eT ANNE eons Bee - tha petition on THE VIRGIN'S STATUE. PROTENTANTION. ve hare "PaLvaTouis. Se --The of the Virgin = Marys statue in Montreal gave occasion to so many extraordinary letters and articles on one view of the question that I -- you will kindly allow me space to another view. tion. af the Anglican clergy Cee : Nestorius of Constantino of Montreal to the city council, prepa a statue of the « Blessed V irgin, 2 ag Meatealient te dade which aoet, and have always "The proposed statue represents a dorme Protestants Sings fet apy positively pre which. forefathers wa is this * dogma +" Init the Dirtne her intercession with of Mary, or God fer mankind 2 One Toronto paper former doctrine : atated, "* Most Protestants yang with Nestor of -be considered, Antioch, that she is as the seater af od: | atin the mother of the human portion of Christ... How does affect that fundamental d of Ch i if ie Taiaatey. ity, the Ayposatic Union? a ' 4 it absuld - ec, more anon, From the tenor of most the letters and articles.nublished, 1. surmise that the eer: it. is a fundamental doctrine of the Christian teligion. We | ag to the Sacred Heart of deren His precious blood, that is to Sacred Humanity, precively the same adoration as to the the most Holy ring ypenett ite own. werth by virtue of the tatic U nion. ugh the intercession .of the he Blessed Virgin. We invoke the sid of Mary though Jerus isthe source of all grace; looking upon our own unwo ---- and believing that the prayers of suc Mother, must have infinitely more power then ours. "--De. Ex. Can Baar ab Aimighty~God by His messenger Gabriel dec the Blessed Vigin "* full of grace," but how sanctified and hallowed must she have become when surround by ~ em host in blissful cage no al Spirit. overshadowed in mp the m at co accom isis @ Auguat Sti farled within her. Eter: Vi yore of the ame the | mcnths --* which Paw' was the loving +} te move out FLACK'S FATAL FOLLY. Psion TRAGIC APFAIR ar NIMG4RA A Fabs. A AYRACUSS MAN ATrawrts To SHOOT THE WHIRLPOOL BAPTLDS IN 4 Live post AND MBBTS 11% DEATH. Niagara Falls, Ont., Jaly t, Robert V 4.--True to the crank and the Phantom commenced into: the river under the Cantilever bridge, By the time he reached the Cantilever bridge the craft was in the wentre of the river m the swift current and moved faster and faster, Flack throw- . When it Flack doing his utmost to steer it inert he Canadian side, and when it reached the first rapide one STRUCK IT WROADSIDE and turned it ins complete sommérsault after whizh she righted herself, and Flack | was seen working the paddle, and the little Crate so5e" Fightad Wevscll S6a POIs CST 7 other as ids gracefully until it reached the W ie Rapids elevator vOB W. BLOCK and-STONE PA VER, by 0 FIRST. to attend in 8 A icomieen be rte Willing D. MORAN, Albert-st., near Queen's Hotel. Stratiord, May Ind, 1884, G4s-4¢ EIOYOLE F< FOR SALB. Be ek % inch, English make. around. ane Mickel. oe en Tims office. ALEX CAV EN, in _ Stratford, May 15, 188s - Se ee ue eran for Legal, Insurance, or rane Offices over Tre Tinas office, Ene afew Vards from the Post Office, Enquire of a rhea PALMER, Or at Tun Tons, office. HOUSS TO LB. N THE ERIE STREET DALY TERRACE, a toms, pantry, all conveniences, Water | een ee drainage. Ke: JOSEPH WHITCHU _ e Stratford, June Oth, 1483, HOUSE AND LOT FOR 'SALE IN SHAKESPEARB. "CONVENTEST 1 BRICKS VENEERED HotsE, | the late residence of James Trow, Saneecens, vontaining 6 1 bear Price, only adjoin ing the ° af the Village of seh pee baat Like and stone cel air. ' ae steahacu ta ee ere erlang nese sioy: writers either do not know or do not tion which the -- century following ge trail of the serpent has come down to nt time in a semi-torpid state ; Shoes the lack of that honor and feverence due the Holy Mother of our Redeemer, .Many really look of ot the Llersed Virgin er fa spnarmin- f ~brenesie nts" ipeaking oF cli said to oa minh hk tity between thee rnd the woman, thy seed aud her seed, anc he shail crash thy he- val and thou shalt -lie in wait for ber heel." These worda of the Lord came to pass when the Virgin sco pad ct forth ae infant "5 ot God, thus over the iniecaat serpent, the ker enemy of mankind. The Biessed Virgin is again pointed out by adh Paget Isaiah vii., 14, ** Behold, a Vi conceive shall bring forth a son and his name shall be called Emmanuel." We know, there: fore, that in the divine economy of the in. carnation the Blessed Virgin was chosen from-the, beginning to he the mother of the Redeemer, and therefore was qualifi by. the Godhead for that super-eminent pasition and sacred function, with all the peculiar and extraordinary graces which mature. ved - fitness uf a Saale grr pee Me. the. ary * mother of whom none al was moor) to be 'he Son, because He created her for Himself." As the flesh of Mary became the flesh of Jesus, and as aaa was impossible for God to assume a sin, it is self-evident prereset rae sient ee from her con-. waapllanioctionh the shadow. of the original .. Stain ---- ag on her pure soul. a_ dogma of Ssicaty § held by the early church. Ireneaus, Origen, St. Ephrem, St. John other fathers of the 'St. access ;* : "To her the serpent had' no "She was not contaminated by the the breath of the Heel genet St. -- says: '* mecessary to to her ligat conferred it---'* Decwit, potui _ as read the first chapter of St. Luke, - 26. The angel > the Blessed 'View! been Fear hast lands grace with 'Gea; beha shalt conceive in thy womb ard. shal bring forth a Fs ana thou shalt call His name Jesus, and He shall be great shall be called the Son of the Most High." oO TTA TR of wi ie New C 'ovennt >" 3 Ww 'hen the | Little Flower bloomed in Bethlehem at midnight anc the Angelie music of joyous triumphs flowed in..waves of celestial harmony over the earth. When Mary held in her arms her newborn Babe; the "Flower" which had blossomed of her own Virginal blood, and hen..she remembered that Eternal God, what holy joy the joy of Piece to God what was :.00e who: conjd impe: | onee uk the doom of all men ; en discover in that little Face a iiicknese to i heresil That same Fac: which is one ay to lie white, blood-stained and dead t poe her jap,"'Asatthe moment of the Im- maculate Conception, as at the hour of the Annunciation, so it wasat the Nativity ; the Blessed Virgin began for the third timen new life of gigantic F. Fahey The Bleased Virgin ia called the queen martyrs, for never did Mother or Holy Martyr suffer more painful martyr- om. The prophecy of Simeon, " Thy own soul a sword shall pierce, " was liter- ally fullfilled" when she beheld "her Divine Son in the hands of His evemies, suflering patiently and meekly the torments inflicted upon Him, while sacted writers aprly to Her the wi Prophet Jeremiah, as 'elie "St60d" at the foot ofthe 'cross, all' pass by. the way attend and.see any sorrow like unto My_ **.. Lamentation. 'Blessed Virgin. Mether suffered in ip pyppertion nm lamentation, as she loved and sane! Hies, . c alted far above the condition of bur 'allen ugture her rensibilities were i ya No »mother ever loved a son as Mary loved Jesus. Her maternal affection partook m some degree of the infinite character of ita ob- ject. Assuch was her love such vas her The Handmaid of the Lord united her the will of Jesus, and her suilerings to the sufferings and sacrifice of her own dear Son, i scapes tetra yet there are found amongst us some who call themselves Christians, who attack and abuse us, ---- we wish 'to honor the Mother of-ou & statue, although Cartier, or Nelson or William may have one in any city in the Dominion. As these remarks are principally ad- dressed to a I consider it not ino) are about 1 the Queen of 0 is above the Angels in the king- dorm of her an: of the fate of Oxa and _ Bat Mary, whose virgival zias.--Paruppomenoy. Surely itis not innocence was bed a2 is salutation, -- Pani that A Christians vba are roger Se, ae tees coming patent the | Holy Virgin Mother of done, prace know net con The] God" Rvee Panane fe Prcgriosinb wering, said Holy 'Ghost shall come rd prod and the power of the Most High = overshadow a, and therefore, aleo, the Holy tha; shail be born of thee shall 'te --, a Soa of God." said : ** Behold the handmaid ot the Lede be it done t> me according to thy word." "The destinies of the human hung proposition the «apon Mary's assent to _ made toher. The Omnipotent stands on eéremony with His feeble, finite creature ; essed Virgin Mary becomes co-operatrix in the = oe = of poetry St tury, sa "As Eve, be ataten tenan aig herself and = buman the. cause of a0 > by obeying, scaematinneans aaa salvation to herself and mankind."--Iren. Lib. iii. St. Jerome tells us: *' Death came by sacred things. "With all thy soul fear the Lord and -- His priests.-- Eccleas, vii, verse 3 I will conc!ude vith 'he words of Jere "With desolation is all the land desolate, 'there is none that considereth in the heart. "-- 12. M.-¥. SARTORI, Toronto, July 5th, 1888. miah, made Woe te New "Badass at Henry ard's, Downie street. oo cheap Raisins, cheap Syrup, cheap Seger ee Teas and cheap Sugars, go to Walsh Bros : Persian Lnpact Powder. es all warranted pare, can be had at A. Boaworth's. FI Paper. Powdered. Hellebore and Paris that. the waver h its madness to the narrow parition, rolls mountains hi force itself down through channel. over the boat, and ita occupant for faily 30 cane When she emerged from the breakers Flack was seen to shake his head and wave both his bands, The boat then rode all right until it reached the centre of the whirlpool at the place known as Captain | Webb's Point, "named after him as the i shee he was last seen in making his tal swim of the rapids on the 24th July, 1883. "At this point the sanie late met Flack. His little craft was struck broad- side by « large breaker and turned upside down, and remained that way,-aasiling into the *hirlpool, and undoubtedly TUACK WAS UNATLE TO-RIGHT IT, and the weight of his body keeping it-in that position drowned him, The ite. tment was intense, people :unning toward the whirlpool, there being eo number of excursionista present Phantom made tive trips around the pol upside down before any one could reach her. It took about one hour for her to make: these -- _Alick Percy, the yousk essfully " rapids hak ome summer by means of his air- fight boat, and was to race Flack --_ _ rapids, provided he was successfu ay, WAS present as merican side of pool,_.and | knowing there would be no opportunity to -secure- his. -boat.from. the ol before gm out of the whirlpool and down the Somer rapids, he engaged a hack, drove over across the bridge cea to .the Canadian side of the whirl- pool, speci Fiack=and: his -boat-was makin, the usual. last circle arouad the.|. pool he jumped into the river and awam out and towed the boat to theshore. When the Phantom was turned over THERE WAS FLAC and the pin in the of. the elt out, and undoubtedly Flack, seeing he was un- re 25 His body was brought up river and to the coroner viewed it, cn allowed his friends to take it acrosa to the American side of the river. was no mark of any de- acriptipn _o} ¢ body..._Hia sister. and}. brother-in- us ~ rm Mrs, Stephenson, and his 16-year-old son, W. F. Flack,were present and witnessed the whole trip. His son is completely prostrated with grief at tragic end of his father. Flack has a nigh only adds another to the list of the 'fooleniy. life-risking individuals who wish to gain notoriety at even the risk of their lives, and the au thorities on both sides of the border should make an effort to stop the whole of ther from any more attempts of a _s eee: The Phantom, it was claimed b was so constructed that it would float with the bottom knocked ont. Sad End atm a 'a Young Girl FOUND IN A MILL POND WITH MARKS VIOLENCE, eS or The news of the betrayal' and cold- blooded murder of a young and-beautiful girl at Danville, gage waa_bronght to Montreal last Wednesday morning by the pore of the eastern express. All the facts surrounding the affair are not- yet come to light, bet 'ane sory, as related at Danville when the trai dead body of Mise Bt ary Powe! 20 years of age, had been Week in the mill pond which is situate! in the village, and that her head bore evident marks A large wave struck and nad J a spectator at the ink whi: aa 1h, | proof that we omen to GeO. MINCHIN. _ Shakespeare, June 6th, 1538. 645-3 Farm for Sale Cheap. GOOD FARM, Containing 65 Acres, all cleared, right on gravel road. Goon CONCRETE se ts SE AND OUTBUILDINGS Two Baris and smal) particulars aren WILLY GORDON, Real Estate Broker; Strafford. HOUSE 'AND LOT FOR SALE, IN GADSHILL, en a of his Pro- | ishill, © alles 'from Stratford, halt stone Cellar. of payment to sult purchaser, HENRY -HASENPFLUG Milverton P. 0. _March Ms 1888. 636- Farm For Sale. Bigg at Desirable Farm, being Lot Lins Con L.LICE, containing Une Hurdred about 50 of which are heavily dabern, and the 9 vartly cleared, The Farm ie drained by the ack C reck, and is situate only five miles from down... Kor particulars, apnly a. Wa. P ACKHAM, Dow nie, - Mitchel - Road. deepal 23, 1898. #2 at Stratford P.O. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. HE Unterigned offérs { rs fot sale that Valuable Park Lot in Hamlet Ward, gre on hy and John oe consisting 0! res and Quarter of Land, splendidly adapted for private 'situat ated the hi best in + MRS. JOHN SILLIFAST, | 'HOUSES and LOTS he SALE: or RENT. epueus XDERSIONE a otek for «ale im No, 24 street, Shakespeare Wa On the Lot sects Barn cod good Ontbuiding Hard and Soft Wat ¢ in the Will either rent or nell. Also a QUARTER-AC ACRE LOT on Huron Street, Av , wi am frame store i thereo 20 LOTS a t, Ward--suitable for private residences, For particulars apply to C. SNAZEL, Contra-tor, Or at THE TIMES OFFICE. _ Beationt, June 20, 1848. 650-2m We are now Ready for the Spring Campaign. Spring Goods Have arrived in good ety and of Excellent Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Seersuckers;- Embroideries, Corsets, Shirtings, . Cottonades,..Denims, Gloves and. Cretonnes. E NEVER had a better supply and.were never in better position 'o supply the wants Custome! 1 others who may favor The pomerors © Orders received for Clothing is are showing the right Goods in Tweeds and Trowserings., weigh LR. Williamson &0o., EXCLUSIVE MERCHANT TAILORS, HAT TERS ViLAN. URNISHERS. .-w65..ONTARIO. STREET... Real Blarney. Tweeds, Irish Sccie ad Scotch Cheviot Suitings! NEW GOODS FOR § SUMMER : SUITINGS. HATS.-- New Styles in Light Shades and Light ts: - Just Received: --Senecsermeet dR. WILLIAMSON & CO. ___ -- 'FOR HOT WEATHER. lce_Cream Freezers, $2: to $3. "Refrigerators, $10 to-$14.2---- Adjustable Window Screens. New Easy Lawn Mowers, -- AT W.& F. WORK MAN'S. DIRECT IMPORTATION -- AT THE -- Red 'and Green Front. E. K. BARNSDALE & C0. We have just come to hand a Large Line of Crockery and Glassware. Compare our Prices with others you have been paying. Call and inspect our Stock. We have the largest west of Toronto, 98. Piece men Sets, $10. 125 Piece Dinner Sets, $12. y Bedroom Sets, $2. Fancy Tea Sets, $3. Complete Gold. Line, Hand-Decorated Bed-room Set, $5. n Flint Glass Goblets, 60c. dozen ; usual price, $1. Engraved mare spon Goblet, $1.25 dozen ; usual price. $2. ear] Water Tumblers, in. 4-sbades; only 75¢,- dozen: Table Glass Sets, 50c. China Egg Cups, 25 and 35c. dozen. ity K- BARNSDALE & CO. Large line always on hand of 25c. "25e. Tea. 5 Ibe. for $1. still holds its own against all competitore. witht «| er Note Red and Green Fron Our 50c, Tea E. K. B. & Co. LARDINE Still holds the Palm. Nothing Equals: it.- Made only-by ~ McCott Bros. & Co., Toronto. McColl's Famous Cylinder Oil Is Endorsed by the Largest Oil Users in Canada, Fine. Harness Oil, Superior Axle Grease. Be sure you get Genuine Lardine, manufactured by _McCOLL BROS. & Co., Toronto. 62. "Qe Look out for the above in Enameled Letters on the Windows of the ANTWERP BLUE FRONT, And You will See a Display of BIRD CAGES that for Beauty and Variety is not Equalied in the City. Prices range from 50c; up. AuABASTINE is moving off rapidly. Remember that the only Place to get the Genuine Article is at - 62 Oniario-. Street,. Stratford, G: bl 3 " of | Place » rd hile you ge shoice. thet " -- ers tthe Virgin ary "t yeu want cheap raisins go to James | violence, showing that she had met with Be eee oe as, the eternal, God. by his messe Corcoran's. You can buy old Valencia | fou} play. The general iss reasion in the © have also got a jioanitmeat and Large Stock - raisins for oue-cent- per pound, and- ti vil is th hh shabemouantioien Gabriel. 'The second war the Holy Ghost | fi bag AF Bier tdi ee mga betrayed by the mouth of St. Elizabeth, who, filled ome raising for five cents per pound. | nd then foully mardered, 'The young | Ties, Collars, Kid Gloves, Soft Fell and with ths Holy Ghost, cried out : « Bheaooc or alsh Bros, keep all the best brands of | lady was a general favorite, vivacions, suff Hats.! act oa amongst women, and eee is randies, wines, forei and domestic | fond of society and very pretty. Her £2 See our New Wall Paper. - the fruit of thy womb " (already quoted). wulekinn ales, porters, etc. ete. Our ales | father was once a Methodist minister, but M ILLINE RY ---- eae be While co Holy Ghost again a third time an ra _are'in prime condition and | is now in business in Richmond, con use the same expression hex what is wanted for the warm] An inquest was held on the body of | A trial respectfully solicited. ok" areal inv she. contitle.-al er, Mary Powell, w y was found in| Highest Prices Paid for Farm E a Magnificat," in which prophecies, teen Lt Procress.--The great physic. the mill pond at Dansville. The affair is Produce. j ** Bebold from all nations shall logical discovery of the seventeen shrouded in mystery, and there is no sus- ~--y j call me blessed." All Christian nations | was the circulation of the blood. 'The | picion of eaybody being' guilty of doing Kastner Bros for almost 2,000 years have that cre se ein ar pa a A ber - : century was an; "pretty aaa ; with the exception of those who juin the | ing of the 'blood, These ee Powell. The jury broaght in a verdict re a BRO RCRE eal serpent in his enmity towards ber. Next | Harvey's circulation hasert Shee Ayer's | 0: wilful murder against parties or aiapt de E. A KASTNER, Manager, Sebringville, © to the "prayer of prayers," the Lord's | Sarssparilla, are prominen inate ik A de rom Richmond states : prayer, we the Are Afarie or Hail4 the history and of ese the girt had ree en attending a muaatiog af R EM O V/ A I Mary: two ate the-most LOWS -SEEPER SOAP Yo vtegarnt the Salvation A Was returning to}. valued, and the ---- renews of 7 toilet article, and cleanses and purifies the ener about | -- oe a Jatholic church. Datholica say the | skin moxt efectuall ate hour. Op her way she + Hail 'Mary they cathe ath the eskestaen to ae sire ea ve house and asked tie Hime. FLOUR and FEED BUSINESS : the* ir and-commemora:! Broken Ss terwarda a man named Wilson " = Ho ape sion... Thee sre} - + Atier orale Kua who was dri home, 'heard screams JOHN McINTYRE ee aware that the Hail Mary is of Divine | ney Disease. z with Dyspersia, Kid" | aod » sound as of somethi dragaed | \ 7 1SRES to announcing to bie old. Friends > origin ax well ax the Loed's prayer ; while | {is head until discouraged, { heard of Bar-| scar' Hee tet ont unk Seaes tAad panpeniine seat ahass kev har peovtaees to = a eats eee fe inary | dock Rlood Bitters, two bottles making off up a hill, but atrangely enoogh Fiour awl Feed Denieces of Messrs. lied & Calica See SR ee ee a ee er * tinople. | ae eee ew A yy BF Bs [No trace: of the murderer has yet been Pe ae ba '. har " om cea ai Senet 300 es 5 head. F and ren Colds, Comrie Shortness oz. Breath, -- ae fa sarsy ou the buskows in slit sen Stan Ey BE 2 bishops.» ante ness of the can be if taken ti fenton' teed -- fi iPr x a Sry wee always fa -- srs : tinve. Do not let it ren. om wittiont making bene » for i er cae stock. All kinda of Oata, Peas, Barley, Com, Chop Legate of Pope Celestin. council | an effort to eave it, % » OF Consumption, Bran, Shorts, verything i aay the et eee Dorenwend's Germain ' Hair Magic si The Ointment well rubbed upon the chest | that at reasonable prices. * * . ° stimalates : : netrating , is absorbed ete ee church, wishing sd Keeps the firs natal color. Be and carried directly to the lungs, whence it SEEDS, SEEDS.. ; antes sides it is a dressing. All draggiata | ¢*Pels all impurities. All the blood in the | 1. win pep io stock the best kinds of Seid : sell it ; ask for it. body is perpethally passing the'| Grain, Clover, Timothy, é 2 : lungs, 'end here al! noxious particles tend: | Seets of every variety. 3 There is no case of disease among ing te disease can be quickly, iy, | All orders promptiy illed. } Tao ae and Cattle where "Maud S."| and pe ntly . Ms oektcreiacngrine SOME eae hi ac Powders are not called for, and by. their or ed the system: 4 gx i eds cee 'ig of many valuable anmals, gos ish this purification; and '| Stratford, April 25,1988. : : the blood thus the influnce of - -- ---- Se DESTROY THE WORMS or they"may | these ! the} No person without Tax} , Freeman's Worm pice rust pad manger dhe wrhearwe . delivers conders detroy aud erpel all kinds- or | curex all ' st houses j a ee OI 'cihoaeanee The Stratford Hardware Store. |NOWATTHE FRONT ' CHEAP SIMON HESSON'S OLD STAND, -- tia store Shae fen "pehitted ed throughout, Ey is now. awone a the best business places in the City. He a giving you bargains right' dae) CO Pgs o | Suits worth $18 for $9. : = Pants, from $1 to $3.50. If a fit cannot be secured, the Goods will be made to order Oe a Ce ce "+ - ak same, price... Separate apartment in. which_. se ~to-try garments on. ~ gen would come to see me, and see for eoaeett ee T can CHEAP SIMON, ae 8 Hewson's Old Stand, Market Stent, Straberd,