wn as "the most famous re- int SIN NEW" ADS ERTISEMENTS: FOR SALE. HORSE POWER Tortas Reasonable McLELLAN, North: Easthope, (ir BOX @9, STRATFORD F. 0. M. $ ghs-4t BicrcLs. FOR SAL E. tosT SEW ATEST IMPROVE very iow ~ Apply te AFETY ay tN Sin Re WS ROBERTSON nan fd: a. to take it to'his sy sg to put it When the work was done) him with The several hundred dollars, rots | ably tex nie hs as much as the original | maker received for the violin when it was. - . 2a | MOWAT. & 'MURRAY, iOf the Heal Estate Bxchang Howing Valuatte Prepeorty tor ON the Fu (This addit wie ree ETS eB eso While the-violin was in his shop Vuil- lame made measurements of amt exact di- :. ane ennesses | the varnish, and f lass: = subse- acai made another violin that was the of .F ini's, bat when the latter heard of it he. insisted that - be sold to him. and fO No one eve' had a violin like that of Paganini antl, dying. neathed the copy to Camillo Sivori. who has ever since sa upon i. The original violin Paganini lef to his native city, Genoa, to be kept for- ever in remembrance of him arith: care, wna: only the famons artists ure or hare ever ea al- ta. touch it. Once before the honor has been acco to Sivori This time Leandro Campanati, the director of the quartet, sala the honor with Sivori.--New York on lod Tt Over a Day. "Let me 'tell you how I write mean let- ters and bitter Ss, my boy. Some time, when a man has pitched into me and "cut me up rough," and I want to pulver- ize him, on wear his gory scalp at m and his hide on my fence, write the letter or editorial that is to do. the business. I write something cent oe | drive sleep from his eyes and pe his soul for six weeks. Oh, Ido told ba bi over a slow fire ere Lim Gall «i aguafortis drip Then, I don't mai don't a TH of time to criminal ts to crucify span little a -- put the manuscript awa ay in a drawer. + Next 4Iook at it: \The-ink Iread it over and say \I don't know | about this. There's a i) deal of blud- | ee and bowie knife jou hatd holt itovers dey heer Tread it again. Mauch and say Nee and I can feel my cheeks getti z\a lite le hot: The fact is, I am as shan ever wrote it, anid hope, seen it, and I have h mit 'forgo tten* the i article or letter that filled my "soul with rage. I haven't been hurt, I haven't hu blist erin Soa the er ter and rt | anybody, and the world goes right along; making twenty-four hours a day, as tisnal, | and Tam all the happier. - Try it. my boy. Put off your bitter remarks until to-mor- row. nm. you try to say them deliberately, you'll find that you Lave for- gotten them. and ten years later, ah! how the scene as if nothing had said: ily, were aa muc h frightened?" "No, sch," she a | thought it had Magazine. to stop that way: a Harper Vocal Tricks on the Stace. There are several fixed rules--we might almost call them tricks--for the produc- t . the ac- le te the | tion of vocal sounds on the quisition of which is mval The abrupt force, for instance, as | thusiasm, is only an acq art--a trick | --and@simply the result of hand pea re ga herself said that her ti It is mort | is cold; } | and fresh each season. 0! ly Abc fey ane halt bri grein d +, Cellar, sta ved Aisinbtcad next ye 'ee Lape '$1,89 tte 0s power on" 'Outane 1 -eratd daratiord, * "ey ith, 1588 "Ess tt CHOLERA. BEWARE: '"wituocr "* ™ NASMYTH'S CHOLERA ~~ MIXTURE 25 Cents a Bottle, * --at-- The Medical Hall, @ Ontario St. Telephone. = Stratford, July 11, 1883 CITY OF STRATFORD. "hOTS -FOR-SALE. i | Night Bell. ree ing Lats, courcniant ta the to. TB, |. Locomotive Works, afe how ots fed for sale Ga |. Favorable Terms: MARSHALL'S SURVEY, Isot 31, West Side "'MeKenzteT 'St ots 38) a9-407-477 425 43, 44, 45, Fast de McKenzie St. S. 4 Lot 51, and Lots 52, 54, 55, West Side Victoria Street. } si 535 i McKENZIE'S SURVEY, Lota 43, 44. North aide Milton .street; Lot 49, South side Muiton atreet. GRANGE SURVEY, Let 51, south side of Milton st.; lot 54, north side Sbakes- peare 'st. \, Apply to \ tT. BP. TREW, \ x JOHN MERCHANTS BANK, BROW N, Laxp Aeast. Stratford +4 a7 x9 Take Warning We propose daring th this month to clear out all Lines of Goods that should be sold in thia season. We do not intend to yarry Stock from one year to another, mexely for the take of carrying such stock: We have made up our minds to clear aut ali Summer Goods at PRICES that must sell } them. We do this to keep our Stock new Our success since commencing business on March the Seventh bas been exceeding- ly gratifying, and to merit your confidence, and support will ever be our aim. We have already placed our orders for Fall Goods, and we aré bound to be in the front ranks for Style, Quality and Value. Now, look ont for BARGAINS. Price lists are useless. You call ard see what we are doirg. 'Seeing the Goods and handling them ; hearing the Prices in that cxnnection, is most satisfactory. _-BUNTING-&-SCOTT,- | {Dey Goods Speciatiats. IDINGTON'S BLOCK, Market St. - RIRTHS. MACLEOD At No. 6, 'Minggold street, --, on the 29th. ult., ae wite of Mr. ---- Macleod, formerly Stratford and Wood: Stock, of a son. GALLAG fibbert, oe Dy DA na See Geeta es et 15th Cas wie of : 'a 'FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE - -- CHE, AP, AT ---- "-- pURNTTURE WAREHOUSE. I will not say I lead, as I never blow,--neither do T throw a sprat to catch a whale But this I can say; I ~~" giving better valie tothe putts Ta Furititgre than any other House in Stratford. The renson is, Pam under . he expense, baving no rent to pay. Tam not giving 15 OfF,-as Lami not forced to be i at cost, but my Goods will be fotnd cheaper at Marked Prices than those at other places with the 15 off, as my Goods have been purctiaret in the best markets, for net cash, A Targe Stock of every description of Furniture on hand ; also a Splendid Selection of Pictcre Frames, Mouldings. Curtain Poles, &c. Ail kinds of Faney Wood Work. This Department is under the charge of Mr. ONALD McBETH. +Renrentvér the Piuce:- One Door East-of Dr-- eierers Shaver's Office, north Side Ontarid Street; STRATFORD- : JOHNSTON ABRAHAM. ass Mt ONT. Busingss STRATFORD, Furnishes at Moderate Cost the very best It is Progressive and Thorough in all its Appointments, and Rapialy Increasing in Patronage and Popularity. k=" FALL TERM BEGINS ON MONDAY, SEPT. 3, 1888. <4 ----CATALOGUES FRAE--- -- W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. 'raining. 607-ly. JUNE 13th, 1888. NTIL that date our Staff of Salespeople will be employed every evening in marking down the prices of every erticle in our valuable stock. Many lines of choice goods will be sold at a great sacrifice for they must be § got out befo re we begin alterations. Carpenters and Painters will begin work about the '20th August, and we want to clear out our Stock before they kick up a dust, We're going to have the most Magnificent Show Room in| Western Canada. Our new Dress Department will be the talk of the country. In the meantime look out for the greatest bargains ever known to the public of Stratford. 'Our Immense Stoek of Silks at awful reductions. Our-Grand- Stock of Dress Goods.at sweeping reductions. The balance of our Carpet Stock at half price. 'Prints, Sateens 'and Ginghams all reduced. Parasols, Hosiery and Gloves, all reduced. Dress and Mantle Omaments, Braids and Buttons att reduced Ribbons, Laces and Frillings, all reduced. \, Bleached Sheetings, C: sttons and Table Linens, all redué ed. \ ' x Untrimmed Hats, Flowers and Feathers, all reduced. Silk and Lace Dolmans and Wraps at less then cost. Réniember the Time and Place. wall The Teading Merchants of Stratford. <9 N, HOGG & C0, 2 TwO FU RN ISHED ROOMS n the pieasantest } 2HE TIMES" a '~ tess. GEORGE FORMAN, tcabieeaincind and, --& Loan Age en %, " BIA LL paar a rer ceeds € three or : r ix e, Ontario "| STRATFORD, ONT. TRAFALGAR. ASTUTE, 'smell Farms and Park-tote=~ ae' Biucation of Yousg Women, 33 SIEPSON STREET, ~"MOSTRESL is RG. | Ormes Urstaims Oves RAAa.or Jawes Comcomar's + M®*3 T - BEADLE four Boar tive mir ie * walk 5 tro a Ewen o jo M-arres and Bai is nes near Water Works, | scones Sactres and buildings in Filice, 1} miles aceite aod vu -- will ro Gen { Wath it ope t ad } The Lotatite ie a bat te - -- tr ve Apply toGEO. FORMAN. og St feet front, lot 17. on Falétafl ot. ,» Hanay mais survey, next to Lot 8, Red. rs aie ime atte 068 Princess street rds survey 7 'Lot 1, corner Nite an appicatiot: "te 'te Lal and Rebeora sta. lots) on corner hs Humphrey's mt of apne surrey. TO MY PATRONS = FRIEND a Retired from Business, L =. this fata lL acte lots on'B ata mS te gig op O'De anetl w Also S00 otek LOTS in every biaen in Bacthsk WO ee oage "daring 40 lots in Forman ¥ et at: tut "ASE t Ros . natant aA atte BUSINESS PROPERTIES SI: -- & Cullen's pg mill on Railway 500.4 *. re of land, Suitable f t e <oeirt Tare Tarte: TRE % mt ne ton ety ersaen whom have 1 - i ow fine » Ve ough Fac at button dom noiths. "auhatle for 5. SBY kind of factor Jver | acre, including the me a ios. S505" ot, Mb fort front on north side « phat yb betwee the Odbert block and Joha os pantn.s) * wie te coche p---Foat freenine err Cntarir: Seveet. "tata the tener ht Stone Cot ttaice, neat to the Foresters new hall now being ervc (S60 By 42 feet on ontario st, Jaa. Raety 6 store and Livery 'Stable, HOICK HOTEL SITE. a foot--9 lots on west side of -- "i > in rhea Point opposite Dr. Frase ATUL. EK BUSINES. TROPERTY.. "Avely "FIOUSES. ares to GEO. FORMAN. ory, in rear WILL be at the feiss a Undies oe He. A. percen! r on all ascounts over $5, Store wntil th Ww GIRSON. AVING yx ihe Tirstrve ne for aco ntinuation of the same era given our pre m to be wines eae ta w @ have ae ete d cover the ; same clase of Goo Fruits and Vegotabins| to the Stok, which will be re 227 Also the Celebrated JERSEY It e CREAM. CASE BROS. 652-40 ($25 t \"" t { Stratford, July 4th, less. Furniture. © PARLOR BUTTS, DINING-ROOM SU OOO *«: . F, Ingram's nedt, substan 000 42S Railway avenue, | Shakew re Ward, Se: to 'dation = staunec bes 5 well, stern , storm: Seanlan's 2-<to rye frame use and larye lot on is ran eteock, School, Stone foundation a rot a a => M $1500 ben 'pent to Neparate collar tvtl etre ghee thse cece © sape maere Your choice of the two new * (now building) on t& -- axpb-- BEDROOM. eat "Your chetee of- tre -thres: fi wir > Cott are . -- he seep dl on - or SUITS; s00C ) 7 nase VOU Every € ther Class of ° Furaiture, VERY CLOSE PRICES. w how * pac ia Will be f acre lots wit $1506 ? | i stan shed and ¢ RO OO Mr. ¢ dente ~ ne xt to MF ro athe ala, 2 rooms, all cx veateniees , and every thing in ars A cpm mow order, '$ 700 * pt Hager ny _ os 'at Ald. Panes . grocery 7 rooms and full lot. A CALL ACITED. 1 $550 Mer. Easlere) otras Louse of 6 covmandth. -- « garden, on Aloert st., straight behind W. HEP BURN, Furniture Dealer and $395 ae. 5 men Undertaker, track. oI the Listowel R. RB. 60 ONTARIO STREET, § STRATFORD, et 44 TELEPHOXE CONNECTION, "G2 abria st Stratford, May =t, LSs8. tae. ruil trees, & 1000 sc uy fo an Clerk's Notice of First Posting |«': Lacan of Voters "List, $100 st, Mo urvey. Stone foundation VOTERS' 'LIST, 1888. and woodshed, and 1 fh TOWNEHIP OF MORNIVGTON, COUNTY OF PERTH. OTICE 8 HEREBY. GIVES, transmi or Elite mentioned in the Third "Votern' List Act," ae copies required by the rack Yo "ald ae, of OT persia y AU OF bed i ts frst eg 1 each ) pi ~anaae 4 Sinith's fine white brick eot- Ae street, first homse from ne Sta | Centre ~ Sedtes Vanatter's cottage dwelling 6 'rooms. "toeed stable, orchard, lawn, &c. $1300 Mr, -onihed on Booth sad east, er May Mi Sey tt. $700 fi Mr. pos i wie y om Waal s ba Robb' frame on k cellar, trams hove and 6 bigere ipr ent y Barney 4 that I have. the list nth Mr. Rebeck's 1}. storey 25 y frame house on =? east side of Strachan st. lone Lizars* 7 wp-at-my-office, Ornington, on . the Third Day of July. is 4, 2 remains their for pertion. Electors $500 2, Mr. ewan house and lot em Victoria Gear to RR $7 50 2. "Georia's neat house and lot 53, on (OU Charles street. 6 rooms, &c., stable, &e. are rf list, amd Many yea art fared therein, to take sald errors Dated this third day of July. 1838. JOHN WATSON, Clerk of the said er ng Orr's frame cotfage, stone feundation, $700 Orch side of Huron Road, and two acre be "double front, opposite Redford's Tuinber yard $850 Jom tam pte 1k storey ieee hese summer kitchen, on ef Dearewted a1 Faconat wurvey. SG Mra. D. A. McDonakl's one storey yellow 5600 frame houxe, and § lot, on corner of Nile ee Coboury streets. "Rents $6 &@ month. Remember $3500 Feed stratford. MresJobe A. Boca: +31 oo <1 That fine frame house of & THAT . Stratford street, Sick pinen tenet oe: David Shree ME Tt le = ewanl, (Tasker's.) $200 down, oney 1050 "Me. Bazar ret fine rsonty Brick "Money Saved * 'sit Maree Balls, Rememb per Remember ot 6 morth wide Large Fortunes. 'Is it Mak 1 BY BUYING YOUR Bit I BR f i f 5 TRe | } 1 yaar _--@ ERE she 4 sup K i 5 * z Sa ticles FU-RNITI URE ace .Where you can always bay it Cheap, at BRADSHAW & CO.'S, Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, 1,3 and 5, Ontario street, reserving -s at Walak oom ee SS alsh Bros. "pee ees 3 acre Loy. ts aieasrmsia he tang ee = ~~ oR Moment sae nec eatine 7, E to Mr. Edward Wilson's, and og it ru. DM Airitenc eye: "A Ss 1s