"" erty. =e se rot 4 Bites sale aR ca ot OS New Advertisements This Week Sheapside--J. Deeoey. House To Let--Dr. Shaver. ellow Front---Tolton bros. ipril--David N. Hogg & Co. ot het he et et OO =< = ers, &c.--Thornton 4° Douglas. Abriham Block--Johnston Abrabam. Notice To_Creditors- «Lennan. Exhausted Vitality--Dr. W. H. Parker. vu nes aed ZT. - ears Wepnesnay, Arrit 18, 1888. SUSPENSION OF W. B. WILSON. On Thursday morning W. B. Wilson ap- peared before the County Judge in Cham- bers, at Woodsteck, County of Oxford, and was suspended as a County con- stable until after the Juge Session. In making ed.:--"I purpose suspending this man Wilson ant:t the Quarter. Session; aa I don't think be is a proper person to hold the position, Lhave seen enough myself to-warrant me in suspending him. I know him:well enough to be satisfied that he is uote proper person to be a constable of the County of Oxford. You may put in any evidence you can produce in his favor --but I know him and am convirced he is gota man who should be allowed to re- main on the force of County constables. I MORE TROUBLE. W. B. WILSON AND HIS GREAT DESIRE FOR A JOB STILL, BOTHERS INGERSOLL. \ (Prem tha Ingereclt Trituns.) ive; ny some of our towns on Monday « ven- ee A peti- ot W. 2 vines te office ---- of fir il Heettee gad AL roll fi, Tite elf i iH a Ex i fs i f 482 EE 2 It seems to us very strange that who have made the professions that they have, and set themselves = as moral guide-posts for our town, should show such anxiety for the « tment of Wilson to the office. ey have had ample opportunity of learning his true th investi that r, thro v --= place last year. Mo the pogo be t investigation ere was nb whi be renter. | ifr ft Hh Br Bill mised him they would make his maar tekgado webgere-nmt ong i va PB -xrqonlsiens soem maome? EN te Masete chair 7 q i H & 4 F i £ s g 3 : E ; f sf THh 7 ord Gimmes. BUTLER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. schools, and catechised the pupils, Among whic : ppose . Ottawa, April 14--The terms of the wae it between if a li i rtf Fe Mi HH WILSON'S LAST GRAB FeR| MR. 5S. R. WESSON, M. P., ON THE RECIPROCITY " Fab." THE CHIEFSHI?. ASLY TRICK TO KEPLACE HIM COMES TO | | | ' aah At the first meeting of the Ingersoll Covacil on Tuesday week, since Mayor Sel indelved in w "make Wy hy veer whit ef poiice : -- don's election, some sharp practice was " sot: att } hee Noxon: forthe-appeia mé@tit of W, B. Witsorr as~citiet of -poltce. 1 Mr. Stevens moved, seconded, by Mr. | o Halmes, that the mover have leave to in- | ER" troduce a obit for the purposes of ap- conded by Mr. Morrison, that the council do not take any action to-night on the ap- pointment of a chief of police, but that a -oammmittee be i ~ +t Measrs. Morrison, Stevens, Mills, Richard- amyl. Thome and that said com. | 'mittep advertise at once in thé Lmpi and Globe tor applications--two insertion.» in each paper. Dr. Williams held that both resolativ. - were outof order. ere Was ho vacam, if thé position, and there was no need UG; advertising for a new official until such was created. Mr. Stevene Held What the" revolutions were in order. The present officer had neverbeen legally appointed by by-law. Dr. Williams said that as he had been appointed by resolution, with the corpor- ate eéal attached, he was legally -ap- nted, Mr. Holmes pointed out that the ap- tment was made pro. tem.; the flog bed virtually never ooen led, since better ¢ of last e ms The Mayor ruled both motions out of er . not Mr.-Homes moved that Rule 4 be sus- pended, for the evening. Mr. King objected. He could see blood in some of the members' eyes, and he ad- vised them to do nothing in the matter at | °% present, There had been considerable wire-pulling going on for the it few bi outsiders, and some members w woald , be a good deal better to go home and sleep over the matter. Mr, Stevens thought Mr. King should "take some himaelf." If any wire-pulling had been done he had done his share. Mr. King d ed that Mr. Stevens should prove bi¥ assertion, He had made & personal charge, which he could not sub- He wanted to know how, or Mr, Stevena said someone had told him that -Mr. King had spoken to Mr. Mor- risen about the matter. Mr. King--"'How is that; Mr. Mor- Mr, Mills--*'I move that we adjourn !" Mr. Morrison--"I second the motion !" The Mayor--"I have asother résolption before me |" Mr. Stewart--"A motion to adjourn is | = Or} alwaysin order!" -- Loe tery tor on putting the motion, de- clared it Mr . Stewart--"No, you don't! It takes 8 two-third's vote to defeat a moticn to adjourn !" motion, on being put, was carried. --_-- +o --_------ Temperance Before Gospel. The-Durham Chronicle is authority for the tellewing statement, which shows that some persons think more of "Temperance" than of Christ :-- On Sunday week one of our ministers waa in Milton, county of Halton. While there he paid a visit to one of the Sabbath man," shouted one of the boys, 'That's ight. weve, bet ome drunk, call him then?" "A Scott as man," ro the youth, and the titter ran rou -------- --sc@ee-- -- The Disallewance Outcome. OFFICIAL TEXT OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE C, P. R. AND GOVERNMENT, the Government and and es on the I to Te A.Canmadian Travelicr Robbed. Detroit, April 13 --News has reached here of the arrest at Chicago the Wabash . Dr. i EE Hi z Fe 'p te fT ft iat 4 HE EF a8 : " Z FH LEG chi FE 3 H ie aye ih i fe i i io iene en arrested; Ald shief lices. et PO gp se ete if : mee --a- < be forme it I shall take good care that they do not suece Lame " tha want farms in Wellington! There are not any ba wt Lo Rosth $Y, jis, when the days, and he was disgusted with the whole sim. Aving bad bees th farmers of Canada ut H E Oe k iz rahe eau ment, and every township came to ntlema, bow 1 Sarl he F y ™ A petition was presented from T. F | vite snd cbildree amie with contentment, f the . s, asking forthe t. t 1eae at 99E0 497 098 in hie report of N coms over the valuce P $41,195,108 over the values of the four ycars He goes further than that, he says -- ith # K te Sta: believe that the conntry ¥ na 2h = . rsi ' 4 > ' ss Lj politics! advantage Now, the hon. géntlenian did not stop at that. The reason I direct so much at viouaty> ~ an Policy with the ex Er 332 ie ik Ei : = . Here Wwhat Mr Blue says ember, 1886, on pag? 5 "These val phedule of farmers. They show an increase on the figures of last year,@21. 567, nm tarm lands live sto« 961.711 in implements, res - os, and a little over $1,000,608 in building, or about an ex of 1885 T of €31.338.1T1, and of Compared wi the increase was 196,306 over the Province of Ontario * RST RE Te et] od s yen Mi ho, fer niere party putyets, trigd to make wae gor jeg Yo ruin, du, What are the people going te think Of TH [aE Paes A gsivineg some meth. , sayo-- 1487, there were 70,000 head fees than there were two years pre- Tere STS I Very Gad oe oy on . tt, in satile in Ontario Th ition . Uthink the farmers are in the worst con aes OF the | in dion ofaxy tisw of pepoistion in the Provaee Iron p carter bl VAPOR, Ce WEP TS Again, he says -- sort I received last August we have 70,682 fewer bores and and caftle than we had in set Wy will «we what Mp. Blue sare shout thf Ged in Mr ort that in Tee? we had £03,998 hore in | 4v, or 1 inorease of 69,051 bor~ That taan also deala with the number of sattia I must take horses a: te three The number in Ontario in 1882 was 1.680.056. in November, Ls87 and | sent cepecially for the jatest returns--the pumber was 1,048,264, or an in of iQ, 280 . se hon. gentieman said the number was lesa than formerly, t ntry asa fair and bonorable gentleman in dealing public questions, while at © sane time he is danetging, act only his own cor nd tay co ut the whole E inee of Ontario. TT e © the two teyrether, homes art cattle we Sad that instead of there being 70,000 lese, as stated by YE? of 406,571. The hon cattir, because they were too poorto them, and they vad sent their store cattle to Buffalo--the . value » as $107,000,000 odd, oran increase of 8,883, - covers sheep, I suppose. Question. Mr. HESSON. I do not think hon. members are ready for a division yet, but when the time they will awallow this resolution as thry ha' they will vote Nati they have donein the past. I have a dose z the hom. member for North Wellington (Mr. jcMullen), That hon. gentleman could not leave m mty alone. H w r will or net I do not know, or he may ha on res some other gentleman at all events te raised the same wail of ir that has been raised by every bon. gentleman on that side of the Homes. He said the farms in Wellington ee to @ very great extent -The more about mort; es than Rae, borane fis in hie-line of business. The hon. ntleman knows something about the nafortunate Serseen te and I rather think they know some- ment totMr. Bine's report, the value of farm lands ed i pg 416,621, Increase of $1,060,000 I an ia my neighbors, and as hon. gentlemen who mane spoken aoe surrounding my county have en want of in those Sastoe ty duomnine esos thet the cause is, what extent the statement 1 true. The other the hon. member for North Waterloo (Mr. ), Owe of the garden counties of Ontario, the same departure. He did not open it with a wail, he closed it with a wail. He said thatthe value of lands had depreciated there and that if he is in Joaniag business he knew all about it. He is a nice F and representa his county faithful. ly well, Ido not think his constituents will be fai to him for that noble county as on js last lege. If there is one county more than which is holding its own and holding morethan its own it is that grand county of Waterico, if there is one man who ought to be of that, itis the gentleman who the Ge of that county, the iéet indus. trious, hard-werking, and honest citizens in Canada to-day. Toseétheir beautiful homes, their mag. nificant farmeTand the growth of their glorious ee. AP Let the hon. gentleman goto the town he resides in, Waterloo, and there and how he ie ¥ » $ 53° Frit 2 ir business, 1 arp sur- 'Waterloo "had the cou Ht i i 5 c : 3 A i F E i i : CHEAPSIDE., We call attention to our |\Dress Goods, And have no hesitation in saying it is the Finest as well SOC GEECILE E RS PEEEE e ; i ing this and next week, including Nine Millinery & Mantles, ree sae rae vert ma 8 = ie be ee eaves : Ree ie cc Te Vitam Spee mets, we eee ow A Silks and Laces, New, Nobby and Reasonable Great Bargains Hemp Carpets. Lace Curtains, Samuel W sold her farm to Mr. 8. Whaley t MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING. cannot be undersold, and shall keep up our reputation of WELLESLEY. The ay Spring Show held at Qu fakirs were present to try their BEST, as well as Goods in the Market. A look through our several Departments will be to your. x B CHEAPSIDE : Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets, and Clothing. Fight Between two Grit Editers. Bowmanville, April 13.--Our usually quiet town was thrown into a state of ex- citement ----- eleven o'clock this morn- it Reform sheets--had been indulging .| pugilistic encounter in. Murdoch grogery store. The caco through an item in this week's isse Statesman, in which the editor is accused of stealing a bushel separated, the editer of the : headquarters and laid a charge of assault en, tmost by all antil ew it by t ant the approach of dawn cerpel them Sah - = county was pre the town of Berlin ae ASE. Se nites lenge the right of the hon. gentie- FF. fit eta ie f : i val ote +e fj E e § stiff 7 g ae iy H tH Policy Lat to his nm where he hae ved for n like Geee,eed where he te res- and I donot think there is any * xen Eoeam in that thetne more respected than he is, for he has friends and relatives everywhere and he haa represented North Waterloo in an able and | : tEFE 3 i Fe f E the to the rates of duly thet peopig wil haves pay i= this' cocstey on their into this I protest pagent one tothem for they mar to dole ont to us for the of the public expenditures of this rT protest, againet Canada ever to submit or to surrender her vier to leglalate foe herself in those matters, and po Same Sa gates g ged me ultra- Sh. bel jrotgeh: aod oo long an ts contiencel old should make with us Splopian whieh, to ber fer and aid in of con eed ee eet all foreign nations, the right of her markets, under : be to ether Empire our { tts eee terest that direction, even hen san) lowes grounds, 1 Balers is Sur connection and to. 'mare, "Abere alt things, never allow the to legislate for country. Exert your talents and * self and do not think of isthe tee tas world antil the world will be sorry that you retire. Ihate s fellow whom pride or * oH 'Ot i tH f RAR: : a le He = 3 t Fa! F E : : z 2. g x i : frp, rE [ p