Stratford Times, 9 May 1888, p. 6

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wy board that the present staff was able to ; calisthenics and at L Ex! 1 Sief ste COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD. A meeting of the Collegiate board was held Tuesday evening--present Messrs Mac- gregor, Scrimgeour, O'Flaherty and Ben ta were ted xam n _ feotaut, $1; Serimgeour Bros., repairing floor, $6.40 ; School Supply Co., %83.32 (to be paid on the order of the chairmany. ~~ Several students; i * ete.; were unable to attend the present term, made ieation to have their fees refunded. Upon motion of Megara U'Fla- herty-and Bennoch, the applications were granted. MrC, A. Mayberry asked for three tend the LL. B, left he (Mr M ) thought it advisa- a letter to the signified their ap- i Haal H board décided to defer the consider- letter. a ae roll 214, - Mr McBride's recommendation in re- gue be oh se Mr> opted. jcBride stated in a letter to the E. - it z iF S| id the opinion te all il i - H ( 4 : l f E E F Rg He [ L ql | rs z ay: F i FREE: i i | t chy rFL 4 i i 4 vey! af i ite sg fees Hf Hi i ¥ z t it Hi : ; E : fl af : if stakes fit f i : i é ; ena at For gad Acid Stomach, Campbell's Cathartic Compound is very ve. Walsh Bros'. 15¢. debility ; nature's blood the j te you ap i are afflicted. y Elixir Vite and be Lappy Sold by fulmeas, wuaknene, conrulyions, are some of the cfects of Worms in Children tcorme Low's Worm eae - % 'poured >= that he allowed him: to go. But before he i F aH CAMEO CUTTING. DESCRIPTION OF A PROCESS GEN- ERALLY LITTLE UNDERSTOOD. Kinds of Cameoe--Treatment of Shells and Steves ere - ences Pebble of Brazil-- Methods of the "Colorer"--The Eagraver. Caiieot are of two Kinds--thoss cut in tone, pietra dura, cut on mollusk shells, ee " eee i 7 i Tete ea i B E : F rt i fF 5 Fe bog es fe temarkabice i ph oa wher d carpe sober £ iu 3 ; Hi! E i Ee ; i a B ; = i it ih TH g as Bg i i § H | HH Hl iW if ti 4 4 i F ! a3 r i i NBME i diamond on the ends of tron stems; and most of them like dentists' tools of half the common lehgth, A «microscope would be to discover that the smallest of them ends in a disc; for some of the discs are lesa than the one them ly, aceording -to the depth. of the incision, the nature of the grain, and direction.of the line. His training must, therefore, be end accorith Hf tye tras, and his sense of form developed copic Many sculptors prefer the training { + of An American "Les Miserables." the of tite in the Almited. Gentes of a quarter: of & century ago, will invite the serious atten Bnoretiat, er ables" will be written.--The Epoch. en Never let tea boil, ee and-an American-"Les Miser-|--- "We are now Ready for the Spring Campaign. . a Spring Goods Have arrived in good Quantities, apd of Excellent SOT gw Auaity {a oe Ginghams, Seersuckers, Embroideries, Corsets, Shirtings, Cottonades, Denims, Gloves and Cretonnes. Wwe. NEVER had a better. supply and were never in better position to supply the wan Customers, and all others who may favor our us with a eall. -Fre- Clothing ja Tweeds and Trowserings. Place your orders while you get a good choice. We tave sine a8 6 Mageticent and Large Stock @f Did Newest Scyles Ties, Collars, Kid Gloves, Soft Felt and wi it EM Seo our New Wall Paper. MILLINERY wmsy. A trial respectfully solicited. Hignest Prices Paid for Farm Produc 8. : + Kastner Bros SEBRINGVILLE axp MITCHELL... E, A. KASTNER, Manager, Sebringville. Notice to Creditors -| ALEXANDER McLENNAN, Late of the Township of Mornington, in the County of- Perth, Farmer; URSUANT to Sec. 36, Chap. 110 of " P Statutes of . poate ag } A} Goa of ce aie day November, A. D. 1887) are, 'On or before the 10th Day -of , A. D. 1888, RS: Dated thie 12th day of April, A. D. 1988. ALEXANDER McLENNAN, * MILLBANK P. 0., Administrater. IDINGTON & PALMER, O41-4t Solicitors for Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS JAMES POWELL. be poremptorily excluded from the beneiite of the . gag ey Bn an, -- At my Chambers in the Court House, in the City of Stratford, --on-- The 21st Day of May, 1888, At ten o'clock in the foreneon, being the time for ad, claims. ~ D. H. LIZARS, Notice to Creditors --o1-- EDWARD DONKIN, Late of the Gore of the Township of Dewnle, in the County-cf Perth, Farmer, eceased. bE Hl EFF 7] Shes Hl f | 4 bE Fre z E di it i: rf x E ; E i a of the said Dated this 26th day of April, A. B., 1888, EDWARD DONKIN, . STRATFORD P.O., Administrator. 4, AIRD ADAIR, ; ; & F i g Dress Goods, Prints, | nomeseus Order received for | = proof that we are showing the right Goods in |; REMOVAL... FLOUR and FEED 'BUSINESS | =o" ROOMS TO RENT. Ss} ITABLE ie i Offices over Tuk Tres office, Erte street, onty afew vardsf Office. Enquire of J. FRANK PALMER, Or at Toe Tiwes office HOUSE TO RENT. We: 2s. DOUGLAS "STREET, now under tho- 'Spr hebavenien: Mice Garden and Grounds For terms apply to JAMES SHARMAN. Farm for Sale Cheap. GOOD FARM, Contsining 65 Acres, all cleared, right on gravel road. GOOD CONCRETE HOUSE AND OUTBUILDINGS Two Barts and ema!l! Orchard. For apply quick to ; ~ WILLIAM GORDON, ~ Real Estate Broker, Stratford. HOUSH AND LOT FOR SALB, IN GADSHILL.' , 'ome Ts UNDERSIGNED o@ere-fer Gale his Pro- of balf an acre of land, with a storey frame dwelling, kitchen attached. barn, stable and well. Terms 'and then celles. Good Pot payment to exit perchescr: HENRY HASENPFLUG, Milverton P. 0. Meech 16 ---- Farm For Sale. put Desirable Farm, being Lot 14, Con. 5, SLLIVE, containing One 4 Pabout 60 of-which ac-hearily. balance ly cleared. The Farm is drained by the Creek, and is situate only five miles from the City of Stratford. Not m: aired dows. Fer particulars, appl » Wa. PACKHAM, Downle, Mitchell Road, April 23, 1888. 642 4 Stratford P. O. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FoR SALB. este fot ate tnt Tabeaty HE Park Lot John CITY OF STRATFORD. LOTS FOR. SALE. - THLE Snare Favorable Terms : MARSHALL'S SURVEY, Lots 29, 30, 31, Weat Side Mo- Kenzie : zie St.; 8. 4 Lot 50, and lots 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, West Side Victoria Street. McKENZIE'S SURVEY, Lots 43, 44, North side Milton street ; Lot 49, South side Milton street. : GRANGE SURVEY, Lot 51, south side of Milton st.; lot 54, north side Shakes- Or to GEO. FORMAN, Laxp Acarr. 634- Stratford Stratford Flax Mills JPARAEN eg oy Pas ed Good Clean Seed, On the usual terme, by applying early at mill. &@ A Quantity of Land wanted to Keat for Growing Flax. JOHN HOGARTH, Manager. J. & J. LIVINGSTON, your convenience I wil) visit (see below) toa eusen, CHAS. CLUTHE, Surricat Machinin U8 King Street West. TOROWT JOHN McINTYRE The beat bendy of 4 Flour, always in Stratford, December 8th,-1657---622.. |. Garden | 2ust Opened.- Indpection Invited. "A Spleodid § STRATFO cknowledge of buginess sai = = ee etiam WRIiTH FOR CATALOGUE OO RD, ONT. -- a Look. cut for the above in Enameled Letters on the Wircows of the ANTWERP BLUE FRONT, And You will See a Display of BIRD CAGES that for Beauty and Variety is not Equalied in the City. Prices range trom 506o. tip. AnABASTINE is moving off rapidly. Remember that the only Place to get the Genuine Article is at 62 Ontario Street, Stratford, --~~"DPhe Stratford.Hardware Store. . April 27,'88. OULD, 62. Nq Canned Fruits I hare laid in a Well-Selected Stock of Canned Fru! thie Glorious Province of ours, such as --VBGBETABLES -- --FRUITS-- Currant, Red Currant. I have also the above fruits in Jelly and Jam form. Very fine. Something New: Canned Boston Baked Beans, flavored with bacon. H. WARD, and Vegetables. ite and Vegetables, embracing all the produste of The Phenomenal Cheap Grocer. Dinner Sets. "HONFLEUR" PATTERN. Having completed our Orders taken last January for Direct Importativa, we bave seyeral sets for _Immed a Small Advance on the Retail Importing Prices. - 3 Only--99 Pieces Dinner Sets 2 Only--100 Pieces " ~ S@ These Fine Sets have Soup and Sauce Tureens, &c., dc. 3 Only--85 Pieces Set, Combination, Tea, Breakfast and Dinner Sets, Claret, Brown (dark brown), " Daisy," and " Marigold " Pattern. Our Special Order List is open arrive in Jaly. We mere, Gent axders: arriving ench meets, ms Dime Sle Sie Immediate : E. K. BARNSDALE & CO., . . STRATFORD AND MITCHELL. Dinner. Sets. fate Sale, which we will sell at Honfleur " Pattern. Dinner Sets, Honfleur " Pattern. for receiving orders for Importing te r CIGARS. CELEBRATED LA-NOBLESSE GLADSTONE CIGARS Exhausted Vitality. FPHE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the great Medical Work e author by oO. he. 3 % ress P 1895, Boston Mase , or Dr. W. H. PARKER, gradu. ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL - NEW STOCK Wall Papers, Decorations, ...-Borders, ete., Assortment to select from. winwDbDow BLiIz ps. iT WILL PAY YOU TO WINTER FLUID, BAKING POWDER le Bulk. Alwaye Pase-cnd: Pout. BEEF, (RON AYD WINE, An Excellent Stimulating and Restorative Tonite. E. J. JOHNS' DRUG STORE! Agent for Lazarev' Colebsated Spectacies. --arp-- : LOW PRICES. __ BUY FROM US. BRADSHAW & CO., FURNITURE DEALERS AND soos NDERTAKERS 60 500>-- < EF RH } I-- 'W. 1. Becker's Gallery, ut try} JOHN McINTYRE. Pectoral Balsam as alest resort. | gar Remember PAPRR-BANOTNG, Before I hai finished the first. bottle my | Mectrea, Market Sqeere, Suetiena" _PADWTING, A*TONE [SIFTING FOR PHOTOG rite. shee entirely Sesppenel, sn to- | Stratford, April ss, 1908. Cae tf wo -*" WREMxG minke cs c 1 cad conscientiously recommend it, Chas} =» Kind WordsAnd True. | Ba; 'Vir ; MAKE A NOTE OF THIS..." ' H: ~ le 4 = > RR rom drome * 4 T mS HKeaty~ Oper, East Bal Mi John Carer at Corboumm On, Paints an fils, Mixed anda. Talk, "ig git dop mnt any Peto --_ Ma an rr rete maw' "Writes a: follows -S "Hagyard' Yellow . * Chance, sone - THE HECTIC FLUSH, pale hollow | has stood the test-- often hen ~ all others | CTY WALL PAPER AMD inca malt od be a cheeks and provetsien. Caren ----_ op Be spery is never without it, and apy aRIE a = £RY YOUR LUCET ages worms, Freeman's' Worm. Powders Ways a welcome spot on the pie . CASSON, few doors west Office. a quickly avd efectually remove them. shelf." 4 atlord, May at =" Stratford, Deo. 13, 1887. as cio 'oh. = pee Sat ---- no i oe fe se aires ees = Dee See 2S Some r= Ea in. onhee zs jae 3 pp nna. oka "f a pee "4 § , IES «NO pr pti wnt Susie

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