Stratford Times, 14 Mar 1888, p. 6

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one xm connrere aweatey"-Dhareh 'arvias, a ee a LATEST GENERAL NEWS.. A FATAL FALL, from the third bsinony of the south win te the hell _afterncon,-a--die-- tance of 24 feet, and received fatal injuries He came from Guelph, and was at on: time on the police force here. He was pointed to fill the vacancy caused by the _ death of Guar? Rutledge who was murder "ed by convict Niel. SHOOTING AFFRAY AT SKLKIBK, MAN. Wiani rch 7.--Geo, Thomas, a Haltb eed heen St. Peter's, was shot at Selkirk to-day. Geo. Marray, an Indian, who is supposed to have tired the shot was promptly arrested. The bullet struck - "Thomas in the breast and went through his bedy, coming ont in the back. He is _in a dangerous condition and pot _expectec to revover. The shooting was the result of a druskeo qnarrel. - MANGLED BY THE CAKS. Glencoe, March 7,---About 7 o'clock this morning the head and part of the body of a wan were discovered in the cattle guard at the Main street crossing, and were shortly afterwards identified as being th« remains of William Edwards, section boas on the Air Line Division. 1 rm traces and pre of the body lying along the track, it @ was struck about 150 yards -- the crossing by a west bound train. The body was cut up most terribly. He was about 48 years old, and leaves a wit and four children. He was a member of two different societies. x # GABRIEL DUMONT ANNOUNCES HIS ALLIANCE WITH THE LIBERALS. Winnipeg, March 7.---A Morning Call special from St, Laurient, N.W.T., says a large meeting of Metis was held at Batoche yesterday, at the request of the ex-rebel leader, Gabriel Dumont, now in New York. Letters were read from him eesing that although faraway, he had not stop} working in the in'erests of the Metis, He saya he has, however, changed his mind, aod will only we political means, and 1m this he is supported by and is working jointly with prominent Canadian Liberal politicians. A CHILD IN CAUROCH. A woman with a child in her arms nia a church one evening when a what prosv but loud-voiced preacher ie 'holding forth. a the discourse the child began to cry, and the woman, ~ wishing to disturb the congregation, 'one up re was marching down the aisle wine the minister lg in hia ag epi and said, "M oman, there is p necessity "for erg aa 2 the child x rig disturb me int ray keep your seat." Tesgine the minister's feelings whea the worfan turned about and said, ** Mebbe not, sir ; but ye're disturbing the child." And she marched on, SNOW BLOCKADES ARE EXPENSIVE." Few people realize, probably, how ex- pensive a enow blockade is to a big rail- road, Superintendent Toucey, of the New ¥ ork Central, says that one like that of a fow weeks ago cost his between $5,- 000 an a day, without reference rishable freigtit or passen- ortunately they are not of Asked as to the loas in apres od traffic he said ; '* The block- on our road lasted less than twenty- ; room hours, and : knows the loss in passen- | ger traffic exceeded Aninterrupticn of traffic on our ay for a pia es would cost us a great deal more than $50, Buffalo Courier. CLERGYMAN ARRESTED FOR FORGERY, ~oronto, March 8.--James W.C, Gibson, who claims to be a clergyman of the Methodist church, and who preached at waaar- | rested to-day on a charge of forgery. Some time ago. the prisoner went to St. Mary's, Dak:, and while there got possession in some way of twelve blank money orders to the American Express Com- e arrived here on the Ith of St, Marys to the orders, he cashed eleven of them, each for $19.50 at the Dominion ' The orders were THE FUNERAL OF DEAX BOOMER, oe solemn obseqiies of " late lamen-: ted Dean Boomer took place in London on Wednesday afternoon. The service at the family residence, on Princess avenues, was the Rey. Canon Richardso pry if E +; z fi y aoe: cri SOAP -ie Goce Charles + Jamas at the Central prison, fell THOMAS J.- POTTER. Sketch and Portrait of & Live Western 0°77 crotbed trom dey Wor i at ---- sat hia bat refused $088 bias tape hie $oxcThomesad: F' Vice. pyysident and 2 pred den openly." Sirsa general manager of the U nien Pacific rail- 4 iady passing his seat alien: Giruge sight way, is undoubtedly the best known and at Standing on the porch was the old man, the same time ote of the mst "throwing orunmbs toa flock of sparrows, way officials in the west. Since his install- ¢ hirped and danced and pecked at the food in ment in the position he now occupies, he has high glide. Mo' ipunction for her completely reorganized the forces in every previous bad opinion of him, the lady said department of the railway, and brought pleasantly, " Godd morning, Mr. Neverspend about such changes as have heen of greatest --feeding the birds, I see" The old man satisfaction to the public and of vast-good to looked oud -- and then went on throwing bis corporation. To Mr. Potter more than to the crum "Na i i Seach "Dm any other individual is due the credit of de- pizenin' 'em."--Bu creasing the time of transit from the Mis souri river to the Pacific coast, the reduction in running time of traths amounting to a saving of about twenty-four hours between the above mentioned points, and thirty-six hours between Chicago and the evast. "Mr. Potter is an Ohioan by birth, having beet Dor Ti CAre,comity, or Aug. 10, tte, His parents were Jobn and Potter. He brought up on the Wanted to Try It. enteréd employ of the tington § souri road in lowa, as a THOMAS J. POTTER. linernan in the en- gineer's corps. When the war of the bellion came on Mr. Potter entered the vanks a3 0 private, served wbour three years, tought nobly and served his count: well, In nary, 1566, ho entered the eens of a Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad « Frefarahte, 5 ate agent at Albia, Ia, from which po. William N. Riddle, a New York broker, ition he was advanced to fuel and claim "Wbo Has tho reputation of mpd among the <n of the same road at Burlington, occupy- best close range shots in this countty}Sas ing that position until January, 1873, when Oly one lung." It may bo considered a great he was made general agent at Creston, In honor to be numbered among the best close August, 1873, he became assistant superin- Tange shots in this country, but we'd rather tendent of the Iowa division of the Chicago, have two lungs and be unable to hit thegable Burlington and Quiney, with headquarters ©0d of & Howse at & distance of ten fee.-- at Creston, and remained there until Feb- Norristown Herald. ruary, 1875, when he was promoted'to the; -- superintendenc} y of t division, com- Searcely. lines operate: in| Wabash--Did you visit Ireland while Ic 1878 he became you pati abroad, Miss Breezy? general superintendent of the Chicago,! Miss Breezy--Ob, yes; we were a month in Burlington and Quincy railroad, with head- Ireland. . quarters at Burlington, and in December,| Mr. Wabash (whoso ideas regarding the lo- 1879, was assistant general manager at Chi- cation of the blarnez stono are a trifle vague) cazo, In November, 1880, he was made gen- --You kissed .he blarney stone, of - eral manager; in November, 1881, also' New York Sun. made third vice president, and in September, | -- 1854, was minde first vice president and gen- Taking o Fresh Start. eral manager. Ho was also, while with the, "Clara," onid the old man from tho ae of Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, the staim, "hasm't that young man eth' gene ral manager of the St. Louis, Keokek Your danghter isn't here, sir," "teobly and Northwestern railroad; Kansas City, St recpoaded. tho young man. »has just Joe and Council _-- railroad; the C vce \Sxxapod into the kitchen to il and trim the Bluffs and Kansas City railroad; the € . "--Now York Sun, cago and Iowa railroad, and vice president pe the Hannibal and St. Joe railroad. Whe» Mr. Potter became general manager of the Chicago, Burlington 7 Borgel railroad, that corporation took f 1 possession Of | noe. the Burlington and Missouri railroad iloh! ' Towa, under a perpetual lease, and over this cera er ory ieee eee otter exercised his general manage- * Bagle, & rookiya ment, and, two years after, the legislature t of t Chi. A Gentle Hint. cago, Burlington and Quincy vafivcad and, "Dy George!" exclaimed Wagstaff, with = on and Missouri railroad, in! ehuckle, as 2 ho looked ed his cards over, "I don't wa, In 1880, the Chicago, Burlington and | believe F could improve én this hand.® elaiey ae the property of the Bur-| "Perhape you bave never tried soap on it," lington and Missouri railroad in Nebraska~ --longprsted Bocihors.--Caleago Tribune 86 miles in all. From January, 1873, when Mr. Potter be-! came general manager, until December, ral the increase in length of road operate rectly by the € ary Burlington and Quincy 'Gam, te bs os on Oot ne eee noe i_corporation was from 708 miles 10 ears thy porter DAs always Cond that for all 3,087 40- miles. The net earnings for 1573 tho passengers.--Boston Post. were S2.¢ G1 19, 176.85, and in 1884 they were in-) Crease' 8 758,045 53, amar ray 000,000 more _ other roads'! -- centering in Chica, In January, 1887, the "Boo" line need of a president, and it mado Mr, Gur various offers to accept the position, vl he 7° was resolute and resisted the han cia) temptations tendered to him. 'About this time President Charles Francis Adi of the Union Pacific railroad; opened nego-| . vee Thaw, the Climate, tiations with Mr. Potter, and the outcome) Edith-- "What a dreadfully Bot climato was tho acceptance of the management of the - = Is it the cas: wind entire Union Pacific system by Mr. Potter. our lips so 'His salary is sa 4 year, Maud--Ob, no; Pee been taking somo leo- Thero 1s 20 question in the minds of indj- © in Volapuk.- --Life, viduals whoare ins position to know, but| what Mr. Votter will succeed in soon bring-| ing the Union Pacific railroad out of its! The ban, foo fool thougi sho 13 considered, poe present financial straits, and placo it on such 8osses in degree the faculty of mak- a basis 'ay will be eminently satisfactory to ing sonach, out out of little, Foed her corn by the tho directors and vernment. All. pint and tho inc is by tho peck.--Bingham- terough the west, where he is best known, 'ton Republi the popu iar appellation is "Tom" Potter, and lucky is the railroad manager who can so win the esteem of the general public as to be - friendly greeted and similarly quoted. , by his industry, economy -and sadicioen investments, has accumulate: ample fortune, and by his and social qualities has achieved a position in the business and social world of which ho has reason to feel proud. Mr. Cheek--I owe you 81), Griggs; can't ,. you det mé have $5 more to make it $15? Griggs-- ¥¢ guess I can go you a ver; but will you tell what kind of nerve food you use?---Texas Siftings. x wn Yetech 'Em. , who has given tho ma' thought, says "the coming spapor will receive no advertisements. Where the Porter 1 Steps In. It is stated that the new vestibule cars run ---- Horse Serse:-- "Fy cuppose thas Fielden Pye hanging," said a Chicago man, "and yet it wasa pity. n Ko had lots of good horse senso." "Just so," replied his friend, "did not know enough to p his bead out tof o halter," --Burdetto in - Rrookiyn Eagle Much Out of Little. Lived in a Bearding Housc. { Alright, -i- guess, I haven't had a chancoto try them yet,-- Lowell Citizen, Any Way to Sait. Bereaved Widower (to office boy)--Thero is erences sma aera tuary notice of my- wife, Will you sco HE SHOT LOUISE MICHEL. Cause for Youthful Sorrow. Many of polarons ds," lath' édapaecal not but dis- gan's greatest industry, She ain re aig oe PoP a EIR oe nica, But Ward to National banking in Cincinnati is not diff- loalt. Ib is easy to. got the run of it--Loul- ville Courier-Journal . who { ROOMS TO RENT. UITABLE Be Mone ws Taverance, of Medical Offices ov 2s Times office, mack 1p ima the Fest Office, Enquire S PALMERS: Oh afew wre aan we ne "i Ta Ties "ott oe. HOUSE TO RENT. O. 33 DOUGLAS STREET, now ander tho- rough Renovation. Nice Garden and Grounés 'or terms apply to JAMES SHARMAN. Stratford, December Oth, 1887. 622 Farm for Sale Cheap. GOOD FARM, Dontatnene 65 Acres, all cleared, right on gravel road. GOOD CONCRETE HOUSE AND OUTBUILDINGS Two Barca and small Orchard. For particulars apply quick to WILLIAM-GORDON, Real Extate Broker, Stratford. VALUABLE. GITE¥- PROPERTY FOR SALE. HE : w peg sage offers for sale that Vahiuble arulet Ward, fronting on Galt figs consist of se, stable and oer outbuildings, and be and is < marl used for market gardening purposes' Po. ails to MRS, JOHN SILLIFAXT, 635 jn the pretnises. FARM FOR SALE. EING LOT 10, CON. 4, In the Township of shed, well and pump, and a ge also a wv <ING, , Lot 5, Con 5, or by , Box 15, Stratford F.¢ CHS. "CIGARS, CELEBRATED pitinrea GLADSTONE CIGARS Wholesale only at Factory Prices "a CORUORAN. Stratford, Doo. 16, 1885. 2 Campbel I's oO athartic Compound tr cuars Liven Cnet . Bx ont Davactss, 2 Stomacn, Dre OF Appriire, Sicx meaotene, COmTNnTio on "Costs WEntes ifna Compnett' . Come at ais, Yours tr wig Lian seted herp er Se ae uy Ge rahers gre ' wees Netaes Seer eRErS: f bon $5- -LIFE- SIzE PORTRAIT-$25 --E ES Bi I-- Ww.ei. Becker's Gallery. NYONE SITTING Ft FOR PHOTOGRAPH A' before FE, Qira will have the chance:: = $2 "LIFE SIZE PORTRAIT of themselves on ~ MAKE A-NOTE-OF. THIS, If you want any Pictures. This 's a Rare Chance, and some one > wilt be sure to get it. TRY YOUR LUCK! A few doors west of Post Office. _Mantiodd, Dec. 13, 1887. " ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL NEW STOCK Wall Papers, Decorations, Borders, etc., Just Opened. _ Inspect Inspection Invited. A Splesiid WinDow BLIWwps. CITY WALL PAPER AND en HOUsE IDINGTON"S BLOCK, Ww CASSON. elford, Mav 1887 BRAN CH | STORE Victims ef the Plames. A FATAL FIRE IN A SPRINGFIELD, Mane., KEWSPAPER UFFICE--SIX DE. Ab, ~Rpetagtictd, Mave > March 7.-oThe new oftice of the Erening Union was barned at four o'clock arg afternoon. - Siz of. the Lemployees met a cath. Most of terrible d them: ra -- the fifth storey and mass below. were crushed into s shapeless _ The fire Six others were badly injured. and. clouds of smoke were po the lower storey windows before the fifty souls on the upper floor were aware of the danger. The flames shot Gp an old elevator in'rear CUTTING OFF Escark by the stairway, and most of the employ- eos who escaped found their way to the round by way of the roof in the rear. 'he unfortunate men and women who crowded into the editorial rooms met a horrible fate ereout- eff ia the composing room, and -- is still w terrible as 6 fell back into the Tae employees who rushed into the editorial room were cut off from the escape in the rear and had to face the HORRIBLE ALTERNATIVE of burning to death or jamping to the! sidewalk below with the probability of re- ceiving frightful injuries. The fire depart- t responded promptly, but it seemed an age before the firemen reached the windows in the fifth storey, A ladder was placed to reach to the fourth storey, and the sight of fescue #o near seemed to madden the asutlerihg persons at the two windows above and one by one they drop- ed to the sidewalks below, Six persons fell! in this way. Some of them were f off and some leaped madly, while the crowd below groaned and turned their leads away as they whirled through the air. THE DEAD are as follows :--Henry J. Goulding, fore man of the Uxion composing-room, burned to death ; Miss G. and Mra. Frederick BE who employed in the editorial de ouianat, tel we m the window; Mr Lamzon, of Que ear from the window ; W re Boston, = to the sidewalk; Mr. Brown, a composito The list of injured is as follows :--Thos. | panes, compositor, left leg broken at the knee and bad cut on the head; Tim Dunn, com Joueph W. Witty, compositor, badly burn- he clung to the window until the fire { Sonced him to drop, but he fell on a ladder and was saved. G, F, Ensworth, compoa- itor, compound fracture of the leg. It is thought that the fire started among | the lumber in the closet on the ground floor, ames were drawn up the elevator and spread through the composing: | room, There were more than thirty com- itors, men and women, on the fifth or, There was no ssi esca ape Another Item. Mrs. J. Thompson, of Elma, Ont., writes that she suffered from gene@al weak- ness and was so reduced that at times she became almost unconscious The botths of Burdock Blood Bitters completely cured her, and she now. a B. B. B. to her friends and neigh if you want 10 cure Bright's disease, and all kidney complaints, dysyepsia, general debility, female a plaints, _ erysipelas, ulcers, ol all skin diseases, "bruires chftotaine." an try Fuilir Vite. Sold by all druggists, The Royal" ' Flavoring Extracts are absolutely Thompson, ee | E. Hov ey, +i thy {Uy itor, arm and leg broken ; | ; SUENES 1X THE BRITIAN COLUMBIA HOUSE-- AN INVITATION TO FIGHT. ~ Victoria? BOS aared Trcbene Mites: Humphreys, who -- and did not t harges against Hon. of the privilege of the lengthy but tame attack he withdrew hia tion. The leader of the Government ought this a cowardly move, and Mr. Humphreys invited him outside the house He also invited Hon. Mr. u the Colonist for his recent action in the House. is to be learned from the sight of a bald head. Falling ont and prematur> gray: ness of the hair can be stopped ff taken in time, Do not let it run on without making an effort to saveit. Get » one of Dr, Dorenwend's Germain ' Hair Magic ;" it stimulates the growth, gives faeu! penalty and keeps the hair its natural © Be- sides it is a ---- dressing. All Groggiete sell it ; ack for DEVYOURED BY WOLVES. Fargo, Dak., March 7.--Two men living at Poplar Grove, near Fort Totten, a father and son, left their house last week to clear the snow from a haystack fifteen or twenty rods distant. They were at once fiercely attacked by a pack of sixteen wolves, which literally ate them alive, while the wife and mother gamd through , the window at the horrible sight, knowirg | it waa certain death to go out. After the } brutes had caten the flesh off the bones they went up to the house, ran around it se eral times and went away. One Good Point. Out- of the many possessed by Burdock ' Blood Bitters is that it may be taken at 'all seasong of the year, and by either old or young. In this way the three busy B's | are always at work and doing good. Neglected Colds Pain in the Chest, yand all diseases of the aur are cured using Allen's Lung Balsa If you want a first-class ieitie powder, at half the price you have been in the habit of paying, go to Walsh Bros. We sell the Phanix-baking powder at the re- | markably low price of 20c, per Ib. Give us 4 call Women are always willing to speak of the age of other women, and will discuss it with a freedom and positive assertion of fac's cal- culated to convince any mon that re's nothing private or -- about it. But | when it comes to the age of an actress, woman's arithmetic ous: involved. --- Buffalo Express, If you have « chain, watch, or locket that is worthless on account of it bein brass, get it plated in either gold or silver, which will make it'look equal to new will last better than most new goods. Will guarantee work to be strictly tirst-class and give satisfaction as to quality and quantity of -- put on, J. M Bevutres, ro-plater, plating opposite Windsor A arey Stratford. Use * Maud s.".Vonaicion Pow ders for loss of appetite in your horses and cat FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS re- quire *0 other Purgative. They are safe and sure to remove all varities of Worma. STRATFORD, ONT. Ts A COMMON SENSE SCHOOL for the times. It edycates Young Men and Womem for a stocessfa, startin life. Get tb ucation t hat gives a young man or that mental culture and discipline which sharpens the preceptive faculties, stimulates ambition, and develops sagacity along with a system- atic knowledge of business affairs. WRITS FOR 607-ly, CATALOGU W.#H. SHAW, /. PRINCIPAL. _ SCHOOL Don BOOKS: KS! t waste time, but ga ec eink to DUFTON'S, where - wilt od aoe* to ee pp A on semen ge ow Prices. "For wes 2h my Fi e Largest, N1 nére. Ask for it. Bqually Good Val = other Lines cf School NEW: : BOOKS. Canadian Almanac for 1888. Office and Pocket Diaries for 1888.- af Subscriptions Received t tor the Daily and Weekly HMPIRB, and any Other Magazine or Paper.. J. H. DUFTON; CITY BOOK STORE. No. LCLD ALBION BLOCK. ' DIRECT IM Per S.S. - LARGE L PORTATION " Sarnia." LOT OF CROUKERT! wi so PIERRE LUCAS. rt il PROVISION HOUSE T will also pay highsel ma market price for first class ' Eee, tice: ied Apples, | DRESSED 1 ) HOGS. Goode detivered MITCHELL P PORK PACKING| _ 'Extra Fancy Chante Sets, 10 'Pancy Tea Sets, De., ' do., ee ree mane "4 43 Balance of Lamp Goods will be sold ovt Cheap. oe Shade somplete, $1.25. 'We sell an extra quality of Tes Our 80c. Tea Still Keeps the Lead. _ - 3

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