2 lei! OO EGER aS Ye a Robertson, oa coming home found his wife absent.and * NEW ADV EEE PE RENTS. A. C. SHAW, B. A. PARRrereEs, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, himself in his wife's bandit in which = red of uf = ---- is intended to destroy herse a Zurther stated ~ nee wate would be found -- the F h being institut- ed the wines was ah sane at the brink "ot the Falls, It was thought the woman wae dead, as she had thrown herseif from the lookout place at the millover the preci- pice of the Falls, fifty five feet below, After falling on the ice she rolled over to the brink of a hole in 4 ice where the water ia ut 20 feet deep. Had she fallen auto this hole she would Sone been drown- wd, an it has.eacaped with a few gevious bruises and perhaps a broken fib or is she o Awo, It is supposed she was peering ander Somporery demetua at the tit BIRTHS. CASH In Strath st on March Srd, 1235, the wife om Mr. A, Case, 0 a, KENG,.~le Downie, on the ath uit., the wife of Mr. Marshall H ng, of a» . RRO 19 se ape hm the 29 nit, the wife of Mr. P. Keogh, of a dauchter (still-born RERK---In Mi cehel teh ri sith ult.. t wife of Mr W herr, of a son, MceMASTELS--fo Mitehet, on the-2 ay , the wife of be dastecs, . a son sn, ota a dane cht . , on tye sth ult., om, form wrly of I egy * fe fa sdn the, wife of of . the wife of Me *~o Zist ult., the wife of - Lester of mentcHuL, = rane on 'the sar ules the wife of 4 Mr. H. MeoNichol, of a son. OPPER--In Wa lace, on the 2th ult., the wife 'ot Barnet Opper, of a MoCUTCHEN--In Listowel, o1 the ith ult.. the vite of Wm. Metutehen, of a daughte ; ut. meee IGES. Davis. _PAVIDSO t the residence af the heide's tather. Poceaen meat iarperhay, ou the cath ult. by Rev. W. Da grand: father o Me wrod via, " jeweller { t F. a Mite hell, 6 Mazic, deuyuter of Alex. Davidetr, » KELL AR McLACHLAN--At the residence of the bride's patents, ou the vsth ult, " Rew P. Soot ©. Donald McKeitar,.to Ay i ta, ehdert Jaughter of Mr sald McLa 1 of vert. DEATHS. HISL ea ah --_ Suihaye, | on the Srdinst., Mary fialop, wife c . David Histo "4 aged me wee DUS NEL t,--In North Easthope, on the 2oth ult., Simon 0 Donnell, ared 69 years, HOW In Pallarton, ee Jane ey be- wife of Davi aged 59 years, 11 months and 4 days, --_ ca Logan, on oe th ult., Robt. Henry, L435 9 ee a 10 day Last eK--In tohell, on the 23rd ult = iam Mel tig ght son of Mr. Willian: Lx ster, ged om 5 4s x. In Coboury, on the 28th uly. bed fa: --* of Mrs. La Edwards, of Sitehell a Mu SRING. Mint Drayton, on ponney f Mr. A. Uinning ult , Sasi te bel ig wile aged 21 "enter Ls Elms, on 29th ult., Mary Ginlet, aged @ith 1 iit, 1, aged 0 yea A$ Britton, on the 26th ult, John G6 ee none of the late Thos. Ale 2 yeare and 9 mont woDaEs a Maple villa, Gore strect, Stratford, ¢ of Mr. ¢ 6th iza Hodges, aged 79 years. The tea will take Aeoke ~ a, re ednesday) at 4 . m. for Avondale Ce Maguie, ' THE M. IRKETS. --_ ATFORD--White Fall -% Hed Fall W @ 50. Boring Wheat os . ei Peas. when - Fall Ww 'beat, "aw. fF 4.5 ult is {tay 00 ef 1.00 Rare: "pork, per cw LIstTow Wheat ¥ ~Red, TEL.--Fall W hea 80 @ ' 20 Saree Wheat, White; 40 @ SF a 4. ous, Pour hs er cut., s cord long, 3.00 @s val, D ST. MARYS--Fali Wi heat per Sipeisns Wheat, 80 «@ 80. righ de Oats 40 4@ 2. bush, 80 @ 80. t's eg @e 74. Flour 2.00 Potatoes per tag, 90 00 Appice per rr ree SO Eggs per doz, 15 @ 1 Ss pee hb 1S - 16 I 'cogs, dressed, we? per BD, 21 @ 2. Hay perton, 8.00 @o 2.0: wl NEW ADVEI RTISEMENTS, WwW. 8. Cowan's "a List of Sales. steweasat; March 8. DWw.c rk, Lot 43, Con. 3, N. Paathope, Stock and Rabb ena ng Parmar, March 9, P. J. Burke, Lot 13, Con. 13, Downle, Stock and Im its, 'Trensvar, March 15th, W. J. Oddy, lot 4, con. 12, Downie, stock and iny Sarvupar, March 17, Easthope, Stock and Change of Business. JOHN McINTYRE os ee Sarena 48, Con. 4, No ane tte Our Mr. B. W. ZIEMANN, Bag) meg he' the New | Shakespeare ward; (Tasker's.) $200 down, balance ; PLEASU announcing to old | York éutti will i Mitchel t every cant . 4 ne and ieee the Citizens of | Saturday Saturday take ode cutting. $1050 Mr. atm gah or nein Fos earned Brick a J acre lot, on north sideof Brittannia st. Next pial gna ree0 business ustner Bros |ssi0c sc Fske: "3 = Messrs. H Market street, in Mr. 8. $ white Residence, on corner of oper taace ee oe (Occupied by Mr. Boag, 7 'The best brande of Family Flour, always in| SEBRINGVILLE axp MITCHELL. | @-, sect Cambria bid stock, All kinds of Osta, Peas, Barley, Corn, Chep T pace Roagtnatgrar py og ag roned pry oe Shorts, en everything in -house, lately owned by Mr. Tail. os CITY OF STRATFORD. | $3000 jth trira"toreea tas SEEDS, SEEDS. ste $1000 Fer Sess San ethos (nw up He will keep in stock the best kinds of Seed Se, ee ee een ee SIO Sede Se ee a oe LOTS_FOR SALE. $BSU BH. Dowaghy's neat house and stable - a -- and lot.on south side pf Ontario street, orders promptly filled. a second house west from King street . JOHN McINTYRE. at ae $1200 Any of Geo ag eof new houres Remember Stand--nest te to Larkworthy' | venient Se # Row build! Remeo word, mancher Shep. "4 T Locomotive sponta teaby Set bo st., on quarterly on One 0b 3005. Stratford, March 5, 1588, + OSStt Fava ; $1700 ™ bouss and lot $48 on MBSE: 2 avorable Terms ; drill shed and Mr. Wilson's brick. Rents $16 a co MARSHALL'S SURVEY, Twn.) merer + prec NOTICE is hereby gi that Section 2. Township 6, Range 10, West of the Prin cipal Meridian, + is in the Coal District, will be offered public sale will be one fifth In eash at the = baianeein four afial annus! carn «i th interest at the rate of G Lute cent. EH Real Estate Bargains. MONEY! MONEY! At 6 PER CENT. next Post Office, Stratford. gan on Property, at Six Per 'Cont, DOG POLSON ING. M*,%¥ we BATTERSHALL will pay o as will por to the yor i pers who patvoned his Dog about two reward 15 "\peratterd March 5, WASAS vITY PROPERTY R SALE.> 1385 Be t age «ned offers ter sale that V, mt nable in Hamlet Ware and eed Mercere, Ha, stitences, being « text if o drained part of the city. The bul lings consist of a frame house, stable and other outbuildings, an jand is at a, tr eed for market gardening purposes. For ; apply to MRS SOHN bees L pel ania etms, et., ELI PERKINS, The Gre none "hit variet ae Entertaining Ora ren atiorn iihiecture in he CIT Y HALL, St&satrorp, THURSDAY EV'G, MARCH 45. SUBIECT: "PHILOSOPHY OF WIT AND HUMOR." | RESERVED SEATS, 50 ADMISSION, 25. uw. Breck iwattam, ten wi ut oceupy the chair and introduce Mr. Perkins. nr now open at ¢ Naw ymny th) « drug store, Tickets also on sale at +e Gros. J i. Dulfton's. =p ph R Rankin's and John Welsh & Secure svat and hear the fnost popular "steal orous lecturer of the « Stratford, Feb. AUCTION SALE! 1197: ACRES AT) SEBRINGVILLE. T and wi om the Onta by ay. 3 1885 ou. th the consent and approval of the . Adoinintratrix « Ntate of LOUIS GOE TLER. Premises, on Monday, the. 26th Day of 'MARCH, 1888, © At one o'clock In the afternoon, Lapel following Val ae FARM, consistin Lot 17, Concession 1, a Lot 17, Concession 2, Township of BLLICB, 200 Acres, less 2} Acres sold off the South-East and South-West Angles of the Lot. On this Property is A Large 2-Storey Brick Dwelling, with Brick Kitcher and Out Buildings, There is a Large Frame Bank Barn with Sheds deceased, at the and other Stabling. The Lat on ig_firee concent "sg is all cle aed and etivated, he secon dgneession contains about rs, peti, in each, maple, <n an ~ Fier acres ii tall wheat. The land is io an axtre good state o' altivation splendid orehard of about 4 acres. The farm is at the thriving Village of SEBRING- Melee and is sitsinte exac 4 "niles from the t Guild ne - the flourishing © ny of STRAT- FORD. and Tene m the Uoron Grave! Road, The Property "a be sold st beet, to a reserved bid tived by the Official Guardia E Ek #7000 will remain on lie Property, s id the remainder wil ie ? pee cont. at mile to the Vendors alance within 36 days thereafter 'on Canadian Bank of Commerce, the joint « reat of the 'Admintstratrix and Offic ial Guard tan, For farther particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at Sebringville, or to the Vendors' Solicitors Stratforc Dated this 2nd Day of March, 1588. McPHERSON & DAVIDSON, . Vendors' Solicitors. JOHN PEARSON, Auctioneer. 635-td HAVING BOUGHT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF Ford & Co., Mitchell, BANKRUPT stock n Toronto the dollar, beso dla next 0 ay in o idicchaft and Sabriogville PRICES NEVER BEFORE BQUALLED Dont forget; call and convince yourselvés that we are selling GOODS AT HALF-PRICE. --=-- _}--_Lets 25,30,S1 West Side_Wc=) '| Kenzie St.; Loté 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,43, 44, 45, Bast Side McKen- zie St.;.8. 4 Lot 50, and lots 51, 52, 53, 54, 55; ant Side Victoria Street. McKENZIE SURVEY, Lots 43, 44, North side Milton street; Lot 49, South side Milton street. * ' GRANGE SURVEY, Lot 51, south side of Milton st.; lot 54, -- side Shakes- = caltan "=> be -- ct to he regula. mente aunt be ia Be rmane ee A -- i t the Mintter¢ abe Ipteriee. { ~ 'peare st "GEORGE FORMAN, 7 heomhieaacimer = ---- ~t---- Lean Orrics Ur-Srams OV ~ bang or Jauns Conconan"s STRATFORD, ONT. LIFE INSURANCE. sSESSME NT syaree. at less than half the A™ of the oid ise ---------- LARGE > FARMS. PE LY TO GEO. FORMAN, tee 1@, let Con , Downie, (Draper's) 100 $7000 acres. Improved. 1 mile trot limits. on H Lirick buildings. First-class, Small Farms and Park Lots. arel ¥ Pine GEO. ogy spno oo -- W con., Ellice, 3 acres. Partly improv bi . z - K 3 lot 4, Sth con., Ellice, W acres, Partly ed ' "sand Buildings near Water Works, #15 ree and buileings in Ellice, 14 miles ic 3 park lot on Forman avenue, Strat. re Lots. 'BUILDING LOTS ! Apply to GEO. wiles ohninaeeiap ots in one block ayand Well 'i. Ward, late 7, om Falstaff st Mr. Brownlee's, or a 30. no Das st, Hanarans survey, ocxt to Mi " Me 'Ale ers e100 each, dix a. aces lots, No 4, $24, &e Can. Co'y survey, ob ¢ hur h and 'vale in gham Streets $10 each wo } acre rors en a lernia and Cale- donta sts, Sha rinan's 3 #200-- One acre lot on Pri aces te vireeh Lot S, Red- dovd's survey S00 ' tg re ¢ 2 cholce lots on Queen wt , Non. 341 ant Asap & Kobinson's sarvey. (Winter's #125- te » 17, sou hn tide of Oniatio al., next 'bo t apitaine s; Arnold & Robinson's survey. $125 cu 4 choice ie its on -- and Brunswick st "Sos 146, ' 208, Arnold & Robinson's sur $000--For Mra. Mc sata ith's bk of 8 rs in Arnold Kobinain's survey, on i College and rouro streets, #250--Lot I, corner Nile and Rebecca sts 8400 a The Phipps one acre (4 lots) | on corner of Joho, Douglas and Avon sts MO Cie 72 uron road, between Humphrey's * shop ane = Norfolk's. ¢ lots in xeon val Gondnn: * survey. y ee ong 9 ots on Doug 'ym 4 acre we ote on bons ack -- aa Avon ward. 7 $100 each--40 lots in "Foruae's survey of ra Donnell estate Also 300 OTHER LOTS in every WARD in ciTy BUSINESS PROPERTIES o $1 500 Hodd & Culien's old millon Railway a © w iy 4 acre of land. Suitable lor any kind o! to Alle si $8000 Ses = now occtt tea a ir Albert st., ne: arly opposite Windeor hotel. for any me: anutact Loca beret m or The Y eauile Plough actory, i $2200 woolen mills, Suitable ior any kind of 1 acre, including dwelling and stables. $5 a sae: vad 0 feet front on north side of Ontario st . the Odbert block 33 John feet teontage en Ontario as th wht Stone peace oy Foresters new hall now bein iw Furniture Factory, be este "k bloc k, 6 feet cnt of Dufton factory Brgy Ontario at, trom Graber's stor? to Forbes' livery. CHOICE HOTEL SITE. $25 a fool mn weet leet Senet ans, ss = arty "4 Point. opposite Dr. Fraser's. ALSO ¢ K BUSINESS TROPERTY, Apply to G. "Apply to GEO. FORMAN. _ S825: sre bey ingiriy* 1} storey ia house on krachan eel Lol t 42, Lizar's survey, nea Sha ub 7 rooms &ce. Ptone Toundsti on and cellar. Next suuth of . Crawford's pew, white painted Mh o to € 'ell ar pied ately open aa I i ng, ete, rery easy . in. Orst-clase style. y frame hous ms, store cellar, brick and other outbuildings ; row oh # good reom $900 Mr tio -- 4 ae well nad ate "stable bearing ere trees, ete $5 OO Mr. Dunbar's house and Iot on Victoria a road, next to Mr. Edward Wilson's, ahd near to It. R. station. $750 & oath -- ey house and lot 53, on 2] ntreet. 6 rooms, &., stable, &e, $ 700 2% Ores rae cot tage, stone eg on side of Huron Road, two re lots, "double front, opposite Redford's im beF Dow 1} storey frame house of me and sunimer kitchen, on north side aa, "aire. D. A. McDonald's one one storey desire Neait, S00 6 te 00 Soener a month. $6003 and Cobou % ; Bk and ite corner of Dufferin and Blake streets in 900, i eso sae So seommeretn te two cri ee Stier = Sone St pane the ater shoe tos weis get nee iy. dm Mh, Ob) Snrtabhe Ontario-Street, STRATFORD. THE UNDERSIGNED takes p -- in a public generally that he has opened his In all the Latest Styles, and at Prices Having had 25 years' experience in the business in this city, Ih with the very Libe ral Patron: ive extended in the paste from Mr. DONALD McBETH, and have engaged reputation as a First-Class Wood-Worker FURNITURE. WAREROOMS | nnouncing to his Old Friends of Stratford and surrounding country, and to the NEW FURNITURE WAREROOMS, In the Store recently Purcnased by him and Refitted, formerly known as the DAMER Block, on the North Side of Ontario Street, midway between, the Post Office and the Court House, With an entirely New Stock of Furniture, comprising Everything in the ins, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining- s-Room and Kitchen Furniture, to suit the times. ope to he again favored I have Purchased the Stock of Mouldings, Picture Frames, etc., His is well known to the his services. Specialty in my public in this section. This Branch wul be a Business, . JOHNSTON ABRAHAM, . ae of the Firm of Campbell & Abrahz um.) Canadian Checks and Stripes. Our Spring 'T'weeds, Worsteds and Cassi- \ i « | 10 36 meres are arriving fast, New Colorings. Nob-| , by Patterns. ---- Mall via Our New Cutter, "ais Mr. J. E. SANAGAN, Commences Work the lst of March, when he will be pleased to see all his old Friends and Patrons. WE'VE SURPASSED All our former efforts this Spring in buying a stock for the Yellow Front, which for variety and quantity the lke has never been -- seen before. ge You are Invited to Call and Inspect, whether you wish to buy or not. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW. GOODS. OLTON BROS., Toilers for Trade. Full Value Givers. Market-st. Stratford, until 7 _ THE NEW HARDWARE ALPHABET. |" A stands for * Antwerp Blue" * Front, rinse dea Ang ; Axle Greas NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "The Yellow Front., . Post 0 oy ee ee . | DaLivear. Winter lingers in the lap of Spring, and we are ANXIOUS | _ lo sell the few Winter Goods we have left. There are 3 Men's i Fur Caps and 11. Men's Overcoats. You-can have them at 33 your own Prices. Also, about 2 doz. Knitted Caps. roc. cach| * 230 ¢ "will buy them. Men's heavy Wool Sex--about 2 dor paris: et --15c. a pair, and a like quantity of Gloves at the same price. | ° * _ ee | | om SPRING GOODS! Men's and Boys' Overalls in Duck, Cotton- | ade and Denim ; also by the yard. | 10 90 Shirting in Cambric, English, Oxford and : OLD COUNTRY M STRATFOR ! MAIL. i Choma. ar, | P.M. ' Toronto, oe. Ber. | lin, § New Hamture jater too... 30, B. & LH, East........ 8 00 , 1 9 30" 9B: LORKOM 20 ccc0scee cues 1 10 30. Hamilton............. j 7 @ T. & 3, west, B.&L, H. | weet BY, sv. ve see 11 10 Goderich, rs pc oa Mitcheti," and bt) 20 sei Ne ary Tt P. D and LL HL 00 G. B. and L. E. R 11 16 STAGE MAILE. May) Gadshill, Am- tee, Hampsted and un. i 10 Harmony, and Fair- view,on Monday. Wed-| 90 nesday and Friday.. 315 Sonieg, Wednesday and Friday, delivery at Thursday and Saturday, delivery at 4 MAILS. closes on every Tuesday, at New York, closes on every Saturday, at Rimouski The evening mail for Toronto closes at 6.30 p.m. bebe tte Office is open to the public from 5 am. WILLIAM BLAIR, Postmaster. ee ee 673-ly Another 'Wonder! © 2 never'was fatendad, oo fares 3 dae Meares That either man or woman were purposed to be it, you afflicted, you RN aa known ta tall; 'This now: tazspus- preparation for a ae EE a bastine (Sele Agent). aod stimulating the growth of the hele t+ 's " Axes and Adzes. + +p eccepted as the most valuable specific on tie -- on t:. Keseemaiting, ee Al diveases of the scalp re- © - American Coal Oil, « «Axle Palieys 2 a"? Ape ir Bricks. aa eet | Deeeaias Packing * ; Wa ways go R. RL Gootnrndis Hardware Kints tor bani eri te* ee aease el 8° & Eile ot ad Gebbhopenennn> parte itis -- wornpr hy we ema wet oo the 'i oO er« Sa Misi, : at Fequlred, consequently oar fresl: and Sve Kescared... 1. ie antMn pol ar ae We roast our-ows fe Re G? NMR 9 ay CNTR ee See OME... «258