bt Se oe A gee 66 if 9° Itis a Beauty. |": Kither Jet or Blue Black, Pure Wool, Wool-Dyed, French Cashmere, 46 inches wide. Extra weight, and Saperior Finish. "Value tor $Y per' yd. Belling at ~-our~Dress~ Goods Counter for 65c. and 75c. These two lines are worthy your inspection. Another line that merits favor is our all-wool Debeige, in seven differ- ent shades. Selling rapidly at lic. per yard. Close cut in pricé, but the quantity selling pays the piper. Our Stock is now well assorted. Goods arriving almost daily keeps Everything bright and fresh. You will find it a pleasure to trade with us, and we shall be pleased to have you do so: Plain Figures? No Second Price. BUNTING & SCOTT, Dry Goods Specialists. IDINGTON'S BLOCK, Market-St. BIRTHS, DALY--In Btratford, on -- inat., hse Daly, of a ame a '7th inst., the wife the wife of ~ J. a. of a daughte: 1 the 12th inst., 'the wife A fe. weet gb "Sta daaghter. a Sth inst., the wife of BURDETT In Strato od, on on the 2istinst., Any hom ---- =e Burdett (coal and w a we hter. CAWSTON--At Keremeos, B. C., on the 25th ult., the wife of Mr. R. L. Cawston, ef a son. pao wenTZEl ia Wallac, re the 16th inst., the wife Tone SONOn oon wr eof Mr. 8. L nurci int In St. sary on 11th inst., the wife of r. T. F. Bute hter. BARTEA- In Monckton, , on the 15th inst., Mra. Das of a daughter. GAFFENEY--In Patrick Loras, an the a inst., Mra. ughte: te ge In in scot on _-- the leth inst., Mrs. uboun, jr., FARROW-- a Mitchell, ray the. 19th Inst., Mrs. Douglas Farrow, of some ter. ana = In seas, ¢ 20th inst., Mra. John Hic DOERR =~ borebolm, - the léth inst., Mrs. John Doerr, of a esac MARRIA GEs. Tad gg Sh ~ ping inst. at the Hotel, Pa' "James » My Willian Williameon, of! Howick, --At the Grand Central + of John McGormaa, of the township of oreina ten. THOR SE OnE AN-- In Mitchell, on, the Zist at the ina Carotine, vxth daughter of Seakel, ite f Fullarton. CORES RATE In "Mitchell, on the 20th inst by the Rev. C. E. Stafford, at the residence of the bride's brother, Margaret Ratz, all of Mi JONES LY 'LYALL--A At Surgeon's Hall a retiocentin, potland, on inst., Anderson G zt "Robert pe Esq., of Mitchell, Ont., Canada, to san, wido' ow ot the late John Lyall, eon hag Antlouttars! Com- eatnes , Aberdee: NCES GOURLEY - -Oni the 15th Inst., at the Partonace, Kirkton, by Rev. hariton, _, Wm. Frances, to Miss leabetia. 'Some, all o' Usborne township. STAPLETON SPENCER--At the residence of Mr. Wm. Cockerbam, by the Rev. J. A. Tarubu ee of West ice Spencer, of the saine RHay---MORAY at _ fostdonee ot , on the Cty wae: eee S2BS oF on the 20th inst., the wite of +4 Bek : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. 8. Cowan's I List of Sales. James me 'affery's wale, tet ms 9, com. 2, Ellice, ad wil oe ' 2. 6, North anes sod 3 on jot con 'oF . 4 , farm stock aad impie- , es tl, con. 6, tonnetp o Downie. Strattord Flax = Fr seueas. intending $6 th. le season will be eet cae: with sgh Flas. 26d Good Ciean -Seed,; On the usual terms, by applying early at mill. or A + ged of Land wanted to Rent for Growing Flax JOHN HOGARTH, Manag J.& J, LIVINGSTON, roprictors. Stratford, March 27, nal 628-5 AUCTION SALE REAL ESTATE. 8. COWAN, Auctioneer, bas received SATU RDAY, APRIL 2lar, "1888, at 1 o'clock, p.m, the following property :-- North half Lot 1, Con. 6, Tp. of Downie, -- = Acres of Land, be the About 40 acres cleared Balanee, i Hardwood fod Centains a good Frame "sie t 2 lion arys 8 gravel aliou is close to Ma: road, y of STRATFORD ; ceat. of purchase mo yan oy paid principal at the rate rT Cent. per annum. MRS. NANCY BOYD »} THOS. WAL DIE, Executors. A, MONTEITH } W. S. COWAN, Sidtienn, Downie, March 27, 1888. 638-4 AUCTION SALE: OF REAL ES- TATE, STOCK, AND IMPLEMENTS! _& COWAN, Auctioneer, has received , Cutter, Iron Harrows, 2 Plows, Cultivator, te cubis Harraiy Sm 2 wets single Harness, ws, and other articles too ; seek wana of good Hay ond sone hold Perait ture, At the ed time wil be offered the North _ Cor North » Cash. * credit eon all sums over $10, on turaiahiog aproved joint that amount and ui cent. per annum, 7 ---- O'DONNELL, nee Proprietor. 638-28 North sli March * 1388. 'DALTON'S FAI, No. 4 Old Albion Block. A= STILL CUTTING AND SLASHING IN as you will see by a tew of them \" slow to sell at aed emir arg prices, as orders "a 2s e the manufacturers here were ah 'adtrancement-workd- iy w gre will be oa leasing announcement, to the Mr. Samuel Collina, to Miss or _ dinner pals, on" z' banded eg ave just re- assortment of knives on forks, best Bc. hall i differen he whip for 100.; = fll 6. whip, line is equal te amy S0c. in quality us DALTON'S FAIR, No. 4 Old Albion Block. Ontario Street. N "Notice t to 'Creditors. LOUIS GOETTLER, Late of the. Township of Ellice, in the Farmer, on oe ht ih Fifth ee April, 1888, b scters i Perth, mth | 8 Notice is hereay given to the Creditors LOU er about the pag maa 'LER, thas on shey are, i HI it f soaps are nd price, 110 on. bar of oatmeal or castile, 6o.; a | the i Season's Importations. IGREAT EASTER SALE'P REPARE --~ OF -- MENS AND YOUTH"S 'lnHard and Soft Felt and) Fur. Hats. EVERY GENTLEMAN IS EXPECTED TO HAVE ANEW HAT FOR EASTER. -- On next Saturday we will hold a Great Easter Saue of all our Leading and Most Popular Styles of Hats of this Come through the day, and avoid crush at night. J. R. WILLIAMSON & CO., Exclusive Tailors, Hatters, and Men's Furnishers, 65 Ontario St., Stratford. Dinner Sets. Having completed our Orders taken a Small Advance on the Our Special Order List is open arrive in July. Immediate Sale. "HONFLEUR" Dinner Sets. PATTERN. last January for Direct Importation, we have several sets for Immediate Sale, which we will sel) at Retail Importing Prices. 3 Only--99 Pieces Dinner Sets, " Honfleur " Pattern. 2 Only--100 Pieces Dinner Sets, '"* Honfleur " Pattern. G2) These Fine Sets have Soup and Sauce Tureens, &c., &c. 3 Only--85 Pieces Set, Combination, Tea, Breakfast and 2 Dinner Sets, Claret, Brown (dark brown), " Daisy," and " Marigold " Pattern. for receiving orders for Importing to We have direct orders arriving each month, with Dinner Sets, for E. K. BARNSDALE & CO. STRATFORD AND MITCHELL. Axes an t_Amm >> >>> b> >>> >a >> the above Goods. "Cut this ont and paste G in B next wee THE NEW HARDWARE ALPHABET. _ stands for " Antwerp Blue" Alabastine (Sole Agent). = 7 soma Front, + American Coal OU. '* Axle Palieys. Air Bricks. ways go to R, R. Govtprxo's Hardware Store for itin your scrap book and look out for the 8 person will sometimes behave A sagaciou: like a fool by being irritated into arguing * | with one. Drata or a Cuntexantax.--There te-passed awey on Friday * = residence of his son Edward, 3rd con. landford, about ~_ miles trom w ae Mr. Doubledee the ripe old age of 100 years and 5. mention Deceased years after removed to this part of the coun- try where he has lived with his son ever everyday His son latterly-had to hide it. He was an ardent ae of the Methods! church and even when he was becomeacen- his voice the could aes heard in religious Wy Otce is eo oS So lstratioy of the about _-------- + +@o- TUR SWITCHMAN"s STRIKER. March 24, wee 2 ee in thet Chiong spony era ray Seems struck my 'this morn en: Forty switch wich leaves 120 switchmen ost. at -- meeting last igh "There are Scord in this, the Crown Prince, now a boy at home, ee a roubles a year until be Rev Dr, Smithets died at Omemee on Saturday, after an illness of five months. For many years has been identi. fied with Omemee, and was Grand Chap- lain of each of the Grand Orange Ontario East Grand ow Lodge, British America Royal B: A ae and the Grand Lodge otPorenanen Ottawa lumbermen are beginning to feel uneasy with regard to the log supply. An enormous quantity has been cut butit is feared that there will not be eufficient water in the tributaries to $ them. On the tawa River a great deal of snow has dis, ap) and yet the ice remains compact and the break-up may witness the rivers with low water. There are over 400,000,000 feet of logs-now cut, A belay gant pag lady named Miss . "The wedding was fixed fora recent day, but when Mo- Donald went to Walla laationss to fulfil the psepi a - found a rival on the arene in rt. MoMillan, of Detroi old bend. of the 'lady' s. All cneasiiiee were made for the wedding, when the bride changed her mind, and McDonald returned to his home without the lady. He bas now a house full of farniture to dispose of cheap. A cable correspondent states that Em- peror Frederick eats ae little ----_. and it is not true that he solid food. All his nutriment is taken in liquid form. His looks, when he is made to receive _bat_one- wer this. | in positi aided. Where the chin rests on the. band '| this is covered by dark, i exposed, ben he ee the ribbon of ne Ondec'at Merit further serves-to con- ceal the canula and the band. . --_ ---- = -- KILLED SY A SNOW. PLOUGH. } | ee us gather up the blizzards, Let us pack away the-snowdrifts ~~ When-it's the shade. As they howl around our doer; That now dot the landscape o'er: "Let us bettic up the zero That now cuts us likea blade; For we'll need: it all next summer For SPRING. Suits, We've scoured the Markets looking for Boys' Suits ;made up some ourselves, and are-now prepared to show you the largest vnd grandest assort- ment to be found in the city. We start the Jersey Sutts. with Caps to match, all-wool, colour, navy blue, at $1 a suit and up Boys' - | Suits Jor boys of 4,5 and 6 presented with a beautiful Musical Top or lor you free of charge, while ©.) sutt for $78,and our Mr. San- : Yellow v Front. fo $5, We show the Tweed years of age, at $1.25 a sutt. Cheapness prevails throughout the entire range. Every Boy getting a suit from us will be Drawing Slate. In connection with our made-up Goods, we have also a line of wear-resisting Tweeds at goc. and 50¢. ayard, splen- aid value, which we well cut you watt. Don' t buy Tweeds | till you've seen ours. Men's Dewvatls boc. a parr. Men's Pants, Srom $7 a pair up to $5. Men's Suits from S5 up to $12. Come in and let us show them to you. Unlaundried Shirts, linen bosoms, endless facings, war- ranted tofit--soc. Talk about Halts! We've not got a carload, but pretty near it. If we can't suit you, both in price and style, you'd better tie a handkerchief over mind you're going without. DISCOVERED ! That's it. We how té give youun ordered $25 agan is the one who can cut. Look through our Ordered Clothing Department whether youre ready to buy or not. REMEMBER Lt costs nothing to look at the 'TOLTON your head, and make up your = eve discovered $3500 MONEY! MONEY! At 6 PER CENT. TO LEND ON FIRST-CLASS: WORTOAGES-- GEORGE FORMAN, Loan Conveyancer, i & Orrice Ur-Srams Oven nam ov Janes Conooaas's Strona STRATFORD, ONT. Small Farms and Park Lots. PFs lo Swe Baldinge weky Water WHET, Stratford, O--17}, scree and bulleings in Ellice, 1) miles trom City 000-1) ANTS = Jet on Forman er . land? tac BUILDING Lor. TS 1 Apply to GEO. FORMAN. $200 iS fsrsnils survey, nd on Bion Mackenzie's survey. 22 igte. $2505 next to Mr. Chenow Neibergal!'s. $275--For 62 feet front, lot 17, om Faletad st. $120- --Laot 23 on Bay st., Hanavan"s survey, next te Misa Mo. ay ge each. Six } acte mone ete, Son, 515, 324, &e., Oan. Gan. Oe'y wavy, ev Church aad Birmingham ween, viwg.isere = hc anes rodeo ph Lot 8, Red. tord's survey. $200 for the 2 choice lots on Queen st, Nos. 341 and 342, Arnold 4 & Kobineon's survey. (Winter's.) $i25-- bat Ho, 17, southside of Ontario st., next to Capital mold & & Robinson's survey, lots on Albert and Brunswick and 200, Arnold & 9900---For Mrs. Monteith's biock of § Jota in Arnold & Robinson's survey, on King, College and Douro streets. $250--Lot 1, corner Nile and Rebecca sta. $400 each--' pps one acre (4 lots) on corner of John, Douglas and Aven sta. SO--Lot 72 Huron road, between Humphrey's shop e and Mr. Norfolk's 5 cheice lots in nar Aa a survey. $350 cach io acre wpe en em --} acre me a pt Nag lots ve Fr 'Donnell estate. Also 300 OTHER LOTS in every WARD in cITY. BUSINESS PROPERTIES Hodd & Cullen's old mil! Rall $1500 Pre with } ac ' set had. Suita! table 'or any kind of $3000 At Altes Ste Steam Furniture Factory, bei ag brick block, 56 feet tront, ir. David Campbell as » uch, on oe Suneeat nee. Suitable a. "Avon ward. orman's survey ef a sta! ag te feet front on north side of Ontario een the Odbert block and Joha $12 3! a toot, in parcels, 217 tect of "tata 203 and rg St., im rear of stores on Ontario on Se nm stor> to Forbes' livery. CHOICE HOTEL SITE. vo toot-9 lots on wot side ot Downie road, including Point oppoalte Fraser's. ---- BUSINESS PROPERTY. Apply "EIOUSES. Apply to GHO. FORMAN. SLOG SE Se gear Mr. Gibson's and fouth house rooms 5 -- shutters, green ne lawn. Fruit trees, grape vines, &c. 9600 down wird o. $1000 %. Mr. Chas. Seema fine cone on €, and 70x 160 of South st., "=: "Lagan's survey. ag 'ondane and eb, ch es dl ----_ and woodshed, and VIX ¢. * Peitey ther t $ 1300 ¥ house, on Sou ths a tr adjotning to abore 0 a ark 150 ft ee , brick summer eieshe morse on nearly opposite . Laverty's and James Ra' That eat white "house, on south side of second--heuds east of joon Mr. Weodhouse's 1) storey white brick house and § acre, on corner of $1, 500 $606 Sort cone ett ward school, joundelinn anil qolleb, Mont ova at lee's good reomy frame house Nelson st. st. 9 rodms, store cellar, brick and other outbuildings ; nbar's house and Int on Victoria a oe next to Mr. Edward Wilson's, and 750 Me. Gorrie's neat house and lot 53, on Charles street. 6 rooms, &c., stable, &c. Orr's frame stone feundation, on uron Koad, and two i use| HH F as FFE : Fi leo U Pe i © a FL pee cere enna tacem nl Lf 33 wr a FP Bie, gg RE nt ma DE OE eta