Ped We will put on our counters-an-immenso--purchase of Summer Silks and We. are--sure-you.<annob| ~~ Bunimer' Sitks; 50c=worth:- The. Satin-Merveillioux {all }-oo--te- The Lace Trimmed Parasols st $1.25 _Btre - coed a ONE- PRICE CLOTHIERS. TARR eT toe ~T a eh Re Em er 4 85-50 a! for * 63-505 a $7 Suit for $5; a Sro Suit for $7.50. This is what we have to tell you, and we want ~Brecyone {n- the County of Perth to come and see what we are doing. YOUTHS' BOYS' We carry an Immense Stock in every Style and Size. Youewill find that Low Prices prevail in all Classes of Goods. PERFECT FIYTTING. Remember that our Ready-Made Clothing, for Men's, Youths' and Boys' wear, fits equal to Ordered Work, at a little over Half the Price. ORDERED : CLOTHING 'This Department is in charge of a First-Class Cutter. Allthe Finest Lines in Cloths,and Tweeds of European and Canadian Manufacture we make up at Reasonable Prices. Trimmings, Fit and Workmanship aramid. _ Hats,. Caps, and Men's Furnishing Goods in Endless Variety. THORNTON & DOUGLAS, NOVELTIES. LADIES' BOATING AND TENNIS CAPS JUST RECEIVED. of maintaining the ever increasing popularity of ourstore. Frequent visits to the best markets in search of novelties, always keeping Q : SYSTEM OF BUYING has in a great measure beer the means our stock fresh and attractive. Every week marks the arrival of fresh goods and consequently ef new customers, for there's an irresistible attractiveness about new stylish goods displayed in good taste. Our Dress |: _ Goods this' season have' had" partitdlar -attention,- and- our reward in creased sales has been in proportion. Our Braid Garniture to match all es in Dress Fabrics has been a marked success. Nothing of 'so high a 'has been shown in Stratford-this season, and to-day our assortment of Materi: ils, associated with their companionable Trimmings, is without a rival iu =the: ety. Mantles, Printa, Chambrays, Corsets, "Gloves, "anidin fadt avery, department through- 'The natural consequence is that our sales have inéreased. | For instance our sales for . The. samie may be said of our Millinery, out the store. too, and, in some instances, three-fold. -. Jamuiary, 1668, were double the same month in 1887. February, 1888, were three-times the, same month in 1887. March, 1888, double the same month in 1887. What does this prove? It proves that choice and reliable goods, fair prices, and courteous treatment have triumphed over what was said to be an insurmountable disadvantage, viz., the outlying position of our store. --_ ON MONDAY -- MAY 2ist ---- ~ Satis Merveilligux.- The price will resist baying. shades), 60c.--worth 85c. and $1. (worth 2.60) are selling very freely. _D.N. HOGG & 00, _NEXT WaLsH BROS. > 15 MARKET vicinal STRATFORD. List of Properties for Sale. 260 paar MACNAIR < co and Cobourg bog » fronting on A. = $1,000 Fer ror thowe choice tots ¢.7,8,9and10,1 Announce the arrival of the Spring Styles of Carpets and Curtains, and invite all Ceotira treet . intending purchasers te examine their offerings. We have in store the largest $1000 Senate treet, Stock of Carpets held by any one house west of Toronto, imported direct from the best manufacturers in. Europe, embracting every novelty in $40 'ieta. in pairs or Mocks 'o ait pe h a lity béi 'Jered . p eal gabe a pgs the trade,--quality being considered. oc ener required down it "ota to " aStios twhe . ee en $4,500 tat waite ow wie woe | PRICES WILL BE FOUND THE LOWEST " poe pr perme ee ; che Tee nce irtee 4 ay xs ° Ee $1 50 D ance of peeched co eubih street, naar oe an _ és 2,500 near new GTR. shops. Splendid cellos sath sraiie. Good healthy locality, Will im- i 9 pode : weak "frame house on Nelsoa $1, 200 splendid water, , ood locality ae a barval near Gia G. rT Te $1 500 For a new trame cottage on Huron ~ st. Very larze stable, good locality This ri price bas been offered twice for the propert w ° he "8 avne 4 re nag frame hou $2 100 md.two Canada Co. lots ou Huro street, Good "chasioe to build id. mo = hae $8 of the dest localities fis hae « city E rt a 1} storey trance house and lot on wid nt man street. Oue _brick 4 ~ wit thin" the For a neat ttle f frame house-and-ftot 6a $000 Doferin Same $t. 800 sdf jarz¢: iaonstory frame house lot on pitaws street, wear the new «hool, Fs Sy r=" 13 Housed, Wantedeat once for Parties inten#ing tu "tu @ttle here. Houses and Stores & Reat and Lease. DEAD, Ottawa, E Henry Knowles, son of Mr..J | nowled abut of the N. & ay ake Feert files deceared was raptiited atthe amateur | ee race, Hi¢.was 'taken © to the Grasd Union where hid inj into conditions that 0 = geen fe bome even- la 4 . * BRUSSELS. wt li TAPESTRY. V WLINOLEUMS. i} mit HTT English Velvets. English Brussels, in designs Hinglish Wiltons. suitable. for -Drawing-Room,. Parlor, Dining-Room, Library, Bedroom, and Hall, with PAPO POS GHD RS. be AND CHILDRENS CLOTH I NG. ------ Stair and Border to match. English Tapestry,--various qualities, from 30c. per yard to the best Goods made, with Borders und Stairs. Onion and Wool Kidder- minster Carpets. Dutch Stair Hemp Carpets. Imperial Mattings, Rugs and Mats. Oil 'Cloths, in all widths and qualities. Lincleums, in various qualities and Uesigns, suitable for Halls and Bath-rooms. material is a non-conductor of heat or cold, and very durable. The Bulk of cur immense & SONS, Yorkshire, England, who are the largest manufacturers of Carpets in the world, and in presenting them to the critical public we do so with the full assurance that -CURTAINS! Lace Ourtains;--an immense variety to select from. Madras 'Curtains, in greas variety. Embossed Faney Opaque Windows 'Shades. - 'Madras Muslin. Raw Silk, and various other Material in Tapestry for Curtains, ete. Buyers of Carpetings and Curtains should examine our Beautiful Stock, t= Orders from culesig a a distance will be promptly and een executed, A. MAGN ALR & OO. - " * hy wet a a St aa So ES BE RP nn NRE Remember, thie importations of Carpets this spring is from the celebrated mills of JOHN CROSSLEY shew. 98 cannot. be equalled i in Style, Moakiy nor Price nor Price by: any | house in Bo or Amecise. --