LAID AWAY IN THE GRAVE, | bishop spoke for 45 minutes, his words} -- ,EDISON'S FIRST MARRIAGE. ROOMS TO RENT. sre eloquent and impressive as UTTABLE for 'Legal, Invarance, Medical groming more eloqu pre Forgetting His Bride at the Appointed Offices aver. Tus Traps office, Erie po erg oaly a GRSEQUIES OF ARCHBISHOP LYNCH. pre Hour--His Second Wife, afew yards f the Post Office, Enquire of Sune THE CLERGY PRESENT. The first Mra, Edison was an operator i ~ I. FRANK PALMER, A TREMENDOUS GATHERING YOLLOW THE About one hundred and fifty ecelesias- | ¢1,, Newark factory where Edison was ni Or at Tom Tres office. 6m. DECEASED FRELATE TO-THE GRAYE-- | tics took part in the magnificent cere ing the machines to fill his first order for the P THE SOLEMN SERVICES OF THE CHURCH | mony, Among them were: Mosigneur | 9 /., indicator, which brought him into HOUS SE TO RENT. CONDUCTED BY CARDINAL TASCHERRAC, | Benjami Pan uet, rector of tavaile, ce and fo ithe basis of his fortune : ATER PY 4 BO KURED BOCLEALASTICH. ey 'Morphy, Dublin, Ontario ; Bhe ne a all, See looking sioann ed a 0. 33 DOUGLAS STREET, now under tho- STRAT FORD, ONT. Mgr. Callaghan, representing Father dozen sitting at a bench winding rough Renovation. Nice Garden ana Grounds | T# 4 COMMON SENSE SCHOOL for the times. It educates Young Men amd Womem for s eucormful The fast tributes of devotion which a Dowd and the clergy of St. Patrick's} ©... day as Edison was walking down the For terme apply to start in life. Get that Education that gives a voung man or woman that mental culture and discipline 4 sering people could pay BAS inion the na or RB scnear4 cation: line, that girl spoke up and bade him good JAMES SHARMAN, which sharpens ---- simmlates ambition, ani develops sagacity sloog with « system. ee imposing ceremo' whie ¢! Superin mt $ icheal"s e, ning raising from atic knowledge of business affairs. ; dignitaries of a great Church could offer ; Parente Arektlabon Duhamel, ear work = her _yun her} -- Stratford, December 6th,-1887. 622 = WRITE FOR CATALOGU ids i =i last tok: al. be w: ABshop Geapagio, St hth. Wyte} . . \ - whet he moved in contd ut wive ; ah are og poten Browne, Port Hope ; Dean aa ou ee pty pS SterinventerstHew | aren ---forrtsan} =--Gheaps- Ly ov. Ww: H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. _ ss eeeseinscasl and the clay covers the mortal remains of | Wagner, Windsor ; Soule, Titular Bishop}. T GhtalWays-tell when you're near," : ae - cece ta ---- ss aa eminent man whose life was as upright | and Canon and P rimicure of St. Denis, | was the reply. GOOD FARM, Containing 65 Acres, all apenas Ps as it was successful towards the ende at} France; Mgr. Maoris, secretary to the "See here." ssid the man of inventions, aheasel, tighh om grand send. T Siivwminiont sagt Ba: pe Leche echitehop at aaa Fog Farrelly, a 'one Siege "['ve noticed you a good deal of late. Sup. | GOOD CONCRETE HOUSE AND OUTBUILDINGS No Grace oseph : athe amon, 5. : married Bere Toronto, a multitade mourned yesterday ; | Gendereau, buraar of the college. of Ot ~-- A ad i -- ~~ . ond omeB Orchant, For paruiounas Re: 6S '4. an egal grave within the consecrated | tawa; Kev. F. J. McGovern, secretary to} ,, When aii it ber CR wPly qeick te . aa of the church where the greater | the Archbishop of Uttawa ; Vicar-General 'Puree teeuke from to-night." hid omag GORDON, Raa eer bin-warkebile in_the.ministry ol) Heemen,..ean.. St... Catharines ; | Estate Broker, Stratford oo bin sacred -- wancast tls name nn Fathers Guenther, Nisgare : "Unepbal, sume siihe Kis temaaed tetas coo merrily | HOUSH AND LOT ALE, an A Oe ie Gee ls viseaee Wie ve wm the henrts of the ee Feshan, Niagara Folle; Moyss, | ound away upon her bobbin of wire. IN G ' Look out for "the "above in Enameled" Letters" on' thé ' for whose spiritual welfare he ex- | Sta ; Morria, St. Paul's, Toronto ; On the wedding day the first consi * GADSHILL. opted Dis Nest eocasen, and among whom O'Reilly, + hg may sTeobey. of stock indicators came jack from tne pur- HE U SDERSIGNED o ofen ter Bale his Pro- Windows of the evidences of attachment | college Lani igan; Niagara Falls ; McCall, | CA8#r, inoperative: When Mr. Batchelor, conattinnet't Paci, 6 wiles trom. Steattend, V/7 : ai e which have been shown by the Tateate ; Spratt, Wolfe Island ; Keenan, Den, wont doth to the ona right See Rr pe ite ci ; "Good ANT E R P BLU E FRONT, i duri ra past five reaped i 4 : Kant' Desiats Olea Freelton --r TOWKA tho Inventor thers tr his dirt shop Spore secenpunteen 'Aople ae _ Anda You will See a Display of BIRD CAGES that for Beauty and } b tel fo cr history of the | Keenat, Colli ; Gibbons, Lafon- Bae be age A ts wd ki -- mene --_-- Variety is not Equalied in the City. Prices range from 506. tip. -- Pv *t . Gavia+P si ? wedding v 0. EE 5 that te heed by his ect fa poorte Toronto; Daily, Colgan, yal . | Bight! No, forgotten "all about it | Waren 14, rsx eee ve " -- sane acer oe ereenipreneneeeeimpee eesesa ; lor showing honer to his have hill ; Gibney, Alliston, Baxter, Buffelo ; | Batchelor dragged the lagging groom to the Farm For Sale. -- AuUABASTINE is moving off rapidly. Remember that thé only aoe been advantage of. W aiey : Ring; iN. ¥. bey we B ; eth dice the store, got apt ys a ome 6. Place to get the Genuine Article is at ' was fcene Davia, Dixie, > Shomberg ; . _& barber shop final -- ' that en Witnessed sinoé the morn- , St. Thomas ; Orang-vitle ; | Bim _on e car and shipped him off to the | [HAT Desirable Farm. being Lot 14, Con, 6, 7 ing of Ssturtay weak. Meoy rumen ani | Breunan, Picton Alli, ries; Mar | boom th rie That he went beck 2 | stout oof cise a Bll" uatbonel ac 62 Ontario Street, Stratford, = ki . 1 : McG q ebop su balance cleared. The F fe drained b thoy fave muflered, and the 'pasting days | St" Holeas Toronte'; McMahon, Beectis; lath of Hino for that night. In an hour or | shine Cot andl tune oi) fe ties fom The Stratford Hardware Store. , have their ed. Kings PS Thorold ; owever, Edison rushed in again, threw ti A 27,7. thousancs er flocked a4 St Geary" Aptae, Wario se morte Set 4 ye greasy : a oe or Wee PACK WAM: - Sc 'uesdsy week re- Cam =a by waistcoat upon gas pipe, kicked = SIE OOEeD th seeder tdawn Inst Wed Gibrs, Barrie ;_ Tra -»_| Shoes under the bench; snised-¢ file and went Pownidh Maceh Rent, V oo : or nt aasley to | Ee rento ets = anckent pagers eed paitersete fear . April 28, 1888, je, ere Strattord P. 'o. Canned Fruits and egetables. ene te con, cot se | in in Ovilo Daag, tot | toe rece ing me mange amd ene | v4 YABLE CITY PROPERTY ta services for tho dead. We omen sort Phil , Breehin; La Marche, | in marriage, and there he stayed with his ; . 4 might he seen imploring the ushers with | Toronto ; aig Bes Ingersoll ; She. | faithful lieutenant till the morning sun FoR SALE. I bave laid in a Well-Selected Stock of Canned Pruits and Vegetables, embracing all the products of : to allow them to enter hours before | han, Pickering ; Meo? Ls ve ; | looked in on two weary twilers and an elec- this Glorious Province of ours, such as 4 morning ceremonies had begun. , Gael trical stock indicator that worked like a | T #* IE Undericned ofers 4 Ward trating 'Gon i would are sa ae ----_ in the | Corcoran, P. bill ; "Whitsey, slo ; | charm. --_-- and Jobe Birovte, consisting of Actes and a ---VEGETABLES -- : shrouded church ail night" rmission | Lynch, Toronto; Cruise, 'Toronto; Mo--|-When-wealth-came-to- them; Mrs Raison | Quarter. of Land," splendidly' adapted tov private nD weet ita: a were granted them to-do so, When the| Rae, Smithaville; Shea, Toronto ; Sulli- Ko, 1 betrayed a tendency to branch out in | fenidences, being eituated Joe Richest end bes Red Kidney Beans. Sweet Corn. Marrowfat : ' gates w thrown open the church | van, Thorold ; irk, Hastings, Davis, social world, but it had no effect on tho | af owt le and other tash. i wes immediately crowded, and and the thous- Mados ; -- Geist, Hastings, De Entee, | inventor's habits, One of the largest enter- the land ts of present net for ssarbet, gurucaing Peas, Tomatoes, Suco a ands unable to gain en Sui Souehentl Oshawa ; 7' Dr. og Stratford ; O'Neil, | tainments Newark ever saw was given at | P&fPpoees. For terms, ote., apply to " standing on the > ae mpi in the street | Kinkora ; Brennan, St. Marys her house. All the leading men of the Edi- MRS. JOHN SILLIPANT, --FRUITS -- 4 #MaRe With vacorered bende. EE BURIAL. son works were there, but he was nowhere to | -- A $ B REQUIEM. After the absolutions the tapers wore | 0° %2 His subordinates grow alittle un- 1 V7. are now Ready for the Cherries, Peas, Apples, Lemon, Red Plums, Peaches, Superior Atte s'cleck the Postifcia! High Mass | roat2tta'tea the a tesacoen cscurely on | $507 asory about inidnightend thae monn Spring C . Lombard Plums, Strawberries, Raspberries, Black - rt inside the we ~ cheap sp im Bar nA ay! akg inventor, tipped back in a rickety old chair, pring sie ta Currant, Red Currazt. Fj Sas filled. Theo of the | dictua" Vather McBride carrying the ox is marino, dae nae ee ' entered at the front door, while the | thurifer and lead off slowly down the cen | OP the workbench, singing away S rin Goods a Vv Played the '* Dead March in Saul." tre aisle towards the front entrance. Next | P®0osTaph top voice, happy as I have also the above fruits in Jelly and Jam form. ery fine. : els Pies een ton was the crea: 'Arehdsscou Cassiday "carrying the} *clemethigh tide oe ] : i by. she-acslytes:aad. aliee.bepe See ee ee ' boa! ie tern eda oat oe ateheatinetelser =-"~a-phemiaienaees | ~ Something New Canned. Boston-Baked..Beans, flavored with bacon, . 3 in white robes. Next came = -- a oe ware the | show in ith book and pen- --Grand. These Goods will have to be tested to be appreciated. Prioat, His | Eminence | Cerdinal | Christian Brothers, the last of whom working hours, with -attended by: the deacon, sub- | Brothers Tobias aud Odo. Then came the ofl, taking down his Hens and experiments, Dress Goods, Prints, She is, in fact, a helpmate in every way J have bought a fine line of Canned Poultry, such as Chicken, Duck at. eaeom and six. bishops in ir_ robes, fo strplice ond soutane and . 3 =~ 'Thee wore followed by 72 prises in satane aig a reins In thei banda. 'The worthy of bis abilities --New York saa Ginghams, Seersuckers, | aod Turkey. Canned Beef, Ox-Tail Soup, otc. Inspection invited. i by other Gaheee, ed and | followed by Archbishop Fabre. Cardiaal How to Write « Piag. Embroideries, Corsets, The Phenomenal | ? vars, as next mournfa' A very quick method of making a play | Shirtings, Cottonades, Denims, VV ata i PR procession beving } a, = aecompanied we the | and « very satisfactory one to Gloves and Cretonnes. H. A R D, Cheap Grocer. a Taschereau took his seat on the throne at | bearing the remains brought up the rear por ele dna efecto Ww Se cen opel wupety nil wore 7 he, gospel side of the high altar, which was | The priest who ad i Ry | ean choctpe fin ttn clap your ane aa ict our Customers an al choco Uae anny Sener ° ® 3 fore P > us a - SS Mas cals stoner | rat Sargees aa ge | and cat pote Wold ly me --- Dinner Sets. Dinner Sets. © formed the ceremony of in 0' yand McCann. Father Sheban | done this all Fow the Leen emmenomn Ontew motive' fev Clothing le ; iad The od 'he 'and Vicar. along. persons think the | proof that we are showing the right Geods ia - i é then took their seate at cithor side-of the followed. direetly. behind. The | Sry wnat the hisery of apap itertue n+ weeds and. Trowserings, "HONFLEUR" PATTERN. + <a Name eer eat ate te eee monet out ere re will draw. If you make §10,000 or $15,000 Place your onters while you ret ® good choice, es pore yp haggael --, allana wore [they Darehel a a ag th as pg br ne eg pm oniageie oe SS We have alee got a Magnificent and Lange Stock | Having completed our Orders taken last January for Direct Importation, and the Mss commenced. down to the right they re-en -- oe ee f the Newest Siyles in have several sets for Immediate Sale, which we will sell Mass Missa pro Defunctis in comme-| chutch yard: by another aor Sm. at ee ee ee ety Callen, SA Sere. Bett Yanks end we Bave aie -- ai i basen moratione Omnium Fidelium Defanctorinm made thele way S0-the grave, while is at sag domisdaee oc ailile addin sud Geka Stitt a Small Advance on the Retail Importing Prices. + was opened. gospel New Wall ' : The following was the order of the cere- | with the high alter. It is about four fect gras hs tenth having hed ol ed MPV INE '| °3 Only--99 Pieces Dinner Sets, moay :-- wide and five deep, and is bricked on the u" wish to writes farce in theee or SS rte Oclebrant--Cardinal Taechereau. patos shes and = Bo ec = per dee Scie, take tamer three ald pl reapecttully solicited. '"' Honfleur" Pattern. Assistant Priest--Vicar-General Roocey. lowered into ve " soseien Dose OCeanor, Berrie. 'giant antamenios tn stamastia cite thes -- a =e poseig ~e 2 a to Hignest Prices Teen for Farm 2 Only--100 Pieces Fr Sets, Assistant Bescona"-- Father Laurient and Father | funeral were performed. | The Cortina Sheueiat aah tach, boc le da tie bes ar Honfleur " Pattern. Master ot Ceremonies" Father Hand. erninm tod pronounced vit » bensdietion eid plays are whos made. "5 ye Kastner. Bros' 62 These Fine Sets have Soup and Sauce Tureens, &o., &c. 4 Beatee--Futhor . : . Dr. 0' x treasu dramatios ; so Sandie earer "Father Ones st ton inh, Wetbeast Lond Vonoee ook Sane ene cleat en ae ato nathet | SEBRINGVILLE axn MINCHELL, | 3 Only--85 Pieces Set, Combination, Tea, Breakfast and Masiod Bereta Pome Meriden | Sianive thio oomstra), slaved 'a hunafey | YOu may extract the entire skeleton of some EA ee iter Sebringville, Dinner Sets, -- nal ; of Irish te rf on the ab and the ony ---- published twenty years ae, Claret, Brown (dark brown), "|! Daisy," and " Marigold" Pattern. THE SERVICE fee wat a eeesie af workane yaw? dents, suppress others, retain all the strong Our Special Order List is open for receiving orders for Importing to arrive in July. The mass commenced with the introit of theee tec 'Seok: shen slabs over the © grave situations and give the "happy ending," the which , ; We have direct orders arriving each month, with Dinner Sets, for sixth tone, the responses being given | 524 cemented them in their places c v. by the choir of St. Michael's College. clare that you never read, saw or heard of Father Robleder, of Brock, played the or- An Awfal Ride the novel in question. Nobody will -believe Immediate Sale. gan. During the intonation of the prayer 7 you, especially your brother dramatists, but the ple knelt with bowed heads, re- Presiden that does not matter if the play is a success. rmain oR if that eda the singing a ee 16--| a Sone Nobody can prove that the simiarityis net. = Capt. E. K. BARNSDALE & CO., STRATFORD AND MITCHELL. CIGARS. WINTER FLUID, rl FOR CHAPPED HANDS. CELEBRATED Hougsge BASING POWDER ¢ - a - t the '*Grad- Wright and Is, officers of | * Coincidenes except yourself, and of course Oaltense and Hecla, were this evening | YOU won't stand in your own light. -- New ng ® tour of inspection of the South | York y the High Rl a , Carnidal into the skip to go to the surface Business Is One Unending Drive. thn coke epistle, aire hg 'tecitel by Sub- se eres barbed Vws | : g that there were men in the larger establishments but little is done after | Renee, Coasts, ihe ghok ond orn | ship, was given. Some miners en the | 4 o'clock, except in certain seasons. During d that th pe wget vel, not knowing of the presence | these seven or eight hours the work of twen- Oris . pel on could be heard prayer, of the party in the skip, and wanting to | ty.four isdone, Every nerve, ev éry muscle, low voice, t the use it, gave the signal four ee pe rand faculty of body and mind P [axe termaation of the: beist prayer, sang | 1 after the other Seeel Sint Bacntiore fa eased to the utmost to discharge'the duty -- 2 prayer, sang) mistook the sigaal for. eight bells, which of the day. Go into any of the large estab- ; 8) is, GLADSTONE CIGARS BEEF, (RON AVD WINE, ims loud tone the " Req sternam, pte ber or ore in the skip, and at ; a f\ ---- which chaunt was repeated by the choir of | "ant Tim 66 9 6 ys ein eee. Ly A\ Aaa eal ok Pustery Pulten vp An Excellent Stimulating and Restorative Toaic. priests ---- Bing ag a © | the skip kaew that the signal had been sind push Of Clarks end contumme: ; 60 a¥ JAMES CORCORAN, --aT-- ; TW Eenctus t me on in diesirar." | ™ ted and that they would be It is one unending drive. Btretiord, Deo. 15 1885. 619- E. J. JOHNS The congregation arose and remained seat tas top wr ee ae = et gpa, aha up t tho clos- ' * > t steading during the recital of the short | they neared the top, the tender, who was | wfyolrin, ar wee .oarTu™ may be berun Oy Oy Exhausted Vitality. pRUG § TORE! sgeapel a been ehanted by the struck dum with astonishment as he saw] yerchants from other cities, coming into a aa tee Pcl Wa ted the final | tee skip pith beaten freight and hearing | those establishments to make find P (PHE screxce oF Lave, Agent for Lazarus' Celebrated Spectacies. "« Dominus Vobiscum." At the offertory, the words, a. rete as en themselves caught in this whirl of work, and a» ol the bye ng Poy nee Stratiord, Feb. 25, 1887. 639-tm "Domine Jesy Christe," the High Priest, | t\iP+) Succenied in. stopping i+ within «| ary carried along and made to decide ques- 3) g sua aad' Phyl Bey Pena in A esto sub-d pg nutahsidee the fa amp, It was a0 | tions and make purchases with a rapidity ut- n6 o* " ee peomepe re, Decline Revese of WE LEAD In Ct ae ferly unknown to them in their own home] 4 bee ae ff AE A Pamela the uated' maeer._ =: a i TORNITURE : teotated | The "Royal" «as piemipiieeiies caertakeowmed Weide emai P & fee, § Vola. 125 5 FINE STYLES OF é fourth of the time we should give to them; . " 5 --axp-- | 3 M. Beorras, Py Seer its Load 804) we rush back home at wate as furiously os ? - RY = , nickel plater, Albert st., Stratfo | we loft in the morning, and our evenings ar -- ; sc of Me) atiTaceicign ie anacboomne | Pete eee ee | OE ROVAL, [Renee toeice| LOW PRICES. f the day. © are living too fast, too hard. jane, OF A a. : pet Mthe coumecrtion A See J For Bitious Disorders au Acid We break down, tong store we should. DT beet ate eee ee ee IT WILL PAY YOUTO _.__.. Tall fell ee ee ee tomac pbell's Cathartic pound haste, this jous pace at w we rs Specialty, Diseases of Man. Gties, He. 6, Bettack : j if the worshippers held their breaths for | is very eflective, are going, at business, at pleasure, atevery- | FLQUR and FEED BUSINESS | « . BUY FROM Us, the of several seconds. Suddenly |' PR nt at digs Bio. elles thing, is the great curse of New York life. -- cana --- . oe savor Vale oekaecoelad at ete nn Sa somepleiany | 7he none e Bow Xerk Oreplle- | JOHN- McINTYRE er eee BRADSHAW & CO., ; the oar like music. To one wainted fy elie V build you ap Joa afe afflicted, The prabcgaiien of Cholera. A Fr oe eneeneine to hie ots pated oe NEW _STOCK FURNITURE DEALERS AND : ; qapd tr oer tie at ped mi | nat sad Be Depry, Sold by | | "Anexamination of the waters of Now York Prout nad Fool Besasms of Meiers Those a Cullen UNDERTAKERS. | ment in the service. When the low tinkle gle Coie Dt | ee delteasiaing. Ihe sharncter aad hae be TBs ine eed ae he Walt Pa eo "Deverations. -- -- ooo +*> atthe bell -had- ceased. the sre: | ,Dittog salen | eeomthangue nal ter dude oné | He has removed to the Store on pe ' PORTRAIT. mel remaised with bowed heads eleva- Ww 'Ae , ; Se eran ere cighly that of "Asiatic | the Market Square; next to -- "Borders, etc., = $25-LIFE-SIZE a. ' Seaeerseeo are omer Wm. Mack: out planet the: Grate Marrone, We where be will in future curry on the b ro NRT op ng ayes t : ra ght sg er rt ; 'tana ying in quarantine; the third at Hoffman's | Tes" ect"brands'of Family Plour, always wDOW BirIDos.| w. | : br jane bat le tee antben. | EYEE COLIC, senagnon] Poe fob prigesn trader trian naa Pa Pry oy meng th mg wr = I. Becker's Gal ery. " Benedictes." The 'Agnes Dei" was | /ret/ulness, weakness, and convulsions, are 'The . 3 Bras, Shoris, Middiings, and srerpihice 1b | PAPER-RANGINO, - ; also chaunted and in the midst of the seme of the css of Worms in Children, "Senn of the chomsical. and. saionranagte that line, at peesonable ; PAINTING, - A" arrTma for hyma ao priest made his appear in the | destroy the with Dr, Low's Worm detnak Sugun 3 3: Repeat Be Ao caaixiza, Ao re ofr nears _---- w Bake bey a = ee a says: "After closely studying the currents SEED , SEEDS. GIG WRITING | that day. So eset ame 2 "Songenstin re- JOB WANTED, . '| f Sewvow beg, Lam led so}beliove that, | Re ° tow, to cot tr beet tndeot Sent | Beats aad tis, te aad in Balk, _ MAKE A A NOTE OF THIS, mained ; « Seeds of *. " . F ry 4 sumed their ovate and te Seinen y Se A® BLOCK sed STORE PAvER, dy a 7IRET r thrown tate tus lower fay, cholera could.gain.| All orden peompsiy sited.' ae . Sessions Genden oa somamee ots boot a moment and then began tes beer volens elnataenaieer cee > .& foothold 'on the contiguous shores, where | JOHN McIXTYRE CITY WALL koa a AND F PAINTING BOUES aid Ogre wOUE =: - 'a whieti was inaudible to many. After D. MORAN, San? Cundition favorable to ie development ms rc cae ea IDLIGTONS BLOCK, BRIE ar. - 4 i 2 ) a Bon j et the ef the 'cross, which was "5 Hotel. Propeg: '--Chicago Market r W. CASSON. few doors west of Post } making "tg 8 tae aged near Queen ties Meotreal, Square, Stratford. Office. iF fans Albert-st.; St-atford, May ind, taps. ' Crons Bacar are aise Stratioed, April 25, 1998 : ane |, Gut, ie, we 2. > 'Bieattord, Dec. 18, 1987, =a -- as : : % se ea pe + Ss : --_ : 2 i te ee Men: Te ere ' PRE OP ae 7 os : . seer neta a ae _ . ential sania - a is aot eee ete cheapie 2 PARSER ORD SE INSEE EE COM 8 E.R Matte SAMOS STURN ARN KS Si RTS NN i . 'e. = ia weenie ; : sg Bd ee : = eRe , onpaoes per ot! tre