head 'to foot, amid the dread coreinn shes he was neariy drowned ia crossing now fa swollen California apall Fass at Henry | Ward's, Downie str in the fewest possible words, the man =| eed pen never forgotten by my uncle, "re it Will vou promise!" The best 5 oa in the city are | whose hand the wielding ren Figg Jere wickiy raised 'hb of the "I will promise anything you wish." to be had at Walsh Bros. The place that. | of justicn bas been intrusted 4 aud an thesia that at you that I-shall go is noted for its big bargains, sa Geng: @ BPE PE pd oma peheeticemsche aye yan" Sapir! that J wake as from atrance. Dailty be was the constant ton: of uncle ay search the from 'Yhe to the 7 eset gr grrlindpeene the judge has departed; counsel and in his Sabbaye, and hed cviduatty soured soe ng ee eng Hortense by uning Allen's 1 here a poof a ag ag SS, confidence * The first thing I have to Gnd le that wang Saar 3 urey > dears Chg though from "But you spoke of him, to of str __ Can you help- met. Cope pantie sare John's new line hen the play is aia mn a danger Pea ange i 1: L E Bome my arm. - It is 'Murdien vahe bap ball "Yea; be is dangerous, toa rt poe to doff his wig and gown, and Who BOW | very soon soon discovered that Set lanes Or with ft." ; ~harpalsting!s. fromthe, matelul «moment imegine. thst. he would bare, "Br the way," 1 said. "de you know this 1. e m of sponges. They are cheap and are the | -~ afiment pollegtion we have ever sean. Get samples of the teas that Sai Corcoran sells t 25 and 124 cents verythi | dagger ound ' , and compare them with what you CHAPTER XIV, prettier a wir mina earn paying'60 and 25 cents per 4 RIFT IN THE CLOUDS | That was pérfectly true, and it was the, She looked at it, and then the color dyed P ' Two days elapsed before I was allowed to one one great stunibling block in the way of my ¢r cheeks once more. condemnation. Even theory regarding the murder. Fiinter SW here did you find itf" she asked. Look out for the grubs and m ag ig, after her ry wa in- | Ishould hardly have been permitted to doubtedly had nothing togain by it. |" "In my bedroom--the baunted chamber.* paris green " f 'i "Ah, I remember!" she cried, "I remember po Fresh stock received last week | cane, (ee meet roa angered now where I the poison! It is in the and warranted t which I saw that you Secret leading to the beua i Tux a 'meo-anything. 1.waatte "Do you indeed remember, my darling! F. P. Tenner, of Nesbing, Ont., says he | cer nereay ee od B.-B-B. i ware cure for-) t he haa also !found it to ' the icine an es and re Pa {To Be Contixvep.]} Alaa! oe the « ever nag Egy ee ind Absolutely Pure. tor, | dinaer at Station never varies. A Se Se Somer x meeps aint octeriserisener Marr scenemers ~ ) *m than the payne nn Megs Soir be cold in- | that Com a tests, short mediate interview with | SSeS gy pcre = _ ,; i followed cana Regal Deking Jcades Co, 105 Wall #., M4. ¥. reas = ss neste heat imlocioomidenasi = 'Wa omy 5c. Wemxss mem, _. (howl It FOR understand r 6th of December, & mean, nese Aer ak 'aw. | Sre.really the principal friend of Miss Stan-| I had already been warned that the day on positively became afraid of him." | RES Nervous Prostration, Nervous pe ogg cen AP --- oe oes cliffe, and L have beard of the relationship which the martyrdom of my darling was to "Whate was i that ke fret began to aay' SEES a catache Neuralgia, Nervous mr ~~-~'ghiasiged' Tor the better about a fortnight eich Foustand to each other. Now I be carried out was the 28th of the same your™ f Weakness, Stomach and Liver TICKETS 3 Ieefere hie death~about the ti i | Want to tell you at once that she is an al- month. But three weeks were given to us, "At Wangoora, about three years aga sea, Rheumatiam, Dyspepsia, Branksome and Mr. Fosdyke left the hall" -- desperate position, We shall Crete | ereters, in which to establish her inno-' You ees, he was my umncie's confidential and all affections of the Kidneys, TO OR FROM--BY nro And..-hunt-relore:- the 2tth-of -October-- for_her to-morrow, ofcourse; but I\cence. Even Harding--good, kind, never-'| cists, and-.caime « great-deal- to. the-howse} . ' . = ss oN ms What was the mature of bic ralailcas with say candidiy-that Ieee no hope me a tnt a eelninlanrendiemrepet UH ST given way, aa T fear lie bas" WEAK NERVES = Toni : THE BEST LINES. . his niece?" "He was on ox terme with | "Veting & conviction," Ihave enly two for food nor for sleep must one mommt of/ done now, te bed habits, and he was a great which never fail. Containing Celer om her. On the very day on which he died, I points tomake--one is the possibility of a that precious time be wasted unnecessarily. ; 7. ame of Dr. Branksome's 1 never eared ; wonderful atimuléas, -- =U alled Ac Saad hist Shek fede certain 4 would | Vader om the part of the doctor in pre- What, then, think you, was my frame of for him--in the least." Dear heart! she ag att that Lisord peed: nriv Accommodations right between them in the end." ould paring Mr. Mauleverer's medicine, and the -- locked ed up at me with the happy smile of a oA nd did she Pm r other the chance that Mauleverer may have) Within a few hours of the passing of the! maiden who tells her story for the firsttine RHEUMATISM All Chasen of P make any reply She i Bat I I . assengers k i twonld tis es ae. 16 woul' be committed suicide. But I do not think I sentence Harding was in Londonywhere be to the man she loves, and for a moment we Paing's Cketeny Compocyn purifies the ' mi Sia bodli foe her he 4 Sic See "ned to had a stronger case to meet, nor have I secured the services of the most eminent pri-/ forgot all about the prison bars, and the two blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which live i tual est * | ever been compelled to trust to more worth-| vate detective of the day. The special mis-| women who sat mutely watching us at the causes Rheumatien, and restores the blood- | T_Owest possible Rates Weahvhate 3 rh ches, beh H | less straws than these." | sion of this man. was to find Gregson. My' other end of the ceil. making organs tos healthy condition. Th ° duced Mtr eo levy eran an a 3 os Tbeard hiv with a dread that seemed to work on thatdark day on which the trial) "When he found that Idid not care for ee GEO A JACKS neral meiner gph Rams. gs age Tender me voiceless ended was of a different kind. Putting all/ him he became, as I said, very disagreeabla KIDNEY COMPLAINTS ON = is MS, BAYS SONG) hVen* tie continued, "we must not deceive remembrance of the last few weeks aside, 1 He would try.to waylay me and hint dread- . . AcENT--Ex press Office. + eet to the amount of -his wealth. By = B F nes di Parne's Ceteny Comrounp quickly restores the will that had been duly executed in the! ourseives, Everytuing is against ua But t 1 wont to Branksome and Fosdyke and ap- fui things about having me in his power,, the liver and kkineys to perfect health, Stretford, March 20, 1508. Sm month of Agust in London the pri fa, Le anes: S0-SR V8 this pyor child if I can,' pealed to them to assist me in the task Ihad and I think that very soon he came to hate This curative power combined with its " ---- 'herited everythis Early in ke <<, T do not believe her to be guilty, and I hope, undertaken. me as much as he had once professed to ike; nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy STRATFORD (the witness) 'gp down to Great Lor- that something may yetturn up to prove! Dr. Brauksome was just the same a¥ be me, Then he became careless and disobe-| for all kidney complaints, teal Tait' dai "bast Gak kid had there focalved her innocence. I heard all that you bave had ever been. Yes, I bitterly reflected, he| dient 'fn his work, and he quarreled with) DYSPEPS LOS vice wtins ME aaa told my learned friend bore, and I wish to was just thesamo; as easy, cool, pleasant in| Flinter and was insolent to Dr. Branksome, 1A & sxeond wit, by-whieh-in = "tithe. ' give you some advice. You must move, his manner, now when Daisy was lying | and the-endof it all was that he wasdis-, P4!*®'s Crieny Com h be the pri Mr Crril. F ent heaven and earth to find out, first, what has under sentence of death, as he had been on! missed." stomach, and qui lets the nerves of the ciges Deur walt the Tee the ect eit ant | become of the 5) heme which Miss Stan-| that first morning of my acquaintance with | "And what bappened then? - HAYS PERO Thule Sa why Ak. curse aren. the wh. Atle {ORE wig property, which under the first will WS. clifte ie did the. ; worst Cases of Dyspepsia. - i, (ee in pl i to be vested in trustees for her benefit, was' boughtfor I ot believe that it hay hin, when honors of the. y yacht) "Oh, a greatdeal He professed to have! a 2s , iy Ys. tobe. applied...tc.the.erection..and. endow.-| 2 piri aS eae where the man| for her and ne me. I could not bear the | discovered some dreadful. plot in. which we, CONSTIPATION ment of public hospitals in the Australian Gregson, of whom you have tolt Mr. Hard-/ thought of this cynical selfishness. I had were all engaged Jor the purpose of im-| Parxe's Cetzny Compounn.is not Se ch ' . Ving, isto be Toumt:-~In my opinion he pos-| been angry against hind When 'Il Yirst knew ing upon my uncle, | laughed at him at - tic. It isa laxative, giving easy con to colonies, with the exception of a sum of sesses the key to this mystery. But the coche hw epi Daisy to be guilty. Now I the then tor I knew of Poo that there, action to the bowels. Regularity surely fol- step you should take is to obtain a power of | despised him for his heartlessness and would | was noplot of any kind, and Llittledreamei| }>¥4 its use to y of her t A ¢ attorney from Miss Stancliffe, ae 1 a you) ' willingly have turned my back upon him for- | of what was coming... But the man became;. Recommended by professional and business ee a oe aatadiecetrs civen I to act in relation to all her affairs as fully ever, if ithad not beon that I felt he might! hateful both to me and my uncle. especially eg oe a et the well I-tremed women tn i ja ah ror we fg: none? Vag wh ye me agi a ag Bélp" ii the work of "saving" my y [when we found thas hehed sctually yea Price $1.00, Sold by tained, if poss | us to land. ¥o never seen ow "a ee "Yr - page ets "hich yet Me... Bryce, bas for an-inter-| But very soon I found that this war not to: ever. dies that onl ae Yor" = Mids oa > A Eo. -- ek bitherss regarded ded ber Poor foot, YW With her, will get it from her to-night" ba I again told him my conviction that! «Til me, dearest, who he pena! Rontres), F..@ fey i sea en that c ox te Then the great man shook me by the hand, Flinter was the real instigator of Mr, Mau-! whom he charged a insti Ps this plot" Whe Great English Prescription, T.« rn pee sG.TR yt f + ceniin = and, expressing his desire to help mo in leverer's murder, and I repeated the reasons| "(Qi I believe I was the chief sinner of all, >, sueneaiel Maddog tane oot 12 30 at. 3 not read there the pis pia a signs ¢ Of PArHty And | ery poMible way, politely bowed me from Which led me to think so It was the first| 319 several timss met me when I was al Fy years in thousands of cases. dae D and oo Senman Yet no sooner did they know of ha time that Fosdyke had heard th» story of and sccusd me of it. Then he bated Flix Cures Spermatorrhea, N. ~ Gpe DER the wealth which was now hers than they | I bave no heart to write of the events of my finding the book on "Forensic Medicine" | ter, and said drewWiful things about him, and tpg Bt abe wiapalener began todoubt and hesitate, and allow the! 4, wis: day. There was again the eager 0m board the yacht, and of the way in which | even about Dr. Branksome. But I never (serors] indiscretion, or avTzn] (Daity) Gadshitl, Am- strong conviction of her guilt which they crowd of sightseers in court. and again all it opened at the pages -- with --. knew what the plot was to which he Guaranteed to to Cure chen all others ulree; Hampsted and | had previously entertained to be disturbed . : = , = 1 Fa your Druggist for be Great Rectan | 10 30 Nithburg..... : It adele 7 Pag urbe:d. | the actors in the dismal tragedy appeared in ing by strychnia I nt raarees Rar <* One package L Harmony, and Fair. was incredible to them that a woman who ir old placea- The jury looked jaded startled by my statement. it had no effect "Did, Dr. Branksome know what the man $1. Six $3, by "Write for Pamphiet. Address viewon Manday, Wed- was at this very moment the owrer of mil- after their night of aaiten ten' at a neigh- Bpon Branksome, however. | was saying about him? reka bec Read Co., Detroit, Mich. 420, nesday and Friday. |; 31D wae lh ne ee ide boring hotel; and I was conscious that not "I see what you wish me to do, Fenton. | «Qf course he did. Why, I think that, Fer Sale by C. E. NASMYTH & CO., Strattord. i ' o ¥ke's evidenos, | rorely upon myself, but upon my darling, SReichireaieetions that I should find « vietiva * next to hie, Ke Hatel Dr. Branksome the! - Monday, Wadaaeday and Priaay, detivery as. tw which told heavily against ua It the awful ordeal of the previous day, and of for the gallows in the place of poor Daisy, most, and I remember his asying once that THE KEY 70 HEALTH. 10: efi was that in whieh be related how, at the re- 1... sleepless night which followed, had toid and you suzgest Flinter for the purpose." | he could have sent him to penal servitude if Tueeday, Therday and Scturday, delivery at © quest * ag Mauleverer himself, he had | jou, ily. But she preserved the same air of "And is that the way in which you speak | no jjked." OLD. COUNTRY MAILS. _ made aly acquainted with tho terms of | sweet sarcnit 7 which had distinguisigd ber of the girl whgm you have known since she | "In Dr... Branksgme's prasenoel™ ¢.0 sw. A Mailia Rimouski' closes on every Tureday athe We maw ie} sercrage OT Tavwncio's propirty. from the firs left her mother's arms, and whom you pro! "#Yea." " 6.30 p. « cele i reid an reply" was the! ir Hawk's speech for the prosecution was fess to love!' I cried, in my =~ 1 waa startled by what I had heard, for I 7 Mail via New York, closes on every Saturday, at Wendy bo adjusted his pince nez, and, with the coldest, clearest and most merciless expo- "Dr. Branksome, if anyon> Lat asked me pemeombered how Branksome had disclaimed Te © soning mail forfToronto closes at 6.90 p.m. sition of the facts that could by any possi. What I thought of you a few ill ago, I any know ledge of the meaning of Gregson's The Fe (tice is open to the public ees Oem an 7 & momentary assumption of that air of pert bility have been Inid before the jury. He should have said you were ous of the noblest | )..1, guage tome in the raitway train when I m tisfacti d distineuishe : i ~e "ee Stee eo as no novice at his work, and I shudder. and truest men on the face of the earth; but bad. reported itto him. Some meas fan - 'Wittras BLAIR, Postinaster, oe cert a loubtedly. snste tet when hesat downthat he had not ifanyone were: to put the question to me! ciey stole into my brain. ecient cna viata osm gaa ey Ss Stanciiife ° yf: «loophole by which Daisy could escape, BOW, I should be foreod to tell him that l) wpe me, Ds aisy, What do you think of Dr _ canes os fea lady, sir. Idid not expect any show of t ond vou to be false ' vulgar emotion when I told t Woe t --_ Mr. Maile verer was undoubtedly poi bad found you to be fa asa friend, and Brau some himself?" Sar OnOtins When 5 ton Heros What Was ed by stry chni aon the night of October Mean and heartless as a man--one who ean need up at me, and that troubled, ea ae disinheritance, and I was not re pis the -- was the person who st here in the full er * do wut itful ook which I had noticed more than disap . must haye committed the crime, and that re *--f had om t once at S:arborough passed over her face, tnotive tt 1 3 oF how comes it, sir," cried Bélmore hit + - paler ie : * she had a strc com id wha " eaeals levsirvenr Taste aneneavers rising to cross-examine hin bat this wil tie were the thr - > ie} .. Ido: -- bow i can ans We ry ur ques + i oi > ye mm." she «1 {ter and " bas never yet been executed!" "I was lenv- tablis be : : 5 ae * tion," she said, a & pause, and speaking - bh lis { , Mr to establish y . ror rele . very slowly, as though weighing all ing the I, imumace after taking M and it was Sear thet aides td j ; : L ' lear that he did os ul i r . Mauleverer's instructions, for Norway b acissa enksotwe is a wonderful man. Dimness of * . r i from her « i wer! " Vie 3 i sy where Ihad business to transact on his be- ~ cain the minds of nearly Ce Se Saad an wie ae wing a muscle of ae ne te oi wing sm io es : wie, Vision, Jarmiion "Belt Rheum, " wh Lim he Can MAKe me do every in, eo The fair --_ of the will had to be Mr Be! hmore teok a very di iffe rent line his fae 9, and when he repliet he spoke in| wishes « Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of ~ Pa = 7 or nearly everythi It is onl ery made by my clerks tr farkion, aint Priny sett Fri yon: ntly was te rag bis usual voice, It was just as ploasant and whan [aim away trom, rm ee eT saa the Heart, NWérvousnces, and a) ses o_o a a the matter might stand over possi ible seit the evidence, an 4 in a epeech equabte in its tones as it had ever beet. lear hin. z Dedility: -- ae to rahe eta { . oinplaints vie y which was full of impassioned and eleq aM nt "I wish you SUCOTES Bt ad Godspeed wi ith all "Then you do doubt and fear him some cae ae _ ™ - -pleading be dwelt_npon the diffi alty_of im::my heart, Mr, Fenton; aad for the sake of ¢; 2 | happy influence o agining thata young giri like Daisy « couk! Daisy I forgive your injustice towards my- "Yes, when he is not near me. When he BLOOD BT S. ever have conceived, much less po ald have self. But I te 1 you this, sir, plainly: I have is, I hs tid seem to have any will of my; LEURN & Proprietors Toronla carried ont, so _ ay ya oe es ay "or the life. been convinced ; of her guilt by the evidence own, It is very mesa I cannot explain: . mI aed .of her relati ct xt; and while Iam willing it, Sometimes I think he is a very, very > PENNYROVAL .WAFERS. 1 absolutely convincing ev t- uM) € void wu 1g every effort to obtain: pood man; oat ioe are times when I think ~ Prescriptio a physician whe | . ties jury at os ©; Ahn her. i ; i * <rOwh--nay, ae very «lilke ly of him." has had a 'ite. to @ «Xperience t : in this case where was there any absolute | Fosdyke will te 'A you that I am already tak- Ww ben id you seo him last, Daisy?" I smale. dise use demonstration of her sped Who could say jing steps for that purpose--I am not ore asked, feeling as though | were on the brink pm yee . Pleanant a by | that Mr. Mauleverer had not, underthe infla- ipared to try to save ber, whom I believe to of some great discovery. i effectual, Lac ook ys ence of the excitement trom which he was be gufity dei! throwing Her sin upom another' "The day before tho trial began. Did you! gist for Pennyroyal Arredi and | It never was intended, so far as I can learn, doubtedly suffering, cemoitted suicide! a: od! whom J know to be in: t." not know! Has he not told y ou" i take pe 2 substitute, ox inchose. mee That eit ines manor woman were purposed to & 2 Ne : are forseale< ticuila: Sok vy bald Fe in that case every body knew tho proverbial Waar « wld Ido i aling to ® man "He has told me ne i. all drnepiate, fh per box. dress | I thin 1d will believe me, indeed I'm sure you a cunning with which a madman siught ' i sounded upon-bis:---"That ts strange, for-he promise? that he; THE EUREKA C HEMICAL CO., Dernorr, Mes. aaa . ae = 20 traces of his acts; but even if this'! 'ial i cou) metho in answer would doso. He brought me my will, which Hom "Malo by C. FE. Naamvth & Co., Stratfond If at the " Paris Hair Works" you have called. nage were to be ot Ag was it no oe " : - at it . se a it seemed that it was necessary I should sign ----__---- - =------------=3 | There is one thing Natore thinks of --let us thank sible, and even pr mable, that weak, to up jut in my beart I bated pefore I was tried." i A Severe Trial. ior all we can muddie-headed Dr. Carrick might have mt. "Your will! I don't want to pry into She ihen particular trouble with our race ; another mistake, and by inzdvertenc "Theu," J said at last, seeing that no help your private affairs, my darling, but I must Francis 8. Smi { Kirsdale, Muskoka, | She kn "a wegen dy growth of hair, the grey and gs . - it mimg look given strycnia instead of bromide of potas could be hoped for here, "I shall act for my- ask you if you left anything to Dr. Brank- writes "I was 'troabled with vomiting WI) dehenck toons the beauty of the face: sium to his patient? At all events, with self, and if I have to spend every farthing I pom: or two years and t have vomited'as often 5 these two possibilities. staring them in the bave in the world and, to devote ever) jay 'anythi ng! Why, I left everything to! 43 five times a day. One bottle of bur- | But nature hay her laws so. strict that you mus? momen "ar ia . et faos,-the jury weukt- incur «terrible r-fthatrenmins to me~ of -itfe tothe task: you" . OY Course-- That is; very ur trdock Bivod A Aenea tetely ettted me. WLAtk CLs. poner snesiditie = hit, i, yung Dur sons P oll snrel the if, it Taat ; / sponsibility if they returned & verdict of may depend upon it that I shall yet con- little things I want. you--" She stopped, ne eet hres cian gre pena thai "How comes a, sir?' cried Belmore, _ | Silty against the pris {found you all by proving her innocente."w 'blushing g Posy r MEbICAL Pros aoe --The great physio~ | ~poctor borenwent's Mair eters ns ' h - i = ] ° " "Ah! You were going to Norway, you ao ink that if the ry had given their). Of my interview with Daisy, when at last )*. "Do you mean you left all your uncle's for-) logical discovery the seventeenth poh ct then it would have been in Daisy's I was admitted to her in the condemned cell tyne to Dr. Branksome?" | was the sirculation of the blood. "The [Just try? it, you atticted, y apawes _ --- favor. Butthe summing up of the judge, |at the old Castle, I shall say nothing that «vos: you see he was the trustee appointed' great me dical discovery of the nineteenth 'a "the ood tat wil do i co" nt ot clear, careful and impartial, destroyed the does not. bear directiy upon thé subsequent by my uncle, and be did not need to tell me Century was an alterative for the purity- eifect of Belmore's- eloquent special plead~ events 'She was changed greatly when | saw 'set he was the enly-person-to-whonr-i-couid- ing of the blood. These two discoveries, The expenditure 6 bettie tu entail. eay; rather a stormy voy rage at this time of the. year; and you would of necessity leaving your client, a delicate . rong ee pelts oi pic ye sy your des i: i te th her; Dut sie Geckared that t Was far Ore BP! legve my uncle's money." Harvey's circulation theory and Ayers | 0. oe temous tor ipviaprating Saw SE as wick sat as in a dream, while the tedious riously altered than she wax And probably Jy an instant I siw, as when the blaze of Sarsaparilla, are prominent landmarks in | 4.4 stimulating the growth of the hair cawents nk Pitt as Ae teat Mr formalities connected with the retirement of she: was right; for I had nothing of 'that | gommor lightning illumines the wide land-. the history' and progress of Medicine. ly accepted as the most valuable sxx on tbe caine as an bt tate of mind at the jury were carried out. "And them came noble courage and resignation which had for miles at a stretch, the whole con- ti cia gx Bova gf a am pte ny He apr FO "1 aeast cor. | Balt an hour of awful supense, during which /borne ber up through all this time of agony. piracy, in the tolls of which my darling After Long Years. ee ae pecmeenaity sae os fei rapic tainly sey he.was; but'Tam nod * i everybody remained in court save my darling | But I dared not spend the precious minutes had been catight But that vivid flash of; "I-was-troubled with Liver Complaint geet ' somaine eae Be Bot under the inflsence of an ax SEL the judge. I still recall with asickening im lovers' talk... I had other work to de for consciousness faded almost 'as.quickly as it) for a number of years, finding no cure, inary decrbe.of excitement about that | ee f borror thet suddes lull ia the hum Bec SOMA enane, ame Bell we nce sees. groping sn the} tried-B. 3,1. I tock lonr bottion aed om ae "He was certainly very much ex-| % S¢#erst conversation, which told us that! My first busines T felt must 'be to get tewitight--not, however, before I bad taken' no eared, strong and hearty." = é | the jury were returning to deliver their ver from ber her own theory, if she had one, bearings, as it were, afresh, and had seen' M re aria Aakett, Alma, Ont. cot ea ca sca be Goma to hear that this| <=, 1500 ws burrying back to the regarding the murder; and-to prepare ber our real position was altogether differ- a -------- qusbterient-was--suck-as--0s ieat--icion 'So ca bench; I see the twelve men, with their | way for that, I told ber freely all my own ont from what, up to that moment, I had! If you have a chain, watch, or locket ploy.one of his servants te abduct. Mr. Fon: = ans taces slowty a into the box; J suspicions, and the story of my abduction -- imagined jt to ba that is worthless on accoun of it oe ton, the gentleman towards whom he ap- as though tronr a vast distitice, tig of which ho lind' oily" heard for the-firet' "Daisy > Teal, trying har 20 subdue my: get alter sobt-araline £ peared for some reason or o:ér to entertain | "S!ling over of the names, and the demand time during the coyres of the trial 'excitement, "are you aware that the power. Sane wil See De "wo new =e penarcinrboree of the clerk, "How 'say -you, gentlemen; do| "And you J believe thas my-uncle of attorney which you signed the other day} will last be most It was Daisy's turn to start and fook sur. | 70% 204 the prisoner guilty or not guilty?" caused you to be spirited away in that fash- aves me for the present absolute master of . Will guarantee work to be strictly ile 'qeiatlen, ta; indies, par-| Ae nt aes om my t, with arms ion? Degend upon it, ¢ you areen-' alt your property? You have constituted | class and give satisfaction as nae sons in court did. I had never told Daisy stretched out to where my love stands, deadly a agate My uncle was innocent. me your other self. While you are in con-| and quantity of nietal put on. the truth about my voyage to the north, nor white, but more beautiful ever, with) who could have originated the plot" Gnement here I can go where I will and do! should I have allowed that trath to be made | 2224% clasped and eyes turned toward| "Filnter must have done sa Let me tell what I please in your -name, as your repre-. opposite Windsor hotel, Stratford. Soares now buh tot ae ; heaven, which has heard the mon-|youall lknow abouthim He has beenem-' sentative. Are you willing that I. should : Fs me eee clas of Mr. estas regres agp Pag to re pond rhs cn Manges eight yoars at my -- make full use of these m3 ; BE Agr pelt tae " {mame wit amy ¢eut short her station « w * she isin Sent Seam ani aga manifestly disconcerted by the maticdd For the jury have re ns lives. X tan Gl Mind te bad bere to oe s Far cheap Raisins, cheap Syrup, cheap _ SCome, sc," erie Belmgen, iS. mst. have | turned e verdict of. "Guilty," and our, last some seriogs trouble, and that my. uncle who Zine desiiog, Lebel mabe sg eth aee| Coffges, chemp-T cheap Sugars, go an answer." "I heard something of it," | "Sour one arate le = a cette Mi dips as Lopate FEE) them 3 ramos tat yea L..t0 Walsh Bros'. - on: Blanes! something of . itt Why, were. you, = in imy "son * simple- *A. want.you.te pramise you will on ae; booming, "I hare had tore: i ee earn ate Tey a or her sake, to remain bim Very soon after he came to the station pccount allow Dr. Branksome to you! Bo ogee amthonyrese. 8 A and ' RKemem " calm I ty to obey, aa I ot tréabling | jen an linney aeaghee Mt shred ary wate' | uns ve meet again, Sots ther wi ber Ta sling gold paper at 50 ell j Specialty, Diseases of _ "NL A. Bogyrorth's is the place, erect ee ie eae eee ae = a ne ner cnt