Stratford Times, 25 Apr 1888, p. 5

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, 28th APRIL, 1888. | SPECULATION'S VORTEX. A p R | | : . , , -- ANXIETY AND AGONY OF ALTEANAT- : __ TS AND CURTAINS : me -- Very busy this month ad THOMTON 6 OEMS sae etl nt oA VON ADR & CO. a eral Cases. Hats and Bonnets and some |. We recognize the fact that to gaty | "Ihave observed for years how money is | ae |)' ANNGince the arrival efethepipg. Styles.of Carpets. and.Curtains,. and.jipvite.. all aera rane, only be| Lament cog Wal Wratt of the dain tiest little Wraps F=-~tntenttig' Purchasers to" txamine-their-oRorings~ We, bave.ja-store.the- Ingest =e ness success, an WOK nity s teruptations--asa I like ; '4 , :) us ; in ; i ol reef oman gape lite and Dolmans 8 you a wee Stock of Carpets held by any one house west of Toronto, imported direct iis Oe al wiht oe maa 9 VE Oe POE I REG IR MP ALTE AN TOG OBIT AGE RI ORS: BE. Hist lt aminstnpe Zk See oe eee ing tous to hear the remarks -annde | of the Unie "One. 5 po encounter porns are. "Peta selected: -by: sun * Pe me -- the trade; ---quality béing considéred. mo by visitors to our store since our] of Denver, and I inquire after Jones, of = three-months before, | Customers, Certainly the ST Qptting. one puoutl pea. The Loy fons se ee ee cat, SRT . a Prices on all classes of goods was [tim Millinery hes never been PRICES Ww itt: SE GOU! N Dp THE E LOW EST: * +. "Jones! Ob, they've scalped him. That genuine surprise to them. last bear attack on the market cleaned him -- om srg yan rile, | Seis org eon | Poti, Bvonything i wear tinne to sell Goods at the game prices made by land specniation, when ho came to . = %& er lower than we are seth <therr xe York tee years age xble and tempting,--no out- oe Howe We'th-seltthenm lower rf we Mh-am-versausmy forts yee" Ld reply "Tle cm os + oO se 00d was a good fellow and full o ergy ' . ; . ean. Wecan afford to sell Goods | "0 syn all of that," remarks Smith, |landish styles, but all very S 'tan > i low, as we don't have to add 02 ty-} une ne wa: n't quite smart enough for Wall 8 ; by a thing to make up for bad de bts. AS] street. Ptold him tnt spring how be was |), 7. 1: 2: be 2 =| we sell you low, you miust pay the going, but he wouldn't bylieve me Ne lady -like and 1D good taste. | 2 fc) = 5 ? li t t } = : price we ask, or we cant deal. _ you look at our Goods and Prices, Visit our show-room and you m2 R oT we think you'll deal wah us. x tm } © vst > all ninsen i} i Onee more we tell you 'abéut' our' it _ will be well , pleased, The | 12a ee t=) pa Oo Ready- Made C lothing. Our ready-] wear all wy bair yet. I v their wa: P - Q Be i] made clothing fits as well as mest} Pm tooo Nd hired 2 be canny hi." young ladies in charge will r = iy Sr 7 i ordered, as anyone whom we hare ee airs ant --_ } = [na] mB = " . , ral ° : | = had the pleasire of showing it to hope th st Smith ts ours ~~ put forth every effort to make | = -- |e will bear testimony. 'Flourishing! Not exact ty. Haven't you - heard what cored 0a bint No! He went | y igi 5 e-weenh-vila- to scifi 38-0 EEL Tanrocm Rend eod-ay gut Yoeed ininon your visit both profitable and ~--~--en-#-suit-of it, and see.if_we.are not | order. He's so poor that he's in a cheap | ; . telling you the trath. If you're beardiag howe In Harlem You remmber | pieweent for YOu. Enghsh Wiltons. English Velvets. English Brussels, in designs = ready to buy, you'll take a suit home | 5 -- ata: tat ai a . yes ' : with you. peti! oy Bed rity Fo gprag seer erage' -- suitable for Drawing-Room, Parlor, Dining-Room, Library, Bedroom, and Hall, with ete. are Shecpsing!.. The prices | SO genom, at ton rete Our Dress Department has | Stair and Border to match. English Tapestry,--various qualities, from 300. per made them boom. doesn't know when to tale in ani : yard to the best Goods made, with Borders und Stairs. Onion and Wool Kidder- "But mayn't you be in the same condition | made a great stride forward ry i Boy's all-wool Suit, 65c. some time! The stock Exchange is the most minster Carpets. Dutch Stair Hemp Carpets. Imperial Mattings, Men's Pants, $1 and $1.60 up. | Si" iwaysliving naming" [this season. Stylish Com-| Rugs and Mats Oil Cloths, in all widths and qualities. Linoleums. in 7 . - pe $3.25 up. thigven They cag' bart wa. I aiwaye doap binations, dainty trimmings, | V@T10us qualities and designs, suitable for Halls and Bath-rooms. Remember, this " Suits, " $10 up. cage Soatyer'eae How Yak. A man ote. ; material is a non-conductor of heat or'cold, and very durable. The Bulk of our immense You'd better compare Goods and ar ec eng 9 Me aN lovely new. tints and shades importations of Carpets this spring is from the.celetrated mills of JOHN CROSSLEY sagen eon Lota = tobe Were ee aie acne a ae in the most fashionable|& SONS, Yorkshire, England, who 'are the largest manufacturers of Carpets in the n:dcakce A eae eto | world, and-in. presenting them. to. the critical public we do. so.with the full assurance that ail moaths later I hands with + Robinwe, i Exc hee place, and te. | colors and low prices,--yes, " he is stil Thornton & Douglas, | *27>,bepins be suit prosperous, . broken down. That big tumble in Western The One Price Clothiers and} grove of paralysis the next they cannot be equalled in Style, SAT bor Peioc nor Price by any house i in Europe or America. VERY Low PRicEs--have had a wonderful effect, the result C U R TA A | N S | being far beyond our expec- tations. Wecaretully avoid Lace Curtains,--an immense variety to select from. Madras Curtains, in great | ee variety, Embossed Fancy Opaque Windows Shades. Madras Muslin. Raw Silk, and ------~ THE -- me X toa memes y-and-worth- various other Material in Tapestry for Curtains, etc. Buyers of Carpetings and Curtains R , tp R ber ax r ron Jun ain tat Pve | less goods. 'l'o-day the city|shonld examine our Beautiful Btock, | '= Orders from Parties living at a distance will dint of Provarieg for Se | a SE fal of them. Bo oarefal|!® PONY ae A, BEAOM ATR 8 OO ist of rties for Sale. Mg tec ee 3 . ; See :. can nok always keep ot the right aide of not to buy any of the goods =e 'or ing 9 mar $1,250 oie freee ane om Ontane, Front} "Fow can; but I am one of the few." in check and plain, offered Baby One evening, just after a week of great disturbance in stocks; a disturbance almost : q ji ah Furnishers, only, but it makes Brown chbeé Fete 15 Market Street, he went in too-deop.. I'm afraid mach all STRATFORD. | learn when tious, + fv i? $1, 000 00 Feater eee eras approaching panic, I ran akan you at low prices. They're broker, many of whose customers are = = the west. We fell to talking of the disasters $1 000 i Foe those valuable ote letter "E" and of the week, and he mentioned that Robinson | all Cotton, and the Patterns Caz ! | a near the bridge' 80 feet frontage, had lost a lot of money on Manhattan, and 'owe his margined stocks had been sold out, "He : $40 to $000, fr 79 other eligible bullding tote | snust have lost several hundred thoesand dol are ONLY PRINTED,---NOT DYED. ehasers--in any part of the ci Easy 7 torwe an lars, may be $500,000. He is going to 8t . . ' neo money required down in ookd to parties who | Louis to dispose of some real estate belong- They 're absolutely worthless. I have just received 30 Hand- build. in hits and his ability, and with them some Carriages, from which I is ability, with the ne stake , that handsome new brick house | be will enter the street again." We offi , $4,500 cree treat tnown tte Knog | MSL ont the St Semi auer a toog | V° Her to-day the rost} 4, sure any person can be and soft water, stable ; sehatee locality ; halfacre, | while," I asked an acquaintance lately, . . . "what do you candidly think of speculation? | Wonderful line of reliable | suited. $1, 500 For a frame house and goe and a hat What is the result of your observation! Is. » F ' ---- much money road in Watt street in one all-wool My Prices, I will guarantee, 2.500 Fer s selid brick house on Nelson | thing lose in another. I've been twenty-five are as low as the lowest. a rms Bat balks, Witte | Yorn tert, ad of ee bandra who D Sa aad ies mene tae| ee ene |DLESS GOOMS,| 4 tev reall Reed Cars e on run. - . * ; . ; with the' Steel. Wh > mane: Eipere rele | Ayame ont of ferty--are quae Uy | Right di | a ; = = = a - ee a Eight different Shades at 12}| which I am selling as low as the Stee tan been edie totes 07 tan propor | ano toun tangtes Wins sakery ny cents,--chea at 18 cents. wooden-wheeled Carriages "== - Wall street causes unless be is on the inside P x often wi gone into seme other i $2,100 tei Sass ST sass | busine. "Ihave seen wo much of eerd'st| New Black Dress Goods Be sare and get miy Prices strest. chance te bat specula don mt never speculate myoelf. - before purchasing. For a 1) storey trame house and lot on |-his rash attempt to line ef in to-day. T of Woe dent localities fn the ity, one Gen tad ten dkeagiog tot aout, aod isis ¥ H D U F ON -- doubtful if he can resume. He is reported to -- = * b B10 For = leaps tvosterey brick howe | mo as a roy sagnaan opr N No, 1, OLD ALBION BLOOK. This Caixiage for $10. 50. Best value over Offered. Made Tha npeat thing alows Sali "3 in that e 600. -- oe street. it} - = -- "FULLaARTOS- nn ----_ " a , . antiniogepiiae ae Se | meee 22 fees (HURRY UP. HURRY UP. $1,800 tad bt eo Orange seek, wear ha | Trinking or opium eating, No one knows, 'Dress ing were read and signed, after which a ra pew echoul, ep baie pergpet sda alacbe law yg -- S. Someues Ede : ; ---- -- -- ~} Soares of V street sap 'ounda- townshi eanee: ' = ish Wanted Parti tions of ch ter, dabeuch the ; passed: A b;-law was also submitted and . . : at Tabs. f cs RGAI . inleniiing 4 oy tag overthrow vp principle It egete with Trimmia t? pear, TH E GREATEST BA INS ccessful ot bi wore i Houses and Stores to Reat and Lease, | the Suerenful s lost of greed which nothing gs : Kers, i IN THE CITY Money to. Lend on easy | comps morbid anxiety, shattered nerves, : att, Jas Neale the agony of alternating hope and" despair. ; Try 4 eamonel.*. Siearees ie Terms. ps plocg ip aaegas mg tae eho 'comeratt | CHEAP SIMON'S Fire, Life, and Accident Insurance. Ss DAVID ai £ Beer. * snimreemeecteieereiee Hovis thee Welkom, ft. F. Rebinesa. A. -- : MOWAT & MURRAY: | _rype sitoe oy mat sins rater aca 2 ieee [Yon will Get the Finest and Best Quality of 'Taschen inegitetee ican | has bere patented a Eaglacd by Bi) oe yee Spi | ¥Y eClothi Mortgage Loan Co's office. iy -P. Fita- : - SS . eg oe en oe eecebeicen eee N Merwe pies cs Take uote ReadymadeClothing «<= Dangerous Counterfeits _| suitable setting or other + ean Bagg "Bodkin, Alf Koes, F. Himpson, Gounterfeita are always aangerous, more| i constracted with lovers or keys for rele | ' initraraek teams (At Lower Prices than Aniywhere Else ! eo that they always ly Iurratz tux | ing and reise om Be different letters or Huvie J. H Reach. v. Hares, 3. ings Dsoib = aermanancy a nana, The | he rae fo Orang te pia caer mS EecE | BooTS AND SHOES, HANS AND CAPS, Balm a eet ben cure for Catarrh and ene clectrle viesnis, vircuit, which also p Bona Mice Moblassn. Wan Teer, Bi SHIRTINGS,) ; Gold ia the Head hea induced unprinc'pled prises a machine of a siliitlar kind, si 4 .D. Wiien, a arto" inte tee pall are | iad a We plas Ee whi Ue "aeee'i bf A aioe By Sitar: Sains ws Every Kind of Cloth, rae ae Sotteting Hecate te by nostrums amas es -- at connections ; Pe hg ag a ' E Balm arranged when type setting ¥. Uderich, Jas Caan, C Ga: Wes ance, bearing such names as Nasal machines at the transmitting office lor, Wm Robinson, Jas Mo@ee, J. Tuer, : Bottom Prices. . caring west: oe Crea, ater teins rma oe aaa Morden, 3, Vouk, UF Waka SD. Ray All Classes of Splendid Goods, at and do not take imitation dealers may | setting up the type or for prifiting at the oe caowane piig "Geblex teen: ma jorge spon you. For sale by all druggists | transmitting station, the same characters fa for 1. Billet, for rep. tring culvert. | Cali and -Convince Yourself. or sen BP ped ee SeaOS of elon 1000, Will be automaticajly set up or printed at con iY, $2 50; deg + work on ; ae SIMON, ; and $1) by addrsasing & Co, | each of the other offices comprised within the Soe i | pe iy Re ny Guterto! Street West, Stratiend, Brockville, Ont. game circuit, -- Boston Globe, . : Jomx Witsex, clerk. f ie cree Opposite the Avon Hotel, eae ™ : -- 3H ae ' 3 "SOT 4 2

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