\ . te meneame NOCTURI mppose | recall m me. ._ My name's Bangs, 'a . oe. {Orville one of ' pons." Ta he weet roan gardan--quaint laid out In ages' 1 to pol sary him, though of course I never heard of the Bangses' He sinks to was a windy fellow, and talked so loud When gloaming ghoom-- bag ny. dead bight succeed the -- in the car heard him and was sunset g: listeni The day's dark night built tomb: "No, i couldn't expect 'There, amid the Le ee ee Pe ee ot te, Mich ~ _. Cah eit ieabamiesgiscie . oat. M about the ie - We my y ove = A iid "to Michigan" But We spoke not, for Ube tim heart's x our tendls like a book t ra ke wile 'on your sister sad . ey. ing school The air was full of sweetnenn, tké iticense of the was a mighty fine louki ing She married, didn' t she * ---- at the ahrine of love es," says Sena y "¥ when o'er mortal love death and happy now." e went on. Land! how she could sing! you to remember "You went time our avager' I knew the of I used to be pre to take ber to sing- girl in those days, \ 'she's married and shes well are . "Welland bappy * exclaims he. ; SBA Ate SERIE ee binge Sata dree ss art rier a ey Saxe RT Seer eR . ~ re wtay tea heid our breath: sae, Marin died," sa+% Parks, lox ab! netics Tring, ane flares and ing aes atme. You know she did, Wells." Beyond thy psec 0 Death! h, yea, of courwe she did," says Lo & "Yes, --* " Prizelle in Detret Free Press, Maria's dead. She's gone, poor thing!" And GiVr serie eres nae seas Mee ph tied, to look sad.o eases ES « \" When he - "We'll bo wanting some more proofs of our Sex it. at Mn thunder ao yout 'she was well and happy!" "TRAVELING ON A PASS, Tien 't¥ demanded Bangs ' suspic iously. --_--_--_-- "She's better off than ff she was here," says 2d wee one day last week and @ group of1, solemnly. 'We'd all be better wel Aahie-were tr Dereon! *o am aet-es sere of that," sree atterting ty "tine Eyers' office. Judge Gould had just remarked ate _, But, perhaps that's that he was opposed to railroad pases on"! Principle "I haven't got any scruples against travel-| singion a pasa," said Mr. Blossom, "only if it's, arapbody else's -- I've got scruples egainst laugh over it. For days : | "I shouldn't ihe 4 to get canght at sented Mr. Hawkins cautiously. eck w thing might hart aby stanting in ie wouit Wo. Nelda te. heart his stunfing "With the Sis comchorter? ankt Me, Giikep, Sase- tiously. ""T had a rather curious' experience once ¢lling on 0 pass," began Mr. Blossom, as if! were more to follow. it," iat think! ne didn't "tineet any Tore went The conductor looked on who we were came back and said: train going up the road ap body looked interested and Mr. Blos- had the floor. So he con-|!2 the smoking car. \ Every #0mt/ saw that he tinged: st was in °S1, when Hay 6t the n Well, Id don't smoke," ars\ at that very minute. But r| They wanted to know al and.they asked the were headed Saitbut we we'd only take tickets to Chicago. We-wern't quite sure what road we'd take whesiwe got ot there, 1 had to make up facts and along; but ] wasn't going the north was cuikd axe spells of asking mo ho tyes, bevengrbee the way you look ont that time Parks and I changed our f seat on account of the draught, and when wa {got away from that fellow we had a good after that larks w Maria old friends. We to New Orleans and -- around awhile, then went up into Geor, The Georgia people are right ordial folka, quite impressed when y soon be 'Ghemaianeam, we've got the president of this and a couple of superintendents on this lece. They're out I told them there was a Lape and secretary of a Northern road in car back here, and they said they'd be right says Parks. was a cigar sticking out of his pocket if you get abead dio you've got to get upearly in the full papers Tresidens of the ph a, ~eilngp ~ oe # "Perhaps Mr. Wells does," says the con- all. got Wells' name on as secretary of the/ductor. Now 1 really don't, you know. i Now you two gentlemen can take this "But So like to havea talk with you, "Walise right along with you, and by just/®"¥ W4 Our president thinks he met Mr, Pandy pers you can go all over the Hay wart once up it shan't cost read fare." you e cent for rail! tm much obliged to the gentlemen for "Well, you can imagine that. and, 1) their politeness," he said, "but the fact is I ebipyat tn ts tal valle cote re Hay. (sive feeting reat well; and cigar mmokw ward said of course he wouldn't ve| Ways makes me faint. 46 get cut that he was doing any such thing,| "I'm sorry," says the conductor. "They'll '-Aputiwe could just hold our tongues and no- disappointed. You'll come, BD. Wells?" bg oat T followed him out into the smoking car, = I tell you I felt The conducto! a wo Bs shaky. ctor boarded the train here who} ' one 60 the j president and the super- ' intendents They were prominent men from Atlanta. Any other time I'd have been glad }|to meet them, but I didn't just enjoy it then, bout our road, most outlandish questions about things I didn't know anything about. figures as I went to let them think behind, so I generally ~~ -- out of Chicago there putthem high. a we never had seen ato The pertient ate we'd built any new Whet'he asked for our ticket road rhage anys outa and said, as lif ' yes," + "¥¢gu'll my pa Sie 0 Nite "How many yale have you ete ha dent of a road up in Michigan, and my friend| 1 badn't the faintest idea, bu said: Mr. . Weare taking a trip " About 8,000 miles." through your part of the country, and if 7 au} "I want to know," says he, and they all ever come out our way we'd like to have looked pretty well laid out at that. trerel on our road." _ Aftera "me new road you speak off" ; (| 'Between K day with us went on. ys L Pay worked that irene on some three or four. conductors and it took like a charm. Ton Know Parks is a sort of an imposing look ing man, you could easily take him for presi dent af a -- and he wore_his silk hat and ible. yeh, we eobap down into Kentucky. The) conductor said 'Tickets, onal an) apart. But I had to think -- Mr. Wells in here? there's a man in the wn er ape Tiga a@hy ent back and toak paper and saic "Read that." I rend: name's Hayward, is it!" ho = "That's what I'm calied," says Par "Well, by George! Hayward," cays he, | last." "you've changed since 1 saw you a y "I don't recall "you," says Parks, "fut 1 eat Duarte ward, presulen bes A We all do as we eng etn and Hezekiah We o Se " sar wy having skipped the "You've changed more a folka,") sums _ money belonging to o y. "Your ward of $500 is offered for i were when I was conductor on the Lake Shore road ten years ago. a Giles Hay. et oe "Tn "What does it mean!" dispute you." says Parks, mighgy quick," says he. pois, rat I have the means right, here We got ott of that. préve it. it Hay ward's valise, with | just as the real president's gra Tee drngest on "Giles Hayward" stamped on it in big letters. coming through the car cag My valise had my own name on it, sol gave) 'Twas a little place ca while the t asked: " "Between what points did you build this and Soboolcraft," I remembered, as soon as I'd said it, that those places weren't more than twelve miles quick, and I gave the first names that came into my bead. Ther were just getting out a map to look when in comes t 'Cause if ke is car wants fe see Parks reading FS He shoved hess paper into my hauds a: 3 issued for the ike a of the Lake lls, secretary of the country with large other parties rhe eheseation of their I looked at Parks 'and phd looked at ma, "Tt means that we've got get out of this We shot off the train at the west station, Was seen called Dusenberry ia 'sn with my foot and sent it under the as We hung around for a couple" of ill the inhabitants ag! | don't know how you may have got onto 'tor ee ious characters, 'began to take us le out Sareea: wat Seen kinder puz-|that we were going to start-a real estate aled, after Wo may have stolen it," says Parks, sar-| weil as bargained for the plac , coolly, se as long as | can't got on and wen he'd looked at t back to prove it I suppom you'll ride for nothing 1 for j We were all of me iWe Is "shy And be went on. was gone Parks said: \back. But he said: etter from his wife, written with a lead can her 'name at the = Wa touaht a consbe ot ne Lizzie Parks. we should not ¥ may have," Papers and boom, and then they took us carriage and drove us all over the village. We as half We Pini out for home after bet we paid our fare the rest of the way, in a the corner lots in plac ve happened," says the At teat. a freight train came along, and we Adan they might at least have waited till we gos "It shows that you can't trust anybody nowadays. that, and you said Parka. 'ward, and furnbled in his ea awhile and turned | out | that that whole mory about: their brought cut-his wife's letter, 'conductor took that letter peeid, but never foumdl /aished. towever much he might prove thathe *),, ~s . of bim 'the condac Aah jon joke celal er twhod » jning to what was ong ox, turas-; 'Od says to me; me, sir; batdid Iundex:. i: + ait 9 hel > know," says he "00.5 7: "Dai Ha yward ever bear ni od Bole cue Ww r. Blossom. : rid be ho read "body oa doe 1t Yo Ras we tro ble. © *twes a S Pat Keabnittickty "eonane : he Riri bed WuL «8 x a if that notice hen Mr, deft aks} Medical. ~~ DR. D. M. 'FRASER, FFICE : at his Residence, om the Downie Road. _ Serattord, Oct. 10, 1883. wy A. B. AHRENS, L. D.8., Estate : Idington's New Block, Market St at. ome Alr Alr used for the Paliiless Extraction h, when March 20, 153, sT6-ly 'Dr. W. N. ROBERTSON, {LaTR OF SCOTLAE »] wives Hovnsa : From 193 CUNDAS STEEST, WOXBUF. --RAILROAD FAKES PAID ONE by - nm ane. "ly Legal and "Financial, 'SMITH & WHITH, ARRISTERS, BAETOSE, &c., Idington's Block, Stratford Gerattord; Nor. 8 187, any JOHN a HARDING, ARRISTER, LICITOR, CONVEYANCER, Etc. idington's Block, Erie St., ord. e54-ly THOS. T. PORTHOUS, BpARki8TER, SOLICITOR, Eee. a) --ODDFELLOWS' BLOCK, met, A. Strattord, Sept. 13, 1884. SMIPH & GEARING, BABRISTERS, Ete, STRATFORD. 4d. GRAYSON SMITH F.W. Stratford, A GEARING, ug. 6th, L 449-ly . 8H aw, ad pamurad, SOLICITOR, narra up-stai Old Albion Block, next Post Office, Stiatiord. 4@f Mone. y to Loan on Property, ot Bix Fer Cent, W. F. KERR, DS apr mene Aa Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. er N. A. Bosworth's Drag Store, ratford. MONEY To LOAN. 7. 613-3m ee goety Bares ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Bolici- ort, Convenes Notaries Public Bu! Stratford. G. WoL LAWRENCE. Wu. LAWRENCE. Sieatiord, Feb. 2, 1600 ly IDINGTON & PALMBR, BABSISTERS, Etc., STRATFORD. JOHN IDINGTON, BoC, C., County Caows Arronsar. J. FRANK ONE} Y ae LEND. _Strationd, rt aie wi TU LEND, AT Bessonable Rates of Interest, on Farm and fown Property. Apply to G. W. LAWRENCE, Market Buildings, Strattord. _ Money, Money, Money | NOTHER Lot of Cheap Sheap Money has been placed im my handa, for iaeetnent on Farms, af 6 PER rage Rg weal b-ginardiy ds fepayment to suit the borrower. Apply once to WILLIAM GORDON, Real Estate Broker, Stratford. Stratford, Dec. 12. 1882. 362-1 W. MOWAT & & SON, BANKERS, rawsact a -- Danhing y holon: ixgue = -- states. savings ax years oe oon 000 (two 5 milton bebe ved nave been d ited "aliew $ _ cat Pinter pom bat Sole at care 8. (nese Sia '> Hotels. _ OOMMERCIAL HOTEL, le HAGARTY, Preprietor ~ Oct. 10, Laas, 406-ly LBION HOTEL, St wae TRE FADING COMMERC IAL ifGuse in the City. Large, well lightel @mple rooms. First-Class Yonse in every respect eat Table tm the Cty. sOTEDN HEFLARD, Proprietor. QUBEN'S 1 8 HOTEL. Corner of Waterloo and Ont Ontario Streets, Stratford, Vutario nore _the Royal, presides at the bar GEO. BOOK LESS, Marmper. Stratford, March 14, LASS. ™ OTT 'w TERR se -. wight. ' Market Square, Strat! ROBT. Sitone, PROPRIETOR, Line Stabling sccommodation in the or. lis Atted up in first-class st --- tr Liguecs ant Siwars. THE TERRAPIN. Ontario Street, Stratiord. JOHN GRAY, Proprietor. ot Me BEST Brands of Wines, Liquors, Ales, ek. 4m Dow's celebrated Montreal Ales on draught. Stratierd. Dec. 9. lake. : ais COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, , Huon Daurasy,. "Proraurron. MEDICINE HAT, NWT Fr imst-CLass HOTEL turnished parties in search of land. _ VICTORIa HOTEL. Downie Street, St: rattord. JOSEPH 0" O'GRADY, Proprietor. F IRST-CLASS accomadation --= --- public, at moderate prices, pignese end Cigars always kept at the bar " aaa Feb. 18, 185. WORTH'S HOTBL. eens ees 476-ly . HE SUBSCRIBER having leased hevad above well known Hotel, to acquaint his old patrons ee that will be bie conatans aim to sustain repul -the house fer Gret- claus accomuicdation. table wil} be constantiy supplied with th» choicest of everything. The best a kept at the bar. Stabling lor RM. ne Stratford, Apeil 3, 1886. LENNON | HOUSE. bet: St. Marys Gravel Road beltway, ween Stratford T. LENNON, . ee HOUSE has good ace! mmodation for Tra- vellors--large new stables and sheds, The Cigars at the for the public. Terms reasonable. 65-6m ~ LAGER! LAGEB ! GEO. BECK, Market --. Stratford, HoH" the agency for the sale of SLEEMAN'S CELEBRATED LAGER, ALE asp PORTER, In Wood er Bottles. 'This Celebrated Lager obtained the Onty. Medal awarded at the Toronto Exhibition of 1882. JOHN CODD, 437-ly Cellar Lately Occupied by Mer. Market Square. Stratford, May 13, 1884. "J. R. KILBURN -- A-R-C-H-I-T-E-C-T, -- _OFFICE ; | Windeor Hotel Block, Stratford. . & KIRK, C= ENGINEER one SURVEYOR Idington's Block, Patents for Inven can ured. JOSEPH G. KIRK. 505-ly i. Stratiord, Sept. 9, 1885. A. HEPBURN, ARCH RCHITECTURAL Designs, Plans of i Buildings drawn of Public and architecturally, speetive, and, if desired, practically, with : ornamental wea aaah cached, with Specifications . HEPBURN, Stratford, * Stratford, Oct." 1D, 1883. 405-ly = Campbel i's * athartic Compound ee cese Lan a att, Reswnow; Man., Tirt Oct, 18%8.--1 God Campbeit's Cath- poss of bi jousness, aad @asy te take. Pan yee il &. B. MeDowarn. Beid by wy them makes the lightest, whitest, B21. t bread, rolls, buns and i kw heat pancakes. Rakers i cee nearly every town in Bl PRICE FIVE CENTS... co. PERTH MUTUAL F. L Co. all ether oan ar gg OAS ie prea ote oF pooh i Ww. 8. "GOWAN, Renna Deg ageless Valuator, etc. Sales attended pS org Perth or Oxford. me left ot Tun Timms Office promptly ee un ssid 5 W. D. WEIR, LcEsseD AUCTIONEER and Appraiser for Counties of Perth and Waterloo. Sales at- tended in all parts the Counties, German en. Residence: MAIN-ST., MILVERTON, Milverton Feb. 14 1888. 632- JAMES PROCTOR, . Licensed Auctioneer --FOR THE-- City of Stratford-and-Gounty of:-Perth. SALES of Real Extate, Farm Stock, H. jousehold Furniture, and al! kinds of General Goods at- tended at reasonable rates. *620-3m. Honorary Groduate | " a Ontarie urge, CALLS PROMPTLY Y ATTENDED To. OFrice : t- Ragel Hotel, Stratterd, Out. | 20, 1887 669. tra WM. STBELB, VETERINARY ay na . (Graduste of the Ontarie Col Veterinary rigéone. AS REMOVED his office trem TOPPING to the Indian Block, Market Square, lord. cms ap Ontario Street, STRATFORD, corner D. W. BURT. V. 8. Henorery Grenuen mbt A ~ oan College [caps Pibiir PTLY aon Cuarnoes Moperats. firmary Medicines Kept and Dispensed. {Art eod Rapexct .. 1a Shore's New leek, over McEwan's Store, opposite Market. T-lv L-iI-M . FOR S! SALE. pee BEST Qu ALITIES kad Raph suitable ace Bulle: nape ---- J. ed "MeCULLY'S WHITE LINE WORKS, $t. Marys Road, 9 m'les from Stratford and 3 miles from St. Marys. - sry t 25, 1888. Cime COAL! COAL! COAL! Fresh Mined, Just Received. EGG, ST@VE, No. 4, NUT, and BRIAR HILL. "p. R. JARVIS, Market &t. en. _Strattord, Joa. m4, 1688 "UNION IS STRENGTE. w-s| CLELAND & McKERNAN H4vE gone into Partnershi: - have leased fer a term of years an nn's Shop, Ontario 8. opposite the 'a Hotel, -- hey have enlarged to enable them to ascom- dadate theit very numerous customer®, and to Sn Shvetey tows oe : Stone p< AA inci in vi eee Seems Cutters Tools, Lasduers Hard- . Ploughs, ae Meare Waggona, Cutters and Sleighs made ng 5 and satitection ranteed. ua Ls iHORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY! In this line our repu a past favors we solicit = continu- ance of the Le tl wail CARD OF THANKS. Wm. - Pirie, Blacksmith, BS ble sincere tt thanks stor thelr many favors inthe ne solicits esteemed been reported b; i parties that wh. PIRIE, Sinttawhin to guise $0 to leate the City. Bach i the rented the a ee THE COMMERCIAL HOT the . Horse Shosing & Blacksmithing Of every description. There will also be in con- section a First Cless Wood Worker, Trimmer and Painter, customers can depend upon getting satis- ann onesie © thas watts So event Seanpanbhe _-- Will opens -- So middle of ¥ eoarerade > . ee ee Wee FURIE. Stratford, Dee. 90, 1087. SHAK DSPHARSE -- WAGGONS, FO aaa nme angle Boman to offer the CELEBRATED WAGONS! IMPROVED SPOKE-SOCKET, al a CUT FLOWERS, BOQUSTS, Okstii Preaurtag and i Fullags Plants, fe te W. YH BURNHAN'S Greenhoese, Fob. 18, 1508 623-ly | A. STEWART, Hew aie Tinsmith Shop. HARNESS MAKER," -- HAS REMOVED to. H.' Baker's Block, South of the are 14, 1888. COUNTY OF PERTH. Pysuc SOTICE? Phe Wardens WIT be we ' *eialince af the Dewy etice, on the Ors amd third Tuesday , trom tee to three @elock. The will be ia agen peer at hie G. T. R. CITY TICKET OFFICE, TELEGRAPH OFF \ eee ee Aste pawen: tenes ints in Westin Sates, Mani toba and New ag goad A. Hi. XUEXXHTER. Stratrord Jane ts; tess: - 'Te F. BLOXAM, SLATE ROOFER, 1|Canadian and American Slate Tas Rest Roorwe Fmt axe Isom Riperke Atware on Haxe, a £@ Shingled Roofs also Repaired. Yard, No. 67 Milton 8t., near G. T. R. Station Bex 107, Strattord, P.O, A call solicited. ---- Stratford, March 9 1887. ELIXIR viTz MAGNETIC MINERAL, As it comes from the Mines of Nature's Labora arneery B Heetettas vITS& will cure cure Bright's Disease all Kidney Complaints, Bisod Diphtheria, Dy lity, Complainta, destroys the Nidus of every ill th: Human Flesh is heir to. It will eure Old Sores, Piles, and all Skin Chilblaina, &c. Sold b, druggiste. "ivorember 2, Test. @21-ly. BOOK-BIN DING. I HAVE Bye FACILITY FOR Music, La BINDING &e. a. CLASS MATERIAL AX 'DW books pared, ad lank books ruled, printed ane Piteresmee Canada honed to geal etyle ew $2.25 per Vol. Full Price List on Application. WALTER STONE, Book-Binder and Blank Book Mancfacturer BINDERY OVER DUTTON"S DRUG STORE, : Corner of Erie and Ontario Streets, STRATFORD. Stratiord, Feb. 21. 1887. _ ee HAVING BOUGHT THE ENTIRE 'STOCK OF OF Ford & Co., Mitchell, --Alao A-- BAN ERUPT stock te 40 Days yay ror racy = vdn-bahaa PRICES NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED. Pk Se SS ae eee eee ae GOODS AT HALF-PRICE. Our Mr. B, W. ZIEMANN, gy age the New entting school, will 'be {i Mitchell every nar antting. Good ta ts Kastner Bros' SEBRINGVILLE axp MITCHELL, nocess the Best Yost of Worth FY THE BLOOD. i cena SYSTEM ana ae ne NEURALGIA © it ia gevurpemed,_ 1 allete somes Scurf and every spesien of ak sh' danufactured only ot Professor Houowar 333 OXFORD ST., gg Sa sa mir alte Sea Sine stheean: = CAUTION, --TI have wo Agen rar laies, wor are have oe dorm, to.