i glans and chemists, fer the reason th , | SHORTHAND UNDER DIFFICULTIES | The' a: Revoyag ir pese ; AM Gay: Receiver. while alum may be digael sei ifie be Satnegtepay | Ore Sheol * Picking Up 7M 4 Ge bne of baking it ia impossible to des. While in = Military Prison, . _Bavrem, electro naa O28. 4,- 5, GRIFFIN DECEIVES THE CEDAR ad the nature of lime so of the aisies 'of : m1 nickel plater, Albert at., 8 rd. DISTRICT SETTLERS--<A NOTORIOUS eutire im the pow. Easrae Cazps.--A ment of that the - . of the other day I notieed nice assort " der pasts, with alt'S injurieas proper. ce Holmes, ef lowa, writing shor? choice new designs ; a an mnt gi ' THE STRATFORD PROFLE WILL mBcoGNize | #4, into the stomsch. For Bilious: Disorders and r 3. oy The large profits from the manufacture ry ' Pe Fo i eo of lime sod.) hea) ATS Tee Sete ch sollowed: te aaiaipee: [te very eet Campbells Cathar Composed STRATFORD, ONT." ib Naki Ive Press of (Set vo be 'and ae none 'f wars wor tir 000 tea tia bee ' r ty Dor prions jis. rate watts fe : poacher yo ree tur: | oe tng law. or Att at ened , at lower than startin lite, Get that gives a young man or women that and ago s certaid' pte ttincnge a . Fy ou : ee ee tea a 4 a a develops sagacity along with a cysiam & ad Ras porees are one of the y food." owe are to repatation, oy there has prego to obtained of well like the Royal, ' whose never azeid "HON: FLEU R* -PATTE RN, Having completed our Orders taken 'ken last . January for Direct Importation, eee A LIVELY DEBATE. estimated that ao yearly addition of 150,000,000,000,000 of we have several seta for Immediate Sale, which we will sell at . ATTACK ON THE ADMINISTRATION asics tas 2 : : OF JURTION Et IRELAED. Uplasineews -- a Small. Advanee on the Retail Importing Prices. ROTH OUGET TO Ss mS _Eotome, tnd Agel 26.--Chae. Marke 3 seen ilinbe FIGqe es Dinner Sets, ry tric light lant, " Honfleur. a iaeseeureares al 2 Only--100 Pieces Dinn Bets, : ----e y-- eces er } Both aie hoes own i ee ' ™ " Honfleur " Pattern. A Sure Relief. G&T These Fine Sets have Soup and Sauce Tureens, &c., dc. I suffered trom a hard Cough contrasted] 3 Only--85 Pieces nas Combination, Tea, Breakfast and by damp feet. Having consulted a local S | doctor without effect I thought I would try Dinner ets, Gagyard's Pectoral Balsam as last resort. Claret, Brown (dark brown), " 2 Daley," and " Marigold oe Pattern, had entirely di , and to- =F en ng eeenens; 6 ena ae beg Order List is open ypen for n receiving orders for Importing $e ee aS We have cine orders arriving each month, with Dinner Sets, for H. Kent, Telegra; rator, of the kirk, Man. lenreph Ope Immediate Sal months | THE HECTIC FLUSH, pale hollow B DALE. checks and precarious appebile, indicate Sabadied "FOTN, Freeman's Worm Powders will" e oom across the | ¥48 not appeal, but reall ing of ~~ mnt apecculy a a, STRATFORD AND MITCHELL. irda, Ba Seas crlgmees ot 5 ete an spe ted we th day ft ledge | "Whedtrmenrouruer, |S ose to Onda | = Ss vas champagne company in Loe Angeles. | 1, to pronounce the judgment that he | original supply I got by trading the buttons owce 0 FOCILOFS ROOMS TO RENT. CIG A He succeeded in embezzling about $10,000 | considered the evidence warranted. on my coat for it. The paper was coarse UITABLE for Bix ce In arene: we Mp Modkai | 3 ant Was diréited. Boddsmen cured his Mr. -- Lefevre said that eee a single a stuff, _ it was thick and strong, ALEXANDER McLENNAN, aya --_ over Sue Sa a em street, only h- ha for case of an increase in sentence had ever oc- rubbe to de . . ' | tho reiipping vt at ud ina. i» " éurred in England. He did not deny that | what I fad widen 'the-day tefore. "h few Late of the Township of Mornington, in J. FRANK 'PALM ER, SMOKE i in city. A' cial report on the court po,sessed the power, but that | sheets thus lasted mea good while. I was the County of Perth, Farmer, Deceased. Or at Tus Tunes office. 62- CELEBRATED. LA-HOBLESSE f cneaet Dr. Griffin in Cedar and Nanaimo | Power had never been exercised. Appeals | only 19 years old, so that it wasa very use- age --_ | . 'Districts; sland, B.C." was} Were given in the interests of the prisoner, | ful experience to me; and when I came out hd eel hen" Gee HOUSE TO RENT. ! pablished, and this offi se isin possession of | t of the Crown. of the war I bad a profession. 8 ers others against the Estate of GLADSTONE CIGARS acopy. Itiss by E. Priest, C, E. and UNUSED POWERS WITHIN THE LAW. were scarce in the west then, and I went into ALEXANDEIC MCLENNAN, late of the Township 0. 33 DOUGLAS "STREET, now under tho-| wicisssle only at Factory Prices | ME and before A. Shaw, J. y They were rusty weapons of brutal ty- 6 preiats Saatases cnee, Eines F hove Samond san gi ay died on --s the Tith 'day of a eae a er JAMES CORCORAN. octor is ranny. employment of brutal and | been practicing law it has also beeggf great | November, A. D. 1887, are 7 For terms apply to Soccen fice . rheumatic -- in a well nani Covers. ferocious powers, whether within thé law tse to me, for I can take down the testimony ' JAMES SHARMAN. 15 1886. - Oe. ment street hotel and has or not, against the people were unconsti- of witnesses, or such as I want of it, ver- On or before the 10th Day of _ Stratford, , December 6th, 1887. 622 WH LEAL int Se Fandort wailding Asien sign was npiaced tutional. (Cheers.} He could nally con- betim, use the system in many other May, A.D. 1888, 4 raintieress on rwe ng to coive that it would be convenient for the | %87%"--St Louis Republican, FURNITURE business, informing the public 'that the | <jovernment to make the people afraid of ae ts .ce bY poet Dnesid, So ALEXAEDES Me. Fe arm for Sale Cheap. FINE STYLES OF '* office of the British Columbia M appealing With that view, what could Singular Trico on Broadway. Up the neat bed Pabeoeal bekaie ase Effects of Goon FARM Contain: 65 Acres, all --AND-- ' Bureau " was up staird. . He is accompanied | be easier than to introduce a new teature ts wcper Broadway is Srecmentty.. seen a | the said Deceased, with his Will annexed, their (ae ; by a secretary, who appears to take. an | in criminal grecsture to deger men from | singular trio, Its most striking figure isa Sens ten Ou gatleaans sé taste One rece cleared, right on gravel road. LOW PRICES active interest in the business. Following | appealing by the fear of Increased a4 man servant, of the English pattern, who | ment of their Accounts and the nature of the | @00D CONCRETE HOUSE AND OUTBUILDINGS ° yaad "A ae to this ry some | tences. After this Irishmen .could no' set wears a high bat with a band of cloth around securities (it any) held by them ; and that, at the Two Barts and small Orchard. For a ays ago, e police found ™mpoa- | and ought not, to have confidenee in it and a dark blue coat, hing to his shi Piel 4 apply quick to Oe te artes and Oe ee ee administration of the law. because it Was anc doubtless covering a more emphatic liv. sa haminatrator wil proces fo disbute the WILLIAM Gorpox, |22 WILL PAY YOU TO eax * jars reward is offer- ried out i t to . SLice tesseenstie ce ics tate, [aaron tn nor copencet Re | wre iS ini a hog mes 7 te | ere cos rae aes iniiuetoesnit | BUY FROM US. Toft in "he nut of $2300, Critla beving Mr. Balfour = that a a pressionless, He carries two umbrellas under occa ro a ee gc oreeetle ging HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, ee sum 0 , apeakers more t insinua t the arn. 'The next. person, taking them therot so distributed, person of ILL. Ww --- departed fr.m Los Angeles on the Vth of judzcs had derived inspiration from Dub- "eg isa prim looking woman of 'arene iain he shall not ave had notice at the tine of an varnian BRADSHA & co., March 1888. His description is :--Com- | jin a (Loud Parneltite shouts of | plainness of dress is very careful when you a Of the anid Asta, cr any past "TBE UNDERSIGNED offers fer Sale hie Pro- FURNITURE DEALERS AND . sion dark, sometimes claiming to be of | +}, hear.") It wees foal Hbel (": Oh ! come to look at it-critically. The third : Ce i pea i ag alge Stratford, : iy ee zg | ou independent | ad ienportentperoom it gilt 10, fonnny | ™inftle 10 day ot Aor, & D.ssen "| coning of haan ate of en Cth wore UNDERTAKERS. 4 Whiopian ; but lighter of skin than malat- | body of 'men who -- tently Taliled in dress and air, and with » distressing ALEXANDER McLENNAN, fombadas Uodh tage Galle aad ace. Yopun en : to's generally : face round and full; weight | their dutfes. He denied that the appeal | slf consciousness considering her south. MILLBANK P. 0., Administrater. tps payment to suit purchaser, Apply to : 230 to 250 pounds ; height 5 feet 11 inches ; dges' powers were rusty or antiquatec. | Her hand rests in a proprietary manner IDINGTON & PAI HENRY BASENPFLUG, $25-LIFE-SIZE PORTRAIT -$25 eyes dark ; wears me were legal b s statute not eleven | on the orm ot the woman --_ the man NGTON & PA MER, Milverton P. 0. * : alasses ; forehead high i hale dark snd | years old, im England. "He accused Sir| servant walks deferentially' Jet pompouly | _%"* Botiltors for Administrator. | arch 14, 1888 eoe-tt (| --F R HB I-- { seh; meio tert mocha | Wiliam Vernon aeurt ot 'tempting | fit them" Tae child gg tos fa ~i * e bilpoeelbpsiaanth x pea: from the judges' i - soustache wan removed in thiacity aad |Geciions witht iEowiedge of the fact, | ignable dancing school for a private lewon. | Stratford Flax Mills} Farm For Sale. | Ww. 1. Becker's Gallery, dicted is dressed | He asked the House to re reject the motion. a tastefully and generally in the fashion sage The motion was defeated by 219 to 165. ee ee ne ee ae FPARMERS intending to sow Flax Seed this | TST Top rable Farm, be ear Jet 31, Con. 6, A*YOSE Js SITTING FOR PROTOGRAPH ' 45 years ; smooth talker and speaks several ne Ths tackey geedal ae season will be supplied with coats oe rity timbered, and the | 4, betore F will have i [Ald. Hamilton and Loco, Eriginee _---- aacort =o Scaén. of | the extra precious heiress, but really Good Clean Seed, the Back Creek. aud lo stents ony Sve dive enter roca yy ae Ty + Soe : mimer, says Wm, J. es, of | to give i sssive i nued } ce Mannering will doubilecs recog: Atherley, Ont., I it vacy miserable with wactdanmn erie _ On the usual term:, by applying early at mill. Sota ver particulars bp meng money required MAKEA NOTE (OF HIS, } nize the we from the above de- ns over my kidneys, fluttering of the Pl seen eee 4@ A Quantity of and wanted to Rent Ws. PACKSAM, This ts Pile dear ' scription. an} : a ete ered Be ee "7.3 Feminine Swells as Photographers. for Growing Flax. Downie, Mitchell Road, | to get it, . Chae cel eme on a ee cananmehensellfic paneer en 3 0 oe, hearing -B.] he feminine , N April 28, 1888. 642 48 Stra Mord P.O. t DANGEROUS FOOD ADULTERATION. I thought I would try it; one bottle com- | ;.+, saenegunis. Be ues Le Seek " JOHN canine Bids fetes TRY YOUR LUCK! pletely cured me. I can highly recom: | fower room iy Pith avcuue and it neigh, { J: & J. LIVINGSTON, VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY| 4,few doors west of Post Office. A , THE FRAUDULENT Usk OF ALUM AND Lime | Hebd it to others. borhood is the resort of one or more fair Proprictors eater, Don. 39, a: IN CHEAP BAKING POWDERS, oak News. photographers, and in several cases photo- _ Stratford, --escial 638-5t FOR SALE. Gen ' bi ia ane Undersigned offers f 7 mite seies poluy sn abeler: psi . grap ry A rnige n a by by appointment S WT) ff's Trunk a i Rw oll eS WINTER FLUID, p= set aril of wig Rae Spee hee aren ort Rage aa ag gente manipulate the plates, and so the results are Anta pst bd Quarter or of Lawl," plondidiy' adapted ted 'tor private . ee wee, a-lower , undou y hav 10n; y rs n OF POY onaiiph ' the ht to do eo, ided the ad . | He found it packed solidly swith sand, wet | Teached at the time and place of meeting. residences, being situated in the highest and best | a fe ee eats ole ate resin | down, and in the middle of the barre] was a | Th* cirls Poso the human objecta, aim the athartic oes Pete tnt Sia tha nd! BAKING POWDER : pee ag If such articles are not falsely | *¥enty-gallon keg of whiskey. pot are ooops an hour see the pho- * Om ound the jand is at present used for market gardening In Bulk. Always Pure and Fresh. sold as pure, and the customer is not SHOT FOR A TRIFLING AFFAIR. aces coreg Bega alge FP Tae, TES a" po sd piantare: ------ deceived os to their real clmracter; 'the | Nelecnville, Obie, April 25--Last nigiit | Ciumay comicality. Composite photographs, |" "aes Srcnce Drimecn: Lect er arvenr, | _ 625 On the prewisen. BEEF, (RON AVD WINE, me oe ee while-Edward H. Davis, Assistant City showing the amal ted faces of a whole Sick open ---- on Costweness. * ' Ap Excellent Stimulating and Restorative Tonic. j preash gver ger inthe traffic in | Marshal, was standing on the Dew House | coterie are. -arcrite taney. Again, the Parvo, Man.. et Oct. ME. On Comnbeit's Cath- i . : adu ee arises from the deception | comer he was tein staan dh young man | casual "éallaw is liable to be faviin by his aria Conramed the bong ro Ne geht he votive CITY OF STRATFORD. a .. that is = ogy rm d named Samuel who shot him twice young hostess into the conservatory oa for a. B. McDom arn. we sata ein E.. mi . JOHNS' 'thest Ioearial my pen t macs goal He then a a sentimental chat among the flowers, but to ries Rie. prot batibe. . a ' o na, ar- = ; | EERE SE [olin iniee nie anes ceaac | ew oops! | LOTS FOR SALE. |DRUG STORET ad oniied vot the tragety caps the lens, 'Look straight into m bad amici rate the real chaneter of thal ratte | THBORKEN-EYED woxsrem nesrowstntx. | the "pleasant expression" of tho bewildered | yew erty ARE OE Senate baer eonceal the are | _ Rochester, N. Y., April 25.--Robert | and fascinated fellow is apt to be a singular cisie wane TH 1 Following Lots, aes ae FB R. | Steatiord, Feb. 25, 1887. , 583-0 satctek Gana Moot ee - -- = bie gH Pete thet cement ™ atrunt tn Colgate's White' Zale of these manufacturers lroad a ayne ' yment which Colgate's Cashmere Boquet, their articles = state, shot his wife four times this morn. | she obtains from the instrument --New York -- Favorable Terms : While some ing with a revolver, killing her instantly. Letter. New Tooth Brushes-- '3 SURVEY MARSHALL'S SURVEY, pong ag bead cod Groat jaticting fatal rend, ricig wrk--dhecnmie oat 7 edger Hair (soft and Lo Ww or even a fa wound. « Hair (soft and easy on gums), ts 29, 30, 31, West Side Mo- No eomeumer Jealousy ware ~ cause. om ied, A rere: Boy sone ved 2 ty Cleese Fs = Kenzie St.; Lots 38, 39, 40, 41, e renee et ann atienis, eee Sean cen atten sae New Combs-- . 42, 43, 44, 45, East Side McKen- jected to vigorows hydropathic treat- Ladies' Dressing ae Ohio, 25.--Mille | ment as to render them practically without. _____Heary, wy. Mediom ons Light ate Bt; 8. i West | end lots 51,/ _=---- Deco wite" porkorwer, "gevssn| flavor, Its explained that tbe "shackers" | """-- pias tine Pocket Comm [5% 53: 54, 55, West Side Viotoria| -- nc pion et - tz 'the Baltimore packing houses in opening Genta' Dressing Combe, Street, woman it~ sé Barbers' Comba. = ing the paveueut with terrible lorce.. The | ere fast ce moc gallon ter "beni ene The Medi al McKENZIE'S SURVEY, pian ed her sormal serpauee' one | tae oyeer® he oA oat mea ed & e aical Hall,| cots 43, 44, North side Mutton ; - CJ * a a3 soon . tain to cause an agonizing death. h. Her real es it is filled a ef éobd in the street ; Lot 49, South side Milton = Sy eroding Prom, name is Annie Wilson, of Philadelphia, | shape of's qpeay is burned rete tacystere NIGHT BELL. TELEPHONE, | street. CHAS. CLUTHE, Sena where her parents are said to be w for a considerable length of time, for the GRANGE SURVEY, oc Ka bac Wi ToRONT nected. purposes of bieaching them bloa> \ ] SEVENTEEN RED SKINS KILLED, - t sou 1 ing them. . The practical waock of tate to REMO AL. Lot 51, th tide of Milton eTERTAURE ark me zis, April 25.--The Yank deprive. them of their original st.; lot 54, north side Shakes- LONDON : # ndians, pow at war- with : forces of a Sawn re porernyeaieremoat awry peered Oe and FEED BUSINESS | peare st. . | Great Boni Pied 8 Sitteg: Abe sob fying different places, and making de-j are then poured into the barrel and the ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL Seager r ee ee da mo barrel headed up. In this condition they are JOHN McINTYRE . * B. Pp. TRSW, 4 Bajo Enelees gam | ; Sith | shipped.to Chicago. Over- 1,200-cartuads of | "7 WwW two columns of troops, attacked the In-| oysters were shipped to Chicago fromr Balti- Wir Conner, nau ¢ ae --_ ctor BANK, NE STOCK... lane ain. strongly » foctitied position. in} mare last. year, and. after being s Fe Ty ae nee bo: Sas: paceates at Or wr ORO: FORMAN, =a aar, mm Iai ; : :~ A-desperste T the Ghéering process of an all rail to this Sa a. Wall P 3 D Terrace' Villing sercatees codwonelings | <i tuatr condition i tw no wise improved: | He hag removed to the Store o2 apers, ecorations, large number. Federal cai 'imd_ ome =< aoe the Market Square, next to Exhausted | Vi tality. Borders, etc., man killed v wou The Dial Turned Back. the Bank of Montreal, ai Opened. Inspection Invited. A Peinicte rad Bihousaess. waren believer Sulper seb anche Site. be will in future carry on the business be all 'pie somsce or Lae Amortsent to select from. "I sheuld not think it right did ie Flour, tes eee wi give my reer | of what I. know to be | sexe '4 pe adhe ge eth y- 4 $ Bresent See es: of thre age on fete Row BLIw os: x tool hat been dried --caréfully -to--go-} that ADFTDNG. des tole of B. BD. ante grve ie Ur Se ee ee Au, Sears ad pee SEEDS, SEEDS. 4 ° abandful of nuts on the stage, and Co eh ee i mille Ont , | satcteies-ecltiey: enisnes Acie Seeds of ---- Paints and (ils, Mixed sad FEVER COLIC, uanature! appetite, threw down their guns,'amd scrambled for | Al * -- fretfulness, weakness, and convulsions, are| the hard shelled dainties, "That moment," a CITY. WALL PAPER AND PAINTING "JOHN: McINTYRE. some of the «fficts of Worms in Children ;| 8 Dr. Collyer, "the hand om the disl| 'ge nomeuter the Stud nest to tbe Bank of -- stated} destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm| of time was turned back a thousand yyarei" | Montreal, Macket Square, Sirationt. ie CaASBON. - Sere. ton fen Pe Srrettord, Apet! 23, 1988. "oe _ oi me * ee $ 7 Sed A ~ ; - : ' ~~ o Cine eee esse ae es or - ¥ *