- Pane -- Auction Sale---G, C, Wilkins. = -~-would defend the. .rights of ..the-American. | -have said.through the President of the New Advertisements This Week Rend. Rig Sex | i 3 +e Fy 3 peer Pine Abraham louse-to Let--Jos. Whitchurch. Strato Hotel---M. F. Sallivan. § tip--J. H. Nasmyth & Co. Cube gaat Brinks-~H.-Ward. Import K.-Barngdele & Co, House ® Tat Parade nehin: a e0. Mi " _Johna. Choral Festival -- Be vard 1 of Es ducation, Servant Wanted -- Mra . Heason. One P nag T horaton & Douglas Dividend -- The British Mortgage Loan c a, of Ontario. ~--Weowesnaxy, 'exe: 6;-1888: NORE YANKEE FISH FRYE- ENG, Senator Frye has been making another exhibition of himself --in~ the American Senate; he is perfectly harmless though. We. faticy that the Americans, like the Canadians, hare become so accustomed to the fish Frye-ixg business that they take very little stock in it, However, the con- elading part of the fire-eating Senator's speech is interesting, in view of the fact that the Grit preas, in stentoridn tones, denounced tlie Dominion Government « few months ago, for making such an un- conditional surrender of our fishing privi- leges to the Americaw fishermen, Senator Frye contends that it is their country that has made the cowardly surrender, He ~ waid that the "steps -which had been taken ean never be retraced; that jn the lone Sature We shall never be permitted to stand where we stood only oe year agn, *hen we claimed here in the s¢itate that we Gshermen against Great Britain or any othe-.power. on earth. We hare su:ron- dered that right, we have yielded it, we United States-im solemn language that the treaty is just and fair, and is all that could be demanded by us, and hereafier and for- ever our mouths are closed."" Again, I de- @are that this treaty is a 'dishonorable, humiliating and cowardly surrender." This is surely proof enough even to the hide- bound Gcit which country made the erfender, The Canadian Government guarded our interests taithfallyand-well, is attested to by Senator Frye's own strong denovneiation of the treaty, as a dishonor- _| Methodist, The people of Stratford know "EX-NONK"™ WIDDOWS. = This 4 The Canadian Presbyterian sa impostor who iow wears s con made a trinmphal tour through Ontarte a few re age. ethodist churches were thrown open for him and Presbyterians left thelr own churches in crowds to hear iim. Tohave said « word against 7 scamp at that time would have caused w minister bis ecclesiastical life. Tet oaks be interestiag:tu-know- what those Preaby- terian members and office. Ws who flocKed after the filthy fellow think ef him now. It cannot be ¥ery pleasant for- 'them to remember that thay teft the" wor ship of trod +n-their-own churches andran afterthis foul impostor. It would be too much to bop e that this warning Will have any effect. The next oily-tougaed, brazen faced ncknused that comes round pro- ieasing to be an .«x-monk or converted priest can have almout any Methudist Church for Sabbath evening, provided he raws a crowd, and, with shame we say it, a certain RUmvEr OT Presbyterians wit leave their own church and ran to hear im. [The Preshyterian is quite correct in what it says, but it should not put all the blame on the a, as it is a well- were opened to the filthy scamp as well as abate ttiniie | noyance by einen ol Bode of i MK. HICKSOA'S VISIT. 4 LIVELY NEWSP. APER a ---- N MAYOR BUTLE. ALD, GORDON. On Tuesday cank. Mrs foseph Hickson, General Manager of the / <., paid » visit to Stratford and inepected the eerie '* 'shops and sos pt hese. As stat last week's Tiers, he wee accompanied his stall and the diviaienal officers. of the [marinara as T. sta' tion to-giv: the Gen- al Manayer the citizen's ween aoe Yor May 31, 1988........________. Waste Gousen.. This deew forth a rejolader from the Mayor as Rnder ir A few words in reply ta ** ac ting mayor ' Ald. W ilies eodes, He says 1 was aware of Mr. Hickson's visit. I never said I was not--therefore that 'aseertion Was tinnecessary. Then, he says it was his ** misfortune" to call at my office to reyuest me to call on Mr. Hickson. If there wee any " misfortune " about this part of the atfair,it wasin Mr. G rordow ene bissseli Mee Hic mane: Yee representatives in the past, he has always acted in the most courteous manner. Ever " sandy Seneca deputations ieven whip they had no bustness to lay before iisey, ¥ was quick to advise and-conyerse with rem, and always showed himself to be a thorongh business man and a ra affable gentleman. That he would act above indicated, Tux Truex cannot ee lieve, unless the 'Guelph ple had given him some very substantial reason why he vate that a certain class of conceited nobodies make. _constant practice. Mr Hickson eve ry time they get a chance, and of these Mr. Wiltiam Gordon is a | di tatiy 'po Taaes. --_ rad, His visit was dm connection with his official duties, and neither the Mayor, Councthenor any af thé city official were gotitied_of hia cdming be yond what was. | gathered from strigt sumor. Mr, Hick, son, accompanied hy several members of his party, took a walk up tothe city solely aud meta a umberotcitizeng. Several gen- tlemen who were personally <eeeeniel with "him joined his party and pointed ou the 'sights " to him, especially tpn county Suildings. The Mayor a at happen to = the party, a -- oat othe way to do so bei aD otfive at the time Sonie are deemed it their duty to work up steam over what they cailed 'his discourtesy to such a hah dignitary. Ald. Gordon's voice, eX Mayor, was especially noisy and indignant, and he vented his an anonymous yettere "PRON TT Herald --ove being goal " * Civility" and the other '* Citizen," nearly worded alike, that it has been just as easy for scoundrels like Widdows and D. {. K. Rine to get into a Presbyterian church in this city as it was into the churches of the denomina- tion above blamed by the Presbyterian, "Pair play js w jewel," and Stratford Presbyterians, at leest, Nave not bees blameless, There were ['reabyterians in this city who-ran after the ex-Monk when he was here as if he were a little god, and they roundly abused anybody who dared say a word agi-inst him at that time.--Ep. Tims.) MR. MOWAT'S " GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH." Not more than a year ago, if our mem- ory seryes us aright, the Canadian people were led to believe that they would in a short time have a free park at Niagara Falls. This startling piece of information was announced with a great flourish ? értmpets by the Grit press. Hundreds who had never been initiated {nto the wiles and ways of politicians fancied that we were-reallygeing to have auch.aa_ie- excepting. of course, that the obe ih fie] Dungboys' sheet was spiced with the filth c nane implies, The letter in the Beaeon had some claim to notice and drew forth a teply from the Mayor. In order that our readers nay see for themselves weet the whole thing amounted to, we re- produce the correspondence aa it @ ed I pa Pp? ppear T. Hallway, and stad, an officiel & o-day ihe Mayor was informed of the Visit, to bim that he forgotten sage tain Martin O'Brien (one arth & (To the Editor of the Beaeon:) Sin,--Mr. Hickson, the General Manager of the vivit tothe | ooepeut have for Mr. Hickson woula pas be tne creased "if I supposed he had aay ©" acction «with Wm. Gordon by con rtitating him hia "runner." (I drop the 'Mr.," seeing that it is a point of eti quette he adapts in -- 'a letters when ipeaking of H. T But Surely _ Gordon pnt not desire to adapt i +8. me tactics jn "entertaining " the quality at tke people's expense! If he does, | am sure pa 2 Woods and Sheritf Hossie (who had a« taste of it), and-whose, names he drags into his letter to give it some kind of respectability, do not. Has 1 Tunfortunate tenants). the banquet at at the Windsor to Gen. Mid- dleton, some two years ago? Has bes da how_he through the council and made the Pa eerie pay for diving ana wining that great man, and the balf er 4 baggage- smashers, hack-drivers, etc., wh were called in from the highways nad by-ways to fill the vacant CHEAPSIDE. We call attention to our Great Stock Dress. 'Goods, And have no hesitation in as. Cheapest €*ver shown west of T OFO™ to, The over-burdened taxpayers of Stra t- ford know to their cost hs publicly - ube -- was oates a ition. His Wi differently, however, coneers social usage Surely some Cov~' from the head of the "ronnietpality © ine Uinculehed visitor wase oo him?! member like 3. K. Hesson and « Batler Stratford, May 29, 1387 The } low: = anon tL T sons inn ayer replied & to b the avove as fol- Pe Led (TY De Btitor a the Beacon.) --In 'yuar issue of yesterday I wo- ited" 'as letact wigned ** Civility," ps lng me qith a tick of courtesy town' H' chem, Gor, stitution: But-alas tfor cherished hopes: We have the park, itis true ; but it not free--not by a large majority. . cently there }an excursion tot" . py and a co! deht to an exc' cela aange puts the matter in this light :-- os "Owing to the charges walkers to the island * 4 "! _---- for @ Uhan the limit of the it for numbers a able, humiliating and cowardly surrender." Even. therenegade Mail which howled it- at hoarse over the Canadian surrender of ts, is now unwillingly force 4 ¢ canis that "the Fishery question t'greatens to agsume a new and more dan zerous com- plexion in consequence of "ae rejection of the treaty by the United States Semate."' "Time proves all thiags,"" and again Tnz Trurs rises to point out that its prediction of Grit lying and duplicity has for the bundredth time been again verified. A CONSCIENTIOUS PULPI- TEER. The Rev. T. Trotter, Baptist minister of Woodstock, has had his name put upon the collector's roll and made himeelf liable to pay taxes just aalaymen do... The Rey, ' _ gentleman deserves credit for his conscien- tious scruples, as the Hamilton Spectator pats it. "There is no reason why a clergyman, in receipt of a big salary, and living in a large, comfortable house, should be exempt from taxation, while a poor workingman, in receipt of just sufficient to live on should be. made to pay." And at the. same time many of them expect their opinions on municipal, political and school matters to be acted uponin de- ference to their calling. This age we fancy has become too eminently practical, generally speaking, for anything of that sort, although it has been worked in numerous cases for all it was worth, not so many years ago, and right in our own city at that. The pulpit performances of many pulpiteers, both in this country and in the -United States, have somewhat opened the eyes of the eee to the-duties jo ment i not free. ie eaioye Canadians Sowa feet ms ieved " this so contrary to the intentions of those who voted for the Act of the Ontario Legisla- ture, And so the Christian politician has got into the show business at last, and bids fair to outstrip, in a short time, in that line, Barnum, Forepaugh and Howe. In a few months Mowat's " greatest show on™ earth' will be in full blast, and the de- pleted treasury of the Ontario Govern- ment will no doubt be benefited by the new management. Now, if- Manager Mowat could only make arrangements with_Harry Piper and_have the Toronto "Zoo" moved down there, the thing- would be complete, and the success of Mowat's "greatest show on earth" would be assured. 'There's millions in it," if enly properly managed. There is, however, one great drawback to the * greatest show on earth," and that is the fact that it can't be put on wheels. head, would paralyze Barnum's business ani drive the other fellows into imbecil- ity, or another country, where show man- agers are.scarcer than they are-here, -The idea ia worthy of Oliver's serioas con- sideration, as the other lawyers would say.. With the excellent performers he has at present, the show would start ona paying basis. --The volunteer camp is to be located in Stratford, after all. Tas Times has not vemarks..in. the Deacon and fond expectations. { is Sach a show with Hon Oliver- Mowat at its j- rof theG. TR, . ar Kelng to the station to Hive' him' and wogtecting to paradp 'throtgh our streets with his party, Neither the paltry letter nor its paltry writer require serious atten- tion, but care hand following sentence pone = Suailieenen waa informed of the visit "and it was suggested to him that he ** should call on Mr. 'aia and pay the * respect that was due & man in- "high position. His "Vorship thought '* differently, however, The facts até --E was hailed on the street on Monday afternoon by Mr. 3. ra Dillon, an employee in the G. T. sh who ask lend the city hali | co r. Ay on trip tha y- I gave him cadens to get che note shop flag a id. Gordoa was stand. ickson as mayor of the city nor as a rivate citizen. I had neither -- por private business to _ before I had not the honor o bern tance with that ontonnn sy io the medium of bavin for free passes and other favors in the past, as '* Civility" has done, nor had I any idea of doing so in the future. I did not 'happen to meet Mr. Hickson on the street, although it was my pleasure to meet and exchange greetings with Mr. Stephenson, Major Larmour, and others of the party. I hope, sir, that during my term of office no more serious charge © neglect of duty will be preferred me than the simple occurrence which gave the jaundiced ygiter-of Raantare who was ashigted to his ame at his letter, a chance to ex- hibit his aif and malice in J hell F Yours, ete., cameras A. ', Boren, Stratford, May 30,;1 ins. Mayor. Next day ald. ¢ Gordon replied- with the followings epis FS the Raider of the Beacon.) Sin,--A accuser, Mayor Rutier's that Fa t knew that he was awafe of Mr,°Hickson's intended visit his accu befn the writer of the letter signed " Givility" ime your paper of Tuesday even- ing. Noone ki s better, sir, than yourself that the letter@o signed not written by me. r, | would have stated it in hiss he tould com: ; he waa not mak Any money out 0" the Omen Tink i Railway Co," ane polpic; wnt in just 20 so faras the atplt shows itself worthy of reapect,the people willevince its approval and vice versa, Ministers' names shoéul@ be placed upon the collector's roll, "and taxes collected" from "them" just the same as any ordinary citizen, Their call- ing should not give them one single privi- lege that ia withheld from aaother man, no matter whether he be a lawyer, a doc- « tor, a merchant, prince, or a day laborer. They neither sow nor reap, 'and neither do any since the announcement was made. Our up-street Grit friend thinks silence is P paper has cut over the-queation_of the chances of the camp being located in this city.. Mr. Hesson's aud Tie Times' in- fluence secured the camp at Stratford, and |, don't you forget it, friend Beacon ! --_---- +0 <9 4 Boon Your Guard Agtinst sudden Colds, irritating Coughs, es and spring, -- [tis ae beat New raisins, and prunes atc, FE, x Doanaaea te pont ag nls fn Misia clean sy res-gaer us Soa ugainet Mr. Hesson's influence - 'at -Ottawa'} prombovnt citizens golden, after the ridiculons figure the .the Throas. Pectoral Balsam at hand for-these preyal- | ent- troubles ofwinter- ee y omis New Potatoes at Ti Se a 'orship a This is te Mevor's hee | rtaining men means, reason they this year elected -at fs the to fillthe Mayor's chr" .-°* editor tertain a ; ac--ton te ce- a Sx penne, and War eda- vai polut of tot Se out of ws US vay he in tm pommeito f the details .of thy private conversatien with other partfes besides hffngelf. If he wishcs to retait this private ¢onversation sevond- he'hd, iet him dose, I will furnish him roum io the Times, if the Beacon con- sidera it unworthy a place in its columns. Ihave no desire to waste your with « controversy about this paltry buai- hees, and will simply say that it seems to me that all the annoyance caused Ald, car eres Foie the ince that, as Mayor, 1 Tobin. ) he did get 7 passes from son, on ceitain occasions Sian be took upon himself to go to Montreal to instruct that gentleman where he should erect new _.worka, he ~ Cacouna trip, stopped at Quebec. He adds: **Ou no occasion did I ever travel on the GT. RK, weingle -mile. without paying the full fare. I wonder if Mayor butler can say as mach?" Well, Mr. Editor, t y more. I never travelled: half a ord on the G. Tk RK. on a free further, I never travelled a mile on that or any road-on tickets paid for by money improperly taken out of the city of Stratford's treasury --either as a councillor, press representative, or as a private citi- William Gordon has travelled display his fe sce ificent 'height and yr his voluble tongue a chance-to wag where people, who didnot kaow him personally, eignt i he was "some pumpkins." rey to his denial of being the writer of the readily understand it. No printer 'can . teed his manuscript, conse- quently when he wants his anonymous communications to appear in print, he an amanuensis ready. That is the plan he pursues when working off his bile in the Times-----but I must stop or I'll let a cat--a nasty one at that--out of the bag. Yours, etc., ae i Borex, Mayor. Stratford, June Ist, 1888. The citizens of 'Btratf .tford can rest as sured that whenever Mr. Hickson, or any officials of the Grand Trunk Railway have business with the Council of Stratford, the Mayorwill be found at his post, health per- mitting, --_ willing to advance the interests of city and the Grand Trunk Railw as well, if any matter arises that is of interest te the welfare of the two corporations. Mr. Butler has been a fast friend ef the -G. ways in favor of . sselstae to carry the several --bontises exemptions granted. to the Company, a it was largely to the course he | sigg om in the past that the ing bas been Kens uP between. Stratford and- ae Gs Actions speak lauder than words," 'and we believe a sensible business man like Mr. Hickson does not want norexpect every time passes. through oy stops over im our city for a few hours on the Company's business, that a crowd of Mayors, ex-Mayors, acting- Mayors and Aldermen, should be dogging at his heels tike a lot of children following a'Puneh and Judy" making that gentleman and themselves ik extremely ridiculous in the eyes of the public. That is Mayor Butler's idea, and we faney Mr. Hickson will say that he is right. When that gentieman visits Stratford on business which requires the presence of the present Mayor and board of Aldermen he will find thern ready and willing tomeet him, or any of his staff, and transact busiriess in a business-like manner--without venp down-end-doi "kotow'? to. him.as i doesn't tuehtion- "the | Millinery & Mantles, 'Silks and Laces, New, Nobby and Reasonable Great Bargains Wool, | | Tapestry, -- AXD -- ;| Hemp Carpets. '| Lace Curtains, Poles, &c.. MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING. In this Department we cannot be undersold, and_shall] keep up our reputation of» having the BEST, as well as CHEAPEST, Goods in the Market. _ A look through cur several advantage. CHEAPSIDE : Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets, and Clothing. J. DELANEY, Manager. NISSOURL. Oxprxation anv Inpoction.--The Pres- bytery of Stratford met Tuesday. afternoon week at the --_ Nissouri pd beer chureh, and after hearing serron of the Rey. D. (5 ordained him tothe wccee office of the Looe Mr. Perre m, preached by "the Dew Mr. Cameron, of Mornington, and was an able and accept- able exposition of I. ent itt, 9 Rev J. A. Turnbull, LL. B.,- of St Marys. ad- dressed the pastor-elect in a short, power- ful and effective speech upon the work and rewards of a secant ile of bo ie Goanal, Rev. Mr. Campbell; of Granton, spoke to the prone, bespesking a oo pastorate for . Perrie and insisting upen the cultiva. ne of spiritual power in the congrega- tion. te church was crowded to the doors, and a large number were unable to gain adwittance tathe building.. Tea was served Ad _the ladies of the congregation m 5 to7 p. m., .G kindly eat for the purpose, The tables fairly groaned under the numerous good things prove sided, which appeared to have Lamit. man had 35 paain. fe wey Saying it is the Tin~st as well | 2 7 Departments will be to joer -- } complete Stock of Fins Dress Good+. We een: tinue to presenta pair of Sitk Gieree-with every dress costing over 200, per yard. We are Will stocked with Ladlev Ragas Deiat Dot, nee TONE, cope AOE, and coeaiieg cmate #35, man an 4 Canad Seer rece ieee Putas of Maw slow Camas wn --New brown and mars mars saitlene, ee Be oile Read ROR OTR iets This ig a bargain, ask. to ewe ft. ~Large assortment of Kid gloves. Sel.) Nora ling a pretty, useful kid, new spring shades, at 50s, Nota Acatx,---A good black Stocking at Me. | 8 better ane af foc. up. ' W. J. FEP cregn, YL Markes Btreg",. 'Two FURNISHED ROOMS i) \T Apply es THE TIMES OFFICER. shins isha SERVANT WANTED. OOD GENERAL SERVANT WANTED, eo tae a. Bh HESSOM, Chase Berek oh 'he Deaf t oer Alter..cight. years sufferin; t-om- Deaf- ness, 80 badthas 1 = 1 was unable to attena to + Yellow a ---- gral I make this krrown fo: ot others afflicted. Harry Hieardo, 'Loronto, Ont, eae Court of Revtaioh was opcued at Wart- burg on the 26th ult. The Deputy Reeve was appointed chairmen of the Court. The members having taken the et the Court beard the following appeals :--Jote Kippfer, Wm, Hylson, Mores and Josiab Outs, eter Widerhold and Henry Liese, of the flour mill at Sebringville, conse- quent upoa tire, was reduced by $400 Tre t of the -- of tie above appea's was sustained. 'I Compan to haye ine orth half df lot 10, con, 8, assessed to yond ton, the east half of lot 5, con. ih ed tedeke | Scott, and to have the > Coan: pany' to statute,--Granted,-- Fy nds Colline-seaae assessed for west half Jot 33, con. 11, and Eckert D ebt 'for lot 22, con. 15; as ten: aats. "The Court then adjourned 'to meet in on the 'Sth of June at - Wartburg. Council in seasion--The Heeve-in-the>- chair. tition was read from R. I. Beattie others, asking the Ceuncil to _stepa_tocause the fences to be re- moved from the allowance for side road between lots 10 & 11, con. 1, Ellice On motion of Mr. "alliton, seconded by Mr. O'Brien, the clerk was instructed to- notily the owners of lots 10 & 11, in the Ist con. of Ellice, to remove their fences from off the allowance for tween A in default, the | will 3 ge proper ateps to enfor order.-- Carried,-- Accounts passed :-- os. Curran, for ditching side road, 20 & 2, $325; Frank J di under engineer's award, aide road 10 & ll, con, 4, $10.80; August Young, re a culvert, 50 cents ; Henry Young, repair- cents; John Malloy, re Council then ad ~ Deputy Reeve was called to the chair. The clerk haa 0 following being eee to the charge | 4: of the' N 'orth cod Sout Nisei churches. | disuvissed aera, of. mg Joho. cl Rigger 2, ne. mevterates Gt Wis. "he engine * cauiennat on Ba the.saenic', presided. ES biaeee -- the o a were sustained. -- In th case of Fe Murr. Readert of thir ajet tn God ST ws hae HERT, WWW plesianted pall of the ag a 4 ed to estimate sth value « of ie work done on his property since the engineer pr ie z and allow for the inant: 'The 6ngineer was also instruc ted to justly ¢ assessment on- 20 acres of 10, between Tobias Murphy,' y Mr. O'Brien, seconded by Mr. see Be the engineer's assessment, con i in by-law No. 237, intitaled~ « by- law to provide for cleaning out and deepesing- the Whirl Creék drains, 4c., be adopted, and that this Council do meet at Brunner's -- Wartburg, on the 9th day of June, at 4 o'clock p, m. to finally pass the eid bylaw .--Carried, A petition signed bs Sours Cahill and a large number of 1 would like foe him also it he did not give a a that given me toa similar sugges tion from His Honor lates' Woods, that ot the a he should callon Mr. Hic * he by etiquette o' it T2F : ili ihth i ht be -- ign If it is, thought necessary to that the iaatie will endorse--creditable alike to. the great corporation of which Mr, Hickson is the bead on this continent, and to the city of sonia gh as welt "YP ren the Guelph Mercury, May %1.) Ml M. ar STRA +FORD.-- he} Re aa reo meeting held: the charels, under the presidency of Rev. D. Perrie, tne pastor. Instructive. and humorons addresses were delivered by the Revs. Messrs. Chrystal, Tully, French, 'the pastor. --Spectat ne "i pade-of the excellent ee "ee the choir, but recently organized, who rendered a number of choice selections during the evening in a highly creditable manner. Mixes Lindsay a atthe organ. The roceeds amounted to $34. The Rev. D. 1 i agate ED pastor, the pulpit of the two charches time, and -being for some the u choice of the two --recelved ain it i , tleman received numer: | avery, way "The right man be the place." Ht. {RRL N RINGTON. ath Hamilton, Gorden, Fendt Grant, and ca shoutd--be- ; bast 3 Council! to relieve the family of John © Sloat, who w It was resolved that $5.00 be placed in the hands of cou of their, es referred to councill er. A communication was read wen T. Hagerty, pt ese ing out the West aia Si 10th con, Moved by Mr. O'Brien, seconded by Mr. Seibert, DS. to éx- amine the West drain from the con. road - souther! until be obtains lands. hav-_ drain and t of the