Che Stratford Times AND: COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1888. a ; the Royal hotel, ag ke ei OL Geo. Lewis, of Bay-st., Stratford, R. eraen A gentloman just from Winnipeg says : Bi» -- ve | si rey + J. E. Stark (for tavern), on Market square, 'and J. W. McEwin (shop), Wellington-st. . Messrs. A. eS Co., i o af ij : 2, HATE | E FEES | i ity" Zeal Bows. ted watering place, and thé writee.hag evi Ar; ah ract Jot and situ: ' tone tent Peat ante Pe) Ser eT 1 die sts ie a a ee creating an interest to the reader which is t allowed to throughout the whole i mel " ~ Siiestion of this at gill beazasci a by - thousan Martha Robinson (who claims to be Mrs. "| Rowland), and a girl called Minoie Tousky, on a charge of running a house of ill-fame. The girl had been released from a months' re. term in gaol only a few days belore, The = ison, and the woman two in the Teteet sefermaters. The girl fousky was liberated on promifing to relieve the city of ber unsavory presence, and it is reported by the police that ahe has since departed. * | Accident at the New G. T. &. Shops. One of the scaffolds in use at the con- struction of the new G. T. R. shops in this sity, fell ig on Tesele? afternoon _ precipitating four men who were on it a tie thas & Datenes of some 15 feet, The parties who fell and the injuries they sus- :-- Messrs. Coeker, foreman badly sprained, and Donald McLellan, leg and one finger broken. The two first "were -at- work again next , Mr. Ertle is also about, with a decided limp, and it is hoped-Mr, McLellan will recover the effects ef acrobatic feat as from quickly as possible. It is fortunate that |- we have to chronicle no more serious re- suits of the aceident. Beal Metate Sales. Mr. Geo. Forman the following sales made by him, all but one made with- in the tast ten days. The spring business in his line is opening yt Snazel's on Dufferin St., to Mr. F. if Geing toa Distant Land. Under the heading of "A fair young i onary," the following a in day's Globe : pist church, Thursday evening to 'fare- , | well' Misa Gussie Preston on her departure . | for Japan. Rev. Dr. Sutherland, mission ary secretary, read an interesting sketch of the origin and work of the Woman's Missionary Society. Warm se greeted Miss Preston as she step for- ward, an intense silecce prevailed as she talked of her irresistible call te the work and her determination to labor faithfully and zealously for the Master. Miss Preston is a danghter of Rev. James reston, of Mount Pleasant, sister of Mr. fier Co., and a nieee of Mrs, W. Bucking ham, Stratford, and helds a first-class teacher's certificate. Leaving Toronto on - Wednesday next, she expects to sail from San Francisco on April 28. Renovation of Premises. Mr. James Corcoran has decided to ex- tensively alter and improve his store premises on the corner of Market and Ontario streets. At the rear of. the store, a 30 feet will be petitioned of fo# the liquor t, with an opening on .Market- street.. The fore part of the building-- 70 feet--will be divided into two equal apartments, the froat being intended as an office for the Bank of Montreal, and the other will be used by Mr, Coreoran for i trade. .~ bank's entrance room, in which ample modation will ~| be provided for his warts. An hydraulic power elevator will be ted between ~ | the store and the upper With plate « im 3 8 vast The force of attached officers and men rovided for at the Millitary School has i ¥-com and will be HE E ii 2 rr E F tilt Lieut. C. A. 0" » 25th ; 2nd Lient, J. F. Watson, 24th ; Lieut. Wm. 0. Mitchell, 28th ; 2nd Lieut. Arthur B, Mc- Clean, 42nd ; 20d "Lieut. Geo. "B. Starr, 4let ; 2nd Lieu : N. Johnson, Victor W. Shirely, 27th ; Col.-Sergt J 28th, Stratford ; B Hagarty, : ; Bugler Jo cLennan. 28th, Stratford ; Bugler Guy *. Poussette, 27th; Bugler G., Chamber- ; ¢ 2 a é w =e com aa tollows _the first term, }- City Lora Yews. SRN od en ARETE MEETS a large audience at the city hall, on last agers bois oe, commanded deep attention, her ™ a ere 0 = te be said,-as-her abilities a ready too widely known to require elucidation. = Dida'! Run twey. ci W. H. Large, of Kincardine, writes to ito to su allegation of that kind I know nothing a a e character of the lady mentioned." ive Mr. aa and the "lady" the Fenesit of publishing his denial. G. T. R. LAterary Institute. The annual mee of the G. T. R, Literary Institute was held in their read- ing-room. Mr. J. Dillon occu the chair. The finances are in a healt y state, the report mg a balance in hand of $140.63. The membership numbers 140. dent, Mr. omas Pa , foreman of the works; vice, 8. Gill ; sec.-treas., . Tretheway. The committe are: Mesars. M. J. Dillion, J. B. Hill, J. C. r. E. The in- stitute has on its shelves 1,600 volumes of the choicest literature, with sufficient variety to suitevery taste. On the table may be f i pe of the day, with the best daily and the is a_model newspapers, a neatuess and order. It is gratifying to ; find that the affairs of the institute are in such a flourishing state Real Estate Mr. Geo, Forman inserta new in bis list of real estate bargains. Mr. Goulding's first-class white brick residence on corner of Shrewsberry and Centre-bt.. next to Mr, Brotherhood, Holmes' Survey, at only $3,290. That lot on Downie Road, No. 6, Mrs. Grant's Survey, next to Mr. Pethick's, South of R. R. station, at $450. Mr. Patrick Hoy's frame house on Ontario St., at $700. Wesley Porter's house and 4} acres on Albert St., East end, at only $1,000, (22 lote), afr, Em s house on Albert St., straight be- Sts. Mr. A. J. Bailey's complete little house and two large lots on Albert St., at only $325, and Mr. Vanatter's nice cottage on Cam St. a St. David St., and the vacant lotsa on Downie St. They will be sold at any Home Memorial Church. The attendance at the annus! vestry meet- ing at the Home Memorial church was the largest for years, and an excellent feeling revailed, Rev. D. Deacon, the incumbent, occupied the chair. The financia! state- ment showed the total receipts for the year ending 31st March to be $863 44, an. in- crease of $161.40 over 1887, The expendi- ture was $870.31 The church ~ warden, Mr. Jos. Johnston ; congregation's M te to 8 . Mr. Charles Brazier; audito rs, Jos. Ingram and Robt. Fuller ; roperty committee, Messrs A. J. Bailey, ohn Jacobs, Charles Brazier, John Mit. chell, John H. Roberta, D, Matthew, Joseph Johnston, Christopher Iles, C. Mannering, r Ih Geo, Carpenter, John Whitlow, Adam Klip. spe Alex Walsh, James Hoporaft, James arvey, jr., Richard Murphy, J. M. Shirk. The salaries of organist remain un The .question-of building a-new church was discussed, and will receive further the committees will report on the general state of the congregation's affairs, singér on account of the frequent- COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD. The Board met in the on council chamber stood on Tuesday evening, 3rd inst,, all the fal way ae PY re a a Alex er, P. 8. | stating i that Mr. . | Hatcher, the caretaker, had not been paid tox Tie e003 Oia ee and OUT, ---- ria McBride explained the of the art 'examinations which wouid wou in the tute and to make an appro- priation of $10 to defray the expense of Mr. McBride explained that there were seven tes in the achool at the pres- officers for the year 1888 are as follows: Incumbent's FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. DAVID 8. HOGG & CO,'s DISPLAY--WHAT THE LaDI£8 OF STRATFCRD WILL WEAR THIS SPRING AND SUMMER. The first exhibit of new styles for the wing season was on Wednesda: last at theshow-room of M Dav v. Hogg & Co., of Stratford. t. required only an t of the fact broug! . and intervening stations, city ladies arned outen masse, and we the room i F iH it poner line neg Poesia 2 cha nega the position as Mayor of the town. daughter, » Marrie®? Mr. John Wat- son, formerly of Downie, bat now of this city, and died «- numberof yeare- ago. ee ee ee ta ony of nine children, and Messrs. Andrew \° teith, county treasurer, and Samuel Mon- teith, of Dewnie, were her brothers. She peed eg 'andzew"s been a devout member of St. eburch here for many years. The funeral acall yy at 4p. mon ss cemetery, a large concourse mourners and being in attendance, = Pete has his ei the establishment were py agen | for the grand gas light display from 8 to 9.30. : : Crowds of ladies awaited the of the doors, and when our ae i : i | FR HEE aFFE H an ih "TEE Tat fut be if i Peal Ltt eave & more oe re mn called the "Torpedo. at hee _ pu exmmee, w i i i : E edin graceful loops tewards the front and "tharpooned" (rot the whale but the rib- pon), with a cupid's dart of gold and ostrich feathers. "La Te aah the most stylish hat in the . Is did the pin'cl thet same. open tts Bet pame Sreciataion in Paris. This het is on exact copy of the one worn by the famous Madame Sats Bernhardt; for whom the ee eee. Now to the hat Itisa i A ft bE dE AND 4 PASSENGER TRAIN PLUNGES TERT ROT OLLEN SIRE. GINE AND THREE COACHES SUBMERGED IX WATAR---TERRIMEA DISASTER OF THE MILWAUEES & 53. PAUL BGA, BEAR. NEW -- - ger train into the river. The cab and : DROW FED BEFORE AID COULD REACH THEM, but 1t was no}, until several hours after the secident that a train arrived with un oft Tu tse E ff : She te the strongest qi HE FR 4 it i A i! i | E L 4 t