2 z z . x aaiacinien "t a = : ; : f re 'e 3 ' REED q 4 ' a aheePesems a ar = ag THE TRAINED NURSE. | "a'elty man who hes gous to the ootsitry | on -; had his curiosity other da HOW SHE LIGHTENS ne Se Pd that THE BSUFFER- ING PATIENT'S WEARY HOURS. the country folk said was we porte ve ° | Probably everybody who has vom in ee | | gonntry knows this high key ¢horus, | formed of two notes in tly repeated | The city man traced the noise on a ovine of trees. aud spent te ; be cis one tree after anot ge oan ole ; ing up along the trunks and branches tc ns oe + . discorer one of the loud choristera He The Par 'tnership NOT ¢€ "yistine weil! he dissalved the . d « m a bu vctne a | Mie J na ar, p| semen oe tkaly ¢ to ier ratse Moncey fer the eutie ing asia r, all classes vf Gootts we vl sftaiee uae She ean make | fron one tree as another, and ay fe SOL. Price, and Barg "ains wn such qs Wer a bandage, a plaster, or a poultice, and tikety-- "to proceed from Just as alee pat it on 'the patient before, the best 'ad about to give up the quest he ¢ come Valuable Services in the Sick Reom of the Women of the Professional Schools. @Kecping a Necerd of the Case--Work and Wages. and in orderto °D, regard- 31st day ef July, be SLAUGH TERI Sfralford. ee school nurse is a tower of of support, an angel of elight. The things she can The igpape 'Weh have made the-fotlowing strength pee G's = Reductions. -- ad ¥- Made Clothin ry giver never secu before in Sy, i ~ usewifecan-hunt np-the soft rag re-; t @ little dent or hollow. in. the a aos emaaes main Sine OP FREE FF _ 2 ern . singi-cisiagianee ; $5 Suits Peaticed tO PH ae uired In the cauegiian she can give a and hisears were smote by such a close POSITIVERY 5 fs B RGED: Suits reduced to arg t ee SES gare patient-a full bath ynder the bed + = loud volume - the Meg ion = he a \ Cte eae : clothes every ho 1 not only clean the knew eas onthe right trail) There | or INT T of oe fee oy Sacet ke otis Yall chavcupe wake 1 reduc: to $6 $ PY 2. suits bod fas stlmalato {t: gcty we ia ' Wasa little water in the hollow, full of | A PISCOUNT of 25 pr ceil, wei be piven off all classes ef Geods, which means 7 Teaves, Diack th the witddle, and seamed" with green at the edges. He took one step nearer to it, and the noise ceased. | He stooped dovn and mimicked the frog | Tt 37 50. sick child without pattlng seap suds In its eye or the wash ray in its mouth, she can comb bair, get the tangles out with out hurting, and keep the scalp clean, she fF redu~ STRAIGHT COST. | Ordered Clothing : ; ean make a bed without removing the In. , Chorus pretty closely by whistling. In- | $16 suits reduced to $13 ; Vitid or exposing "any y part at th the body. | " mint d was filled anew with the | Our Prices at all times have been low, and in many cases lower than eur competitars, > a « Be and shea basa the faeule of beating up a --Stth srueclady : $18 suit vreduged to $157 921 pillow aud whipping comfort end case lato; The capture waa an easy matter after and everything being marked in plain figures, you cvN MAKE No MtsTaKr in buying from us; suits reduces to $18, t. Ske is also anu excellent cools and can that. Every tisge be. advanced tow ard prepare--ma Per Mu i u treater the n \ ceased. ond he ined | soc perenne i yee 7 _ pationts, om as. broths = bees mn, up again by whist tling Finally be | The - reductions 'in' Straw | toast waters; gruel. custar Dlane found himse tf ee nt dire etly over the pool Versation wit . leaf, by narrow scanning. he perceived a H With our already Lae Prices in this Depar tment, and the discount taken ---- them: | Tine won be ps ip a ee again, will give you.a Suit of Cloties for half that you will have lo pay clsewhere. Our te Holse proceeding dire . ¥ . . Spot was so loud and acute that it pierced" Culler, Mr. KS ANAGAN, stands at the head ef his profession, and a misfit, or to have to his ear It seemed that the musician . i are Bani sabhiie must be of large size He plunged in his alter a gar meul--thal's some thin, wae know nt thing about, shown alec in the varied combinations she rs, cereals, and F mmaking the patient be. lieve in a-change of diet without. depart: ing from the prescribed fare ly the doctor. Aside from the personal care of the tient she must keep a record of the case Gents" Furnishings" ae reduced to 15c,; 25¢. tics of: f the physician calls for it. in which is , hand and ip --_ -what does every' a ° ~¢e roc. | hour! ted th te t Ise, Stppeer' a froe, but os small a one . wend 4or. i > 'to palit + 908 | ye coupleation, and' th e coniities of the nature could well balk -a little black oF ta a Word, if you want Satisfactory Goods, at a ess Price than you : --ties reduced to 10¢,. plane kid a nd eyes of the foc et that would searcely cover n qui for r : bs oe comin = ee Tha tie of giving mac i sa . of a dol Tt waa Gt one twe eth 'the A. find Vhem AOL else w here, SOM i. r Th b i ais ood is nlso-entered, a r the head Mize of ae fan my ind yet -- Wis? RE elt IN apenls eae ing See aT 1¢-aboveclines are al new; "remarks" is 1 tad th amount of | quite aster ing any einary can boast, -- . weseanas : fresh goods, bought this sea- ; a and sleep taken, aff he medicine, | New York Sa { Remember, we carry Fverything in Aen's and Boys v par crecpl Basle. ; = 'i S | - . hatever variations there may be in en Clothin: ¢ lo Jeasure. Clothing, Ready- Mia. (underwear. flats and Caps. io SS c origina ices th case No seliool report. i made out , " op tas ee Y nde - oe rae b4 . ; iin ae vata : I ice ater aoetoree cy, imatmens pen leg saa le aie Name. Shirts, Collars & SHUUNES, denims. Neckttes & Braces Umbrellas. were close cash ee ices, 2 cute . i. "It hs pe ned this way, cuntinued | xplains itself to any one WHS Drggkets There never-waa batone lot - . . . . oe - isanioncincee sisi : ae "| ean read, and by referring to the sever: bility | entrive the physic ian ean treat the patien comotive n sade in Georgia up to the time TH E BOOKS | ARE CIOSED, y -We make the above reduc: | from his be say OF oifice just as if he went vei ilps ales ios igaee tal - AON sooner=than carry ther: tothe -siek aunber, ~thiel very many 3. And wil! remam so this month. Ail out tunding accounts must Le paid Lefore the Ist a: uy of Aug cust, as on that day all remaining unpaid will be placed, ips, in the hands of our Solicitor for ri 'ollection, and : i ey went to work in tlie shops _. doctors do who are pressed for time, for over, and as you have nearly the costs added thereto. Waiting your coming, . . a) Mc AX OO ( 'Uy Is. in tl cad he i mo thata and tarned out as good er loox- irrespeet ive of pers i nd Morn der TT aes me -é re: fa Z litt te deoocnaeiae as lever seed, and ninety days of summer before rather than medicine that brings about 2 they named it 'Sunshine.' and the railroad cure. Of course, it is to be expected tha : i you yet, it will pay you-to buy! some nurses will not reach the standar eg He ae ud cod ie Dicky Ag ap and every at 1eSse prices, even_if you, bere indicated, for they are but isan - 3s was hustling outen Atlanta, : . p 'or ata Sherman was doing some of his s don't wear them out. this om Bure - we = ly to Pinan ee hk swinging erround, and it was feared he'd DISsoLtVviINneG. season, . RESNES SHO OUNES PEOLCSEION get the control of the Macon _ hed estern only requires the services of a goed n to nut aEee Yellow Front, Market-Street, Stratford. open, and this little engine w x However. it-is.a poor rule that will nov. oem Om, a weve "Always bem i mind - 'that | work otk wagacter thaws are plents of ie potas HTS TE instances on record where a -- 'suming young "wottian lias-dreaght the dismissal of the attending Dhrsician i se was ihe firm w ho do as they ad- nnas- "Vertise, and refiind the money' "if goods are not satisfactory, is UN PRECEDENT "ED SUCCESS -- OF OUR As ever an engine.cun them days, otter before you could wink your eye, § busted: as the last of 'Sunshine,' lg and-it was the lent of er heap of folks, but | -- t was war times and-fifteenor ¢ amne. Poy or leas content 1oUS. INAS... dobike deiled-waen't- noticed worth talking: "PRORNTON & DOUGLAS, = in. Stratford. 13 Market-St., Stratford. The only One-Price Clothiers | ate much as sc parte ieee granting the privilege of administering medicine to the raduated nurse and other training tem is self evident, for it is hardly possi- ble in the college term of eighteen months upil nurse a medical educa- Is where medical instrue- erbout, but in the wreck among the dead and wounded was found a little baby that | nobody has ever claimed, and the little "| thing was not scratched by the wreck, but just set there i in erdittle place and lan = aud crowed 'Mam, mam, , knowed by that it was the little child a ) some poor refugecing wo They.took good care of the little thing, "and it lived eight months after that. and the strange } thing ts that-it never anengine nor gecd er car but = it would say = &. MACNAIR & Co. romides, narcotics and opiates, 'will be carried to the verge of rashness. I[f the same words ovor: 'Mam, rT: P eo. . nurse ts tired and feolsPherself nneqiial | But it's over yonder, with "Child Wi a Fee a Will continue their great Clearing Sale woe eg s k Imposed, her first. inclination. |. Name'on its tonrbstone;-and- that--ends-}--------..._- . eo -- eeahantnneeeheeaanetatistntatataarentsiaateinas sagmmieeietnicninicsiicennieansmmamnieiaaninag. is to take a hypodermic Injection. while it tn this world, bat it Cacher tin' tenon ' that war's er bad, bad thing."--Atlanta ujet a troublesome patient with a tan | ; 7Trro. of morphine Constitution FOR TWO WEEKS LONGER. In cases of contagion the duties of the " Benny erent te coe , ROO NEI aicerireertemvmenirE sasicanigel urse are most onerous. rer square | Rats of the Sewers, tech of the room has to be scru with Mr. Webb, who has the largest fund of alls. ' | in: formation us to the interior of sewers of baseboard, ._bedstead,.table and-cHairs-- | any liv somo interesting and afterward treated to a disinfectant | facts about rats, some of which he esti vonging Tiis operation done with, the | mates as being about two feet long and ee must famigated with' s or} weighing about eight or ten pounds: The e chlorine paper, after which both nurse | pure blooded thoroughbred stock of sewer j and patient are given an antiseptic bath rate are adistinct species. House and and clothed in absoiutely clean garments. round rats are smaller, leaner, slecker, | In this connection may 'bo stated the as onger faced and loss powerful; they run | sistance a nurse renders the surgeon, into the seavers through breaks, but re iustruments she disinfects after With prices on everything comprised in the Dry Goods Trade absolutely beyond all com-- petition. In addition to our ordinary every day low prices, " We allow our Customers 15 per cent. Discount on all Cash purchases." | whose turn to ti eir dork tee the houses. --_----_----__ } | each operation 'ever nursing ts Seser rats | nests in nooks and cor- i most igen » to the narse, as beat: ag ors of dry, abandoned or nansed walls; ' the patron, since it requres at least two thei 'ir claws are long and have the strength ; weeks to overcome the effects. An of steel hooks, wiiich they somewhat re- ° " . = Chonest nurse will nottake x surgicalor © temic - 'they canessily dixplace a brick ~Bargelee for-the-next-two-weeks willbe fully equal-to-those-of-the-last- two weeks------- -- obstetrical cuse within ten days after giv: anywhere where the mortar or ceme ant is ° : a * = old or rors or less erumbliz ur - Lhoy.seek the oid and. decayed ers, i teur their way thronch and burrow and Even at her own personal loss the con- | establish their 'f; family residences" at ary hinds, .and cand sclentious woman will forego. an engage- | their own sweet will, and do their mar- - competition with 'the multitude of eae: metit rather than an her patients " keting wherever it may be convenient and vetlel sotadte 1m. Nees er----During the attractive for-them. at | she lives larcely in the epen air and re- They are natrealiy suspicious, coy and ts the antiseptic bat | unsocial. althou: sh Reha belligerent un- a Boy 1 Fiend. [ee eo mindiinim wares of A nurse' are @15 } tess cornered, i ae hich case they will 7 a week; but in extreme cases: $50 and $40 FS % THE MURDER OF Hits SIX- te BE TRIED FO {s Paceigiom wee sg Eak-OLD SISTER, ES Wile. the pale of mull and Tr gown ts whally op. . ' tio' aul with the women, most of them con- tinue to wear it {= service on hygienic as economical principles. But it , ing up a fever patient, knowing the dan- ger there ia .of carrying the contagion in 'her bair or some 'portion of her attire. Absolutely Pure. a A mare 5 of por rity enon We appeal to-thé.testimony-of those.who tried this big-sale.during.the past twelve. days... This powder never vari strength ami + than ordi as to the character and quality of the Bargains we are giving. We advise all to come tens. Koval baking Ponder Co. "toe Wal st... Y. ;;and--see--for-themeelves.._Compare-goods and prices-before--buying,-and--we-do not fear the result. - Ifyou buy a dollar's worth of Dry Goods during the next two weeks 'with- out seeing ¢ our r Bargains, you will undoubtedly lose pinay Jackson, Ky., July y-8.--The trial of Law- ville Combs, a boy eleven years old, on a charge of murder, is to take place in the Ciouit Court here, and will prove to bole ease remarkable in the annals of c The boy and his sister, the latter six nth noise, which they see by, and would come almost near enough sto be handled.--New York Star. to him by a peculiar humming or -- mel to-be fasc mal | MACINAIR é& CO. re not be = sheer eo that it is all smooth * ho house where " on reigns. c . 8 cae wg aged yr on On an the pool who employ nurses do not The ey ; th a pee i ' July 4th, 18838. the return of the parents the tittle girl Was keep he = in cases where the mother | | Science, to artiiien cit - = be Ith a -- = : ---- reese ae neo --_----_--_--_--_--__----- a --- site. At Gret the ode said she had | OF bead of the houseis etricken down it is | So MUUt Te Ue esti -- Fei Pe fal : . _-- a hbor's, aboota mile distant, the duty of the nurse to look after the | R07)" 03 8 Rigsestion idomest nsec: Seegiemene ba T- é ee woes but the mane ae home aa well as she, can. Hot water tie | yy may} Les om on ar a oa " aneioun:} ceasitates: her in the kiteben,-and | t! this s idea not | not be conjoined with with the he pian Oe 1 y , Rtow i; ence bax fea exci, Soe boy Saely questioned, Tia] : aaake eee i ko UE declared cmt he had cies the blood stains the tes 'of the young children cities may not vali Gilt an to = ane Sts f ce rz : hile killing a chicken. This his parents looked after. One must be the masther of | Aint tows 2 ae =? m | 4 : ig) ee a ree 7 a large family and endure sickness and | Yer » Hower, and even vegetable, | Fo | oz? Fs] did not believe. ; I ow There are net a few roo +. | < > MURDER GUNTESSED poverty to kuow the value of a faithful | yeed--already:-oThe-emount -of"'6 alr 5 8 3 : Finalix ihe young fend auenibgad thas | Nurse. Some of: owed wrest spare the + anid--oegone. eo liberat or 2 =yees = q Oot i = : ote idle of | Being girls" will maz o srepare the | ceeea le ace fides rite iis pt sok ae SOT a : > i Senay st mea andthe toatwors hep th [etme Sas end submcnd tom the| <q / 88 f FEE Bs : choad. i he nm ouilt a big fire in the chidiee at school and away from the sick air, wou id to the ro If sewer gases ---4 | ~_ ay dl wae hea Har aly She will chop wood, carry up coal, are'ty be carried to the a and _s0_dis- ve}Mo 59 nip i stave of the -seminated into sw rieneens a teem é. o2 SI Pies thé garden syster ete See Se Ben - Be meets a ae the degeneration es é ae devitalization aii "a ii erowded "tenement houses must e2- = ot * way be counteracted. Nothing. could be be TE. Bo : = y child then | ae @.... $8... 45. SO Fe§ REAM... - 3S ZR. Ese ie. remains. r the water and buried them in a sand bank. #xhuined the corpse was found to ret es.' hed more grataful toa sick or 1) character._|. thet fresh air and flowers Silas os such a 'ferribiy be ject ae The stated. that hia motive for. the deed waa the desire to secure a shoes and a dene of suspenders offered hint by a in the house oa condition rsa he should do vod deed. This strona edd has-disappeared, bas been hibors with misconduct iad Prd * amd had been threatened with ing. In'this fact is found his object The young maur- "Ttte} { JOPAIN too Country dino; 1 Fi ftadn't Ghsaght of of an "le bride}. What Seer cee = acs ae + | asnes alderbeery. Life," rf as ios. Tho only' sign of-ce- be. the same. way; is his: 'frequent com: Aint vor at