Stratford Times, 30 May 1888, p. 8

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POS SHAKESPEARE. Our old friend, Mr.George Minchin, has a unigenemnes in our 'advertising ,col- to 'waggons, to furnish wagyonus, made mality of materia!, and war- eat running and = dar ngly low rates. Mr. M. is pewiact and ¢ can supply wide or narrow ties at the prices, Good, buggies py democrats always on hand, and first- gAulios made to onder, = ATTWOOD. Mr.'Gay who was injured in Listowel, reported last week, is moving around Mr. McBain"s new white brick resi- dence wili be the finest in the place when ; mill and barns were raised last ing appear. ance, the barn being 190 feet in length. Fhe wei eae ne lbs. were put in aie Hamilton haat to have him > adver _is CY fow wi je | ee --. Furniture. PARLOR eRe SviTrs lDINING-ROOM SUITS, Every Other Class of : Furniture, | VERY CLOSE PRICES: Mm rd seb Us -- oo 'ELLICK. ant Drarn.--A fatal accident occurred in Text; "Yertdeath of Frederick, the 14-year-old son of Mr. Wim, Bau mbach, fro from the effects unmanageable, bh oe = the bard gravel road arid skidded fcr a number of rods. He uc "arid to the house, but after most death. ensued pafoes Dr, ranieet. Theestentot ary was gieat ; his head and face was- terribly bruised and cut, and nearly all his rib: were broken. Deep sympathy i ia felt a Mr. Baumbach and his family in the sad misfortune with which they have met, in which Tux Times joins. HAYSVILER. On Friday week the sad n came to Haysville, that Mra, W. R. Plum had passed away toher rest. Mr. and Mrs. Plum were the oldest inhabitants of Haysville, Resten tee there for fifty years. They of the winter in Guelph and at the time of her was staying at her sons in New Hamburg. The fun- = took place on Sunday at New Ham- burg and the people of Haysville end vicinity <r to pay nd last ts for one they had know a0 well, ra ftom taves eight children = bce We in life,.one an aed seven daugh kh. an ew ao Mae MAD- oe Casey iel of of Hamburg, Mra. Green of Rid pati, Mrs. Blatchford of Haysville, Mrs cd and Mrs Flowers. of New Hamburg, aud Mrs: Dr>-Nicot of MITCHELL. Onrrcany.---We-reported last week that Mra. Pugh Melntyre was on the mend, _ it was omg the change that generally mes before déath, for we had scarcely ot on press: before the silver cord was anapped. The deceased lady was never very strong, but up toa -- days prior to her death she was in sual health She had been a resident of 'Mitchell for 2 2 3 rs, and was highly respected by all who knew her. Her death will be deeply mosrnetl, not only by her own 'family, to whom she was devotedly attached, but by hesta of idende who admired het wl her unassuming disposition, kind d Christian character... Nowe 'ill. m miss "her more, however, than her widowed husband, who has been left_ alone, and "with whom she had spent 48 years of the happiest portion of her life. To him and his family'we extend our heartfelt sym- "pa hy Ad vocals. MIL} "ERTON. The fourth quarterly meeting of the Milverton circuit of the Methodist charch was held on the 7th inst., at which a large representation of the was present. -- the general business was transacted the following resolution was Uae so unani- mously by boa olved, that this board approve of ie ps in which the business of this circuit bad been managed and administered during the last 'three years under the care.of the pastor, the Rey. Christopher Hamilton, and would pray Almighty Godto direct yout being appointed to the circuit where the blessing of God will follow your labors in leading any from nature's darknes "to the mar- vellous light, as haa been your privilege on thiscireuit."" With the removal o' Hamilton from this circuit the church will po nogaay aloss which will be hard to re- , as he has been a faithfal pastor and a genial, goo yd-hearted friend The circuit thet secures him for tho nezt term will be tortunate. Oar loss will be their gain. a. 5 RLM Ase A Sav Casz.--Some months ago a daughter of Mr. Jos. Rozelle, = -- years was a resident ima 'township, lett home for Stratford and there made the acquaintance of a young man who is saidio have ruined her. Arriving home a few weeks ago she became ill and died suddenly. Suspicion pointed er of giving her some drug her death and he was arrest- ed but pg to go wt bail. On ries otk Hostile was in good hea' <ecta of poets. The affair has poate & great | of surprise and sorrow in Aboks A CALL "SOLICITED. [W. HEPBURN, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, 60 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD, "ea sa Stratferd, May 73, 1883. 646. a -- BIRTHS - leer bre! Sieatbord, on the th inet, the wife Kelly, (tanner), of « so RICHARDSON -- In this city, on "ay " g8th, the ifeof G. A. Richardson, L. D. 3, Ontario str . COLLINS---In Avon Ward, mertford, on May 19, The wife of Alex by ota ROWLAND n Elma, on the rath Tati. the wife r. George Rowiand, of a so KLEM?--In Attwood, on the "ath ef May, the wite of Jaco Kiemp, butcher, 'of a Gaoghter, a tm May #ind, St. Marys, the wife of M. J. of a -- tr. LEIMIARUT , On the 7th oat, the wife of the . Leinba ardt, of a BOY D--In & one on 'tee: 18th inst., the wile 'of Mr. 28nd inst., the wife H. Meyer, of a SIPs ay Zird, on con. os Wallace, the wife f Jas. Sespe m, of a sm MARRIA GES. DU gt ag -SHE LDUN--On the 15th inst., by the co bride's father, on the om inst., by the Kev, I. peg Mr. George Y. Donal ecomnt- ant, to Miss Annic Paton, both of Listowel AIKENS--HENDRY--In the nst., at the residence A the beide's a father, by the it Rev. A. F. Tully, . Aikens, of Chi- cago, = > Lizzie, po ay iam ghter of Mr. James BREDIN- 'ierey RN--At the re:idesce of the Picton, Alexander Hepburn, architect, of Strat DEATHS . CATHER--In Stratford, on Saturday, May 2th pet , Harriet Ann Cather, aged 3» years. Her ce. Her rer aains were taken te Tore nto for buria TURNBULL--In Elma, on the wet Inst, Elen TT eal, | ee yearsand 1 month, mother Elina, and hebert etl Joba Jurah wl, ith con., Turnbuil, of Stratford. anDeneos ia Silver Grok, | Mas., on the 30th jngt., Mer-Jdotns #3 + three South mot iths and 26 daya. {Deces eased ¢ in Sebastapol school, - jag ther-in-iaw to Turnbull, at Stra i ¥ y tt, a tie Cherry Grove; Loals" PEaKe la sincceeel, May Pe Sycare the 19th, John BAGL- ch., onthe Mth inst, q End of St. Marys, and » aged 55 years, poh Me 7 th 3 mo Ann, ears. beter of ar. miomth and I " Kobe 10 days. wt ath, aa years, 1 THE M. ARKETS. STRATFORD --W -- oy bu per ¢ 9, Red Seine Whest " '26. 6.50, *otatoes (vax), 1.15 @ 1.7 aaa (bag), 100 @ 1.25 Beef per &, 4 @ 6. Mut- Dressed oi, 00 te OU MITCHE ELL -- -- Whe heat, lee 80 @ & ley, 60 = a os oO. EK eee 4 Sete, (bac), 90 @& 1.00. 80 2 82. ae . @a4 Hay, 7.00 Eggs, 9 'ot --Fall Wheat,--Red, | * = 1. Fall @ %, gy to decen. '90 #@ 100, 20. ,ue 10°@ 11: per x _ May per ton, $00 @ & 0. : es 640 te 610. per long, ® @350 Weel, 20 @ 21. ST. ant a Wheat r --_ Spring Wheat, Darley, 30 ks Onis 4p 40. Flour pe Potatoes 1 @ 2. lay per ton, 3.00 @ 4.50. SUICIDE AT BRANTFORD. tford, May 25.--Mr. Thomas Hall, wee. Paras Ware "Well ROW ee i greatly respected, A Proweza's Worx rh --On footer wate at her son's residen on the 4 con, of Elma, Ellen, the wiaee of the late at the advanced age 3 McLaurin, at the residence -S Mr, Weliby 'stration' Raad, ward, Me. WE). . ---- COP Weak "Risso, to Mine reer . Sheldon, 6 East beet NC THIG= At Wellesley, on on the 15th inst. "eo ot x er Helm, of Mussel: ns See Huth, of New Haraburg. DONALUSOS PaTO residence of the pu FAAYE 10% opcne] their. Rooms, ... ad been of unsound mind» for some suicide t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 66 f +B] Ya, Ha Ha. Ya, Ha Ha. Troubles you." Everybody minding their own Busi- ness facilitates the doing _ of Business. (This is original--not to be copied.) UYur business to buy good goods at close prices, mark them in plain figures on eloae margins, then stick to our price--as we do. | Our business to let you know the facts. we say is true, Your business to join the happy throng vinik vor place of "Business | welling the number. _ are being daligh- ted with the This will be a great week in the millin- nd small wares. If ours before | 4 do so. Value not excelled in the city. BUNTING & SCOTT, Dry Goods Specialists. IDINGT TON'S S BLOCK, Market-St. Cornice Poles * At 15 per cent. Discount from | already Close Prices. ery, ole, = you t think of _buyi q Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, And Everything in the Furni- ture Line, CHEAP... THE BEST $9 Extension Table, In the Market. Bradshaw ®: & CO.'S, Furniture Dealers and Under- ers, 1, B.and 5, Ontario. Street. Stratford, May 50, 1959. Musical Instruction. Signor Caratu, w with Profs. faker ond Andersen, In Idington's eae over Roger Robirts' Mus store, For the reoeption of ale in the various bran f Voeal Cultu fano, Organ, Violin, Viola Cello, String Bars and Guitar Harmony Composition pt ne also tanght, is pupils being received iogly orine rr o" er further information, a ROGER W. ROBERTS, Manager. Stratford, Mav 29, 1638. 647-tt SEA KESPEARE WAGGONS. HE.U rigs pone D having seer very best quality o f Oak Lumber poe prepared to furnish the above celebrated Wag sons at LOWEST PRICES, and can warrant them to be -the Lightest Running and Most Durable in Canada. Wide aaa ~ Tires always in stock. I also -- to ORDEt Satay and Spring Waryons, with New National Steel Tubular Eaton ling 5 ome, le ever "irivented, and. whieh are nted to run eighteen hundred' miles without "te-diling. Baggies -" eats ane in Stock, t Bottom nepetrin of all an rity ¥ ae to. Trotting Sul kies Bailt to i _ GEO. 'MENCEIN, Shakes Shakespeare, May 30 1438. « ay ae last last night by hanging himself with a slight cord from two clothes -- atthe bedroom to Iris. NOTICE. > / ; incites GEALED TENDERS | ADDRESSED TO THE undersé: "Tender tor In- Bi SCENES IN GRANTSTOWN, | LAZY AND CONTENTED BLACKS OF What" Jolly tines these Be. | " Never Trouble Trouble til] Tronhle. bargains we offer, and the , siratght ap -and-ap way ws 05 Sur Business, ent ches ' geo a moving crowd, THE BAHAMA ISLANDS. } Market Day, Saturday Evening in a Su- re Sf Fase -- wen, Wore "arene _ dren Gossiping with Gusto--Visit to * penny Ball. Market day at Grantstown is in the event. ing, and on a Saturday at that. Over the hill on a star lit night--they shine town. As you go down the slope tittle ve of flame appear beyond and the hum of ---- ant.wgices, till in a short time you almost continuous ow of .cabins on on either side, and this is Grantstewn---not our G | Grant's but another Grant's a Sir Somebody, ' time governor of all the Haha: | under Water and just above it, ore Grants! | town is a colored suburb of Nasau and lies! The little flames ina hellow ~+t, } jen as you approach, and you find on a ! flat stone for a hearth, a litter: #1 ashes andi ita, Hke, and squatting on the ercamel beside ¢ach old wenches, toothless and sere, a child or so. and the market titthe | Five sweet potatoes sell for 'a copper, joni J.R. Williamson &Co., EXCLU SIVE MERCHANT TAILORS, _ ae | nn OW Weights. ME NWS FURNISHERS | 65 ONTARIO STREET. Real Blarney Tweeds, Irish Serges, and Scotch Cheviot Suitings | me--NEW GOODS FOR 2: SUMMER SUITINGS. Stig cme' ne Ee he ae ee JSR. ._Styles--in- be ust Received. WILLIAMSON" & CO. gumbo pods em a farthing, four little red = yper for a check (a check is! one and cmphail penny); f Guinea corn (a sort of broom corn seed), | | white maize from the out islands, cow peas, = cups yal _ ones nuts, peanut bp kes, dark bread. oranges, ere | aia in its vase coat, rarely a banaik' ofte a yam like a log of wood, | bundles of black eee seed roots for fuel, ere check. this harly seoms to be food, put only relish, Where are the solids, the substantials! nn, bread, butter, ete.! Not any : Grantstown! | MEN, WOMEN AND CIILDREN. You go on to find the crowd thicken and the noise of voices increases. road, the blacks--men, women and --jostie and joke, gossiping children tea party without any te "How do! massa! hopes yo well?" "Yo! tak yor | "Bos g 'me copper, I'se pore! No! das awt: right! waak /" "What's that? Souse, massa!' What's .{ souse! Oh, youd dat's pig's head, 'n sour 'n A darkey »robably pe Sed sae ae in Se ife. with. us" A Reemuiile ic Marriage, IN WHICH A TORONTO To YOURO MAN PLAYED for one TRAE LEADING ROLE, 'Ohio, May 25.--The fair Slev: little tied 7 hasntes of Toronto could have had nocharm | young man ron in that city. | Ait At any rate-he-ap y "found none of | them to his taste and came to Cleveland to | find bim a wife. in vected with this circumstanc A -- story is con- tw ------ bc abeut through corres- 'ponden In Toronto, "Canada, lives Wm. Young, a matter- of-fact young man, Crowding the tine since, took it inte lis head that it who, some would be the proper thing to get married. Throw ial alliance, -- gh some means or Pleas' the Lawd, Tse the address of Miss Nellie Mature, a young lady livi Huron st. in this city, an ' evenin' wank? .Tak' me wid nae oes Sara -- ed . with justo, A . a stated, the sToronto girl appeared not chaMiing and scandal tattting--an outdoor), pave fully come up to his requirementa. ot ce lear e was open to on- WROTE TO HER, tailing yd amount a. ent dice pos- seas ions, etc. person ce, 0 doon-kno' datt--W ~ lek fair Cleveland tai reupoudied paren cavating for salt," and after a-f DISASTER AT MONTREAL. TERRIFIC EXPLOSION AT THE GA8& OR Lrive MEN KILLED AND SEVERAL re SUME FATALLY --THE BUILDING A TOTA, WRECK, | Moatreal, Que., May 28.--An explosion | at the Montreal (in: mpany's at Hochelaga has neha csteaded with con- siderable - of life. Most of the bodies were only slightly bruises are au | po sed to oe died from suffocation, One poor --_ had his chest completely crush- ed ou he bas. was crt pairs, ca the men who were painting on the roof were blown fifty fect in the air, but esca serious injury j itself is a total wreck ; pillars remain standing. blown sheds "The bricks were OO feet on all sides, and outbuildings of Street Railway, which are in close prox- imity to the retort, were somewhat dam- aged, but with this exception buildings in "Yo' no by o' me! das right! Yo' tak' a asking her to correspond with him, and the tarnediiate vicinity have not suffered, excepting through breaking of windows. A large gang of men are hard at work ex- i the body of a i to-have beenin the interior --of nd this then. sas the one lux photo were.exchanged. Both wore. building when the srpouee took place, at sixpence o teacup 4 Grentstuea ot oe with the likenesses, the young It is said the explosi cau bed bellyfal of | jiady being - particularly taken with a leak of gai Detonitg tent ted h asonic apron which _ Toronto man. Which one of the men toolishiy pot in- ~ Alte: wore while his. Tare #0 ont white and en? in Grante-| 'about two months had bees whiled away ge are scarce, small an gia sells for a penny. uxury, and probably a bushel would giut the market But for all the dirt, rags black; quarter 'in epistolary courtship, the young man ion They are another 'formally proposed for her hand, she ac- | It is generally believed that t mm, explos at the gas ae na age *f gas, and that while enneridoniog were , and-he wrote that he would arrive Seare hing: for it the catastrophe occurred. and here last Wednesday to claim his bride. squalor there is somethin 1g in the ring of th | There was considerable nervousness in the iii toons h indicates anything but miseasy-- tentmont anda wealth of animal wondered if her lover genuine likeness, wondered it he had de- i" vi sit Grantstown when the sunis up and ceived her as to tched cabins stick to his reted with On W sa evening see the -- wz! oo the tha + embow mbing vines, en the nt cocoanut palm scored with all goon trees golden with orangés and the sis, Ih ead, green 7 Everywhere the warm enfolding sunlight - the soft air, breezes that clothe and shel- ; | 'Work--hore? Ah! that's vulgar; idleness is Virtue, ad nakedpess is classic, -- A. FHRREEENAY BALL. The tingle of a triangle, rapidlyestruck, at- tracts me to the corner house, where, through | window openings, guiltless of sash or giass, I At the door Iam met) by "Gi? me trup'ence, massa, an' I dawnce |* wid yo'"," from the mouth of a buxom wench. | "Go way dere! [se propritary ob dis ball;! doon gib her ony trup'ence, massa ; gib it me!" ! This from a burly black in a cast off suit may be one cf $10 suits; three-quarters o' some time ago, and a hat once a beaver, but! now literally a crushed hat, quite appropri-' ate for a bail. roofed cabin, about 10x12 feet, crowded wi both ECxes, all smoki ing and somerhat co Mariango (a country dance), In dancing or in waltzing the movement is all in_ the hips, but little of feet or knees--a sort-of wi as if unce meg whether to dapee or give it up. "Yea, t Monda' ober mel Satday" Want dawnes yo" sef?- Only -trup'enoe fo' Maranzo and six- pears for de walze. Dis mos' speck 'ble. egies in Grantstoyti. Ma name, W. H. ¢ rm dis ma keefid (handing me his name ser: iba with pencil old almanne Gwine Das riht; kur fine; i nox, boss! nodder tim #long."--*F. 8." in Detroit Free Press. Origin of the Water € 'lock. The clepsydra, or water cloc 1 confess ed with stoping ot the o than Greece, about 450 B. have been far from catisfi this half-way house in seek of this instrument, I bav and what have found, if nothing, is at least suggestir dives .in-- "we eoubt - "ont we shorhd ace 'efloating| in 4 bucket of water a cocoanut shell having) for re. i by slow degrees finds its way inte tho » HOW er 2° 'house on nst. The prospective bride had sent her a is age,' and would still bargain after he had seen her. THE STRANGE LOVER ARRIVED, ter fruits, great shaddock's bigger than one's 'and, knocking at the door of Miss There the brawl; deop cut bread fruit fort's residence, asked for her, saying that sun loaves. tre came to make her his wife. couple thea looked one another over critically Mef- youn met for the first time and The young man was satisfied with his aare of the bargain, but the young lad quite so considerate. . - him for some time, and it begaa to-look as Ty laf bachelor. and the wedding --, Thursday evening. not She Wellied with g would go eronto-a to" ht last' Miss gros relented, took place on e bappy paic took the train this morning fae Toronto, te A Web-Foot Girl. IT CAME TO PASS THAT HER TOES WERE SUPPLIED WITH WINGS. A gentleman living i in Albina tells Eola, "unually making sport of web-feet. | waza, compound fracture of the ieg She took every occasion to ridicule Bec hands and face itherr manners, customs "and 'Habits, th ntly her wid her to. beware, Preqty ly he threepence paid admits me oa the Aibing Courter -man-of 8 girl 'born pt Eola, near sists of tambourine, tri angle: iwhord is web- footed for -2 fact. and accordion. The music is quick timo: the girli is now nine'een years of aze, and | dances are the quadrille, the waltz, and tke ives at a little N. Shortly gic, When her parents her we dawneesebery evenin' from comer to the Pacific coast was cone! Independence, The f. ee town on the O. R. before her berth, and were residing at | mother, who was a new- neighbors laughing- for she -was iiable to_ raise a fammly of web-feet jherself. Undoubtedly some of these retorts , in itssimegaused a. deep lest form, is traced by histeris ars no fart rlinind. At any ithing the mother enquired about impression on her rate about the first iwhen the child 'was born was in re- ught farther, gard to the baby's feet. conclusive of}her surprise and disgust the infant If, taking, iwas found to be web-fco'ed. vteps During Much to the girl's childhood. the Seculiaritns of her lower extremities asmal! pe srforation, thre mg which the water| were well known among her neigh- inte ibors, but since she has attained wo- A policeman says that just befure the ex- 'wena a fitter was secn tyking a lighted amp into the building Ha doubtless i in- cautiously approached the tank, was charged with gas, and all the incidents -- ef the explosion are thus accoutited for. sible that the walis of the preg d gas- ometer are so shaken that a large portion of them will have to be taken«iown. Phe explosion was felt for a long distance, many residents in the West. & avi felt the shock distinctly, pe their houses having been shaken. n? excitement in the whole of the East Hod was -y t. The scene presented while the bodies Were being removed was very pathetic. The moans of the mimes men, lying partly n_ the water and partiy on the heres sur- com were pitiable in-the extreme:--Ae-one after another wai brought to thean' they were recognized by their fea -- | had congregated around the Man asob could be heard while a or other relatives of the men were eagerly stooping over the heap of brick and iron, anxiousl waiting for news from the bottom, whic would bring " or ae to thelr hearts. John Angel, ee $3 years Samuel Bell, aged "yours Samuel McAflee, aged 20 years -- Angel, a brother of the first mentioned, aged 3S,and a young man nam ed O'Brien. ~The bodies of the two latter pare still wader the debris. WOUSDE ~The wounded men at the hospit "y are:-- 27; an Indian of Caughna- ull, burner j and handa, and badly bruised leg; George | Fisher, 24 years, residing on Notre Dame | strest, {rightfully burned and fatally in- jured; Tome Steacy, 27, Indian of Sees sore legs. en are not anpented ty live, . John Cal. hoan and Terence Donovan are at the / General yew baal burned and suffe ing from internal injaries. James We rm Angas Williams (indieb), and Loi Gareau are also Py ly barned bat others escaped wit bh afew scratches, ' cancaniiier or gas holder itself was'@ last fall and cost about $110,000, Ithwus sotrounere by a brick = with/ iron . The "Yank" fil water in whisk the holder floated, was "120 feet in diameter and 28 feet deep. The walls of the tank were of brick, laid in cement, = midst of this tank ao iron holder float- rising or falling as the gas was left in 'The-ho having the . Messrs. Laidiaw & Co. It was I fico in diameter, rose 50 feet and a of 700,000 cubic feet of gas. The cage root Domini mental sbetration he had been. of | dian will be tecaived at thie rior. . This orifice is so proportioned tha was specially constructed by the Robert Turnbull, died great thriftiness, being proprietor~of the noon on HURSDAY, Sth JUNE, i868 for the de- | ghell wil! fiiland sink in 4 hour, 'whan * the manhood the fact has been carefully Bridge (Co. The gasometer was coniected ot caveniy-Taee Years. "t Se Oe fo re OUner Pro | tag soth J e, 1889, ferried Year ent Tan on watch calls the time and sets it aficat conceated ~-She-is nd= with «new 20: ma c alon two years since Ro Turnbull and his | party throughout the city, Ginteclan: Aeniuutty. eas On: Cows, Baits, | again, This device of a barbarous, unpro-\some girl, wears & small shoe, and | Logan, Dufresne and Ontario: proms weat- sae ott tin Qua' ea fom | pnowsen wayet sana. | ac era ey aa | remeron wo Wersuiy rain with the exception "of he webs) We Cookatqwn, dys 25.--A party off young | ews oo conceive to be the rudest that search of'ieiween the toes, has as' shapely a ; the hundred acres eos a whi whick bots oe went a ca Din the to the ML... rs of tender containing full articpion. culara rela. | SOY senate me cay WeIe to mee. _ i ee "3 foot as any young lady. pely Of For the Old Country. i } pond, con ie India rude dohn" Liz er hie ei 'Ena on soe Nastoatats Lehane fer yee: One el pee noo Fane rami tothe 1 | oped a copper bo "Its r ~ ae ieerenings Bien Ser -- ESTE SEAM pct . ; nase n- ne h hsafed th f the party was Robert Ms So young dian oftce, W _._| the same, but the attendant, who stands by the gentleman whio 'vouc e ; = on the 20th of | an of 22 years of of goods | and the t of its sinking, now, " te isi. In pee her father's family | 7"? he fell alas ay age, any fo at (or for any y portion of Ncoryton at tar) the hour on, the resonant metal. --Pro- information, ~'because the arents te May 24. His F = the +, .Ont.,-where log broke asd os aad b drowned, | Zpertely oF for -All_ the onde called for in femor Frankia 2 A. Beely. know that Iam the only one in this | Governor-General. ana we rabal, whee |g ctey ans cangd Mctaas" ade [Seeaths SSNTT ay Sa Sou part of the country. acquainted with and suite Seca the cm train at cata vecarred five Pranic earlier than her |}. but inedlectual effort to save. him. | der, f - ' . the facts, and they would never for- . 30. thi Excellencies i , reat = -- . oF 3 be. accerapanied by, eac> po zretert, 2 gains ' 'Se nant (rT aE ¥ {> the thi far, and Tarnball, of Stratford, John i, andfur{* caer opted. ee ee eat yan Ciariatan Tn art ars if they-new Pyare thing: pools 3 ole iving, Th tm a ® General of ladian Aairs ons Canedian Bank, tor | literature ture prefers to wring the nerves of sen-! away." C ease "i the a a three om are living, The ie inisan aommaaniaee meer jimi FIR baie 'an ussare, they ° Elma bush was aimost untouched when which witl be forfeited if the party tenderige de- cage yr agree eB eR ee sini names a they John was about fourteen/ © | clines to enter in . Secon = = ese preg = nr eee . A Lesson : as oa & the sch years old. About the only neighbors with- - when called upen ta do wo, or if he fale 9 com udder than to make th . "ol bald Cou and by the Que oft 'ym reach were John Ritchie and er} One MEMBERS omer ng the Municipal thse ppt agecannnar ny re eel tc be not iallelujate An epileptic fit orf the wide walk i i $0 be Jonrned a pis dt y- | Trade. "The members of the ( jichell "Tistawel then had no existence Council of the © eporation of the County of "Earn tender Suet, te aaadiban bn the signature | Will move the vulzar crowd when: the sio- of the-hair can be stopped if taken in| With the exception of Mr. Mercier, st-. Years of hand strife with nature followed, | PERTH-«ill meet in the of the tenderer, be slamed by two snretien accept: | 4 a Burke would not reach them. AT no not'let it run on without maki ing | tended in a body 'to pay their res _ to the Department me the proper hanging will draw more womep than will a ccasion of his dering which the country filled up as the forests were felled. Their perseverance amd is. chown by their agin. made s a home whieh they eda Tat NS d bas be a--fathing ni 'Tite; crf her dentir war vot antook- 4 for, Her one 'lees in removal the Sindebins ere - original -- which in a ears i be nothing elec $ann a mr Fi aay sei tr. _ COURT HOUSE, HERE,. | Tuosday; the, 5th Day.of dnpe Next, at the hour of tro ostock p.t., for the transection of genes! business, ' Ws DAVIBSON, Oo, Clerk. Stratford, May 9; 2538. éit (County Pay fe) of the contract. The weet er any tender not necesgarily ac: x <7 sdvictinet mt is not to be oo by amt any atta. | Rachel An idea can only anes rape gh the ; Portals of. intelligence, but a y of agony } Uses ees every nerve for its ciront % "Bon aantior Ort an effort to save it. Get a bottle of Dr. | Dorenwend's Germain ** Hair spl the SrA Gr "w Pri Piet ood = > for pe ee wing bad st Lv VAXKOU GUNET. = io % rarer ndian Affair Department of site por Seat ety May, 1538. , ck Deewtr-a of _ Seperintendent-General | + with the "oh of sensation, and there is no ™ } wretch depraved, #0 com i tenppathly weak in y buman aftr that he cannot diagait = and *t as Wien" j hiseapacity to do anything else is- gone, ' Nye ceegmee uf , acters Workk~ - agic ;" it ik nak for ih 'bute, The great success of ai Sizpon makes 'good, ant him feel" fe comtinnes-te hag Taare 3 oe. ie else. in Strat. ord. sell growth, gives fresh vitality, | i sy Hee ok i iil aie © fra te oul heehe Ae | His Excellency on theo oo moles f . At 10 o'clock the party em- jpaexet on the river pelice Wtiam latch * the-Allan SS: ~ | Parison which fmmediately stesimned < quietly ont of RS rare fea ond -Light--- 4 Pe ' . ee eee = et | ' f

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