Stratford Times, 14 Mar 1888, p. 3

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IN THE PANTOMIME. 2 ellis JACK cK AND 4 ! Twagso tired of Sask, pose ' pres andar homey weap "*¢ t ; of me; -- a "PARTS WHIGH-OMLOREN tIKE-BEST IN SPECTACULAR. PLAYS. Tro foolish Riesak indie watke i OF life's best gifts wita eager haste. i Oh? tired we were. Time seems ao long Stage Talent in Tote~theesinens with When erverrtihis apelli * ' no heart and little hope, and you are rest- ve ; # Which Titties Ones LER Ther Parts 'The walls of home rose grim and strong; Like prisoners in a cell We clanked our marriage chain, and pined . For freedom we had left behind. Tired, tired of love And peace wore we, Of-ervery da: t Business. "] don't want to wear that dress; it ain't bright and pretty like the others."' The child was a pretty girl of & years, <4. Was mine, and I was and she was being arraye: And so we sighed in mute despair, dark gown to represent Little Buttercup And wished each other anywhere. "-- 4a Pi ns afor m ; "] asin ays 80,"' commented Mr. < pr ge ee a seph W. Horner, the vostimer, to a Oh, then our hearts beat warm again; porter who happened to be Hrosens I'v neach to each wan dear: been drags inesa thirty-five years, and It seemed that life cor cece lack, I haven't yet-gound the chi id whe did ne WHT ISK UT HF, BEAT Ha JACK? object to appearing in dark-or coarse cos+ ~Madelise 8. Bridges in 7. rank Leslie's. . tumes."' ° ; "The costumes the little girls enjoy WHY YOUR HEAD ACHES. most,' added Mr, Tlorner, 'are those that are brilliant; the brighter and more spark- ling they are the better the children are What a Family Doctor Writes for » Fam- 1 ily Magazine--What to Avoic 'pleased, while an somber dress seems to Probably one of the most common head. have a bad effect on thei at once. The aches, if not the most common. is t! boys like soldier clothes best and sailor called nervons, The class of people w he o Suits next, The girls always take a preat are most subject to it are certainly not gown, and Your ontdoor workers. If ever my old r friend the gardener had had a headache, it would not have been one of this deserip- _ Nor does Darby, the: plowmun, nor , the "hs man, nor Greatfoot, the gauger, suffer from nervous headache, nor any one else wiio leads an outdoor requirin life, or ssho takes plenty of exercise in the tian boys. Some of the mostelegant cos- open air. But poor Mattie, who slaves times wors by girls of Ot years are . away her days in a stuffy drapér's shop, those of the style of ons 'xy for the and Jeannie in her lonesome attics be nd. Minuet. In this they wear dresses of the ing over her white 'seam--stitch, 'sthch, finest quality of figured sik, with puffed stitch--till far into the night, and thoy- Sleeves, and trimmed with gold and sil sands ef others of the indoor working ver. ire costumes cost often as hich class aré martyrs to this form of head- 8375 eac Elegant suits for the boys ache. they alone in: their misery? "re Nguade of silk velvet, square cut. They No; for my Lady Bonhomme, who comes inc lnde sword, jeweled. buckles and trim- to have her ball dress fitted on, has often ™ing of pink silk and velvet. Such a suit # fellow feeling with Jeartiie and Mattic, Complete is worth $100. They are for the She, however, we cannot efford to pity Minuet also. Fairy costumes are made ot quite so much, because she has t#e power lighter material, but are often trimmed to change her modu' vivendi Whenever With lace and embroidered in gold and she chooses. och iv What are the symptoms of this com- Piaint that makes yotr head ache so? You will almost. know it is coming from a dull, perhaps sleepy, feeling. [have watched nas sete have noticed, too, how peculiarly old fashioned giris are in every instance, amd how they are all at- tention to the instructions given them, gz much less effort in this respect "How young have you/known children to appear in priv ate theatricals or-on the profe: asional & stage? "As early as 2 years of age. I remem- ber a girl of this age who committed eight verses to memory and recited them at a Sunday school entertainment. She did You have Jess at. night... Still more rastless, though, when it comes on in full force, and then for nights, perhaps, however much you Ot break down once, and her pronuncia- i _ tion was correct throughout. . Ata fairy g play ina hall of this city, at which a school you will say often enough; sadly to sour- 40k part, there was a girl of 8 years who self, and hopelessly to those near you," Temembered her part all through and did from whom you expect no sympathy and the ---- business well. She also sang in get none. And yet the pain is bad to 8 opere bear, although it is generally confined to. "Wh: t is the best age for teaching chil- only one part of the head. dren to act?" The worst of this form of headache lies _ "For girls, Tor 8 years. The brain at in the fact that it-is periodic. - Well, as ig that time begins really to develop and is urises from unnatural habits of life or pe- most susceptible. Boys must be 10 years culiarities o this | y old before they can do anything cute or $ no more than we might expect. kmart on the stage. That is my actual If I just note' down some of the most experience, and I"¥c taught at least 2,000 ordinary causes of nervous headache, peo- Children for stage appearances. My idea ple who suffer therefrom will know what Sthata child's soul is as mature as a to do and whst_to avoid. I will then sTown person's. The penetrating gaze of chiltren seems to me to show this. "What parts are children best in?' "Pathetic and singing parts. Comedy Work or study indoors, carried on in an in children is very rare. In fancy pieces ral or cramped position @f body, those written especially for clifldren, the Literary men and women ought todo most boys do as well as girls, but the girls learn of their work aot a standing desk, lying their parts ahd seem to understand what down nowand then on a sofa toease brain is wanted of them much more quickly and heart and permit ideas to flow. They than boys. They do not forget, while the should work out of doors iu fine weather boys do. The boys will leave out Ines. --with their feet resting on a board; not -The-parts-mast be Mairly-thumped into on the earth--and under canvas in wet them. I recnll one remarkable piece of ' 4 work-by-a-girlof ' i you how apt they are. The play was "The Tempest,' and a number of chil- dren were to act it for some charitable in- stitution. The girl who was to take the part of Ariel was 15 years old. At noon on the day the play was to be given she inet with an accident as ee her il r only hope was a child 8 years old, Pte we knew was bright enough to read the part. We saw her that afternoon and naied her to read the part. She bad been on the stage be- fore in private theatricals, and had done very well, She refused to read, but said she would learn the part. There were 200 _ and seven or et; ht entrances. She began at 3 o'clock, and by the time the curtain Was rung up had committed the part completely to memory. Why, dnthe stage'she recited it as rendily as if it had been an everyday occurrence with her. the simple advice, if followed, ean effect. Neglect of the ordinary rules that con- duce to health. Want of fresh air in bedrooms. mw of abundagt skin exciting exer- c Neglect of the bath. Over indulgence in food, especially of a stimulating character. ness or debility of body, however This can only be remedied by proper nutriment. Nervousness, however induced. MThe excitement inseparable from a fashionablé life. Exciting passion, anger and jealousy in ular. Enforced Recognition. Two very little girls were one afternoon entertaining themseives and their elders at an afternoon party. One of them had She was the child of poor --_-- vo ntl -- spell "'cat,'! and she See" great big girls of 1 and was standing up before the company try- snivel*over their part wiek S younger. ones would get along without any difficnity. member a noteworthy whero - had seventy young girls i. a tablea The girl in' it ee the Spirit of Death was only I gave them their positions, gn ona » Si - leave the stage, come nd take exactly the same con again. "They did it without a single re? ¥ ing, tueeashs 'tek tribulation of timidity and forgetfulness, to display her accom- piskinent. The other little dot became aggrieved; nobody was taking any notice of her; In she pas! casion, and rattled of indignantly: "Two years old Ins' Tuesday--born Fal- © mouf--Barnstsble county--name Alma-- plone: C'eveland p'esident--Adam firs' ; "How long does it take to prepare 4@ child to take a ; Two days later the Sheathing for Ships. ' ¢ celluloid it positions without a word of instruction. to be a suitable shea | their places." "Do many of the children become pro- fessional sctors?"' "No? These little private is meres may be reduced to Se a | Wonderfal. Memory Concerning a. wn Vititized ay wed for the Painless Extraction el in a coarse, Orrice Hocrs : 10 Jo- Oflee : ont: Struthe | 'Medical. DR. D. M. FRASER, A. B. AHRENS, L. D. a bEeTky + Mington's New Block, Market |. Stratfo Teeth, when ¢ "ian rd, one ., 1883. s76-ly Dr. W. N. ROBERTSON, {Lara oF scoTLAND) Pre ary w 12 noon to 2.00 p. m. .. S 6.00 p. om > p. te r¥ Store, Lainton's Block, Stra ord. | Ontari } Best Sets Teeth Painless Extraction! -- Vitalized Airc. Kvioa?, the Dentist, T, LONDON, Perma ie Paks PAID ONE priv _ London Jun W, l¥ DR. THOS. W. SPARROW, 182 CARLETON-ST., 'FORONTO, iby RE AT THE ALBION ote. STRAT- kD, om the LAS DAY OF LACH MONTH, tor the treatment of ail forms of Chronic, of Long-Standing Disease. S. bas, during the past 2 ats, cured many f rable, and others He lows a me or system of treatay aes entirely new in Canad: attributes his success to. superiority of system nar than to supecior rile Dall at his rooms aad see testimonials, Consults- tlon at-roowus, or by letter from his a, Toronte, Legal and Financial, SMITH & WHITE, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c., Idlngton's Block, Stratford. Stratford, Nov. 8, 1887. 618-ly . JOHN EB. HARDING, BAS. 2R, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, Idington's Block, Gtratford, Sept. 13, 1884. THOS. Tt. POR'THOUS, Bees Ata pal Ete. aid ' BLOCK, aor sht-ly Stratiord, jay io iss SMITH & Ghia, i BARRISTERS, Etc. STRATFORD. J. GRAYSON SMITH. F. W. GEARING. Stratiord, Aug. 6th, 449-ly A. C. SHAW, B.A., aggro SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, Office upstairs in Old Albion 'Bock next Post aay Strato dl to Loan on Property, at Six PerO <a W. F. KERR, BAkester, reg aa Conveyancer, &c. 1cn:--Over N. A. Bosworth's Dru: x Store, Marker Sirect, Stratford. MONEY TO LOAN. Stratford, } pen GEO. ALBERT LONBY, Beano, Solicitor, Attorney-at-Law, Con . me TO LEND. indsor Block, me Stratford July, 13, 598-1 G. W. LAWRENCE & me ATSISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solici- in Chancery, Conve: Notaries Rabi, ke . Office--Market Baines Stratford. ah 880, LAWR oe ieationd, Feb. 3, 1 -------- & PALMER, BABBisteRs, Etc., STRATFORD. IOHN IDINGCTON, J. FRANK PALME ony MONEX_TO-LEND,-- Strattord, Jan, 12th, 1886. 20-lv MONEY TO Sai : At Reasonable Rates A pment, on Farm and Lown Property. ly to G. Ww LAWRENCE Market et Buildings, Strat! Money, Money, Money fe A Lot of Cheap! Money has beon placed ~ My for eso Farms, at R CENT. EREST. Roce of, repay ae to pak ho borrower. Apply gC, C0 Covsry Cxowsx Arrouyer. . Btratlord, Dec. 12. 1882. 302-ly W. MOWAT & SON, BANKERS, (Established, - - 1963.) RANSACT a G fawn drafts beg fee at par in or United States. Al t cent. interest on di in the sav Wi the last six yedrs over $2,000,000 (two million dollars) have deposi! sord probably cnparatinied in the ones cf env cthor ly un, case of any pore errors Ace & in Canada. make specialty of le to business men and teasenable rates. funds to loan on mort- : . 408N Setenyiin, Pov Mt, Ne 4il-ty MerAsuisuns 1863, 97 400 09 PAALLANEnn, J. -G. ELBE, | CIVIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR St; Strattord, WILLIAM GORDON, 7 vO. PRETH i MUTUAL F. L 00.| adie HAGARTY, Pivputcne. panei 406-ly BION HOTEL,.__-- srr THE LEADING COMMERCIAL oure = "ae nak = ¥ . Lanes well-lighted = me in every respect. souN PUTLAND, Proprietor QUEEN'S. 'S: HOTBL. Corner of Waterloo and Onta Ontario Streets, Stratford, Untario. Fire Table ie the cy. A.G + 'Proprietor Stratton: 'Aug. 14, 1386, S54-ly ~ Orpy HOTEL. Market 7 Strath OBT. SIIORE, PROPRIETOR, I ARGEST Stabling accommodation in the City. This hotel is fitted up in geo jase style, and lla Rar ee with tue best Brands in Wi AO) T HE TERRAPIN. Ontario Street, Stratford. JOUN GRAY, Proprietor. pl gag cari Brande of Wines, Liquors, Ales, etc 4a Gers . eleirate papa Ales on draught, ford, 9 sis-ly HOTEL, | ™ 'Paoracerom u AT, x w. . Latge Sample Room for Stable and Livery os Rellabic guides 57% COSMOPOLITAN posrr ats Hoon Daur PSEY, MEDICINE yk CLASS HOTE Ll Commercial ayae ellera. connettion, Char; casonah.e. furnished parties ia search of land. VICTORIA HOTEL. Downie Street, Stratt Mord. JOSEPH O'GRADY, Proprietor. IRST-CLASS accommodation for the ---- public, at moderate prices, The best 4les, Liquors and Cigars always kept atthe bar. Good Stabling. 476-ly Stratiord, Feb. 18, 1885, WORTH'S HOTEL. 'Tiloow SUBSC rigs basing leased the above well n Hotel, acquaint his old patrons and the trav railing public 'that it will be his constant alm to -- the reputation class ac sedation. The table w eu) applied wi with = + choicest of AS nig The beat aren wee kept ai Stabli: R. M. CALDER. _ Strattord, April 3, 1885. 45d-ly _ LBNNON HOUSE. St. Marys Gravel Road, bait faltwey between Stratford and St. Marya. %. LENNON, Proprietor. reais HOUSE has good meets | one Tra- vellera--large new stables and she The best Liquors, Ales and Clears at the = accommodation for the = Terma Stratford, Nov. 27th, iBxery 465-Em in Wood or Bottles Thies Celebrated Lager obtained the Only Mvdal awarded at ae a Exhibition of 1862, JOHN CODD, Cellar Lately Occupied by Mr. Market Square. 437-ly e Stratford, May 15, 1884. J. R- KILBURN -- A-R-C-H-I-T-E-C-T, -- OFFICE ; Windsor Hotel Block, Stratford, Ont Patents for Inventions pata JOSEPH G. -- _Stratfond, Sept. 9, 1885. A. HEPBURN A. HUTCHINGS, Veterinary Surgeon, ro oparass. Gradients ot, the O Ontario Veterinary 'CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. OFFICE ae a otel, Strattord, Ont. Mosiierd, April 20, ----0-Se wM. STEELE, -- VETERINARY) . SURGEON, Co. of 3 -- = Hs! REMOVED yey otis : TOPPING to Indian Block, Market Square, Stratford. RATFORD, corner Residence :--Ontario Street, § of Nile st., opposite the Stratford Sanitarium D. W. BURT. V. &. Honorary wrens unte of the Gataris College of erinary Surygeo CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED, TO. CHarGes MopERATE. Veterinary Medicines Kept and Dispensed, Orrice and Resip mace 2 -- In S mows « New Block, over McEwan's Store, opponite Mark S07-1¥ :Z I-M-B FOR SALE. | (HE BEST a ALITIES OF LIME, enitable for Buildings Purposes, for sale in a Langs or Small Quantities, by JAMES SCLATER, J. H. McCU LLY' Ss WaiTE LIME WORKS, St. Marys Road, 9 mics from Stratford and 3 miles from St. -- ° ne COAL! COAL Received. Fresh Mined, Ju dust EGG, _ STOVE,' No. 4, NUT, and BRIAR HILL. "p. R. JARVIS, Market 8t. _Stratiord, dan. 2, 1888 629-Sm, UNION IS STRENGTH. CLELAND & McKERNAN AVE gone into Partnership = have leased sane <n ~ a term of sty jhe ¢ Blac! foo iE Shop, tario St., opposite ueen's Hote LAGER 7 LAG ER ! whi re he hey have eared to enablethem to aocom- modate thelr very numerdps cus ers, anc GEO. BECK, carry ou Blacksmithing in the latest and most arkvt Sesere; Strattord, scientific principles in the follewing lines: Stone AS the agency tor the sal 27? Masons & Cutters Tools, Saddlery Hard- -- . Plouxts, Harrows, Bug, jadkrons SLEEMAN'S CEL. Do PTE a Cutters and Sleighs made to ouauh on and satifaetion ara' HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY! In all ite ee in this line our reputation needs no comme Acknow! ag mene we solicit ® continu- anceot 4 -- ond ho gain a still furthes share of 'public patronage. Wood taken in Exchange for New Work. 620- We, McKERNAN. W, J. CLELAND, CARD OF THANKS, Wn. Pirie, , Blacksmith, Be hie sincere thanks for their grid favors in the | Eivorn and solicits a renewal of their esteemed It has been reported by some interested parties that WM. purl Blacksmith, poll age dle oy City. Such is shops OPPOSITE f THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, near the Market, where pes to see al « d e Ww. 28 hens Ox Gr Counties ot P Sales attended in Counties of Penh & or Ontong. 49 Orders left at Tus Times Office promptly ICENSED AUCTIONEER --. a for a ities of Perth res ate --_ tended fn all parts of Somatt Spoken. Residence : MAIN-ST. iitteeros. Milverton, Feb, 14, 1883, JAMES PROCTOR, Licensed 4 Auctioneer Gity of Stratird and Cou of Perth ne Estate, Farm Stock, Household Furniture, and: all Bante << Rompe Sees ot ressonahie reten. AGYA ARD'S or ee 5 YELLOW all FREEMAWS wore POWDERS. curiosities. of the 'Manchester exhibi 'The architect is Z ic i - i fl i 8 q é F ie | ra J as many new ones as will come, is going to carry on the business in all ite bfaaches, * | Horse-Shoeing & Blacksmi' Of every description. There will also be in con- nection a First-Class Wood Worker, Trimmer and Painter, ours truly. Wa. rine: _Btrattord, Dec. 20, 1887. I. SHAKESPEARE WAGGONS, At Reduced Prices. FTE Undersigned, A, having better taolliicn AJ CELEBRATED WAGONS ! --aT-- G. T. R. CITY TICKET OFFICE, TELEGRAPH OFFICE STRATFO Lew west rate to all points in Weatern Staten, Maat. toba -- the Great North-west, Montreal, ork, &c. F. BLOXAM, SLATE ROOFER, D DEALER ' (OX -- Canadian and American» @iate. Tews Beer Rooriwxe Prt 4 poe Taow minded 1 aLware &@ Shingled Roots 'also Repaired. "ta fie. 67 Mitton *. peer G T. R, Station. Box oe 1h, ratford, P. O, call solicited, ear Ail mitt Td le "attended td, at short- " ee tratford, March 9 1887. --. _ ELIXIR VITA AG NETIC MINERAL, As it comes from the Mines of Nature's voratory. LIXIR VITA will core Bright's Disease and all Kidney Complyinta, uw . Tim theria, Dre peepee, General Debi, Female omplaints, and destre s of every ill the i uman Flesh is heir vig mA -- Rheus Erysipelas. Se or res, Piles, and all Skin Diseases, Bra . Burns, Chilblaina, &c. Sold by all drugyista. show wember 29, 1887. e21- iy. "BOOK-B! NDING. I § pod Radeby FACILITY _ Ernene w Books, n FIRST- CLANe sy h IAL AND "WORKMANSHIP. = books repaired, and blank a ruled, printed gina any pattern. Las pee eet style freee Full Price List on Application. WALTER STONE, Book-Binder and Blank Book Manufacturer BINDERY OVER DUTTON'S DRUG STORE, Streets, Corner of Erie and Ontario STRATFORD. Stratford, Feb. 21, 1897, 561-17 Burdock es. 1 'BITTERS. * WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, z DROP SY, "INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING ; JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, shir miron, ARE om. HEARTBURN, DRYNESS py pepetons E, OF THE 8Kia, every species of disease trom disordered LIVE: On eos T. SILBURN & €0., iiagk << oo Snocess the Best Test of Worth CEU ded Te PHaOD, ret on REMOVAL. Le md To txT 4. A- STEWART. - HARNESS MAKER, : -- HAS. REMOVED TO-- + |B. Baker's weet South of the Man- ; puap ast eal RE ESS THROAT AXD CHEST DELEARES; 4 SES en eave a gotr, : apenas peers Sey =

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