Stratford Times, 28 Mar 1888, p. 6

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con tetmonte meetadi ace cima RT Ramp > Tape fet omg ehe eet aarsal ~ A SPECIMEN GRIT M. P. Ia the Dowlsion Pi P on Wed. nesday last, the cies as made by: one of 'rae ward Icha Sata Mr. Welsh felt very nervous on rising to make a sailor's H Field for THE BALANCE SHEET, | HOW THE BUSINESS MAN -FIGURES HIS PROFIT AND LOSS. of how to begin?" waa asked of Richard Watson Gilder, editor of The Century. "The only wayrfor a beginner to do | to begin. is speech. He that the N. 1. hid been urged on the people of the Maratime Provinces as a step towards reciprocity, but it had not ' come yet. He was in favor of the motion of the member for South Oxford. Seventy- five per cent. of the population were en gaged in "bgricultare and fishing and rope oneri lacturing industries. So, then, if protec: tion kenetitted these ten, the other nine Mr, Welsh began read ma book in a low tone. tee 6 mtleman--Louder. Mz. Welsh--Ob, I'm just humming this f over to myself first. (Great laughter.) In ' continu ning Mr. Weish said he would s particularly of hig own country. These statements about the amount of money in the sav in-Prince Edward ts- land, given with mathematical precision, oaly 'showed that there was a great deal of idle capital. One thing which the Minis- arine, however, had said was that Coming events surely cast their shadows befory'them. (Renewed laughter.) *--_____Hos oe oem --In your case they cast none Mr. Welk 'tell you if you consum: mate the alliance you have given us a bint of. it will take the mathematical precision HE (Uproarious laughter-) If 4 ' | the shi Aa hon. member--No. Mr. Welsh--lI say yes. Who is it denies me? I'll take his name down, (Langhter.) Me said the Government were using the Intercolonial railway to bring coal from the Eastern Provinces at rates below the actual cost of transportation to -- the shipping interests of the St. Lawre: kt, itchell--It is only tec Tories't they ir. 'Welsh--Ob, youshutup (Laugh- ter.) I thank the people for the kind hearing they have giver me and [ will now sit down. Mr Laurier-- reci would be a good thing for Canada, He desired to see the 1% wants of Prince Edward Island attended y to, and sat down amid oe -- considered the biggest fool and buffoon in Parliament. Another Railway Smash. SEVERAL EMIGRA? TS AND TRAIN MEN INJUR- é BD BY A COLLISION NEAR WYOMING Ww yoming, ast. " Mareh 21. a a alias six oclock this morning a ial ia emigrant train going west and cont ting ; of five gercarsand a with the Petrolia train posi soak about three-quarters of a mile west of this ce. The engineer of the emigrant train, 'eter Temple, was y injared about the head, anda brakesman of tne same train had a vig broken: Of thd a passengers from eight to i limbs and are more or less seriously hurt, buat no one was killed outright, The eman of the Perolia train, Mr. Oak ey, had both jegs broken, besides other Bho arte -The homan Ridge;-was on the hand and face, but the others mir aculousty escaped with slight bruises some-balf. "dozen A son board, th were saved from further -- ity shape of non of coaches to bu seeraed atove directly after the geltision. moatly Danes an oa i. Minos and point Harvey and Newell, doing everything possible to eo the safferers, and it very few will be unable to continue their jour- nev. Specia! tion is y the ra of the heroic manner in -- the ore pod of the emigrant train, Mr. Be meente worked to save life and alleviate ngers in the i" this " inh are THE INJURED injured by the collision n this wiles are now com- Boswell's hotel in Their wie and injuries are Cy follewa + 3 Joanna Wolancroski, fractured leg. a choice new designs ; for saleat Boaworth's. If the balance is on the credit side Lisa. for Those Who Haven't 1s Secessa Knewledge of Accounts by One Who * I want to ae wht field there is to rr * » Knows--Meaning of "Taking stock." day f for magazine baa ie. 'or peuple withou terary reputa Gains and Losses--A sects. -- tions ' "Yes, people who want to make a repu- n--who want'té°'rige in the profes- A is Most business men keep their affairs well enough in hand to be able to tell at tation anytime about what they are doing, but! #0?) a er self." i ada ern cum te shew the | e fy Well, 'ae nat cotstant demand is for condition of the business. Indeed? there! fiction. A beginner always has the oppor- is = Bon means of ascertaining it, for sores amd out of this. he -- paler even the mont careful estimates made JE ifotp serial write, « noVelisty publishing ularly ee the padre are 'ues and! ether in the magazines or fn ' ~0ok form, the de statis varied. both. In this way the writer of stories t what is the balance sheet, and how has an adxantage = poe ey ri show the merchant what he has! Writer, in that he can ne rpc: | or logt?. The question. is not un- Matthews says) make Lis brief essays an timely, for every properly conducted busi- UY them on the editors and on the public, ness house in the country is now getting wherens in the dramatic art in -- country things in shape for the pre ie tration of thig| be does not get the -- t -- --_ important statement. A brief and simple abroad, ae. * . or ¢ one oe mee explanation of it and the weiner method | from beginners, vest yl es vot ; ay of making it may be of intercst to those) there are so n any good writers o i c ao who have no knowledge of accounts, and CO™ns Up all over the country and why even those who have gach knowledge ma there are so few dramatists, because the nd a suggestion here and there whah former have a chance to practice--to t can bé turned to' advantage. jtheir experiments upon the public--and - + | the latter have small chance.' MEAXING OF "TAKING STOCK. | "Has not that been the case with almost A prime condition of the balance sheet | all of our fiction writers of the present is to know exactly the value of the goods generation; they began with short stories on hand on the lest day of the year. This and then blossomed out as the rose is found out by "taking stock,""as the' 'That enthe rule. Some : them merchant' call it, that is to say, acom- have never got fairly beyond the short plete inventory is made of all the goods in story stage, but if they write good short stock at the prices paid for them when stories they have gained the rewards of purchased, or at*their present market fame."'--New York Mai) and press prices if there has been any change. For. Interview. example, a lot of goods that cost $2,000 three months ago may be worth $ 2,500 to- Parisian Dades in Doubt. day; if so, they should be inventoried atthe Parisian dahdies are greatly exercised latter price, and the appreciated' value is a8 jn their minds just now as to what style legitimate a profit the merchant as if he of stick they ought to adopt during the had sold --_ at that figure, On th@ season. They are tired the gold contrary, 1 ey have depreciated in Knobbed canes, the crutch canes and the value, the depree lation would be a loss.' canes with ducks' beaks, which were once ned entire stock, then, must be taken at therage. An energetic inventor has there- ts-present market valu ore started a thick stick which almost In the meantime the bookkeeper has aspires to the dignity and dimensions of been getting his books in shape. He car- a cudgel, and the pomme, or pommel, of ries into the ledger every" 0m from the which is tho claw of a cr: ayfish. e en nal books of entry aad ten 'gi bee article is already in the hands of many of " arial balance" to see whether his ndens, anid - proenioes bea fashion- has been correctly done. By the double dbib stccess. While the members of entry system of bookkeeping, the, only metropolitan he Me are thus busy correct method, the sum of the debits about the "nice, conduct" of b.. crayfish must equal the sum of the credits, and cane their f puzzled the trial balance is made out to prove as to the style of walking which they this. He goes. throngh the ledger and shall adopt for the season. As furs are finds the difference between the debit and worn at this 7 Pe te. year the car- credit side of every account, and having riage prescribed t of short steps made « complete list of the accounts, he with the ouae" _ the little _ bard sets dowh opposite to each one its bal- known as the bergeronnette, or ance as shown by the ledger, putting the wagtail. This 'waggle' Fond i Ke! debits in one colunm and the'credits in an- course, be as graceful as possible, the other been correctly undulating sweep of the hips being _ done these columns will agree exactly; if accentuated. The Parisienne looks, as they do not agree there are errors which pnfé, adorable in furs, but she is a oe aspen i. ound before further progress caQ times tempted to put in too much 'wag- gle."' The best dancing mastersand pro- ROSS GAINS OR LOSSES. fessors of calisthenics in conventa,.board- wor ne having been verifled the next ing schools, lyceums for sweet girl gradu- step is to find out the gross trains or losses. ! ates and similar establishments, fire, there- There is an account on every ledger, gen- fore, engaged at the present moment in erally called "merchandise,"' which rep» instructing their pupilsin what may be resents the commodity - goods dealt in | called the art of "waggling."--Paris Cor. All goods te charged to | London Telegraph. sid: are credited to ata As its debit Mac rate the amount ut The Other Side of the Gold. money paid for the _--_ and its credit I, for one, have alwues innocently su side the amount receiyed for what has sed that gold table plac cee wank been sold, it is evident that the gains or they pretended to be, all gold; but lately losses- can ascertained by adding the an expert and a dealer in old silver a stock-on-hand to the eredit side and then' informed me to tho" contrary. Even Vic- taking the difference between the there sorin's royal gold plate is no better than it should be. For such a a as "solid i loss. The ieekicennen yo ters. yunknown, J mus$ say dicentle on the crete olf t - this toate is a vast relief to me. 7 on Sios 'Aak he of merchandise purgiars may labor under a like delusion, SCOOUNE 26 + na edger the amount of the 2 anc nd fancy any piece of gold plateis better goods on han If there isa credit bal- ance, he conan it to the credit of and loss; if a debit balance, to debit of Pong and loss, jut we have all mate a The finest gold service in ex: but silver, washed with that precions inc It seems no less a person than Mr. James Keene, when he rtp on England with the famous Ascot ¢ won by his horse Foxhall, also belipwne 4 the stock with which the new year starts, the solid business, for the trophy was Having reached this point in his work t he has only to charge up to profit and loss = at 85,000 by aie ee on those the various expense acconnts to ascertain figures and his < pa was deposited ina the net gain or loss, and he is then ready place of safety. Sheet} Pro ypesiane the to make out the balance sheet. The fol- financial crash in Mr Tcewne'a fortun lowing will be the form if a gain has been ang he found it necessary to raise rss made; Merchandise credit and stock on on the Ascot cup. The first jeweler and ' ebits--the differences will Hank to exa to assa 7 y, its oh gene the gross gains; the various €X- intrinsic value, He found, to his on en- pense acconnts, the sum of them to be tire satistaction, that the 1,000 guinea cu Saetracted from the gross Giese re- J - ludi 2 mainder will show the net. gains. vaitemart oben follow a statement of the ae oe bilities, the former consisting of) {toms ever reimbursed Mr. Keene my in- cash on hand, stock on ern and a notes Boston Herald. and accounts owing by ot . The excess | Soran' sa ahh Kaew. * of the assets over the liabilities will be the! ~~ amount of tng net gains. If no loss has A Sadicial Jester's oer been made the balance sheet fs drawn up! Judge Gary, the jadicial jester, has been aubetantialy the same way, the -~ dif- makiri his friends laugh with a new ference being a change in the order of set-| joke. Gare you ~seckowd of the latest ab- ting down a this care the lin-' stract schem urse-you have not, bilities will exceed the assets by the' a your curiosity consiehion itis stimu- amount of the net loss, {la ed to an extraordinary d by the The balance sheet, then, is simply an ab-' solemn, almost mysterious air of the stract of the ledgcr accounts, showing ina Judge, whoasks you the question. "Well," condensed form the condition of the busi-' he says, after you have hess to a cent,--*'Bookkeeper" in Phila-'tell you. "we are getting up a company delphia Times. that will prepare a comeets set of books ---- rom the records of-the courts, and be A Curious Passover Custom. ready to furnish sustrasts of titles to men The painting of a hand on the honses in &™ Tunis, Algiers, etc., is not a Jewish cus-e ™IFY & tom, but is common to the natives of these, °TY tong. and she wants to make sure and other countries. It is always an em-|*&t be has no wife living in Wisconsin blemof good luck, and is in Syria--niso in! °F Indiana, she comes to our company Naples--acharm against the evil cye. The satranged in-form of a trench are Will show her. just how mary times he merely an erthetic form of the charm, %@$ been married, how many. times .<i- The reason Jews "pat it on their walls at, Yoreéd, how many wives he has had die, 2 se-at that Season of the! what they, died of, and all-about-- his matri imonial Hin if he has had one. "know what sat of « title he san get to the woman he is about, and in scheme wiilt- em, OV OTY way He also relates = that 'the " 'hand is tis painted There is a creat and an increasing demand t_here in on walls, and occurs, for . inthe for Just _ an_enterprise right Hagia Sophia at Constantinople at and oi eet Shicago Herald. where. It mmon in Ireland in India (Swa's od), and_--on-early i Insurance Against Epidemics. , ters. hands were worn by the, ren organizations to insure against pea . a ---Gor. 'bone: cs are Veg established in some ot ar ons Queries: | jthe large manufactories of Sheffield, Eng- land. wor contributes 2 or 21-2 An astonishing ex #xperiment may be per- teed. a payment eq to his ay- formed with yirdie,2rcy but we piece ng erage wages shotsd he be obliged to quit string five or six + long. A. person's ork on esgic Mc: Alp. r ypraraine bos Literary Beginners. id is there in lteraty work. form TO ma young woman who has some @ yet has no knowledge To become a profeSsional writer x fast Becoming a profession in it-. and gets an abstract of title on him that | Farm for Sale Cheap. GOOD 'FARM,' Containing 65 Acres, all cleared, right on gravel road.-- GOOD CONCRETE HOUSE AND OUTBUILDINGS Two Baris and small For particalars apply quick to * WILLIAM GORDON; Real Estate Broker, Stratford, BOUSBEB AND LOT FOR SALE, IN GADSHILL, HE had oe NED 6 offers fer Sale his Pro perty in G i, t ng of bh acte land, with a storey nd a half frame dwelling, kitchen attached. stone cellar. G arn, nt eit. Term of. payment to suit purchaser. HENRY HASENP FL UG, Milverton P.O. March 14, 1388. tf HOTEL IN 'SEBRINGVILLE. FOR SALE OR .TO RENT: THE Bs He meat tn Sebringvitle Village known as the re House," ts offered for sale or to rent. It is weil pateei ited and well arranged and fiseed out in every reypect. Good stabling in connection, Apply to . GEORGE HOCH, Sebringvills, Ng _March léth, 1888. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tih Undersigned offers sale that Valuable Park Lot in a frame the land is at present used for market gardening Pp For terms, ete., xpply to MRS. -- SILLIFAXT, © promises. FARM FOR >: SALE. Bee LOT 10, CON. 4 4, In the Township of wnie ------- to the City of vs on the River Avo acres, This farm is in a good state of cultivation--well adapted for a ane Stock raleing, as it is water- _ bad the Bice 635- thsouee the ning the 4 on the cornet on This Barn for bay, and a spring ran- il. School and cheese factory adjoininy farm. Fine loca- Terms letter, Box 15, Strattord P. CITY OF STRATFORD. LOTS FOR SALE. Wy et Following Lots, convenient to the G. T. R. motive Works, are now offered forsale on Favorable Terms: MARSHALL'S SURVEY, Lots 29, 30, 31, West Side Mc- Kenzie St.; Lots 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, East Side McKen- zie St.; 8. 4 Lot 50, and lots 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, West Side Victoria Strect. McKENZIE'S SURVEY, Lots 43, 44, North side Milton street ; Lot 49, South side Milton atreet. GRANGE SURVEY, Lot 51, south side of Milton st.; lot 54, north side Shakes- -peare. st... Apply to T. B. P. TRBW MERCHANTS BANK, Or to-GEO. FORMAN, Laxp Acanrt. ; on. Stratford . THE Real Estate Exchange, OFFICE:---Up-stairs, First Door North of the British Mort- gage Loan Co., ON EAST SIDE OF MARKET STREET, STRATFORD, Ost. The Following Good Investments are selected from my list of Properties for Sale :--- ROMEO WARD, $40 to $500, tor or £0 piizibte building lots. $1650 for a nice Brick Cottage, full lot. 91700 for a nice Brick, storey and ball house and abi. Cee Ee ee $4500 for a handsome Br ick Housh, modersene- 41200 for Frame House and 3} acres, near G.T.R. or three Frame Hovuses. SHAKESPEARE WARD, $209 for two Nice Building Lote $2500 for Brick House Stable. HAMLET WARD, $125 for two nice Building Lota. AXON WARD, $1500 for a Large Frame Cottage and Stable. $2100 for a Large Frame House and two lots. FALSTAFF WARD, * $1600 for two Eligible Building Lots. $1500 for a Large, two storey Frame Houw.-- #5000 fore large weed bnelibene, Ba wilco iP HOUSES T! TO RENT. WANTED 'To' Buy = Well "Retablished subarban Grocery Business. -- olhipg « Large House near G.T.R,, for boarding Moose, Gi Lots, f Bre a City ee a aad residences, - soclte contain. MONEY "to LEND. W.G. MOWAT. om soa | STRATFORD, ONT. COMMON SENSE SCHOOL tor the times. It educates Young Men and Womem for « sucesgda. A hi startin life. Get that Education that giver? young man or woman mental culture and discipline which sharpens the preceptive faculties, stimulates ambition, and develops sagacity along with a system" atic knowledge of business affairs, wRItTE FOR CATALOG W.H. SHAW; PRINCIPAL SPRING IMPORTATIONS | COMPLETSE. We take pleasure in announsing to the Gentlemen of Stratford, the County of Perth, and surrounding Towns, that our Importations of Fine Foreign and Domestic Woolens, Ameri- can and Einglhish Hats and Mens' Fureishings, for Spring and Summer, COMPLETE, MAKING THE --~ 607-ly. --iiIS NOW «ods | Finest Collection of the Latest Novelties for Gentle- aot minio men's Wear in the Do: MR. "POLAND Still has charge of the Manufacturing Department, which is a guarantee that all garments turned out by us will ba up to the highest staridard of excellence in every particilar. ges An Early Inspection Solicited. J. R. WILLIAMSON & CO., Exclusive Tailors, Hatters, and Men's Furnishers, 65 Ontario St., Stratford. CIGARS. CELEBRATED "TE mse GLADSTONE CIGARS n. ICH: ICB! IOB! HE Unde: te Seid tna large sleck = Pure Ice, f Little Lakes, to supply customers next summer. Stratford, Feb. 23, 1283, BEN, SLEET. ~ ROOMS TO RENT. sia pa B Legal, i gg or Medical r Tne Fores omce. oh ger only | «few yards frou the Post Office. oad "gd. FRANK PALMER, Or at Tue Tores office, HOUSE TO RENT. 0. 33 DOUGLAS "STREET, under = sg a vation. Wice Gatéen sak Govan terms apply to JAMES SHARMAN, Stratford, Deo. 16, wh LEAD rir FINE STYLES OP YURNITURE --ANXD-- Stratford, December 6th, 1887. 622 _ LOW PRICBS. a ~» IT WILL PA¥ YOU TO Cure For BUY FROM Us. BRADSHAW & CoO., FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS. '$25-LIFE-SIZE PORTRAIT=$25 Bi Riel Ww. I. 1 Becker's Gallery. At Convince, Brranctancre powaers. Nasal B: "Tf not obtainable at your draggsta. --eRegI SL LES 0 cunts S01 S00 r NEW GOODS! *Yctors FE. form wil have the chasoe!c pail LiFe siz PORTRAIT of themselves on that day. MAKE A NOTE OF THIS, If you want any Pictu Tulsa Rare Chance) ed vome coe wil be sure TRY YOUR LUCK! New Perfumes-- Martha W Calgates * wf ite Heliotro "s Cashmere que et. New Tooth Brushes-- The Rob Roy, A few doors west of Post Office. Badger Se at eer ores, Stratiord, Dec. 13, New Combs-- ene WINTER FLUID, _ Heavy, Medium and Light. FOR CHAPPED HANDS. ~ Fine Line Pocket Comba, Genta' Acme De ia BAKING POWDER __ Ya Bait "Abvaya Pore and roa The Medical Hall) pce sRow AWD WINE, An Excellent ST and Restorative Tonic. NIGHT BELL, TELEPHONE. | Change of - of Business. JOHN McINTYRE E.. J,. JOHNS' AKES PLEASURE in announcing his old Friends and Customers, and the Citizens of Stratford generally, that he has the FLOUR and'FEED BUSINESS cen Rye re olga Market street, in Mr. 8. &. Besws here he will in future carry i Me : JOHN McINTYRE, 47 Remember the Stand--next to Larkworthy's Stratford, March 5, 1888. 635-tf . CHAS, CLUTHE, Sernical Machinion BRAN CH STORE mae 2 MITCHELL PORK PACKING <a. sciiie thea; Willa ato April 2% & 1. "«| PROVISION HOUSE! sade BEG TO INFORM TH! THE PEOPLE OF THE I City and surrounding. thet tet aor) Mrs. Beandeaberger, here I will : pid First Class Meats, Lard, __Gheese, Butter, &c., at _ Lowest 1 will ala pag: highest snastait tes toe Sitch aia Deiter: ee Diet Apples; wisnow stom Sc caietetade VaNTITY or-- BF yea DRESSED bas GRALEING, Geitvered free Bis snten Py st Ha win ik, OIFY WALL PAPER AND PAINTING NOUR -

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