Stratford Times, 30 May 1888, p. 5

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overs, | NOVELTIES. | ~ CARPETS AND CURTAINS. a 'One: cok Clothiers. >it -- iercage . 22 A t _ Have € nt ve etd Iwo Cases re LADIES BOATING AND Readymade Clothing, bought at a considerable discount ; * from former Prices. You can er gTAIyS. eapect b When we }- ~FENNIS GAPS JUST~ RECEIVED. | say Dargains We mean if, ant] _ ) 7 | . oRICE O / or Ges when ven ase| dak gue "PRI S WILL BE FOU ND THE LOWEST. you s4y SO. When you sce | k fresh and l a - -- = ---- le ef ney . t} ile -- | the Beautiful Suit, ull | fresh goods and consequen w-eustomers, fur theresa meg : _ ene ds displayed taste. ress ai. ; t. £22 5 wo offs cAlling |. ' | at $3.50, worth $5.50 dal P Our Braid ( ~ ; Te wees Fine fweed Suit, well made jo ---- a -- _-- - 7 = ) : _ . : - ; C1088 is eT! wt LPR eehad SOUS wees ; t oD : and trimmed, at $5, worth | Dres Matorial* rated with their companionable Trinny W t Tem A ica 5B ud of ¢ M =| on $7.56. We have the Largest ;* ' 7° R rs sl Bs . ie ie See: i ' ets, Grlove i Ley { I th 7 mn Stock and the Greatest Var- | es at our sules have cn ed [= = = iety of Ready-made Clothing | three-fold. For instance our sale . = 4 [| ' -- - ' -- Sie = Ea es: . . = = e4 -- H ot. tie: OnE e - este, ane lary, 1888; were double the same month in 1887. { <q = : : = B the universal verdict of accel February, 1885S, were three-times the same month in 188 --=-- -- -- ---- | who have visited our store - March, 1888, double the same month in 1857. that we are selling Suits $2) ' oa a =) a . : = ' desig f What does this prove? It proves that choice and reliable goods, fair Enghsh Wiltons. English Velvets. English Brussels, in designs to $3 less than ever before | | prices, and courteous treatment have triumphed over what was said to be suitable for Drawing-Rooin, Parlor, Dining-Rodm, Library, Bedroom, and Hall, with : 7 . NE « aad re iz., the tivang tion of our store. '. . . . *,s - sold in Stratford. En insurmountable-disadvantage, viz., outlying po n of o r Stair and Border to match, English Tanestry.--various qualities, from 30c. per Fj i Suit Je! N MO Y=" MAY 1st yard to the best Goods made, with Borders and Stairs. Union and Wool Kidder- ine all-woo uits made --- Oo ND! = =L3 ae : . tat % = - ~ ' minster Carpets. Dutch Stair Hemp Carpets. Imperial Mattings, to order from $10 up. Hats, | We will os counters an immmenen" pordasg of Sommer Silke and Rugs and Mats. Oil Cloths, in all widths and qualities. ILincleums, in - . j e wi ono sounters at ui ise MircHase OL Hult SuKS Aan : Caps and Men's f urnishings | ¢ tin Mavees Hicux. The price will tempt you. We are sure you canrot various qualities and designs, suitable for Halls and Bath-rooms. Remember, this "at Rock Bottom Prices: - resist "buying: Strmmer bike; -6Ge.--werh.Jsc....5atiuMerveillicur (all) mi iterial is a non-c¢dnductor of heat or cold, and very dura ble. 'Phe Balk of our immense | shades), 60c.--worth S5e. and $1. The Lace Trimnied Parasol at $1-25-/jmportations of Catpets this spring is from the celebrated mills-of JOHN CROSSLEY { rarieaty f 'sty 1) 2.50 'a setlinge ve reely PS ' ra r . + . . arn . + A large variety 'of Men's (worth 2.50) are setimg:very freely. & SONS, Yorkshire, England, who are the largest manufacturers of Carpets in the Underwear in. Cotton, Ball-! brigat,* Natural-Cashmere; { t ' } Etc., all sizes and prices. | | Thornton & Douglas, THe Oxr' Price Gaorkians, D. N. HOGG & C0, NEXT WALSH BROS. -- Beware of th the 'Rares. SAD FATE OF AN AMERICAN GIRL WHO MAR- RIED _A. FOREIGN SWINDLER--A.- SIN- GULAR HISTORY OF FRAUD RUTION AND RETEI- COMING! COMING |! HOWES A. MACNAIR & col Announce the arrival of the Spring Styles of Carpets and Curtains, and invite all ] Stock of Carpets held by any one house west of Yoronto, imported direct from the best manufacturers in Europe, cmbracting every novelty iu the peace --gnatiey being-eensiderel, AU 2 world, and in presenting them to the critical public we do so with the full assurance that they cannot be equalled in Style, Quality nor Price by any house in Europe or America: URTAINS! Lace Curtuins,--an immense variety to select from. Madras Curtaina, in great variety. Embossed Fancy Opaque Windows Shades. Madras Muslin: Raw Silk, and various other Material in Tapestry for Curtains, ete. Buyers of Carpetings and Curtains should examine our Beautiful Stock, [4° Orders from Parties living at a distance will * New York, May 23.--A morning paper be promptly and carefully executed, says: Another instance of an unhappy girl ands tite. foreigner han jut Been ° Pins MACNAIR nad CO. ien ubenne Zio cer i En ch inearanes com epeuine, ' soon ad tae fashionable weddings-that took place in | Brotipn anata tat of 'Mics Hee , Real Estate Exchange SPO R' | ING GOO DS. Thurber to the Dace Scheurer, of the ] yo cay At the time of the = ° WAS BAC LJ ro wreto = family and thas he first sagt Mise Tharber List of Properties for Sale A F ull Line col Spaulding's jn Paris. ney aft.¢ the ceremony | § per ' E the couple weat ab utin six weeks ' Base Balls, Bats, Gloves, Masks, tc.' ani es eid eet was DENERTES. M a d . t er $1, 250, peaaeres building ae <p ined ; sok in Serena," bn-ean. a. oetaiine exican and Wild Wes Exposition. . Also a Large Stock of Harwood's Baseballs, cheaper ef the first water, Julienne Metz is the For those chaice lote & 7, 9 and 10 than Spaulding's, and equally as good. A large spachber of s Gallsian arpen'es. eee The Only Big Show Cc Coming to Stratford $1,0 000. og drontine 0 Contre, St, Vincent and -- 4 ball ves y f & --_-- S cqec-- in IST, -when--10 -yente;--ahe- wes this Seas Season, 1000 2 aula i ce a ameszaee ciate cadet pe pigeon oe a Woman ned aca tha bail yossieaee™ --_ Lacrosse Sticke, all kinds, Cheapest Goods in the City. . ef head chambermaid in the Hotel Con- Cricket Goods. ; Croquet eordia at Bucharest. In this ane Jul- s 40 to 8600, for 79 other: yond walling lota Express Wagons, Doll's Carriages. A jenne made the acquaintance of Viptor j Sotelo ory ay termes as Wheelbarrows. Small Carta. | Von Scheurer and eloped with him } "Von Scheurer took Julienne to Vienna end c..for a a "young ° lad: e 7 teeminary, << where- med aa ny of Paoline Johnesco. e from the seminary and brought is, Ue lived with her only time for his pecuniary means wore fapidly diminishing. From Par NE CAME TO AMERICA, On October Sth, 1878, in Brooklyn, he married Miss Tharber. Julienne, who was in constant pr ae with him, had pon the mm: secured a place as gover- ness in Paria. After a few months Baron P and Mrs. Sheurer are Helen Thurber re- FRIDAY. JUNE 1st fed down i sold to partion who Skipping Ropes. Jap Kites. BOYS' VELOCIPEDES. With Steel Wheels 4 Sizes, from $3.7 75 up. Lower than you can bay them away from home. that handecese new. baick house |. one 500 .. For on Gmage treet een asthe Knox | au wie, "stable ; sheles Vocal | half acre. $1,000 See treehere miatiaed ae 'TRO -- Selling very" $2,500: tr sive wen zee | BADY Carriages "cheap. cellar and stable wGaed healthy locality. Will in- J. H. DUFTON, No, 1 OUD ALBION BLOCK: Nelson $1, 200 & er : : ties as leeality near new G. ni hs Por_a new trame onions <4 Huron ocality BS t, 5005. m. Very large stabi CITY BOOK STORE. turned to: Paris, and. Jnlienne. was taken o price hia been offered twice tor the seopert "Rail ics. - NOW AT THE FRONT to iate their heme, tbe Baron introducing her to his wife cs his niece and ward. In Paris the marital relations of Baron Scheurer and the former Mies Thurber lasted only six weeks. Sh sy Baron had --squend+red much of her money, and she could not of woukl not sup ply ly Kim tith any more, and Be consequently sent her back to this conn Sabee: quently Scheurer and Jalienne Metz entered into a cos aepitacy to awindle insurance companies, and. succeeded in getting $50,400 for themselves, and €10. 000 for aus ex parties, it 'having been repire- | wented th a ER W/® PYAD, In April, 1885 Sebeurer became a natar- * glized subject in anada-under the -name fp? -@F Clarence: Percy' Reper, and some time + gfterward-he.iarticd the Metz woman in England The Baron abd Julienne lived we Mr. and Mts. Roper. in -various places in Europe, jnore. rezentiy in Vienna, The defrauded companies quietly renewed their investigation and tht pair waa discovered. Seheurer ese caped to Italy where he blew his brains out, wud Mies Metz was sentenc- ed two four'y years' im aprisor 'nihent. Ler? usa HY wil: DEAD. on, Mry 24 rspatch from In- hours' fighting the Thibetans retreatec '"Jeaving 160 dead. The British loes wae k ae | ; three kikted-wnd seven wo > Lond "dia sats that 3,000 Teles (aeently at- tacked Grateny, which ix eee liy at British force, and tat after sex cra ; The Mighty Mammoth Monarchs. Universally Proclaimed by Press and Public to be the Greatest and-Grandest Conglom- oration of Startling and Attractive Wonders Ever Exhibited Under Canvas. 10-: Big Shows in One-: 10. The Grand Free Street Parade Takes Place at 10 a.m. > Cheap, Bxcursian } a alas on ONE TICKET ADMITS TO 1 TO ALL ADVERTISED SHOWS. 25 cy BNO fi Ay a2 P ail Railroads. STAI nal NE --_-- pf Date, 265. ' For a-large ge orey frame hou $2,100 and two Canada Co. lots on Huro street. Godd 'chance © te buiki. CHEAP > SIMON 'WAS REMOVED -T3O-------- $8 50°! Pbt-a-ti-wtorey frame house and tos on. north sid: of -Norman street. One ef the des: jes fa the cit les Ee vave| HESSON'S OLD STAND. tity limita. beh Market. Street, Stratford. The store has been refitted throughout, and is now one of the---best-business_places_in the City. He will commence {giving you bargains right. away. | vo Suits worth $18 "for $9. Pants, from $1 to $3.50. If a fit cannot be secured, the Goods will be made to order at same price, Separate apartment in which to try-garments on. = ietle f house and lot $600 peed, = 3 urxe t two-story frame house $1, oy near the 5 ta school, > te 13 Hotes Wanted. at once Sox Parties settle here, fouses and Stores to Reat =" L ease, mneyrto Lend on easy} \, Terms. % ; MURRAY. Stoggneeren . (GHEAP SIMON, *_ Fence Bedrgom' Sets and Tea Sets, ©" 1. ~ Flesson's Old Stand, Market Street Senutent: cheap, at carps tmeneeleate whe ty : ; intending 4} purchasers ts exanine then offerine ee bees seeetere thre sd ares Pees reeteeny OF FICE--Upstairs 'te Hesson Butlding ae ee wha Se ES ing, Saat ie 9 SO -Eebeg: you: = comesto:spe me; 204 See: for yours aes ole sieatton'. April 24, 1868. 'T can do. ae

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