Stratford Times, 27 Jun 1888, p. 6

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-- GRAND 'MUSIGAL FESTIVAL. | ACOMPTT rMENTA RY Db - To Officers i scare: No. 1 Military District, LIEUT.-COL SMITH, D.aG., COMMANDING, = . BY THE Pt of the lub Sclysols CITY OF STRATFORD ® -- Caer ha a>. 'She Public -Seheol- Board: IV THE SKATING RINK, ON THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 28TH, 1888. Pate OF 1,200 VOICES, aBite-O Orchestral 3 iment, assisted by 158 Adult- ~-Xoices "and Two Military Bands. A. H. ALEXANDER. Miss Lara Scort. James Foore. W. J. FREELAND. ee Organist, Pianist, < Orchestral Leader, Conducior, CHAIRMAN. - - ~- S&S. R. HESSON, M. P. VICE-CHAIRMAN, -- - JAS. TROW, M. P. ADMISSION: AU in Uniform FREE. Citizens, 10 centa, 2 Doors open at Seven ; -- Concert commencing at 7:30 o'clock, "%3 PROGRAMME. = CARDINAL POINTS, HOW FOUND IN "THE DAY TIME WITHOUT A _COMPASS, The San Often Obscured by Crowds--The Sunflower the Marigold, the Compass Plant, the Tree and the Rock as Use- "JOB | WANTED. o SOs ot oth LASS WORKM. wi ay at ert Saunds or | D. yess Tt 42., of con's Hotel phone ee 645-2 Stratford, May ond. EICYOLE F< FOR SALE. ICYCLE, 50 ine fre ve all senna Emyvire a: Tinks ¢ Ral) bear- Price, only B $40. Enel mes make. Nicket. fal Guides. The most natural guide in the day time to the cardinal points which would suggest itself to the mind of the average individual would be the sun. So long ag the sun shines, he would reason, the wayfaring man, thaugh a fool, need not err in the direction he desires to _-- in whatever situation he may be It is a well known physical fact, of course, that the sun is contitually on the move. The Pp : in tiott Whiictrit is in at-any time between two wr three hours after sunrise and the same --_--, = ---- before --_-- is not easy at all "small boat on i Geek" UFO HHS Of the ee pelea meaning Jen pearly as difficult to tell which point of the horizon was north, or east, or south, or west, even though the sun was shining, as he would during the night. The same remark is true of the average person traveling on the prairie or the desert, SUNFLOWER AND MARIGOLD. Several species of flowers may be said fo be gurtes, in a general way, to the points of the _ That isto sy, thy afford" a hint as ate the direction which the sun is"tn '| that orb may be hidden from view by any ob- ject. Among these are the sunflower and the marigokl These fl keep their faces toward the sun when it is visible, turn- ing toward it when it rises, and following its movements as it sweeps @cross the horizon until it disappears below the western horizon. If the direction in which these flowers' faces point ve followed by the eye the sun will often be seen if the time be duting the day- light hours To be sure, that luminary, when it is in the immediate vicinity, usually makes its presence manifest without the aid of the sunflower, the marigold, or any other member of the vegetable or animal kingdom. There are occasions, however, when a knowl- edge of these qualities of the plants named may possibly be useful in giving a hint as to the direction the sun is fu from the observer. peinesnaidieres «: . 15. wes barpeaer anon a INSTRUMENTAL SELECTION. ?73t Essex Fusileers' Band-of Windsor. BANDMASTER, GEO, P, en ." The Children's Geceting 3 Song oo 'S. Past Sona. nn... hula Lang syne." . Rocnp.. : "My Bonny Boat." . Action Sos: What Games-Best for Play ving . SELECTION......... 7th Batt. Band of Sarnia.. ' BANDMASTER, W. PHILP. 3. Soro axp Crorvs........" The Union Jack." .......T. Crampton srs tga SPENCE. CHORUS WITH UNITED BANDS. Part Sonc...., fee racemes me ophornio.. -.-...Dr. Calleott. " Laughing Chorus.".....- In Three Parts. March oF the Men of Harlec h." Welsh March 'NITED BANDS. PART Il. 1. Vocar... -In Four Parts. a Oe czxs ~ Part Sonc. " 'V1. Senection. 27. be 7st Essex Fustleers" Band of Windsor. 12. Action iia w The Burlesque Band, Stratford". ID ewevnntes 13. Selection... . . 27h Band of Sornia. nen sere eens NS aly earns RANDMASTER, W. PHILP. 14. Part Song... " The Harp thal Once Thro' Tara's Halls... --(Irish 15. West Country Song. " Rignumbullidimacoymee.' i 16. Calisthenic Exere 17. Action ereeesee LH Fire Brigade" " Home, Sweet Home." Melody. ) .. Humorous. CHILDREN vo. ad 8: Stallabrass- Bishop 18. Part Sang......... GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. P. S.--See words.of Part Songs corresponding to Nos. on Programme below. 1. roans of wounded peasants dying, Greeting Song. wail 8 et eee With a light song how we you, Harlech men. Beare Volunteers a sone iad sod frees Weare and glad here to meet you, Shall the voice of wailing ---- ee be. Now be unavailing You to rouse, who never yet Cuosava-- In hattie's hour were failing * With a merry, merry, merry, merry song we come. , crowds down pouring et ee and free, a9 winter torrents roariug, accept our true endeavor, Not in vain the voice imploring, ile we strive to meet your favor, Harlech men. in our songs of , and home, and liberty. Loud the martial pipesare sounding, a tae tae a ape aa 7 ppp oa ts bounding, for the rich and the poor ; Firunted chiet surrounding, wha sone oy the sd andthe teat = Short the sleep the foe Let wt ing. and cant sali sorrow : Ere the merrow's morn is bre: A Let us , thin! not of despair ; shall have a rude swaking, Let us sing, thinking not of to-morrow, by men. For to-morrow we hope will be fair. cease your weeping, 2 Cain J You and yours in safety now, Auld Lang Syne The keeping. nad vane sun is he in a 3 y ri meal, "ike ie fied eon ep. be driven ie Se cee ee 8 my dear, a For auld We'll tak' pny) indnem yet 14. sotnnnaierindtedia The Harp that Once, Etc. We twa ha'e Fon lent tise raes, New hangs a8 mute on Tara's walls ee 'An if that soul were fled ; Caoars-- For Auld Lang Syne, etc. So sleeps the of former days, . So glory'e is oer; We twa hae Y oo ig a fs fond btok @ ng son ti \ that pul Ce But seas between us, braid, ha'e roar, How Beal alti ui No more to chiefs and ladies bright The harp of Tara ew ells, The chord alone that bry ake at hight, ome a hand 0" thi Thus : tclfom wahen, e acupeo The only throb she For Auld Lang Sy Is = some heart 2 oy 'ov Cacare-- Fer Auit Lang Syne, ete. hat still ae " " Soins bs Home, Sweet Home. So oe - : ap ep gata ~ Beever av tune Dae bop - By permission of Lieut.-Col. Fisher, Baal JR 'Wilkinson and Officers of the 27th and 21st Battalions, .~ HH. Comard...} ~ tte Leoubh. 7 lame? eeeenaeanonin Chronenhotonthelagaa,-------.-- -- . - . ec a - . . Crononhotosthcioga:, ~~ = si = ie. -- carne March of the Men of Martech; Give me peace of mind, ES ~~, Beomet home! overt home | ee -- re -- heme t i The possession of these attributes certainly See ae er par em igen 7 their class, it may be said, are, in a negative sense only, guides to direction. cae vom 'Weald the eye te the "point "where "wn when that luminary may be temporary hidden from view by an -intervening build. ing, tree, hill or other object, and the sun's position being known, it becomes possible to "figure out" the points. There is a certain flower, however, which is a positive guide to the pints. This is the aguoaee plant, Most persons who have traveled f any considerable distance in Illinots, Mi soart, Iowa or Kansas, have noticed a plant producing several stems from a single root, the two or three central stems ranging from four to sixteet in bearing upon their upper extremity bright yellow flowers. The upper leaves of this plant are erect, and usu- ally stand with their edges pointing north This peculigrity gives it the nase of polar plant, pilot weed, or compass plant. Locally, however, it is given the less poetical designation of "rosin weed," on account of the juice which exudes from it. cal name is silphium laciniatum. most numerous j mentioned, the compass it is seen-as far east as Ohio and Michigan, and as far west as the states bor- dering on the Pacific ocean. Wherever found it may be relied on as a trustworthy guide in locating the points of the compass, TREES AND ROCKS AS GUIDES. Trees and rocks are also useful in indica- ting the cardinal points, Lichens and mosses, when found on trees or rocks, are densest on the north side. When tree or rock stand so that the sun strikes them during a larger part south growths to cling to the south side increases in th the proportion with which the sun is obstructed from shining on Trees or rocks in a dense forest may have moss on all sides of them, but even there. the thickest growth is on the north side. Of course the amie! cause of this peculiarity is that the sun rarely strikes the north side of any large object, and then only When a tree stands in a position in which the sunlight can reach it through. most of the day-the limbs.on one. side of it will usually be much heavier than those on the other. The side upon which the heavy growth is on is the south side. A rock in a similar position will be darker on ohe side than the other. The dark side is on the south. In connection with the rock it should be understood that it is the rock itseff and not any of the growths upon it, which is considered' here mosses which, as before stated, are thickest on the north side, may be, when viewed at a distance, as < or darker than the bare | face af the Soatir site Witt be--Bat-thestone-} on the north side will be comparatively light colored. The branches on the south side of a tree are heaviest and the south side of a rock is darkest for the same reason that moss is absent on the same side of both. The sun shines on that side longer than any other. This is true of the region north of the equa- tor all over the globe, but especially in the north temperate zone. South of the equator the oppesite.. conditions..prevail.--St. Louis Giobe-Democrat. Cremation Making Headway: Cremation is making 'mors headway on the continent and in this country than in Eng- Testy for ten years has had arr-aver~ ag & charm the siGéd seema to Fuiehcabeks thaguylrtier-welld,sib-me0-anen-ottid time, but Ragland bas only. het . * num. . The vomee fs person to or wi ive te stew SAIS Bela jortectly" Tair ao . The averace if cast adrift in a THe ee VWstwitt ht STRATFORD, ONT. Tt A COMMON SENSE SCHOOL forthe times. It educates Young Men and Womem for & successiny rt " se? -- ' = -- SLES CATESS Te _Stratfond. May 15, ists ROOMS TO RENT. UITABLE for Legal 5 edical Offices over Tax Tunes hen. Erie street, onlv Enquire of afew yards trom Ainge "oil PALMER, . omtee es. HQUSE TO LEY. N THE ERIE STREET DALY TERRACE, if jences. Water-to" roma, pantry, all conven! the hotec, and iivalnage Rent meoterate. Apply te JOSEPH haiti H. Stratford, June wth, 1868. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN SHARBSPRARS. AS CON ISVESTENT BRICK VE VENTER! oS AOCSE, ning of James Trow, ee tm. in on en fps ote rear. containing 6 feat stone cellar, | soa heated © nr pia ade Bullt: G i. MINCHIN. _Shakeapeare, June Oth, L Farm for Saie Cheap. Goop FARM, Containing 65 Acres, al) cleared, right on gravel road. coop CONCRETE HOU SE one TLDINGS Two Bars and small particulars "spp quick - . e WiILLIAM-GGRDON, Real Estate Broker, Stratford. HOUSB AND LOT FOR SALE, IN GADSHILL. --~ UNDERSIGNED -- fer Sale his Pro- iles from Stratford, contin ot halt sie et bak with d cinecs anda poor frame | kitchen attached. Good stone cell: Good barn, stable and -- Terms of pay ant to suit purchaser Apply HENRY HASENP FLUG, Milverton P. O. _Mareh 14, hh Isaa, Farm For 5 Sale. Tet Desirable Farm, 2 being Lot 14, Creek, and wo Oiny gt | of Stratford. Not much money required For particulars, w . Ws. PACKHAM, * Downie, Mitchell Road, Apeil 23, 1888. 42.4t-- ~~ -~erntiord P. 'o. VALUABLE crTY PROPERTY FoR Ss. HE Undersigned offers for sale that a in. Mamiet.Ward, fronting si MES, JOHN SI age One HOUSES and LOTS oe SALE or RENT vi Nag Ae La NDERSIGNED 0 ofers for <ale Lot No, 28, Blake un the Lot is des "<- a pe solid & trie 4 De able House with a oo a mars {bd zoft. ill either aig or sell. ARTER. ACRE 'LOT on with a small frame store « to, CG. > ORAZEL. Contrazter, Or at THE TIMES OFFICE. Stratford, June 20, 1838. We are now Ready for the Spring Campaign. Spring Goods Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Seersuckers, Embroideries, Corsets, Shirtings, .Cottonades, Denims, Gloves and Cretonnes. E NEVEK had a better supply and were never in better ition to supply the wants of our Customers, and all others who may favor us with a eall. 680-2 Onders ¥ received for Clothing ha -prost. that. weary. showing the sight Goods - Tweeds and Trowserings. Place your orders while you get a good choice. Wn tate-elee ants Macnifizeat and Large Stock ot the Newest Ties, Collars, xa Gloves, Soft Felt and Stiff } £2 See our New Wall Paper. MILLINERY trial respectfully solicited. Highest ---- Paid for Ferm Produce. Kastner Bros ~ SEBRINGVILLE asp MI TTCHFLE. E,.A KASTNER, Manager, Sebringville, Cannot be Surpassed. died and 4 m mes \which sharpens the preceptire -- i atic knowledge of business affai: WRITE FOR CATALOGT. Ww. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. eee ity along with a aystem- ----- CHEAP, AT ---- JOHNSTON ABRAHAM' S _FURNITURE W. WAREHOUSE. I will not say I heel, ma as I never Slow, --neither do _I throw a sprat to catch a whale." But this I can say : I am giving better value to the public in Furniture than ~ any other House in Stratford... The reason is, fam under no expense, having no rent to pay. I am not giving 15 off, as I am not forced to sell at cost, but my Goods will be fonnd cheaper at Marked Prices than those at other places with the 15 off, as my Goods have been purchased in the best markets, for net cash. 'A large Stock of every diagrifi Fornitare pn also ® Splendid Selection of "Picture- Frames,- Mouldings, €urtrin Poles, dc» All kinds of Fancy Wood Work. 'This- Departsiiint >is under the charge of Mr. DONALD McBETH. Remember the Place: One Door East of Dr. Shaver's Office, north Side Ontaris Street, STRATFORD. JOHNSTON ABRAHAM. DIRECT IMPORTATION -- AT THE -- Red and Green Front. |E. K. BARNSDALE & CO. "We have "jnst come to hand a Large Line of Crockery and Glassware. Compare our Bhi with others you have been paying. -- and inspect ur Stock. We have the latgest weat of Toron ~98 Piece -ananh Bets; $10." 125 Piece Dinner Seta, "$12. Bedroom Sets, $2. Fancy Tea Sets, $3. Complete Gold. Lien, Hand- Decorated Bed-room Set, $5. Plain Flint Glass Goblets, 60c. dozen ; usual price, $1. Engraved Fern Leaf Goblet, $1.25 dozen ; usual price. $2. Pearl Water Surblen | in 4 shades, only 75c. dozen. Table Glass Se te, 50c, China Egg Cups, 25 and 35c. dozen. E. K. BARNSD AL & CO. e7 Note Red and Green Front. hand ; Our 50c. Tea E. K. B. & Co. ~"LARDINE™ - Still holds the Palm. Nothing Equals it.. Made only by McCott Bros. & Co., Toronto. McColl's Famous, Cylinder Oil Is Endorsed by the Largest Oil Users in Canada, Fine Harness Oil, Superior Axle Grease. Be sure you get Genuine Lardine, manufactured by SARs BROS. & Co., Toronto. Q. SOULE iy 6 2. Large line always on hand of 25c. Tea. still holds its own against all competitors. 5 Ibs. for $1. 2. "Windows of the ANTWERP BLUE FRONY, And You will See a Display of BIRD CAGES that for Beauty and Variety is not Equalied im the City. Prices range from 50c. jap. A.ABASTINE is moving off rapidly. Remember that the only Place to get the Genuine Article is at 62 Ontario Sttout, Stratford, REMOVAL. FLOUR and FEED BUSINESS JOHN MeINTYRE linsslllaeetinaain CHEAP SIMON - . HESSON'. = OLD. STAND, - : _Market Street, Stratford. -- has-been-refitted. ed. throughout,.and is, now one. of... the Bands of the above tery wil be pease take nthe P. Hes the. best buSiness places in the City. He-will commence" x giving. you bargains right away. ee worth $18 for $9. Pants, from $1 to If a fit cannot be secured, the Goods will be made to order _ ' at same price. Separate apartment in which ee to try garments..on. r geet aa Sa He will in stock the best kinds of Seed Scelceranr all endewe poompaly Milad. Remember the eos --beft te tie Bank of _ Bivatiord, Apell 5, 1968. - on to the "(CHEAP SIMON, . "Besson Street, ee Look out for thé abové in°" Enameled Letters on the" NOW ATTHE FRONT *

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