The is A. a VOL. XIIL Oty Sorat tems. =f 2 ity Local mtems. Rheama and rhubarb tiem Principal products of this The daily Beacon is improving, and recognize it as a newspaper. church is to be ten feet longer than was at first con Mr. Ald. Vanstone has been laid up core ith » painful illness for the past two weeks. Mr, A. F. McLaren with his Shetland pony and dandy cart makes handsom tern-out. The new March, April, and May no far : e has been fall in this section are the two ever known by the oldest inhabitant. Corcoran sells the new season's James tea at ten cents nd, and a - deh oespowesr téa toe th sents per donkey, driven tan- Shetland pony and dem, attached toa yellow cart, attract much attention as they pass through our The first snow last fall here was , the rain- the smallest tober--the last this spring on Tuceday, 15th of a months out of twelve, with snow is discouraging The camp of No. 2,500 men, will tratford 1 military @ 8 selected as the "campin" ground." Be sure and sec Hosworth's Wall Paper Decorations . He aad is showing a very low you. ae Bev. HH. Macpherson, M.A , of Hali- fax, visiting father, Rev, Thomas mother friends . and ford. He 4 well of the whom he been stationed years. the is eommence on 19th of June. stands a good of being assortment, and pw pam the best value in the city. jold papers 20c. Boots and All classes of clothing ings, &c, Go and sce him; it will pay , shirt- the sudden death of his wife in Toronto, last week. The remains the Stratford cemetery. Staff-Sergeant Geo. (Perth) es, Stra ~~ were inte! in Beck, of the 28th tford, been aster of the ay rng in room of W. N. Warburton, left limits. r. Beck is of the right pro; and to make a popular Quar- tion with bead office at Detroit. Associa . Mr. Warburton's Stratford friends rejoice at his promotion. _ It is unfortunate that the Brotherhoods of the orders of Railway Conductors and cannot Some very oar language is indulged in by both classes Peace, peace towards each others. have peace, boys ! The Censor ih agree better. t and acrimonious let us he name of a monthly Mr. Wm. Kompf, of Stratford, is pre- pared to do all such as preparing Y tables,etc., and also making flower attending to gardens and all work in that line. He regen ape 7 from parties cequirirg the of a. good gardener. The steam fire engine has been refitted with new and is now in first-class chance for some furniture which is J Abraham in stock one of the largest and bes* i suitable -for ment of Mouldings up. - Removat.--Mr. John Bernhard moved his barber shop from over the office on Market St., to the Wind- inds of garden work, forand planting vege- re- Tele- one to secure a piece of both usefol and orna- has recently placed aseort- i t i : f E HT ue ut j Hl r He Feor* erst i I |" MrT Mark Ad jothes. Death has been busy in Stratford and vicinity this year. Houses are rushing up in Stratford like mushrooms--principally cottages. Our police force are, sporting new eh . Stratford, oat of sympathy with the Em- te Emperor, we suppose. Mr. W. T. Rowland, cattle shipper, bought seven head of fine fat cattle from Mr. Wm. H. Coulton, of Ellice, last week. Mr. Bnoch pri ik of Londen, has been appointed chief of police of Ingersoll, vice W..B. Wileon dismissed._in diagrace. The men in the G, T. shops are still working on short time. Tue Tiss hopes this rule will soon end. Several non-resident landholders in this city, of Toronto and elsewhere, are about forming a building society, to operate in Stratford. "Wade re oF Div. No. 15, Order of y G at their recent annual convention in To- rento. The G. T. R. Co. will erect a number of houses in this city for the accommodation of the new workmer. when they are ready for them. Several handsome brick residences will erected in different parts of the city, when the bosses and- 'brickiayers-- settle their differences. Sponges.--Bosworth is showing s very fine line of Sponges, both bath and toilet. They are extra value, and range in price from 5c. to $2.50. In St. J 's church, at ---- mass, on Sunday, Kev. Dr. thos | to the lamented death of Arch ach, in & few brief but appropriate The Merchants Bank have some of the most eligible building sites in the city, for ivate for sale. Enquire of Mr. T. EP. Trew, of the Stratiord branch, or to Mr. George Forman. While our own citizens are idle, brick- layers from St. Marys, Ellice, Tavistock, etc. , are buildings they have under contract. The strike don't in- terfere with their men. The Gas Co. have removed the nuisance on Mill street, since Tuz Tiuxs called at- tention to it a couple of weeksago. It cost a 'ot of money to do it, but the people in that vicinity feel relieved. The Royal hotel has regained its old- time custom and popularity under the careful t of Mr. Joho M. Scott. He has disposed of his Mitchell hotel to a party trom Guelph. Jane, July, August. It looks as if that was all the spring and summer we are to have this year. The defeat of the goody. goody King Coal Rogers in Toronto, for t Mayoralty, is supposed to be the cause. Mr, Hugh Campbell says he laid the first ne-ef the new G. T. p iol last summer and the last on Saturday. But even then, it must not be understood that he built the whole shops. Hughie is too modest to claim too much. The watering cart ran away on Saturday because the sky became cloudy. The con- tractor must remember that a sprinkle of rain early in the morning, and rolling clouds, don't lay the dust, especially when the wind blows lustily around the cornera. The up-street kids having succecded in stirring up a war between several of our citizens over the Electric Light question, some of the combatants wish to use the columns of Tue Ties in their desire for **blood."" Not this time ;--continue your skunk skinning in Absalom's reserve. We want none of it. Our old-time friend, Mr. John Edwards, of Assessippi, Manitoba, (formerly of Ellice) in forwarding the name of another new subseriber for Tux Tiwes out there, says the weather is all that could be ired, Seeding is over, and there is every prospect of another crop. We are pleased to learn that prosperity attends Mr. Edwards in his western home. only a pauper whom nobod eo last fe sr named Patrick Connell Tied in the Stratford gaol. He was suffering from a combina' of i , and had been an inmate of the institution some three weeks. The usual inquest, usual rough box, and the usual ie in Avondale cemetery, and the world moves on as . The concert in the city hall on Thursday evening last, by a select class'of the public school children, under Mr. Free 's jon, was largely attended. children displayed good musical ability, and evidenced the fact that they have been carefully and well traine'. This entertainment was given asa foretaste to our citizens of « to be held about the middle of June, under authority of the city public school board. Mise Eva Henry, a 13 year old daughter P would have it the young girl hove in sight, hit cow with a was attended by a large audience, and « sum wes realised for the laudable purpose. Deceased was « victim of the never-te-be-forgetien dynamite ox plosice in Stratford some age, = pieces of wood been into one a and 3 ae > mee bat be recovered at the time, : sight of. one eye. Years after -his | showed the effect of the injury, and he hed sulted « few. _ i Mr, Ker filled the chair and .the intezesting pre- Pf q naw PB, i fe» City Zoeal Bows. Teachers' Association. ' A meeting of the Perth Teachers' As- sociation is to be held in this city on the 25th and 26th of the present month. Mr. J. R. Stuart, principal of the Stratford public schools, is secretary of the ia- tion The principal of the Berlin school will be present and will discuss Kinder- ten work. He will bring np a class of r folks "with 'Kiar from fits 'welioal fa order to give an insight into the practical work as well as the theory. Severe Injury. Op Saturday last Mr. Daniel Kobertaam, clerk of the city weigh scales, attempbed te jump frem a vehicle whilet it wae in motion. In doing so he slipped, fell and b t leg a few inches below the compound fracture. A medical man was _-- in and placed the in- jured limb in a position as comfortable as circumstances would allew. . Mr. Robert- son will no doubt be confined to his bed for some weeks, yet he has many 'kind friends, and amid their untiring efforte an 4 dhe megry hours will socom pass away. cities landed in Stratford last week They were without money, re Was no work for them, It is time this business of id: and hel people on our shores fiom the old country was sto . They were all led to believe by the Poor w as members of the family. Instead of this and through for bread, and sleep- wherever they can get atliament. ro Rutherford has hundreds of friends ia County will affairs, and scandals that appear A Much Needed Mart. Stratford will have ahsy and wood market before many days pass over--the Council having decided to purchase the eeginy . arch, for 'fi on three histostonl named streets, Brunsw and and will afford ample for hay and wood and also for the fire hall. The hay scales will be removed there from their present location wLere they have long been an eyesore a nuisance. Messrs, M. Purcell, of Stratford, and Geo. Minchin of Shakespeare, were the owners of the land and the city are to give them $3,000 for it. With nay, straw, and wood are re- moved from our market place, it will be possible to keep the square clean. The Karly Closing Law. Stratford has adopted what is popularly known as the "Fraser ly Closing Law," and ali shops excepting few exempted by the Act, will have A to close at 7 o'clock p. m., om and after the 15th of May, every night, except Satardays and certain holidays. There willbe no more 'ice cream jamborees" and 'soda water blow-outs" jonery stores on pleasant and hot sum- mer evenings, as -- have to close with the rest. The boys and girls must buy their taffy and pie; gom 'ore 7 o'elock, and takea drink of pure cold water from the P. QO. fountain to clear their throats. The Gibson's, O'Brien, Rankin and Koffey will have evenings abroad, thanks to Christy Fraser's fore- thought! Walk tnte Our Perilor. Mr. Geo. Hyde, ex-deputy reeve for Zasth had in contemplation ~ id bit would not be a bit surprised to a resident of North Perth, out of once ee pairty who are not cranky, will oubtless do likewise. Here you will have we electric light, water, good dete St ots rats oe ie, 'at A , hove Coosued Man fo Che chats ! . Grimeby Pork. Tue Times haato acknowledge the re- reer me Manly if i ty I ef ipit i "t4 thts t i 3 iL H i iy ' ~ City } in the Collegiate Wecal Sens. Cotlegiate Institute. In the report of the standiug of 1° institute last week, the in Form A., was accidentally omitted. Jearph Sherman as « Stork- Raiser The Birtle, Mas., Observer last week said ;--'* Mr. . Bh ( the | v aEIEL fet prFes® E : i i i i | i : it F i t | a d St. Andrew's church Sunday organized ig the basement of that church Friday evening week. There was a good of teachers and acholars. ot with the idea of money that 'this band has been o as the desire to enlist the and noon y. Work will be done (either plain Sitigrase will _- order, ways be read at each ae c is expected te attend regularly, work and speak. officers pointed for the yearare: J it, ; 'Miss' Maggie Skelton und Master Willie Henderson ; Wise with School was raising 2 the childres ia mission , vo educate them to give of their own money and of their time. The band purposes Lacrosse. The follow into the matches clubs have been formed named f Walkerton... At ta. tives. 6f the niet nang! C. L. A. con- " feduesday in the W hotel, at whieh: the 'clubs were rep ated joderich, Seaforth, Clin- ton, B Stratford R. 8. Wil- liams, 6 h, was chosen chairman, and S. Me Stratford, secretary. The followii le of games was ar- Jan f Goderich, ; une ? at seach Seaforth' at Clinton, Goderich ; July 3, Ctiston at Bright, G Seaforth ; July 18, Bright at § Stratford at Goderich ; | July 31, G at. Bright, Stratford 'at Clinton ; "As Climten at Stratford, } Seaforth at & {} Ang. 12, Strathord-at | | Seaforth ; Stratford at Bright, Seaforth at Greerich ; Sept. 12; Sékforth. at Gedetich at Clinton ;"Bept. =, ae Clinton ; Sept. 21, Bright at Ths G, BR. will issue a new time table on est, the Zist inst -An additional 'will be on the London branch, at So'closk a. i i! i giz ARCHBISHOP LYNCH DEAD. His Grace Archbishop Lynch, the able Prelate of man Ca' rach may be trul died in the active work of his sacred min- ietry. - He left Torente on T mere ing for St. Catharines, where he at = conference of priesta. He was in perfect health at the time of his depar- ture, bat acold which he caught om the journey, threugh wet feet, made him wn- well, but he did not think it so serious _ it qi0Uld interfere with his duty, and = the conference on 7 On Wednesday night he went from to he gave He returned ter health for a number of years than --- "is eon ; ei ing f 5 + E : FE et L ber classes of sf pee Li i cet ire ti A T E rf F rt ca EEeE F Hitt 2 £ athe af t marked thought and sound nda rnd ered by all as final utterances on his a alll " '2 "and he! as we as not seem for tre t interest of his was on social questions attitude which did to be for the best int and himself personally, but his sound com- m hia cOiiéciousness i dit i an fel el atreeta throagh which the funerai cortege 5 On arrival at the Cathedral cdetn eeu for the dead were sung, after which the body was laid in state, where it will re- main until Wednesday morning, when the burial will take place. _ to Empire, Ontario's Yeading | presided | Fil Hite it : It i td i i ELEG RSE AT ue eae a tl sft ieelbe prt i if E i il Hi Has He Hi eietis i F ee uh uF i! 4 > 5 NG-SUFFERING PARENT. i P* Stratiord, May 16, 1888. ~ PURTHER CORRECTIONS." Te the Bétitor of Tux Sraarroay Turms: ~ Gan, As " dn Interested One "* may have x teacher of drawing, ar | teachers instead of five, which I incorrectly | atated. MISNTATEMENT NO 5, Government statistics of the years 1856 to 1888 (see Chap. xxv, sab-sec, 2,) which reads :--" There is an average of seven masters in each of the Collegiate Insti- tes." i sb KE iT F i f E : hh H FE. Hr li ERE Stratford, May 14, 1888. - HH " EES Hy i Ht [ i tf ih a " and scholars. What, ass parent, I am are having upon my children and their as- sociates, I snd by their conversation among themselves that have no re- Tai bar ttle belt hin oanding aecelake Lede A * in the interest of the papils thameelves, of a rity, merely because it is igh oh tay. gl ia : Sih nis sae seat ings I will net any the dighest = gach, os ne Bove ¢' \ Ae 2 populeus a waln- Demaes of ov . aste@ and baild- 'bet , ee of exenilense f tt i od E #9