a nee eaten aptinns nr inomancaemnaen cement tnt Interesting Note Case. YARMERS' NOTES GIVEN JN A SEED WHEAT SWINDLE WILL HAVE TO BE REDEEMED. llow waggon with the name of the nets Grain & Seed Company paint- ed on it » conspicuous letters. driven abou estern part of the Province about 14 months ago, attracted a good "ota 7 it toek-ia- -- this wheat at gi k a __ were told that eens would be on rls iar every one that the Nee ea Stags offered . se from ~ bushel two bushe conditi would sell the wheat to ten farmers only > 3 lim a township, etc., and farmers were told ie E 4 i Ht The judge cubestiend @ te the jury, asking asking LJ fil FREE chile git H Anecdotes of Kaiser Wilhelm. og, apc about hi his courage are cur- reot. The most characteristic, perhaps is one' ive to = -- of -- The a, followed by Bi ina The Chancellor Kip his lajesty to withdraw. The in "When my army ad- wanes the cannon's mouth it my duty to be in the midst of it." waa silent, but when he found the tion unbearable he exclaimed : "As a Major I have no advice to op your Majesty on the bai aa y me Iam bound to beg your me 3 i refused to carriage, Such a fay, dps pad he be most _ General present rejoined, 'Bire, you hacget that Frederick the Great went Riss a carriage on a similar "Yes," replied his Majesty, "did so during the The Kaiser was Fe anni die, -- "Phe toad was builtin the winter'of:1 A TWO FOOT GAUGE. UNIQUE AND INTERESTING FEATURES OF A LITTLE MAINE RAILROAD. Something Which South and Central American Railway Projectors Are in- Extreaely Narfow Gauge Sost. As our narrow gauge road, the Bridgton River. which the Portland and teen miles west of Bridgton and 'forty miles" ee Reaeagracmnat ot arivex* take it for illustration. "The 'general reader ; yawellas railroad men, will readily pate its quiring About -- Novel Features of an, cred around the scene summer of. 1989, That winte; ge oe OE een ee , MR. BERGH ON DUTY. Interfering in Behalf ry ® Fallen Horse. Under Arrest--A Sa On the corner of Avenue A he observes an Loverladen horse vainly struggling with a towering load of heavy b boxes. horse bas fallen down and th é tog to beat bisa into a perpendicular position, His efforts are fruitiessr. A crowd has gath- and various gamins are enc the dri¥er to still tgrenter cruelty. Mr dry presses his way into the center of the throng. es off half those boxes and your horse mace ee I " met ites tet eS Sh repiy, as the driver's blows fall with re Sp all SE saab ryt ery ef derision goes up from the pooh oso aN Growl, "it oricer arrival ez r aes "attest this. man!" orders Mr. Tee car maar apes enesttecmmnenl "My horse fell down? he I was getting him pp this man interfered and an Pa Mr. Bergh, calmly, : E § F i : F j z lk BEE Fe i red fer the i of less degree. South American inspec- tion parties learned some, to them, facts in their forty minutes' ride from 20 deg. ' ana of at- so far as any danger of a tip over was con-| cerned, on account of the nearness of the cars er ing of the, b . di > ay ks, to learned that the little man will fence the lot and pay some- 96,000 pound locomotive could draw a well|thing handsome for the exclusive use of loaded trian up Oe Fe ee ok toon He will use the best material name varying from | Lung Destroyer or some other patent fifteen to eighteen miles in length. Stories are current of so much as $100,000 a A few words, in conclusion, in- regard to|year being expended in that way by the the two roads to be builtin the southern|owner of oné proprietary medicine, but that part of this continent, the possible adop-|is a great deal to be obliged to believe, tion by which of the plan of tho little|Still, it is evident that millions are paid out thesejannually in mammoth lithograpbic and from the south hi The | woodcut work and for the defacement of nat- Central' American road is to be built By/ural scenery. Barnum's posters alone cost the Honduras North Coast Railway and Im-|abont $10,000 0 year, and then what is done for while the crowd enjoys the scene with, hilar- fous gelight, "I order you to arrest that man." "STI do nothing'ef the sort," retarm the ae Come with me tthe ration this man's sathe and number and [go vepliee Me Berghe This information is soon obtained fompany him, Dyas to for that be ba tam led into a blunder. "[ don't know as I care about arresting Merfered Phe in eer comes performance -- eh poi epee hangs th "I don't want to, You can pn "I will goand you shall go with me. If you r ou. amazement. "Yes," preay der his gold badge as an officer of the Society for the Prevention of ae to Animals, Are you Mr. Bergh!" "It makes no difference whol am. You reported, -- a direction of the abattoirs on Extensive Outdoor Advertising. ares some men are only owners consider permission erect costly fences at that. Where an old j building ox Broadway, for instance, is being raised,a master bill poster or advertising |When the n course of erection tee coreacier renaived a small | fortune for the use of the extensive fence that surrounded the plot of ground, and the sub- are advertising firm is said to have realized thousands of dollars during its pro- 'and wa alg A grab in gg appt, style. ig postoffice was as many as letterers, and a few of them real artists in the way of pictorial work, who are sent all over the United States and the Canadas to make the rocks and hills tell of the virtues Smith's railway Companies, weekly newspapers, big iclothing houses, ocean steamship companies, and* theatrical combinations make up the [vast aggregate: -- ' are sere 'to. the window as aes on which "Oh, leave me Baede- oe alive, but the remaining dead. Kaiser Wilhelm virtues of * build this line to-help: the of that coulitry with America,--Charlcs oO. Stickney in Boston Transcript.' .- Protection Against Cold. A "aor ---- physician, whose i it , was talking. "Why, becai cohkl ewer me 80, about forty miles fromthe city of: Quito, in} nijn you see him do itf" Ecuador, the city being the capital of the re) Tye reporter confessed that he had not Jo-! heard the man make any remark as he experience to speak with authority on the chanical. pases cote the following advice for pro-| bipeeperet reminded that he is interested 'or the? pa nea teomes Hetraylug a Hidden Malady. _ a k i bad aaa Se no meee eas: De laware stvent dosnt Pon whow a reporter the window where the aurist and the visitor were sitt "Well, he did it, Out there on the corner of my house I havea little tin sign contain- ing my name, beneath which are the words, 'Eye and Ear,' Now, it is a very strange but. nine men out of ten who fare troubled with afflictions of the eye or tar will reveal the location of their disease ome wee that sign: They do it A in passes in a deep brown "He is oblivious of everything. Even (the direction and style of his~ "Fall are wie When he is te that sign be ing. Mie will pat his hand to his ear. [tis all me- done. freak-oft natere-which- never become so engrossed in saxtiiei nr rat bee Fogardiest of, curselves."--Indianapolis oe nicer ee A Curious Old Clock. There isa clock on exhibition at the San |chanieally Tha man to whom I called |' Farm for Sale Cheap. GooD FARM, Containing 65 Acres, all cleared, right on gravel road. . GOOD CONCRETE HOUSE AND OUTBUILDINGS Two Barts and small Orchard. For particulars apply quick te WILLIAM GORDON, Real Estate Broker, Stratford. HOUSB AND LOT FOR SALE, IN GADSHILL. "Tce UNDERSIGNED offers fer Sale his Pro q in Gadenill, a, Bren from Stratford, C : Pha 2) 33 FOR 'SALE OR TO RENT. BE Men Hotel in Sebringrille Village known as the * Revere House," ia offered tor sale of to reat. 16.16 wall petra! ell and Steed out in every COHRSCOT. "" GEORGE HOCH, saat aqua March 14th, | ise8. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. for sale that Valuable itt ra UL Fr 5 8 F g, F Hu F gots FOR SALE. TR Poliowing Late, ove convenient to the G, T. RB. Locomotive Works, are now offered for sale on Favorable Terms: MARSHALL'S SURVEY, Lots 29, 30, 31, West Side Mc- ; Lots 38, 39, 40, 4l, zie St.; 8. 4 Lot 50, and lots 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, West Side Victoria Street. McKENZIE'S SURVEY, Lots 43, 44, North side Milton street ; Lot 49, South side Milton t. GRANGE SURVEY, Lot 51, south side of Milton | HH st.; lot 54, north side Shakes- peare st. Apply to T. B. P. TRAW, S. MERCHANTS BANK, - Or to GEO. FORMAN, Lanxp Acast. 634- Stratford Real stata xchange. OFFICE:---Up-stairs, First Door North of the British Mort- gage Loan Co., ON EAST SIDE OF MARKET STREET, STRATFORD, Oxr. -The Following {Good Investments are selected from my list of] ie. 4 $3060 for a Lange Brick House and jot, 34509 for a handsome Brick House, modern con- vemences ; | acre. $1500 for a Frame House and 1} acres, near G.T.R. 9900 for three Frame Houses, SHAKESPEARE ane $200 for two Nice Buildi: $2500 for Brick Howse a HAMLET LET WARD, $123 for two nice Building Lots. AVON WARM, $1500 for a Lange Frame Cottage and Stable. $2100 for a Large Frame House and two lots. FALSTAFF WARD, $1000 for two Eligible Boilding Lots $1300 for a Large, two storey Frame BUSINESS CHANCES.- $5000 for a large Retail business. $1100 will seeure -- opening tor a mechanic. HOUSES T TO RENT. "WANTED To Buy a Well Established suburban Grocery Basiness. . To Re@, 2 Lame Hoase near G.T.R,, for boarding Howve. oe Propertpaméictle;-- -- - Mittin ROMEO WARD, $40 to £500, for 50 50 oligth e veil lots. 1650 for a nice Brick Cot! os lot. $1700 for a nice Bri 'ck, sorey and half house and STRATFORD, ONT¢: .~ A COMMON SENSE SCHOOL, for the times. It educates Young "Med and a eucoemsty. which sharpens the preceptive faculties, stim» ambition, and develope eneseity along with s atic knowledge of business affairs. WRITE FOR CATALOG mt oe SHAW. PRINOIPAL. Sane tantg OMT Ree ' Dinner. Sets... = -- Sets. - ae © 1, PRR 5 Medd ve "HONELEUR " PATTE RN. ie Having completed our Orders taken last . January for Direct sbintitig we bave several sets for Immediate Sale, which we will sell at a Small Advance on the Retail Importing Prices. 3 Only--99 Pieces Dinner Sets, " Honfleur" Pattern. 2 Only--100 Pieces joe Sets, onfleur" Pattern. ar These Fine Sets have Soup = Sauce Tureens, &c., &c. 3 Only-+85 Pieces Set, Combination, Tea, Breakfast and Dinner Sets, Clatet, "Brown (dark brown), " Daisy," and " Marigold" Pattern. Out Spevial Order List is open for receiving orders for Importing to arrive ri, daly. o; hagve direct orders arriving each month, with Dinner Sets, for Immedines Bale. E. K. BARNSDALE & CO., t = x0: ICE! IOB! CIGARS. CPHE Untes ned has laid in a larre stock of outinn kel é =-- eee SMOKE Stratford: Fue 3 1888. a. SLEET. ~~ foGMS TO RENT. CELEBRATED UA HOBLESSE UTTABLES for Legal, Insurance, or Medical Siceeg see te rier Be fey oot GLADSTONE CIGARS Wholesale only at Factory Prices by >; JSFRANK PALMER, Or at Pum Times office, HOUSE TO. =e N°. #3) re J fe om. Stesttord, Des. 15, 1685. WE BEAL im a: |FINE STYLES OF YURNITURE --aNp-- LOW PRICES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY FROM US. BRADSHAW & CO., FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS. $25-LIFE-SIZE PORTRAIT-$25 FR EB!I- W. |. BeckKer's Gallery. AXYONE SITTING By a IZE Pot ht 2 1OLAS STR ~ > stati JAMES SHARMAN. December 6th, 1887. 622 pint: fee oy bee * shaiachenstes see WwW GOODS t draw a LIFE-S ot Woumacien on New Seffames--_ thatday. 80 Martha Washii | Spieates White Htiotrope, MAKE A NOTE OF THIS, tk This is s Rare Chance, and some one will be sure New pogh Brushes-- to get it. TRY YO caret: A tna (soft and eaay on cums), | A few doors west of Post Office. Stratiord, Dec. 13, 1887. ex. WINTER FLUID, FOR CHAPPED HANDS. New bcdhne-- Lad: Sard Rubber Dressing Combs, + pieavy, Medium and Light. Fine ibe Pocket snag Combe, -- BAKING POWDER The {Medical Hall,|) '=e txtmmir BEEF, {RON AVD WINE, main! BELL. TELEPHONE. As Exqeliont oe and Restorative Tonic. Charge of | of Business. |_ SOHN MeRiEY RE MPAKes 3 PLEASURE in snmevecieg. to his old the Citinéns of ouationd cetera, "hat he has purchased the FLOUR and FEED BUSINESS Ot Meadrs. Hoda & Cullen, Market in Mr. 8. et street, in R. Howegn' é he will in future carry in all its branches. aLso-- DRUG STORE! Agent for Lazarus' Celebrated Spectacies. that tag, SHEDS; § SHEDS. i ahep_m sock the owt, inde of Sed Peasona. He Grain, "Here, Timathy, and Beeds All ani prowpey 'fitted. . JOHN McINTYRE. <4 Ressiember the Stand--next to Larkwerthy's BRANCE CH § STORE MITCHELL PORE PORK PACKING PROVISION HOUSE) Ls tetra crc Sane : Brandenherger. where | I a) First Clase Mente, = Cheese, cate Sacsage J Lowest Market Price. fom der ges Wate rien ep raitewon, | Butter, E White Beans Dried Apples, DRESSED 'D HOGS. al or ein 8 I start in life. Get that Education that gives s young man or woman that toental cultyre and ae eee SSRATPORD "AND: MITOHELL es E. J. JOHNS' BS» >