4%. on examination, > 14th MARCH, 1888. + PRORN TON DODEAS: Ce a ---- | Baller and Cat. "¥es, sir, that is a very pretty cat,"' said a isdy toa reporter, referring toa Persian cat coiled up on « rug. > Bail often mionebes bow... ies Bs) get her home safe. You see, I bought it in Calcutta and came home on o.sa'l'ng ship around the cape. 4 es: ---nNaw--~ vasa Tas ' Do you like to buy, old Goods when you can get them new and fresh, at Lower Prices, which is. what Cash Prices mean ? We have everything new. Ready-made Clothing of all as kinds, for Youths', Boys', Men's and Children's wear. In Men's 2nd Youths' Suits the cut and finish is nearly equal to ordered work. In Boys' and Children's, better. We have Worsteds, Trew- serings, Tweeds, &c., of all kinds, which we will make order at the lowest possible prices consistent with good workmanship and trimmings. We have engaged the ser- vices of an experienced Cut- ter, and are prepared to guar- antee satisfaction in all cases. Men's Furnishings of every description--all NEW. Remember, that we guar- antee everything as represen- ted, and will refund the money for anything you do not like if returned promptly and in good 'order. Do you think there is auch risk buying in that way? We don't. We will ke open SATUR- DAY, MARCH 171TH. Come and 'see us. It won't cost you anything to look. Thornton & Douglas, Clothiers & Furnishers, CasH, - AND - One - PRICcE. 15 Market Street, © STRATFORD. March 18th, 1884, - 634- me er » but not og: {gone ; we have ttill-a- whieh » aaa are 'oublogat at fe. per lb. These goods are well Blo Call and ex- amine them at W Bros. the place for big bargrin: Well Worth 1 "rying. A medicine which has stood the test of time for muny years and always given the best satisfaction as has Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is certainly well worth trying for hs, Colds, Hoarseness and all Throat troubles for 'whieh it is so. highly recom - mend A BICYCLIST IN BENARES. Idols and Temples, Mosques and Bathing -- hang the Ghate--Gods of the Heathen, Weekes the Great of eens time---we--were- . would try and get my cat to throw it overboard, for they think that doing so 'will bring wind." This is an old superstition of the mariner. It would be hard te say how it originated, but it is probable that it was originally intended as a sacrifice to Nep- tune, the god of the sea; as on land the gos were propitiated by the offerings of the devout, so Jack sought to calm the sea god's ire by offering him a cat. The old gation, even in this advanced age, re- wards the cat as a veritable weather gange The old landsman ifs ofter puzzled to account for some of the strange sea terms, and quest are Ofterr asked aS fo the menning of the word uae. ' It is caply & qnaint idea of the mariner, who sees in the sudden ar ad peculiar zephyr that ruffles the water a semblance.to the froties of the = cat Does pussy jump around good humoredly there will be a good breeze and fair. But when she arches her back and swells her tail, then look ont, for her scowling look will be 2s a calm to the storm it t reshadows, and the flashe: a from her eyes s bit as sparks to the blne atres s of aig vag lightning ly m illuminate the to ky---3 Facts About Seal«kins. Aseilskin as secn onthe animal is a very different thing from that-seen on a lady's clonk. '*The fur is not visible; it is concealed entirely by a coat of 'sti fr overhair, dull, gray brown and grizzled.' This overbair must all be removed. It i a long, laborious process by which theas pelts are made ready for their final nse. Nine-tenths of these fur-seal skins are dressed in London and then sent out all over the civilized world. There are prac tically no other seals canght save those taken on the Pribylov Islands by the Alaska Commercial company. The average weightwf a 2-year-old skin fs five and a half pounds; 38-year-old skin, seven, ami of a 4yeur-old skin, twelve pounds. It takes three skins to make a lady's sack, which is worth anywhere -- $5 > upto $500. This difference in pri seldom due to a variance in the Prteinal quality, of "thé fur, but to the The carcass is left to rot where the skin was taken off. It requires about three years to rot away, and, al- | though 90,000 of these carcasses are annu- ally décaying almost within a stone's throw of the village of St. Paul's Island, yet the people do not seem to suffer any injurious effect therefrom. The meat of the young seals, if perfectly cooked, is not bad. eating, and. some of the steaks will compare favorably with our beef or mut- |ton.-- Boston 'Transcript, Life of the Younger Dumas. ;.M. Alexander Dumas, fila, relates in the Christmas number of La Revue Ilus- tre that he lived, thirty years agp, in the I Boulogne, now the Rue lu, in a little house which was afterward ten- anted successively by Francisque Sarcey, }€dmond About and Paul de Cassagnac. | There ~~ in it an infinitesimal dining |room, a drawing room of the same. di- |mensions, and a garden wherein aay cats |might have a chance of swinging one | another. On the first floor there was a | bedroom about the size of a large a box, and several other holes which we also ceeotee by the landlord and the | chambers. His Rag? - with a Hes = hot July po face- ee im to open rn door of oa cd ieee that he w f ha " leat te os ra period of six nara arom a hel -- ealth, work, o. y about ae the o} te walle Mew York Tribu _ Artistic Tastes in Dieppe: Dieppe is the Atlantic City of France. jIt is a sunny, breezy, little town, where street lamps out of the sec- jond story windows, and is famous for the At length I reach Benares, wheeling aes ee carvings' in ivory and terra rough, crooked is gm are fined with shabby, insignificant.' shops, whose every window is a show case of Well, sir, every --the---satiors-+- | figures=-one--price-for~all-- haps the most interesting at the present jtself and representative of a modest for- swarming artistic tastes of the mr sera with pilgrims washing away es sins, d'art = the highest order' a the burning -bodies, the sacred G the t that awakens one mechanically model ge of clay, as they a keen m cater acti its novelty. One dangle their sabots in the gutters. --Cor siizes fully that here the idolatry, the Philade} Times. How a Vendetta Was Ended. A singular festival was recently held at us ' fact. Bitti, in Sardinia. In the presence of the eae nde frags et thar city, men Prefect of the province, the archbishop of streak their women mark the N®0ro, a provincial deputation, = sade the partiig in their hair with of Sassari and other authorities a formal bulls are allowed to roam the streets at O*th was taken by the wiaaes ort two and the chief business of a 'families, which had been at enmity for of the population seems to bo the MAny Years, reel y to all of-) of religious observances and pay- £¢28¢5 and to live in peace harmony. ing devotion to the multitudinows The 2 ernie of members of the two fam. scattered about the city. niches i i 4 y persons. wd of the walls, filled the the parish church in gent the ee cere- nent cor. MODy was an ners ; idols with silver faces and stone bodies, pigs, sixty sucking pigs, 200 weight ot some month. from: ear. to ear, MED cosron!, $00 weight of b bread and five of ten hectoliters of wine.--Lon- Concerning "Patent Medicines." From 1861 up to 1883 the manufatenr- ers of -specifics had to get out patents ant pay Into the tressnry € per ce cent. or ther - receipts, Ae there---wer Ss tnere j all the latest novelties, quality and u Good News For All. BUNTING tip -- SCOTT Preparing for the Fray. iaving purchased on most reasopable terms the busi- ness known as the Big Seven, On Market-Street; from the executor of the late A. L, STRUTHERS, and added thereto some Three Thousand Dollars' worth of Choice New Goods, we are prepared to offer Special Inducements to all who may favor us with their patronage. , We've come to stay, and by strict attention to the wants of our Patrons--cour- teous treatment to all who visit our Establishinent -- Buying in the best markets --selling on small nargin-- marking all goods in plain we hope to build up a busi- ness second to none in the oo or county. We do not propose to give our goods away, or sell with- out a profit, but we do pro- pose to give such value as will induce you to trade with us. Assured it will be to your advantage. Our Dress Goods will be found the correct things, in style, quality, and price, Prints, special lines, special value, Ginghams, hard to beat. Cottons that excel in finish and weight. Embroideries, Laces and Small Wares, in endless variety. Our Millinery Department wit take front rank from the start. New, Goods now arriving, and no Lady should order her spring Hat or Bonnet until she has seen our Goods, : Further Announcement as to Opening, &c, Tweeds for Boys' or Men's wear by the yard or made to 'order ; best of valee. _ Gents' Sersidihags, fall lines in prices unsurpassed. "Our endeavor shall be to~ do} « Leiinaia ina strictly atraight- aotind's ceulne 4 oe "Our 'Selections of New Goods" are arriving every day, and will soon becomplete. We have already received, and are Showing :-- New Dress Materials, New Prints and Sateens, New Seersuckers, New Dress Silks, New Jet Trimmings, &@ VERY SPECIAL VALUE IN CASHMERE New Dress Buttons, New Hosiery, New Gloves, New Corsets, New Ribbons. 7 HOSE AND KID GLOVES. "ea In our Staple Department, we are showing Great Bargains in Tickings, Cottonade, Duck, Denim and White Cotton. ¢ Come to Us For Reliable Goods and Honest Value. DAVID N. HOGG & CO. NEXT WALSH BROS'. 1888. SPRING. 1888. NEVER BEFORE HAS IT BEE! BEEN T THE GOOD FORTUNE OF A... MACNAIR «& CO. To Place before the People of Stratford such an Evtensive and Attractive Stock of w= SPRING - NOVELTIES As they now do, in their Twelve Separate and Distinct Departments. Every one of these Departments is brimful of such Bargains as no house in the County of Perth can duplicate. Just see the Bargains that knock all competition out of joint, Note Goods for Thursday, March Ist, and for the next three weeks, in a Few Departments only : : New Dress Goods, Elegant Novelties, Just received ; will. be on sale te-morrow morning. New Designs in Trimmings, At Popular Prices. New Kid Gloves. We are now in receipt of our Spring Importations of our well-known and popular -+New Arrivals in-- Ribbons and Laces. Extra Value. Domestic Goods, White and Factory Cottons, Linens, Towellings, Etc., At Bottom Prices. New Embroideries, Will open up, in a few days, an Elegant Assortment of these goods. Our brands. own importation. Gents' Furnishings: = -- A Grand Assortment Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, etc. Spring T weeds. The Largest, Cheapest, and best assortment ever brought into Stratford. Gents' Hats. In all the Latest Styles, ix © American and English. In all these, as well as Regular Goods in a inked ececeke Low Prices prevail. Don't waste your time, your money, your patience, in going else- where for your Dry Goods, but like Sensible People go direct to The Popular and Progressive Store of P " AL MACINAIBR & CO. SPRING IMPORTATIONS -*: repires COMPLETE. 'We take pleasure in announeing to the Gentlemen of Stratford, the County of Perth, Ns surrounding Towns, that our Importations of fi the | list, the government ge tae yes revenue from this source. The amount $36; pedition to Ceylot; outside the city proper stantling, Enters a lady, old is here thousands of and In =e --New York Scemaercias Adve He Was a Gintlemun. Car crowded. Ladies seated,-gentlemen ble, stands with difficulty. brawny son--of Standing "4 c Holt ontey me arm, me' darlint, -- Pll stiddy ye. Begorra, if. 1 weren ye should hers 7a Secounass Free Press. 2 Jats some ot forward and upright manner, at all times répresenting our wares such |. as we know them to be, until our mame shall. become a household word in the community for the principles set forth. All our old friends, and hosts of new ones will be made welcome, at THE BIG SEVEN, IDINGTON's BLOCK, MARKET-ST. ™ s Respectfally yours, BUNTING. & SCOTT, and atepeeunoean the ; German Spoken. ~~. 'can-and --Hats-and Mens' nig eemgigre <= for Spring and --~ ummer, NOW COMPLETE, MAKING THE --~ Finest Collection of the Latest. sabia for Gentle: men's Wear in the Do minion. MR. "POLAND - Still has charge of the . Manufacturing De ent, which is a guarantee that all garments turned out by us Swill up to the highest saodere: of excellence in every particular. ; = An Early Inspection Solicited. - Cary x J. R. WILLIAMSON & CO., _. Exclusive Tailors, Hatters, and Men's Furnishers, Fe Meera ete Eos al cbenmenrnae Be - 1888. aan for the Spring---