Stratford Times, 18 Jul 1888, p. 1

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RE 3 i ity, 'Local "stems. . Parties advertise in Tux Times. to get } ee esaaraayeon ionaingennc aa, STOO i The place Sat WLU Rerganen's, 2! Maric his announcement, _ You can bay a first clas : Se. per pound at) Walsh f everything is sold cheap. * Japar Bros., having hetises ty rent should vare Paria Green : The Medieal Hall, os Ontario street. A new department has been Fr eoaar out ter 1 tea at where : very class of nepaaghalt furniture, ete,, at close prices ', a =a hprae lines ol dinner sets to a K. Barnsdale's & Co. them. Hog risig we will interest you. prices and new fresh ducement to pure chasers. Mr. Edward Kane Tast us @ a. sumuple of new is a scientific authority on -- and he aye this is going to be a good "for ther woek .oeahose. an be obtained at Wm. Hepbarn's, 'oO Ontario-st, | ail No trouble to show goods, cull thes attention | = of cur r tady Tasers to Messrs David €s-'s-advy'tin today's Tiss. Mr. Mr. Johnston Abraham's cheap furniture is in demand, and keeps moving cut. Low goods is a great in- showed Ned *marpheys," year rae saanon has. commaneed,..and the sugar market is E, K. steadily ' good value while they last, ady There i . no 'amua!l taal 'y either; about Bratstaw 2-2 are giving ** whales kind of furniture, and-every -- doing a lively and luccative busises, Cheap Simon's ready- made « heapest p He ee hoots at marvelously ohne. store is the to smods at. sale The lothi ancing. Barnedale «& Co: have laid io a large line of ail grades of sugars, and will get ior fish iP they of wine pins in each firm ia ng and lace in low Ggures, Take a look and see for yourself. A direct importation of German granite it. iron ware has just arrived at "s hardware mart, 6 Ontario at. _is your ehance for bargains. ia p tasers wasn ms ea, saiice pans, » pails, ladles, ete., ete. - ASOS, ould- Water Mra. Andrew Monti ith aa her neice, Mrs. J.J. Odbert, lett yeaterr province. ey, birth, they will nn doubt view == @at the valoGs Nediew of ohl- "The dissolution sale still Yellow Front. lay ms with wrhipg on a Visit' to their tricnds in the lower That being the land of their inter: prevails at the Everything in stock has heen put down to the lowest notch, and if you want genuine, oe in all classes of men's oods, we would advise you dtroct te Tolton Bros. ~Arinportant auction sale wil in this city on Wednesday ne inst.. On that date the can't-be-beaten bar- furnishing Fl to preceed xt, be bet th household eifects ve 23th of Mrs. L. Cartwright will be put up to sa Rot tient at her residence, corner of O and Nile streets. Tie miele of goods to choose largo among which are a event too known contractor and builder, réis a from splendid. piano and be James a peta officiates at . John Orr, eldest Chomas Orr, Stratford's well Nev, tuarriage as brides-. Pater maid and was dressed similiarly to the bride, who was attired i with silk flouncings. assisted by his brother, Mr. salesman for A. Macnair 2 fF o. in cream cashmere The ee was .C )rr, The guests partook of a sumptuous supper after the ceremony. The of usefal description have taken up their residence im resents Were rich and The happy couple Mr. Orr's new and neat cottage on William street, rd: - Faistatf wa: The well-known S-ottish London, Miss Annie McNeill, b and gone, and done it" (aa the + hath it), and will in -- alist of een, vernacular future be known to society and inusical circles as Mra. Albert z Cooper. at the The marriave ceremony took residence of the bride's father, in the East End, and was witnessed by members of the faanly only. Miss Annie Begg, and a few friends of Mitctefl, officiated as bridesmaid, and Mr. Fred. W Heath, of Toronto, supported the groom. The bridegroom is a member of the old- established firm of A. jewellers, Morphy & Co of London, and has been for several years an arnlent member of the Masenic Craft in all its varied grades. The presents showered on the usual gm couple left for God bark for the u lak of, Toronto. a ge "DR. FOWLERS': *E XT: OF « "WILD. AND FLUXES OF THE CHILOREN. OR ADULTS Mavicat Procuess.--The wnat ---- were " too nunicrous to mention " auctioneers have it), while in value they represented many thousand dollars, After dejeuncr, the happy erich, where they em- returning by way the young couple (as the 'AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS BOWELS SAFE fpr FOR physio- oa " ot discovery of the seventeenta cent: bisods" the nin . "an witerative for the ing of the ss duloed. These two discoveries, nll asc and A tory. yisipes of "Yitiion 2 ors "OMe RL . Lani, City Clerk " sig, mn snversation with Mr. James Sharman, he stared that chief of polhee Herrington had been THE TRAP SPRUNG 1 pot Chief of Police "Herringtin Saocambs ty Woman's Wiles ! siressaiggineiins A Highly Sensational klope- ment, --Stratford's "Peeler" Emulates the Example Set bh; Toronto' "° Preacher.' meteiicecores H#4---WILSON HENRY "TR INI TY _AIND COUNTY OF PERTE GAZETTE. 'STRATFORD, oNT., winwlibi JULY "hs, 1888. vyer [AAO air Ne. 654. coin ided | with him. He eaid he was glad there waa an inveatiyation onlered. and. keewould make it "hot for Mr- nfan, and as the committee would por 9 meet until next evening,-he askec mission to go to London that afternoon 'to Ret sdtie evidence about the party who -- laid the charge, promising te return Ly teat tram op Saturday Vanstone granted the request. 'He also met the Mayor and expressed himecif sttongly agsinst Mr. Sharman for taying such an absurd charge and declared he would vin- dicate himself before the committee and the public in a few minutes after the in- vestigation commenerd, THK DASHING: CHIEF ISAT Eee SEEAGATN CACSE PUBLIC SURPRISE. naan some months past there has been considerable talking aud whispertag going on in regard to chief of police Herrington, aud his particular fondness for the ladies, The tirst report of these peculiarities of the chief reached Mayor Butler at the time he was contined to his house with ji!ness in ttast April. The chief ¢ alling at the house on business aboot that time, "was fnterro- gated by the M ae as to the t truth of the reparty) <ia.,-tha "ae ry my on i Mra wW iltiatn eats, wife of the notorious'** mf OX chilef William Blakely Wilson's bosom friends. Wm. Henry is the party who was arreste in connection with the upsetting of the type io Tue Tistes office some four years ago, At that time the préprietor of this paper was tide to witter for his sontiet at the council in securing Wilson's dis a tisaal from the office af ohtat ef police, by ng centered -mb-tright; aed --mti the type emptied inte a heap on the floor, aome $2,000 dameve being the direct result.-. There was no doubt as te who the parties were that put up the job, but it was so carefully executed that they escap ed conviction, Wilson at that time had to go Henry' bailuntil financial arrangements were com- pletex fitnessé#, as well as some participants in the outrage, were sately got out Of Mie country THE CUTER WARNED OF THK TRAP cs om rom HIM, Chief _ Herrington at. once . denied the soft impeachment, feclertag that "1 only visited Henry's home and place of b gasid. About three wegks ago the re- sorta were circulated with increased vigur, aud the Mayor found it necessary to reprimand the chief for his Tnattention to his duties, and threatened hia ar rsp enaion unless he acted with more promptness and firmness in certain tatters which had been placed before him. Sone anonymous letters having reached the Mayor, he spoke to che chief again about the undue familiarity existing between him and Mrs Henry, and other women, -but.was_ met with protestations of innocence, and so be matter rested until Tuesday week, hen a letter signed 'Citizen" appeare: in in the Herald, This was toll of inuendoes, and hints at the chief and Mra, Heury, but no direct charges, and as 5. Wilson was in town, it attracted little notice, as it was known that Henry and his wife, and Wilson were " one in three and also 'three in one," It was looked upon as el outcome of 'a long prepariag plot to Chief. Herrington. CASTING THE FIRST STONE: James Sharman reported to oe Mayor that Herrington had neglected prosecuting certain boys for stealing old iron from his shops and selling the same to William Henry, and the reason was stated as afraid to do so, because Henry had full power over the This was a direct charge, and although trivial, it would open up the whole busi- ness, which was Causing much talk } avd being made by a party not connected with the Wilson= ena "gang, the» Mayor im- mediately took actien, as the following letter will show :-- ** Stratfon!, July 13th, 1555. ferfeet{al of hivdat ty in "regs ries e- Sharman ve it torwakd- ed t » the chai sia ae "ibe Market anc ted Police Com- mittee 7 "i. T. BUTLER, Mayor." The outcome of the above was the fol- lowing charge formulated by Mr. Shar- man :--- - Stratford, July 15th, 1888. * ~ R. Lang, Eaq., City Clerk: *Sen,--As royucsted by yours of yesterday, in re charges re Ohiel Her ca . iy -- even ing of the Mth April last, W7 my fai flad the © "hiet, I notitie in roo son ne nell thet the re treart-heen somethys past a very stealing of iren from the foundry, and that I had pees may tomy tok to keep a lookout and +o 2 parties engag ion tine piltertg.. "On the tbe evening Abe bey igs FS, "sie. Jon Shepherd Fred, York, rt Pow ] traTires Tai The rest of the. story is easily told. In| leas nan y vars after the above inter- views ie errington had taken the Tat te ating hts potic eTatter behind in the court roovn. He got a cab to take himself and a large trank to the station, to meet the 4 30 train west, stat- Ing to the driver that he expected to meet iis wife at the station, on her way back from Listowel, and that she would go to London with him, His actions caused po surprizy, got even when parties saw Mrs. Henry at he station jast before the train left. MnS ALS DISALrE Es, Next® morning, about 9.30 o'clock, Mayor Butlerand Ald. Vanstone Wire taik- ing over the wbove charge in front of Tux 'ues office, when Willlam Henry walked up and wetid he wished to speak to the Mayor, The latter, not being on speaking terma with hirn, said he could do so, if. on public business, He then asked wher amd ere Chief Herringtou was paid his salary, amd was tok] that he and all other ity ollivials drew their Pp ay at the end of each month. Henry said in reply, * Well, you won't see him here again. He is gone he cleared out yeatenlay along riven, wife, and J hope you won "t Le too har ne in your, paper, Mayor thought there was sone the whole business das he has experienced and sutlered by the actions of He rm and the clique who sided and associated with him in the past-he merely re marked THEE TE Was none OT his finer al," a turned away fromthe" pt nan" cmeaviala ly as possible. WHERE MES HY + he about THE PARTIES WEST TO, Faquiry soon brought forth the fact that oar ehief had indeed R sne to the land clared his wife left his eek 'about 3 3 p.m. on the same day, and he has not seen her since, and the inference he Deg na is that she went with the chief © las . seen of her in Stratford was at re I,K. station The chief went to fea and on Sunday last he was seen ing about the streets of Detroit with a woman that answered the description of Mra. Henry. If such is the fact, then the trap set for ttercington has done its work well. It caught the chief, and it caught-, Henry at the same time, as he says he en- dorseil for the chief to the amount of $65, and that his wife teck « large share of his boodle along with her WOMAN'S CNCERTAINTY --ow HY CHANGE DER LOVE? In this connection W. B. Wilson, William Henry, and his wife, have long been recog: nized as the 'Stratford Trinity." The [ngersoll branch always made Henry's home his own when visiting Stratford, He was also very attentive to that = wife--carefully gaarding her while fenry was in gaol, or absent on '* busi- ness' hey were mixed i * business" and io other ** dea's," a hief Herrington should prove to be the " best man" in Mrs. Henry's cre tion has caused surprise, for her *' bes DID SHE t urs. man" was always supposed to be the ex- chief. , once, Tue Times is non- yiusse : Sereetord A again -- ® chiel of police, for was ordered on Saturday "night, and Mr. O'Dorinell orderedt to perform-his duties, while R. E. Sproule went on as night" policeman, TWO DESOLATE HOMES, "Mrs Henry is an under-sized woman, iG abont 31 Took of age --not over- possessed ita Ds i | hind, girls, one of 6 and the other 2 years and the poor children are ob- je cts of symps athy in their plaintive ery ing for their mother. married having a grown up family by his tirst wife, and one little girl by his deserted wife, who is deeply distressed at the manner in which she has been treated. The affair has caused the greatest sur- prise in Stratford. Herrington had al- ways been looked upon as an efficient and exemplary official, and his eel as | above related seems inexplica | TRE-DESERTED-NOMBAND Henry is a low set man of about re the reputation ing cia and sharp, He carries aa Angus Shephe l gave O Donnell itshepberd 4 ame, and ax ee to rt the same to i Chiet, and also to the She Tift, if he & ate see 'ag =. followitrg, 1 spok © to the ¢ - oa ace hing the matter, i and dated him if he eanpthing in refer ence to it. ower war p i --_ reported the affair to. him, bat busy that he had not had time to atte od wit nba mt | ' the | a 6, ntt want time Tmieht | expect it to come se SP * would attend. Hie'! bs wna tat he woud sae. the ri, 4 wanidweane-ahéctiee qoanheshtonet-aad:-thee th about 10, and thateven the voungest. (about JAMES SHARMAN: HOW THE CHIEF VIEWED THE CHARGE, The chief j Lior notified that there was a charge net him, and he went to Ald. Vanstone, gre the. rat ti and Polite Com One '| noon, about 2 o'clock, to see the pis. 'ot it. After, ep w. or it he remark Mr. Vans was nothing 4 : it, and Tent bo tid eck th think ae sab his while to very much, so far as the ee oe "Ms. Vanstone ee COUN | sidered of fair ; volved in petty troubles a a him an extensive business in the sale- of tin-, ware, and -deais alse- in raga, serap iron, and everything in that line that can | be bought_or sold to advantage. Up to his tion with Wilson he was con: characte ter--frequently in- ; before the police autt | with Bente. stufl can was ila by child. which he general! wi perpetrated in Tue Times oilfice, he has be- reckless through ovérindulgence 32 Ss PSrties are stuck for smail amounts in the sha) ao money lent, and store ac- claims. that his wife has. if to-money for some time past, and thinks that he is a loser to the amount o' or $500, although he is somewhat reticent and contradictory on this point, or else he does not know what' money he-has really test. She left nearly all her wearing apparel be ial, although taking some articles wellery with her. It was evidently an depen for "*Jove, !' not boodle. THE cutie iN = SAYS HE IS com- , M ns WwW. Spier and others, He did not seem much ' istreased over matters, and said that he | He declared he prosecute the Herald for thei: sensational articles about himself, and would clear up the whole jetery, so faras he and Mra. Henry were rned, He expressed himself very 3 rly toward soine people who bad be en -_ for him. He dia not reach this cit u Monday night, however, and up to the sehen of Tur Times ; to press, he had not. returned, but it 5 ripcrted wile received a cogistoned letter from him yesterday, posted at Sarma, On Monday night the City Council passed a resolution unanimously dismiss. ing ite orl -- the position of Chief *olice of th Mes : = Sensation "at t Halifax. "ELOPEMEST OF VU PAPTIST CLERCY WAN WITH RADING BELLE Halifax, Inly 16.--Walifax society is greatly excited over the@jppement of Miss Gertié Smith and Rev. . Hutchinson, a Baptist missiguar tly returned from India. Mr' Hu a ia about 35 years of age and tos a fe a family in St. John. a Ba ago he reed trom ¥ w speeia Poy rat Acai. Ca Walle Thr Hetiry Smith, an hl tgs British officer, findi ¢ » came to Haifa wi three daughters. the Halifax cheba immediatety, ears. age a 'and cx: essary to re- fabwith hia wife "and" hecame a member of the family was al- ness in oder to keep.a sharp Jondante re wher stars aud str posses- tte? to the "best perby whi 'beveklrdeoywontty.}-8l00,--and vthat.. ta. mat ee ns, see a 'ertie Sintth; age} turved up there. The Mayor warned him | the case." OW iether that w 1, his " daugh- of the dangerous trap that was set for hin Mrs? Henry, or somebody lve, 'the he public pees & most "atcomplished musician, in that quarter, and he promised to be on | Must judge for them: elve aury de | became a wpecial favorite and was much admired by a farge number of gentlemen. A few weeks ayo she went to Wi sIfville with some lady friends to spend a short time, While there she became av ee with Rev, Mr, Hutchinson. Each ell desper. ately in love with the other. Their un- | usual attentions excited much comment, and Mr. Smith prompt!y returned to Hali- fax with his daughter, while the clergy- man and his family: proceeded to Si tr, Smith was greatly dis- ghter reviving Mr. Hutchinson' P| attentions. On pe el pd morning Gertie h rose at 7 clock and left the house, saying she was Mutual Life, and the police, --e en- quiries and satisfied themselv es that the girl had left on the morning tr Tele- itched to c Chief of Pol Volice to arrest the plaint of her opel that she had run aw vol with a married man, but the St. John pol- ice made no Bene any. An unsigned tele- gram was received from Boston this morn- ing, stating that she was in that city with a companion, and her friends here profess to entertain no doubt but that her com- panion is Rev. Mr. Hats nemnen FROM THE FAR WEST. Spokane Falls, Wasi ashington ja iS Jaly gth, 1588. "J Tw he Editor of Ton Stearroay Tinks, Sm,---You must be getting rich very fast, and have no use for ei Editors reason sent me a * Janeen "letter. in payment for Tne Figen: which please keep on sending, an when you want money send me your ta { will give you a little description of our town :-- Spokane Falls had a population. of about 3,000 when we came here in 1886. Now it has a population wl ---- 13, _ and still has a steady g The sources are farming, aude culeinet, asin and lumbering. The g Léwer & Airline and Salmon River & Colville mining camps all have to come to Spokane Falis to get their supplies, and the mine owners mostly all live here. The minerals are | gold, silver, lead and copper. e.crops all look good, and the farmers are happy. Spokane" Falla has two railroads, -- ts orthern> Pi and the Spokane & Palause - Railway, - which- the . Palause grain and stock-raising country. The Goverament ds are pee alt ould still Tocate some very fine land ; 'aa railroad lands can be bought at from 32 to $10 per acre, according to locality, and oa one-tenth of the purchase price is a to be paid down on the ten-year and on sce five-year plan one-fifth is be paid do The ei limate is fine ; ¥: ---- page and the' 'Bights cool, and:one warm can sleep good. ty are from srt po There" is ae built THE ELECTRIC LIGHT QUESTION SETTLED-- THE HoMs COMPANY awakbep + THE CONTRACT. There was barely sta standing room at the council meeting on Monday night. Every ailable space was occupied by the 'great taxpayers" who came to see the result of the ex-chief's little escapade They were kept waiting till nearly all the other business was disposed of before the police mater was taken Mr. H. Ubelacker mr i for_the official -- ax SWOT Bly STRATFORD CITY COUNCHE> Nites ON OR PRIVILEGE, _ Mayer atta the Chief was absen _ suspended him . of absence only until 'Satirday morn last. He hed appointed Wm. 0° Deunall to act in_hia place until further It rested with the what they intended doing in the mattes, On motion the action of the Maydgpwas sustained. On motion of Alds Davidson and Barns- dale, the Chief was dismissed from the police force. Applications will be receiy- ed by the Market and bolice comm for the sition. T Tevel of Wellington street, as he intended to build on No, 1, McDonald's survey. He also desired to put in a tile sewer on the 'site of Wellington st: hoof W with power to act. letter was read from lawyer Harding, stating that if Mr. Morris was not com pen or injuries he had received "i talling off the old bridge op Vincent st., writ would be issued against the city.-- iled, Mr. John Corrie, in a letter to the heard, theught it would be advisableste have a few --_ purchased for the public in (Queen's par gage also in. the ceme = Heterred to the Park and © emetery Committee. Mr. F. W. Gearing asked to know what induceme nts would be given to a tlouring np with a capacity of trom 75 to 100 yarreia per day, the Value of 26,000.- It fre site, free water, say 2100, moe free taxes for five years, the mill would be commenced at once.--Kejerred to Finance Committee, M.W.. Miathorme ashed- that ehe aide- walk be repaired on Douglas st..-Filéd, Mr, and asked permission to connect his cellar drain with the drain on Elizabetn at. "Two applications were read, one for the vacant chiefship and one for the --_-- of night police, Upon Mayor Butler' suzgestion, the matter was deferred. There are a a number of applications for bota | ~~~ BLEGTRIC-LIGHE Sh PTAEE- AE LANE, Tenders for supplying power were read ee the. Stratfoul as Co, and Serimgeaur. | "Majority report of bey Water and Gas Committee, as published in @ former issue of Dae Ties; was. sonthos Aa Wak made to it to read it clause by clause. Another motion was passed that no other light but for 2,000 c. p. be entertained. Ald. Davidson protested against any stock holders voting oe or against the motion. Moved in amendment to -- of Fire, Water & Gas Com., by Ald. Gibson, sec- an by Ald. McPherson, that the '.& G. com., together with His Wor- sip 'ee Butler, be authorized to enter nto a contract with the city Company, at their offer of -sixty lights, at 22c. per light» per night, for the term of three years, After about an hour in debating the question, Messrs. Gibson, Mowat, Payne, Davidson, Gordon, Hamilton and Pratt i lectricity ard going todo some marketing, but not re- spreading t yea one turning at 10 o'clock, ~ 3 ' .every..thing connected with it, the vote aroused and it was discovered that several | Te%? ted as follows :-- Dunsmore, Gibson, Hamilton, Larkworthy, McPherson, Pratt, Vanstone--8. Nays---Barnsdale, Doug- lass, Gordon, ees, Payne, Rigg, Tretheway--7. r wat protested i M stock. holders in the Gas Co, voting for the motion. He was a stockholder himself, but that did not a him from voting against it. (Laugh Mayor Butler Mery oie these circum- stances he would vote on-the question also. He was not a stockholder in = Gas Co., or the Syndicate either, a wished to stand straight in the media. He would vote for Ald. Gibson's motion. Semuch- had been eaid.c on the subject that e was prepared to stan] or fall by his mah and did not wis misunder- standing arise as .to he eu deel, yh Ps Payne did not like people to talk o ng. He had stack to his views, and he was contented to submit when de "faatar bya " (Hear, hear. a : Moved by A' sibson and McPherson, that the yar of the F. W. &G. com- mittee as amended: be adopted:--Carried. FINANCE REPORT, _ The Finance com. recommended pay- ment of the following accounts : "~~ * N. -W. Tel. Co., THe: . Bos- upplies, 25.85; Tue alge! roRy Tink priatin, $1175; H. J. Crout, bill posting, 60s.; 3. HH. Schmidt, S250; W Stone, mountios map, The: J. G Kirk, 2: Rag. S. & D fl. Dingman. printing, 0.78 ; Jas. Sharman, $100. B. of W. Mea, on street, S245 16; Gas Co, tite, 51.40 ; J, G. Kirk, ete Es £5; Ncott, Smith Par. Terre-. F, or: IV . ve "ras es J. Douglas, be caer rs o ae Sts teams at fire, 25. tia, city hall, $14.60 > Electric "Licht. $6.50; Telephone Co., $20; ; A.W. Brandenberger,, work, $20.24; T. Heamion, $3 24: E och, $23. Hud R.--O'Neil Bros. sup lies, 36. 50; Ww. ao Donnell, $1: P. Totnn, t; W. O'Donnell, $280. P.& C.~-Pay sheet, $78.79 ; W. "S. Cowan, stove, $2. The following with ue recent milftary amp Stratford of ice, $15 ; "G. Me Phareon: te t, S50 5 E_C. Sealey, ote and supplies, 1, 30: C. heme street watering, $15; T, and 1.75 Be ee | liquor, and has been considered a subject | + the~part-of the hare jookeil upon: footie coe of the. a | most anpricipled. ch poe in the Do- | that. the knowjedge veotd teil : of what they | were doing, Ali Sibace Yuen got was, | caused € too freely of intact: asteas domes sien wha be could do," Sothing | cating . liquor i in = endeavors to quiet his Yours respecttul strick Heappearsto feel keen- ly the turn affairs taken, and itis to be ro Bs hoped that the punishment, loss and de- gradation which have overtaken him will -- him to experience remorse and lead better life in future. 'That "evil com- muniedtiows content manners" is fally ex -in the case of W.-N. * ton, iihiem Hetry, sud kis erting ite: } SUPPOSED CASH WEALTH OF THE TRUANTS. | ---- : with ince Herrington bag in cash. He about his official accounts, and +g TOW tie Seattle Take Boat & TASTED | Railway. ope which} strike S: 'and will; for oe to'ship their ape ppery east and. west; and will induce .some more manufacturers to locate here, for we have mi The river aever freezes over, so the mills ies run the. whole year. two saw mille, oué shingle mill, three sash, door and say cart aes eens g John Cawaten, rent and work, $35 ; more = cae Soni $T; J ies, .310..Jobn ae fe Sag yt 5 'E amac ae lumber, PT a al erreberry. teaming, or K motion of Alda. Vanstone and Mowat. fora fire station in Avon ward, was ferred to the F. W. & G. committee. Pre F tater Committees Were" Thstruc ed to give a return of all moneys received ander 1 the Crooks Act. Ald Payne in reply to Ald, McP' herson, reported progress on the old bridge on Vinccnt street. The Council then ad-. journed. a The Cheapest Store. Macklin hax purchased part of the bank- rupt stock of Hughes Bros, Call and see ® redac- oe shoddy $3.3 50 up pare wool, pure from $2 up. " Suits to order from $7 wool pants to order ad Got There at Last. After several years wasted in hard ff ght- ing, Mr. James Fisher can now wri PP." after his name. In. the deluge which has overtaken the Tortie' in Mant toba, our friend Jamie has been fortunate to secure a seat in..Manitoba's Coynty Council," for the Russell districh. he Tories have been almost wiped out of existenc® in that Province--the members elected standing 33 Grits to only 5 Tories, All Tue Tines'c y is, ----e the Lord have merey skirmishing g around the city hall he beard fearful and bisod-curdling 's: vands of some boty endking and he ¥as- 'eure some tundte wight was being garrotted. ing up the Telephone superintendent they proceeded to investigate into the cause of the frightful sounds. hey were plussed for some time, ts loud, gurgling ~-- terthinated snort = eaused the fire alarm bell to tingle. ca ved-t6- a party snort of the hinds storey of the . asson block. special policeuian muttéred a short prayer of prewar ss and moved off to the next street, Stationary Puginerrs. At the regular meeting of the Canadian Association of Stationary Engineers ia Stratford on July 3rd, the following officers were @ elected for the oo term : . T. Clark ; Pres , John a: . Weir ; Ree. Sec. PA Fin.-Sec., B Nieicike 3 $ McArthur ; Conductor, Ed. Geo Lightfoot ; Treas. Burdett ; Door-keeper, This association has only in existence in this city from last Good Friday but is oming recogniz: ized Alex. he- is increasing, and offers have been recei from other places of work for members, bjects, and a hig edifying coufee 13 open to all who wish to thorough- scquaint themselves with the workings of is calling. Potate and Molasses che to contain carpenter's the stranger rode as far as the y man'shome. It late, the s ----_ asked to be taken in, ---- Mr. Mi halts, the ent assented. Believing that and in search the s ng gt nan el of work, * ---- pee him a job erecting: a Pg ork was shin ana sooner ae ae Mr, Mittleboltz's y soreqals to ee a er Couneil" to say on mitola,"' for it has fallen into the hands of & bad crowd. A Seund Meecper. : = eek cig A special policeman who was t on duty Saturday night last, receivéa g -- soars in the dark, still hours, ween midnight and daylight. While Wak- Mr. me Mittleholtz, an elderly and res: of the township of Stephen, co of Huron, was re- cently before Magistra' Rollins, of = » and Eilber, of same asaped E a arge of having in his the pach si The pu of nace de purport a son of Mr. Mittleholtz wasin Berfe and when arin the village on ~ _ up to the bu and the young man for a ride. ittleholtz consented, and after he hashveditase, : bie neal iii ni before them sronlindle enti. " begs ae oe ee finished. the srangér went away, taking with him his tools and the worm still; but leaving os pot which he said as useless. The authorities got word of being on Mr. Mittleholtz's pre- Sparen 8 officers Brown and and as ahoye stated

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