Stratford Times, 11 Jul 1888, p. 4

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erat f a a 2 New 'Advertisements This Week. | M. D.--i-~-E- Couper ; To Let-----John Mason, -- For Sale--Mowat & Marra' Cholera--J. H. Naame ® Co, e? Ted one of the uct Ext. Wild Straw i ar, Powter' aan Central Business College --W. H. aw, ae Mapee Eee Sale--Dr. ww NR --"The American Duchess" is the | STRATFORD city COUNCIL. name which Londom has already bestowed | on His Grace of Marlborough's ~bride. There is great curiosity about her appear- ati her family, her future and her rela- ons tu her husband's family. Tt is eaite a pleasure ta hear of an American girl marrying a titled foreigner who owns something beatdes a goat, a silver tooth pick and an umbrella. --'*Ts the Scott Acti s failure >" phout- ut the opening of the apeitic Prohibition Convention at Montreal. Even it it were tet stwach a. place would be the-last a -- = ~ Stratford Times. Se Sey BUTLER, EDITOR Al ND PEOPSIETOS. Seeriemeciar teeters _Wepnespay, Jeux yy b. 1888. nm to throw any new light apen If the demagogue was serious in. the question he saked, he, can get more information upon subjec taking a trip through ieod, Kent. Tanbion aes Ki dreamed-of nm he-ever heave the matter. Itis not very often that the press is called upon to chronivle acokl joipt strike. Such a novel affair took place at Hadders- The one of the been. -given a half. holiday, and in order to make it more pleasant. for oe, them, the employers gave roumtis Regular r Meeting. The Stratford city Council met: Tues- dav, Jaly @nud, ail the members present, jyev, Thowas Macpherson complained of pe ople mak ea | ee around for otd rubbish on Vin t street, Dear his dwell- ings. Rete mers 0 Neaes of works,. James Pequegnat and others asked that the as- phalting of the walk on C: Vee street be no longer delayed. - ~B, of V etter was read from L aa -Col. Smith, Do ALG , expressing his satisfaction at the way in which all matters relative to the military camp were-carriedout. Theclerk was instructed ta enter the ese anes a mathe mitntes, Phe police report for June ars fines mower to be 4126.50; cash réceived tr fhe cemetery report +4 the last mouth gave total receipts at $76 Finance report rec: teccnpine the follow- ing paymen tes Hamilts " a7 Spee tater, advt., tow) Te lephone Co, { AS be Ww 4 P.inspeetor we ane a Measures, ore rae MORNINGTON. Victories Acats.---The Scotch settle- ment base club ed @ return match with the North line club on Saturday, and again (fisplayed toa large gathering of spectators, their superiority as base bal] players. Only five innings were played, aud at the end of that time the stood 27 to Notwiths standing the. boasts of the North line boys, they feel convinced, as were the spectators, that they are no match for cur boys yet. and not likely to be for scme rime. : \ ELMA. * meeting of the shareholders of the Attwood Hax mill 9s called for the 7th inst hoger ti herpiRCROT Le Chnnhet, The bush fires are commencing to show themselves again, and the smoke makes, tive hort disagreeable in many parts the town "Sirs. Williams Anderson, one of the ol- e-tand most respected resttent of Eima pasred away last week, after an iline-s of ay years duration. She was mother of _ BR. Anderson, grain dealer of Artwood. Is the list of new M P. P's for the North west Territory, we "es -- name of Mr. John Lineham, son of Lineham, of this It may serve as warning to cerned to publish the following extracts from a recent private letter, givihg an ac- count of the first ach of a voyage to the River Plate on a young man who hi: "a! best be may. -- necessity took a pores passage @ says. "In the bay of pees we have had very bad weather-- wind, rain and heavy seas.» Last. night, w es a passage can "by ex oa dowd-ecbets -- is eaten the best way we can There-is-no t We must cat--sit on a wooden bench or standing--from rroasy tin plates with greasy tin # 8 om forks = greasy knives, a =e out of greasy tin mugs) At7a m. we have a compound which bears a faint re- semblance to coffee, 'witheut milk, and good bread, which ts the only good thing we have. There is also a substance they term '"'butter," but the sight and smell of it are enough Sa. m. we have break: fast, which _consists of a kind of soupy Parasols. LACE A 'oy assortment of Cream, White and Coffee Lace Parasols, from The. up. We have them as high as $4.50. You can see with iis splendid range. - COT mn HOSE vse. pave derenin. - Alot et Chiktren's, different sizes. 'Clearing at 100. They te 6a the cotiuter. what tou nee eae UmeTiny ft OF Women's black to. Kings, white heel and toe, worth S0e-; fer x This ia @ genuine w & coon ry of w kite bis nen cellars, from Troy, N. ¥., for ladies' W jour linen collar, with eape, 17e, Black Mervilleux.--We are cutting awa: = them ; a lady Lujing one yesterday at £1.10 _ bronounced It the eaual of 61.50 goods else Come and pick out bargain ¢ have of roast eat set on the table were cold, ba) wate Eee 2) ko es ae i ~ Hi Tobin, ec 'astable, $3. "Hq & EM. Bid- well, $2.75>-H. Ward, 89; Mrs. oOrOuR OVENS numerons friends of all political peril ha have known him since chi! oe will which bas hot the least F resemblance to tea. being, i in fact, merely dirty water. I a. . Where. A keen buyer, too. Dress Goods... We have the coods to show, seal, aT or 'The Maye is in receipt of anon} wherefore the operatoss struck. They wanted hot coast beef or none stall Jt supplies, 5. a | comm » exiling his- attention fo ~-jafractions of city by-laws, and also com: plaining of the conduct of certain city is to be onal that this striking mania will not affect the domestics who light the morning fires in ag! winter ; our best gir] nS. Praterwapptier; WBF Pay sheet, $49.00; fT. A. Johns, eab -- $l; Cleland & McKernan, work, $1; dell Telephone Co, StL The treasurer's officials, All euch Tetters are cast aside. The police are the proper parties to lay complaints before, and it should be done in person. -- If any citizen of good repute will come ward <and make his charges against any city official,in a manly and _ pains way,..the, Mayor will see that the. ~ somplaint-ie-duly enquired inte, vo-far-as Tay lies with him so to do. --One of the principal difficulties en- countered in Stratford by those who desire or the cook. If it doe ef, there is no telling whatmay beim store for eee kind, ---At aspecial meeting of the railway committees of the London city coancil and Board of Trade recently, after dis- cussing the position of is relative to the GT Be bability J of their" re- cesar atone a" deputation were appointed to interview Mr. Hickson at once,--Free Presxe, [Go at once, by = meana, and lose no time about it. ** interviewing " the great G, M., thee com- mittee mighttake a run dewn to "Stratford the Poe a re was: em showed a balance ™ on hand of $1,- 439 Th Me "committee estimated that & bridge on Vincent street, with sidewalk and neces- sary Jand and filling, would cost about $2,360 and not morethan $2,500, They alvo recommended that omething be doue towards carrying out the thistle Bokivis weed tab. Adopted, THE ouD GHAMMAR SCHOOL SITE. Mr, Board, was matter of the Macgregor, chairman of the C. I. Leard in connection with the Ad grammar achoel property aid, sold. the property last 'y : te--prtttetraster: finds 4 vot tt tie He ty to bad is that everybody seems to have encroached upon the street in former years, either -with fences -or- buildings: Pébpie have gone on appropriating por- tious af the streets until it is almost im. ible in- many. instances to tell_really where the correct tines should be. On some atrects, fences are from to 3 and even 4 feet out on the streets, This is an abominable state of affairs, and should -be put a stop to with « firm hand, sore here 'and fall off. This seems to be about the only way to make them tumble." ( ~Another crank longing for notoriety finds a watery grave in the whirlpool of Niagara' Falts: ~His name-was~ Flack, and he a to shoot the whirlpool rapida in a life-be This adds another to the long list: | cranks who have ssecri- ticed their lives to tent Me au insatiable longing for noto riety. An ange, in yu on the , soggests '* that. the beth sides of the ----€, ro - ~ --hie- mother --We- notion "a" paragraph "going the rounds of the prees to the effect that Mr, "SEL Havding, barrijter, had" entered an action against Tux Stratrexp Times for libel, and; thats: writ had... been.served. This is all wrong ;--Mr, Harding never en- nwo tered an action dgainat- Tur Tres or any one connected with it, and no writ wasever served. There was a writ served upon Mr, MeBride, principal of the Collegiate Institute, for being the suthor of a certain anonymous letter-whioh' ap- peared in THe Tixxs, bat the whole busi- ness was dropped utter Mr. McBride's examination. Mr. Harding and Tur Tiwxs have been 'for years on the best of terms as friends and neighbors, and, barr- tes that of thi ss a double b barrelled libel cuit of on on ened..the 'eat ar. their border #heul eae an noe to..stop-the + whole of them from any more attempts of a like manner," 1e authorities should or sothing of the sort, the cranks are bound to immolate 8 yen upon the alae 'of notoriety, | do #0 in the seething gavaraet Of Niagi Falls... The only. pity ist "not be all yot™ ces a for the drowning. It is hat they coal. shooting--at least those whe have cried oth say so. --Mitcheil seems to be in a bad way. Rather -a forlorn sort of a place, so to -- if we may judge from what the y about it. The Hamilton Spec: tator ae a few weeks ago, that in the absence of a band, they had to depend upon the local ihe for mu: -- ma. sp don per sta' ere pegh regiat sagieiay office, and ascertain as to wheth- er Mra Seth Hite any' = impediment in the statutes which prevents him from takieg vroeession, To overcome this--difieuliy,tue Council would have to acquiesce in the sal He applied to the board for that consent. On motion of Albis, the consent was given, AkL Davidson raised an obje ction to handing ove: property ty in such « loose man- ner to the Crown. He would like to know what guarautee they had that it woultl again cowe ato their possession, The Statutes of course might make provision ai Tel ONIRCRROR HY "LEaT That pare ar thet ee bearing upon the case, showing that they were pursaing the proper course, alter which the resolution wns carried. i motion of Aldsx Pratt and Lark- en Alds. Davidson, Payne and Gibson &-comimilttes eh the} e Gordon and Gibson it part of Devon street, which she had enclosed ; and if they are satisfied that she has no legal right to tiie same, tu order the ob- struction to be removed at once---Carried. REPORT OF FIRE, WATER AND Gas, The committee gave figures from the Royal, Beliance, Stratta rd Gas Co,, and Ball Ca upon electric Highs for 60, i, and $0 lights thus :--Royal, 60 lights a bo P, til midnight. $3,750 lights 2, "till midnight, ison ; Stratford Gas. Cox, 60 lig 1,200-C. P. till midnight, $3,420 Krom.the.t sregoi ing politics, have no differences to keep --Mr. James Fisher it appears has got a bite at last. He was quite a patient erman, . --One of the leading Anarchists in St. Lous ia named Griefgrabber, An in- dividual with a-name like that, whe can- not get what he wants, should either . change. his name .or--join «the. ration Army, --A' compositor with a great prophetic woul, while putting into type a wedding notice, instead of the 'contracting par- ties," made it read "the cont radicting parties." is would strike the right chord, say six months after, --A resident of Hamilton lately invoked the atd-of the thief of potice of timmy to rescue his wife from the residence of in-law, -Poor man-! our heart o'erflows for him sone knows. Nice people, those Hamilton folk. ~--Galt is the most fortunate town in ~ Canada, It ia to be congratulated. a there are, it ---- on a strike, o the seaside. for the dog-days. - The Catholic church ia the ron "ne at has a tor over it that was in Galt three months ago. Two pastors are away, two. churches aie vacant, and two are changing. --Everyone has heard of the nursery rhyme of the "cow that tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Tak built." Jim lenena, of White k, recently killed a snake that ewallowed achorn. The snake chased the __Fat_into the horn, and to secure the rat. swallowed the horn, ~~ fe Mo Witn . the; yin Nee York ie ** Found to sacceed ia electing Mr. Jones as governor of the ~-- Hay 3 says the -- roi i Brantford recently; where ~The} births. tea, Advocate says :--** Our effi- cient constable has come under the cen- sureship of Ananias. Fear not, Chief. Talk all you will, Your poe naturally brings you in contact wit! -- ap ng 2 thieves, ex-jail- Pirds, by -# he oo 'a in that town who have as themselves by throwing handsfal of gravel ec! h hell! Mitchell ! you, ey at Bornholm ! . Marys! Ponder on Seebach's. Ga 'to Gadshill and learn Wisdom ! shame = Gaze a Hitt ~The county of Brant is noted for its pretty girls, from one end of the Province to the other, They have an eye to busi- ness, too, --_ seldom let a golden oppor- unity slip to get married, sample of their shrewdness, or whatever you have a mind to call it :--'* A geutle- man from Scotland attended a a party" near hetret--young lady whe cons sideral ly * fasciaated* him. oo the course of = conversation she asked him Tiow it Was he dida't gePmarried, and he replied he would as soon as be got a job. 'Oh, well,' said the fair one, * that needn't matter, for I've got plenty for s while." And she had, She paid two weeks board for him, bow and the license and the necessary furniture to Who says this isn't leap year?" Sap Acowaxe-. ATA "Baas Ratixa: eres barn raising on the farm of Mr, D. M kenzie, near Lakeside, on Friday last, . oung men named Shaw was standing on a beam ee > taising the purline _ hen.s part of ii and striking Shaw the back precipitated him to the so be He was picked up unconscious and convey- ed to Mr. Mackenzie's house. n exam- ination by the doctor revealed thefact that the young man had-sustai serious injury to the spine and paralysis of the lower part of the body and lege, ht S500; tote! ; plaving the dence as to lighting the Royal Electric rie On offer » 12 N. P. light at the rate of 20 5-6 cents per aight The Reliance Company's offer is as follows: --25 cents a light per night of 2,000 N P., and at the efpiration of 5 years the plant becemes the property of the cit a farther cost, and guaranteed to be in first class working order. The city to peor the circuit and pay actual cost of erecting. The said Company allowing 7 per cent in. tercat.on cost. thereon, he Straiford Gas Company offer ns follows :--For 40 ae or over, 25 cents per light of 2.000 N. P.. and 1,200 N. P., or cents -per night, till midnight. If the y funtish the plant, the light can be sup- plied at the following rates :--Assuming plaot t to cost $10,400; land, $51); build- ings, $2,000; er total outlay, $15,000; » lowing cost ef ranning express, $25; terest, $659; water, $125, contingeicie #9 tal, 83,775,...kor 66 lainps "a coat would beat the rate of 21 cents per lamp for 75 lights it would be 17 cents per te my) pr night,- The committee "recommend, undex the efreumstances, the purchase of u complete plant, on the * prounds that the city can supply its own light at a cheaper rate than any offer we have yet had, and ina position of- -indepet its own streets, Si se Barnedale, wen bale ey hy v. ed, ohn P syne, MINORITY REPORT. A minority of the committes, not being able to agree with the majority in purchas- ia a Po for the Ff recommended that ga city be lighted with 60 lights of 2, 000 Cc. P., the same to fi furnished by the "4 Electric Light Company, as. their offer is in cr opinion, the best we have had, viz: 2,000 C, P. lights at 22 cents each, a total of $2,969. per annum for 300 nights, In disagreeing with the majority ot the committee, and recommending the above they do so with the belief that it is for the best Interests of the city not to purchase a plant at the present time, bot enter into a 2h. Lity women many: tor ample provision of pic-nic fare, there being ane | immediate steps after™ PINTS Tete OF Is Mic eee ra Hew ic in_Calgary. Mr. I prnciaein mate joft this place a few years ago, and has been remarkably aucer nies in busine $5 As wel il as in politics, | UMIRBENT. Dien Frou Cane Mr. Andrey Mac han, of Hibbert, consulted tr Hodge early t week--respecting a pain which he was saffering from in the rectum. T! ue Was ascertained fe be cancer, and fareuesu: the tumor was removed, All went well antil noen on Wednesday, when a chanze for id worse setin, and the unfortunate man kept sinking until two o'cleck nex morning, when death put an end to all his Hhy-trettiies: Deceased arte berntrest Glasgow, Seotland, in the year Is24, ane atthe age of Zl he came to Canada, and solticd in Lanark county, and miorried three vears later bout twenty-seven years ago he ihoved to Hibbert, where remained until bis death Me leaves a wife and nine children, all grown up and fairly well provided for. Mr. Machan was amember of the Presbyterian church, in politics a Liberal, and a mest excellent neighbor, He had many warm frends anel acquaintances, who deeply' mourn his Unexpected diamise. = a rernell Adeorate. sulted THe "Pie: Nic.--Tho wopual pie. nié rat schow! section No, 1, held on 'Tuesday week; was well attended, & "nuceess, as is always thre Case)" was kept up till darkness set iu, resent expressed themselves as highly Preased" with the day's recreation,..The ts no scarcity of yood things to ext, as some times is the case at p ic: nics ** not a han- dred miles from here.""--Com, Acctpeyts. --Mr. George Court, of this township, met = aserious and painful accident at a barn-raising at Mr. samuel Middleditch's, lot 8, con. 5, one nal -- week, of beam ti which @ chain and hook eeitaneabed, 'the latter catehi r. Court at the lower og of his body lo tearing the flesh up the waist his pants. It took 17 stiches to idse 'the wound, but George tion - end- -every hope 3 recovery, in which Tue Tres heartily joins. Mr. Court is a young man, and has been married but ashort time. His brother-in-law, Mr.Wm Moffat, of North Easthope was also hurt at the same time, by falling timbers, but not ao severely. The Council met at Hill's tavern on the tihinst. 'Phe award of the arbitraters: re the dispute about gravel was laid on the | was instrocted to acer) wstreng ia entertained o ts tain when the engineer can proceed to ex- | -- the weat draiu from the front of the | 10th con, sauth.and report, and also to notify Lindsay .simith and the Canaca Company to clean out the ditch on econ. | road 4 and Sopposite lot 18 The tenders | received for the work in connection with | the cleaning ont aud deepening of the Whori Creck drains were then-opened and were found asfOllows ;---Michael Dwyer $3,400; Cornetius Crowity, $3,100 ; Pst: $2,500 ; Stewart Nicolson 22,4190 ; Paschal Pigeon, $2,450. "On aiid: | tionof- Mr,-.O' Brien, ..sdvomded by- Mrs} Soeder, Mr, Pigeon was awarded tie con- tract. The matter of the completion of | the Maitland drains was then talked over and i e work completed as speedily us | The following accounts --F Zimmerman, yerap-* ers, stone hammer and repairs, $16.55 ; David Chae tor for ere -- op ng at ap : erick Ohm, for grave ichae 5); 3chp° Ouialen, for r| wee ohiman, for | have >| possible, nigga , Patrick McDonnell, $30.20 ; Philip Gardner, for poste for fence at Mulholland's,----; Se' P. O., for stamps, $15.48 ; J. ae for lumber, $15.90 ed under | awarda " Ditches and Water co rel as | 1856 _and.1s57, $13, #9 ; Henry Schenck, | i gravelling side road 25 and 26, $0.25; | Patrick Hs array . spreaing gravel, $1. 305 > eeday Ps Operation Rae» oa orem by Des: Maden ent We Od, and [eight berths, (68.0... women and children are scattered "'sbout, 4.0F. 'very : ines. i greater: { -- it would be if it depended upon the h ey pesos J Set consists of "eae cut in slices about an inch thick, and which will not yield to mastic ation, potatoes and bread and water. | Ass i) rede > m. we have -- soupy stew an biseuit. hie will +o the- the meals, and the These al bill of fare has only varied twice in four | ~ days--once on Sunday, when we had fish, which was horrible, and today, when we had salt pork, whith was worse "Tho sleeping arrangements are on par with the rest. Qur. sabln has 8 LY. bunks are about two foet a and the is are composed ofa straw mattress and pillow, and two blankets The wash ing arrangements are simple--tin basins, with about two inches of water Baths th none. 'The state of dirt we shall be in when we reach Montevideo I cannot conjecture At night we have only one light--a dimcy ail Limp But tho worst isto come ~ At rtnipigeonns lege unos and Virgo, we took on a the wretchedest ragtag and bobtall Mf the French, Spanish and Portuguese nations en, women and children" [| believe we now have about efcht or nine hundred of these on board, and there are more to cs at Lisbon, which,we should reach to- 'morrow "The scenes that haye taken place on deck and below since these poor wretches 3h ne eating, drinking, chatte ring, singing an vomiting» - Fortnnate tt is that: curcabin ie full eo that these pesple-ure berthed tn ~ other cabins; but the ie at night and the Macally fs-tape Ek Some of them y¥ th rags. many without er tty * ina the. shi "itself ia dirty. Thero seems to be no attempt to _-- it clean The door of our enbin is Tecate ee -% oar yor They as are 4 decent fellows. mo are e drivers from the Midland railway, some clerks, They share little luxuries freely with one another As ae mentioned ete. t in is never left untenanted all day."-- amos' Gazette. - Ratio Between Men ana Women. Prof. W. K. Brooks, of Baltimore, has discovered that a favorable eavironment tends to produce an excess of females among animals and plants, and an _ unfa- vorable environment = excess of males. this be.true,.a race which -ie onthe point = oehectine should have an excess of m The seilation of Australia consists of asmall and decreasing number of aborig- . and a prosperous and increasing pop- ulation of foreign settlers and their de- scendants, amounting inall to nearly 8,000,000 persons. As the native popula- --_ is rapidly 'nasi ing. we should expect to tind the males more emer , AONE. them as compared w the fe- malos than ameng the ihabitants of for- eign origin, provided other conditions are oo For each 100 females there were in igtoria of native born Australians 1002.10 males, and of foreigners, exclusive of shinese, 129 1-10 males. The ratio of males to females in the a of. for- rate alone; and as rd rat hn Ban in- excess of males among them, no eerie or even : pcan that found the inhabitants of foreign origin, indicate that the excess of malo ter among them on among the f foreign origin. Com. putation shows that the excess of males ralizing influences, very m eeaer ¢ than it is among the foreign pop- 'oe 'all Australia there are 143.72 abo- riginal males to each 100. females; there | ~onty tte. 64- 4) to each 100 females, not withstanding the fact that 1°9 males those « a bro! ot Mf DE "SOAE ka, of Lake- side, and had recently. come home ona visit. tr ~ Hamilton S; thinks that, it into ey yi stupid ; if it does not think so, it is pitied for being, so meéndacions, Nobody outside of a lunatic asylum, who has an knowledge of New York politics, believes Fal reson will come -within «four tied for being 80 to be ing" business in Waterbury. "The young men take one side of the street and the (ciel ne Porat A beak a sheck:* wa: BB ca eur 8 TIS ions ur St 'i _gtands high. chy Sa oe "delight, Rowe anid: Fraset, aa f-- THE MASON 4 TERRACE ts tov-a teria of aay: theee years, and role Det e that time by mes city may be~in'a better position to purchase and operate a plant, andthe citizens generally become better acquainted with the working of electricity. Signed John Gibson, George Larkwortiry- The vote on the minority report was : Yeas Davidson, "Dansmore, Gibson, Hamitton; Larkworthy, -Afo#idteott "at ee Barnsdale, ; f Hing Mowat, 2 Payne, rota 'rostheway : Moved by' Ald. Gonton and Pratt, that, the farther consideration of the electrie light question te deferred. until the Bext-t. afeury Deter: chry eet Wate 8 ree 46 se Ht, $5-503-C: ippert, repalting chlvert, $i°> John Malley, eicastoenain cons, 4 nd 5, $5; im. Smith, hal cost. of grarelling cn town line, EMice an Mornington ; ver Klink, roe aurea town line EKitice-and Mornington, - ; 2.18; James Davidson, gravelling town Tine Rilice and Mo mington, $11-00 ; Henry Ruhl, 'repairing culverts and-making-w: break-wa belive -- aint on account of his ing tide road 10 and 11." The sum of 3; was voted to George Hamilton-for'co ying" | i of-thies FOR SALE. FARM |r HALF LOT $5, CON. 8, WEST ZORRA, 100 alo road general meeting of this council, svar MEO; Wave® Ati Cas A young man named Johns, em upon the farm of J," Dunsmore,. w praia Se onan ar pager on a_close call had... on Tinsday last from. being buried alive.. He was digging" sant of out Ad ig with a Bs gadis 'Allof a Foun. the rs Exel 'scorn pe for strc Mr. Cou { voiced the 'ae this behalf elev Con- | way, res the mem- ne gg oa animous in the matter and the trade was not closed. Mr. Brick- man asked the Council to assist him to procure-an outlet trom his lands on side line IS and 16, con,6, for surplus water, He was recommended to call a mee ----* ia af wv carte ees Prarsox, Be The best p PRE Diag os in the erty te bay-to; | basco che is aye w Walsh Bros. Weare either ) Bow selling article at 3Uc, per pound. roads in front of | bate the injary.-- Piled.. {+ seasiisinn "at ' meet en: Aunt » Clerk, nics to.each 140 No More Young Men," A dissertation on the French youth of : the day appears 'in a Paris ge and fs Raia great part. a-reproach. e are LO young men, laments the 'writes These grave and solemn beings who take life serions|y and find so. little joyin the! youth eannot be called yo Men... tress brow, the ae digs 2 man contributes a paper to a polit. journal Bees an ho elucidates the counsels of and gives his a upon them. [ates and porters in 3 Werwng weer dress here. W.J. FERGUSON, GLOVE DRESS" PERSCADER: OD --_- WSityt, mn Lodge, 0. F. on Wednesday even ning, 'ingeeed. c following. otticers.. John Sayers, N.¢ . H. Weir. V.G.; re Armatroiy:, hs 3 'Chas. Packert, i. Wm Mowat, Treas; A. Ertel, O. U; it Levett, 1. G.; Jno, M. Reynett, RLS.NLG.; ou Welsh, a Be x ; . Towner, hk. Ww. Were: iJ Th Dalton h-Py Gee 8. ti. Tirwichaw, YS Schonmeyer S, 3. "at the conelusion of the installation ser- Vvicew u pleasant event took piace. Bro J: J. Banting, reat accompanying ad- dress to Bro G. C. Wilkins »--On your de- parture from our midst for distant fields, we decm it an opportune time to express to you our high appreciation of the efforts manifested by you, in advancing the ipter- ests of this lodge, by so cheerfully giving your services in every department of its wor nd we desire, as an indication of good 'will anil brotherly love towards dette writ SP tHE Tis (air arenaocer 4+that- yor bers of this lodge. this emblem of he = der we love so well, and which is Seis gred to inculeate in the hearts of its » the noblest elements of human harat ter, fe trust that prosperity ind blessings ca th crows your life in your new. hamiten t may always have reason to heiples "of friendship, love' sai ies touth, fostered_in your heart b association with Avon Lodge. J. ton, N.G.; Chas. Packert, Secy-: Armstrong, K.S. Stratford, June 27, 1888, Accompanying the address was a hand- some past Officer's jovel, which ~-- the inscri ** Presen ta Cc. Wilkins, hy Avon Lene No 41,1 oO. 0. F's Stratiord; June-27th,-}88s," --Bro Witkins made a suitable reply. He left on Satur- day for his new home in Arizona Territory. At the Inst meeting of Romeo Lodge I. 0. 0. F., -_ following officers were. in- Mr. J, Reid, machinist of this city, if y repre-entative of Beaver Encampment I. 0. O, F., St. Marys, at Berrie in August, Messrs J. Modetip and Butcher are the ~ 8 representatives to the Grand Sot of Ontario, Messrs, John Welsh, J.M Reynett and R. BR. Neild. are the ps. aia from Avon Lodge, this city, Messrs A Robertson, and A. Enouy are representatives of Romeo Ledge. Mr ames Annetrong is the representative for the Encampment. MrJ. Welsn also goes . as an officer of the Grand Encampment, as the répresentative to the Supreme Gram Go vine ae. A FARMER'S TERRIBLE DEATH, Tyendinaga, July 7.--Yesteriay after- noon an cid man named Matthew Leonard, residing on the 9th concession of Tyen- dinaga, went-out to~ fire some _ stumps. the fence burning and began to tear it down, bbs 80 engaged he abot. groans, and on Mr. Leonard tying on the ground with his lothing burnt nearly off and his legs and the lower part of his body burnt almost to a e cieetet ~ Assistance was at once obtained but too late, and Leonard shortly after breathed his last. How the accident 0o- curred will never be known gif it is sur- mised thet he gt intoa fit, and when hia clothing caught fire was unable to help himself and so perished after suffering the most terrible agony. Nasmyth's cholera mixtare i is an old -- far. Do not be without it ; 25c. a bottle ch the the Medical Hall, 63 Ontario st. "We keep all the best brands-of «bottled condition; what is wanted during the warm season, Send your orders to Walsh Bros. if you Want things right." Ti ORANGEMEN HOLD THE WELLS @prneren Cobatt, Ont, Jaly 5,--On their setern A bh the North-west campaign in 1885, he East Durham. contingent: of the Mid- church Orns. Bishop of Sosketibores demanded the restitution of the bell, and the Miniater = 'Militia sent Mr. Ward, M to secu: ic church of the meee hall. His ttle soul 4a he is of heart. This is the of chreiniod Have: .we. begins | to Burdock From Moropano, Man. ' --'* All last z a- round again feeling better than ]. wie was - tS Bordocte Blood Biss and I owe it all. ee) : -errnars iad De Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry an: alco | for sammer earns na | and it cured: me Seeakee ee Se Sen : a

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