' ig --------. ' ; ' r | "You cannot get iu Kore!" I said, holding which met my own for 6 sinvie instan. np 6 OC Ch, AS the Ca et, et ' bean veges = j FIVE MILLION POUND gdm: ta path & SA Gartlod oo eee -- _-- irc) ine wih neo secon, I ae se FOR et Andrew Black ' ; & scowl upon evil face, Then, attended by the demure mi<id. by Dave sbruns gren from the aceideatal- ac- 7 at Harbor Bicuas tienes | mot be struck at me through the open window. whom no word had been utteret durin; the @@a'ntences I had made in the botel it as ' book oo the traditional history of the Ot. | = By T. WEMYSS REID. Almost before I was conscious of the smart whole journey, she keft the -currincs, and MS At-the dinn-r trble, infeed, or in the tawaand Chippewa tribes. It is written | of the blow which be® fallm spon ™Y wasalmes tly Jost to my view upon "Poking room ince at nivbt, that I ever ex- in the Indian tongue, asd containa ieidesi * CHAPTER L - |mouth, be was lying on, bis back on the the crowded pla! form chince! @ word with a fellow creature soo ite his part_a complete system of AT THE RAILWAY STATION. platform, where, as the train, with increas At the table d tot >that evening 1 fear I Al round me, however, there wa: enourh, TICKETS ' grammar, in which the author says there It fs not often that 4 man, in looking back ing |. proceeded on ite journey, I-could paid litte attention to the pro<ings of thy 8@! more than er h of nedsy talk-to hide s 3 "ere 7,24 Punic-et e-eingie, verb. upon the story of bis life, can fix the precies so# a little group of officials and spectators old geritioman by my sie, who inested epon MY Stillen and siierbet silenew Nor TO OR-PRASBT 1 one weenie md Soot moment at which bis fate underwent quickly gather round his prostrate form taking me into his confidence as to the prow CoUM Ishut my mint toa knowledge of the Mrs. Cleveland hee, given up writting Vout dh détined to affect his atest it had all pase tn * moment. I might \pocts of the trade of Biradiord and the stags fert--tha: all Seahereach - «as jest thes. TH E BEST LINES. h Gran tie it have future career. Sometimes, however, that have thought that it was only a dream, 4% of politics in the West Ridinz, Lam of sil. ttirzin= Wit: «xcitement over a new weRes . a = -- to heavy Re euedmaga atery (Seeing poral, When the corrent of ana' the -srain went -quickiy over the railway indeed, that -dsgme"sl the inforsiaTas tteretting comp = a= fewer . compliment by = ar existence was altered for the better or the ridge, and past the gray towers of tee which he gave me in the rough, honest tn It was one of the society journals which t=" Unrivalled Acccmmodations "1 Dy ¥ & pretty | Jess, stands cut inently ameng the Minster, if it had not been for the undoubted which I found to be ons of the charact-ri+ bad set the «tory, about which all were now . .~ ee ae = ke ee epee every-lay incidents of a life, and it 8 possi- presence of the lady and her attendant, ac! tics of most of the people aroun! me her cories has all she can do | ; i ding ou! . ~ ong hegurnopontente sod ha ll she ot 4° | "tony spent are the ret oe fact hat my ip was Hing Thre howd tad porn gf ol Seer me Clgiret of Pass h thom RO EA 5 Spe S| EN RET A BE IMMA rire Rta RS NRE NT Le eS ES SBI SS ee te ne feos 7 oir ; 3 3 slight cut with my 'handkerhet T looked Woolen o- worsted. browleloth or sno ae rol great genius Ra»k and genius are novel- 'Lowest possi le Rates. ee A South Carélina newspaper says that . : toward the girl at whose bidding I had just Tcannot sy even dow, althouch | cortaiidy? P@4 to be-found at times even at Scarbor- P not Jong ago a New Yorker wrote te the k a stranger to the ground She was ought to have know TY Ween: cea bout. ix@agh. but they do not appear to mek any GEO A JACKSON 4 -» titate that he bad { 1 among | _ still white and trembling violently. end her after my bce talk with --iycond-matee eet impression -- the ordinary tre a - a = AO "e, his papers a lot of old South Carolina maid was fumbling with the stopoer of ® neighbor at the ta le. . Ayuenters of the place. That which «et every- Acum--Exprees Office, rth " choele. amd he wanted to know if they had bottle of scent, My own heart was beating Bur all through :tha. onz dinner ms mint bedy talking about Mr. Mayleverer, the Stratford, March 20, 1808. 636 3m iF 2 ee Pecketotes Sreaxy PCW cage Bh Chm ee erate era ATE LD cA PR MY SR RS ROE OLN cs DPS I AI IAS EAE ' repiped they were worth encounter, but when | saw her pale face and tion at York. and with the face of the rit! Baa been chronicled in the so-ety journal in , di . NGO eentson the dollar, The bonds were manifest agitation, I felt that 1 must be who had made me her <iave. Yes; 'iff ey (@tastion, wae-tis enormons wealth. People a worth $28,500, and the New Yorker has calm for her sake. as it was torvalize she fact, [coul! no: dig Salked of it, speculate! upon it. gloated over jast drawn $21,000 accumulated interest. I stniled and said, "You are not frightened, pote it, 1, Cyri Fenton. twenty-five wees Mt amd men and women alike were wild Tope Lowes forced to strice hit" beck of age, she stemty wrt thearrieta! -wirre Wills Beeiety 16 le brnicht inte came coer - VASTARDLY WURDERS. . "4 e after be struck me but I do vot think be whole life hyd been civen to study the 'tagt with ono whese riches were said to be Chicago, April 4.--Eli D. Kreigh was was burt." ter diteious { rs : « bes 7 b: 1 } heir amount. at al a ; care of th: best of f thers, ant + ret # ous in t Fania aan Seatantls ies nggl tian. Bicasil But yout" she anid ina voles that shook the grert baw whieh Lat PY he 8) orpleah - 'persons at 10 o'clock last night. oth as she spoke. "he has burt you! had de-cended upon me rome six mouths bei? men were watchmen in the employ of the ny on gorge ota : om a ag fore, had know» Little of rothing of th} - x Tr epeak again fs abso work beyoad the walia of My bapoy home. | Women Who Want Shoe« _lntely 'nothing. The feliow was certainly had sudderty confutet ait the tteas witith | when ke tuew be ot wollipetncl - pis pd friends epterained of m= ant nil tte 'man to handle women who want shoes. necessary sometim sien od le ories whith I had formed for my OWM 'dhe asks for a certain number be will not co penning 4 ee ee Lana fe, ee falling desperaicly, ev wey and get the sige He will take off her - 7 -- iy. 18 ieve with « cirl whos very exh? yar he : a Ahi ' spoke with the bragzing self-confidéi ence bad been unknown to ms «ix hours be 'ferean i ip oe aa wakdncaed pein of a boy who has just performed a feat of fore, and of who name, po-ition and cham wis gt ber ; 1 , which he is rather proud, But l must © acter | wasstiil in abwolute : -- justicn My menner was ' Tcould- hardly bollave It, keen though the t um shoeing horses in order to rales --_ pared og! ee en pain was which made me conscious of the ¢,¢ the number, the chances are that you will t slipping on amooth surfaces, all of Tf pny OBA were to ask me whether I could ee, 'his truth. I should have liked to laugh my fool) ty deceived, for a woman has an unaccount- Palak have with more o; } f jens ]t 'is an easy matter for an experience! if iif ao. to put them off the tnea drew their revolvers aud shot them. =: Get one that will make ber foot fecl comfortable and that will look nice, and sho purchases at once. Tf you take her word : _ RUBBER sHoRS FoR Bons. {, Many "attempts have been made at im- provemen stranger to enter a carriage in which there ich passion t . t 1 } : been x upon such a turning tt wn - © scorn; but I could not do sa otic nee nk owe Goceess. The latest of these le the in. | eater, my thoughts woubt ants fly back wars ample room for him; and perhaps--for Jt had mastered me as I had never boom! Sure ir tt bein hoa ae Agee pee vention of Mr, Archille Delay, of Brus | "the hot day in the month of August, 187-, : nebahoegen pocticte steep peed oy m, Mastered before Inlmost groaned aloud & jeans this little peculiarity after he hrs pels, which consists of two pleces of steam when | found myself the solitary occupant of chovld chown to take proceedings' aguinet ee ee ne oe ee wltchery of ar everything in the shop to several who i bber securely me for assault, I bad acted I knew upon this fair stranger. will not buy. Another rule with women is 'Q0¢ to show them too much. Let them seo scene : When I first took he dinne RAN : _,~yo iron shoe, the effect being " Se ee, little Flector ordinarily so impulsive as I bad been on this table I had va Se ee tunes MePOral nice things and their choice is easy, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, he ¢ projection of the india-rubber, a ee eee ae coe ct setae anak never bave struck the atthe long tables, boning that ferchance 1/4 ehcy are suited: but show them your whole IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME of the road--whether of -T 1 weatiae oe cur seauct hb, Man, even after he had struck me, if it had might se her there It was a fe diah tance, \stdck and they will want to see more. I find pres ost traed te bens ermnaiene 20 taiows :-- yes poprcpadipeaaniena for the purpose of sworeiting my health end not bee for theery of terror with which the grid it was doomed to disappointment. Now. i} 4 ------ Se --- er nn _ CIDER DRINKING IX FRAXCE spirit by a recent bereavement, girl had implored my protection against when at last the tedious meal was at an , feet as formerly, soasto make them seem 6:55 a m.--Express. Not very long ago it seemed probable | in that famous It seemed "4 = and I was d from th» attentions of the! Sar. | aa nen, still yer ner but nat oe the French would become « | to me that here at York I was already feeling wpa = rae gars a kindly poy I burried pond "< the! jure their feet. "The farrodection of Saglish FOR MAIN LINE west. ee 4éf beer drinkers ;. but recent statis. | © me of the benefits which the doctor had carriage great botel t my way to terrace i: has i 2 . am --Mixed. thow that the consumption of beer, in | told me that a change of scene would bring ---- O&, Tam 00 sorry? |i front of the saloon. It was still early, aid Gave wear Sere wall dhenn Surmadions of a ens La my all e steadily air, even in the railway |the gay crowd had not yet mustered in force. | tight fit.--Shoe Clerk in Globe-Democrat, FOR LONDON.--30:08 ». m.--Mlsed. In 1581 the Partmans consumed 13 litres | station, was dist | Twearched everywhere for her; and every-| : pet 438 Pp. wm. -- Express. and (che. Mire i. oyenh tp 1.78 fy) Shlel thes Sree 9 fuer bonre before at ae ng ee Dr. Coan on Proper Clothing. FoR GODERICH.--&: a m-- mined, im 1886 the average fell to 11 litres, ing's Cross; and and who And then I consoled with Ys es . = which were tru | i. Dr. Coan spoke of this go-as-you-pleaso 12:15 p. m.-- Express. 'beverage is taking the place «i burrying to and fro on the platform, in ; that, the of the after-' |: tate, andeaid that. proper clothing. was. aS ee ee Seperate & Seely Sacugh, ees all the hot excitement of travelers at the ar she would hardly feel inclined to Subic th " beak. The FOR BRANTFORD bo tne whereas, only two « | beight of the tourist season, were very evening in sauntering pa cumht 0 be: how to em waren Sok sme puevate~ tine | GQ. B.& L. £, NORTH --*2:00 0. m.-- % 'slowly to and while the strains of the S0t too warm, and to vary the weight of the . ftead Acated ro ; u 'worn not by. or Bc petit tn 'sand streaks of stiver told where the moom- #08) but according to the temperature of tho | FOR PORT DOVER.--8:56. i i q ; : : i f ; . | erection of the palatial station which hes ; < apt Bo REMOVE A TIGHT FINGER-RING, taken the place of the little pink-roofed shed \beams kissed the crest of each wavelet as it) 487. If one dresses too warnily iu the dog io entteen Ree + The other day an old fidy came to me, that so long sheltered the traveler as be leaped toward the shora. Yes, even this days the skin becomes tender, when 1 Te tnd from Palmerston only. with the request to saw 8 ring from one o! | paused on his fight to the north, and I was beautifal scene, which was almost new to: the fall and winter blasts strike him be goes | J. HICKSON, General Manager. ber fingers. It was her weddiog ring, | jost in admirat bi 1 mag- me, for I had not visite! Scarborough singe down before f To go without SS which she had never since she was | pificence of t building, I was hardly Iwasa child, could hardly lure her out of' coats like the Anglomaniacs is equally fool- STRATFORD ated ob years before, conscious myself of my absorption im the doors to-night after the excitement of suchia barily, because the frame is weakened and id wes hear.that I could remove | scene before untit I was startled by a| day. : them comes bronchitis and pneumonia. The Post (}ffies Time Table. it wit cutting it. I wound voice at my tery Yet while reason told me this, my eyes doctor thought that every man who could o from the top downward with fat] «Would you be kind enough to allow mo continued to seek for her everywhere; and it' it should follow the Duke of Welling- tubber braid, which seemed to *T to , 'was not until long after the band had ceased who had thirteen overcoats, picked out | 2 + MATL. Seanes fash down almost to the bone. Her hand It was a woman's voice, sweet and deep- to play and the last of the holiday makers the right one every day and lived to be 84 'i Was then held-sbove -her 'head fora few | toned, as all men love to hear. The Relenaye, ne witret ating meester Woolens and flannels, no matter | a Tale mé Then the bandage was quickly eer wee ee eae eee up fruitless search and went to my bed as to the color, are the only underclothing Toronto, Guelph, Ber- taken off and rewound on the finger, handle of the door, which she had evi- to pass a night of fitful shimber and troubled we should wear, and all of us should have armen at ag After this three times | dently been trying to open at the moment || dreams, jthree thicknesses. In the winter they retain we Behe uaarion. a Tl wee to remove Sting with ense. ee ee ee ae 'cama time a i er agp 8 00 Satelite stayx Rak! great span of the station roof. was summer they absorb perspiration and 4 90) London ........ ++ +00 - = -- The and handsome, so much as that I saw CHAPTER IL een k Seen ngnen aw xan wih: a" Atlanta, Ge., April 2,-- penalty of | at a giance; aud che was dressed with singu- vax 9 Be) 12 ee aos so Te R County, | lar There is hardly a brighter booth im 9 20) RY......-.2025 death. ee a "1 beg your I" -Leried in confusion, "Vanity Fair." to adopt Thackeray's met- _ The Contents of Your Stomach. Goderich, Clinton, Sea- county was re f and I fear with a blush dyeing my cheeks aplior, than Scarborough; and its Just for the fun of it examine your stom- aa oe one of forehéed; for I was still | He was lying on his back on the platform. \ wos of the bie? Beg rrr T | ach anid ite silt HE -- sfisTapscea wend n to Jobepht Hopkins, was trought to this city, | to be subject to that weakness I hastily! She looked at me earnestly, and as she did on that pleasant August afternoon, The| Take o huge glass receptacle and put into Tasca t® story as to why the door and stepped back. |\qo I saw with delight that color was hotels were full, the promenade was crowded tt precisely what you put into Ge woes 315 mardet was commi 9 ~ The girl--for I now saw that she was, ly coming back to her. I saw, every morning and evening, the band) Threw in your morning cocktail, your oat om... Sa) 4 8 ee Fae ¢syorting up to church," said he, "'a more--entered the carriage with some too, that her eyes were of a dark brown that played its best, the weather was perfect dur- meal, your fish and bacon, your buttered ; } clothes. Us boys did not like to] gnnearance of haste. She was acco hed well with the shade of her hair, ing the long warm days, and every night roll, your coffee, your water, your four or --_ : the shine off ua, 00 we enn by an lady's maid. of demure while her voice was ot-there was # ball at one or other of the botela five drinks of whiskey during the morning am eee -- ied t> have a eaxed him | aspect, who was laden with the inevitable the depth and mellow sweetnem which had! _ jt should have been impossible for a young hours, your pigsfoot and ale, with bread aud | 10 30 Nithbory le fo)take a drink, but he was to uppity to] iressing case, which she with me when she first man who bad no private cares to worry butter, your drink or so during the after- Harmony, and Puir- do it. brother then threw a stone at | + the value of its contents. Her! I tried to treat the whole affair asa joke; him, who was passably well off, and who . aemer view,om Wed- him to see how be would aud he run » and who; Som, your bearty 4 peters, smmp, Sam, 420) 8 15. see run, mistress toa at- and, in part, I think I succeeded. As the was now emerging from the shadow of roast, vegetables, sweets, claret, uniy gure enough, Then we both run after] tendance laden with various girl recovered from the sudden fright and pereavement, to feel dull in such a place, champagne, a few nuts and half a dozen when suddenly he dropped down | and giving him ; \shock of the encounter, she regained the| And yet never did J spend a duller or a aud 1 Little bit of Fe ny A Monday, Wednesday and Friday, delivery at 'My brother is to be humg on May "The train is just going, I think" jcomposure of manner which had distin- miserable week than that which followédd two or three drinks taken during the arc and Saturday, deli at & Ll, and Iam going to the coal minesfor] "Yes, miss, it only wants one to guished ber when she entered the carriage, my arrival at the Grand hotel. ' ing. while et the theatre, and,tonit all of SS, - wae reday , delivery Wie, Bet I never did Mke s man what | the time, mim, kindly," touching and by she smiled and gave me fresh | Day after day I went, immediately after with your Welsh rarebit and nightcap, hold- | . OLD COUNTRY MAILS. wore store clothes. hat douceur, subject for wonder breakfast, to the famous Spa grounds, ing it for examination (and study) on the fol Mail via Rimouski cioses on every Tuesday, ab et -- "Would you be kind enough--" the trasted color of her lips with the haunting them till I became conscious ¢ Shi via ut How SPARROWS SURVIY Z BLIZZARD. hate: thesder Sooke' whi ober of lowing day. via New York, closes.on every Saturday, ab " When I managed to shovel « to | soune ™Y, at me for a mo- pearly whiteness the fact that men and women alike specy-| What then!--Joe Howard in New York | 7pm. ' nae e| path to] ment, and I could have sw was a ut I confess that 1 was some lated as to my identity. light after night I Graphic. ' {The evening mail forfToronto class at 6.30 ash porary one morning not long } slight of her cheeks also, when I found that although unmistakably was found in the same spot watching the The Post Olfice is open to the public from 8a a well-known resident of Brook. ] "Would you be kind enough to lock the grateful to me for the assistance I had giddy, laughing throng of pleasure seekers) | 'Theatres and Their Employes. ahd Te BLAIR, P& ' : - ~ the Stretiord, Sept. 7, 1887. | TB Ly ; i] rich, the poor, the! saun "tI found the greater mumber of the | door!' she resumed; but the porter was she showed no dispouition to , 3 . the the the | ___Uirdb nparly irozen to death I took them | ready out of earshot, and her. request was take me into her confidence. Amid ee a Ry ag Soe Ngee l Gar abe sagt tn a Sela wd St eet eee cee an enor ee ee ea ay tans nmautcineehen aeciie and.ape Jone oh ees Thero are in tho United States about 4,400 ant soo bolave_ Thawed the twitter whe into her seat with a litte sigh, that might expressions ot emia he Ms at a s RAE. uae L pon pen cuteretagrip. ed be getting a little li y, | unwrapped the posivedinangay eto pied ame paler apiece a, SA avoid imiagned wie LTO, tow Goel prea pager $1,000,000 a day, but managers blanket, but didn't see the sign of a spar ctive in ae A engen pean 1 country girls, and to F ot rt attractive her whole appearance. bad, on her account, been t dents andl rat row. I took one pigeons in my | had only been a few seconds in the carriage nor did she 'seemed to the Road cad. thonghh. Jen .winge._ felt with me, and yet her _prevence. seemed. to make ber own identity in any way known these.enterta.nments I went p ey 4 pg yor meal hole apartment, and some |to me. where my fellow creatures were not all: Pigeons, heart was touched at the thought that for /dignant, that feeling was lost in the sense of time that was not spent in sleep mgumber, and found this to the case] an hour or more we were to be fellow with which I sat beside Never on which I was intent. But all ins Be doe Veer oe wee of each before, I thought, had I met with a woman | angry with myself becat., >of the 22 peace enor Bg Tyee I looked into her face as she sat with ber 'so as the con- age in my fancy held me, and a = a -- eyes fixed the door. She had taken the both manifestly trying-to get ridiand again 1 thought of flying * window od, Mog fg seat furthest from the platform, but I could |of the memory of the scene at the railway scene and f. it were a sunshiny day ong --¥. wee wd in the station, and talked on more travel. But whenever I wason th» po'nt af Sun. station with an intentness that was surpris-|pleasant topics, 1 quickly came to the this intention my resolution! THE RAILWAY STRIKE. ing even to one ordinarily eo unobservant asiciusion that she wad as sympathetic as she failed me. The picture of the i = ~The Snal--reeult-of | -@ Tit _ Suddenty 1 beheld the most u 'TD bad ever ssen-- my eyes. I saw! the meetings of the of the var Reber ie me cer the face, the readers y know, from York to Scar- ber once 'again, as I had seen her when she) thin | beauty of which I was admiring perhaps |borough.. In. les. than am hour and » half. ? 5 ny, : : stood before tne, her band: resting lightly ie dy afterncos and lasted wail a lote hour | or? COPY an Twas aware Every ves-iwe bad But lonz my own, and her glance answering mine, as| wen sahomiend this i tige of color faded out of it; even the rich before we came in sight.of.Oliver's Mount I she spoke the few commonplace words which < the boycott of the fuii lips that bad seemed made for smiles and |felt toward this beautifi girl, with were ber only farewell. And whenever that "gare has been raised Lot cum, nmr eogegne mr a tyes, the rich vision --presented--iteelf-to--me,-the-spelt-was i, io Shah thenceforth: Geo contest will be jong lines of care or terror were pen-| and the smile that was frank- over me afresh, and I admitted to parents ciled on the forehead. I followed the direc- | ness itself, as 1 had never felt toward an I had confined strictly to the *Q : Y myself that met my fate--and suc This raising of 8: A erage tion of her eyes, and saw that they were) before in my lonely and une to it St strikes now on, except the "Q.," are to pn a Whe was hoeking inton _| Yet was nothing that was pleasur- chap Setbetih, oud-thad oil. these. whieh carriage--a youngish man, with a handsome) "Ah! so we ave reached Scarborouzh." able in my mood, even at those momeuts were imminent are to be averted. The pated face, which spel cloqecatiy of u juho eid. How quickly the journey. has when I thought oniy of the girl's beauty and busines of Chicago ts to be restored und | Meet viciou eonon, end ommsering, 1 Do you know the place! It is my grace could not- drive from my receilec- maintained by the strikers with strict de- upon his tips, that told scme- visit to it Perbaps"--and she blushed tion the memory of that other face--the face eorem.-~ Other readsare sheaived from the | ne," "Bent thet wos benting in bis ins she may see each other again ofthe man whom I had struck down tof neutrality, and violence is He nodded some day; bat I do not know. Her voice, I railway station at York sR _Pt mature hes ber laws so strat that you mast to be discontinued aceording to the well with fomiioniy $5 the git, and hong. grew as she uttered these last thought of the one, the features ra tis gh Seeca ratte Besknend "oi | Seucetnese Saws © Sabet Ril |ve on Se orm aoe etd tee Sr yh ee aa ; - ' What -was the reason of d's Haier Mags 4 Eeoomstive 5 w 1m errengement Ob, stop lini, atrt-step-him!> Pér-the now with an- end in- ocho, when she bad appealed Be cen eS ak exertion! of Chis? Avthar. of toe Bro rn oh pare, 0 28 et Nien ener terest which I made no attempt to conceal -- this man from her prewncet My heart ZN son sia: Noor . - Jena « 7 bd eager! "I shall bd ; : on orwes oy Greed, Mostee Sar PE cm iy PRE YG ce jaonkine Pcp Be Ro bani, 6 : ic Cane sche iar taba aka Ana Ue goon ts wil do wil mae yeu son , ef the 5 's ona the a had undergone liere must constantly meet upon the parade be must have known ber far better than 'The expenditure a bottle will entail. ' por Wacko 'aid Disrk CraWbeml, WRAL ve tree acacen sorter wan Cadena nd cond dink she did, and that, deeply as sbe might hate This now famous preparation for invigorating aleo represent the switchmen. The-final |: voice it was expressed by «| I hoved that she would mention her name, 'or fear him, he powetied some power sedan lansrunges, incinding Senden tte ot cateen pareat decision wan hastened by the 'nike mesting ee ee least tell mé to what hotel she was her of which I knew nothing. et i pa "oy shenpled nerthe want valuable spectioanihe ° Aca eid sheen Meaustask aventig, which a ich she spoke. : going. Nay, for-an instant a wilt idea What was the "mystery associated wi < . All diseases of the scalp are either re: was addressed by Genera) Manager Jeffrey, { did not wait to ask for any explanation. crowed my mind that she migh: ask me for that teautiful face? In vain I racked m Se pee a pl dln at the: Hitinete Coateal aond. ¥+) It was enough that she had appealed to me|my own _narne, for the circumstances under beain for some solution of the enicma regular treatment. It remains with the Beer alone 2 for ait The young blood ran more rapklly |whiep. we bad tecome acquainted with each only knew that in some fashior } | the desired results. Ur. Dorenwend's 7 SNS ee My DETTE RL a through my veins. I felt rather than saw |Other were eertainly unconventional, and, in unholy, this girl, who in a brief ; ; ah" Hair Magee" ty sold by all druggists at 81 por Definite Warning. that she was appealing to me, not only with{my youthful inexperience, I fancied that pad made me mor completely her sla beatle, or six bottles. for ot i aut cbtstnahio in églected coughs and colds so frequently her voice, but with her beautiful eyes, ber |they almost justified such a departure from than any other humaa being had ever done, rkoagg rare f ar AE 9 setious results.as to constitute a Cl#sped bands and the -whoie~ attitude ocentnen ; was associated with the man, vicious and Bair Works. tat Yonge Stpeet, Tursnts. ~ $ ite warning. There is no better, safer "sure, the sy try of which a moment' But it was clear that this was not her in- yylgar, whose air of insolent triampa = sone = or more pleasant for Coughs, before I hed teem to the jtention. Sue madeno direct response to my greeted her Leauld never recall without a . ghitis, Sore Throat, and all door, which the man was, already trying to} words But she gave me her hand, an . There were mot 4 OBSTRUCTIONS of the Stomach; Liver and lung troubles than Hagyard's Pectoral pr prnst Been been 'are wowly outishe again thanse! ime with her Voie she diversions in Scarborough. beside ; and Bowsls, are promptly remored dy Nae Eee Baisam. - ' 3 Ube station. 'pia tage : P thanked me st more rermt'y with ber eyes, which I have spoken, but 'I cared for Howal Pills. cen : rah " rey 5 i he 9 4, - ; ; * ' . , . ae _ a I 3 i 4 anne Shoe noe