B | think of drunk. A man sot wheal elial.. i r ; ee a he ~ a Ab > ls): a = = --4 ----- Heels CONTRACTOR AND D BUILDER aq sa_diak_seturally neglecta . if * S oO [*hoeite sonea" DR. D. M. FRASER, « COMMERCIAL HOTEL. ane ee ~/ , om th ie Road. | * > ~ the hours; | "Then drink recalls debt, sec? Well, Qr=s: paneer naman se Aker. Stratford, Ont. Sample | Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary or nines ee Ww. : a man who is in debt owes everybody, @ratiord, Oct. 16, 1583. s-ly oe Commercial Travellers. Good : . " Orders can be left at Mr. George "2 office doesn't he™ atin ge ---- | stabling and ctentiva hostlers. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. | ob at my bouse, on Street, om him A. B. AHRENS, L. D. T. HAGARTY, Proprietor. -- Btrathoré. March 14, 1588. 870-17 j If they are foolish enough to trust | Stratford, Cet . jae ae La s ENTISTRY : It "a New Block, Market -- W, leas. 6-ly OFFICE :-- = etal, Beaatient, Oe COUNTY OF PERTH. "Very well, then, there you have tt iiliged Air used tor the Painless Extraction ALBION HOTEL, |--- ~~ ot . _ -- Wi runk--debt--owe--eau, Ai desired. SP ioee THE LEADING COMMERCTAL . wa. STEELE, -- gah SE ad sane ations arch 20, 1883. __ sey ry Ouse in the Ci Cap. Ka Lares, we well-lighted sample VETERINARY RGEON, third Tension ts es month, from ten to three Dr. a N. 7. ROBERTSON, _ Table in the City. JOHN PUTLAND, Pre roprictor. (Graduate of the ontate Coles ot - ice wn Tocsdny_ tnd Wdmtaay of ech weak (vara oF 200 acoTLasD) QUBBN's I 8 HOTEL. Senay = po te vidoe at his office on Tuesday, Wednesday Ornca Horer im eeeoke - o. of Wi ee gos ~% the Indian Blork, Mathét Square, Stratford, . 4 eturday of each week, dur a os pe X00 Pm. Ontario. WM. DAVIDSON, Oo. Clerk: *. " Re Bere somctrantic heer Sani =~ td ~ EE eaten a. Tee i eek 4S Pa Sor ae ee Wy gee se ES Bier 2B ks rt Seebale ones 2 Over Myr. strainer 8 ene ington's Block, " "tort Sor vse. Oy o.- . PT GAs OS re vert ee T "tT "y RET aa -- a CABINET HOTEL, Orrosrrs TH |aoe and financial, epue srode"s es @.T_R_ CITY TICKET OFFICE, and choice. the Royal, presides at the bar. Oysters in Season. JOHN A. poe IRAPH se HITE, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c., Idington' om. BOOKLESS, Manger | Veterinary - Surgeon. lock, Stratfo _ Stratford, Mare -- _Stratt -- -- | (Graduate of moons iptv Veterinary Lowest rates to all points in Western States, Mani- Bus to them # besmeth beat, " aro at. pues -radlag epee ore, Hor. a 1807, By ROYAL HOTEL, wits Surgeons.) se Moderate ccerarnsie -weet, Montreal, Beston, know that life so you have 'law.' t ° Sor 5 . . . or ter be homo bao inte ere, So foe Rave law. Bot Rotting is oayy| JOHN H. HARDING, Manker Sqvans, Srmarronn. | gy Orne oppose Wien Sin A. H. ALEXANDER, .* ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, VERY Ac " Semen 08 Sarees Reet ATTWOOD, Oxy. isnot enforced,so you have"letter' and Etc, Idington's Block, itis St., Strattord BE' CCOMMODATION tor. = eaaeame | Attwood, April 21, inet Btratford June 19, 1886. beg ~~~ phen. gan go.and post {ty mad nttony ti salieri : eo moat LOU AN. "Wonderful. Still it seems to me that | -- et peti Dart : i jouNM SCOTT. p a aa Tk BOGOR MAN'S FRIEND? 'it would be easier to remember the lettet THOS. T. PORTHOUS, _Strattord, June 20, 1888. Fropetater. | Mencvery Graduate of tha Ontarie Collage.4f One that will eave days of #lek i i. - If than go ka, SOLICITOR, Eto. i . ss ----- Veterinary savy Hurgeniss Yne that will eave dar? o nessand many "T was sitting in my room in 'The Free" «.g, {+ would if yon wero not a victim Bones ODDFELLOWS' BLOCK. Stratton'. orf Y-- HOoTaL: ~~ GALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. "fear a hands ready at Jeter Te an Press building the other day, working of this system, but once that gets a hold Stratford, July 1 1, 1885. Market Square, Stratt M te riend is Peary Dav hard, with my feet on the desk, when the on you you can't remember any ans an SMITH & GEARING, ROBT. ORE, PROPRIETOR, Cuances Mopenats, . doorway darkened and 1 looked up. There less you corral the words. 'That's how simieans tic, wreseienet Anoest Stabling accomodation tm the clay, | VEeTINATY: Maticine ves Rep and Dispensed. P AIN-K ILLER. ILLER stood, with » hand on- each ofthe doar; Same to loseimysitnation" hotel is fitted up in first-class sty te, and | Ornce and Rasvaxce : -- In Bhore's New Block, posts, a most disreputable looking speci- | 'Oh! "How did that happen?" : J, GRAYSON SMITH. F.W. GEARING, the Bar "iapplied with the best Brands {n Wines, | over Mc Ewan's St wore, op posite | Market. 697. We TAKEN INTERNALLY .it cores Present men of aman. I sized him up instantl i sate ell, aman by ~_ a . Stratford, Aug. 6th, i384. 440-ly Liquors and Cia. _ | Casieres, Minrrbers Cramp and Pain in "the 'J sini . , Dowe ompiarnts, ainter «Cole, ho "ranted to work ine for twenty Sve eelt tu then brightening ahs said. A. C. SHAW, B.A, THE TERRAPIN. UNION IS STRENGTH. prseeytn o totes estion, Sudden Colds, Sore io » -- hroa 1s mith--by the name of Smith, tele- Are BOLITTOR, & yey aSCER, Ontario Street, Stratford. ~ USED EXTERNALLY. it cures Bruises, we "this I was Wrong, as it shows how a phoned me to tell my boss as soon as he | next Post Office, Stratford "1 JOHN GRAY, Proprietor. CLE LAND & » McKE RN AN the | one Beals ant Sprains. Swellings of "person oe. slow.dn-caming...2o,.22-Came e in, to call him up. sane ore is the telo- | gar Money to Loan on Property, at Six Per Cent. HAVE cone into Partnership and have leased e alate on x bache. | ain bn AG inion abmat air akrowy fatlow creature: phone. That ev ee oe tae ce ee Te Te. Oeaaie cppeais tia, queee's Heel | say Menasha ile wanted or nly ten cents ally brought to my mind 'aldermen' ines , -- o ~ . celebrated nine Ales on _--- which hay have enlarged to enabte them to aacom- 25 Crats pin Borris. ey mistér," he said, "you don't hap- "How is that? I don't see that. RERTETE, NT io cae + Dec. 9 Bly modate their very numerous customers, and to Reward of Counterfeils and imitations. 6 have ten cents you could sparc? a's | hy the aldermen always form rings vats Wace' bry ise Windsor Bloc k, Stratford carry on Blac kanrithing in n and most ~ . ny ou have struck it the first time. 1 - Se bo wants to get anything uration' Jaly, 13, ly COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, cleats ae stone Cuter Toa, Sadly pane 3 ws " si G. W. LAWRENCE & SON, Sacsers cad dhegha uate ¥t id satitection < "Say,mister, ter, L haven't had anything to_ You don't tell me? Hvcu nein SE vi - mor kor RIETOR. | Cutters and Sleighs made to orer, and satifaction . ata ° "Fa AWeil-ting shows that. marrts ARKISTERS, ATFORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solioi- MEDI x. teed, m ms ie Swi in ake sai ee don't you,® 1008 who expects things to be otherwise Public, ue. | Uffice Market Buildings, Sint ord. | ESIRST comune -_ ""HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Marble and Granite Works vlic, de, hoe-- Ma. ulldings, e § le goand have dinner? They set up some fool suggests idiot; idiot suggests asylum; |" GW. LAWRENCE Wa. LAWRENCE. SP Geneteciel Toneabein vias Sane Livcryin | fn all ita Branches, In this line que reputation (FADANY S SHARMAN, Teporter, ed good meals at the first class hotels In-this 2 lum, prise tia prison is a work shop; a Stratford, Feb. 3, 1s80. 1-ly connection. Charges re: cash ¥. Reliable guides needs no comment. os , 7 dian Marble and Granite Monuments, Tomb- orkshop must have a blacksmith shop; ~-- | furnished parties in search of lar bid-tt Acknowledging past favora we solicit a continu : ' m ' 1 N reial travel oad ha deo » must-have a smith, and thers IDINGTON & PALMER, __ | ance of the sanié, and nope by attention to all visitors Tops, Xe. tnverptioie eat te Engtish or rm . 4 e a Pliny > pe ce. ers "Ad sure that they can't get a you are. Welt, whnathe- bows came tad PBAwBISTERS, Ete, STRATFORD VICTORIA HOTEL. W . wi ----a- Ex aap f a a ee » Rratlante decent meal in the city. Tu halve the went up to him working onthe corral JOHN IDINGTON, QC. Co County Crows ATrorser. Downie a, Stratfo 0 -- in XC. ange or / diftersace with you. Make it five cents, "arp a eel J. FRANK PALME OsErl OORADY, Proprietor. New w Wo rk. = ~ = t ore t t son was Ki soe " N T . can't keop myself in lager and a 0 nto tho streut.? wun oo Stratford, ie NEY 14 dian 520-lv r= ---- nn ee oe -- i ee BOOK-BINDING. ' sf 1su6. - = plic, at moderate prices, t Al = -- mnie don't intend try tomuppiy with ber 5 Th ae ogee Wey Glee |" MONEY TU LEND, | tui te Gan satiate ol) CARD OF THANKS, | I my amps Picts ree mane tramp that-<0 1 d "Thave often started out to do so, but T Reasonable Rates of Interest, on Farm and | Stratford, Feb. 18, 1885. 476-ly ae CLASS MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, Old © fellow coolly care aoa sat "dnkid OM always. it L gat fown Property. Apply to WORTH HoT! = -- o 6 Bl ks ith repaired, anc ulank books nted aad aay a are staked "I my charac: fangehalnchaleptninnanie "CW=LAWRENCES 'S- HOTEL. | Wm.-Pirie, Blacksmi ~ bound bo any patter. tasted a drop of liquor 'here Niwa. Bkrakt , 7 j y s in eae i oe pl lp "a ne P bs ry "And I suppose that becauso 03 lost Harket Bull dines, Stratton. [ep se ig igo gx to acaint Bld patrane well" eis to announce to his Friends and Customers airmen Canade bound te" eod style: trom re 08 @ 'wholesale ig in thie ton town, 'your oe you on your girl. "Mon "Mone Mone ! and the travelling public that tt will be his constant ve thanks for their many favors in anil of past, and olicits a renewal of their setacinnd but was ruined by my desire for improve: Glad aha 'orgotten abont 'that. ey, ney, ] Clan acgomtnedation. The tale will be © = pore io a Te heatt Full Price List 01 on Application. ment. I was i en warned that I-was you. remit 'me. No, was Ey Lot-of Cheap Money has beon placed | supplied with th: choicest of everything. The best | ,,!t haa been reported by some interested part taking. thewro course, but, alas, I did' case = a vl {coral folng Betdin 2 It y bide, at jetemom ce Farus, at ae kept at the bar. zr First- class Stabling oe. WS. Sm, B Blacksmith, io yroing is to leave ~~ WALTER STONE, te. somet . INTEREST. tor Horses. not seo my ecror until it was too late. somet mes Goes tia over' to see - 2 i. shops OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL Most of my comrades used asd Wo take a: iain re Working the corral foe all | 3 Is ma of repay teat to ik the borrowes APPLY.) seentford, Aprit 3, 1686. BR. M. CALDER. | near the Market, where be hopes to see all his oid Book-Binder and Blank Book Manufactarer { beer now and then and go to the was worth. nen I got there I ran it: WILLIAM GORDON, SY | customers and as many new ones as willcome. He BINDERY OVER D 9° ; ball es and be out nights, but I stuck/this way: 'Girl--- dress --dressmaker-- Real Rotate: Boker, Stratiord. LENNON HOUSE. is going to carry on the business in all ite branches, s ER DUTTON'S DRUG STORE, to andy and you see what I am. : [towing thread needle --plns--pinafore | 'Stratford, Dec. 12. 1882. , Se2ly | gt. Marys Gravel Road, halfway between Stratford Horse-Shoeing & Blacksmithing " ---- » » I was a little Setinered at this. It) rhea ane = clas eases ee and St. Marys. Ot every dese ion. There will also be in con: Stratford, Feb. . - ag pe Hg 'he subect, preconceived) | of Gon't seo how™you get thet last) W. MOWAT & | SON, BANKERS, T. LENNON, - Proprietor. et eee Seetterd, Fob. 1.208: ___ ae a ideas I had on tho subject. an y HIS HOUSE has good ac i i j allowed the fellow to "Why Josephine is tho peinetpel <2 char- eaves a x ---- tanking tee fo "large new stables ard ae Sn ye Wood Worker, Trimmer and Painter, . "Yes, | amnow an awful example of the) ter tn 'Pinafore,' you--know. Well, drafts payable at par in Canada or United beet Linuors, Alek and Cigare 'at the Bar.' Every | So that customers can depend upon getting satis- terribi ' fol of- taking. wrong om rse.| When I met her I said, 'Hello, Josephine, sates, Alle we & #5 pee cent. "interest on deposits in prone HS 16? the _ Terms reasonable. | faction in everything t hey want, at most a y ng nted and she thought f was thinking of 00 00 wo Within the last six years over _Strattord, Nor. 27th, Ls64 __ 6-em rices, Will open new shops shout the the middle of "- My beer drinking SE ee other girl erat hens . pi all day with mie moiltioa dollars) hi have been deposited Jemuary, 1348. Yours truly, to as model citizens, w am practically ot! see, 1. should have ales eepenabaes oe ---- the come of nny other. "TAR STRA1 FORD HOTEL, -- Wa. FIATE. od peta a did it spools' 'trom 'thread,' and instead of that set a tana firm in Camda. ada, We make s | (JORNER OF HURON and Sr. MICHAEL streets, ee . 'ot lending farmers at roug' is __ "Well, the - Taking stroke was the iT -- = yore and joa you eanrt tal serie vate fo, loan on mort | pared to furnish every prviontonte ro Mtor 'the HO FORE PILLS? memory | a ee at heh et ny ~--- 'will bring up. Stte at our office. U. 8. woney t wold. | fences in connection. The Bar |s ne} with the | ae memory, and m my, frm tld me eared 1 Well, | am sorry for you. I have been ta Marriaze licenses issued. best Ales, W: ince, Spiritnons Liquors & & Temperance Jearned to- speak mn: ey wou send. . --- drinks. Give me a cal re uch interested fn our case. there. 1/¥ery much inte y MF. SULLIV AN, ee ome TTBS Fee re Campbell's Btratiord, tune Oth, 1884, in existence. "Here is e memory lessons, a that was a srt tems ly - ; ' . belpin seanly ae mek pew very much obliged to you, I a. } athartic LAGER ! LAGER! : "In a way--yes. You know how they, hesawie gee fon't you come out and ha oF ttt ound GEO. BECK, na a strengthen the memory, I su v" jeomething?" . P Market Square, Strattord, "No. Never heazd it d be done." No, --_ roa ri I had | Ir cunts Liven Compuant, Busovs Disonvens, fil cadiessaeel forthe pale ot » = they | be omach, Dyspiraiua, seas wake ya po aw wie oath you bor f ten. Pp see I forget everything." tick Haamnene ConsTiPA TION ce Conrvonse ea ee PORTER, LAGER, . cee e> "at BOTT =. never divulge any of the methods, and t 8 aha er! a Paswoon, Man. Tint Oct. 18E--f ted Cemotetr's Cece | In Wood of Bottles. LONDO noticed t of the window bess fect with : henry oe ngiachek: pt that re didn't torget fog Int into the -- ra cad eny woman Fem, soon wath | aay Celebrated stam wots tah the Only Medal $25-LIFE-SIZE PORTRAIT -$25 Greg House, Friday and Satria, July 90 at. "Then if I were you I would not tell oa We corner. v de. per bettie ; -- = _ anything about it. {don't care to know. » Freo Press. 8 --_ EF" Ee a=} a =H} ! {necess the Best Tost of Worth Worth "Ob, that's all right. I can plead that, eae basin Water vs. Steam. Cellar Lately Occupied by hg Me. Copp, 7 Rene Yas tten all about the oath. --_ Remed Stratford, Ma he ' IL ; Apa x " enaiite of tha memory sy During the the heavy rain storm at Winona | '['2E subecriber begs to annoance to the!pablle v3 1806. 437 iy W ecker"s Galiery tem. You can forget anyt hing = the residence of Police Offieer Bambenck PREPARED TO SAW LUMBER NYONE SITTING FOR PHOTOGRAPH Yes, sir. Now if you were to lend 4 was ---- by lightning and the famil af the palpes noted, until further notice, vis :-- Je R. -KILBURN before FEB. 201m will havo the chance I would very likely forget all about it be- Harrow escaped death. ~The bolt stra -- Wood, 0 1,000 Tost. eee = LIPE-SIZE PORTRAIT of- themselves on fore to-morrow." , the chiceaye completely demolishing i Soft Wood, = -- A-R-C-H-I-T-E-C-T, -- 80. "You astonish me and following the stove pipe down into | o¢ 50 cents per. M. Sitou ene othiir sell within five | OFFICE : Windsor Hotel Block, Stratford. _ MAKE A NOTE OF THIS "It's quite true. * thas way the sys- 'the room, thence passing through the miles of Sebringville. an T3500 3 tem is very valuable. Now to show floor into the ground. Tho floor was} 111. gtine pals tabeaorngts "J. G. KIRK, This tsa seis Chanee, ee seein ane-icilt Gielen you how the thing works. My girl's badly torn up, and gt s of furni- wed oak ies Sua Phan IVIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR to get it. -- cee ee ware oe rs dumtenek was |g A eee at Deg One, Sie, Besos, 4 Idington's Block, Erie St, Stratford, Ont, TRY YOUR LUCK! a4) ha 1 then?" was a affec: except JOHN. PEARSON. tel ony dear falow, had." aeagh fs fright. Her 83-year-old son had | Sebringville, Nov. 20th, 1883. "uty JOSEPH G. KIRK. A few doors west of Post. Office. "Recuse me i {1 have brought up sad both legs badly burned and one shoe torn me -- _Barationd, Sept. 9, 9, 1885. ~ -Bhenttord, Dees 18, MBF Fecollertions. Mrs. Bam- {| CO, PERTH MUTUAL.F. L CO. }.-- 'A. HEPBURN, completely. from "It don't matter In the least, I assure benek's young sister of I y ---- RSTABLINIIKD 1863, BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. Y A RCHITECTURAL Designs, Plans of Public and sow You seo I can forget it right bear the path of the bolt. Private Buildings drawn architecturally, / knocked senseless and both her legs bad Insures Buildings, Merchandise, Manutactories and practically, and in i spective, and, if desired, ; : + < about the system?" burned. It was. thought she was ames all o ription of Insurahle Eseperty, with ornamental wor! ---- with oe eer -- ae "Oh, yes: {had forgotten. What were but tho neighbors carried herinto the yard n the pretium note or cash syete: M perattord, Oct. 10, HEPBURN a we t alking about?" and buried her in the ground up to her cemens PROUITGY KeoteEd ahd Fann. ----e eS PILLS AND ~ OINTMEN? 'You said your girl's name was"-- fnack. This method is always ancmoyed W.S. COWAN, + Exactly. My girl's name was"---- __j{n that part of the city in case of a perso BOARD OF DIRECTORS; AUCTIONEER, Valuator, ste, | Sales attended vet universal medicine | s = S Rownneld & i ro hia brows wrinkled up and he said struck by lightning, and th © people ears damen Trow . Esq. M. P., President, Stratford, in one Herth or Oxford. aces every w to himself audibly: igreat faith in its Sithdrawine the elec. | ¥. Mon wat, Eo. Bankes, ice: President, Strattond. | |, Ft ae ee ae Ties 'Office promptly -- de "Girl -- dress -- dressmaker -- thread-- tricity from the sy stem. Both the injured Thos mas Ort, Ent mater, (stratford, _ _ Stratford, Aug. 23rd, 1882.0 BH Ly --.HE PEELS 4 spool--cotton--cotton ae ga og 'are doing well.--St. F ma Pioneer Press. ion: ee », Warden of Perth, Ww. D. W bin--bob--Robert--Roberta. That's it} meme . pas rather, * , sereeriie . 2UNIEY THE BLOOD, impart tone to tl Her ane was Roberta--nice girl, too } A Drommer Boy's Caree € ae eo rey on y eH. is" tee be te her ar ateroar Bales -- NE hd SS ST 2 A act most pow werful. "WwW hat was her last name?" | ev. Albert Cc. White, of Amesbury, a. ee Esq., Reeve, Pullarton, ' "* tended in all parts of the Counties, German or oe fier-tast--namet--bet--me--see-* who-entisted-in-the-tate athens J.D. Moore, Eaq., St. Mary's, So Spoken. aed MAIN-ST., MILVERTON, LIVER AND BOWELS, he fell into the same. sort of an cudible: and 20-days.old, Ja,naid to have been' the z: : PINE nn it tn rem ---- scomoting DIGESTION and-assimilation, a: x ~ eary Doering, "Raq. ington, o browti study and. murmured: 'Roberta-- youngest soldier of the whole army. He } George Rock, Esq., Logan, aa! ~ JAMES: PROCTOR, jeelog the whole. beatin. frame. wa. bert--Bob--bodbin--cotton-- factory-- often walked twenty miles a day, and it Soliciters--- Messrs veceestet al tr ty moent, Licensed Auctioneer brow Tre mi ings, Lasaitod de aod GENERAL n mill--mills. That's it again. Mills is tho! was his duty to beat the oe at night. | 'ankers--Canadian Bank of Conimerce. we : qnickly yield to the poten bat Js, and they are name: Miss Mills. Let's see; what' did 1 is father was a Hentenant the same'}'* General Agents--W. 8. Bolzer a ead Alex: Preme: --ror ti2-- try weil k edd a . = "{ . these efficacy say_her_first name --_ Girl--dress-- company, and accompanied gdh on his oe rotons ae ot oe ents throughout the - dressmaker"---- 'founds a night Yo kwp is rom fang county, ice: tat oer, over Mowat's Bank City of Stratford and County of Perth. owinaea Fomane cee a ; "Never mind going over that. again. ' asice CHAS. Penson trae ALES of Real Estate, Farm Stock, Household tes and boils ean any ocher te You said her name was Roberta. Hie must have been handsome as well as Furniture, and all ki Kinds of of Gemeral Goode at- ne know " "That's it; Roberta--Ro""---- jroung, a as the following -amusing story Stratford, Feb. 15, 1888. nded at aable show: Hé once pag ring he : +34 : "Youre sight, Roberta Mills; awfully of whos: me milk. t, too. She lives -in ja bewatifel sottbera. gir girl about: ty Baber - = | Sic omnes $ 10000 P PRESENTS re a REMOVAL. = mis A WoRp-wipe REFUTATIOS. Know bert" withegar-etterly pported NVEYANOEK, AGENT FOR PERTH ow her?" 'wi woman AN AG! FOR M.-F, Pe "No, I don't." etepit colored woman. The =" Pe We wil! tt ae rae I. Co., Auctioneer, a : "Ith alvevery kind of SORE, ULCER, ar "Well, she's lost to me Sicaven: L@lled his three canteens an tes . git to reach dehy i, Money to ta Lae Reason ie 'Rates of of _ STEW RT, a 'EN yh erin eee aes don't know that dt egg scaly now, -- kiss each for them, bat White says the = rie cos ibe ; mente A. A po ieinvaibabie ar} 4 penetrating po OFFICE :--At_ his Residence, Princess Mtrect, eer ee ee -Mitbank PO. Ont = -- 'Gace notaim__.ywev.| HARNESS MAKER, -} << Lae ae > anit "Cust ae wish to open i 'Republican. ante Sere weak * : 0 TP STe Stay tue ex: cocietion tortures o "[ don't -don't doubt tt How did the separa- ". Diphtheria for Fiching. : aang -- WAS REMOVED To -- come abou There are somewhat startling ramorsof. pen acaiootes eee az RHEUM ATISH, GOUT. Memory did it. I suppose AT ' Baker's Block, Sou: Retreat ccdetont ti le eyetenn now?" yo the prevalence of measles and diphtheria FUNERAL DESIGNS. was ite eee naming i SFUTSA LOLA it is unsatpassed. I "| rs ¢ 1 dd. among school children: The feelings of CUT FLOWERS Market, Oppos 8 - a hn remove Sourf and e were ipecias of ok "Well, you se6, you corral: any word small boys in regard to the matter HANS, TANS AND EAL sion House, Wellington 'auufactared only at Professor Houtowar wank fo timueaabee." -- a. ee s_Sollowing: aie The Royal" ' Flavoring Extracts Street, semen A sangeet: vit. have heard of cormalling aa, animal, [ail aten retmpen two SHOCK | are absolutely pa Where he intends Keeping 9 Fint-Clm | 133 OXFORD ST., LONDON - 8 eo SS "Say, 1 heard school -was *to be} California 4 -epaoacdipre H ; ae a od eld ot te. Lit, 2. 9d., du, OA. F Pa ee eae ast ee is womens Ward's, Downie etree sd Harness, ; Whips, ty Wo oe ard pet 'and Jn § ay le J, M. Becrrer, ans silver and Coa i | aide plater ; Albert st.¢ ess : sia _Bells, Combs, Co RAT UALTION. ~ BE howe no. Agene: = sige Use " Maud." Condition Brashes, .. Bianketa |) tee ders for loss of uppetite.in -your horse > eet Ch . the buuae tne YT ten and argh gay ery. cap. ae mt arc by For Bilious Disorders and Acid | It knocks rae on oy Tha Tete Marka st mu sue ca ' stone, Campi atari posed | From teri eee John's 'reg REPAIRING P PROMPTLY DONE: a a ae