Stratford Times, 23 May 1888, p. 5

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a THORNTON ~~ AND ---> -DOUGLAS, THE _ One-Price Clothiers, Have recerred Ew 0. -Gases Read}tude Giorhing bought at a considerable discount You can When we from former Prices. e.pect bargains. say Bargains we mean it, an you'll say so when yoy see the Beautiful Suit, -- Full "Man's Size--we are setting "At S390; worth $45:50;-and-e Fine 'weed Suit, and trimmed, at $5, worth $7.50. We have the Largest Stock and-the-Greatest. Var- iety of Ready-made-Clothing in the County of Perth, ang ; the universal verdict of those who have visited our store is that we are selling Suits $2 to $3 less than ever before sold in Stratford, Fine all-wool Suits oe to order from $10 up. Hats, | Caps and Men's Furnishings "gt Rock Bottom: Prices. . " A large variety of Mens Underwear in Cotton, Ball- brigan, Natural Cashmere, Etc., all sizes and prices. Thornton & Douglas, Tue One Price CLorarers. well made ; | NOVELTIES. - LADIES' BOATING AND _ FENNIS CAPS JUST "| RECEIVED. UR SY STEM OF BUYING has in & great measure been the means wot ~ ae . - . A I of lhalntalnid (he Cer THUTENSINE pep tiarity ef err mere beeper visits to the e best markets in search of novelties, always keep:ng- January, 1888, were double the same month in 1887. February, 1888, were three-times the same month in 1887. March, 1888, double the same month in 1887. What does this prove? It proves that choice and reliable goods, fair prices, and courteous treatment have triumphed over what was said to be an inst:mountable disadvantage, vis., the outlying position of our store. ----ON MONDAY -- MAY 2ist We will put on our counters an immense purchase of Summer Silks and Satin Merveillieux. The price will tempt you. We are sure you cannot resist "buying: ~ Summer Silks, 50e.--worth 7ic.. Sati Merveillietix (att shades), 60c.--worth 85c. and $1. The Lace Trimmed Parasols at $1.25 (worth 2.50) are selling very freely. - D. N. HOGG & 00., NEXT WALSH BROS. SEAFORFH. Grats 1s Trown.e - 1x Derenn Ai old, from went work 'in the St. Elmo hotel, Detroit. They were in- dustriows and segperty sent part cf'their wages home, They became acquainted with a young man named ee Shep pard, who is said to be a gambler, weeks ago the aw left the hotel. rental. & room tor the party. he girl's parents were notilied of the situation, and they are to be sent back to their home. FULLARTON, horseman, Mr. Thomas Greenwood, recently bought from Mr. John MeMillan, M. P., Uullet, a two- year-oll imported stallion, "Count Darn- ley," sired by the. ol Jarnley horse. Phis colt. was. oC" by Mr. McMillan The noted weighs 1, 625 The price = was $1,200. Mr. McMillan now has on! y two stallions left, and either himself or one of his sons intends taking a trip to the Old Country shortly, with the view of making other purchases n im- porter and breeder he has been most successful. CUT HIS THROAT, Kinloss, Ont , May 17.--James O'Neill, a reapectable farmer near this place, com- mitted suicide this morning by cutting his throat with a razor. No reason yet n assigned forthe act. He leaves a wife and large family. KILLED WHILE LYING ON THK RAILWAY Alten, Ont., May 17.--While lying on the track a quarry man, na ich: Patterson, was killed this evening a Credit Forks bv a special frei aa on the C P.R. The man was up the in- fluence of liquor, FOUND DRBUWNED, 'Brantiord, May 17.--Michael Ott, mivs- ing since last Sunday, was found drowned in the canal, south of the railway station this afternoon. had on him when taken oft of the water one hgndred aad An inquest is being held. THE MISSISSIPPI FLOODS, Quincy, Ill, il Maz 17, = Tye 3 pilesiost estes River rose inches y higher rat ever elie remen except during the great flood of 1851. Rail com munication with the West A PINKERTON MAN USES HIS REVOLVER. Omaha, Neb., May 17.--Last night at Plattamouth, Neb. a Piv s|MONDAY, JUNE Ist: \J.H.DUFTON, © Saan|LO-:-Big Shows in 1 One: 10. ee COMING | HOWE S MONSTER = Const ated Shows Mexican and Wild West Exposition. COMING! , | The Only Big Show Coming to Stratford this Season, AT STRATFORD, The Mighty Mammoth Monarchs. a to be the Greatest and Grandest Conglom- oration of Startling and Attractive Wonders Ever Exhibited Under Canvas. 4 The Grand Free Street € Parade Takes Place at 10 a.m. e> Cp Exe, Bo al wi ONE TICKET ADMITS TO. ALL ADVERTISED dbusidcaale our stock freth and attractive. Every week marks the arrival of fre 1, eoods and Goss juently ef pew customers, for there's ah irre istible attractiveness about new stylish goods displayed in guod taste. Our Dress Go als this sen On have hac particular aitention, ald our reward | prerewnnd-sales--hascdegi ad proportion... Our Braid Garniture to inateh al! jiades in Dress Fabries as been a marked suecess Nothing of so high a r ass has been shown in Stratford this season, anil t } day Our assortuient ( fi Dress Materials, aseocigted with their companionable Trimmings, ix without a vival in the city. The same may be said of our Millinery, Mantles, Prints, Chambrays, Corsets, Gloves, and in fact ever) department through- Sut the Stare. "Phe niteral eonsecuence-is- that our- sales -haxe increased |, too. and, im some instances, three-fold. For instance our sales for ae = ? minster Carpets. CARPETS A. MACNAIR & CO. Annonsee- the arrival of the Spring Styles of Carpets and Curtains, aud invite all" exemiuetherretionage We have in-store the largest Stock of Carpets held by any one house west of Toronto, imported direct S te 15 wane tie nding } from the best manufacturers the trade,---quality being PRICES WILL i ba XMINSTER. | _ KIDDERMINSTER; pe veneer HM i i! f English Wiltons. Rugs and Mats. various qualities and designs, material is a non-conductor of heat or cold, and very durable. importations of Carpets this spring is from the. celetrated mills of JOHN CROSSLEY & SONS, Yorkshire, England, who are the lawgest manufacturers: of- the... world, and in presenting them to the critical public we do so with the full assurance that they cannot be equalled in Style, Quality nor Price by any house in Europe or America. CURTAINS Lace Curtains,--an immense variety to select from. variety. - Embossed Fancy Opaque Windows Shades. various other Material in Tapestry for Curtains, etc. Buyers of Carpetiogs and Curtains should examine our Beautiful Stock, F= Orders from Parties living at a distance wild be promptly and carefully executed, BE-FOUN D.- English Velvets. suitable for Drawing-Room, Parlor, Dining-Room, Library, Bedroom, and Hall, with Stair and Border to match. English Tapestry,--various qualities, from 30c. per yard to the best Goods made, with Borders und Stairs. Dutch Stair Hemp Carpets. Oil Cloths, in all widths and qualities, AND CURTAINS. ne eters 1 Kurope, embructing every "novelty 1D. e onside red, THE. LOWEST. \ aa @ CLOTHS. TAPESTR Y'. wit (0 Ls pO LL) English Brussels, in designs Union and Wool Kidder- Imperial Mattings, Lincleums, in suitable for Halls and Bath-rooms. Remember, this The Bulk of our immense Madras C Madras Muslin. Curtains, in great Raw Silk, and A. MACIWATI® & CO. Universally Proclaimed by Press 'and Public CENTS. 'a5 ls \Baby Carriages. I have just received 30 Hand- some Carriages, from which. I be am sure any person can suited, My: Prices, I will guarantee, are as low as the lowest. A. few beautiful Reed Carri- Steel Wheels. which I am selling as low as the ages, with the wooden-wheeled Carriages. Be :sure and get my Prices before | ' purchasing. Xo. 1, OLD ALBION BLOCK. Se er ee This a Carvage ie $10. 50. Best veine-£ ever Onarse Powder and Dynamite. TERRIULE EXPLOSION AT STOCKTON, N. J -- THREK MEN KILLED AND MANY INJURED. ~Lambertville,-Nz 35; May--17,--A--pow-- imiles north of this place this morning chance to pckeasaig :Three meh were killed outright and d_ many Pro rti fe r Sal . bthers wete injured One of the List of per as e. | ; $850_ Fe Fors Vi shee reeset ay ae was foreman of the works and Sivettn lof the dest lonalities in the city, two were forkmen. The shock was trem- $1,250 250 ick: = cplendid balding tots, 19 ite 'Heal Estate Exchange. ca er For a new trame cottage st. Very large stable, $1,50 on Heren wcalt. wo Canada Co. lots on F wey brick house $4, 100 toi nd ioe tiers acres of sagas: f within the 4) seatapmnssed Shevpleded with. 5 Set $1,000 Por thne chee lots 7,6, and 10 gr * ul concussion. grou ' fronting on Centre, St. Vincent oa looked amthough the batlding had Gambria streets. $600 i over 'the surroudigg territory Great | @1-000 prea nte ee eee S a large two-story frame house dam: was e to oF inthe. = the age ser ¢tromtagee <= --- mires $1,800 oi and lot-oo Grange street, near the ae neigh ere is not a whole pane seal pee of lass left in the ¥ Stockton. to 9600, f hee, ligible building The shock was felt forva $40 tna 4 me teks 'ors po "13 perree sel ss eine Parties aad Sowa the Delowase River aad fat ee) pg a ig a a a -- sal = a ees roosts into the country, as well as in Pennsyl- "| vania. , :. nm sii Sisabladiik "Wick "womelac tm Note 0 500 [Some sees ae : 1 dad ol [at amen Rw paper as the or- Cyr Monee. is ae sen tant dene: erms. Ete ort Herald reporter ~ toma te $1 500 For a trasne house and one snd a helf Fiae, ith, dnd Accident Iaseranen, the book concern at work ok. acres of ground on south street, near MOWAT & MURRAY. vg, anday ee 1c, exeeescids Daily Christian Advocate, € announcemen: it -of the fact to have created ea 4 plot era Set | Sa = Use * wand 5s." Condition Pow. ders for loss of sppetite in your horses Money to Lend on easy Hid eek, hoase om Xe on & O nye nee 6 phat art ler oe 1.200 2 yee Seen: Sein a, 9 Nelson 'ancy Bedroom Seta and. ' 51.200 f255 saber, goed tonne cheap, at E..h. Barnedale & Co's

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