accountant. There is a bookkeeper da Maw York! Broken of His Rest. wire factory who has terely to glance at! Brown--What inakes yon look so sleepy" broadsides of ee eed Popenpose ose epee You ee +hat This This Wine was made for me from Selected Grapes by -- one of 'the Best Wine Makers m the Province. It is- absabitely Foire, Piast Rus: Wise s¢ ine Dees : can sell it for about the same Price that Mixed Wines x of Inferior Quality are seld for by Parties from the Large Cities whe Solieit Orders here. ; v2 JAMES CORCORAN. -- Stratiord, Dec. 19th, 1686. in Cans of 2 FINE SPECTACLES! '

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