nnn Sing el nse os ox ake ee ea house witout sees en ~'Phrost- ends aa i RES sone HEAR Ce per ee A BULL RING HORKOR | PROF ESSIONAL JUROR. .:A MOHAMMEDAN DOCTOR. A RULL FIGNT GHASTLY SCENES 41 : i SEREEOS OA a vende: A PANIC From rus rim FIRE SEIZES THE wo- MEN IN ATTENDANCK--100 insvnED, 18 EATALLY, Celeys, M sine! 4,--On_ Siinday, venatbont 5.-_=, Fipg, here was @owded wi a are, a fire broke ont om the penny he Platac- vast ecsemblage, ets a caaberiy. of the people estaped without alert, many women and children jumped distance of 200 to 300 feet, FORK ESET wounded. Sieben lives were lost. Nine bodies hare been recovered. Nine persons burned that they died yester: ined," as Fifty persons w i were knocked down and tramped upon are seriously but not fatally ini dead were two women, persons lost their.reagon from the esvere mental shock to eh they were sibjected. "The tire wa an army ion onl others, was al. lowed to visit 'the exhibition under guard. They all escaped duri e confusion. No man lost his life. fatalities oc- eurred among women and children. ogni The Newfoundland Annexation. THE TERMS piscine So BY THE DOMINION > ee Ottawa, April 4. |.--The Newfoundland tea are expected spore: thom. They have decided blic debts, but Bs claim the a ar of substituting Dominion bonds at existing securi will be transfe lies The old offer was for an annual grant for ised Government capita allowance o that the offer cen be given the choice be- treva rtctalag Control of the mines or surrendering them to thie Dominion in con- sideration of an additional allowance, The service will ataiane The Island is to be given ten sein A Successful Da Dairy Woman. Mrs. Hanna Neilson successfully man- in Denmark. Her 2 ef 3 ) Hl + ed ne gE # i SE iy gE ee i fs if 4 if af E ul to a few weeks. pupils pay 300 k. ($80) fer a year, and in pro- on for a shorter and have to cents. per Mrs. Robert. W: of Glenils, Parry Sound, Ont., says, "T could not kee), Hagyard's Yellow Oil at hand. my f ' Sore a out foot, can Gotamend it to everybody, Dangerous Counterfeits Counterfeits are always dangerous, mo: y IMITraTR TH Balm as a pa Cold in fae Head to. imitate it. eautioned not to be be deceived by nostra imitating Nasal Balm in nacne and appear ance, beating such names as Nasal Cream Bas! Ralean, cto. Ask for Newel B and do not take imitation dexiais we For sale by a'! drogpist paid on receipt of price (0 sssing aCe, has induced anprine ph The public ai ' fe discases of the the Langs, are cured Ts Men's Le 1g Dalen: ORR PO long ago iy te. Goldy Pais ta'the Chew. HIS DOMAIN, LEADING CHARACTERISTICS. ITY OF THE MOSLEM CHURCH. | What Ahmed Esaad Writes to a German coavert--The Islamism--Semmary Definition of Faith. Religious Ceremonies, | Tricks by Which Legal Proceedings Are "Hoeldiog-- Out' aa Katra Day er Two-Slipping into the Jury Hoi--Clasai fication. Chief among 'the institutions almmest time wr yw . overs but now in rapid décadetie, ix the be na saben) og baaen juryman, for he is an institution, «on caused tessional ae it will not be * eng until he is rete a live' satisfaction. The reflections which aig ia good ol "a to br bis dein ang. these b ght onan aa pga nw ealy & question of time. Peg my still be occasionally seen, however, eaergere Dear Stn--The letter Sep which you ask to "known a as of the highest praise. At the casei God and his servanta. Our duty consists only in teaching the people religious boven? 5% a ; i yor Th "BOE S ign, demands no religious formality and de "gregarious animat ~fapcirenit-evertde to o~wnds upan the 'authorization of ne ons, ~ {t place where he finds his best picking and 1 uMicient to believe and to proclaim one's his favorité haunt. Tie w also frequently oxen: itp the court or in the vt feiesiieet bes for tts bese fateh tr jaw and equity court, when common 1aW ¢). on -y of God and in the mission" of-bis cases are on trial, but never in the other tri- Gea: .<t servant Mobammed (may God cover vunals, as heretofore it has never been the pj) \. -- Liessings and grant him salvation); eetean for Jurymen $0 drew pay in the sther 4, 0, € tiously th and to avow 1 words, as expressed by the ao a or third Monday morning in phrase: -"*T. is only one God and Moham- each month, at the regular time to draw the a is his }. 'phet." He who makes this two panels for the half termof the circuit profession of faith becomes a Mussulman courts, he, or several of a may be seen without having need of the eS onane OF PPT ee aaa I aeetaeee oe of Sok: umber, asa "bystander," and an interesting your letter, you smke thia prefemh not faith, study is afforded. If there is a long and that isto say, you declar ot tedious trial promised in the conimon he likes our acceptance: and we, our part, felici- long as possible to swell tute you with pride and e: ' y 'for having bcen the total of his ~ diem. In fact, be has touched by divine grace, shall testify even been to resort to tricks to pro- in this world and the other th long the proceedings. It is avery simple prother and Such is a summary definition ot ', Let us enter now upon some devel f it To be taken on the grand j book or jopme:. Geci-en a stems ecasian 2 aime Man, who is superior to the other anit. + by he remains over till the second day, creatures. be can draw im; for both days, all religions. As to its practice--religions differ as to their rules, forms, times, places, the greator or less number of their rites, etc, and, a intelligence does not sulfice a ag usaemnenibanies ian statis: beings the gift of essionals." He» them, by ange Hi ih or, as they call themsel t. The exception of influence." There are thriftless hus- (die as coartyrs, who will go to paredion with- tion. tT proprie-| Also it is necessary, as an articfe of faith, BEGsEY 3 1 7 t | g in common law, who accepts or one But to Sen porteds boliater toe necnitiese tp or ten years in the Lt pa yarn aay sg a perform certain duties, to pray to God, and "lifer," or be hanged.-- ile Courier- to avoid faliing _ sach sins as murder, Journal. rob es Besides the jesion of fatth of which A Man of Mixed Drinks. ne have spoken above, a good Mussulman ought "Did you notice that man who just came' to pray five times a day, aueribase to the iy and-drank-e buge tumblerful of lemonade, poor a ashore omer his goods every year, * | and then followed itwith a cup of cold bouil- fast during the month of Ramazan, and "Psrat., was the whi serene sennaiin kis Hrea piigrimags 8 Mecos. 'head a 'knéwrn ant siie owes ust conform to the laws comes the nearest so Balag'& dor ot incor a nel, at ts ~soanide tank of any one I eversaw. Every a sinner; tha midnigh' version. point ee edie eor! A sinner who repents and in person asks with an ides that it is not safe to drink an There are two men, well known to the/in a coffin and bury him Auy public, are very nearly alike. |can do this; the of areligious chief One is Fraik B. Carpenter, 'the 'painter: of} is - ~ ' and author of "Six Menths-at---the:--In-a word, in all relicious acts there fa 'no White House," and the other is Frank G./i 3 the Washington prondnent -newspapers. Both being versed on the same topics, it is that confusion often arises in their friends ing them. | fous umonies, suc whose middle initial is "B" lives in New Gay and at Beiram is subordinated tothe will York, and says be is frequently given n/otthe Caliph, es and the Sultan ' M the arrangement of sacred be constant explanation, now,@vben the the miost important religious dutjes. . As to yuestion is pat, he laughingly demands, * i t good?" and the reply being in the affirme-, , © tive he ariswers, * "Certainly it is mine, then.* chest at ~New © Mork Prose ' 'Every Day Talk." i i i G4 =} thi Es HIS HABITS AND LETTER FROM THE. CHIEP-AUTHOR-. Cardinal Principles ef hr ito eae ESAT TRAY ought to call your attention othe pore that neh 'j * iT} t -* . A boandin down the walk he te and even made a step towards the ia The d ditt ee SS a eee The Sheik-ul-Isiam, Anuzp Esaap. ' the 2 wen, 19,000. =, ee people, Fu 13,000, 9,000 and Hee tele by George "sbeville k Fare tvee = jwatbare, D, D. GPa A Strange Burglary. secret histery of ' an attempt at bar- cin she at the 1) aoe oy F- past wee to Se sun, A party of night tollers, who usually go home aggre ai about three o'clock in the morni nno ved by s savage dog k ottrec aGerman. Whe ever they passed the make & sortie, growling savagely, and the so theater make a detour round fas ate strect~--One-wight- the- been i =u somewhat ae re one to thd other "lt that Detchnen's dog cotiies out at us to-night, I'll run him back to his Os ae ors & foot inside the yard," other.' oe PRK rejoined the the pi ' The dog, f faithful to its habit, wept a ~ 4a PAPER! -_------ 390 NEW STYLES FOR 1888, --_------ "Prices Much. Lewer.. od thas ORS a RAPES cg ed _-- -- i Ri tee mer: Fade and = rad ae re a eee We Ni9 S V9-'d FB Wa 2 t ee ae , Sérpri at the utiwonte? action, retreated a little, aaa the youn, man advanced anovher The 6. KQaiy retreated; tire youth, embotdenat by waccess, continued- to adv -~ Hea en- tered the yard. followed the dog around to the kitchen door, where the animal seek wn in a cowering sttitude. The m then eeized the dog by its broad teather collar, and, remembering the many Occa- sious when the animal had made him take to the street, lugged the brute to the gate, lifted it a ond p aced the collar over the top of the te 'post Next morning the owner rally the dog, hanging dead, and repotted to -the police that SE had 4 atte to enter his chi sy by the dog. tead,"-- Detroit Free Preas, How Curiosity \ Was Punished. Mra Hicks- aed hen has been doing 9 a. part of the na sige in Washingto well- know a lady wife of a pM e and dying to call on Mrs. Hicks. Lord and des- cribe her appartments, ag! I don't know her and haven't anybody to introduce me. Now, if ful bit o hae ghee on the table I will go om-pretext of showing itto her to order one Tike i it." bargain was strick. The enterprising newspaper woman ecized the irae ve souvenir and her way to Mrs. Lords, who received her leasantly, even after 'she bad announced er errand, "This is lovely !" she exclaimed. "f abould think you would atay at home and do as much as id and sell it in the stores. How much does such « cover as this bring, for instance !" "J sell these for $15," carelessly ed the scribe, casting furtive eyes w about the room and taking an inventory of furn ture and ward 'Dear me! exclaimed the millionaress ; "$15 ! Howcheap!. Here's the meney !" counting it out at once, Shee: feotet a Be is al ken t T can nak oe as one like it." said the ter- rified visitor, reaching the "I go this day," said Mrs »' and I must have this. You can make Mrs. Whatsherna y" and it in het trank and revumed her ing. The corres- pondent had not energy We recover the 4 t ah a be- fore the ob! owner tle Was grieved to hear: 'Ob, Weld, it's Very nice to gratify me r + oe Use " Mand 8." Condition Pow- @ers for toss of appetite in your horses and po Rea Far cheap Raisins, cheap Syrup, cheap p-Teas and cheap Sugars, go to Walsh Bros'. There is no case of disease among Horses and Cattle where "Maud 5. Powders are not called for, and by their timely administration will save the lives of many valuable anmals. Mgvicat Procress, © great logical discovery of the seventeenth rhord ireulation of the bi The century was an ing of the blood, These two discoveries, Harvey's ov eB Ayers in ry ie progress of Medicine. Part of the Household. . "I have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil with much satisfaction, for colds and Sore Throat. --i-wodid not be without it at any cost, as I look upon i it as the best medicine sold for family use." Miss E, "promball, Sherbrooke, P. Q. ~ "Tf you a a chain, watch, or locket that is worth on account of dt being brass, get it piste in either gold or silver -- will --* wan will last the his UTTER, opposite Windsor hotel, Stratiord, THE KEY 10 HEALTH. Will be fully Met. Indications of Dy ja. such as _Stomaeh Heartburn Sic Witenes Bsn you will let me oe that beanti~|- MARY per oar, EES, RATES IE AST TIC RA Don't waste time, but go direct to DUFTON'S, where you will be sure to get anything you require in above line. Everything in the Line of School Stationery sells at Astonishingly Low Prices. For example. my Five (5) Cent Scribbling Book is the Largest, Nicest and. Best ever sold here. Ask for it. All other Lines cf Schoos Stationery : N EW: "BOOKS, Canadian Almanac for 1888. Office and Pocket Diaries for 1886. ef Subscriptions Racereed 4 for the Daily and Weekly EMPIRE, and any Other Magazine or Paper. J. H. DUFTON, No. 1 OLD ALBION BLOCK, FRESH PAINT! We have jus* received a Full Assortment of PREPARED. PAINTS Over 80 Different Colors, in Cans of Gallon, Half-Gallon, Quart, Pint, and Half-Pint Sizes! . --ALSO-- CARRIAGE PAINTS, In Quart, Pint and Half-Pint Cans. CITY BOOK STORE. YOU CAN BUY --Tur-- Best Canadian Refined COA L Ol L. 15 CENTS PER GALLON WALS H - BROS' The Place for Bargains. W.-H ROBERTS, Watchmaker, - Jeweller, - Ete: Has a Larger Variety this year than ever before, of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewellery, Spectacles, Fancy Goods, Books, Stationery,' Toys, Xmas. Cards, and a variety of Goods tod numerous to mention; all suitable for the ~ HOLIDAY SEASON. ' F= Call end see what a variety 1 have got, and what Bargains we are giving. Spectacles t to. suit all sights. Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery Repaired. and Warranted, at _W. H. ROBERTS. GCORGORA. N' ie Three Grape Co Concord Wine. This Wine was waadie for me from Selected EE by, ene of the Best Wine Makers in the Province. It is Absolutely Pure, First Run Wine of Fine Flavor, and I can sell it fer about the same Price that 'Mixed Wines of Inferior Qualit: are sold for by Parties from the worst }--_ Large: Cities whe Solicit-Orders heres JAMES CORCORAN. L asierae BED ee .) apeoanitg =" ERE Ore See ae og RE ety x - 3 -* & PA tS glen egtheseeis pets a "SPR a EAR MY vy oe ty Bes . ee ee erro SCHOOL. a W. & F. WORKMAN. glia Bie 5 igh aiitins ee 2, an Pou ete tices om Esera eh r