Stratford Times, 9 May 1888, p. 5

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\ : u T ~ A "TINY Nod 8 NO.LNYOH 'S48 OY TS} 'OS'L$ 3 bee 0S 'Nob HO. a 2. Fy-= ro) ZO 00 $2 x Pees ee bo 355 Ba Eagan F Wo2%ow wpoa 6 ct ot QRESES -- Aton PS Oo Fa 0 HPS 2 oo 'bos Eee Dap 4 BE RSS ofa os "8 Of ~ te 3 O02 Cwm. a Meri, i oO = a ud: . Oo fF as <a de . oS Pg 7 B ox oe F Sp a ae) ee 8 a ee Bye = alo. Es -- oO 4 Bo Uo On 1) Ak ------ A) SO EO ie tah Oo" ™ Hes @® i ae Y) [THE LECTURE BUSINESS. | A Once Popular Feature of Pablie En any of it. He spent it "as fast ux be made it. 7 Wha lng the winter months 7 Wether teotirey N tertainment---The Money Made. "See that man? mid a popular lawyer to me as We sbuntere! down Broadway to Wall street recently. "He looks seedy and care worn, duesn't bef But be shouldn't. Only ining money right » of the most suceesefal but he didn't save lecturers in the try, i at he Tallad- to spend hi This ountry wor he weld spend i TaN; atte airs NE et "What's his naryef' I asked. = |: | dest care to tell so that It woul! pain him to see his name in the papers aa financial failure. People think be bas money, and only those who know him well know that such is not the case." "Why did be spend his money #0 reck- lessly ¢" "Why? Well, he thought the lecture busi- ; treme, tree the ttreertire meshed teh eR be a popular feature of entertainment, aniibe therefore regarded the future as a bank in which be had an unlimited account. © Allhe had todo was to go abcad and draw upon it. But the rainy day came, It al- Wave cOmea" "Itwiike death--it may remain away for a long reason, but it will come; andl often Gtns ie Who are regareded as being as {nancial as the United States trensury. and they grt thorottyhly urenchd | and sometimes drowned. "He speculated on the future, which he had a right to do, but he didn't comprehenct the importance of providing in the present for the possible miscarriages of the future, A few years ago perfect craze, and popular lecturers like 'Henry Ward Beecher); Wendell Phillins, Robert. G. Ingersoll, Frederick: Douglass rm lendid fortunes out of it, Lut some of 'these even did not save any money. "Wendell Phillips gaveaway the large for- tune be inherited to the anti-slayery cause and in unostentatious charity, and the for- tupe is lectures and his pub- lished writings was swallowed up in worth- leas minitig shares. es-it-was.discovered after his death. Henry Ward Beecher made much but saved little. Col. Ingersoll and Fred Douglass both made large money from their lectures, and they held fast to it. Mr. Doug- lags has always been touchy and secretive about the size of his bank account, but that ft te handsome I know upon pretty good "Oh, 20; it isn't the penny made, but the penny saved, that counts, and this is equally truc of the dollars."--New York Evening Sun. roe was his left, Meade's army the center, and Sherman at Chattanooga his right. But- Richmond was Unien army" u ' ¢ t t 37,737, to the ederate loss 11,400--the difveranca dun to T 2n's i .* Al ¢h NEW HAMBURG. Layrxa 4 Corngk Sroxx.--The ying the foundation stone cere- mony of lw of new Church of building now being erected here by St. George's congregation, w om May 4th, by his Lordshipthe of Huron, assist- ed by the following reverend gentlemen : Messrs. Wright, St. Marys, Hamb There was a L 0. O. F.--The Lodge, No. 247, of the Independent ef Odd oe, had ome annual c parade on Sunday, when, accompan visiting brethren from Listowel and the M wv or his text the words of the A the course -of his address, the | shining as lights making a boast of Charch, where the- amnual sermoa Conductor Snider, who took ; Ker, Stratford ; Smith, Berlin ; Edmunds, New New ° Brunswick. members of Gordon Order hurch ied y other ethodiat postle the widows in their afiliction, and to keep himeeli world, »" la on his hearers, and especially on the d Fellows, the daty of living up to the standard set up the text, and their ward by the left flank." That was, in m t, the moment of his life; undismayed, with a full comprehension o the importance of work in which he was engaged, feeling as & sympathy for his dead and wounded as any one, anid without stopping to count his numbers, he gave his orders calmly, and absolutely-- Capt. Planck, of the British bark Wind- hover, has the reputation of being the young- est man in the queen's mercantile marine in command of a deep water vessel. He is a mere boy in appearance, only passed his 2th birthday, but he is making a splendid record inthe matter of quick voy- ages. He recently brought his berk from Sydacy to San Francisco in forty-four days, S The train robber Reeves, who is under ar- rest at San Antonio, Tex., is a model of cal development. He is6 feet 1 inch in height, broad shouldered and well proportioned, with a handsome face and clear cut_features. Ho is regarded by the Texas officers as the boldgst and ablest of the train robbers, superior even to the celebrated "Capt. Dick." "Mrs. Letitia Tyler Semple, a daughter of the late President Tyler, is almost totally blind, and is at t on.inmate of the Louise home, Washington, D. C. Mra Semple isa handsome, distinguished Jooking woman, in manners and speech of the old school. Her profile is an exact reproduction of that of her famous father, _ APRIL. Very busy this month. Hundreds of lovely Spring Hats-and-Bonnets and-some and Delmans you ever saw| are being selected by our Customers. Certainly the Millinery has never been prettier. Everything is wear- able and tempting,--no out- landish styles, but_all very lady-like and in good taste. Visit our show-room and you will be well pleased. The young ladies in charge will put forth avery aifort to make your visit both profitable and pleasant for you.- -- Our Dress Department has made a great stride forward 'Btylish Com- binations, dainty trimmings, lovely new tints and shades in the most fashionable this season. jcolors and low prices,--yes, VERY Low Prices--heve had's wonderful effect, the result being far beyond our expeo- "4 |tations. We carefully avoid Thiserer handling trashy and worth- less goods. 'I'o-day the city is full of them. . Be careful not to buy any of the goods in check and plain, offered you at low prices. They're all Cotton, and the Patterns @F@ ONLY PRINTED,--NOT DYED. They te absolutely worthless. We offer to-day the most wonderful line of reliable ball-wool Dress Goods, Eight different Shades at 12} cents,--cheap at 18 cents, New Black Dress Goods in to-day. ] AXMINSTER variety. be promptly and carefully executed, CARPETS AND CURTAINS , Announce the arrival of-the-Spring Styles of Carpets and Curtains, and invite all of 'the daintiest little" Wraps | "intending purchasers t¢ examine thelr offerings. "We have it store the-largest ---Steek-of Carpets held by any one house west of Toronto, imported direct from the best manufacturers in Europe, embracting every novelty iu the trade,--quality being considered. minster Carpets. Dutch Stair Hemp Carpets. Rugs and Mats. Oil Cloths, in all widths and qualities. Linoleums,;,;in - various qualities and designs, suitable for Halls-and -Bath-rooms.--Remember,. this material is a non-conductor of heat or cold, aud very durable. 'importations of Carpets this spring is from the celebrated mills of JOHN CROSSLEY ~* & SONS, Yorkshire, England, who are the largest manufacturers of Catpets jn the world, and in presenting them to the critical public we do so with the-fall assurance that-----_--- } they-cannot be equalled in Style, Quality nor Price by CURTAINS! Lace Curtains,--an immense variety to select from. Madras Curtains, in great Embossed Fancy Opaque Windows Shades. various other Material in Tapestry for Curtains, etc. Buyers of Oarpetings and Curtains. « should examine our Beautiful Stock, f=" Orders from Parties living at a distance will ~ Enghsh Wiltons. English Velvets. English Brussels, in designs suitable for Drawing-Room, Parlor, Dining-Room, Library, Bedroom, and Hall, with >> Stair and Border to match, English Tapestry,--various qualities, from 300. per yard to.the best Goods made, with Borders and Stairs. Union and Wool Kidder- Imperial Mattings, The Bulk of our immense . any house in Europe or America, Madras Muslin... Raw Silk, and . co. Carriage I have just received 30 Hand- some Carriages, from which I am sure any person can_ be suited. . My Prices, I will guarantee, are as low as the lowest. A few beautiful Reed Carri- ages, with the Steel Wheels, © which | am selling as low as the wooden-wheeled Carriages. Be- sure and get my Prices before purchasing. A. MACIN ATED & F: -- tistics by- Mr, Snider dari th Bishop Williams, of Connecticut, the old- T . woe Se Le) _ Ae ee Oe eemces (ke pac, it cod dake est member of the 'Avaric House of Biab- ---- H D U F O N i ---- year the Order Sistribated tor | ops of the Protes@#int Episcopal church, is a ° ° ? ° e ad sick pay, medical attendance, funeral ex- § of contemporagy: politics and-an-au- No. 1, OLD ALBION BLOCK. This Carriage for $10.50. Best value ever Offered. : expenses, and relief of widows and orph- | thority on affairs in Central Europe. He is, New -- -- . +t ana over $51,000.--- Telegraph. perhaps, the finest conversationist in the DOWNIE , . rieted Aree bas at command a vast number ' ' THE 4 $1,500 nod vi oy amen stgiiier teak tees. ieee nen M ONKTON., of go< stories. ae vs The Council met on April 30th, mem- : sen = ------ ~ Mr. Huggins has received a license for| ---- a eis : pal Estate +f Pallet es and no man is more i Mr. opinion of The Edinburgh U r ¢ Ss Ss po Si ge Mr, W. Smyth wade ' . two-storey frame house of one, for he runa ene of the best country | Review igim order. The Review has just de- ; < pore _-- $2,100 pn oleae Co. tots on Huron in and is: better scribed h ' rah- ditch on side-roed between lots 5 and 6, : wo in As better man- | ec: im aa "possessed by abnormal van * . street. Good chance te build. ~ ity aaetani" Eed-ax ta vine "B-{- rez. con. 2, Mr. Frame and.Mr. Welsh were Properties for Sale idence oe | TPM MINS! ies ieee | | $850 Reokeeereet ws int o uence and phenome- a trams on fe rhe nak tee ee eed Beni: | Bal effrontery imposed on a whole Bee | ies, Le tee th ot coset. esd hppa Ea Lewis Arnold, 16 con. Elma. gay Seren am Soncker.* rag rd Soieat bal Otto Sahring and $1,250 2es Sees ea aerate "Prone = first noticed b fireman, and in jess than epee Elligson Xx and Cobourg streets. '3 F large brick house hve mienten tes. hotties of the mili | _A Traverse City (Mich) man is lecturi vi it to U.S. 8 No ea De ara $4,100 224 Sine eres of vite 'fe sy was in a blaze; Sateen much oi] | 08 the evils of wearing a mustache He de : A tion was i ted asaieh. $1 000 nal ay ag ste By neg @ity limits. , in that part the fire made great headway, that no man with any respect for him- : a ee Pee es ee eens ee =e.oe | u&.S : GOO Pore neat Mitte frame house: and: lot om rong nhac ig rae ean hair to grow on his upper : thet she. be, sefunded 95, tases and.stetste sigieig $ street, barnt ground. 'There being a large ' labor . Resolved that follow- 000. quantity of lumber im the yard the fire! Aleckaf, a ti i tities of gravel be pat upon the $1. "Don the east tide of Basen steeet, + OT SOO yg pe eee spread to it and in » short time the lumber | Jersey Dest oe 7 eg =-- ~~ ae ; S. aed ce ship, near the bridge' ' and lot en Grange street, near the wus al). mice it dpe Aveties En hee a ead 7 ° Embro road, 250 yards ; Centre ee ee ie a rn nnn chool,... as, t; eae phe -- ¥ eee ay re ti Mu 4 7 v , 72 other Se tere Ronee which Mtr, sAiwold in, "| faces with thick cloths and wearing gloves. se. BS 'Marys read," 480. "The above $40. Oe. LF ogee on A Ses" 13. Houses Wanted at. onee for. Parties. ee was insured for , The Greis supposed ' vel will be let by tender at the Town- | 'chasers--in any part of the city. terms, os intending tu here. " a evel BRT Started fn a ateapener oreo =. |. The. Eeapress had spent ship on Monday; She 28thof May, at: ome dom it -s0ld to bastion #00} T oanee add Stored to Rent aid Tease ? * . the mausoleum at Fsirnboro 50 m., perticalars of which i " $2,500, there being 'no ineuraice oa the vse : be given ak the time of letting, 'The Ceri . ano wick tore | Mone Lend easy =--* ob lgmber." We Seal for Mr. Arnold in his thant te rae: Lain need at repalte, Orders, | sod sat waver, stable; chotee locality; Ral! ere orms. loss, A number of men, who came to the| _ It is an odd fact that among the German and P. Smith ing Township Rng | Pire, Life, and Accident Insurance. scene, ured Mr, Arnold rather shabby. p a arghaterivar Ae ram is grease extracted Hall. $1.50 ; Herald, od ee, | $1 pb nnn cia cetera MOWAT & MURRAY They stood still and saw the min ly pped as @ substitate for $4; Grand Trank, 'freight on lumber, | ¢. 1.x. , . 'and would not tosave s beard. | Fe Ieee SNES $19.20 ; Arch. Thom, unloading lamber, oe -- : ' Te oe ' : ~ 20 5 . : ; OFTICE--Upetairs im the aio, See eet ougt ay ox goer A Pittsburg concern és thoeniyone inthe | $3 ; Henry Cargill, lumber, $57 76 ; Adam | $9 5()() Fors weld Dees beans on Nelery jon. the East side of Macket-st:, ih ts be able te do shess = dover somee Siher| four inter {hick Saat peat ee Bell, repairing culvert, $2.30 Diss. Zack | 'wits und stb. Good belthyioelty. Wil n-| «ODT Merwe . : - i : don, d sta bor a refund- | orsase in valve, Mrationd, April 26, 15 We understand Mr, Arnold will build again, | pounds, . -of Council adjourned mett -- re SOE a's nde a and ee wih him wall Be iso goabend | Sin bh, RP Stn Court of Kevin aod other : For s seat treme hone on Ssleom | Pancy Bedroom Sets and Tea Se , man, a deserves credit from | 7 rs business Monda street , splendid loondity Dae avery right thinking man. but at some doors, ob, so suftly--The Epoch. | P. Seren, Tp. Clerk. ga sear net G. T ry apy = shang, ot F.h. Pargptals & Ore; ' 'oe | ' +) ooeuan a |

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