4 City Local wtems. Next Priday i is Good Friday, and Kuster Sunday follows it, Janior Judge Lacourse has been appoin- ted County Court Judge of Waterloo Co. ~--+--"Phe sie wail-of Mr. Hobt. Shore's new brick block shows signs of " giving" from the effects of frost. Great Easter sale of hats next Saturday at Willamson's the hatters, men's furnish- ers and t tailors. Mr. Jos. Pierson, formerly of Milverton, has taken on of the Tq Ameri- ar Hotel. Gretna, Manito Fraser, we besten on the Grand Trek lost three ar while coupling Chatham Rev. Mr. Ker will ne a his official duties in connection -- with St. James' church in this city, on > iu is mak img Roo, tae and family in the city. A private letter has been received from Mrs. Biake which states that Hon. Edwasd Blake will probably be in Canada by ye end of April. : Bey John F. oo'. of ag pickle an works at St. Mary's, has made omar shipment to ca rw jn Toronto. ot 250 gallons of pickles. The Government, it is rumored, has de- cided to abandon, at leastfor the een the scheme for constructing a canal on the Canadian side at Sault Ste. Marie. We keep all the best brands of hs 's them all is the celebrated keep "the best as weil as the cheapest. Mr. 'Woods, deputy ------ of Mitchell, is $8 years of age and has never had a day's illness d all those long years. t-then he is a bachelor and was never editor of a newspaper. St. Marys has taken It has repealed its _ ---- scented bovi large. cue in fail bloom in the stone town. Genuine Pie of albums and Serverth . The young m Fitzgibbons who was er in the vgaabbing affray at Pine's hotel stables a few weeks ago, was arrested a few days since. No so but the had been laid by the injured man, the Crown Attorney will take the case inh R. H: Robert Myers, of this city), will be the snagged candidate at the next general elec- tion, ¢ ted to take place in June, for one of the adlem of be county of Minnedosa, Province of ' Pedestrains are notified to watch for iciclcs an snow avalanches frém the roofs this weather. Many persons haye had on our {reat treats dering th t few days, and it is thought the the past buildings. should be compelled to weet 4 their roofs clean, and safe for passersby. At Osgoode Hall, Toronto, on Friday, in the suit of McFarlane vs. Stratford Water Company, Mr. C. J. Holman, for plaintiff, appeale from an order of the local judge at Stratford for the examination of certain per gons alleged to be in the same interest as the plaintiff. Appeal dismissed. Costs to defendantsin any event. Miss Sarah Sanderson, of No, 70, Daly Terrace, Erie street, this city, died on Saturday morning, at the age of 34 years as an estimable-iedy, and had day afternoon for interment. sa spring, besatifal spring ! of the tonic hope Ja order just March just -- Foon ng--- four feet of frost in the an equal nnmber of feet of snow on ma the top of that, ite + ee eas can hardly be denied, beca ng will be here before « the ~ of way, beyond any reasonable doub' Revenue e been a) ly well at noea,_but_com- plained later of being exhausted, and while sitting on a chair in the eveniag she was seen to fall off Her head struck against the stove, death instantan ves two daughters and married. Smith, of North'Easthope, was up Lou at the Stratford police court on Saturday : es --_---- sd ee ---- ES eee S| stated that he thoug t the d AND COUNTY OF PHRTE GazerTe. City Loral 'Hews. An Effect of the Thar. The Ey nat in the foundation of the new engine was during the high for its instability. work till the wash-out cou! The einploy ees stopped d be repair Mevident at the Rownd - Hewse, Joseph Chidley, of Romeo ward, who works in the Stratford G. T. R. round house, had the misfortune to get one of his feet badly squeezed on Thursday by a crank of the stationery engine that forces water inte locomotive boilers. He had his foot on the frame when the engine pasa and could not remove it soon A doctor attended (o the injury, ou, pon is pretty bad, but no bones are broken. A Needed ---- nt. t last a possibility of the old Goverssent drill shed in Romeo ward, this city, being made fit for use, as Mr. Fred. W. White, engineer of the Militia department at Ottawa was in Stratford on Thursday last to make an inspection o of the property, sod pi estimates of the cost for necessa Mr, White ment would order the fixing-up of the building atonce. It will require between $ and $1, to do so, and then our brave defenders will have a respectable place to drill in, which is more than they have at present. Tush for Seats, Judging from the number of reserved ao, sold for the Mrs. Scott-Sidaons entertein t {in connection with the Collegiate Toatiate) it promises to be the event of the hough it is over a week A th ice. "Scott: Siddons" arrival rake et nearly 260 seats have been sold. pectal 6 oo have beea ay -- the G. T. Re vey passengers from St nr i Mitchell Listowel, &c., at reduced rates. Those wishing reserved seats should get them at once and secure a g sition. The plan of the hall is open at }, E. Nasmyth's drag store, where tickets can be obtain ed. Real Estale Changes. In the place of four houses sold by him last week, Mr. Geo. Forman inserts new in his list herein: Mr. F. A. Case'a fine house on Dotro st., at only $1550; Mr. Chas. Mannering's 2 fine houses on South Street, at $1,000 and $1,300 only; Mr. Horne's house and Glots, opposite Wanzell's gardens, on Huron road, at only $700; aud that neat house lately occupied by Mr. Roffey, on Ontario street, near C og '3 a8 grocery, at wnly $500. the largest list of properties in the county. Buyers should, and they do go where they can get the greatest choice. His list ia mri t a0 tint only half of them can appear in Wide Awake Jurcniles, The second annual meeting of the Strat- ford Janior Cricket Club was --_ on Sat- urday evening tast-- and--we attended. den, the tice-president. officers for 1885 resulted as follows :--Hon, president, Mr. , Tiffin; Hon vice- -- Mr. D N. Hogg ; 2nd hotivice- - J._K. Croley ; president, ; vice- -president, Mr. 2nd vice- --- Mr. R. } eee. S. M. Johnson ; secretary, >| A. Macfadden ; treasurer, E. J. Deac The Beat a the o City. Mr. Wm. Macklin, of Stratford, attended the sale of Jos. Kidd's (ot Dublin) stock recently and succeeded in bes part of the stock at tose oon hall price, and is now offering 50c Halifax tweed.at 35c.; fine goods, same proportion, A ffreat chance for good cheap suits for boys and m shi Dress ele at the prunella boots, 50¢.; w 90c.; girls' sizes, ll to 2, 750.; child's do., to "104800 Also the stock of field and garden seeds, estate of Jas. Rennie, Jarvis sty Toronto, to be sold at exactly Poe flower seeds at 2c, " paper. a Tot of knitting cotton, best quality, slight- ly soiled. 10c. pound. G worth ages 10 to 16, $4.50 7-3 ¥ Sad Berearement. The ntsmerous friends of Rev. N. H. Martin, in Chatham and throughout the Province, will grieve to learn of second = bereavement in the death of his little y, George Elliott, at the of De Smith, at Stratford, aged one year eleven months, which occurred on Saturday afternoon week, from croup, Mr. Martin was suddenly called away on Satur- old | day by the news of the illness. When it annou Christ chureh y school, it produced a very deep impression, in of about 500 o) ren not a but was bly account more icularly of the death of Mra. Martin, Mr. Martin was devoted! attached to the littie fellow, yee his death is all the more a serious on ve- meat. It is less to say that the mpathy of all is atieaied" to him.-- tham | Planet. The Mindeee Hotel Chenges Hands. Huffman, who has conducted otel in- i By a 7 = j ! agep ii a] i ii : ¥ | Dae 's residence bere he made many friends, and er time, trouble nor expense by him to make | the Windsor what it is, viz., one of the best houses in W. The new find the hotel in first-class ¢, and will s profitable STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAw, MARCH 2s, 1888. NO. 635, - cs MITCHELL. | ity Local 'Bews. City Local ews. A GUID worp FOR MR. TROW. Fv -- organ for Trinity church was --~------ a ane aaniae anil To the Héiter of 'Tun Sraarroa> Trams: shi rom Montreal last week, and Mr. whional Cie Seott & Denting's inter- aah Forres, Mon, dar, I lo'e your | Wadsworth, the builder, has written be Congrego rch. The ia a9 Congregational Church is renovated and repaired. ros, are hanging « sice paper, " supplied by « Buffalo firm. An effort is being made to have the fixing up all done before next Sunday, so.as to admit of service being held there on that day. It is expected that the new pastor, Rev. John Gerrie, of Montreal, will be here in a tow days. - Accident to the Ice Siew. Mr. Daniel Collina, of London West, was seriously tg on Saturday last, at a King street hotel, in London, losing his balance and tli 'from the top to the bot- tom of the ata' Dan. is well known in Stratford, stig he conducts an extensive ice business. His many friends bere will wish him speedy recovery, although he is too heavy a man to fall such a distance without getting a very severe shaking up. Burgling a Blackemith Shop. On Monday night some party broke into Cowan's blacksmith shop on Huron st. by breaking off the padlock on the front door. There was nothing in the shop that would tempt a professional burglar, and it must have been the work of a pocramateur. A the value of some $8 or $10. are on the scent of the thief. St. James' Chereh. Rev. Canon Patterson perance lecture in --o-- --_ ant on Sunday evening, to y ogee Notice was given that po > will held at 11 o'clock, a.m., and at 7 p.m., on Good riday, the new assistant minister to give his first sermon on that evening, and reached a tem- enter on his duties hes that time. On next Surday (Easter) the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be ¢ need at 8 a.m., and again immediately after the morning service, Oddfellowship. The Ontario Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F. has issued its report for 1887, show. ing that in that year 1,601 members were initiated, 139 admitted by card, instated. The deaths have been 97 o less a sum than $51,657 was paid in relict sick benefits, annuities, funerals, &c. o receipts of lodges were $137,314, and the total funds stand at $578,617. New lodges have, since the meeting of the Grand Lodge, nm in- atituted at Meaford, Rat Portage, Nor- wood, and one will be opened this month at East Toronto and another at the town of Perth. The order has two lod Stratford, with a fine hall (their own), a large membership, and a balance to their credit in the bank. Home Memorial Church. The following is the programme of music in the Home Memorial church, Stratford for Easter Sunday :-- . EMLXO, Hallelujah, MaDetujah Les Hearts' to Heaven and {Vv Raiso G . Newby Cantate Domino ---- Deus Misereatur " Many Hymn i7s_.. Awake, Glad Boul, Awake, aaa Hymn 186 .. The y of rrection Hymn 183 ..*.. .. Jesus Christ is Risen kd Nuac Dimittis .. . bdon un Bnei Grigin Onee More Behind he Bara. " Dr. " Gustavus Griffin, whose doings in London, Stratford and elsewhere are -- still remembered, is at his old ricks again in California, and is now in duraabe vile for the third time within a few months. It sppears that Griffin had so in ~e of - at San Oe mbezzlement, Griffin ------ in Sanding bail, but im- y in sureties on a ven in ing s him in the Su Cours in which he charged em " lie ans aul requested t6 contribute to medium of an -- this effort w ag a3 ie sik 3 E e i Ey sf. £ i : Hy ip fe MORNING. w Hymn 179 .. Welcome, Happy Morning Gloria.) kee Henley | 4D '¢@ Deum .. ee . .- Boyten Smith Jubilate a - dJackso yrie Mendleasoh: Gloria Ti 'é E phreys Hymn 177 : The Ha appy Morn is Come Hymn 180 .. The Strife is o'er, the Battle Done rs a Read Messrs. esting adv't on another pag J.R. Willismaon & Co., the city hastorn, hold a qoeat Easter sale of hats nex Saturday. The house ot James White, lot 14, con. 5, Peel township, was -- by fire on Monday. ~ Everything insarance slight. The jury in the accused detective's case, which hawbeen on trial in Montreal for 10 = past, on Monday found John Fahey guilty, If you went to te aan fay your sugars at alsh Bros, egive more sugar for "ton you can buy amy other place i city. The by thw to grant Messrs. Hees Bros. arena erect their new factory on cose street, in Listowel, last week was carri 302 m: al Listowel " mid der ow efery di The Listowel Board of Trade has passed 8 resolution urging upon the Grand Trunk Railway Company the necessity of erecting & new pasgenger depot in that town. The present station is altogether inadequate for the purpose. By adv't it will beeen that farmers de- Fs flax seed, eo those having land to rent for oo on, can --" peed wants su a i to Mr. Jo Hogarth, "manager pay 1 aed JI, & J -- mill, in Stratford. The firm on Market st., Messrs. aang rf Douglas are olive to "theis own interests, and advertise in Tur Times. We would advise our many readers to ee age stock. You will surely be sa this cash and one price store. sthops 'Soe is @ curious circumstance in the gg te ig i ae Wigle, of Essex Co., On the father of three child- ren, it Pig techy years, one eight years, and the pa an infant, and all three were born on the same day of the same month, viz., ick 8th. We doubt if there is another family in the Dominion where all the children's "sisthdays fall on the same date each year. If there is, Tuz Traxs wonid like to hear from them The Ingersoll Mayoralty Muddte a en @ nom: on the ground that the election was being held i Mr. Gibson will hand in his resignation within the limited time, thus ove ay genie' ween Buchanan and Seldone ss Those Terrible to y Rifics, In Londogt eth Monday afternoon a lad named Alfred Bradford, 11 years of age, son of Mr. Amos Bradford, Dundas street, he died in four hours after>-- who did the shooting is the son of the late Mr. Tilley, who was a son of Sir Leonard Tifley, Lieut.-Gov. of New Bruns- wick. When will parents refuse to allow thei: children to and play with such murderous weapons? ? Rev. Bui Perkins, "Eli Perkins" got here on Monday evening last, and was briefly introduced by Wm. Buckingham, Esq., to a large and intelligent gudience. The renowned lec turer and mo Bike haraogued for over two the philosophy of wit and ughed 50 cents' worth, and de- apparently well pleased. a oe it | i: : is HE Lah i F 2 a. Ettcip stench ides CEEEEES E if Bona Vista, Col., is it it | v Ye are as neefu' as a 2 'toa flock o' one Ye an' blaack a' Dinna Collie Soug serve fog Sooth Perth represen ¢ at Ottaw last week ? Ye ought to "Femto penta --§ for some nid streakes. he present tae the tchell rene lnetootate a hale bani? o' the Sta! tatootes An' d'ye na' kea tha Tory an' resen Grit Goovernments had ted them tae him for his ain lar use? Like™ . mon that he is, he gie'd th roi free o' c' the Instootate. t min' that? It's nae eviry ain wad d the likes o' that! For a, a a ™ «--a guid Reformer, a J for ow'er ag Cy Peace stan' in'--that sell't his Statootes by -- tion for what they would b Sae no Maister Trves, dae gie oor a tek oe credis for some gui acta, an' a gen'rous heart, e'en if he hae been guilty o' a few bad an' stingy ains. Yours truly, A Soorn Perera Pawrrorr. March 24, 1888. ----___--_<@0-0------ STRATFORD'S FIRE. "PRO. TEC ora ON." Mitchell, INSPECTION BY A COMMITTEE OF THE CITY SOUNCIL, On Saturday last 'the F,W &G. Com- mittee visited the fire hall and inspected it and the fire-quenching apparatus The practical men who compose the committce saw room for improvement in onr fire sys- tem. They condemned the ladder, which is too cumbersome and awkward for effec- an work. t fires there has been little demand for this ladder, but it is not known how soon it may be needed, when -- life depends upon its efficiency. peed ose-reel is dangerous if any but a teady team be hitched to it. When the dete jumps on there is y want of balaace and the pole flies up. may be said that * horse-reel " was at one time a and was converted into its rm, As a reel to be drawn by hand, no fault could be found with it. Like too many other choap "converts," it arm. charitable view that the e, in a fire, have oun uphi 1 work. ey rom their ave to run greater or less distance to the hall. It they ly any wind left it has to be ex- pended the in tus to scene of the fire, they get there, the 'nen, as a matte course, - it~ es 7. thay. pave, Se pied or a spew sterm. - mittee would have a snfficient staff and team resident at the hall to get the ap- paratus to the fire, in which case the men would =e there with their energies un- impaired and ready for action. Valuable time would sometimes be saved by the men who have to leave their homes, as the: could then make the fire, if its location "were The: committee are in favor of bullding a fire hall, and a sub-committee have been a appointed te look fora location, as well as get from the city engineer an esti- mate of 'the probable cost of erecting a suitable _building, This committee have fire apparatus--two in front and one at the side. The mittee are of the opinion that enough ---- could be de- tived fi em in the way of rents to more than pay the mavens on the sum ae to put the fire system on a proper The committee have taken a for one. mg abe the q as it did about the '* Read FH me it-it? What C. U. Really Means. ERASTUS WIMAN CONDEMNED OUT OF HIS ow e on athe of Dake Eeetes man said :-- ne eS ee eee years w e sos akeada have covered the whole orth American cuntinent. Boston Tea Party had « good effect upon ging- Later'bn he said, speaking of the Freneh Canadians : "* The Speaker of the Canadian -- ment is the twenty-fourth child ; me the twenty-fou can." And again : "T bring you the trade of half a con- tt." _-------- *-@e+---_---_---_-- CARLING FORD. There has been quite a rumpus late over the Good pe Ae eerEES z Mr Dent to say that he will Saturday or Maniay to put ms in It withtikely be i oar Sunday. Robert Jones, Eeq., Reeve of Logan ex-warden of Perth, retu te his home brought and help te enjo in . . tr bg Mrs. we ex- tend co tions, hoping that the lad: may enjoy life in this, ears home. sf lassie. Mr.-Mathesom returned to Mitchell on Saturds: ay week, the lady and her husband have all the wiches thet enn be that their worthy citizen. Mr. A.W Hill, son of ~ ---- Hin, formerly an esteemed itchell, we regret to learn, died sobdealy in Cali- fornia, from blood-poisoning. bn a brother of Mra. R. J. O'Loane, Lon- ange fe was well known in Mitchell by a e nber of young ple. He mar- wise iss Stevenson, of Order, and his J.a be: in the Masonic lL be deeply re- gretted by all who icaeer Messrs. Robert Jackson and W. French, of Fullarton, pure of the best Sard imported entire horses that ever walked -- streets of -- He was imported from Scotlan Mr. Wm. Butaon, of Hibbert, and alt nough he won't be three years old until June 1 the price paid for him was $2,200 ht bay, with ---- bone, and lots 'a air, Messrs Jazkson & French are to:be cangratninned in becomin of such a mag cent anima. --Advocate, --A few days ago two coomssuitule s fresh" bridegrooms returned to town by different routes, h bringing with him a bride from Bonnie Scotland. Not having met each other since they had won and claimed their prizes, one of them called the other into the latter's office on Tuesday of this week, mce there came forth sounds of revelry Ps high riot. A friend's at- tention was attrac to the scene and there he found the two elated agd recipro- cating bridegrooms indulging in t':r erp. sichorean artin the classic mew movements of the highland fling «: them that do rejoice, etc.-- ~~ DUBLIN. "St. Paratcx's Dax. a ves no pertot Ontarvo was the memory of 8 patron saint perpetuated with greater eal and eclat than let on Friday evening last, The annivers- ary of St. Patrick's day w: brated by a supper in the Dominion hotel, and the assem , numbering nearly one hundred, lacked nothing in the warmth and enthnu- Shae - x i = gatherings. The supper tables werespread with a choice and elaborate supply of ail the dainties and solids that the --_-- aye and assistance of some. ladies of Dublin and fein and am them the welfare of the guests was looked after. Supper ae wate the tables were cleared and uests again seated, with Mr. Robert Hodge barrister, Mitchell, in the chair, and Mr. Holland, ex- -- be of McKillop, in the vice-chair, and th t of reason and flow of soul be: gan, an onde once begun, that flow of soul flow- 125 pr and Royal ei are and Navy, overnor-Gene te, drank and res- waa greeted a taneous of sympathy. " The Irishman Abroad" _ was very allyand warmly toby Dr of yand--at the ---- Mr, 0" q 4 from Mr. x is ed to by Mr. McQuade, of = cE we > Mr. Li and Mr. Thos, Ryan, of Hibbert vote - of thanks was who SO eee *