--_---- SSemereimetim Wilkens! smog Histels. , A. HUTCHINGS, OR AND Bi ILDER, HELPING OTHERS. tda any harn: to ber and it may do ™ T an Me ia . at . J CONTRACTOR AND U » = sitie pewsl. Tomo yornin -- Contract for all Classes of 6 AT hearts grow warmer ia the presence = ite ~~ , DR. D. M. FRASER, 'COMMERCIAL HOTEL, _ aterinary 5 urge0n, 1* roveng aid tre | A emg ee = = Given tenis aetna ot on "eng Then turning more particularly ¢ - wo aber. Orrce: at hie Residence, on the Downie Road. MARKET Se, Swe tort, Om ee Honorary Graduate be ms Ontarie VeterMiry Orders can be itt at Mr. Gorge eye -_ Pest ¥ an ix . as ny bent on Doug Street, Han SPUN TST aA Sip Maeve ee, love Grane Thorney Soon eee the pres: | Stratford, Oct, 18, 1883. | NE a ete eoeety, Preprietor. | CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. | "shrslordMsrch tectieee SObDY - oe can aisend eof #H arty here, I want you to spiny Lise j A. BE. AHRENS, L. D. 8., Stratiord, Oct. 10, 1883. ly ovvice ters Bat ord, Ont. 7 COUNTY OF PERTH. -- Ine that, whatever the consequences of MY | 9 \gNTISTHY : Idingwouy New Block, Market AL N HOTEL, Stratiord. April 20, 1887 . 680-Smm P JOUN 1 i AMS AY, M. D, ee A ee ae at aap Volieed ais ~ tor the Painless Extraction smu, 2 LEADING COMMERCIAL | -- ~ 2 TBELE, -_ | gg 2 moe aoe bp sag i Ble . oc since nici ae ae eS ee sit Foe ach Ge mamas se Tama physician. I have = life long phaser the purport of theye words, when they _Saaiterd, March 3, 1808. 7 Table in the City. sous PUTLAND, Proprietor, VETERI? SURGEON, p sengel = ae ong Po Wednesday of cock west, sed of Sue basnen Deets wary sobs. bough their meaning was clear Dr. W. N. i. ROBERTSON, sical ii Sayan : --_ (Graduate of the Oniarie College of frean ten to three o'clock. The Treasurer eee aa oes 'pata aaa very Way that "27 y thio enough later on. = ever, Habersbon oo [Lava oF sooTLasD] Honpome << OD BENS HOTEL: a meno an 7 Sarrowss:) rl crane - = petra mee upon diseases 6 ri) now carry comek wa a parted for t emai -- Thursday, ' Saturday week, erable weight among members of the profes |cight. en ne ae spies Een Comat @° Wotertae anf Ontario Steeste, Mrelfend, Fas tedisa Block, Sagat Sreare eapetoon ps pedammnianisine vt sarinent On, Clerk. " ' Ramaay, in - od Residence :--On: a po er inthh ionic Wentiaes 3 was called leewae us oud sao "iane wie hed yd ang A. A.GOETZ, + - Prepeicter. _ ot Mile a, "cppoaie the Strattord Sanitarium oun : to a large asylum sor She Satins in northern been in charge of Grace, began his opera- | Ofee: Over Me euruinery Store, Story, dington's Blok, Stratiord, Aug. 18, 1886. ty a T I e K E T S Ohio to examine & case ich baffled the tions I was an interested observer from @ stratiord, Ontario CABINET?' HOTBL, . © peg deragooy "Ar dipnig ditash yart of the roum, but Haheniice of ae i * al. pur E STOCK ot UZ Uiqaor ea tak Down te wetiel aging: stroll could not t present. Ramna : saree through the institution in company with my told ine pt mage ray rs if his sonst Zegat" and & nancia _| the Raya, pronidan atthe bar be Moyen yl " G. T. R. CITY TICKET OFFICE. PF 'Oht friveedt the sapertaterdent:: ~ ae et pe tT" tet 3 Po Soe = > a apt a ate RE Eye mated _ -- 7 Tt oS > The aaylum over which Inow made a tour| Svat (hatac'? ive his mathog of care in een EWE, vaumcaowa | _estord 'GRO. ROORLE, Seneper: JOHN' A> ROE; STRATFORD. ot:inspection was a most beautiful building, writing for the benefit of the medical world. B Bioet, Stratford. crro dingwe's |. ~------ CITY HOTEL. -- Veterinary = surgeon. cctichaatn ee resembling in its appointments the homes Of a+ present, he said, that it was utterly im-| giisoea Nor. 8, 1887. an) = a? ise oo ee ee the wealthy and opulent. We wandered possible for him to intelligently explain bis} -- er. 8, oe Market Strettord. (Graduate of the Ontario Collere terinary Mew York, be. rm ea a and along eneee®- Sens. However, he qabreateed ves rs ae JOHN B. HARDING, . . SHORE, PROPRIETOR. cater to. Charges Moderate. | - H. ALEXANDER, balls corridors, where harmless to t ARRISTER crto CER >¢ engtty ettenden 3 in every stage of insanity passed the! Simnt gn the. sinctore steed by, ready ao Br Tdington'® Block Mirie Bh. Biratierd.. J, ,ARente oiitns eocmematation mph tage Be ore aul ATTWOOD, Owe. @tratford June 18, 1808. Te time in various harmiess amusements, OF vent any undue or dangerous experiment | Stratford, dept. 13,1884. ily the Bar supplied' with ibe bard Brasdels Wisse, | Asney Attwood, April 71, 1888. ee1y were restlessly confined in the care of ward- | por myself, I have not the least idea to this RTMOU Liquors ELIXIR VITZ saad ira Oe ait en aeeunrt-S0 day fast winek tho eeeenn "vere shiek: Base Pitaeres bouicrse THOU, THE TERRAPIN. ew: BURT, Me Be y r, sey employed to produce the end be -- lenerary Graduate of tha Ontario Collage of M * = eeateis on emp 4 by far, and' view, nor have I any theory toadvance. The | "piratord, Jute te NOOR Reig | Ontarte Bireet, ag Faternary Surpoont ae se STOWN | whole thi wtra: affair to me then, , Proprietor. _ hardened by long years of familiarity swith | cod equents Just, an strange when 1 lok hacks SMITH & GEARING, ME DEST prsds ai Wines, Lgeor, aise, | CALLS PROMPTLY 'LY ATTENDED TO. salable = Natasfs pel sede ee ee Stet of a1 (em it from the present moment, with all ARRISTERS, Eto., STRATFORD. T Cigara, etc. rea! Aiea on nozs MODERATE, thankful for greatest of a 'e ---- za Mon en benefits conferred upon men by « beneficent lon inet eueatien, loos pet Eee 2, GRAYSON SMITH. |" ¥. W. GEARING. Wleretion'. Den 8168s bet Veterinary Medicines ee Kept ond Dispensed. Beal acer JIT wit cure '"-- i 'Ramuay first of al edministered-a dranght * ---j-- G68 LITAN TEL -- Raswpesce 5 a -- . "aige™ | Diphtheria, z Diphtheria. Dyovopetn on Debitisy, -- We hed paseed through -the greater part of | | to Grace Thorneycroft, who was seated in a A.C. SHAW, B.A., MOPOLITAN HO -- eee wee pene ont" $0 eo oan the enormous {nstitution, and were approach--- reclining chair. A few moments later he | PysRnistes, SOLICITOR, CCONVEYANCER, Hvom Demrszy, - - Proruirton. ~~ i m=] Ulcers, Old Sores; Piles, and . 4 dag thet portion of the building out-apant ter tmade- small incision in an artery in the | "---bs.. Office up-staize. ie Old Albion, Block, MEDICINE. HAT, -B. W.. 7. = Daemon, 'Burne, Chilbiaine, =, he es reaiderice superintending physician jent's ht , which movement he Oice, Strattoré: aad eek tacon cine Be pone gent ae wae tinal ~my-friend;-Dr. Habersben, Takis fro Seeechieaakines rin i A Ear Money t0 Loan on Property, at Six Per Cent FIRST-CLASS NOT. Lange Semple Room fo FOR SALE. November 39, 1887. ad his pocket a key, Dr. Habershon inserted it artery of his own left arm. The two arteries GBHO. ALBERT LONBY, conneation. | Charres ryasonabie, illale guide FPBE Best QuALITiNs ES OF LIME, suitable tor ad the = prpteg ages Before iam be then connected by means of a small silver ARRISTE fe at-Law, Con | furnished parties in cearth of land. 6 Daliines Purp for at ta Large or ortmel 18 Marble and Granite Worke. looked at me ina strange manner tube, Fi his sub, Ramsay 'tapped ancer, etc. MONEY TO LEND. said; "If you were not an old med., Hartly, og ges <b Pere perp Re brain, two or Orrce : Weeds ld offce, Windsor Block, Suratford VICTORIA HOTEL. J. H. McCULLY'S Geren 2 enna Importers ond and as familiar with strange cases as I am three times with his knuckles, and then gazed Steattord July, 13, 1887, Oy Downie Street, Stentiond WAITE LIME WORKS, pmenutactare of Foosign and Cane- myself, I should warn you to keep your coun-| into her eyes. Ten minutes passed slowly by| -G, W. LAWRENCE & SON, OskrH » Proprietor. ipble nod Granite Moneeoent, Pome tenance and betray no surprise on entering { and no perceptible difference was_noticesble | > apRisTeRS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solici- ~FPIRST-CLASS sccommodation y the Travelling Road, 9 miles trom Stratford and 3 miles Tops, out in Kngiieh and here. And I speak, anyhow, so as to be of jn (race's condition. Ten more minutes, and Bion is Chancery, Notaries may eh best ies, | from from 8 Marys. German. = aceon ot a safe side." So sa . be turned the key, gieam of intelligence seemed fi a i, Some -- ag a Liquors and Cigars always kept at the baz Jan'y 2%, 1888. 623-4me Sept. 15, 1876. my pe! sal pyle ig cory tent We quietly iin apni wmode Fall ond mui WREN 1880. "3 Feb. 18, 1888. é16-1y co 1 co ; co | strange a Benn Bo & I AL Al [<a room. and I confew that, although I bave| settling upon Ramsay! ten minutes,| LDINGTON & PALMBR, ha crag - - BOOK-BINDING. witnessed queer, wierd, wild times) Grace Thorne: one in ARRISTERS, Etc., STRATFORD. TP RE sunsce! leased the above . ° -- =n 'never felt so startied| the room, leclading myself, while John _-- known Hotel, bogs to eoqasiat hie oid petrone | Evegh Mined, Just Received. |] wavs EVERY PaciLIrr YOR Brmpeme in all my life as I did at that moment. The) Ramsay was led away from the newly con- j0mx iprnotos: C., Counrr Cnows Arroanst, See eran Sapaiton ot akanas totes Seni: Lae, Beste, Parte nO Toon was not by any means dark, for it was scious gil a raving maniac FRANK STONEY .TO LEND. claae accommedation. ad mete EGG books repaired, amd blank books ruled, priated and Well gees by 5 Tangs window rosie alll" As before.remarked, I have no @x-] gerstterd, Jan. 12h, 1906. i201 - yy oe atereerinigs. Moy TOVE bound te ong pattern...» Sa tres . - - Sia oven Chong be should Mand epon 0 pcan to ee oe ae MONBY TO LEND, tor Horses. alana Ss ' neta ne tomnt chal? ; "yet at the further end of the room.I/+hough in the one act.of his life in which be At Ressenbic Rates of Interest, on Farm and Stratford, April 8, 1885. 4as-ly No. 4, Full Price List on Application. noticed o student's lamp..burning over &| proved that genius he partially tailed and a--..feme Prepon W LAWRENCE, LBNNON HOUSE. NU TF. plain pine wood table, upon which rested @/ in that by losing his mind he was unable to 7 W. = ee geil 77 WALTER STONE, buman skull and some writing paper. Seated | rive his theories to the world, bis genius will Morhat Beitings, Demters. BA, Marys Gravel Road. between initord | ng BRIAR HILL. Tasman ags co ysl and Dr. Habwrebon| "inion, "oneriek. Grace Thorneyeron | Money, Money, Money | 7. LEXMOW, =? Propeteter Book-Binder and Blaak Book Maauhaeterer - ates Nani ape the skull. _-- es hd mncitehaced pommnettinn 66 Ste P. "p. R. JARVIS BINDERY OVER DUTTON'S DRUG SUCRE, years), & y upon later, and they have al taken Y . . What startled meso severely was the fact | tre Wet"ot cate ot the mom whe saved a | ANOTHER Let of Cheap Menez has won placed | "T'velare--iatye mew sabice and sheds. The _ Market 8 | Comer ot Erle and Outarte trent, that when I had last seen that- man--more| woman's reason at the expense of his own.-- @ PER CENT. INTEREST. romtsniation for ie puble. 'Terma Neasonsbic, | Stratford, Jan. 94, 1888 22m. _ ERAEPORD: than fifteen T had seen him in| w. HS. Atkinson in Detroit Free Pres. Terms of repayment to sult the berrower. Apply Beratiord, Nov. Ith, 486-0ma Stratford, Feb, 21, 1987. ly eae, ene SS, ae "enw __ WILLIAM_ GORDON, LAGER! LAGER! UNION IS STRENGTH. BRANCH STORE ence! Then graduated "After Dinner Oratory. 'Real Estate Broker, Strattord. , looked upon as one of the most promising | Speeches pai peg Phen der W. MOWAT & SON, BANKERS, | ELAS the acvaor tor the sale of ELAYE tone into MITCHELL PORK PACKING "Young physicians in tho COURErY--how, Be] Ten caght to bea part of 6 gent! (Established, - CELEBRATED LAGER, ie orm ot years? bu Bischgerna ees ba men: " ueried man's mental outfit, but, unfortunately, it is | (['*ANSACT » General ALE asp PORTER, t to in OPPS ts anahie thom 40 ancenr: Ki ie ye ood Moncure Conway is always happy Dara pysble sh par im Comets, or Unik In Wood or Bottles. modate is vary nemonene suntemat, 900 © PROVISION HOUSE partially believit may. Own Sis h prandial ora' He has a voice which the savings branch, Within the last six years over 'This Celebrated Lager obtained the Only Medal ee ee te atest. ant. ae nao 40 Hivoall "Ge PROFLE OF vex he won't reply Tr ject Ovcheke He wi gives to everything says a peculiar agenda mae rere or hr yr awarded at the Toronto Masone and Cutters Tools, Hard- "ula he pe halt coved sit at that table ah the oldysinelt un. |arolery, at eee iad than, be pever Ro Oe oe slitee: tatty = se. sum comp, | ontst nod Sighs made to order, and in eget, where 1 will keep © hege til daybreak, and then he will thro ' ial busi aad! a Occupied » | guaranteed. ot acer' d bu-| if it is 'only the Ki ack motte, "Get resoenable rates. iva funda vo, tna on mort | Stratford, May 15, 1884, 487-ly HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY! | First Class Meats Lard pene Bip - oR 1 hi .f bless 'em." And hecan be witty when he EG sieor cmc' U.S. mescy b meht and ool In all ite Branches. In this line cur reputation Batter, &c., at eg Goat seg van| pleases. General Horace Porter is another | 6a Marriage licenses issued. , needa no comment. sisal b estan: Lowest Market coment ol ake na who can keep the table ina roar. He speaks : > J-.R- KILBURN ance of tne semnesttd hops by attention tall iatore I will also pay highest market price for Svat elae 4 "Yea, I remember the story, although I in a slow drawl, which wins upon his hearers , Campbell Ss -- A-R-C-H-I-T-BE-C-T. -- re ten in ah agen fi Butter E Dried Apples, had almost forgotten it." ' sir of unctscoumen to perfection And Catha Sc ; + Whndeor Mletel Steck, Stestined W taken in Exchange or "White Beane Ramsay, Habershon and myself were all ousTess rt weusewls Ngetinr ts Fuaaisiphis. We were genet a t speeches are helped along by ns d J; G. KIRKE, W. J. CLELAND, 6 Wu. McKERNAN. vaNTITY on-- in the same classes in college 00- | his good looks. GINEER and SURVEYOR capied the same suite of rooms. Perter. Col. Ingersoll is a glorious after dinner mpoun CO kanen Bios, Eto St Biratond, Oak CARD OF THANKS. DRESSED HOGS. more we were all making a specialty (cag eg nga nagar gee og Ir cunts Liver Cowpcam, Basous Disoarvens, Patents for Inventions secured. a pened Snes. $0. ane pase of SBe atte. studying the human brain, and the only| Mr. Halstead is up tothe most of then eget Taslon, Gouroanon on Gorrwensa. JOSEPH G. KIRK. = ; Teaphoos phon scommunteation with Al increment point wherein we materially differed from | this branch of forensic art, and makes hits ee cen, | _Sirattond, Sept. 9, 1888. 506-ly Wn. Pirie, Blacksmith, ALEX. COURLET. JOHN WHYTE, each other was that Ramsay knew more than | Over in Europe every summer and bere in qomnaiman, Man... S100 eee porn BU rb pa ai . Proprister we two fellows together. the winter. P, T. Barnum is interesting, but news or oc Roeernens, ned Sue} to take. 1 am, youre trely, HEPBURN, ni B e angounce Moab ep a Stratford, Mareh 90, 1887, Troe, Ramsay was, in regard to his theo- | Succeeds best where there aro no ladies, for} *-*-suaby ggg ed = ruarel ante ; of thelr Se ries and speculations, what many people would | the reason that the presence of 'the fair un- | _ a er ett ------ | pencticalty, and to spective, ond, If Success the Best Tost of Worth <ail a" "but then, successful cranks |Derves him. All the world knows that Henry Water vs. Steam. er cceal Gai ot with Specifications are esteemed to be geniuses, and certainly |W. Grady made fame ina single night on in detail. one HEPBURN, Bieattord. Hamaay was, in my judgment, quite as near | #0 after dinner speech. The southern gentle- FTE subscriber begs to announce te thefyabile Stratford, ee eecal auch waking tote. Shea part ot Wa vter rasrasse 70 aa Lune oe fitted in the a ucTIO Valuator, etc. Sales attended eocial set, payers stvect both Snseeny and cation which has bad care. His high respect | af the prices quoted, until further notice, vis -- A fee or * Habershon knew good and beautiful girls by for the Roman forum has influenced his life, Hard Wood, $3.50 per 1,000 feet. 49 Orders left at Tun Tisza Office promptly 4 the score, the fates decreed that they should The inte Henry Ward Beecher was as inimit- Soft Wood, 2.50 . Ang. 33rd, 1882. ses: 4 fall in Jove with the sume young lady. And | Sble as» tabic orator ax in-the puipit--New | Or 60 cents por M. below say other mill withia, Sve Stier', wD a = er mney Ree Se ---- " Highest price paid for saw logs. Ty MENED, Al AUCTIONEER and Appraiser for . os bad feeling tow other, nor ever ------------------ saw 7 sought to make the lady's position an un- A Hint to the Publie. A quantity of Dry Oak, Kim, Basswood, and Pine | 5-4 { Cowaties arts 'the roeien. Selee sty pleasant one on account of their rivalry. It; There is one important item about post | "mer om Jou PEARSON. | Spoken. Residence: MAIN-ST., MILVERTON. % seemed to me, an onlooker, as though there! office reguiations the public do not fully Sebringville, Nov, 90th, 1883. ai-ty _Milverton Feb. 14 > - was a tacit understanding between them, | understand, or at any_rate pay little heed to, a . JAMES PROCTOR, 7 parce raged sould better That is as to placing the Pape Be name and Au into play, but.that, knowing loved | address on mail parcels, f misdirected, i Licensed 4 Auctionser and admired her, $h@ object of their admira-| snfficiently paitror unmaflable, the sender _ os 2 tion and esteera shonkd be left quietly 01 then be at ance notified; but otherwise If ot Strafied and Coty of Poth chovee between them. misirecte, the parcel goee'to the dade! DET ENYLE | Gity Grace Thorneycroft was a most beautifal | ter office, and if short paid or unmailable the SAN ot oe : and estimable girl, and, though I have been | addressee must be informed by card, and ALES of Real Histate, Pa Stock, Howssbald | Red ced-: an old bachelor all my days, I do not wonder | thereby considerable time is lost. Upon the THE NEW SS*ramiturs end it hinds of General Goode ot At uucec that any man should have sought ber for his wrapper of third class mail matter the law brother, where they ali tock o.caliboat and went went out. ter (merchandise) the names of the / G "One day Grace, with bor father, mother 'Same and addremef the aeader and addremes Disinfectant. READMAKER'S YEAST. anda were down at Atlantic City, with a return request. On A. sudden oyeall overtebing Sete, Hie fim tackteed sang be placed. Packages _ race shoul Ditvvareniber of the party who eecaped with and twine, felis usally te up tootes|U* H. NASMYTH & CO., re her life. She was up ine fainting wit Sar Sovw he n se enough . ' < gondition and tenderly-cared-for, but_when_ for handling. break op The Medical. Hall, |- ea ind was was insane All from the address. a ty annoyance results 63 Ontario St. me combined with could do as a matter of course tever is sent skill, -- vailed nothing, through the mails should be properly packed, NIGHT BELL. TELEPHONE. f postage secure] him- placed thereon, and the address legible and aes not complete both of sender and receiver. If bear to go near or Ram-| what is being sent is of obvious' value let it say, he shut himsel in his den--a small, | pe registered, as the additional cost is only | CO. PERTH MUTUAL F. L CO. barely furnished room where be was in the ten centa--Frank A. Armstrong in Cincin- habit of pursuing~ lls. stodies end experi- nati Commercial Gazette. BETARLISURD 1963, BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT, ments. was a determined ex ---- (ee ee Theures Butktings, Merchandise, Manufactories and om the fellaw's face, aant-wherr { looked tr om "Latter of Gen. Skobelef. pit ether Gaoeetien of Dareeente Peers lin (rhich was seldom) he was- always busy | Paris Figaro prints two letters of Gen, -- as with his. papers and books--sometimes en-' gy os 1c which, it says, have not been pre- yoeune PROMPTLY AB/ERTED AKD Pate." WOUND more certainly than any other know gaged in dissecting the brains of dogs and viously published. One is said to have been other animals, and once examining a human 77 to the Russian Gen. Kauf- brain. mann, the conqueror of Central Asia. It con ke. Vice-President, Stratiord ' He seldom spoke or even 80 much ax re By ee ; nthe Y, Mosel ES iting ; be. ™ eee ae hralaevery kind of SORE, ULCER, s+ A. STEWART, |ticrsicatioin ail ladies: _ HARNESS MAKER, Cae Ginedas erry ge Clean od bea é tains the following pagage with reference to | John Myde, Faq., M. D., a 'presence; th : (Me tg") Eibonas Orr, Keay Strationds = = =z az excited tone: "CT shitttoure her, Hartly--it, eer in Europe or ip Turis ty pein Hier Metaren, t. Warden of Pertt, "= WAY REMOVED TO-- ~ | Sig the exereclaingtortaren Be for dara neal oicks he sat over that bare Station "isto: be looked for." It is solely im | Wei. Davidson. Req. Co. Clerk; Seenttond, = H. Baker's Block, South of the}: «errr a ara it is unsurpassed, Tt pews : Mids aieat dain: 'iol impossible to separate | George Hyde, Eeq.. de Park, NB. i, nd S z = rms pine table gazing at the skull in front of him the idea of a war with Turkey from that of | 9 Leverage, Eo. I Fullarton, " Market, Opposite the Man- ares terrae nourt every species FT ey eet ie nerven ene |& war with England. The latter, even if she $5 Bees StS oow dase, Dewile, sion House, Wellington cpufactured only ai Professor Houowar of the of the nervous sys- idid not declare war against ux, would fight Heary Doering. | ag: tee cc Street, r Ke'eblishmest, against us in ah underhand fashion. She Rock, Esq.. : Late one evening I was sitting with Haber- Si send her offlcers into the ranks of the © oEaan sete. Phar & Devinn niet 'urk: ouki aid Turkey in Dunbere---Conadiens eS i . beg gh, seat jevery way. "We ought, therefore, to make | General Agents----W. 8. Bolger 6 ' knowing him as well as I did I could et use of ouF powerful straingic position to give A A respennible sal of agvate throughout Engi 4 whee gecveutiy: blew, + gerastord, : Where he intends Keeping » Birst-Clan 33 OXFORD ST., LONDO!. gens aoa a wold atts. 14. 2. O1., ds. 61 ¢1., » Fits 2 armmess, Whips, | - "etait Saat QU SL nad te hanger fee' Bells, Combs, ning "ACTION --f howe +0 i; : I BUT ofa i rd "ie paren pr eat p Fo ful, however, percei¥=, Sn ; = ip ae : - Blankets. <hahe Tanah pi ne pre SaiakeTiate ton Sees BER ate, See p----------- a pei a a eeemmnaaes wovies ee? have been searching for--I think Lean cure. HiT G Wield 'to ee, <_Rtratfond, Feb. . ce dois, Sh ak eat RES: ry Cheap: 7 Tae Grace. say I thitk because, afterall; it is Lue 40 reftteks-t- wa thet Dee i S-SULPBRUR SOAP roughing Wiper epee, snd Des Claee é Wy 'only ethecry-of- mine and may uit ry fast. 'wey ' sy aig Ncitle Posh x 'work, aad Prumbing of every sstheom- ~ : : : aw ven oll : and final satisfaction which we de> for Prick; citle Rosh, Sealey | and Sewer work, : : THO LLOW Perhaps you say I shouk cn ae Seams? pies ch we , deruption, ich, anc ud all diseased conditions executed on the most spproved sanitary plans, REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. wae east THOMAS 3S BO an. mot theorize and sates ou @ women of the "hs in, 3 ; y A. 3V, BRANDENBERGER Stationd, Dec. 9, 1587.97 / Pea ihe