dow Advertisements This Week: Paraiysed--Tolton Br 'Broa, Furnitare--W. H Kotte "David x Hogg EC rymaids' Bocial--C, M. Chure h, Market Street - W, af. Ferguson. eons wa Grand Trank Railway> Farniabings---J. KR. Williamson & Co. lothing !~-Hows's Consolidated Shows, i mt ------ PEE OGRE ROP Ee a sa ia haa THE Ptrattord Times, Av ovruaa, aoiTon ane TeTaER, "May. 34%, Weonespay, THE CHILDREN mronr. TION RESINESS.- a 1888 whinoe..the..extensive. importation "pauper children. from Great. Britaia was brought up in our Parliament lately, pub- lic attention is being directed in this im- portant matter, and it is to be hoped that it will receive that careful attention which hg au important question deserves. Lew deop'e have any idea of the mam moth. proportions this * business" tiaw _agsumed within the past few years, Miss "RRye-appearsto-have..atarted. it in 1808, ob STILL BACKSLIDING. co e Empivce resatlat the resolution Taft down by the Heform mere in the Ontario Lagislatare in 1870.71, at the instance of Mr Birke, aa foliows ; "That it be resolved that, having re- gerd te the existing system of dispensing the Government patronage, no member of thia House should be appointed to any office of emolument which may beeen vacant in his ' oastituenc y- this ath a a least --"prins ciple," _no sooner did the Gri 32 gt ce than han they ee tay et make the vary appolotine broadly condemned, and have Pion Mie to-do so to this dey. Here. ia alist of no _-- than seventeen members of the Legis. atare who have beep appoiatad under Grit auspices to ong hart : ia the fage of their own resalg tobe: seen mecstie for West Huron, sheriff. appointed George Perry, member for N orth Oxford, 'y aprannter J. & Currie, member tor Lincoln, ap< Pointed registrar. Arch, McK¢ lla, member for Kent, - ap- romted chet Peter Gow, we) *Py =~ -- for South Welling. a Yar onthe for South Welling ton, appwoit ited revistrar. W. D. Lyop, member for Halton, made stipentiare rapistrate; . W. Wittiams, -mex whee for Hemiiton, appointed registrar. McLaws, métiber for Elgin, apvoint- tio clerk of the Crown. Thos, Paxton, member for tario, appointed sheriff. oses "paee r, pert her for North Wat- erloo, made s De. Clarke, 'manatee i North Norfolk: made sheriff: Donald Sinclair, North On- member etegietrar +00 mitt eaie when she brought out five children as-an exv~eriment, and since then = she Lan accually mmported do lesd than 9,456, and Miss Macpherton, who me! thd -yeaky "tater, has outstripped Mies Rye eilh_o record of 3,630. Finding that there was money In it, there wae & general rush into the business, and shipping Children te Can- ada, Australia, New Zealand, and other solonies has been found profitable both to Bruee- shad dD aay, Membey tor Nth Perth, sail motes tor 'Kast York, 'or: etorious Rabe. im, member for West Wellington, mal 3 Dr. Widdifield, meombé: for North York, -- sheriff. Free ping A wtmarks: --This is an ti which is peculiar 'a the Reformers. They have the Mocsred the Poor Law guardians and Govern- ment of Great Britain, and is exceedingly poptlar, money being collected by the thousands of pounds for the purpose,--as we observe by one of Dr. Barnardo's beg- napa i sums are donated by rich ' "poor "alive "from" one~ shilliag to} Gesakes away into the hundreds ef pounds, and these who have not monry to spare give articles of vertu, jewellery, "money. Of course the public ase led to believe that- the, -" work" is-all- done purely fer honor and glory, and that the reward of the promoters ia not looked for in this world--that it will be in the here- after. Perhaps this may be trae in some instances, but in this matter-of-fact age people generally. go. into. business for £s. d., or $ and cts., and a very strong wery large amount of area in -thts world to the promoters,--not to say any- thing about what is in store for them ~when they are called te.that better world | which they lay claim to ia their street- preaching and public meeting discourses. From the Ontario Government's annual report for 1887 of the Emigration Depart- ment the following table is taken, and it f ae a big trade in Old Country young- < cAeedmettell owing the te number jldren settled in the, Province since $388 »y the undermentioned parties ;. | 4 lal le | gis | | belg ate aes | | i i ig je 2s } FMCG baa! aS Shee & mo Sos) ad alll eal Rect ie aj2 4j2 3 | "Tt will be cane Silane has been as wars, or, perhaps, good rt fands, oc eral some six years at work, and their figures Pre show that they will outstrip the women philanthropists. Canada - wants--popula- tion, and has plenty of reom for millions, it is true ; bat it does not want all the wails of the large cities of Europe, nor the unfortunste ice of setting themselves | ap be t, Worthier than ether} peopat, bat when by the test of ex- petuence are found to be made of ordinary boast that were standard of morality." y made were generally app cam for vaste do like to feel that public affairs 'are ~sdministered, The reddit in Biake's resolution in which the appoi of ; Conservative party have never ccnbae Gras 6s say that the fact that a man is or has he ere of Parlia- sen large the idea that our patie men are little else n {-seeking trichsters Certainly are 'conduct ef the Reformets in.relation to the matter first alluded to would mee the ordinary er to such a conclusio ooo "Dr.- Roome -has~his hands. fuk these days, (says a Grit exchange,) trying to get the advocates of rival post office sites in Strathroy to agree. Ivis said that he has to getup inthe middle of the night to think aboutit."" This is very funny; bat not half so much so as the history in con. nection with the awarding of -the Stratford post mastershipa few years ago. The pseudo politicians, who had a hand in the pie, made themselves the laughing stock of the country from Windsor to Sarnia, These men got up in -the middle of the night to think of it, it is true, for the very réason that they never went to bed until the mat- ter was finally di snotil the appoint. | ment was made. Yet judging from what we haveseen of Strathroy's emigrants,we would not be at all surprised (if those that re- main are anything akin to those that through the force of circumstances, have sought new pasture), if it took them as ]ation the changed state of affairs. In |THE ¢, PR. RESOLUTIONS. On may look in vain for an---act of ap- proval from the fossiled Grit faction at Ottawa. The vampires "have become so accustomed to gronings and lamentations that like Cassandra of old, they go through tee streets of Troy, wringing their hands cad prophesying all manner of evit. This taction, «year ago, were tinding fault with _ the Government's North-west policy, and claimed that thossands of settlers were _Jeaving that country and going to the Grit Promised land, Dakota ; ppt because the Jand there wasin apy way superior t2 that of the North-west; not because the Americans offered any superio¢ advantages to what = Tom Buckley's Victim. | The Brantford Bepes xpotitor farnishes.some | particntars of the unfortunate girl, Bertha | who was | Usher, as she called herself, brutally murdered by Tom Buckley, a Toronto tough, as related in last week's Tors :--Margaret Palmer, the young wo- bedside, stated that she used to go to school with her in Brantford. Bertha "ae ran aWay from home about five years and her father had caused her arrest, She ran eWay a second time, going to c mip ont and finally drifted to Toronto, whee tra: months: part iret with wie who had treated her brutally. She | Palmer) found her old schoolmate lying i '| (dead of he" bed. "Mary Stephens" alice | Kertha Usher, alias Bertha kt tobinson, was the daughter of reputable aud very re- | spectable parents residing in the city of ths Canadian Goverment offered; but | Brantford, and five years ago, when aboat | solely on agcont of the monopoly cfauces. il years of age, began ber downward | tek Tar Canad -- She was to thorough ly bad fae aint te Aahan, | peateaint s eae metre stad J°vernment always having a usa regara 'ata the well known - eatablishnent " for the North-west, and having received | across tow river. "sti ag | -- oP Mrs w adviets from numbers of their friends fie the ompanion e: udworth, who . ; : j Kept a little coffee jor ° first ou Market | the ese Province, that the OP rR. | | at.. opposite the City trotet; and later. on | epoly clauses were in reality not hav |) Collerne st, next deo to R Sagres Manna oe serge d ctors, 45 this latter ER Stefi ' sorts & characters, [roa the ' rs ie | while they also tia cer te tardet omigration roe: ! i wan ' colored gambler, Kersey, to. fly gore} - aie were: popbacecead ah _ Mesias wedeabbrawieedl ley dawr thx. J have the obaoxious clauses removed, € | cheeks and Haehis pe black eres. The = terms are ladies 60 the public mind. Pens su for whet She worked did » t hel ' The Govecnment agreed to guarantee | best of reputations, aod be | nucnce 7 ben Tittle Mary was the tuie' for fifty years tho Payme nt of ipterest at! mice of refsrin wing stroke to at . ' the rate of 34-per cea, upon fifteen im a ill ats ime across tho neat sae neues ot river, she was die lions of land eant bonds of the company, | syed ir relies tng another girl of a sum . ! Hone 'al T POV! ei the monopoly clauses are remot |store ta vt eo -- -- to Toronto. wit uckiey she wore « contract and the country left ! tein. Hated #} from the o y ae ude and je wellery, and occasionally eatisaly {rae to failway competition, Ty J. comes to bea question "eit uesarity the company could rfor that the luterest ox these bonds would be regularly paid. The amount involved is @584,000 per annum for fitty years, whtch the Government guaranteed the Piymnt of to the bond- holders. As wecurity for this guarantee, the Government take alien on all of the company's unsold lands, amounting to 14, - 034,49? acres. "Sir -Charlea Tupper, in moving the House into committee on the resolutions reapecting the C. PR. on friday week, re- ferred to the formation of the present syndicate by himself and Sir John. . [pn referring to the monopoly clause, he said build up the Canadian North-west should have some protection, and some guaran- tee that their trade would not be diverted. At that time they had 'no hesitation: in inserting the clause, which under differ- ent circumstances would ae be re. garded as objectionable." * . he stated tothe House a year ago, im- portant circumstances had occurred in the 'meantime to produce the changed condition in which they found themselves in 1887. He beld that true Statesman- hip required the Government of the coun- try te meet a great public question like this in connection with the existing state 3, | of things. If » different policy or a differ | ent course of action were necessitated by' the new conilition of things, he - held the Government wansld be unworthy of their position if they @éd not take into consides- comformity with this idea the Government found themselves warranted in recoupid- ering their policy of lant year." When the ¢ i the C. PSR. Company in- vd to the matter, they were agreeably surprised to find that the Company were anxious to have a aettle- ment ot the dispute. They at once ex- pressed a willingness to abandon forever their monopoly privilege if they gould, upon furnishing undoubted security, ob- tain with Government sida Ican 'which woull enable them to put the rodd ina complete condition, toadd~ to their-roll- ing stock, to build elevators, and general- ly, to perfect their equipment, suas to be able to meet the requirements ofjthe in- creasing North-West trade, The' public look in vain for commendation of this from either Musketeer Laurier, of any of his followers, who now are endeavoring to make believe that the country has again been sold to the C. P. RK. Their mild- mannered Vunacy will do 'n6 a any harm, , ---- The Parnellite Manifesto En- |! do orsed. 3 a ate Creek, Mich. he-had- sé¥erat "Al, i Grand Haven, Mich., May, 17.--A hor- seiamed to Branttora to display phe m, 'bet the thittoall this vanity dame, - in the apring.time ot her wom i-sise- fell to the lowest depths of degradation. She was only 21 years of age at the time ef her death. The Maggie Palmer who declares she went to school with Mary in Brantford, 44 btedly Jenaie Cran- ham, who was for a time knocking about with her in Toronto, The affair is a sad one, indeed. -_- --?er Was He Murdered: ? v iousty abrel amonth ago, his body was found floating in the_bay. Graham belo to M ester 'village, Ontario County, and wax supposed, after pradunting at os Veterinary College, to e left, bere commence practice at It is rumored that when oy on the 16th of April, and ly $535 a foul 3 Winnipeg -- "Gaede = Se de- ticket and his wife and enita ae living with bi his father at Manchester village. 2 Suicide of a | a Swindiler. New York, May 1i---Benwon, the Patti ticket swindler, at 7.20 night commit- ted suicide at Ludlow pono jail by j jamp- ing seco - or the He died « couple of h This is the last act ta the lile « of, rs ew sdaal is a world-wide reputation as a dangerous viola f the laws of almost ry boyhood, he 'was rarely oft , and spent many 2 h prisons for his con- nections with the us London detective frauds. : Pertlaed prison because his health gave way, and made his j ry, eventually | going to Mexico, where he sw persons,by selling bogus Sickets for Patti's concert Children Burned te Death. en w auersa TO PARENTS: Windsor, Ont., "May 17.--On a night a man named Edmunds, of Sandwic West, went to revival services at- the coldged church in Windsor and left his fosk pg Ym home in bed. About ten eat child, a girl nine years otk ace, crt pete hee | by the falling of a burning -- timber on the | She immediately took the atid ran to a neighbor's house for help, = whien.ahe 'ot back to - the -nouse had ained such headway that-it was on ible to reach the other children, two ys, who were in the same those who escaped, and they were consequently roasted alive. The parents could see tho house burning ata distance, but _ not think their little ones were in danger. When the parents left the ae i a ih the stove was not burning, and th lamps were not lighted. The fire is op. : A Fiendish Outrage in Michigan. rible crime was committed 12 miles north- man Who was. found by the young: girl's | | CHEAPSIDE. | We call attention to our | Great Stock -- OF Dress Goods, j ig ae eee te . "hesitation. "nj saying it is the-Fineseas-well as Cheapest ever shown west (of Toronto. i Millinery be -Manties;;- Silks and Laces, N ar. EW. ecbby aiid Reasonable Great Bargains Wool, - Ta pestry, Hemp Carpets, Lace Curtains, Poles, &e. "MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING. In this Department we cannot be undersold, and shall having the BEST, as well as CHEAPEST, Goods in the Market. A look through cur several Departments will be to your advantage. CHEAPSIDE : Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets, and Clothing. J. DELANEY, Manager. RLMA,. J. A. Roe, V, S. has a good practice and is vary successful, Fall wheat is~ in-most cases -» failure. A.areat geal. ot it has beech rem, up. 'Cheesé " factory isagain full thre A sale having pod ad made snd the cheese shipped a James Collins, of the 8th con. ge on Tuesday week at noon, took a severe pain 'in the back and kept getting werse nntil Friday afternoon, wheu death put and end to his suffering. Deceased os a very. foileuicieae and honest man. Mrs. Collias and her little family have the sympathy ef the neighborhood in their affliction, ANOTHER a old franie school Mr. Armold's mill (de- from the Tevahiering | A large pile of lum- ber ielonging to Edward Cleaver w e atroyed at the same time. achool insured in the Perth Mutual for $280. Sgerniots RUxaway AcctpENt.---On Sat- urday week Mr. Jona Guy, one of the _ 4 respected residents of Elma, met a painfu accident, While ining siong -- street, sates, his very in De Philp, of pi and Dr. Hamilton, of Attwood, Mr. Guy was formerly a re- ident of Stratford;-and' his many frienda will be glad to hear of his speedy recovery. LISTOWEL, keep up our reputation of| jn DRESS GOODS - MUSLIN S. arn "ae haere we are selling < Tou needn't raise your rows, ; clipping out some of our wa ds _-- The weather . to the sale of » en -- ie very conducive ae tslins aren't ven the ot of. Rew waka Up pry wor el te muslin atuck. ™ . be disappointed of course, * arent ceing to be just as out Pople mus d hen such tO ue tf bey id. ather hs keeps the ndard alma: agp Ay @ SY Cold weather for émeant ice for July. It true she or Av «SRY Swihe off to warm weather thee ER WOES MES Tita ae trade will ge ane Se peasantry eitl have leas xt m4 od the French and British sianntusthcee of tu Goods will be full of ork. Tie Gootks ith Gs is a great de partuent aid a are doing a big busieees aujong the. = THREE GOOD REASONS. Preser Cand prospective Gold" Weather, Our big, Wg stock and good myles aut value. re reuading preapl o buy here by giving with ef dress costing over ce per yd. & patr of olik gloves, from 25 to pa Tue Perst apea, W. J. FERGUSON, Wide and good Buteher's hinsm wee per yd LOGAN, ScaLpep To Drata,- A very cident oocurred in this townahip on oWa neaday last, A pail of--boi left standing on a og oe Edwin, the little son of Mr, hn G. Rock, pulled it over, the water terribly scalding tim from the neck down to the feet. Dr. Smith, of Mitchell, was speedily summoned to the scene, but it was s000 seen that nothing ould be done to save the life of the hap e was an unusual bright obi. of two years, two months and four- days old, and his almost distracted Parents have the sympathy of the entire community. MITCHEEL. os ee: | aaa cas i = ATE dan, cf Fullarton, € Allison | * yy & narrow escape from injury, i if not death, on Satar- day week. He was driving s steer te tow and the animal =. 80 we inlined BO F $ attacked way, but he was always psigmy to pom te back with s heavy stick: " On the te town, Nr. Jordan sat down on the side to t, when, withont a moment's disgust, and oar and took -- ag Mi » and after quenching thirst with a of yale," thas -he Le wanted to sueh an adventure, until at least, he Tux New Recrox,--Reyv. W. J. Taylor entered upon his work last Ganday week Trinitye scarcely a doubt but _ he will prove a most useful and popu eis possessed of ai Am tro '6 ce, Ww which is as clear asa bell, and his me it. The-rev. gentleman is. ngs means a pulpit orator, but what is rs bet. : ter, he isa 5 His matter is well put together, his args -- ments pointed and well reasoned, his sen tences gracefully rounded, such an awount of carnestn livery that the listener can't fail bat follow to the close. He kindly -- for the prayers of his people. He to do his Master's work, and while health remained he was ined to do it faithfully to the end, He looked for the hearty support of his flock, and as his object im coming to Mitchell was not to make ter RUSSKLDALE. What would Russeldale oe Behera its JD, dF De-be if he could not ig doing something for the advancement and long to make up their minds in regard to}, Dublin, ay hess --Six thousanii aad [enet of this city yesterday afternoon. An A movement is on foot in Listowel to | men i 1. his immed the post office site as it did Pharaoh to let ateembled in th her coe ar: = takee unknown tramp entered the house of Mrs, | build a number of small summer houses at | in perticalar? Poreses! cman incon- the children of Israel go. Ielah Catholic BG om wig Parlaioent with ;McBell Gall, aged 25, and pted to | the Sauble Falls this summer venience is of. no 10 'em felerence' te 'the rat aT rescri timinally assauit her. She successfully) Mr, A. F. McLaren shipped the first long as be can do somebody a SSS There were no priest presesit, P rope him, however, when the villian | car load of cheese for this year to the Old | good turn, at the same time keep the Shall Methodist Bishops be prohibited | siayor Sexton presided, ati Ma Mesars. John jdeliberately nailed:up the doors and win- | Country last wee the "ss moving forward to the from indulging in in the tobacco habi The D Yilt Ww O Bele Brie andl th Parnellites dows of the building, fired it and left, Informatiors hae been laid a ninst two advantage of bis community and fellow- taken op, and will again ~~ m, ao o sclib she t The woman, who was badly scared, barely ot our: leading storekeepers ton b ki citizens, He was to introduce " ia ake = shee oof the Irish-t escaped from the house-with her life The theta by w by selling goods {into this section a thorough bred Short- ence now in session in. New York. Sev-| yr pijion d thet the reboript. wes of. the crime is about eftue-Sane horn cow, and that itm at , a Sie bens a enied he meld 30° years old, short, stout, with = Mr B. Babwal: ey desire for that fine class been referred to = committee, which is! Vatican would treat vila oar te men peouring thet Oar rend a hwel bia er of le. He next a barrassed in the p: on 0 'shoes ony, Teo iiek woekda" woods for him. If found he will Ag bly | years Pablte Nebcol lef are were; abou ths tens 28 swer that will be acceptable to the dele-| Wither submit nor bc to t They | Oe lynched. The house and all its con- ie ~ Se wm t town = ursday week | prominent lead in the introd a gates at the Con cg TE a ~ asta | tents were destroyed. at.a loss of about | (oF rantford, w hero beet riday afternoon classes of fruit. Still later he turned his papers. Ifa bishop is to be bited |, discern between its spiri dl $1,800, It ende "worst sels at The attention to quality of poultry and from smoking a pipe, or chewing a - quid, | 45.4) domai Mr. 0 hat the | outrage ever "httemped in this 'section. 34 erly on towel 4 ceremony a i brought in and disseminsted his or taking @ pinch of snuff, why should a Ranteal ene caas Two ren were with Mrs. Gall rmed by the Rev. mo ts Pees @ | fellow citizens several im of a aden ese reese : People ought to shoot such tramps at gens very beautiful and | fow: that have proved of great value to the perenees to enjoy such indal enmnaban Sa ange ithout 4 sight, many. Mr. rs. well will his Methodist clengrmen are to bs from the hands from : renin ceo | stop.tbere. Xi use why } i ames a serious | merita ereey tully ist laymen be allowed to use iis Loueved, Shom._-ft. #04 Smothered te Death. accident last Saturday. Itseems that she | thaw he made venture in that line. Two. othe cy wicked or sinfal, why should | p 024. sheuld be thro THE TERRIBLE FATE OF AN OLD womAx'| *® in house was in | years ago home be right far's layman to do that which ja tbe Irish - 45D MIB: SNREE-CRAXDOMULDRES | 2 SS eaten Slaay Sed Sas oont L orgeereek tiis coeein aine ye a layman to i i : - wrong for « bishop ? There should be no |'! - sitet aed Cleveland, 0., May 20.--Mrs. -- moment had fallen to Poaeg Aesheotoan sufficient to j farther Ceanistry in a matter of this kind. srowd dispersed in an Lewis, an aged woman er three of about ten. fot. 'le 3 head | Last week J D. hia friends by finished for. the Edinburgh | = = = night tramway is 17,000 ng. This} A New York artist . two-year-old with a calf at unspliced cable in use in jan art firm in Paris the = their year-old with a calf, purchased from itain, but for the Melbourne | draft for $360 in payment tae ee . oe Jt will, be. sows time before she Jona Fensel, of Berlis, for 9186, She is Sere ok eiianigiting, [nae ane einen pooestion sways ob ig gat rg Bove Mr. J. C. Hay and Mr. H. H. 0 "eer of Kils\" aad' ber pellgces chice length, without | letter was returned to was ly destroyed. When the flames 7 Rielly, Ais honk Sartay sheakan mf -- have been supplied. 'The_ latter ae ed and bearing the had been ex hts | hare sasontiy.gizeh 9 lerpe nmeent_ of [=> ae office, showing that imports ! week or two J. D. bas a bull wi sue Bees eee 'not been paid on it, The letter which rit _ } duly delivered to the Pari: art 'the sag ss wen Sound, May 20.--As the S. 8, Sse than tional most enterpris' porest herd i , cleaner Killarney on porwnadipeens~ Soy dese years and eighteen months respectively. this part of Ontario, The statistics show | ys, comprising one male and three on gpg eG cpa oro sees j that. thet. daring. -the past year the exports | females, in the Huron tract. Atlsntic on her retarn trip, Be ee 2 poceniion SOU carionds of -merchandice |4-. after they bad passed she noticed the Atlaa.° 64 childrén of ac 7 ae stop and lowers boat pick a -suys:--" There iss substantial s with two drowned 'men to factery increase in every and bowsprit, which were | amg that town is