So cys = 4 SEE : . NORTH EASTHOPE. WALLACE. Advertisemen . f a lady: ito] _ : : A . A New ts This Week donee a ' _* Cotta Box Fractcnep.---On Monday A DastarpLy Act.-- Some inhuman Cc FH E PSI D E, . -- either shop au prs . 7g William, son of a widow Hamilton, this | creature tntered the stables of Mr Burk - i me for s four-year-old that she might be i hardt Bender one night fately and com- _ Entertainment--Baptist Chu ~ Girt Wanted--Mrs, J. R. Kilburn, . Forman. Persuader Abroad--W. J. Ferguson. to Crediters--Edward Dookin. 'City Hall--St.. Joreph's .Chprch. Oholr. 7 . Sea, 2 oF a) ed iw 14 RS DEER Dee YY eT - . a. Stratford Times, |" 4 7. BUTLER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Wepnespay, May 2, 1888. ------_--__ SSS Ses --\ & SILLY RULE--RESULT OF One of the most absurd laws ever utroduced on our Statute books-- otttside, possibly, of the Scott Act)}-- 'g that which makes it incumbent up- «a grocers who hold. licenses for the sale of spirituous liquors to complete- r I 3 + YY their other business. We cannot, however, altogether blame the Mo- wat government for passing the measure, for in so doing they simply sowed to the so-called ' temperance wave" that so much has been heard af @uring the past few years. Day in anid day out, they were harrassed by Toronto busy-body clergymen and half crasy fanatics,who have nothing to do but to poke their noses into their neighbors' affairs ; also by hordes of gossiping scandal mongering women, who, (the most of them) are either grass widows, or women that no 'wane mat would msrry ;--backed up "delegations," and daily pestered the Ontario Cabinet with all sorts of silly demands, in the old stereotyped ames of temperance and morality. Hon. Mr. Mowat and his govern- ment.are sensible business men, but atthe same time, they are practical politicians, and in order to keep = with "the. wave" they would it necessary to some- thing to their ical and petficoated tormentors,and one of the concessions was to make the sale of oil, fish, ete., ete. What good could possibly come from such a division neither the aforesaid delegates nor anybody else could tell. Of course, said that people when ney went mto a pany | store to a pound of tea could not resist the temptation of buying a gallon or ten ape of whisky at the same time ! is ison a par with the argument that every man who enters a hotel bar and takes.a glass of beer or a cigar, must of a necessity, be taken home blind drunk ! We see a result of the absurd law being enacted in Stratford at the present Noe i The license commis- sioners to make. it -imperative upon all grocers who took license for the sale of liquors to diride their is the result? Look ply with the above law they have to spoil the ne of their hand- some store by putting a partition through and putting in a door where w existed A he : ~~. | tario on the 19th of April, and if paralysis a plate glass wi _ | tion of this Province. | give utterance to such a horrible wish ig | from the pulpit or even from the platform, _| ought to be tied to a 2art wheel and overcome by temptation and buy a whole suit for her best man at the game time ? . aie --Serionusly ing. this' clatise of the Crooks' Act is one of the silliest features ever incorporated into an otherwise workable aud efficient law. 44 -shows what. ridi ideas get | into the, heads of people who are in- fluenced and ridden over by Toron- rare tenm: ous salaries for wearing 16ng : ) ad rewtiieatlhy The majority,ofthem have nothing Helse to do for than_s | out ways and means to crush the liberties of those they live and grow fat upon, and interfere in their neighbors' businesses for the + ple reason that they have no busin. - °f their own, except eating, drin..:' and drawing. their | desi a business or. a People in Ontario will submit to this sort of thing for a little while longer; but the hand-writing ex- hibited by the voting on tle Scott Act a few days ago, ought to be too plain to be overlooked by either cleri- cal or temperance 'cranks ! ne saction is setting in anid the To- ronto swell cleries will feel its full force. also forwarded the Mayor copies of the gteat Reform speeches on U Reciprosity, evidently hoping that "while the lamp," etc.,--bat we won't finish the quotation tor fear the kids would say that our recent illness had made us a convert to the 'open confession" doctrine. We thank both Perth's members for their thoughtfulness and favors. | resumed work on. the question of deciding what Indians on the Sarnia Reserve have Pottawatomie blood in them such as will debar them from the benefits derived from the treaty made with the Indians years ago, and which they have been receiving for a leng time. Many of the oldest In- dians on the Reserve are personally inter ested in the result ef the investigation, as it ia claimed the blood of the Pottawa- temies runs in their veins to some extent. perhaps 10 years, but as Absalom will make $2,000 a year during his search for lost "' blood," it will be seen that there are " millions in it." How long, O Lord, how long, will the Government at Ottawa allow ernment locking for blood," st $1,600 or (with pickings) $2,000 a year, is enough to sicken a horse. --As a specimen of the clerical intimi- dation used by some '"'preachers of the gospel" in connection with the recent veting on the Scott Act repeal in the County of Dufferin, we reproduce quota- gentlemen during the last days of the campaign in that county : "Those who are forthe Lord are on the Scott Act side. They who. fight t the Scott Act are in with the Ne Madill, at Laurel,on Sunday, 'May the hand of him who votes for paralyzed when heis marking --Rev. Mr. Wilmot at Mars- If the first gentleman was correct, then the devil has a big league right where he y ia known, for the poll where he lives.and | . * preaches gave one¥pf the largest majori- ties against the Scott Act, and a large ed the Act clean out of sight. As for the "reverend" Mr, Wilmot's prayer, asking for paralysis to overtake the hand of any had overtaken them all there would have been 4 very-heayy reduction in the popula- A man who would weden'> yi, 7a." b tions frain 'the speeches of two "reverend" | hastened majority of the electors of the county vot- | 4 stiontder, break was promptly set. _ RBLLICE. A Goop Entme Hense.--Mr. Dennis Kennedy, of lot 31, con, 4, tits Xowtiabip, Phas one of the best Canadian General-Per- herses in this part of the country, 2a with his horse this year, and owing to his tudy } grant sncnans he only purposes to travel on | 'uesdaya and Wecnesdays of each week during the remainder of this season. the other days of the week the horse will be at Mr. Kennedy's stables. BT. MARYS. Deatn oF Mu. Bauattiz,-- Death has re- bir. Ate St. TY 80 |: | \farys, from hie sufferings He died at ont 0 o'cleck an WW morning -*, after a long anid, painful illness, from, « oreviously stated, an affection--sup- pee cancer--of the stomach. e was « native of Fossuway, Kinross-shire, Scotland. After acquiring a good educa- tion, be served an apprenticeship to a clothier in Alloa, afterwards becoming a book-keeper for a wholesale Glasgow firm. He emigrated to St. John's, New- fou in) i two or three years, a: 7 then removed to Toronto, is coming tu »*. Marys bad @ spice of one een eae tic, »9 we learn an ap- --Tue Timgzs has to thank Mr. Hesson, | preciatiye sketch i 'he Journal :--" While M >. dora beontifel ant = apf ens = angs-af-s---- Senkeaal Witness in ea 2 eronto one even, '* noticed that a ply of Parliamentary papers. Mr. Trow,| inerriage had been ce. 'ed in St. Marys the genial "whip" of the Opposition, has | by a Rev. Mr. Beattie(. - of Campbell aabeal w letter that the same roof 'had both questioner and the questioned in the old land and that both had climbed the same parental knes. The resalt of this incident was that Mr. Alex- secured at the market corner in 1863 the nueleus of what is now one of the finest stands in western Ontario. His thorough business habits, and, above all, his sterlin, integrity seon enabled him to take rae among He had, for a number of years, besides his St. business,.s prosperous. in the wo Me Rasen and one in the vil- lage of " In many respects Mr. Beattie was a remarkable man. Indivi- duality, self-reliance and ind were t traits of his character. A man of the strictest integrity, he enjoyed the implicit confidence of those with whom he came in contact in business or in the social He was the soul of honor. No man could truthfully accuse him of com- 6 was a ial ompuee, possessed a large fund ot ue. tes, was a. land 'ot his birth, which he frequently visited on business... He had fine musical tastes, and was a keen sapien sak in ie inc, ene t. Marys, h loss would be felt in a much He was 56 years of and is survived "| his wife and all hi is family--two soms"an four daughters. SEBRING VILLE. Dustavctivs Firg--SraatroaD To Tus R. The citizens of Sebringville haye always had a kindly feeling towards Stratford, but now we feel a deeper depth Classic " Thursda Pasa, ary ery of *'fire!" "'fire!!" wae heard about 11 o'clock. Soon dense smoke and savage flames were observed risin from the rear of . Rohfrietach's well-knowa "Lion" hotel. Our to the scene of the fre, but what could they do towards stopping it? Simply nothing, for the reason that our village bas no appliances for queaching fires, except those old-fashioned mediums, pails. The hotel, stables and sheds were soon & mass ame, er ies every- thing before it. The wind was favorable d ture, somebody said, of Stratford for help!" constit tional growler replied "that the Mayor was sek ond wouldn't send help, any- way." But he was promptly told to "shut send to the Mayor (or hearts of our anxious people were gladden- the sight ofa -- dust and wo or seen that the duration of the was only a matter of time, as the flames con- quered by the boysof Stratford, mit der mashbeen, Brunner warehouse soon gobbled up and the Sames ----_ hold of Willian Hetson's grist mill, whith city are in the same fix. ges will necessitate the ex- penditure of large sums of money, mereased clerks, and much annoy- trouble and waste, and it will a ce fi z E z ents -- care what denomination orcreed he belongs to.._Can it-be wondered at that peophe nowadays refuse to respect preachers as they did in the days of yore; when they was also i were scorched and ignited but the fireman douced them with water and saved them j F ue jit if uit i i | ' ithattownship. The the leading merchants of the west. | mitted a dastardly act upon a fine yearling entire colt, leaving the poor We, fully butchered. Penitentiary is the pro- per place for such creatares. They are fit associates for tho Stratford midnight type- destroyers. . Acctpent.--As Mr, U, George waa driv- ing home trom Peel on the |4th ult., he overtoo ry. Chambers," who resides in| ig of the latter in turning out to allow Mr. George's horse called ** Young Darnley." The horse is | to pass, struck Mr. G.'s horse, causing symmetry and -- poun ; ¢°* ay the : : 4 Des Kanneds, secu the patronage of 47 | upset, threwing the o entleman out on Wares oa the Bret tha Sha p the vay atheekier blade. Aa quickly as Mr. Georgey gould" get his horse ler con! he went to Mr, Cham- bers' assistance and helped to remove him to his home. Asornten OLp Serrizr Goxs.-- Mary Little, relict of the late Joba ' passed away on Friday week, at the fa homestead, ou the 3rd con. -The lady had nearly attained four score years, thirty of which she this township, the family being among the earliest set- tlers. She wasa ristian woman, and a member of ihe Presbyterian charch, the services of which, in the earlier days, before there was a Presbyterian church in Listowel, being held at her house. Ofher sons now living, Mr. Geo. Little is coun- cillor of Wallace, and Mr. A. Little is G. T. R. station agent at Listowel. The funeral took place on Sunday week, the remains being followed to their last resting place by upwards of 80 vehicles.. Thos another of the first settlers of Wallace has been called home. INGERSOLL, Deatu or J. C. B, Garern.--It Is painful duty this week to record the of J.C. B. Galer, a gentleman who has »een Very prominent in the cheese trade ot our born year 185 of his death in the thirty-seventh F ped of He first came to Ingersoll about of the firmof A.A. Ayer of cheese and other produce and has remain- H married M. P. P., who survives him. He also Tee sons and one daughter. The deceased was very highly respected by a large circle of friends and ' He.-was. aa - <3 shrewd business man, and in all his trans actions he was actua' the straightforward bones' rectitude. About twe years ago Mr. Galer, in the i necessitates business, which a good deal of driving and exposure, con- tracted a very bed which on his lungs awd developed into that dreaded disease consumption. t fall he went a hold of his system. He returned home about ten days ago, but was very weak and geedeally worse, dying on Monday morn last. During the past two years he has Sant in partner- ship with Mr. C. H. Slawson and Seneen: ducted a general cheese baying and cheese factory supply business. is remains were interred with Masonic honors day in the Ingersoll Rural Cemetery. The 1. 0.0. F. band leading the large pro- cession which accompanied the remains to their last resting place.--Tribunc. > Intense Bitterness RETWKEN THB TWO PARTIES IX THE MANI- TOBA LEGISLATURE--UNSBEMLY sCckyEs, . April 26.-- The situation in b 5 which says :--" The sense of power felt by the Liberals at their victories at the polls in the late by-elections, and the success of the mission to Ottawa, and the chagrin at deteat experienced by the Conservatives engenders intense bitterness between the two jes in the Local House and the re. sult has been a series of scenes during the t session of the Legislature. No oubt the announcem general election about the first week in July also adds to the frequency of recrimination, both sides of the House being anxious to create political capital in the hope of se- curing a few votes, ese scenes be a source of amusement to members and telligent electors in the galleries. i re this afternoon the election bill where his he al , Tegardless of where he works or eats. This has special reference to Winni- ™ Ni it permanen' ed officials of the Province be added to the list of the dis- franchised. The debate still continued > TREY ARE DEALT WITH IN PHILA DELPHIA CNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE 5. P. Cc. A. and destroying un for the past 13 years entirely under gar 's ° bli Cruelty Last to u year the : the work was $3,500. The animals are captured b Pet enn ae per Daring 1887 a4 = e 2 a" | i dik fis i ity : it : f Hh } We call attention to our Great Stock -- or -- Dress Goods, of Toronto. _ Millinery' & Manties, Silks and Laces, Ne. Nobby and Reasonable Great Bargains Wool, Tapestry, Hemp Carpets. Lace Curtains, Poles, &c. MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING. In this Department we cannot be undersold, and shall keep up our reputation of having the 'BEST, as well as CHEAPEST, Goods in the Market. A look through our several Departments will be to your advantage. CHEAPSIDE : Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets, and Clothing. J. DELANEY, Manager. Drowned While Bathing. A young man named Adam McKay, a student of the Collegiate Inatitute at Clinton, was drowned at Stapleton, a small village afternoon. e and his room mate, named Lamont, were in bathing, and it is eup- , and before assist- he sank for the last time. "His home is in Ripley, and his mother isa widow. His wi * ered some time afterw (*4Qe <6 -- Theatre Booths of Olden Times. nerally player. - Traveling then was not what it ii now, and travelingin this country was uct what it was in Cngland familiar would now bea novelty. This old lish plan: was known as the caravan of these bad HE Ii rf | if He : i bil i And have no hesitation in} Sig RATERS we r as Cheanest, axex shovan west. Suen THE PERSTADER ABROAD. iecenly rected siete asking to samples of sonsting te Serr. ten we ald» parcel inting to yards tony Sodteh plaid dress fee ground as ., & dress of Ponta, ob 300.. 1 yond the dress, 9 of our $1.99 black ent ae. Wha for these and | = ~ ter ray ~ Eo es tera oo W. J. FERGUSON, ------EE The Pope's Decree AGAINST PARNELL'S FLAN OF CAMPAIGN aD BOYCUTTING. April 37 .--The statement that cause he is convinced the of paign is He says he is also con vinoed that Courts will reduce all unfair rents. Y matance that influenced him, he says, is the fact that 'ieee --~ from contributors to the Pope condemns as & prac con! to ale HER MAJESTY LEAVES BERLIN AMID THE of found at the sta- tion B and members of the municipal council of robes to pay their to Her Ma jesty. eo C introduced them . w for the Empresas ying id sled bwgen flow rom, Hoi British the ~_ followed by the Empress and loud cheers the po whole rente to tha Gatien ee' Mead crowds of who heartily saluted tion at the ea ne see ber os the people of Berlin. Queen's - ly conversation with Prince factory resulta. Dropped off Together. THE BODIES "OF AN AGED GERMAN AND z. WIFE FOUND HANGING IN Philadelphia, Pa., April 27.--A most cévered by the police last evening small three-story building fronting on a nar- row court raining exstward from Second st., below arenue. ~The occu of the house, Ernest E. Eichfeld, o German tailor, C2 years old, and his wife, 553 years o'd, havo not been seen since Monday last. The ofiicera were notifi and entering the house, found the bod the woman suspended to the doo> of wh Toom in the secund story, and the boay of the man hanying to the door of a closet ia the third story. Both bodies were sus- ea Roasted And Shet te Death. reports were barnt ont and shot down by and some, i started for Stein's 400 15 roug sag a pes his way into the house, A Lagrete i [ HT Lf Te fF f 7 l cp Fs i 4 fre 4 iH F EF pte | ° Eh ite ig F Ee i chia --it revurned.__At the | pound there is a large yard where the ani- mals are kept for a few days, and they are creer atistmin = sak Sans reom fitted Wee x The work goes 'on all the year et aes Contin Pow: ef appetite im your horses 1 : : } 1 | j