¢ : --Banti & Scott. Le Even het. Advertisements ek. HAG = domurdine sictaeasenrene: aie uaa in amore honorable manner than*half the Grits that '6-day, whe fill the Opposition benches, and none ate hetver awareof the tact than the @hiter-ot-the~ "Tier. tr. Montagu secured his seat in Patliament by the votes of the honest electors ;"he did not buy his way inand the "Tiser dare not deny it.The trouble is theretore,with a few Grita who have been rash eno ugh to méas ure ewe wet they have found him 'tottheir -- that al ey a though small in stature, the Grit politican's net at al) me aly- mouthed about informip MUNICIPAL FIREWORKS. (Cx ntiiveial Fea page +a) was read and deelared" carried be- fore the reading of the minutes it was. I thought when I saw it in that it was ai the a Gordon was "acting," I think it was ealirent Mir to any d duly elected Mayor PE acres iving powers and privileges, without first consulting him, orat least making the motion as public as possible at the board, riving members a chance to say who it! Stratford Pa tie trouser "rd tir contains. Cea Tey such liberty in future---let this be a warn ing . Ald. Tretheway said he did to appo sixt another person it" "Nis plate r shoul f be. oT hope the clerx will not fake. PERTH TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. Friday, May a At the afterncon session, after finishing the ro vision of the progress of studies for promotion ex sinkoationn, address He epeke very ably an < reeponeibility ol the teacher y training up young minds, and said that he cousidered the work of the tuneher bext in i ee to-that of the wamihat tn tratning et Bent ror ashes a * History " 4.8 im. 4 leviat the Stratton te people were pp met to ¢ alse ri ntrn hing meas be ey = Dre Goods, n ihe « tren ppectema Sebestseat- hare Pepe a ds ae he vad vee Laer vere | saying it is the Finest as well | = . CHEAPSIDE. We call attention to our Great Stock -- or -- }s LET ME DRAW Your attention to our stock of Doon Seale We have an immense We are stocky in 20. and tte, all woot, With this price and upwards we ie 8hk (riers eee of of chaagey In 23¢. goods we are weil up. Ste. goods, ail-wool, chai moe oe, With this price material we prevent pretty sik ghar anima As eam Bermdieer ene ee reir Se LRA es 20 oes 2s Wr a Sone nee oe etm Pri th he permene-one- of-car- pert tenteriaie--inr-a <> plain cloth, iSe. will buy one better grade all wool Srotch -- "THE GLOBE'S MODESTY. hot* give h | Ch t ponte --- ra : h thought at'the ti t ' as sapest ever shown wes 2 ) date Aaa werent the matter much thonght at'the time i is cay t , Tote of otyles at this' price; 45e., our The Glode of a recent date mace @ great | 1. consummated. He supposed it was be fa { the affirma ue whe ~ Po be ordurcy effects . Sic e ¢ v ' o b 'J RI > S.. ) & ZT. SUTLED, 3 eortea AND PLOPRIETVE. adieu over its Varliamentary reports, or done for the bert, Heports Bay cuca seonety piel: ie rie a ay snla -- rt in Toronto. eoties ctathn td -- touch ve eres he Mayor was série! ly Wl anc ao ' ow sm es eS * 7 ee ae wropesiy s: poe ve tere that i th « ina was grieved think such ee mes Low " ~~ The Sik Gloves given tres of charge with : day ay 7% a ° so scripti ve reports," -stating that~ sor- P He did t call ta ace | rene theve effects are for extra best wear. ESD Mar-3 36 188 stneca-renereyer } was the fact. He did no ee his principdl of the public alanis ot ; , WepN PAY. er ie Riven ACHE Poe Vs heard tres quently from -ae-mentiber of ' <; Millinery & Mantles, gmat no = Sse oe po saccadic wine . . ' A / My 40, 65, BO, WS, $1.00, $1.10 and $1.25 we of the debates with a sound understanding | the «ame secret society (1. O. O, F.) aa te ° , , DR. MONTAGU ON GRIT reatly appreciated by our readers, * ° * | His Worship, that there was a chance uf bos Silks and Laces, cover ont double width dress staffs. 6 to 7 . STOMACH $....-- 3 te an reewnantents --mayetetrty | bt bese te translated toa "'hisher epherr." ate tus "be tices wh be-ahsaisldy-aomerdeme forthe ' : yards makiog the dress, Pine and inexpensive... i -- sad minted hae jun oe The Mayor--It was thought best hy the ach depas artiient ot edu t New, Nobby and Reasonable afar all, That widetp omelette journ ul, the Lon paraphrase Falstatt's boast atiy say, '*w: erk to lower me a step before 1 shonki : "4 . ar aceded for silk gloves with our - 5 ete at awier, Ais " i ot only been brillant ourselves, Lut j etert on the triz - ible width Cremes, don Advertiver, risea to remark that 'if | bave not only ' Fi We fs , ne ne m Pfr . A a7 1 Les l peiter such anus " ¢ We have black* in alooost all the cotoredt LIES SENN EET WIE TE HTT AP | ems eerie kon the clers as aninaniy. Great Bargains apres : : f course ; shi noe say gerne . 4 § rough at is iF areenntary term as quiet. | Meh. Of coursa they will His Worship--l don't care for 5 lu the different colored materials we have rou i' { " edig [so--being true journalist ete in naé odesty as Wkuat br. Davison think» nomantiness poo". Sse cewceersaaracbge dS SRR SL Sakina Dh AA tahiti ile cliteon "shoul rot ee » The ean -eof the {49 Shility--therefore we, asin duty bound, on my part. 1 Rfow" my rte its jus X A Tool, xg. The glove porsuader, evar Thokkanes © Bony ording to | Write thes jast praises, which care, after pwell us he doc "and have always beet . repex eruneyes ver Doctors ippyness," aceordi 4 4 : . vege, pmanty sugh to-~aseert th eithe® at W. J. FERGUSON, Grit logic, ia attributed to the fact that | 4" nothing but translations of aiid this Conneil beard or - elsewhere Ir 'Ta pest ry - { he politically erncified that formidable opiniea," Descriptive reporting may have | other publi lies are bossed by their +] NOTE, 'or trimmings. Suk bindings, ' *} suited the people of two centuries ago, but | clerk, this Conncil shall net be while I = "Nn = Wateted silks, braids, faille silks and plush antagonist, Sir Richard John Cartw right, ' peop: am Mayor. [To the cler Lang, , effects. This is the place to coibe for bir in' Parligament-a few daya- ago. Sir ~ Riehard, in- order to got-a crack at Dr, Montagu, moved an amendment to a "mation to go into: supply, ee the reported by Judge Boyd for corrupt prac- tices, had been appointed land valuator a and placed in such a position that he could influence voters. Continuing, he said, " There waa no public opinion in the morality of politics." Dr. Montagu, in re- plying to the brilliant Sir Richard, made a very favorable impression with the House, while he fairly roasted Sir Hichard. He pointed out that at last # reason had "been found why Haldimand had slipped from the hands of the Grits, and stated the hon member for South Oxford vied with the member for North Wellington as the scavenger of his party. He said, "early ~ it. the scasion, that the Liberal policy was, to le au: hercit policy. But, with ail this "pretense of heroism and valor, the at- tack tomght had been = directed against a man who had but one leg." (Great augicer)-- "Fhe~ bi hie 'doses - the brilliant Doctor administered to the valiant Sir Richard did not suit that worthy's ideas of Parliamentary etiquette, as, later on in the debate he called Mr, Speaker's at: tention to the fact that 'the person who was addressing the House had twice used the word 'scavenger.'" Sir Richard John ' evidently thought that Dr. Montagu should withdraw the pointed reference, as then the cap might not appear to Ht as well--anat least the thing would look better in the public press, if he objected to the not been misapplied, he knew, in his heart ef hearts that he was even more con- temptible than a scavenger; he knew that he was a turn-coat ; he knew that he was one of the worst " mixers and muddlers " wa Wi fith. reference *Tiser's screed, we would like to ask that journal if it has forgotten how the notorious Patrick Purcell Se iS-sonoomts tet or ei-corts aie ound. | Organ was the wrong} it had the bi it won't.do to- day. A e nlighteaed | age, must bs... sense that; €hat we orld implies want newa; (not opin ions, a3 that is what aca he Wan. ~~ ser in this uch in every The public eats teins yee bestitssbechere< descriptive reportin::) -- They facts, plain and unvarnished, without extra attempt at being clever. To be plain, nothing suits the public better than the noted trath. During. Cromwell's time, "deserptive reports' might do in reporting Barebones' Parliament, but it will not fill the bill to-day. The idea of the Globe be ing "brilliant," aa well as "making others brilliant," is original ..the only original idea we believe the Grit organ organ ever conceived," We have often heard "of the tole dry hamor and we suppose this is one of its most lively sallies, It is the first time ia the history of this country that the Globe has ever been credited with be- ing ™brilliant, "and it certainly would not. be so credited if it-had-not-taken the res- ponsibility upon itself ~ 'The Giote iz to modest, of course being true journalists in moxlesty as well as ahility--we, (the Globe editorial stall) as ia duty. bound, write want-the praise indeed, A STORY WITH A MORAL. A-Reform exchange in-speaking of the dying hours of the past session of the Commons taflies Mr. Trow to this etlect :-- '* His pleasant sallies at the Government's weakness on many points and his conti- dent predicti of i in the Liberals' position elicited loud applause," Mr. Trow"s position is somewhat different to what it was a few years ago when he desired the "Conservative party to take him up. His position then was similar to that of the Irish hostler who was sent to the stable to bring forth a traveller's horse. Not knowing which of the two strange horses in the stall belonged to the traveller, and, wishing to-avoid the ap- _Pearance of ignorance in his business, he "saddled both animals and brought them to the door, The traveller pointed to his own horse, saying, " That's my nag." tenantry is something as Dundreary would remark, " No fellah can un- derstand, Probably the renegade short. of news.; probably or rheumatiz : 'pro- bably. its. liver Sooeed over. But, candidly, how any acts of Lord Lansdowne, either in Canada or these just praises." Praisatrom Richard is | "proceed with other business. "} ANOTHER QUESTION OF TRIVILECE. Ald, Payne--I wish to rise to a question of privilege, as. insinuations have been reve ley a tetera thie council) Cae s am---enty a - small taxpayer anml--agn- sequeatiy T have not the city "s interest at neart. I was elected a member for Komco Ward, without any desire or request on my part, and the people must have had con- fidence in my ability and integrity or I would not be occupying the position of alderman. Aspersions haye been cast on ny integrity as a member of this couaciland I> consider it my duty "to resent such indignities. If I am occupy- ing @ false position at this board 1 want to be told so in a manly and honorable way. I have lived here for many years, hrve been a heavy ratepayer, and think my record as a vitizen aud councillor hon orable, I waa elected without soliciting a vote, and will cig rather than rest an- der such axpers Ald. Hamilton casa his coat-taila were oe short, but they bud been trod UT ~THRTUATIOES DUN THEN Tite Hy we certain alderman that he ¢ could be bought, but on a former occasion in this city he proved himself above such trickery, as the jayor well knows. He could stand all that was said to his face, but is riled him to hare cdWards lie about t. them. poume down with their proof sc shut their scandal machine Whoever the guilty alderman was he ke ~ quiet. The Mayor anid, that az the assertions the counci: a had not been o at board, the 2 should treat them with the coutempt they deserved, Street scandal was only short-lived and lasted until the wind turned, -- FIRE MALL AND HAY MARKET S#1TEs, Moved by Ald. Mowat, secondéd by Ald. McPherson ba by- law si. be now read a third time and finally pa Mov 0 amendment yrs David. son, seconded by Ald. Barnadale, tha: by-law be not read 'a third time, bat thet it be cabuslised te the peo: ret ame Davideoa did 0g ink the _ 's ances in a warran adoption of this by- taw, = shove dan allen ing debt of over $31,000 hanging over the city, and a are debt of The ratepayers weuld not be willing to have this widitional debe. mided. Some bers board to ta alan he of th Ue then prorendt stor en stteret ay at ral gions bea at bhet ania me & Oa tt bead lis 1 he paariaen | me tea that it or tin-the cor slo babes them co are eapp srowal of th lawful ag hey meet with the ayoataee ond the parents and guardians of the chile : Mr. Suddaby's addre received "The ve sort of coumittees appointed to make selections for the promotion literature was read and adopted. For Junter fll. the selections are as follows :--Page 24. The Camel ; 71,-The indeed and the Fox ; 82, The Haruio Bett + 00 The Utter + us Voleanoes ; 110, The Ray id The Mon mire IT wb the menierel | '133, The ach ape Kec John fire Golden Deeds ; Fer Senior 11 Clas Ru "pied ; io, Th oe e ts rested gins. mi nt The Faornoaeter 1s fees > 252, Flowers : 149. Zlobane ae b an Son rnd s Imre 221, The Nomad to the Tren Wat For Junior iV Pag Alexander ard the Atri an Chief © Albert Neanza , 122, Ms Battle of Bannoe iboarn ; 2, or Make It; 4 ee refoot Moy 5 5 Be! i» of Sham tlon , 1, Tne ¥ Por senort that for -on- trance to Migt om . . A dinctiesion arm has be done.to-make our education system vier' practical" brought the meeting toa close, Messrs. Kothwel, eLennen, Leigh and Thenrson and Miss Marter too r here was very hittle difference in oprnion, and yy Mitheught.ou srcatiot sretem Was ellOst practical ae it conlsh posn bes, erat been n this last f pros ed greatly withis e weestons all throt T ugh were not Z in teresting as formerly, the discussions being very tam Mr. Blake's Heatth. The Stratford Beacon regrets that Mr. restored by his travels in Europe, antyne saw him within the last fort- night in London, and is quoted as authority for the statement that he is still troubled by insomnia, though not to so severe an ex- tent as when lef It 18 men- tioned to the credit of the hun, gentleman dias he continues to ta! interest in Canadian affairs, and ig well satisfied with the efforts 'of his friends in charge of the one" for the Grits converted to a majority of 55 for ~~ reo But let that pase.---Free Mrs. Gaunee Story. SHE HAD TO TELL IT TO KEEP A BROTHER AXD SISTRR FROM MARKYING. attention of this youdg tity. Ald. Payne stated de " Walker, of London, one Dr. ** Certainly, your honor, I knew that," 'estred the 1°, A telegram from Mrs. Eliza George, liv- Hagarty ° ma of nine| replied Pat, "bat I didn't know which y i ina.ian nllen. dross ae ipvilje, K. 2.40.1 = Greenest tS is Bisbal aorpe one of thom belonged. to the ether gentle. or tha lots nad cotta aie ee 1 there- nites arrest mae io ms an appointment . n, 'ity' '{psurance * PPO 2 Wecould go| Thie was exactly the position of Mr. nt Pa is bares C. "Phe cost of jr., 8 neighbor 16 years old. The on and cite numcrous. other. cases to-show | Trow atone time. He was the political the 1] be too great in | 7905S couple arrested in a justice's that 'the person" who holds up his the t the finances of the office, where they had gone to be married. Anadis Ya idly- horror: and "appeals-to the | poet whe wes trying to lead out the | ie Eas ya fall pad. fire de- said beand Madeline were desper- for protect'on, when a Conserva- | 1°ry aad Grit horses. "The former broke t, men living jn the Gre which | **!y in love with esch other. Six hours p Spmdol ang ep tem anno away from him, but the latter tamely sub- | would cost up in the thousands of dollars, | 'ster Mrs. Eliza George came to town with ee wen en tes cee ee ae wee ee ee i Tome wodet | Years ape, Tas omen sald; bit" hopes . Montagu ted | ever since, The moral of the story is in | balf Sid have itieep an yallding died, leaving her his farm and several We do not put forward Sir Richard's | ** *pplication of it. which would also cost heavily. > "ee on condition that she faults as an oxtenuation of the faults of Se Ald. G denied Davideou'g statements Before and after the eld the t administration. We aim at The Mail's idiocy is neither. neve reepecting the fire insuraece Rrades," They were | Man's death Eliza had been assiduously 'that Sir Richard could not rest 7 d.| The Mapor--Plense, Mi G courted by Henry: Stephens. The young eontented until he raked up, scavenger. nor surprising ; :' it ee off alittle 4 . poy gripe ered him, but, under the provisions ~ke, foe - peasone, the. fact of | Violen a b patios fulness are tot pleasant. Put it a lietle pleamater. | Of her father's will, could sot marry. poor, mortal named Young, having, | the orgaii's liver. " Tatent idiotic | Canpree) ao incl sas een Toone provided «way, and Ste- @ few years ago been convicted of v-| screed is, under the guise of a cor- paid tan and So boos phensand Miss George were married under | atolen-wheat in his barn, and who re- respeadent, u the alleged al nad tees ba ghaes Medec eame ok of A. Goodman and Sallie sed'a light sentence for his indiscretion. ck t. in iaopanaisae the siti. | White, For three years they lived to- 'Was this the act of a high-minded, con. Lord pees the erade would y rate %, , two children' being born to them. scientious, scrupalous man? Was it the Irah Te Sedancry What political 'Ald: Mowat repudiated the that he | : Mrs. Stephens tak. act of a man who wished to view with| capital the dismal organ hopes to |.2ad been endeavoring to tush the through, | ing her maiden name and the younger charity each other's faults, "As w make out of the matter, even ad-| horomble. 'The citimettoedd thick the mares | (ult: Whoee name ne. She re- hand in hand, down the sands of Time?" i Mecate ot Centeneat gonld, thinks the couscil | turned to her country home, while Ste- Was it the act. of even an honorable op- mitting that it were true, we are at a had to be sulnitted to' their a phens took the eldest child, nanae ponent ? Deotdedliy not. We find the | los# toconjecture. What Canadiaris | ness transactions of the ¢ity had not'been up to the | Was ue Some -years eter Be Stephens party, raking up old | have "to do with Lord Lansdowne's srengee with etant done Which naturaiky chalienged | "0S, ll ite; saeved ie to the country, buying a farm ad- joining that of Mrs. George. The children grew up together without knowing their relationship, and acon became desperately been and about the wt for years, and was pons i f in love, The parents tried to separate the. impressed. " for fatten Rovtd sie ae be. _ es city, she rent of the | and Henry finally. sloped, and.their arrest. just in time prevented a union between 'brother and sister,--N, Y> Sun, Blake's health has not even yet been fully ie Hemp Carpets. Lace. Curiains, Poles, &e, MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING. In this Department we cannot be undersold, and:shall keep up our reputation of having the _BEST, as well as CHEAPEST, Goods in the Market. A look through cur several Departments will be to your advantage. CHEAPSIDE : Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets, and Clothing. J. DELANEY, Manager. The 'irea Man Again. DECOYS THE ein DAUGHTER OF A M'GILLIVRAY FARMER TO LONDON, WHERE THEY ARE MARRIED--ARREAT- ED ON CHARGES OF ABDUCTION AaXB PENJURY. The quiet villaxé of Clandeboye was greatly excited on Friday over the abduc- tion of a Artemeus c ee township, by the latter's hired -About eighteen "ago- Mr, Bice hired a p+ Sa fellow named James Gilmour, himcaesd oe peered tieawelt see y, however, the f, rg something eles, and f formed the sub f sia _ subject o} The newly- married couple left - once on the 4.25 train for home; and on better part bo og made tracks _at a lively rate, iceapeeciian not, we will en- hten ite England, can affect Canadians, with Ald. Tretheway _ eee mrs Ont.,. May 24, <r y serious fire 'the to- oN ¥. girl, ~ a fight was only Pris tet the tervention of Mr years, to work ae sibt quite in- | the thi A apecies pond | ig country. It is of a Recalies ta... pbtaok assortment of prints. mnicneipameemraons Three Cony icts Eseape. THE HE eeoeReD bX With ay Tke6N han WHEN NE WEXT TO LOCK TR. Delpha,tod.. May 25 5 --Three prisoners in the Monticello jail, Edward Chamber-~ Iain, Albert Benson and Robert Catterson, assaulted sheriff Joseph Henderson and escaped last pight. The sheriff went into the corridor to lock the prisoners in the cella, when Chamberlain struck him down with an iron bar, and all three- rushed into the jail office, smashed a window and jumped. The sheriff's injuries are fatal. Chamberlain is under indictment for mur- dering Etta Wittenbury, his s t, at Kaynolds. Benson and Catterson were tramps awaiting trial for highway robbery, setore leaving all thiee wrote long letters. Chamberlain said the anwholesome atmos- phere of the jail was undermining his health, that this was his only chance for life and that he had done rightin mauris. _--_ "Wig hid awectheart.. ps.sai ntry for miles it ie not thought around is ion and Chamberlain can possibly escape. The sheriff entered the jail with a cocked. revol- ver, bat was cory tre pales wile witnessed the affair. Presenting their Claims. NORTH-WEST MEMBERS AND THE CABIXEY, Ottawa, May 25.--It ia understood come to representation in the ae the continuation of the system by which Cabinet Ministera are chosen yep --_ the older pro- vinces, The claim one and saat be tnand Belies a5 Said = Maai- toba member, speaking to the Empire to- night : "The appointment of a Cabinet M from the moves with us that Sir John Macdonald could make. But aside altogether from its being a question of policy, we are entitled to fag e ask. It stands ude that ia thet while _aetually prey we Commons HH ' Nine Six, 8, 0, May 20:--=A tow ni ago the inhabitants for several miles here were aroused at erom has examined the never found it before in on, e and gays he has = } ago they rained down upon corse every night for six ag emg The as ae hore size of the an rough, with long, pointed, ganz 'tiaw som fet rn BE? the growpd. 4 Will 5 ~ apnly it? gn Fox bascel, nis gory rns and | {sll kinds of sporting. goods, go. to J, H. Dufton's, mot ay abd {at ents to send her to = would repent of "hoe foatioh etme en : bit. Purcell bought bis way | our limited ow f. luman aud hay market, in view of | result verackers occu: in! into' Parliament by the most barefaced : oe bh Naat) day. i originated in a barn - adjoining Dongle, of Ingersoll. On Fridey. th caneReree «_ RBpesyoracess fTiarse |dtwana ford annenn hw a | termes ee tO | Jee ook | br aloe wo kde ce] A Rely Kled by a cat, Ia . | ten! * soon in flames, € private residence o: tensibl of bavin e soem The notorious I-bet-you-Cook is another | doubtedly; while: he occupied the | hs amendment was icet 3 pevik:| Mrs." Yan. Dazen pe son pext ostens eniitvind. huss te--teae Saalelaed tok _ Prom the Mdwaudee Review, of eet -- ee *e-| position of ~Governor-Geéneral - of | eon, Hicg, Trethewsy, mothe eye = al caught, foHowed by the. entire n | them that they would have to resort to a| _ T5elittle three days' old child of Henry d oe gnc =. Canada, wou the esteem and admira- Payne, Pratt, Douglas, iitwon, Mowat, MePherina., ol the txe charches, ish Matho peeps be. Gage er, living on ora aie Lavra neater sion -of all: patsioGie C Wel The Mayor cast his vote with the Fist, Shege lat casting oter ---- Me- then-had pa eamicus Med Sot GB ts fly at ; n Es tm d blacksmith shop} mour'n arrest, ¢ m with « ig, by no means jeana TUB aUh, we have have given in. } are not eam that there should ae osha Taztitoa nert-went. Total Jove, $18,000; insurance, intr aul pertety= the letter charge Selon sucking. its breath. fhe- mother shances Ways: S68; o-isr taiset Wace Sint cares witiarsoding that Dr. Montagu has been ead when we a know. 'the a eniat larkworthy, f Davideoa, Gordon, Hixg, Tretheway, | gt'Tona Saale: was man waeey destroyed' by } years of sine, wths eictank een iva to for the set fal saree -- sheer ex- : » thmuled.oser-thd coals," by. Grit juriateon | ae meee bt: AME: Ay at] tire aboat ane. o'eh clock. yesterday morning, |-Detective- John A: -Geaham; and-was:ex- | en tI two eceesions tothing ot an lege rare | a se Siagp rapa a risen, 94 ft: email rite aia 4 8 cad te Sets igus Central st Galion djoin' | ental Pride cight weet 7 oelosk | Oke Mine "ying. epee "the chil' breast ag m. He bea: | ro n_of Israel grumble were aprsiniadi nee the ing had a narrow escape frcm "hen the ape hs she bay a ucing 'about their the wilderness ?} "the chen: i believed to be about $10,000. Gilmour imed.him.as att oe away, Did riot the snakes bite them ; a A DROWNING AT BRUSSELS: re latter drew a 42 caltbre wis sre ony came he" peousencel ie Fguratively speaking, .we fane ; Col May 25.--G fight. Graham. knocked: bie snakes iin the boo lin bestt« A ere ee Seid a are ad eh toe ee Bil: | Gown and took the weapon from him ; but o in the boots) have. a resent cold here I Jingu» Fe Soe eines town, was found | he states that when he reached he ED HIM WITH «M TROx Ra. 'ting their coils" about the' turn-coat | had three res frozen. We Malt : ag aut theriver | was encountered by a large mob, who at iphia, Ark., May 25 --Arthur and have been biting | him, too.* The, ard'a, -Xedi r-O in the house and } tt sos coe a rate er iz re tempted to take sagt -- Sager him, but & begro, aie eee e "for thebitet with results, Wm. Mack- Sich tack: Ged had & from thet ail to no purpose, ¢ prisoner was | ¢,) his lain a = par or a hig' eden J eh 1 oc Miss Bice whe save she will never submit te fon ds : of the kind, Se Gena cf spyetit: im your horse