Stratford Times, 23 May 1888, p. 8

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~ ae ' Pett - es -1 - ! | fot = Ee AERO -- | '6 9 1 NEW ADY ERTISEMENTS. EICYCLE FOR SALE. GEORGE FORMAN, 3 B's VOLE, 0 ibe. Enel th roaké. Rall bear. ; . -- ings al st Price, om! | Cc yancer. Land, & Loan Furniture. {" "gor tale Cheap. BESESESE a! , ------ ; N INLAID SIDE ROARD, contaiming #2. 250 ALEN. CAVEN, Ja. | { | cpevece Up-Sracne Orea Rsaa of Janne Concoman's Siva ' GREAT OAKS FROM Pieces. Took first prize at Toronto, in boo, Stratford, May 14, 1s and | are prize and highly recommenced at PARLOR LITTLE ACORNS =--_ | gern "PAKER'S, "GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. | STRATFORD, ONT. | | m SU ITS, GROW. " 7 Corner of Charles Avon Ward, Seraord IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME | a ~DINING-ROOM ~~ | TE sctanaptensi " we asa ee ee Small Farms and Park Lots. == . upot tie. -- FOR A - a m.--Erprese. Be large colli gtences are a nual nr wibt-w ye Epes: ; 7 --_ w SUITS Sireall Savings Dairy. 'Maids' Social." 20 pm kage aan re beer ket Buthtingy nese ater Weeks, - , ** Nimble Nixpenses preferred to Slo j FOR MAIN LINE WEST. - -¥: 15a m.--Expree. --_ od buildings Ta Riliceotp-retias. -- ASD - wumbe - T } wae HE MISSION BAND 7333 oe Mined. are BEDROOM -- | te | a4 ce aed $e Fee Rigo : Also 1 and 2 Lote. Commence iif you have not already) to FOR LONDON.~ 8 a. mo. Mined. : = eee . ' SUITS trade with us, and by what we can sav Central Methodist Church 10-06 &. m.-- Mixed ' you, begin to-lay the f= fanitation of tutare ' ILL He. ae A an vA ae &, ee kee BUILDING LOTS l ~ een competency. Close Prices ; Small Margins jiniadhs acblbegon * FOR GODERICH, --6.20 a. m.-- Mined ; prevail with us. Well bought goods, rold | ON THURSDAY. MAY 2ith, [8s8. 12:15 p. w.-- faprene. Apply to GEO. FORMAN. Every Other Class of an their mierite. Piatn figures-----one price | i served hah Seven to Fight p. m. on ety mm Soee: ' for all. Courteous treatment and equare |" Fo in ptarr, By Maids' ia Costusse oe ae xpress -- wre ot ie 6, om Donte MH dealing are telling in our favor right along, | adnan an, 10 Conta. ne EeAreee 1 So00 a oe -- | ~ $400 5_-~ a oa aod beat WS BT. Furniture ' Stratford, May 22nd, 1505 640-18 AND ou FFALO -- 15 <a Ake --Ex Pethick's, in Mrs. Grant's sure b In Millinery Goods we lead, In Laces, , 0. B. aL E, NORTH, m. ned. THAT'S IT? @275 --For 52 tect front, lot 17 ae Falstad? st. ~-- == aT? Parasois, Gloves, Hosiery and small wares 13.08 | - m.--Expree. . $is0 Min Nearer *t, Hanavans survey, sext to we are not surpassed. In Cottonades, sou PORT DOvER . --- feat faa neuen posse Sols ileus tabt, Sheds _V VERY CLOSE PRICES. Shirtings, Towellings, Table a --_-- \ucti Le 400 p. m.--Rxpees - jeer anarven: Hate and tients: Furnishings, : 3 To and trom Rrestieea oaly ? Cc * ' T0-- Lot 1, corner Nile and Rebecca sta _A CALI SOLIC ITED. sre pot excelied, We conBdently tonite or -- tran Pashewrestere- oth om :: -aaalee eh Ak rh pai tae eticniendl se rent ins eae Seeing is believing, come -- HICKSON, General Manager. 40 Lot 72 H saad, ueteosa Tan a and see vi shop phrey ~ : or youre 'Old Court "House; _-- Offe i -- --~L8td cae bret orig front of Gordon's surve W. HEPBURN, Pei ine of ool Jersey Drews Goa SS CITY OF STRATFORD. es loca - gree Furniture Dealer and: better value in the market. ; | Jail and Grounds. and Prices * tesnel estate in Forman's sorvey Undertaker, BUNTING & SCOTT, | ---- | LorTs FOR SALE. UTUEL LOTS in every WARD in CITY, 60 ONTARIO STRKET, STRATFORD. Dry Goods Specialists. There will be offered to Public Paralyzed.' sysinESs PROPERTIES : IDINGTON'S BL OCK, skeet, | HE Following Lote, convenient to _ Go $1500 tt -- & a yd - mill on --- Strattord, May 24, Ls, iat ' - Th J, TbDayat t ievemetive Mocks, cmmnen slend bagi ba . Knocked Out ut Completely ppt od We ie ith } acre of land. Suitable es -- en Lop eae pages Dpap lone ar cae . lA 2200 The Yeandte Moagh 'Pactory. tn rene aa oe -- Miss Mary Elliott, about 30 "years of Favorable Terms: [ - rtp one Over? er: 'inchuding- = HAYHOW--On Saturday, 19th ae. the wife of | age, daughter of George Elliott, of Ayr, | ext, at the hour of 2 i : . '$ SURVEY , : 7 ane line and s tables. yao Haybow, conductor G a, oe Ont. committed suicide on Friday lest, | The 'ond Qu Howe snd and jail Huiddings _ ys if MARSHALL'S SURVEY, | We are SOIny out of thee S50 sete a poe Sabert block 'salt tune GALTER "May 10, a1, Wallecerille, the wile of il giting kept gel sc omy og ie SS (35 ofthe Canada alloc Barvey ot | | Lots 29, 30, 31, West Side Mc- Ready-Mades. That is the Gidmon's siorea siante tina. Wenutaen * CHOWEN--In Mitchell, on the 15th inst, the . alr gl TKenzie St.; Lote 38, 39, 40, 41,' ,, zson, and the crowds will go 46 so Conetaxtt Mone Cottage, suk i fe HESGON At Bt, Catharines, on the 15th ee a ne ae vsti a oe mode and conditions will be | 45 43, 44, 45, East Side MpKen-|. " O PORES BEE SO" vorenara va ball now bing « ON--At . Catharines, ¢ the 15t it. en a © eo * * o [ne tte of Mtr CA icv a, Catlecter aie: Evansville, Ind., May 10.--Smith Hag- Wa. DAVIDSON 'zie St.; S. Lot 50, and léts 51, where the Goods are Cheapest. $60 3 ee Savers sere Ontario ot. between é venue, of a daughter. an, member of the Grand Anny of Re . ------ SL at ie tone bic Susdey, May Lith, the | public, and a pensioner, has abandoned his a County Clerk. |52, 53, 54, '55, West Side Victoria Satur day our Store was so CHOICE HOTEL SITB. HOBUS--In Embro on the 2th of April, the wife | home in Spencer county in obedience to a Stratford, May 22, 1888. 646-8 - Street. crowded that you could harid/ ' On a psa seb Pre mg hy --_ » rend, of J. H. Hobts, Buffalo, of a son commend of the "Whitecaps" for alleged | -- McKENZIE"S SURVEY 2 J $25 inchue AP Aion: he wiieat Dr. We 'hdeein ef wvinack' | Nile beating, | Hagan was taken by BUY YOUR eNOS move A1s0, OTHER BUSINESS PROPERTY. Apply a witch" committee to the woods a few . __ te Geo. ter Lots 43, 44, North side Milton McPHERSON--In West 7 on Thu the shits xty lash on his bare F io i . 3rd inst., the wite of Mtr. ituh Me are of 'ight a a ee eed ond tied toa ae " U RN IT U R } street ; Lot 49, South side Milton HOUSES. a Jaughte A word about Saturday : street. FRED MARSDEN, THE PLAYWRIGHT, coM- ce eee pees ; : : ; MARRIAGES, MITS SUICIDE. Where the Prices GRANGE SURVEY, Shopping. Don't you know Apply to GEO. FORMAN JEFVERY--WEBE By Rev. Mr. Bau | 4th tnst., at the ence Mr. G. Ft ' nubstan New York, May 19.--Fred. Marsden, | Lot 51, south side of Milton n that yout would get better alten- $1000 brick cottace om Haltwas a, me akes id walls ; ext . on. ur James Gorrell Jeffery, im ins, the well known 'play wright, was found ar Ww ste; mo 54, north side Sh Shakespeare ; extra heavy stone te ~ Sapam ot Robert Webb, | dead poser ps a aoe a morning, si O susutteninsste € 0 | " tion uf you. would turn out foundation folio sani coehaceiar preety em tted anicide by inhaling gas. ars- emma ees +peare-s' . aaies ~~ :..poreben, cist | SAWYER --HUTC TI -- Ad the residents of - . = awe, ieecke Po tne ree kdante of Mr. dom-cen-ene ak_4ne mast sieeaadbl play. The Time to Furnish | spans through the week, and the $1500 Me, Santen' story tare tame bride ott ag tea it bythe Res. C. BE | wrights in America, and had an income . { T. B. P. TRSEW, Goods would be ust as chea house and wat teneiorer astra - ford, deorge Sawyer, of Orillia, to} $10,000 a year. He has been despondent Your Home is z J ip next to Separate School. Stone foundation and Emma, daughter of Mr. James Hu utchison, of | ¢ tim m account of the wa ; MERCHANTS BANK < stonecellar full size of house ; 5 rooms ; hall, wood- , 2 NR, , ' <~ ROT WELE" BRETTON-On Thursday, May-1oth, | wardneas of hia daughter . Now. any other day. Mothers, kind. | sed ani coud sate. at the pasliboaet of the oem * a by Kev. : 3 i Or to GEO. FORMAN, Laxp Acant. / . bear this in tna. $1000 jac. each. Your choice of the two sew 8. P. Rose, Mr. Benjamin Rothwell, "Principal FOUR MEN LYNCHED OUT WEST | oa. 3) iad . = ge eg now. ealiding), en. of the Lintowel Pubic Shoo, to Mary, dangh- | Woodward, 1 T., May 19.--A party of And ane lense : | = -- _ Wark T teres ual wisedakad aeabing-a eee scott mccnEGon A ai the mae re aa . vigilantes cap wured leur men who ere | * . a - -- secu 2 cock: Will be Gnished in first-< style. tust., by ev. 1, Campbell, Mr. Thos. Scott, riving a herd o ponies in o Man's Lan "Wi vat a* * . ae bd vot "on AiniNs ) MoGregct, both of ge ge ro gat night. Two of the prisoners cmeniones riave = on it as Fut 3 vecks age that $1000 7 i pena Ss balding) om, ore - ' t. af I Can = hell a Pa were noted criminale- wer and . } he as rf st., next weet to to "Mr Dawry's, in Shakespeare Ward » by th we made up our minds to gut fos Sir Merthe Atkins, both of the ay Hook, po tw + eee Atlanta. Ga., May y 18. --The Salvation | Ah R l Es ad pet Will be finished in Pat pers sty ie Lary 't ownahip of Howic their innocence. our were promptly ' . mi aa lynched, The brothers of Chitwood, who & Co. 's | army Me plying Saran ok nee arces Che Ready-Made Clothing, and | Ze wn vith eh oend of divorce suits Mr. Jones heage cg white brick cot- there has been a jolly big hole| $1500 &, ---* among respectable people have grown out JOUY O19 Brunswick ot 2h te os mene trom DEATHS. belong to a band of in out-laws __ Parlor Suites, Bedroom | ° its presence here, and people are going made tn the Stock. Saturday By ngeance, BRIDE--May 13, 09 con. 4, Minto, William Bride, | #*¥€ declared veng ed SS years. | S 3 . DIED WHILE AT PRAYER crazy on all sides, W. Withers, : ¢ Mr. fine-whiee GANG hay Thin Paterntan, ha ee Cherie, | Wabash, ind., May 19:--While Elder Suites, Sideboards, - « | prominent business man. who owned large | we received a Shipment of $3200 Xi Gouin a Geveenaes mae baing,G, T.R., aged 2 years 1month and 23] James Quinter, editor of the Goapel Mes- a . ron works in the city, has become so Centre sta, next to Mr. Brotherhood's, in Holmes* Po > en a sain tndeaih eager, o ot Huntingdon, Pa., was offering ETC., ETC., IN GREAT VARIETY, - fatuated with the Army that he sheneals 150 BOYS' SUITS ----. 12 a and? everything dauchter ore. 1 ee 2 R. pe | | up a prayer to-day before the German Bap- VE business entirely, having put out the fires ' 700 **: . Patrick Hoy's good fra:ne house on anth. tat Combocenes, he was stricken with a- in his furnaces and cl his shops. He Se a ce fi - 4 COLLIS phy aga 1th of May, Mr. Jas. | poplexy, and died almost instantly. The ianiag re igeedeny <7 _ gang _ ranging in size from 5 lo Il SSSO Mt Eisbres strane bo and full lot, REAS--In, Wallac the L . services were being held in the tabernacle bes " y , garden, on Aloert st., straight behind Feats eae ie, Win task ee | od 3.000" persone were present, Mr | 2 Cormice Poles Lower than | she soldiges He has gone to Brooklyn, it|YCArS Of age. We tried to} Np rites A 1 oa ~ "4 op A. J. Bailey's small house and 2 Quinter was president of the Normal Col- is said, toconfer with the Army ar cht. cancel these Goods, but it was $325 ini full lots on aoe side of Aibort st., _--==-- ---------- | deg at Huntington, -_ was probably the Mouldings & Picture Frames. = he ee to ae Colonel the Listowel KR. track. Lote No. 166 THE MARKETS. : ora man hurch. He - ; 0 has entire charge of the Army in the le. Wey tw " ere BTRATFORD-- White Fall Wheat per tush. 4 _ Evens ad. the chure ' BRADSH W&Co South. His family, who move in malienta's too late : Th 3 made fo Mr. Yauatter's_cottace Sxyiling,. eon SS. Red Fall Wheat, 57 @ ss. spring Wheat DSHA '+ _| best societ circles, are utterly prostrated,| ws, so we had to take them. Gan ee 87. Bartey, Vata, 43-0 46. Peas, MURDERED BY AN IRISH BAILIFF. 13 & 5 Outario' St." Pande s implored . Governor Gar. | _ rooms a tehen, oy Sig pee bil, sow ou "Potatona Gach 1.00. 12. | A bailiff named Sweeney, while escort- * 0 O'__ dom to interfere: in-:some-way-in her be-| 1c wall place thé "Entire Lot S100 Mr. Chas! Mannering's fine franie tot ~~ Apples (Lag), 100 @ 1.23 Beef per B, 4 @ 6. Mut-| ing a drunkenson of landlord Lloyd to Stratford, May 2% 1863. £ half. de cas ouaties af Ue Tesla ne tod 70 ios ns ot om south wide preaivesi poe ay ded ar rl a F odin We - his home at Templemore, County Tipper. | == aa colar! he soma rooms . pone " ~ ;, Ireland, last Friday, fired : Turkeys, each, 50 @ 1.50. Geese, each, 0 @ wo, | STY. fretand, last friday, fired upon a F . rord stable, lawn, &e. Gocks pee fr, 40 @ 60. Chickens | : 39 | laborer, named Thompson, and wounded sures of 1300 #8. Mr, C. atannerings other tf v tory trame oo Hides per ewt., 5.00 to 7 oa Sheepekins himinthe hip) Another workman, nam- 3 0. 3 on South st., adjeining above on "ack, oh . - -- east, with yr x 100 Dt. lot. *. roomy, brick cellar, = ait i Hay a ton, tan, Sve te 8.00. Wood fed Kennedy, interfered, and Sweeney . "9 $1.25, $1.35, and $1.50 summer k teen, ieiced. Bae inte, OE. . yoru lots of shot him also, the bullet entered the « a Suit $700 = ---- wale ines he a an 8 toh "MITCHELL-- Fall Wheat, 80 @ s2 pring | heart. Both shots were fired at Lloyd's . acs 28 Sens ae p-vage . page ed, @ 82 iene, rage af Bein oh, #4 | orders, The police pursued and arrested EXCLU SIVE MERCHANT TAILORS, . - tonasteete ---- ied < eres watwny w@ 8.00. ter 1 @ a ® Ess, ¢ 'e@ " Rg Sweeney, and with difficulty prevented These Prices are Nett Cash. $500 That peat white house, on south side of toes, (bag), 1.06, the people from lynching him * Ontario st., recond Heady east of Chew's = Come and sce them ; they arc' grocers, comer of Queen st. Lately occupied by LISTOWEL --Falt Wheat,--Red, 87 @ 90. Patt] The. Leamington Post says: "About . hs: Rates. ae Mr. Weodhor 1} storey white AND Cheap. $1, 500 €t B boene au teens ae terene we Railway ave pee Mhentent 'st. in Alex, Grant's One Bway eee SF @ O. Sores Wheat, 50 to two years ago ove Robert Burkitt, a sinter per cwt., 250 @ 260. cation ®., 16 @ | 20d paper-nanger, came to town @ was low. 7 '* i tabi 1 * . 0 @ ie a per bag, | a nephew of HKichard Colbeck, an honest Pigg ee tg Reidy's thecal onler, 3 @ se. Hay por ton, 800 @BX15. PorkJ 610} aud hard-working farmer. who always How about our Men's Mr. Kebeck's 1} storey ¢ house reel: 00 an per cord song, 300 @365! weed him like a son. Mrs Colbeck, who J $8: 25 east side of * Strachan st. "Lon 42 "are 80 §2 Hest. Wheat, So ~~. 50. Pi 13 and the other 1 becam - --= 20: ---- : r good r O'S. Gale 5.9 40. Moor per cut, 2.10 #4 amon onal man who is only 23. aot And our all-wool Sunts} $900 2s Bremner cocd_reoms frame house sh k oe 38 Regn por das, 0 cr io batter "yar | Sears of age, and ina meet of passion | Rag] " Blarney Tweeds, Trish Serges; and| « a: $5. warranted? (ae a = SF 'oga, dressed, 6.50 @ 6.60, Wool, | deserted her husband and son, and left for --7 en "age house and Int on Victoria > di per » oe ate is OUMDia wi i king her $500 next r. von ee | ingest her Dt Ming berg 'Scotch Cheviot Suitings ! Sse Our 38c. Overalls, wie tRsiaton ee nison, who has 750 &. Gortiv's aust hoson and lot SY, on Ay man named Denni : -- hes mel in Coat's store, Cli f A WOMAN WITH A REVOLVER. 1p vascete Mg geri loo Ay some yeere past, decamped the-other day, | Chicago, May 21.--Abont 9.40 o'clock | NE] W GooDs FOR § SUMMER SUITINGS.| Also Our 88c. Pants. | $700 mt aon nt = lL «oder a small elond which accompanied this morning, as P. J. Bolander, a real es- --s is a hand i hirty-eigh: } i) Shak ward school 7 = BT. MARYS--Fall Wheat bash, 80 @ 52. oud, cat ies taithorabiew- abides am 65 "pwranto STREET. $2.50 Suits ¢ fc. (Hone foandation and cellar. Next south of bag bed a --:7:-- They are Selling Fast. | fms" him across the lines. It was made up of | --- as passin in trae. ae 2: 7 g ° $45 i 20 Sena tenants heat & trifling sums owed by him at a rape yong a " "tee ie oe FIAT Ss. ba DU scomasad summers kiachen, os worth aide ma es 4 ack ° ---- of Douro etreet in Forman's surves clothes, and wearing a heavy moustache, 5 mr Mrs. D. A. McDonald's one storey yellow 'Killed by a Steam Drill. was leaning over a fence convents lost in New Styles in Light Shades and Light We have not Space enough 3600 ive Crane Geaen, ane 3 if, <n. saneuten. ite HORRIBLE ACCIDENT TO A CANADIAN IN A ei whasled attend and levelling « Fr Ww eights. es Received. to enumerate Prices, but $3500 ities beck pesidcnce a 10 mere --_---- ee volver at thereat _ Fig . S19 That fine frame bows of & rooma, @etroi sag! plank at him, at the same time exclaim. 2 Ft J. R. WILLIAMSON & CO. - COME IN !- $1,200 Neng ny Mn Po Fane Ayo of a machin -- fatally iaje ared the | 2B *our----t hove... yeu, now." The = ; Shakespeare Ward: (Tecker's) €0donnbuiangs -- -*F-4 esac apheniitim: tates tei shored im | Balt let prazed am a en ---- : ft will do you seat: and mind $1050 Me. agar Macklio's five reomy Brick ae Galvin Bros, brass and iron works. In ona ta pled, with him.. The would-be N 0 (A H = EF RO N if on th ir 4, 7 sit > él Cottage. ~ wat and 2 large ee ws 4 = mone me manner the deill strack his head, stp VV I T + if everything we offer" row ts with # acre tot, on morth side of Beittannia oh, Nea a murderer made frantic efforts to escape or house of Wd. Ferruson a + a large: hole through the skull near 13, bead on Bolander was too not away below what you have $ 3100 oi buy ME. Eiddells fine two-story ae he tenple, and he was found lying on the strong, and ancceeded in holding his man sat wets brick -- a corner of = door unconscious, his yy Ker age untiltwo officers arrived and took the ¢ H EA P an I M O N been offercd the Same Goods bag a serena ete 7 Mr: Boag, - _ with blood and part of his brain an partiesto the police station. Holander Sf side of Cambria t., Holmes : ree, ra . ST) > On north . a eo " 5 Zo a Soe, ee - mc there informed Capt. Lewis that his asaail- ----~ HAS REMOVED To ---- for elsewhere, dewt buy them. ke = eY, at see a brick 'one-story co bis boarding boase eal A ware BBE was wa at what he apacaced ve bs, but HESS 10) N2S OLD STAN D This is the Bargain Chance $3000 4.8 He Forhes'_ new wht tte beck eat. : oe aghan was 24 years eld, | otto be true. The moustache. was iNew i ' é, Eifeti yt and. D. B. Burritt's late reskdohce, Cost $3.508. and employed by Gaivin- Bros. The =e 18 = ifetime._ oe aa eat meg. iis parents | Megbt bed « viry allow complesion and arket Street, Stratford. eines asoneof their best mep. His parents | ..5 ghastly looking. Bolander identitied $1200 Az Geo Nieberzal's bee houses live at Dandas, oe ss Line eee with ee ee eas oo son Wein io Romeo ward, on Well acini ne ; F ims to have lived for some time, Bothsjev™ es hatte 06 Stglitoms. | partion are said to be marnieds i <a he: store. hos. been refitted throughout, and i is 'now one,of} ' _- Sige, ies Hayne era cn . otis. - Sa Satine a. Usefal Baking Powder Facts. |! she. beest:"Basiness places in ans City. 'He will commence SSS eee | BROS if, when two eagles of baking powder Suits worth. <i S16 for $9. - othe bol Sp actly, cnertatotny tke Pants, from $1 to $3.50. - ; aa tek os perhaps \If a 'fit cannot be secured, the Goods will be made to order The Clothiers, it noe at same capa eo ee apartment in which __. <- try garments.on........ SS BERS 1g reatcte cm n= or romsreoe Yellow Front, rs t rl Fr F Hl § { | ef F it part the animals, when one of , edup atrack ee killing oe into the water, andthe ca instantly. horses was pce mingled befere they could be | mare or less slow according to the anioant F - CHEAP SIMON, i 4 ld q i fe fi F; 4 q ¢ H q e 4

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