Sins ~~ epee ae 1... MADAME MODJESKA. LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THE HIGHER CLASS OF DRAMA. Whe ial mesieiee aiatitnar Plays. ~ Modjeska Gives Some of Her Experience. Pha ce eh tages madame, is the out- look for the stage bere "Por the higher srs of drama, Tatoos under the head of 'amusements' it will_never take any very high rank, When it i as an art and the same aid and en- of couragement as are extended to other a9 bg will attain the potion itought wo TThe young American who has as- i towand the highest clas of dratia' has bo chance - schooling--with the excep tion of as model," said the reporter. wil aL yes cindy, say } how you think such 4 girl should study?" "Booka will-not help her very much--I! mean books that analyze and dissect the, the characters till Sey, a a rie though much gests is extremely in; think « good deal of it would not be dramat- ically effective....George Lewes! 'Actors and! Art of Acting' contains some valuable essayist, who is doubtless) silence and patience Speak to the people and they pity 'her. "The best light on Shakespeare is to found in the careful study of his own works: one will ceriainly-be helped to a better under standing by a thorough knowledge of history study of other writers of the a@ great deai from reading Thomas Lodge's story of 'Rosa- lind.' No-actress who does not possess a poetic temperament will ever make a success in Shakespearean parts, and she must not fal! into the error of thinking that the emotional temperament is the same thing as the poetic. The one ia imaginative, the other actual; and the differerice' in the results of the work of each is similar to the difference between the work of an artist and a photographer. The purely emotional actress is. generally utterly at sea when she attempts to play the a aie hard In -- highest importance, and 'what she says is { comparatively little mc . She may pete or a or appeal to the heavenly as she may feel is most « fective, than thé>words, In the poetic play what she says is of chiefest moment, and the action, though illustrative of, must be subor-) dinate to, the text," . EMOTIONAL PLAYS. "Ts not 'Juliet' an.emotional part!" ; itis 2 part-of-passion--as-intense--ae we apply that word toa play. The feelings avowed and depicted in the smotiona play are those of the nervous, hysterical te 'Camille,' 'Miss Multon,' 'East Lynne,' are plays of the emotional order." "But, Mme. Modjeska, you way Regen in addition to so many Shakespe "Yes, but it is the only one ot "the kind I attempt, and if I succeed fairly in it, the fact is due to my having had so thorough a train- ing in every style of acting. And this brings} us back to your supposed young actress. ber work well, no matter in what line she is cast, and she will gain experience that will be invaluable. If she has intelligence and poetic feeling she will be able to play the the opportunity comes. vernent. Practi rms faults, and the frequent repetition of a to blunt th ep ti and th shit I unfortunately gained my knowledge on this |. head from experience. During my very first season I was what you call herea 'star.' At the sug-| two Saeer and 'oy ome. rg 'italian. However, I jin Ressia. . with the household effects of a 'ake, |on their shoulders, while a ra Sis coat lapelis a word of Russian announ de has {| dravs or wagons, you will, but not of emotion in the sense that | 44 end of it I fortunately had senso. enough to kpow that I was worse than at the beginning, I shou whole acts as # silont super. I could sing, | and had a fair amount of experience in comic! to say what! Encourage the Editor. -- eee about 1,000 kicks to one caress. Once in a while he 'gets a kind word, and it warms and cheers his weather beaten, storm racked heart = the Most pepple are afraid to innermost core. tell an editor when he writes an article that tear of mating Cor to hunt him 3. and 'eli him.of it. Pshaw! dear frievids, don't think you will spoil the editor by giving bim-an Looaggpenaiet porary Ok ~eaeer, spoil your child by spear ear it upon, a piece of patea it. has fin- ished. ou could beat ¢ cou job yourself, but i deean't deter you from apaper! Of course, youcan: The man does not-live who can't beat aa editor at running The ehtdr ts willing to acknowl Neouly runs it because "Poe a Fe nor tine to~ het tess fact need not dor you tveu (i005; wm a won of pn- ™ creiaemasiaa ited > GARIBALDI_ AND AND ANITA. ' } 'The Great Rough tn Soldier's Tribate te His Brazilian Wife. 1 had eed of some human being who would love me, Without such a one near me ex- | istence beings, and, whatever men may sy, it is infinitely eaxier to find a really loving heart PM them. I was walking on the quarter k of the Itaparica, wrapped in my sad | houghts, and, havi the matter in all ways, finally concluded to seek a wife "MG ean ng and giance fell by chance upon the Barra, a little bill thus called at the arts, veettaceat the Laguna jof St. Catherine, in Brazil), on which are somp simple but pictur- - que ings. With the aid of my glass, which # habitually held in my hand when on the quarter' deck; ft dered the men to row me ashore in that -- tion, and disembarked and made for the house which contained the object of my roy- lage; but could ae -- it, when I encoun- tered a person of the place whom I had kiown on my first qstival He invited me take coffee at his house, We entered, and ments something which shall revive remem- berance, At last I saluted her, and I said, "You must be mine." I spoke but little Porta- guese, and I spoke these audacious words in : seemed #6 have some magnetic power in my insolence. { had tied a knot which death alone could break.-- r.| Autobiography of Garibaldi. How They "Move" in Bussia, Thy havea funny way of moving goods I_ remember one day seeing a of men going through the streets well known Four of them had the piano resting nge was carried by two otherg Then followed men in single Ss with tables, mirrors, trunks, wash boilers, bs, bed clothing and other goods on their Sead Wagons are seldom employed in hauling articles from one part of the city to another. Russian transfer or freight man carries around under his arm a bead pad about the size of the crown of a lar 'ap. It is usually made of leatber and stuffed with hair or hay. fomr inches thick. procession 0! amily tis soft and generally On a plate attached to ic ng that he is an ---- no 'art, horse or This man, fev. banded and alone, con- racts to remove every character of goods wt rapidly and safely as if they were in charge of the great express companics of the large American cities. He associates with aim, df there is heavy furniture or haste in the work, a number of his confreres, and the men, sometimes to the aggregate of a score, simply walk into-the house, pick up the goods and carry them ouf'and to their destination ina twinkle. There is no groan- ing, packing, raising and adjusting about Vhen the men get their foads on their heads they start out in Indian file and make a little procession through the city. ever go down an unfrequented , | Street, as they would lose an opportunity of advertising their trade. A Russian thinks ar] no more of picking up a warm cooking stove, placing it on his head, and walking a couple of miles with it witbout rest than an Amer- can would of carrying an overcoat.--Phila- delphia Times, An Old Time Prophet's Waening. April_25, Good Friday and St. George's jay. April 20, Easter day and St. Mark's day. June 24>Corpus Christi and St. John's day. In the year 1886 occurred for the first time in centuries that combination of holy days ind saints' days which Nostradamus predicted could be the sign of the "End of the World." His aa eng: made in Latin over 00 years ago, was that the end of the world rae come inthe year in which Good,Fri- ycame on St. George's day, and Easter ented on St. Mark' s day, Corpus Christi ame on St. John's da "Nostradamus was a celebrated physician ind astrologer in France, who died in 1566, ged 00 years. "His predictions have been or centuries | the -- = an immense amount of J iterature." In regard to the time for the ulfillment of these . great prophecies, no boughtful observer will say that the astrolo- ~er was very far wrong, for the signs clearly respi the beginning of the end. Within «© next century we may see the downfall of ho oan despotisms in Europe; the ----< ; the great tribulation; the rule of nuniam, nihilism and anarchy the dissolv- ag of the British. empire, the division of yer landed estates following the confiscation of ker church property; the fall of the Turk- «b power a restoration of the Jews « Palestine.--CourierJournal. Fortune Hunting Fair Ones. New York is filled with widows. are over fifty widows heremith in- | dividual phen ranging from $1,000,000 to old men, fore, others yielded to the inevitable ata late period of their existence. Generally m burdened by fore by venefable men of fi cumbed to the fascinations of women in the late hours of their a and di claims of children, the bulk of toes reas to bese who all too often been deemed simple fortune hunters, _The records are mouelttatiog pclae York Cor,-GlobeDemocrat. A Pretty "Bixiness" story. ~~ A rather pretty little story, which has the merit of being true, is Fak ston Peened tee me ener aoe ae or reaecs before sy gee alban store should be socked ith a caesar the sortment of the goods carried by the firm and -- thaéthe store ajul contents should thee be tarned over to the chief clerk, This was jone. "The clerk wheee merits won-for diva els silstantial TeOOT: ition continued t! lor. |) Medical. DR. D. M. FRASER, | Orr: at his Reshienes, on the Downie Read. Strattord, Oct. 1, 1888. "s-jy -- Wo perteeeriagoeer larch 20, 1883. ~ Dr. W. N. i. ROBERTSON, {Lars OF acoTLans) Ormca Hovas :-- nee heme yiee m. tp. = . lord, Ontario. ve Sets Teeth Painless Extraction! Vitalized Air.* Kvicar, the Dentist, --RAILEPAD Fakes PAID 1D ONE eWay a Leadon J Zegal and Financial. SMITH & WHITE, " Be pete SOLICITORS, &c., Stratford, Nor. 8, 1887. Idington's Lely ~ JOHN B. HARDING, Baer SOLICITOR, CONV: EYARCER, Id -- Block, Erie S8t., Stratford _Strattond, Sept. 13, 1 "THOS. T. PORTHOUS, | Bes SOLICITOR, Etc. DFELLOWS' BLOCK, BStratt Stratiord, Jul 1885, ls _sO-ly SMITH & GBARING, ARRISTERS, Etc., STRATFORD. J. GRAYSON SMITH. Stratford, Aug. 6th, 1834. A. C. SHAW, B.A., Bes. SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, up-stairs in Old Albion _-- next Post ou Stratfo 42 Money to Loan on Property, at Six Per Cont W. F. KERR, Aas, Saline, : Goararaneee, &e. Orrice :--Over } '» Drug Store, Market Street, strait " MONEY "To ea meratl ord, Nov. $-3m GEO, ALBERT LON BY, ARRISTER, Solicitor, Attorney- a2 - vaqgece, etc. MONEY TO LE Orrice : Wed indsor Block. Pptrationd Stratiord daly, 13, 1897. S08-ly G. W. LAWRENCE & SON, BaAgeisrens, ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW, _ Solict- itors in Chancery vi Con . tf oe LAWRENCE. WRENCE. _Stratiord, Feb. 3, ily IDINGTON & PALMER, BARRISTERS, Etc., STRATFORD. rig Cole tires .C., Co Covntr Crows Atroaxsr. a. MONEY TO LEND. Stratterd, Jan, 12th, L886. 7 MONBY TO LEND, At tan le Rates of Interest, on Farm and fown on thn Apply to G. W. LAWRENCE, Market Buildings, Stratford. ~ Money, Money, Money ! A XOTHER R Lot o t Cheap cap Money has beon placed in me hands, for investment on Farms, at PER CENT. -INTE Terms of repayment to sult the borrower. Apply at once WILLIAM GORDON, Real Estate Broker, Stratford, Dec. 12. 1882. 362-ly fgg ag & a General Banking Business, issue able at par io Canada or United Allow 8 cent. interest on d te in the savings braac Within the nt last six years aon $2,000, 000 (two million dollars) have been deposited with us and re on démand w th terest, a = firm in Canadd. We ng xe as business men a --e Pri nds to private banking make 4 le b vate fui fe at our oh ng 3 Stowe 'tought replay er Water vs. Steam. - cer 3 begs te announce to the public PREPARED TO SAW LUMBER at the prices quoted, until further notice, viz :--- Hard Wood, . per 1,000 feet. Soft Wood, Or 50 conts per M. Seton ane olen within five miles of } Sebsingville. Highest price paid for saw caw los. A quantity of Dry Oak, Elm, Basswood, and Pine Camber on band, JOHN ee Sebringville, Nov, 20th, oly READMAKER'S JEST. Pi crane AD mide x this Yeast at Ontario Perry Davis Pain -- Killer FOR MPS ANT CHOLERA PAINTERS Courc IARRHOEA DYSENT! ERY UO. PERTH MUTUAL F. I. CO, eeranumap 1563, BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. WOW AT. & SON, BANKERS, | - blished, - -° 1863.) Hotels. - ~ COMMERCIAL HOTEL, ARKET « Sample M Rooms page = Seen a Good stabling and ettentive_ best ler ; Stretford, Oct. 10, 1883. ns ely 1 "ee "AL BION" HOTEL," TRATFORD. MMERCIAL Ea ee Table in the City. J JOHN PUTLARD, Propacior QUEEN'S 1 HOTEL. "Corner of Waterloo and Onta Ontario Streets, Stratford, -- Ontario. TPs GOETZ, Bertfor, ord, Aug. 18, 1808 CABINET HOTEL, (Orrosira Tun MasaeT (THE stoce ot _ Seely Market Square, Strast ROBT. SHORE, PROPRIETOR. Lee Stabling accommodation in the City. a ee to in Arwt-class ie Wine, a aebaeeasis THE TERRAPIN. Ontario Street, Strati Stratiord. JOHN GRAY, Prepricter. Ts BEST Brands of sof Wines, Liquors, Ales, Cigars, e Ss aor ween = Montreal Ales on ee. ee 'HOTEL, Hvon Dempsey, MEDICINE 'MAT, Frmest-cuass HOTEL. I egy on -- connection. _ ble ed Live Serukinek pintierte deows ot land. _---- aha at VICTORIa HOTHL. Downie Street, Stratf Stratford. JOSEPH @GRADY, Proprietor. Pxopareron. x. EF ss angnmuntdetion for the Travelling public, at mode 'the best Sree Liquors am awe kept By the bar. G Stabling. Stratford, Feb. 18, 1885. __Stratiord, F s76-ly WORTH'S HOTBL. HE SUBSCRIBER wy td leased the above well otel known le old patrons and the travelling pu! ic that Le be his constant aim to in t e house for Grst- class me' The ratty will be oe accom' -- with th choicest of everything. The oe sae « at the bar. £@ Fire ite Stabling BM. CALDER. Stratford, April 3, 1835. 48 LENNON |} 'HOUSB. St. Marys Gravel Road, d, hallway between Stratford and 4 ot. Marys. T. LENNON, Proprietor. HIS HOUSE has good accommodation for Tra- vellers --larg: a oe ne The best Liquors, Ales a the Bar. Every accommodatio a ae pees Terms reasonable. Stratford, Nov. 70h, 1884. LAGER ! LAGER! GEO. BECK, arket if" Stratford, H* the agency ter the sale of SLEEMAN'S cELeskarD LAGER, -- p PORTER, In Wood er This Colebrated Lager obtained Be, gas Medal awarded at = Toronte Exhi! 1382. JOHN CODD, Cellar Lately Occupied ed by Mr. ¥ Market Squase. poe 'ly Strattord, May 13, 1884. J. R- KILBURN- --AR- -C-H-L-T-B-O-T, -- ae ~sas and SURVEYOR dington's Block, Erie St , Stratford, Potente for Inventions sec JOSEPH G, oy beratord, Sept. 9, 1885. Ont. A. HEPBURN, HITECTURAL Designs, Public and A" Private wee 4 drawn urally, y, and in per speetive, and, if red, with ~ "cicadas ee ae Specifications Ng Val Sal venir oe of Perth ¢ or Oxford ers left Tux Times Office promptly mé-ly Stratford, Ang. ssrd, 18 1882. Ww. 2. . WHIR, TOSRSED ey aoeagree go cand A for Bg ve che sictoa" Bales at- tended rin "an vane "ge erman G Spoken, Residence IL. en Milverton, Feb. 14, 1888, JAMES PROCTOR, ° Licensed Auctioneer Gity of Steet and Comty of Pert. ALES ot Beal Estate, Farm Stock, Household and all kinds of General Goods at- tended at reasonable rates. *629-3m. MAIN-ST. FUNERAL DESIGNS. cur rT FLOWERS, B OQUETS, Wm Romine Eng. Go. Clerk, Stratiord, Seorgs ay de, Em. gi fee Park, 8. &. HL, " x j++ » Ful sllarton, ed Ry Derwato, forguagtor " ; oe ees, are - Rwart. 5 : Feo. $ mages * the +, uf. '+ Genk, CUAS, PACKET" Sec. - Breed, 2 ata Pe abore bs po pay heaganer bahon arg orders entrusted te Tin 'And Sheet x "'Sichien Troughing, Water rig ee sud Gower ae =a Ue o over Serres or Sa -! +) +e A. HUTCHINS, | Veterinary Surgeon, |; Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary © | GALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. - ori Sremsan Tpe Morel, ral, Stratford, Ont WM. STEELE, VETERINARY payne eoagh (Graduate of the Ontarie College arto Ost H's, REMOVED his office trem TOPPING to Indian Block, Market Square, Stratford. Residence :--On' tario Stowe, STRATFORD, comer of Nile s., epposite the Strattord Senttariom arium. ' D. W. BURT. V.S. Honorary Graduate of the Ontario College of CALLS PROMPTLY | ATTENDED TO. ances MODERATE. Veterinary Medicines Kept and Dispensed. Orrics and Rastwexcs ; -- In Shore's New Block, ever MoEwan's Store, opposite » Market. 97-1 sy ia- L- D4 - Bi FOR SA SALE. BEST. QU ALITIES OF LIME, suitable for TS Buildings lor sale ty aaeaaiaal Quantities, by JAM J. H. McCULILY' S) WRITE LIME WORKS, Bt. Marys Road, 9 miles from Stratford and 3 miles from St. Marys. Jan'y 25, 1888. 629-4m0 COAL! COAL! COAL! Fresh Mined, Just Received. and BRIAR HILL. P. R. JARVIS, Market 8t. Stratford, Jan. 24, 1888 620-3. "UNION IS STRENGTH. CLELAND & : MeKERNAN AVE cone into ot pearey u fer a ng -4 ears Dunn's stacks Shop, Ontario te n's Hotel, which + ave cuaes to sanie bona to accom modate their very nume ere cu rm, and carry aa Blacksmithing --_ scientific principles in & ty follewing lines: monoee and mrone Cutters 'cols, ggg Hard- are. Ploughe, Harro E aggons, Cutter and Sleighs ana ay . order, roa =-- guara: HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY ! - all its Branches. In this line our reputation a no comment. wAcknowledgibg wie -- we solicit a continu. ee of the min a still fur furthes share age of public patronage. Wood taken in maenange for New W Wn. McKERNAN. W. J. CLELAND, 629- CARD OF THANKS. Wm. Pirie, Blacksmith, EGS to announce to his Friends and Customers his sincere thanks for their many favors in the and their esteemed -- has been reported by some interested parties test : Wit PIRIE, Blacksmith, ie so oe City is not the Gave ren shops OP PPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL near the Market, where all his old comemers He Horse-Shoeing & Blacksmithing Ot avery eee There will also be in con- nection a Wood Worker, Trimmer and Painter, So t upon getting watis- aes _ neverytning the yrrant, at at most nable -- Will open new shove about the "middle of anuary, 1588. Yours truty, Wa. PIRIE, _Stratford, Dec. 30; 1887. 624- SHAK ESPHARE WAGGONS, At Reduced Prices. Tpee leten Undersigned, having better messin el manufacturibg, ls now prepared to CELEBRATED WAGONS ! He would also to call attention te his IMPROVED SPOKE-SOCKET, a neat device for strengthening buggy-wheels, where the spokes are attached te the felloes, making them wear 3 times as long as the Buggies and Democrats ! Gro, MINCHIN ata Marble and Granite Works. At the Lowtes Rates. Shakespeare, May 1,1834. REMOVAL. __ A, STEWART, | HARNESS. MAKER, -- HAS BEMOVED PO H. Baker's Block, Sous of the _ Market, Opposite the Man- Hause. Ss t, Where ne telonts Keeping a First-Clam tas , March 14, Lams, prsus rapa ney WM. DAVIDSON, Co. Clerk. GET YouUR TICKETS G. = f. Oy Y TICKET. OFFICE IRAPH OFFIO F. BLOXAM, SLATE ROOFER, '}Canadian and American Slate. Tus Bast Roorwe ae Rivewe Alwats 4@ Shingled Roofs also Repaired. a No. 67 Milton St, near G. T. R. Station. Bex i, Sisatiord, P.O. A call solicited. + aioe "pretend, March ® 1887. ELIXIR viTz MAGNETIC MINERAL, As it comes from the Mines of Nature's Laboratory. mn? VIT% will cure Bright's Disease and Kidney Com plain 3 Diphtheria, Drepepsia, General Debility, Female: Complaints, di ys cae of every ill the uman Flesh is heir 1 Ho wi Erysipelas, Ulcers, old sod, -+~3 'Piles, and all Skin Diseases, bruises, Bu: hilblains, &c. Sold by all druggists. --Norember 29, 1887. "BOOK-BINDING. I HAVE Rn ah FACILITY oo rier Music, CLASS MATERIAL AND WORKMANBHIP. om books repaired, and blank books ru! printed anc bound to any pattern. guts por von Canada bound in geod style fron be] Full Price List on Application. WALTER STONE, Book-Binder and Blank Book Manufacturer BINDERY OVER DUTTON'S DRUG STORE, Corner of Erie and Ontario Streets, RATFORD. Stratford, Feb. 21. 1887. s8l-ly HAVING BOUGHT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF Ford & Co., Mitchell, --AL&O i-- ao rad PrPrTr sTocEe In Toron on the dollar, we will sall for the next 40 eae! io Mitchell and Sebringrille a = NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED. a tomats call and convince yourselves that GooDs AT HALF-PRICE. Our Mr. B. W. ZIEMANN, as. the New -- York Gittitig wehoot, wit "beta Mitebett- Saturday to _ orders for caller. guaranteed or no sale. Kastner Bros SEBRINGVILLE axp MI ICHELL. Snocess the Bost Li of We Wortt PILLS AND ) OINTMEN? This universal medicine is Household quisite everywhere. = F | THE PILLS PORIFY THE BLOOD. im: tone to 1! VERVOUS SY at mal ietomeah powerfu rot soothingly he LIVER AND BOWELS, . DIGESTI Iawing. the ON and pompaeten, 3 LOSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for wiures of KEMATION, GOTT, nd agatha nen it is unsurpassed. It pew: a and every species of ak: 533. OXFORD ST., LONDON Stock of Kinds of, Harness, Whips, | 22 Sitar otter Sha fs Chaeda as: Bells, r bs, out Senses, and the larger elecs | Brushes, Blankets. Scaeee x eter icin rida ' Very Cheap an the Pots ans wy the adane 8 tes or al street, o oe yee dng [RING P ; ' REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. | ar caere ooh _-. GGUNTY OF PERTH. SRST | seing- Besnehltin, Qninenz and Apia je