ote called to his companion. A cloud, moving, /Sbadows. Yes, Gaspard, in dying had thought City Bere ews. | 4 Sa oF PONE een ee ene | A BRAHAM } i beard of Mru ' '™ he ladies |Surrounded themt noiselessly, but little by |SowS away fo mn of Schwarenbach, ; | - Fifty cents will secure Tag Times until ee the land _ little burying them under a white and heazy where Ulrh slept; it bad cried to hire ita . , the Zist of next Dec. Who have beauty, youth and fortane, she was| mattress of snow. This lasted four days |!ast adieu, perhaps its curses, its repronches ---- ' ' | . born to take her stand: di nighté They musf hasten to dig out|"UPOn the man who had not sowght for him WwW E. K. Barnadale & Co; are ---- She ia comely, she ts gracefal; sects debonair air he doors and --: A a pathway and steps |*uiliciently, He felt every where--behind the I AM NO OFFERING _ Sets at reduced rates. go ont upon that icy powder, whieh twelve | door, behind the wall, thinking to find the tall; her' th to ® ' ~*~ ; Ane as oh aabatetatiaateel Oro: freezing would render harder than | Voice; wandering from place to place like a 50 Drawin -R i James Corcoran sells the new season's the granite of the moraines. The snow be-/ night bird that ruffles its feathers against a oom : fapan. tea at ten cents por pound, and a/ Mistress Whithy lives sechided. You would] san again and continued; they were prison- | lighted pane; he wished to go out, but dared : ime Gunpewder tea for 124 cents per scarcely think that abe, ers and left the shelter of their dwellings no| ot, yet was equally afraid to stay in--horror - a al F i ' With her simple country manners, had @ noble}. dividing the duties between them. and} bad seized. {pon him. As long as the boty and Pa rl oe PeCIgTER fulfilling them scrupulously. Ulrich washed |of the old: guide was not found and placed in or ul 9 ' 'shad seen in pati Go te Mowwerth's_for_ wiadaw oo fr and Cleaned the vessels and cut the wood, |Consecrated ground, the phantom woulicon- . Aft fir Yet ber greai-¢ father's SOPUPAIL Wa "-- T . fos ae . ° : Say cairicges, tthe 'price charged f6r | doyeadeace Hal ™ [while Gaspard tended the fire, watched the Oiwith the vets ight Utri 7 sotnmiden, " " siaesttb ie tene soup and did the cooking, their monotonous ith return of sunlight Ulrich wos é oo om : 3 be wilimat Tua tad 4 fuqder, with vest work interspersed with games of cards nen ---- though still torturnd with peraon shou _ Witton 4 5 Both of them calm and placid men, resigned | thoughts of the old man tying in the snow. : Timxs when they can get it delivered a In page Bins Bs indepen vend, unbecky GET this wintering in the summits, they never | But when night crowned the glaciers again With Ev e Oth Cl f . E be ad -- orga cont unt ©] He fonght, while Mistress Whitby"s only talked, | quarreled. Occasionally, when the weather|new terrors assailell bim. He passed into ry er ass 0 Furniture ~ialanhateaticees sajat-pein.evenn mina}, 30 Cross crmctaeBTa oaks Range n Dada [ad tn tgs chosetoe n Gach et tan foes, cate hn was of ee ke estoens et FOR ; Honseusx --If want: roate bills} Her ereat-« in sun chamois, a ya nn | Ge, ¢ ing at owieeed of an he's notice, leave your peadence Hall. of Schwarenbach resulting. One morning |¢¥ery step if the frightful cry of the night ON sB MONTE, a5 a ------_$~Hhoatast ta sual tee ie tas cana Fe nana crows the mournti eillpew, -- cainesinnenicsiigaaaames mins --_ hey. IW geTO. sun ne iserable unnerved, an . ° -- THE TRAGED\ . risen, fur the hunter hoped to surprise the other man who has never tooun allone batons Prices 'That De fy Competition | Cheap Simon intends moving to Hesson' ~ aniwals i: they fed on the borders of the|in a desert of snow, 2,000 feet above the in- s 5 ' - Sarat elleate| tae ue won tony fw, he oni oh cto esis ees |Remmember the Place: One Door East of shings rush when = een, oe ~~ ara Alps, at the --s the glac. "aot indulge in in the presntice of the old|sky. A mad desire to fy took posession of Dr. Shaver's Office Ontari _ wants to rush o bd ore he] the ba deci A oe sil adh rdw . nide. Ho breakfasted with Sam, who passe«t is matter where, no matter how, to. ' 2 St., > wOves. sormentt w mountains, Behe 'vdays dozing before the fire, then arated} to .Looche, sven it bs tet mte aa" " Puexyie."--We sold a considerable | eubach serves as a refuge tothe traveler wh: wself to.wait for Gaspard. Tired at last,|abyss himself; but the dead man, his com- OH N STON A BR A EI M ; vad it Ne teiioe tisfacti Tule year months pny se occupied iy a ch oma ane aria bad ieetied tee soe aR 'he Chew naar abe a fale = - ae S Ba! on. ee J ' fe 7 < : - aan san = we expat ~ sell eo -- cwsoliy mee ones St =e the snow atl filled = a wom eee oe one dreads a haunted |: NEW FU R N ITUR E WAR EROOMS recommend it as the general : ius to drift anc valley, rendering crowned rocks till they appeared place. *. fectant, deodoriser and auticaptic ; but we} the descent to Losche impracticable, the| tween the towering summits like huge white| All at once, as he ant theve, it came again, have all the others, including chloride of | women, the father and two sons depart,| tubes, blinding and dazzling. that strident cry, "Ulrich! Ulrichr' He - © lime in 4 Ib., 1 1b., and 2 Ib. bottles and in | leaving behind them the old guide, Gaspard] For three weeks Ulrich had not been able| threw up his bands, be started to his feet to WA [ J i balk. J. H. Nasmyth & Co., the Medicai | Hari, and the young guide, Ulrich Kunsi,| tego te-the~nd of the -valley to-regard tha|repulae the ghost, but fell back, his chair wv « a Hall, Ontario st dog. ey) startled by et oe ie wt Tut This 6 . sortment of cuts in the County to choose tom. MILLBANK. snowy prison, seeing only .the immense white] Wildstrubel, place to q --_---3o.--- ~ f peak of the Balmhorn, surrounded by others,| It, too, was bu' under the snow, and the, danger. At the door he stoppuil f : : | oe 'The coy the Mill. pale and shining under the snows that beap} dwellings, in-thei. > eleetia sin lengerdia and sniffed beneath it, his hair on end, his NEW SY { 1 LES b bank school at t about it, and envelop, block and weigh upon} tinguishable.~ 'Tu. tothe' right; "ho/tail-erect. Ulrich, bewildered, seized his ° e county aie ma ex hetd on 29h Maral, but | the tiny dwelling, crushing its roof, ob-| the glacier < > Loenmern, going chair by the log. ig, ete delay the report nut | structing its windows and walling the door.| with the Jong stride of : - practiced moun-| "Don't come in!" he shrieked, "don't come . been known until this late date. Out ot) It was tho day when the Hanser family|taineer, supporting hin. by his iron ix, I tell you; I'l kill you!" The dog, ex- 0 a who wrote from t was going to return to Loeche. Winter was|Ppointed staff plunged int» the snow, his citcl by his manner, nineteen were successful. The : barked ' * , Sa |S ee ee teen co eee | Prices Much Lower Than Former Years. with a Fay, Het einintin Se [wale to Se cuphcneh snl pratt Maat =: N. A. BOSWORTH, 17 MARKET STREET; STRATFORD: FRESE PADI We have jus: received a Full Assortment of PREPARED PAINTS "+ Over 80-Different.Colors,.in- Cans. of Gallon, Half-Gallon, Quart, Pint, and Half-Pint Sizes! =< ss! CARRIAGE PAINTS, In Quart, Pin and Half-Pint Cans. 7 sures wat |VV. & F. WORKMAN., hous ion cag- te ths croceds a YOU CAN BUY a 17 a i i; Ff Fil fre iH 4 i HE é i fh F i ; : F i g $ i i i i ; 7 i rt, that Dobson, 334; Frank Livingstone, 320 4 Fourth--Susie Henderson, "Ss : , | inn, then entered the , White as a sheet Briekner; 306; Alex Mitchell, 282; , ;-Bel m 227. Senior third--Jessie Rutherford,378 ; pear tin that é F A 2 ES F } R : E E ' F : : i LE H gee +E i z 4 g & ¢ : F ey g 3 F i a 3 z z 8 itt +f i E g 3 & : t : 5 f : ; : i ; E z i Fg : i f i if i H 4 i if t. Tused a great deal '{/ bionde peasant, with thin cheeks and for | one was hair, bleached by a sojourn in the midst |dwelling. Perhaps Gaspard had retarned /Suk, Was wear 'aor { i ; : H i ry j I ff rf it i i il i! 7708 ; i HH ner, striving to find s biding place' from one outside, always moaning, and the honse. the F f : aEekag 4 Fg? aa ex } fF i f : i ff iH '4 DEATH IX HALIFAX FROM THE ELECTRIC | toalty, bie ES CURRERT. | 'oarsben sd tosin be etgld sateen' "Yen (tle te tion going to the door and yes, [i l ! Ht HE A ue ttt iT 8 He et tal Fras He laa clifery ulipe iy piles Mi e é : fit ? | E | | | aa f FE i i i Fe i i ? : j au ri if { tf Fe | Ef i i fl le i I E e g g . i g & i il i : iit i i if E 5 i B tH ti He iE: Hid i A é f F 2 ie pF Li i # i; ; iE I | F RE & i i 3 3 bi 2 Tee eet! «6B est Canadian Refined nchegsin COAL OIL family returning -- inna! 15ICENTS PBR GALLON WALSH - BROS' The Place for Bargains. Y W. H. ROBERTS, Watchmaker, - Jeweller, - Etc., ° the buffet the figure of a his , 7 7 . falling to bara Has a Larger Variety this year than ever before, of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewellery, Spectacles, arene | Cards, and a variety of Goods too numerous 'a aS ry yy ey og to mention, all suitable for the --- with him, man and Francisco Chronitle, by B.C. Wagener. a 7 . . --= HOLIDAY SEASON. previously he quite pleasant! pees eopttre rte ey erates eo ee ... Among. the sources.of preventable Jom to |: eb eee. __ 2 Sari ee Se eo ne ae re site Serantara, Pheoee' Wrens | KE Call andl co what. vatlety T have got, and what : r Tt : a ; a very common couse | Bargains. : giving. i - Spectacles to suit all sights. a he | Gaspard, "wo mast cook for ourselves" |tudes! He gathered up his energy and his ui4eq with adeno? weeks . ie a--e--tims be] 'The next day to the young guide was abso- | failing vigor, and falling, slipping, plunging be Gal west cimtuen ames ae Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery Repaired and Warranted, at was sent here. 4% encouragemen' . Atately interminable, smoked in | from height to toward tho the soil but nourish insect that silence and spat in the while Ulrich | {nm of Schwarenbach, Sam fol bebind awaiting aga ahr Ce ee . o. J A Trial. mrsigns Meelis, Bose Tine | wnrom be nt the hot anc renewed ihe et, oo exhuwied to 40 o GHA of morn sutef stents these hetr ie cel CORCORA N'S. gE be A sf i e F 5 s : i af j [; u i Ai SF | } I F i t i 7 f F I : | i il tH; H if it: i i gee E i i rel FL Fas A Lunatic's Attempt. { g : | E i i : i i i KINGSTON INSANE ASYLUM, f 5 i e i E E 3 i ge : egF gE : : i H t rf a uh i 'i E : E rt cee E ; ee H i it z : 3 = 2 Ti : f 7s i FE g E RB f E 3 H S § E FE i F i i FE i jl He Z ) rl He ip i] ef i i E f E F E 4 z m i 3 f j Be F i 5 | i i z i u chamois. was breaking, a strange light, spring- wi! throug brist- g iff 1 i fF ip He i te i f File i ! i FE : jf 3 i | [ 4 ict ih ff' Fee HM g ge ii Hea E $ i a Au ft ste i by i E BF Bl i ES a i 4 ¥ F [ i F Le arePETy ely ue A te ee P i] i aE i : ft HH il : F Fertig Eseteee afta t ligt el lite Fi ! E i il fl i ne if an ie | K 3 He is : i j E E ; f ; : § ! f PRY FH OO ee come aren: or 10" Le) P; i zg af ih ! é i | id i E BE £ | I i i 3 E i i be. - ing sail e deal such Gs Comer to the soul or be diseases of live st j ee ; janxious?. No, be heard it : some of which may be prevented or Thr as Ose instruction in . e" E F i t i a t i é [ HY i } i there, . . [asswered; not s sound, not « murmur, bot 8 12017 gugmented.--Arkanssw Traveler r This Wine was made for me from Selected Grapes by : = ene of the Best Wine Makers m the Province. 16 ts thad risen--that icy wind of the |The threatened dearth of ministers is - be _-- gletiesthohich plorons the whacen and hares CORY. comthifiog, the chtuntian' ofall ; Absolutely Pure, First Rum Wime of Fine Flaver, and I days Ee ae reat Lan shentes Sef mepied didaaes ee nase eam sell itffor about the same Price that Mixed Wines | of Inferior Quality are sold fer by Parties from the 'a =r Sa same mi USE PROF. LOW'S SULPHUR | aoe aver ages Brags. soaas Hak, at a ae Past Seay res = ica a card ie a the hed aed wea r dhe from get ° ms : = ~ a ; JAMES CORCORAN. ef H i 5 be 3 ERiFe rT a £ é t oF ? E é E I j aF 1] i i: F i I : i : i i i bY i ee >