yen, xd. iia STRATFORD, enT., roam. MAY 30, 18885 NO. 647. Poth bs ee Council meets on Tuesday, Loral Pasion WRIT, eral \ FIREWORKS | F Mscgregor advised a the Mayor being Te ae eT ea jase ' €ity yews. ity Hews. MOEA oitaaouen. sat aly eppoed oe PR ver wante 8 geod groom ; mas Rerovering. . The Mayor--Mr. Masgreger Ald. - reason I put in the be deisetiy temperate "and thoroughly | D#/rymaide' Seeval. It is with pleasure Tux Tims can this Three City Council Meetings and | ghority trans we Ber any of my family to | motion was that Mr. Macgregor told me relia The novel entertainment, a dair snake' eek announce that Mrs. Hagerty, who ® Mies ip On @ne Week. interfere in the matter, and although you were dangerously ill, aod that éf rn Vanstone is in @ fsir-way towards | social, held in the Stretford city hall, on | Met with the serious ucidem® recorded called at my residence and met ine at my | You diod or were ill much natty without recovery, being able to walk about the city | the evening of the 24th inat., was carried | ),5¢ week, is rapidly recovering, ard, al. | THE pRroFéarp vin FIRE HALL AND HAY | Kate @ few days eee ae never men- | 2 acting Mayor being " ted, the city on fine days, out qniistactorily, « under management of | though still confined to her ET SCHEME CAUSES A such y | would oar eu - It was t} the C. M. chu ion band. A table ' ono d b __J, H, Dutton is showing @ nice line of | the teh -- results will ensue. Mrs. Hagart BRISK TIME. serving me by cave , yourself It'g | Bocecsary to (gua: the city's interesta, Mrs. Hagarty, ; rps healiats, eee" purses, satebets, ete: prea Ape the ree of the > vol esteemed ~-husband,; and--family are _-- arabe during my worst ilimess I was Canaite.) 4 4 and see ed over by courteous anid atten. a ~-- able to edit paper; read--preofs, etc , ¢ Mayor---! saw Mr. M Ob, pa! come to Cheap Simon's and get | tive dairymaids, to the utmost satisfaction thaakfal to. i eet oy bind at home A Busybedy Clerk Mauled Over the Coals. | a4 vot coat sign my name =! @ few | several times during my illness. mes pair of his nice shoes hey are| of all around the bos The lite shen al wpwepetey, porecedliy tal dep -- im your idea. You had been at | Dever suggested the fact stated by Ald. cheap. aft part of me followed, being | letters. THE "COUNT OUT" AND HIS AP-| my house twice and kuew I could sign | Rigg that my absence was of such terrible The bine ey St. onal church nie = vocal and fnetrameatal music, ---- wee POINTMENT OF AN " ACTING | orders do any other business there . He never hinted about aa 4 pe ieee the enarek See of yous -- ey nea 1.-clesephttiehgnn Rene Liahienl MAYOR" CAUSES A Tid iT | st the city required of mein that line. | | wating' oF rent < allnee vies the anithan to a oF young and weit nom, Feeg-, fi Managers : ° Those present requested the Mayor to =~ city or ite ts should Sir. Gearge Donaldson, prmenty ol « Farmer" Cunningham (Rev.) controlled ofthe G. T. R., "ot thera by other YEMPEST. =~ >> ao | cathe het cpthachiiah | Y my_absence or 'removal >adty; but aew-of Listewel,- staff, important officials of railway, and --_ evening Nee *T eaald have couitecualy bea recently te Min Annie Patton of that a thetr were in . yeoterday, ~--l_ADJOCRAED MEETING. «The inguated party then waltzed down ed the Council and made any sacrifice re- town. We Touch Our Cap. (Tuesday), | on a tour of inspection. The | When the Council adjourned on Monda te slow music by Consta iy a mage a the Council Mr. Wm. ..enry. is still A Smpesomely ill, The lant Ontario Gazette contained the | 2¢¥ Works in course of erection were sub- | week, it was evident there was fun ereens Fmd Carthy, bg ht tried to supercede Ma "Roberts, they and there is little chance of hia recovering following iment, which was fore- jected to a careful scrutiny. Mr. Hickson | as tie opposed to the fire hell | cigars, and similar innocent cuca nad areeve totake thechair, but they f the malady with which * has ehedowed in in Tae Tins a few weeks ago :-- declared his intention to push them to |} and agree scheme were determined | ci could not confer the afflicted. * Alexander Adair, of Stratford, completion as rapidly as ible, Ac-|to show On the -- oa him, although they _wdiee ee 80. They The Misses Jones and Robbins, of Staffa, County of Perth, to be Crown Attorney and companied by several officials and towns- | (Tuesday), i the members w Friday, May 25 were forced at last to sit with him, and sho have been visiting friends in this city | Cjork "of the Peace in and for the united | ™&, the party took a stroll through the | except Aldermen Tretheway and V canes. a then Mr. Roberts had to sign a stack for the past: week, return to to their home provisional judicial district cf Muskoka and city.----Mra. Hickson and her sister, The Selew cil relating to the purchase of | A QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE THAT FROTOKED orders which had been illegally cashed in to-day Parry Sound."' [Although we have not Miss Dow, (Montreal), werealso in the | the lots the y market LIVELY DISCUSSION. hia absence. e issued during Mr Clerk caiioen $ is ae A proud of the agreed with Mr. Adair on politicsl, runici- city and took a drive around. was tead a second time, after a lively Refore proceeding with the busines for illneas were also cashed illega ly. nn Rho li te meer ony ---- many aa z=. saloice | Blencing late inte a Sire Ores racket pee Yeas, S--pays, *>--Ald. Gordon which the meeting was. called the Mayor io. Pratt said =n Meese boar~ mney hea which as velecti arverntaent: room. esti iarespecti m~" his supervision; ab: ove offices. He is actever, studious and An adopted boy, who lives with Mr. A letter was read from billiard licensees, to the or ucinate neck. hes mated. from om The motion war formally . without : James Stephenson, Esq., awyer, and we hope he will aa nee eo n fi ad a = asking-for-a reduction im the fee for ings recorded ot tas 'any particular thought --peing dent of the G. T. R.. Montreal, wale Mejor administer law to the people in the new | "00 © Ais fon co ait cet gong 7: license. Ald. Douglass moved, seconded | the 16th of April, a resolution pu The Mayor--Exactly: it suited the our, Western Supt. k., district without fear, favor or affection. } him ihe u i ' "i ble gh to suit | by Ald, Payne, that a by-law be introduced | t) have been moved by Ald. Rigg, ei clerk, and that wasthe reason it was don, were in Stratford yesterda i fo ES ae CEST LOO tow into it. | making the license the same as it was be-| 04 by Ald. Vanstone, as follows :-- smuggled through. At the follo The Stratford Bicycle Club (45 in nuni- ' The pesky then went off, _ the lad's fore | Pilla by-law was passed,-- - ihe ting 1 am that this clause hers} went to Woodstock on the 2ith of ananianen Ratertenearens cys ir of with it. Dr. er was im- "| That Ald. Gordon be Acting-Mayor during the | the minutes was not read. Is that a fact? May, and in the competition carried off | The Perth Teachers' Convention provided mediate ed_to attend 'to the lad, :--Jobn Sillifant, wood, | [nes o,sbomes, of Be stococe al the Sster} Ald. Gordon--It isnot. I was in the first prize for best dressed and largest | a0 entertainment in the Stéxéford city hall, | Who ha tural terribly from his in- Ae ite, 5: Jolin Skinner, trees, | tre head of thet yowere chair and sigued the minutes and kuow it nn pn last Friday , Sovelag. which has rarely juries, and the eye will never reeover its a os Wontréal Gazette, advertising, $10.50. was re e Roberts, danghter of Mr. | been equalled he By special request, full *'powers and privilegesX. Such are Motions to have a plank sidewalk laid He said it was not his intention to sey Hia W orshi = am satistied with your gt Jenn tee i Stratford, has recently | the celebrated oats eloeutionist, Miss | the uses of fire crackers. on the @ast side of Bronswick st., and for enything = ee the ae and statement, an i "received the appointmert of stamp vendor gue a of St. a pe ae ar Stratford Cheese Marie. - a sewer on aoeme st. from Cambria to tue pound aiken -- oe every particular, potalthetendinn I was ric CCAS 4 ¥: ps "Smith, oity --9 athe. place of Mise 'hat hever rie Eeacasetli-vaeeube-abteeds dak The first meeting of the Stratford Dairy- | * St Dee =e an i David H what they considered best towards the informed by several Aldermen to the a ~~ ti to th lvt. of Mr, | Stratford with more credit to the speaker. men's Association was held here on Friday. 1 are of 2 B12 was made te r is- | absent Mayor, but he was in a tita to mac i ' . R we Robes : col > T am, ee In physical ap; ce she equals any Mr. John Dempsey was. re-elected Presi- -- ng difference in price of plot in state positively that such a resolution had | 5 ly -- ~--Sume.. member. has evi. an tn te goer a 'The pe ort Canadian or American elocutionist, and in | dent. and Mr. John Brown, Secretary. Th Ma Ald. P iM never passed that Council,nor was itadopt- wat yet asan informer. It looks to smc music hing. pe mental capabilities ube far surpasses thein, | Phe offerings of cheese were 600 boxes. @ Mayor, Ald. Pratt and Mowat were | 43 by them at the meeting in question. mone ti there were seme Aldermen pean --a ag sl some of the best musi- | me re ae fs _ ee No sales. One factory was offered 8}c appoleee a special eommittee to ascertain | po rore the il were in session that | °2¢ ¥he were y to trail their coat the pro ae ee ! . * | which was refused, It was decided to hold & what cost the assessment rol! for 1956 night the clerk read the resolution, which tails for a fight. (Laughter) I heard te "from Mee Io individual, who undoubtedly has a on, -- P aetaplags -- ince Yttar i ew in Engl future before her. Misa Kate Ct; {+2¢-markote..every.. alternate Thursday cout ne apenas oo rat btai he acknowledges he wrote himself, and | |), -- igh I was not in the & mn seer ¢ hiongo "og reporte hid g. of Loridom, was entrasted- with: the-}-uring the season, next market day being ] the a ge oy waite sols it rere before a chairman was @ppointed, or a ii ron tin cho cra i ws hye pub- + MEO he Abas , Sfrasical of. -the-exening's entertain aaa the 7th June There was a opini y quorum of "Wierhters'tn~ "their seate;-|-5 mimogere Le ee arto cane J Seets_ oe axcettal a ional ment, an bi ng a_well- Seas favorita in | Sisposition amongst the factory men pre-- whether the eouvell can license scayengers | 4, "carried." "He asked a ae = p Re ate po age every raccee or, | this city, it needless to say her vocal | %e2" to (so far as practicable) scll their set «ern = ald, -- the Gouneil-if, such conduct se or ners a [Ase matter of int it was so in. this. city on pe ee abilities were appreciated. Namerous ¢n- age only at ys market, oe that Soren ra eiedoo a by-law to provide if shen denned the-clack to _-- onris, ta Me. ; Gordon was. taki i ae co ow Gat oaks ' jag. | 22 this way bay would get the beat self the whole Council and city "aver Po een hd, ae sizing up ae' city Lalla Scott played accompaviments in her pessible price weir cese,-Com- paar yohane tage fer al aad o aod uameke Mayors at his =ip te he oerk 4 obtained f one They were pleased. w with: the.| usual talented style, plaints are roads by buyers that quite a 4 aad Laan {Gand pleasure? As to ttie a ted of his crerk and o n number of factory men throughout the ith hou any COs sg eee, Nae to act as Mayor he only wished to k | * COPY resolatica.-- Editor. He dtd ty % appeerance eT csk awit wor: | rae win = country do not sufficiently grease their withow. such tag te eatroy y ofin the kindliest manner. He knew he oe ete pip the oe ~ wtheig ¢ Willow, cheeve when preparing to~ box them for very way ca ble of ax thi paid -- am tible, laceibbs, a Psi isthe} two cricket matches were played in | shipment, thereby rendering them liable Ald. Mowat called attention to the state and = A Faz oot ~~! wars write two-thirds of the resolutions sub- song the people of Stratford have to sing. | 4),. agricultural park, this city, on (Queen's | to crack and go forward in poor condition. of the dtreet directly in fromt of the} Toi January, right or py "a _% citizens mitted at that board! ! (Volos from -- are cs a = --_ ---- birthday. Paris and Clinton juniors tried | Grass is beginning to suffer for the want orestere' new ball he debria should be} fr Stratford chose him speaker) as crowd "Oh, ob," and laughter}, a ing herded by two or three | oonclusions in the morning, the former | of-rain, very little having fallen in this cleaned up.--Adjourned Mayor for 1585. Uniertanabel for him i Ald. Gibeon--Sach is not the fact. ine so oe wer s1LLs00 nosat in the | Proving superiors by 2 ruas and 5 wickets, | locality this spring. : Weda jay, May 23rd. "thi th of histerm he fe > The ee ne I can a it, 'a f sitar a cre 'table exhibition of playing on ayy RY tacked with illness which confined him to ayor--That dees not speak well recaipts of the Postoftice Department for | both sides In the afternoon, Stratford | Ra ingen the 940. MALY OF EME COUNCIL AnsENT THEMSELVES} ig we for the pyi ts around , rm his house, at mE Stans Ore oe me aed sabe on and Clinton juniors played, the home boys 'Ths wsual horse racing wae held-in-the | jA¥" 'count ott" 18 THE RESULT. he had missed two mostingr ---- the ard, although itis complimentary wit ened as all more ac | Coming in for a share of hard luck, as the | Agricultural Park, Stratford, on Her Ma- | Preci vat So'clock the Mayor ber had trandacted gay ape busi- ae bee te -- sbi in G va RT tg circles . ollowing score indicates :-- jesty's birthday, under the auspices of the | the chair~there were mess submitted tr jer to thag two-thirds | of the municipal brains of mi Ser ---- oe - it: otal tie STRATFORD Turf Club, but owing to no announcement | board Fach Pratt, aod was quite able ae ¥ to do so thecity Aiderm:n. (Laughter.) 21th ieterumtretion: sivce-* Thane young ist Inning. tad Innings of the event having been made through Mowat, MoPherson, Gibson and -- that date anfil he Iti og eager mg bet gp Risaviord baye should have erated 'in aden | BT oee ea ys Set "hy archie.... ©} that important medinm, the recognized | This lacked one of the necessary number be wut the Monday previous--extepting fi th writs tha pate oes Aa i about them by the Wood- Desece. b Stan public press, an attendance of between |to form aquorum, and they were all sup. ree, presiding at their m ee, wees § 'hear, seek little girl. Ditto, the elder ccin'ts y 1 ¢McMurehie, Chidley. 0 | 100 and 500 was all that turned out to | porters of the by-law. 1t was known that The weak had taken upon himself to Th May : B ¥ J Hamilton, b Me witness the sport. Some fast horses were | Ald. Barnsdale had gone to Mitchell, and | legislate away his "powe: and vi- v¢ Mayor--Light is beginning to come the young ladies of Woodstock,' : eg po get { the dark The a of lot No. 30, on the north-east ae Seip ) run out... ~+ + #) entered in the several races, and extiting | that Ald. Vanstone was ill,and unable to at- | leges"' (whatever that meant) without ne of the darkness, ee to where corner of: Mary and Elizabeth atreets, is MoMureble per, MeMarchte.. 0 | and well-contested heata were mm. The tend--and as the clerk had not appointed | cpusulting him, and- even after doing the motions come If the elerk ; y * . € Wateon, b Chidley.. 0 b Me Marchie.. »roceedings were slowly managed, and | an on to "acé" in the latter worthy | so, bad not had the courtesy to in writes two-thirds of the motious are we reported by Messrs. Mowat & Murray, of ! id 4 ny 3 y peye 7 h ¥y forin to der that the Aldermen the Kral Estate xchange from Charles a Sahn » Sle More 3 t eeeavenie - 1 | spectators grew impatient with the long | Alderman' « behalf, it was kuown his seat} him of the action he had taken. It was qoneiier has the Oke aves eae _ sit to M i a Laer} ci Buchiogbam, rin -- : *" stretches between races. It is to be hoped | would not be represented. The seesee of |} done against the rules of the Council, their own idess on paper? If so it : by Ohiddey.. cw 3 | the Turf Club will conduct me ina or Aldermen with, perha exception, | against the statutes, and inet the | little matter who the presiding officer is-- ne tusends to erect.» h nda renee leteey, + Meitechie.. + Game ot on moe ae pritciptes- In r0-at-the front door of Poe hal hall carefully crasiast rules of decency. van e (the | * dummy would do, if he could sav I org Jenne or prt. be eg ia J Beate, not vat 1th Manes. MMV vy aing race, prizes were awarded : ist net rnd fro by Ald. Rigg. A xystematie Mayor) did not intend to oes ane cou- sated after they oe written. Myers, of iinnedoes, ail ceakhints yee eee @ | Byew se 3 | * Longuetl Stallion"; 2nd ($10), ** Minnie telegraphy was kept up with Mr. Clerk | duct to pass without protest. " If the take. g Care Se clerk's motions don't of Y Gienshanhs inva fuies as Grit Wides... _. .1 Wides... 0 Fr se 7 es ; 3ed ($5), Johnston's Lang, who occuzied his chair witha know- | Council were pre i to wink at such Canvas = -- at the ex- ; = ** Longueil." In the green race for colts | ing, glowing, self-satisfied countenance | actions on the part of their paid officer, he aa od eS in anes Umpire C Charles --. as a pork were _ coe follows: Shore's | which spoke as plainly as if -- by his} would not. He would noi submit to cho check Ur eiapegeb tran, eee -------- -- pfessils '""Volanteer," Forbes' " Volunteer," Smith's | well lated voi ich all | either s practice or bulkdozi erm 4 wT W. Patton, a. miller employed in Int Innings, and Tanings "' Magician," and Danaeith's 'Queen of | those present knew, including the f poses Po Ald. Gocioa--Me. Lang, will you got | WTite the motion it wis his Guty' ws dese . Hodd & Cullen's mill in this city, had his | R McDonald, b Proctor 0 cand b Hamilton. .... 0 che -- ' ~~ _-- here prizes in a tpn te = they -- os vietims | me the statutes of Ontario. 'Looking at ------, leo ee h a ht bet the belt vd W Ball, b Procter... 3 not out. ... ps | the is er named, stakes being 835, $15 | offa cunningly devised trick, and that if| them Mr. Gordon read a clause ut Iness, neiey pence he g ke gn Satur. M Barve, b Proctor... @ fun out... 000-0. 3 and $5; time made, 3.14. In the 2.55 sat till morning they would sit as they | reeves, deputies, etc., taking the chalt i eg fee wetted --_ - a by law day, and badly crushed. He had anar-| a Wik "on, OYamuiion, nO eso" | trot seven entries were made, as follows, started, without a quorum. At 8:30, the | absence of Mayor, but no powers to ap- Me filed b ie anyone row cecape from having his band taken Jonnas 1 bdohmson... ver 8 the fjrst three horsea winning the res half hour required in the event of no point acting Mayors, exceptin case of . y somebody -- cannot re- off. Dr. W. N. Roberteon dressed t W Kol berteot,¢ Wright, _ | tive prizes of $50, 220 and 810: " Meda," | qaoram being up, the ----, left the chair. | prolonged absence or vacancy. main vaciat tothe detriment of public weal oer ren S ean Johnvon nrg Ww k ; Doyle's "Black Mare ;" Ald. Mowat, after submitting to the Ald. Davidsen, (county clerk), rose to -- I : Messrs. Hesson and Trow, Perth M.P.'s, | JM Mankae't Procter 0 bv Préctor........ eeeeeeer) kin's | sa -- Boy;"" "St. Thomas cattle winks of the clerk for some 20 | defend the. city clerk. He started of = eet ae poet if Ald. € have retarned from Ottawa, where they | J Stanberry, c Mamil- Boy," of Seaforth ; Coleman's "* Brown | minutes, said :---Mr. Lang, are we to un- | with an anecdote about a 2ertain acquain: | |). ----s to-me-yesterday aye attended to their Parliamentary ton, Johan --- 0. 6 Hamilton 16 | Gelding ; Danseith's - Nellie Gray ; derstand that this is some ef your work ?| tance of his, an Irish lady named Mra, aia Ee i aon the motion read. duties in an efficient and-brilliant manner, | haw Proctor. ay ae ie o | Robinson's '* Lake Shore. Mr. Lang--What'do you mean ? K , who was the author of the well | 1° A the son excitedly arose and de- - aera 3 | N Fair, not-out........ 0 bJohnson 2 Mr. Mowat--I mean have you put up| known "'tempist in a ta n. she. hoc true. How according to their different views on pubtic 5 you put up P cau you stdte en? affairs. Both members are looking wel, Ux. Bye... S| au-hitennes? iisarels evechtel Meseutation, your uncle (Ald. Rigg) to perpetrate this | There was a precedent established by ap- Tie M Did aad will soon futly-reoover--trom--the wviee " : ra ae A meeting of the members of St. James' piece -- rey and pre trick- | pointing Mr. Scrimgeour acting ty arte oie fa dame public- ~ tear wish are irom fife at. the Leg Byes. "9 | congregation" was --held-in~the church on }-ery-? no who.would descend to suck | when Mr. Macgregor went to Portland yoelt -- Cope r inseparable Mia at TE a ". ss 2~} last Friday .evening, for the purpose of | tactics are beneath conte "2 summer. [It was explained that in that on the "Arbor aan" a hat th. 2 Mr. Fred. Johnson, brother of Mr: M. Toth coe 38 ain es --<: sa jes hial A apenarvor ne my denied «that. he had anything. pancecthe Mi ae -- Coun: ncil to-do | wega i ¥ e motion Co 7 ] d attent -- 'o meet the needs o this rapidly-growing do with it. so whi 2 bi > * t fake apdad- nan . 'agent, aera thon Sppottive: ee Sympathy for a Boodler, ' atish. Rev. non Patterson was un Pe, Mowat--I believe you had, and I | tion waa put to the Council in dae form.] "Aid. car. Ah Yah? : Lg ae clerk tford. At the Division Court in Ingersoll last | avoidably absent behind your back to vell you so. | He declared that the Mayor had no right iMlegal it did not follow mere did' not young oe on his well see = occupation was 3 Cha trict Vi wl a certiticate of np ge eaten to swat |e day ¢ ae wane Men's, "and = that he was . eg ete upon y London. pope " the ole god rosin pet the float engin! and a member- A lady and -- daughter both got oS and Jeago th of aweion w ship te : ecided uw after: ig ene pel seablen on orman street on Sunday | © y Judge in the suspension of | Mr. meg was honorary the | county constable W. B. Wilson, with-| preddent and Rev. Ker' honorar ks in the abominable piece ot | out allowing th the said constable the opper- r sect, j tunity of putting 'in his defence, after: be- S. Faller as acting t, Mr. ing cited 3 to appear and do bo, | Ma as acting vice-president perl Mr. therefore this Oxford Temperance Asso- | Watson as acting sec.-t The roll of ciation petition the Ontario Governmbnt-} men bership was y and an- to appoint a Commission to inguire ittto | othgt meeting was lor Friday even- reason why the said county constable | ing #ext. The young men of the ci upon His Worship. is ibited "the "His | ga' will chest Beil' s mssling for tha daties in the County of Oxford:" A cem- pert ot es rue 1 clerk on the Accommodation | mittee was i to bring the ~< work Rev cr. Ker explained that ar- T. R., leaves on Wednesday for |'uamei matter, viz., the dismissal of \ were in progress to publish a the BR Wilson. and other betore the} m: in the interests of - the congrega- ceeiimaainnent We would s bee : aa & tedium for-making- their 'that the cranks vend... work. and, their. pee: iliar 'to the ifson was kicked out of | memthereef the ch: "St. James" con- at the same| the Stratford chiefehip, and also why | grez _ keep abreast of current leased at _ Justice ilson.. gare church' -eranky exciteqas t, ce [Tur Times says welcome.) -- The Circwa. we' ------ our S ° pehe msy win still roe laurels His place here "will be fill- . Chrisholm Howie.-- Waterloo ting everit in ecclesiastical o@ Sunday in St. Paui's h, being the installation of Remember Howe's MM Mammoth Consoli- Reel Mr: Longiey's It ts underatood that the committee who week, in a suit the corporation of Ingerso es. W 'iliam Blakely Wilson, the notorious ex-Stratford-Ingersoll chief of police was ordered to pay over to the town treasury $100 and costs--monies illegally pachited by him whilst i in office. This has exited the County of Oxford Seott Act --_ for w body Wilson was sting as detactive and informer pei Tadee Finkle struck him off the list constables for that ae erat ake taleat and. then hie such a terrible Oe betare a Perth ae. a few yeara ago? ted martyr be given charges p cba agsinst-him in the cou dated shows in § on Friday next, | If this 4g not done there are some seals June ist. It mma ate large cirens he te -will actually believe ~-- the courta that will visit Stratford this summer. "Let ¥ pronounced. To an honor. enous... See adyt. and) wtie party, like Wilson, it must be Fes } Fal-te have one judge declare another judge declare that he was an offi: word was not to be believed chaate to clear himself from the =i grils of retaining monies not lewilly bis : if pedpie declare Prayer offered, he explained the ator of theameeting. discussion it was de- cidéd to form a Genera! Parochial Associa- tiom of Church Workers for the purpose of cals the systematic and continuous parishioners in the iter the pssociati on following sf anggy oe cha Lei. +. Siedng e,--Te held ieev. Mr. Ker-p sermons,..morning wing. At? p. te ber -- for publis baptie was held, catechising of ~# scties ier ig (smiling)--That is the manly aia. Gibson--I am of the same opin- ion. If our clerk is determined to con- with councillors in the ~ AP ll ak His Worship i it visa fact 1 have ith members a "Sinadel "wt my Mr. Lang,.I must say take upon yourself matters our business such as inter- acd You Mr.. No person. ~~ a Mane Wes there a quorum pre- -Mr.Lang--I, think 20, bet the soonell cy a fecha ttn pope. The time, there If there waa any sharp practice on your in this matter, I intend to get at the ; sordinary-pieee must conjess. "Did the Mayor © taal aadlans Mer heme inicio: Acelmastined CS i Noeciealoeel meme tm oad The ci a should think net--ter i} ie. the seinates nn hav- | fi to say a word against nst the at ey ee fromthe chair. It was unmanly to say @ word behind his back. " {The clerk eat ia his seat two feet in front of the Mayor at back to him, as it always is Mr. was a not be called intoquestion Warming up to his subject he that if the clerk was unfaithful in the performance of his duties he shoald be disc ot mand ed by the Mayor. that it was vometel. the street that the Sloper smunat Sha thea tab 6 doe seen and that was the reason it was | to. do with-the Ald. Gordon--To late to now. The Mayor--I It's jon EF want. Ald. Davidson talks eloquently of ke. Al. Devideou I claim this has nothing Be i loee-t ner bad because ex-Mayor! motion,